Baby birds feeding video

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Kleiner Junge beim Spielen mit Huhn und Taube im Frühlingsgarten

Ein kleiner Junge füttert Tauben und Hühner

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Nahaufnahme der Mutter mit Liebe füttert ihr süßes kleines Baby mit Milch aus einer Trinkflasche

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Mutter füttert süßes kleines Baby mit Milch aus der Futterflasche

Nahaufnahme der Mutter mit Liebe füttert ihr süßes kleines Baby mit Milch aus einer Trinkflasche

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Kleiner Junge beim Spielen mit Huhn und Taube im Frühlingsgarten

Ein kleiner Junge füttert Tauben und Hühner

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Menschen, die Tauben auf einem Weg im Park füttern

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Kaukasischer Mann, der ein süßes kleines Krähenjunges füttert,...

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Kleiner Junge und Mädchen füttern kleine Vögel

Glückliche Kinder werfen Mais für eine kleine Herde fröhlicher Spatzen und Meisen in einem grünen Sommerpark, Vektor-Cartoon-Illustration isoliert auf weißem Hintergrund

kleiner junge beim spielen mit huhn und taube im frühlingsgarten - baby birds feeding stock-fotos und bilder

Kleiner Junge beim Spielen mit Huhn und Taube im Frühlingsgarten

Ein kleiner Junge füttert Tauben und Hühner

This funny video of confused baby bird learning to feed itself will make your day

By: Trends Desk New Delhi | Updated: October 21, 2022 11:44 IST

One would assume that tasks like flying, hunting for food, and eating on their own come instinctively to all birds and animals. However, this is not always true. Like most creatures, some baby birds have to learn how to hunt and eat by trial and error. In this process, they often make mistakes that can be hilarious to watch.

Since birds are fed by their parents, they initially assume that food will be dropped in their mouths on its own. As a result, fledglings, when exposed to food sources like worms or seeds, just open their mouths and wait instead of picking up the food.

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A video that captured this behaviour was shared online by the popular Twitter account Fascinating (@fasc1nate) on October 19. Since being posted, the clip has gathered over six lakh likes.

The undated video was captioned, “Birds are fed by their parents in their infancy. When the time comes to feed themselves, there can be some confusion when the food does not go into their mouth by itself.”

Birds are fed by their parents in their infancy. When the time comes to feed themselves, there can be some confusion when the food does not go into their mouth by itself.

— Fascinating (@fasc1nate) October 18, 2022

Me after getting my MBA thinking the jobs are just going to roll in.

— Limerick Kunar (@da_damaga) October 19, 2022

remember that bird? this is it now
it has mastered the ability of making food float into its mouth

— Dat Dark Dragon (but scarie) (@DatDarkDragon) October 19, 2022

The bird after returning to its nest without any dinner

— Chris Masters (@Campanicus) October 19, 2022

We had this this spring. Dad had two chicks and for days they refused to feed themselves, just stood at the feeder screaming at him. They finally got it, but it was funny to watch.

— The Reader-Shelf Help Books 💖📚 (@JPL_Reader) October 19, 2022

I remember raising a baby robin from a new born and teaching him to find his own worms when it was time. Once he had learned how to find them himself, he would get so angry if you did it for him he would drop kick us. Was sad and happy when it was time for release.

— KatMcC (@KatMcC03) October 18, 2022

Rationality does not substitute for experience. No matter how logical the suggestion is, the bird needs to actually go through the mistake to learn.

— AVANT-GARDE & THE FRONTIERS (@bu9loo7_) October 19, 2022

This feels like something evolution should’ve fixed I’m calling the manager

— Nicole Boscarino (@ngbosc) October 19, 2022

Commenting on it, a Twitter user wrote, “Rationality does not substitute for experience. No matter how logical the suggestion is, the bird needs to actually go through the mistake to learn.”

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Another person said, “We had this spring. Dad had two chicks and for days they refused to feed themselves, just stood at the feeder screaming at him. They finally got it, but it was funny to watch.”

© IE Online Media Services Pvt Ltd

First published on: 20-10-2022 at 10:48 IST

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Flamingo video gaining popularity on the Internet

Flamingo video gaining popularity on the Internet

Flamingo video gaining popularity on the Internet - RIA Novosti, 22.02.2020

Flamingo video gaining popularity online

In a viral video filmed in India, one flamingo appears to be pecking at another and bleeding down its head, NDTV reports. RIA Novosti, 22.02.2020


2020-02-22T02: 17

2020-02-22T02: 17





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MOSCOW, February 22 – RIA Novosti. In a viral video filmed in India, one flamingo appears to be pecking at another and bleeding down its head, reports NDTV. India's forestry worker Parveen Kaswan often shares interesting wildlife videos. This time, on his page on the social network, he posted how flamingos feed the chick. Vegetable milk contains some blood, as blood vessels burst in the esophagus of birds. It is noteworthy that this happens only during the feeding period. Scientists believe that mineral-rich blood is an essential component of chick nutrition. It is curious that flamingos acquire their characteristic coloration due to the fact that their menu is replete with carotenoids contained in algae and crustaceans. And during feeding, the level of these substances in the organisms of the parents falls and the plumage turns white. As soon as the chicks begin to feed on their own, flamingos return to their color. Kaswan's video has gained more than 200 thousand views and surprised quite a few users. In the comments, they admired the diversity of wildlife.


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india, news - tourism, tourists, tourism

Tourism, India, News - Tourism, tourists, Tourism

MOSCOW, February 22 - RIA Novosti. In a viral video filmed in India, one flamingo appears to be pecking at another with blood running down its head, NDTV reports.

No they are not fighting. This is one of the most amazing things in nature. Parent flamingos produce crop milk in their digestive tracts & regurgitate it to feed young ones. See how together they are doing it. Source: Science Channel.

— Parveen Kaswan, IFS (@ParveenKaswan) February 20, 2020

Indian Forest Officer Parveen Kaswan often shares interesting wildlife videos. This time, on his page on the social network, he posted how flamingos feed the chick.

Vegetable milk contains some blood, as blood vessels burst in the esophagus of birds. It is noteworthy that this happens only during the feeding period. Scientists believe that mineral-rich blood is an essential component of chick nutrition.

Curiously, flamingos get their characteristic coloration because their diet is rich in carotenoids found in algae and crustaceans. And during feeding, the level of these substances in the organisms of the parents falls and the plumage turns white. As soon as the chicks begin to feed on their own, flamingos return to their color.

Kaswan's video has received over 200,000 views and surprised quite a few users. In the comments, they admired the diversity of wildlife.

A tiger chasing a jeep with tourists was filmed in India

February 21, 2020, 03:26

Young peregrine falcons of Uralsib Bank took to the wings

  • ecology

Uralsib Bank completed its annual online broadcast from the peregrine falcon nesting site in Ufa. Rare birds have been breeding chicks on the roof of the bank's office in the city center for more than 16 years in a row. Since 2019year, as part of a joint project with ornithologists, the bank conducts an online broadcast from the roof in the YouTube channel in spring and summer.

This year the broadcast started on May 6th and ended on July 2nd. For 57 days, viewers could observe the laying and incubation period of birds, the appearance of chicks, feeding and maturation, ringing, as well as the first flights of winged offspring.

4 chicks appeared in the family of peregrine falcons. On June 10, scientists conducted a traditional banding. Ornithologists determined the sex of the chicks, each was assigned numbers and names: Pioneer, Spartak, Ufa and Salavat. Small rings were carefully attached to the paws of the falcons (they have almost no weight, they carry a color mark) so that specialists in other regions could understand the geography of bird migration. This time, a veterinarian took part in the process. She took swabs from the birds' beaks to rule out infectious diseases and viruses that could affect the survival and health of offspring. All results were negative, the environment at the place of masonry is favorable and clean.

By the beginning of July the chicks have already fledged.

Viewers noted in the broadcast chat that even changeable weather and squally gusts of wind did not become an obstacle to their plans. As soon as the chicks learned to move beyond the ledge of the roof, they began to "training" flights.

“The timing of the departure of the chicks from the nest has shifted this year. According to average statistics, they started their flight attempts 4-5 days earlier, - says the ornithologist of the project Elza Gabbasova. – In the period from June 23 to July 1, the chicks were repeatedly raised from the territory of the bank's courtyard, from the parking lot and from other sites to the roof level of the three-story outbuilding of the main building. The fact is that the falcons get tired quickly, they can land next to dangerous objects, next to cars. Therefore, special thanks to the bank for such an attentive attitude towards the chicks.”

Observers of the project of previous years, including scientists from Germany, Canada, Serbia, as well as from neighboring countries - Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and others, contacted ornithologists in an open broadcast chat. During the broadcast, about 200 new subscribers subscribed to the channel, each viewer watched on average about 8 minutes from the life of birds. In the broadcast were available to rewind the last 12 hours of recordings from the camera.

“Thanks to the video, we study the diet of birds of prey. This year it was noticed that the falcons got a stilt for the chicks - this is a rare sandpiper, which is listed in the Red Book. If it weren’t for video recording, we wouldn’t be able to draw even half of the conclusions about the nutrition of peregrine falcons,” says Elza Gabbasova.

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