Baby feeding log printable
A Newborn Feeding Chart That Works (With Printable!)
What's in this post...
Inside you’ll find all you need to know to put into a newborn feeding chart and then have a printable one for yourself! Whether or not you are interested in sleep training, this will get you started on a great solid routine.
I gave birth to my firstborn in a hospital in Aberdeenshire, Scotland.
With a midwife whom I’d never met.
It all happened so fast and no one thought I was actually near 10 cm because they hadn’t checked dilation since I wasn’t in much pain. Must not be close, they assumed.
But really I’m a redhead and my pain signals are all jacked up so then it was go time before we knew it.
“But I don’t even have the paperwork ready…” she said in a sort of sweet and confused voice.
“IT’LL WAIT!” I yelled.
Fast forward a few days…
Fast forward a few days and I was ready to start tracking my baby’s feeds. I couldn’t remember which side she had fed from or if she was feeding enough and I felt stressed.
I wanted to write it down and keep it in her nursery. So I used a pen and a little notepad and over the next few weeks kept diligent track to make sure things seemed okay.
They were!
Read: The ultimate newborn napping, feeding, and sleeping schedule
Newborn Feeding Chart
Use this simple printable chart to track your feeds to make sure baby is fed, your supply is up, and everyone is well.
Basic Feeding Tips For The Early Weeks
(Psst… you can scroll down and get your free downloadable newborn feeding chart).
Here are some basic rules of thumb when it comes to feeding newborns. Talk to your pediatrician or nursing consultant if you have any issues, but for most babies these principles will help you have a calm, contented baby.
Read: 8 reasons you’ve got a fussy whiny little one
Focus On Filling Baby Up
Newborns are sleepy. They want to feed a bit then nod off. This is not a good idea for a few reasons, listed below.
To keep track of whether or not your baby is taking full feeds, scroll down and get your free newborn feeding chart so you can keep track.
- Babies do not get the breast milk most rich in fat and calories (the hind milk) because if they nurse for a short period they’re only getting the fore milk (less density which means less filling).
- Also, they will not go into a deep sleep (which takes around 20 minutes) and then when they transition through sleep cycles (around 45 minutes or so after they’ve gone to sleep) they’ll wake up out of hunger.
- You will be feeding baby every hour all day long.
Related Reads:
- What To Do When Baby Is Feeding Every Hour (& Not Sleeping!)
- Feeding Baby Through One Year
Newborn Settling Guide
Tried-and-true *hands on* newborn settling strategies that even the most fussy (or wide-awake-sleep-refusing) newborns cannot resist!
Learn More
Feed Unswaddled By Day And Swaddled By Night
We want our babies to know the difference between night and day so they’ll have their wake times in the day and sleepy time at night.
This means that we create certain associations with being awake and other associations with sleep. One of those is the swaddle. You should swaddle from Day One because this will decrease the likelihood your baby “fights the swaddle.”
I had 5 babies and none fought the swaddle because we did it from Day One and there simply wasn’t an option.
Babies who are not swaddled will wake frequently or nap lighter since the startle reflex (moro reflex) will cause their arms to rise up and “startle.”
If they aren’t in a deep sleep cycle this might be enough to wake them.
During the day unswaddle them to feed so you’re communicating wake time. At night, unswaddle the bottom of their swaddle (the swaddles perfect for this shown below) to change their diaper, then reswaddle them and feed swaddled. This means baby will essentially sleep through the feed. Voila!
Read: How to clear up daytime and nighttime confusion in babies
Bring Baby To You, Don’t Lean Towards Baby
Those midwives in Scotland had it going on. Not only did they give you all the logistics while you were in the hospital, they visited you for a few weeks AT HOME during the postpartum period.
You could ask them absolutely anything about anything and they helped make it all work. One thing they gave me in my welcome packet was a DVD on how to get baby to latch properly.
With 5 babies I have had 0 issues with latching on and I’m telling you this works.
Instead of leaning down onto baby, position the breast and the baby’s head so that you push the baby onto your breast.
This means your bringing baby where the milk is, not trying to bring the milk down to baby. And, it means this will make for a better latch.
Related Reads:
- The Difference Between Midwives And Doctors
- How To Get Your Newborn To Sleep Well From Day One
Newborn Feeding Chart
Use this simple printable chart to track your feeds to make sure baby is fed, your supply is up, and everyone is well.
Example Daily Rhythm
Newborns have tiny tummies. You’ll be feeding baby around the clock for weeks at a time. However, by giving full feeds and keeping baby awake during feeds (which can be a feat) you’ll be able to increase the time between feeds providing baby with more restorative naps.
Initially you want to aim for feeding baby every 2.5 to 3 hours. So you may feed at 6 am, 8:30 am, 11:00 am, then 2:00 p.m.
The only reasons baby should feed less than 2.5 hours apart are these:
- Baby is not feeding enough at each feed (not getting calorie rich hind milk or enough ounces of formula)
- They are going through a growth spurt.
- You are cluster feeding in late afternoon early evening on purpose.
Read: The Easy Peasy Newborn Routine That Makes For Happy Babies
A Printable Chart That Works Like A Charm
I’ve created a newborn feeding chart below where you can record what times your baby is feeding and use that to find a good rhythm for you and your baby.
Read: The Dreamfeed: The Why, The How, & When To Stop
Is baby sleeping okay?
Baby bedtime can begin to feel like an actual nightmare.
Moms just want baby to sleep well. You just want to have some peace and quiet after a long day of momming and yet you are spending so much time trying to comfort an exhausted baby and wondering where it all went to pot.
Because moms with babies are busy (and tired) I created a set of nitty gritty baby sleep checklists that get straight to the point.
- Things to look for if your baby is sick.
- Habits to check if your baby won’t sleep at night.
- What to do if your baby won’t go back to sleep at night.
- And so much more!
It’s not usually some major problem that’s causing baby sleep issues, it’s usually something small. Use these checklists and get some clarity today.
Read: Cocooning a Newborn & 7 Reasons Why it Can Be Good For The Family
Newborn Feeding Chart
Use this simple printable chart to track your feeds to make sure baby is fed, your supply is up, and everyone is well.
- The importance of schedules and routines
- Routines minimize chaos which promotes resilience and regulation
- Routines indicators of predictable family life contributing to childhood development
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Feeding Journal -
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how to distinguish from gaziki, symptoms, what to do and how to help when intestinal colic begins during breastfeeding
From the age of four weeks, my son began to cry almost every evening at the same time. Yes, so bitter that I wanted to cry with him.
Ksenia Petrova
doctor, mother, survivor of colic
Author profile
No matter what my husband and I did at that time, he would not calm down. After about an hour, the crying stopped, and the son was again the calmest child in the world. We thought that we were doing something wrong: I needed to change either my diet or my daily routine. But the pediatrician explained that it was colic, and everything would go away on its own. nine0003
Intestinal colic is diagnosed in 30% of children in the first four months of life. To save a child from suffering, parents are ready to give any money. And this is often used by charlatans, manufacturers of biological supplements and infant formula.
What is intestinal colic in newborns
Intestinal colic is cramping pain in the abdomen. During an attack, the baby behaves restlessly and cries. At the same time, the rest of the time he is calm and looks healthy.
The term "colic" was introduced by the American pediatrician Morris Wessel. He noticed that some healthy children cried more than others. The pediatrician decided to call this phenomenon colic. There was no talk of any illness. nine0003
How long does colic last in newborns
In total, colic lasts up to three hours a day. Some parents think that the baby is crying all the time. Therefore, pediatricians recommend keeping a diary with the time of each episode of crying. In it, mark the beginning, end of crying and the reason. At the end of the day, count how much the child cried in total and separately - how much he cried for an unknown reason.
Baby crying diary
Beginning and end of crying | Total, minutes | Cause |
05:33 - 05:46 | 13 | Dirty diaper |
08:14 - 08:57 | 43 | Fright |
11:00 - 11:22 | 22 | Hunger |
15:13 - 15:20 | 7 | Dirty diaper |
16:49 - 17:15 | 26 | Cause unknown |
19:38 — 21:02 | 24 | Other known cause |
23:00 - 23:20 | 20 | Hunger |
Total | 155 minutes | |
Crying for unknown reason | 26 minutes |
05:33 - 05:46
13 minutes
Dirty diaper 9000 3 08 08
43 minutes
11:00 - 11:22
22 minutes
15:13 - 15:20
7 minutes
Dirty diaper
16:49 - 17:15
26 minutes
Reason: 38 - 21:02
24 minutes
Another known reason
23:00 - 23:20
20 minutes
155 minutes
Crying for an unknown reason
26 minutes
The diary will help you calculate how many minutes a day crying lasts and what is its cause. Download a copy of this plate and fill it out online or in print form. nine0003
When does colic start in newborns
After a natural birth, colic in babies can begin as early as three weeks. They occur during feeding or 20-30 minutes after it. With a caesarean section, colic may begin a week earlier. Pediatricians suggest that this is due to a lack of microorganisms in the child's gastrointestinal tract. During natural childbirth, they enter the baby's body from the mother's birth canal, but this does not happen during caesarean section.
Gut Microbiota Development and Health Implications - PubMed
Causes of Colic
The exact cause of infantile colic has not been established.
The causes of colic in formula-fed and breast-fed children are the same. They do not depend on gender and skin color, whether the child is full-term or not. And they are found not only in children, but also in the cubs of other mammals. Puppies, for example, can take a pose with an arched back and tucked paws and whine, even if their mother is nearby. nine0003
Which children are more likely to have colic, article in UpToDate
Natural dog health remedies: symptoms of colic in puppies
Scientists suggest that colic occurs for several reasons.
Immaturity of the nervous system. Up to three months, nerve impulses may enter the digestive system chaotically. As a result, the muscles in the walls of the stomach and intestines sometimes contract incorrectly. It's like pedaling a bicycle with one foot forward and the other back. Due to the disconnected work of the intestine, painful spasms occur. nine0003
Development of the digestive system, article in Pubmed
From three to five months, the supply of nerve impulses improves, the muscles begin to work synchronously, and spasms become less.
Enzyme deficiency. Food cannot be digested without special proteins - enzymes. They break down food into simpler constituents. In the first months of life, the salivary glands, stomach, pancreas and small intestine produce few enzymes. Therefore, their number is not always enough to digest food. Poorly digested food enters the large intestine, where it is processed by bacteria. The fermentation process begins. Gas is formed, and the more, the more it presses on the intestines from the inside. Gas formation leads to discomfort and pain. When gases leave, the child becomes easier. nine0003
Parental alarm. Scientists have noticed that children of anxious parents were more likely to be diagnosed with intestinal colic.
Maternal Anxiety Disorders and Baby Crying, Pubmed article
Children are empaths, reflecting the inner state of others, even if they try to hide it. For example, if the mother is often sad, the child will become anxious. Older children are able to express feelings in different ways, and babies, experiencing negative emotions, cry.
At the same time, the frequency of colic is in no way connected with parental experience. The fifth child in the family may have colic, even if the previous four children did not have them, and the parents are sure that they know all the secrets to preventing colic. nine0003
Migraine. Infantile colic is considered as a reaction to pain. The source of pain can be not only the stomach, but also the head. In 2013, it was found that children who were diagnosed with migraine were more likely to suffer from colic in infancy. And in 2014, researchers concluded that colic may be an early manifestation of migraine. There is also a suggestion of a feedback loop: children who have had colic are more likely to have migraines in the future.
Relationship between childhood migraine and colic, article in Jama
Maternal smoking and nicotine replacement therapy. A large study confirmed the relationship between maternal smoking and colic in children. We are talking about both the mother's smoking during pregnancy and the inhalation of tobacco smoke by the child. Nicotine interferes with the passage of nerve impulses to the intestines, causes inflammation of its mucosa and reduces blood flow to the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, colic occurs.
Pediatrics: how maternal smoking increases the risk of infantile colic
Allergy to cow's milk proteins. Cow's milk protein can enter the child's body directly from artificial formulas or through breast milk from the mother. In the blood, the protein reacts with antibodies. As a result of this reaction, substances are formed that can damage intestinal cells. Inflammation begins in it, which becomes a source of pain. In a European study, 12,050 children with colic were examined for allergies to cow's milk protein. Among them were children on artificial and natural feeding. Allergy was confirmed in 1% of children. nine0003
Another study found that only 1.7% of mothers get enough cow's milk protein into their breast milk to cause an allergy. This means that even if the child has an allergy, in most cases the mother can continue to drink cow's milk.
Cow's milk protein allergy is easily missed or confused with another disease. Most often, with an allergy in a child, blood appears in the stool, visible to the naked eye. Less common symptoms:
- Excessively vivid colic: bouts of intense, inconsolable and prolonged crying.
- Delayed weight gain.
- Mid-feeding cry with early sucking stop and malnutrition.
- Skin rash: if it develops, take the child to the pediatrician.
Diagnosis and treatment of protein allergy in children, a practical guidePDF, 383 KB
Does mom's diet affect colic. To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe a cow's milk-free diet to the mother, a blood test for antibodies and a fecal occult blood test to the child. nine0003
Changing diet for colic - Cochrane
How to tell if a baby has colic
Colic appears to be part of normal baby development. Outside the seizure, the baby looks healthy and happy. Therefore, the following symptoms appear only during colic.
How to understand that a child has colic:
- Crying starts suddenly, more often in the evening.
- The face turns red and the skin around the lips turns pale.
- Abdomen swollen and tense. nine0268
- The child's legs are bent and brought to the stomach, and during especially strong crying they can be tense and straightened, cold to the touch.
- Fingers clenched, arms extended and tense.
- Back arched.
American pediatrician and scientist Ronald Barr about six characteristics of crying during colic in children and how parents can survive this and not harm the child
Relief can come after the child poops. At the same time, gases are released and spasms associated with improper coordination of the intestines stop. Sometimes colic can end just after the baby has farted. nine0003 What colic looks like in a newborn: the baby is screaming, the lips and skin around the mouth are pale, the hands are clenched into fists, the legs are brought to the stomach. Source: Luck Club
Colic can occur in the form of contractions: the child cries, then calms down for a few minutes and starts screaming again. And so in a circle.
Less than 5% of children have colic due to illness. Then other alarming symptoms appear in the child:
- The temperature is above 38 °C.
- Diarrhea more than 8-10 times a day. nine0268
- The child does not poop for three days or more.
- Blood in the stool: streaks of blood, jelly-like red or crimson impurities, black loose stools.
- Increased regurgitation and vomiting.
- Breathing rate less than 40 breaths per minute, wheezing and whistling may be heard on inspiration, blueness around the mouth.
- Any rash on the skin.
- The child is less active than usual, eats less.
- No matter what you do, you cannot calm your child for more than three hours. nine0268
How to distinguish colic from gas in newborns. To understand that discomfort can be associated with gases, you can see the swollen and tense belly of the baby.
Excessive flatulence may be associated with colic: for example, relief in a child may occur after the child poops. At the same time, gases are released and spasms associated with improper coordination of the intestines stop. Sometimes colic can end just after the baby has farted. Therefore, to help a child with colic, gas tubes are sometimes used. nine0003
First aid for a child with colic
You can try one of the ways to calm the child for a few minutes. If there is no effect, go to the next one:
- Offer him a pacifier.
- Turn on the tummy.
- Ride in your stroller or car.
- Carry your baby in your arms, in a sling or equivalent.
- Rock while standing, in a rocking chair, sitting on a fitball.
- Change location, shade the room. nine0268
- Swing on the children's swing.
- Take a warm bath.
- Stroke your tummy.
- Turn on heartbeat audio.
- Turn on white noise.
- Sing a lullaby or talk to your baby.
- Swaddle loosely.
How to cope with colic, an article in KidsHealth
Pathways. org: how to properly lay the baby on the tummy and how it is useful
If all else fails, you can put a gas tube on the child. You can buy it in a pharmacy, specify what it is for a baby. It is worth using this method when other methods do not work, and the child's stomach is still swollen and tense.
Lubricate the tip of the gas tube or enema with petroleum jelly or other oil and gently insert it in a circular motion to a depth of three centimeters. You will hear when the gases begin to come out. At the same time, the child may begin to poop. Soon after a bowel movement, the baby will calm down. nine0003
From sterilizer to infant carrier: baby shopping list
You will eventually find a method that is right for your baby. But be prepared that it will not always work.
How it was with us
My son's colic began from the fourth week and was almost every day, always in the evenings, at the same time. At first, it helped well to rock in a chair to a movie. Worked for a week. On New Year's Eve, the garlands on the Christmas tree came in well, for another week. nine0003
There was a period when nothing helped. My husband and I took turns waiting out this time in the evenings with the baby in our arms. The sling helped from time to time. Then I randomly found one song - Alexey Kosenko, Rain with Me Original Mix - where the piano played and there were sounds of rain. I turned it on on repeat and rocked the child while standing in this rhythm. It helped for two whole weeks. The song still plays in my head sometimes.
If the baby won't stop crying:
- Call a loved one who can support you or babysit. At this time, you can rest. Children are great at reading emotions - if you rest and calm down, then the child may stop crying.
- If all else fails, put your baby on their back in a crib without blankets or soft toys, go out and close the door. For 10 minutes, do something that will help you relax and calm down. For example, take a shower, have a snack, read or listen to music. After that, return to the baby and try to calm him down again.
Do not shake the baby during colic. In children under two years of age, the neck muscles are not sufficiently developed, the walls of the vessels of the brain are fragile, and the head is disproportionately large in relation to the body. Therefore, when shaking, the brain moves inside the skull, which can lead to injury. This is how shaken baby syndrome occurs. nine0003
The Period of PURPLE Crying: how shaken baby syndrome develops and causes
Don't blame yourself or your child for crying. Find a way for yourself to relax and know that the child will outgrow this period.
How to help a newborn with colic
There are few high-quality studies on the treatment of colic. Those that exist say that most methods are no more effective than placebos. As a criterion for the effectiveness of the method, scientists usually take the time by which the crying of the child is reduced. It is believed that if a treatment reduces crying time by less than 30 minutes a day, then it is ineffective. nine0003 Among the effective methods are only probiotics with Lactobacillus Reuteri and diet. Other methods reduced crying time by less than 30 minutes. Source: Pubmed Among the effective methods are only probiotics with Lactobacillus Reuteri and diet. Other methods reduced crying time by less than 30 minutes. Source: Pubmed
Nutrition correction. The method helps children who have colic due to allergies. In this case, the doctor excludes allergen foods from the mother's diet. A bottle-fed baby can be transferred to a deep hydrolyzate. The body of a child with an allergy to cow's milk protein cannot break down this protein. Therefore, in hydrolyzed mixtures, milk protein is already split. Such an experiment lasts a week, if there is no effect, the previous diet returns. The effectiveness of the diet for treating infantile colic in a situation where the child does not have allergies has not been proven. nine0003
Probiotics for breastfed babies. These are live microorganisms that alter the intestinal microflora and aid in digestion. There is speculation, as yet without conclusive evidence, that the gut microflora of infants with colic is different from that of children without colic. Therefore, it is believed that microorganisms can improve digestion, reduce gas and reduce pain.
What to do? 07/02/20
The doctor prescribed dietary supplement along with the usual medicine. This is fine? nine0003
But it's not that simple:
- It is not known how many of which microbes each person should have.
- Research is carried out with different types of microorganisms. Each type can have its own effect.
Therefore, the results cannot be generalized to all probiotics.
- There are few data on the safety of probiotics. Only 2% of studies state that the product is safe.
- Many probiotic studies are sponsored by infant formula manufacturers and drug companies. This raises doubts about the objectivity of the results obtained. nine0268
In 2017, a probiotic containing Lactobacillus Reuteri strain DSM 17938 was proven to be effective and safe. In breastfed babies, it reduces the duration of crying by an average of 50 minutes per day. By other criteria, this probiotic is no more effective than a placebo. Therefore, you can use the drug only as directed by a doctor. The probiotic is prescribed for a month to evaluate the effectiveness. With a positive effect, the doctor can extend its intake for another three months. nine0008 800 R
average price for BioGaia and Rela Life probiotics containing Lactobacillus Reuteri. You will need at least two bottles per month
Research on the effectiveness of the probiotic with Lactobacillus Reuteri in artificially fed children is just beginning.
Hydrolysed formulas for formula-fed babies. Studies show that hydrolyzed protein formulas reduce the duration of crying throughout the day. They switch to a new mixture gradually: it is added to the usual one within four days. This is continued until only a hydrolyzed mixture is obtained. nine0003
If the new formula helps relieve symptoms of colic, continue taking it for up to three to six months. After that, you can resume taking the usual mixture. This method can reduce crying by 37 minutes a day. But it can only be used as directed by a doctor. Incorrect selection of a new mixture can increase colic or cause allergies.
Baby colic: how to recognize and treat, article on the American Academy of Family Physicians website
Dealing with parental anxiety. This method does not reduce the duration of colic in any way, but in 9In 0% of cases, doctors recommend starting with it. If the words of a pediatrician do not help to cope with anxiety, then you can turn to a psychologist.
How to deal with anxiety
Veronika Khlebnikova
existential psychologist, blogger and mother of three children
To calm a child, you must first of all cope with your anxiety. I often communicate with parents who are not sure that they are doing the right thing in relation to the child. They think they are not up to the task. At such moments, you need to understand where your anxiety comes from. Then it will be easier for you to get rid of it. nine0003
What does not help with colic
Switching from breastfeeding to artificial feeding. No treatment algorithm recommends eliminating or reducing breastfeeding. This leads to the rapid disappearance of milk, increases the tension of the intestines of the child and weakens his immunity.
120,000 R
amount per year that artificial feeding can cost
The duration of baby crying may decrease when switching from breastfeeding to artificial feeding. But this is because breast milk is digested faster. As a result, the baby feels hungry more often and gets new portions of milk more often - it seems that during sucking he screams more often. And after the transfer to the mixture, he sleeps longer, which makes it seem that he has become better. nine0003
Colic is three to five months, and breastfeeding should continue longer. The decision to cancel it must be taken very carefully.
Acid suppression therapy. Proton pump inhibitors such as omeprazole are not effective in treating infant colic. Their effectiveness is not higher than that of placebo.
Painkillers. Evidence for the effectiveness of pain relievers for treating infantile colic is sparse and biased. Their use is not recommended without a doctor's prescription. nine0003
Homeopathic preparations. They are used at very low doses, their mechanism of action is not clear, and their effectiveness has not been proven. They are not recommended for the treatment of colic in children.
Use of homeotic remedies for infantile colicPDF, 260 KB
Drinking water. Breast milk is more than 80% water. It is enough to quench the thirst of a child up to four to six months, even in the heat. Supplementing babies with water puts them at risk of diarrhea and malnutrition. It can also cause the baby to suckle less at the mother's breast, producing less and less milk, and stop breastfeeding too soon. nine0003
WHO: why is it harmful to give water to infants
Phytotherapy. Few studies have been done on the effectiveness of various herbs. Chamomile, peppermint, lemon balm, licorice, and dill water are reportedly no more effective than placebo. Some herbs can be dangerous for a child and cause allergies. For example, fennel in large quantities can cause vomiting and impair the functioning of the baby's muscles. This is the same plant, from the essential oil of which "dill water" is made. nine0003
Simethicone. This is a synthetic substance that reduces bloating. Included in, for example, "Bobotika", "Espumizan baby", "Sub simplex". Simethicone is not absorbed, it acts only in the intestinal lumen on gas bubbles, which causes them to disintegrate. No study has proven that the use of simethicone is effective in treating colic in children.
390 Р
average price per bottle of simethicone
If colic is mainly due to increased gas formation, then simethicone can help. You can only find out by trying. If after a week of taking you have not noticed any difference in the frequency and intensity of colic attacks, it is pointless to continue using it. nine0003
Tea for lactation. Hot drinks are generally not prohibited. It promotes the release of oxytocin, relaxes and calms. And it is easier for a calm mother to cope with a crying child. But herbal tea can be harmful for both mother and child. For example, fennel, lemon balm and sage reduce lactation. Carefully read the composition and recommendations for the amount of tea so as not to overdo it.
E-Lactanciya: compatibility of medicines and herbs with breastfeeding
Chiropractic, osteopathy. These are alternative medicine methods that use physical manipulations such as stretching and massage. Studies have shown that chiropractic and osteopathy are not effective for treating colic. The safety of these methods for children has not yet been proven.
Manipulative techniques for the treatment of infantile colic, article in Pubmed
Acupuncture, or acupuncture. Proponents of the method insert fine needles into the skin at certain points. They believe that the impact on these points restores vital energy, and pain goes away from this. Acupuncture is useless and is not recommended for treating colic. The safety of this method has also not been proven. nine0003
A review of the effectiveness and safety of acupuncture for colic in infants, article in Pubmed
When colic in newborns goes away three days a week, and ends by three months.

Rome IV Criteria: Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders in ChildrenPDF, 828KB
Since 2016, colic has been considered to last up to five months. After that, the baby begins to cry less often. If after five months the crying time has not decreased, you need to contact your pediatrician. nine0003
Prevention of colic in newborns
There is no method of prevention that would prevent colic. But proper feeding will help ease their flow and reduce the duration.
Keep your baby on your tummy for as long as possible before each feed. Start with two to five minutes, gradually increasing the time. By three months, the baby can lie on his stomach for about an hour a day.
Attach the baby correctly to the breast: not only the nipple, but also the areola should be in the mouth. nine0003
Mayo Clinic Feeding Position Slideshow
Carry your baby upright for 5 to 15 minutes after each feed to burp up any swallowed air. If feeding at night, lay the baby so that his head was raised.
If formula-fed, try using nipples and anti-colic bottles. Inside these bottles there is a valve that equalizes the pressure.
500 R
average price per anti-colic bottle
Colic is optional, 70% of children do not have it. If, even before the birth, the family tunes in to the fact that even if colic makes itself felt, they will stop sooner or later, then the first months of parenthood are more likely to pass calmer.
You can use a pillow or your free hand to lift your baby's head. The baby must grasp not only the nipple, but also the areola. Even in the horizontal position, the nipple is always full of milk. Air does not get into it. Source: philips.ruRemember
- Not everyone has colic.
- Colic is part of normal baby development.
- The exact cause of their appearance is not known.
- Treatment of colic begins with parental anxiety.
- More often than not, the treatment of colic does not cost anything - most therapies have not been proven to be effective.
- Colic ends in all children by a maximum of five months. It just needs to be experienced.
ACS RSO. Samara region
Login to the RSO ACS
Login and password are issued ONLY at the school. To enter the electronic journal and diary, you no longer need to select a server. The general entry address to the ACS of the North Ossetia for the Samara region:
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FGIS DSP My School
I can't enter the RSO ACS!
Let's go in order... You have a username and password from a teacher from the school. The first thing to do is go to to the correct address. Now it is not difficult, since there is only one address for the entire Samara region
For example, you want to get into the diary for of the School of the Southern City in Samara. Old correct entry address: , new single address .
Next, you need to select a district. Why is that? Yuzhny Gorod is not part of Samara, and this school is part of the Volzhsky district and the Volga region education department. You have come to the right address, now select the Municipal District, in our example it is "Volzhsky". Next, choose City / Village - "Southern City". Now we select the Type of educational organization "General education" and only now, in the field Educational organization we find and mark "GBOU SOSH OTs Southern City" .
After you have chosen a school, you need to fill in the field "Login" is the login that was given to you at the school. Please note that the login is most often in Russian. The next field is "Password" , it is always from Latin letters and therefore it is necessary to switch the keyboard layout . Large letters must be entered in large letters, and small letters must be entered in small letters. All this is really important and not difficult at all.
And only now, having checked everything, with confidence, we press the orange button Enter .
Holidays for schoolchildren of the Samara region
The vacation schedule depends on the format of studying at a particular school - by trimesters or quarters. When studying in trimesters, vacations are shorter, but there are more periods - five times per academic year:
from October 10 to October 16, 2022; - from 21 to 27 November 2022;
- from December 31 to January 8, 2023; nine0268
- from 20 to 26 February 2023;
- from April 3 to April 9, 2023.
In the case of studying in quarters, students take a break three times:
from October 29 to November 6, 2022; - from December 31 to January 8, 2023;
- from April 8 to April 16, 2023.
School meals. Payment and personal account
Are you concerned about school meals? You can check the account, find out the balance, get acquainted with the menu for the week and pay for school meals in Tolyatti, Samara and other cities through the parent's personal account with the school catering operator that serves your school. Links to replenish the personal account of the largest school catering operators in the Samara region are available below:
KSHP Druzhba school catering facility
UEShKA personal account
"Kirov School Food Plant"
School card of the HRC "AKSIOMA"
MUP9 Food Plant, Syzran
GIS ACS RSO is the state information system “Automated Resource Management System of the Education System in the Samara Region” based on the diary “Network City. Education" SGO . Primary registration in the system takes place at the school. Login to your personal account is possible through the account State Services (ESIA) for teachers, school employees, students and their parents. Schoolchildren under 14 years of age can access the ACS RSO website using the login and password issued by the educational institution. You can open an electronic diary on a computer or phone through any modern browser: Google Chrome, Yandex.Browser, Firefox, Safari - just select your area and follow the link. Of course, you can use Alice, Siri, or OK Google to sign in. nine0003
"Unexpected error" or "Requested service not found" when entering the RNO ACS and how to overcome it? This situation is temporary, common to the entire region, it is not related to your actions, it will be fixed centrally. To get into the RSO ACS immediately, without waiting for corrections, try using a different Internet browser (other than the one you use daily). Thank you, sorry!
The ACS of the RNO operates in the following settlements of the Samara region: the urban districts of Samara, Togliatti, Syzran, Oktyabrsk, Novokuibyshevsk, Chapaevsk, Otradny, Kinel, Zhigulevsk, Pokhvistnevo, as well as Alekseevsky district, Bezenchuksky, Bogatovsky, Bolsheglushitsky, Bolshechernigovskiy, Borsky , Volzhsky district, Elkhovsky, Isaklinsky, Kamyshlinsky, Kinel-Cherkassky, Kinelsky, Klyavlinsky, Koshkinsky, Krasnoarmeysky, Krasnoyarsky, Neftegorsky, Pestravsky district, Pokhvistnevsky, Privolzhsky, Sergievsky, Stavropolsky, Syzransky, Khvorostyansky, Chelno-Vershinsky district, Shentalinsky and Shigonsky districts . nine0003
Kinelskie Directorate
Volga Directorate
E-Electronic Electronic Queue in kindergarten, application in grade 1
9000. ://es.asurso.ruapplication to kindergarten
https://es.asurso. ru/Modules/PRESCHOOLMODULE (old address)
waiting list for kindergarten (old address)
administrative part of E-Services
https://eservices.asurso. en
U-Services or E-Services?
Of course "E-Services. Education" from the English word "electronic" (electronic) . U-services is just a typo, be careful. What educational services can be obtained in electronic form on the territory of the Samara region? nine0003
Kindergarten. You can check the queue for kindergarten by the number of the application on the portal of educational services of the Samara region in the section "Search for an application", the official website of the y-service portal . Please note that during the allocation period (usually once a month) the system is "offline" for users for a few days. During this period, it is impossible to check the position in the queue, and an attempt to log in through the State Services results in an error
-403 Forbidden. Request forbidden by administrative rules. This is "ok", just try checking the queue later.
First class. Acceptance and registration of applications for the first grade for 2023-2024 academic year most likely (!) Will occur through "Portal of educational services" of the state information system "Automated management system for the regional education system" (ACS RSO).
In April 2023, the acceptance of applications for the 1st class of municipal educational institutions, which are assigned to the territory of the entire city district of Samara, will open. List last year:
- gymnasium No., No. 11, No. 133
- Perspective Gymnasium
- Laps No. 135
- Samara Sports Lyceum
- Samara Lyceum of Information Technologies (Samli) 9 Technical Lyceum (SMTL)
- Technical Lyceum
- Prestige Lyceum
- Constellation Lyceum No.
- Yaktylyk School
- Waldorf School
. List of educational institutions of the city of the last admission campaign:
- MBU "Lyceum No. 6" (Muryseva St., 61)
- MBU "Gymnasium No. 9" (Banykina St., 22)
- MBU "Lyceum No. 19" (K. Marksa St., 59)
- Lyceum No. 37 (Budyonny Boulevard, 1)
- Gymnasium No. 38 (8 Kulibina blvd.)
- Lyceum No. 51 (Frunze St., 12)
- Lyceum No. 57 (b- r. Lunacharskogo, 19)
- "Lyceum No. 67" (pr. S. Razin, 73)
- "Gymnasium No. 77" (st. Voroshilova, 3)
- "School number 94" (br. Kurchatov, 2)
April 1, 2023 in Togliatti and Samara will begin accepting applications for the 1st grade for other educational institutions. Until June 30, applications are accepted from citizens registered in the territory assigned to the school. Further, from July 1 to September 5 - admission to vacant places, regardless of the place of registration of the child. For residents of other settlements of the Samara region, applications will be accepted through the y-service portal, the “Regional Portal of Public Services” does not apply this year. nine0003
Other modules:
preschool education, vocational education
Other official sites of the ASURSOS system in the table below. Select the required module and follow the link:
VET / SPO module
navigator of additional education for children
independent education quality assessment system
ProfVybor system. Samara region"
AIS PP&PO "Pre-profile training and profile training"
certification of teaching staff
https://att.asurso .ru
personal account AIS "Personnel" in education
AIS "Analytics" in Tolyatti
NTT and R&D
distance education system TsPO
accreditation of educational organizations
monitoring of education in the Samara region
mail service of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Samara region +
USE entry in the Samara region
personal account of the CPO of the Samara region (hosting)
student referendum
https: //
RNO ACS technical support contacts
October 6, 2018 in all schools was held "Student referendum" on the topic "How can we equip the Samara region?" . It was simple, fun, but very grown-up! Before answering simple questions, you need to register through the RSO ACS, select your school, enter a username and password. Enter only your login and password ASURSO, the password of parents or State Services (ESIA) will not work! Link to enter the referendum for a student:
0113 monitoring the state and development of the competitive environment in the markets for goods and services in the Samara region. The survey includes items on school meals, children's recreation and health services, pre-school and additional education. Participation does not require authorization with the login and password of the RSO ACS. You can take the survey at the link:
The old addresses of the ACS RSO no longer work! Use the new, single address for the entire region ASURSO.RU to enter both through the ESIA State Services and using the login and password that the teacher issues at school.