Baby food jar candle favors
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30 Different Ways To Use Baby Food Jars
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Instead of throwing out those little baby food jars, utilize them to their fullest! Clean then out and start getting creative. From tiny gifts to crafting and organizing, let’s see some spectacular ways of using these bits. We’ve compiled a list of our favorite 30 baby food jar crafts and hopefully, you’ll grab some inspiration and be creating something new out of your old jars.
1. Vintage Jars
At the Picket Fenceshows us how to turn those little glass jars into something fresh and unique for your kitchen or craft room. It’s quite the transformation, don’t you think?
2. Shower Favors
What better way to pass out the baby shower favors than using baby food jars? These princess cuties are quite the addition and thanks to The Diva Dish, you know how to make it happen.
3. Snow Globe
Craftaholics Anonymousshares an adorable DIY for all to see. Create these mini snow globes as decor for the house throughout the holidays or tiny gifts for friends and family.
4. Wall Vase & Candleholder
Used for either candles or flowers, this wall piece was made with some glass jars and a piece of wood. It’s rustic, it’s stylish and completely unique and thanks to Make Life Lovely, you can make it too!
5. Cheesecake
Use those jars as holders for some delicious treats. At I Am Baker you can learn how to create some no-bake cheesecake right inside for the perfect bite.
6. Topiarys
Sugar Tot Designs shows off a great way to utilize the jars as party favors but also a way to create small, topiary decor as well! It’s easy and festive!
7.Gift Packaging
Little Miss Mommafeatured such a beautiful, genius idea that we had to show it off too! Use those baby food jars as a way to wrap small gifts. And then have fun embellishing, of course.
8. Glitter Slime
We’re in absolute love with these family-friendly design fromThe 36th Avenue. Use them as fun, birthday party favors or just as an afternoon project!
9. Lemon Scrub
Use some jars to hold your homemade sugar scrub! At Cincy Shopperyou’ll learn not only how to create your own lemon scrub but also how to utilize a food jar for safe keeping.
10. Pencil Holder
Create something fun for the kid’s room or play area with some leftover food jars. From Lego-themed to barbie, you can use this tutorial from Handmade Charlotte for inspiration!
11. Bubble Jar
Here’s another charming idea to use as small gifts or party favors. These bubble jars from Chickabug Blog are too cute!
12. Lanterns
We snagged this idea from Jamie + Lorenand we’re in love. It’s romantic, it’s easy, it’s inexpensive and perfect for a variety of events.
13. Pin Cushions
This baby food jar pin cushion from Craft Pudding is charming and functional. Have fun creating this for your craft room or as a tiny gift for a friend.
14. Advent Calendar
Craftaholics Anonymous made this Christma advent calendar out of baby food jars and we were completely inspired. You could use for a variety of events from birthdays to Halloween!
15. Sand Art
Make your own sand art with some older baby food jars! This is a great family crafts and thanks to Kix Cereal we have the inspiration to get started.
16. Tissue Paper Candle Holders
Tinker Lab gave us another wonderful way to turn those jars into tiny candle holders. Cover them with tissue paper, ad some mod podge and have yourself a romantic scene.
17. Glitter Covered
Delicate Construction shows us how to upcycle those jars and make them into something a lot more stylish. Dip them in glitter, of course!

Fill up those jars with a delicious treat for your next dinner party or shower. These pecan parfaits look delicious and can be found at Celebrations at Home.
19. Craft Rack
Crafty Nestshows us some great inspiration for your craft room. You can make an entire shelving space and fill it up with your odds and ends using baby food jars for easy organizing.
20. Ponytail Organization
Here’s a great way to keep your hair accessories organized and ready to grab. Tidy them up by color and use chalkboard paint to label them just like they did at Popsugar.
21. Rice Shaker
An easy toy to make for your baby that will keep them involved and stimulated for awhile …. a rice shaker! Thanks for the inspiration over at How We Montessori.
22. Gumball Favors
Fill them with gumballs and top them with embellishments of your choice – according to the party’s theme – as favors! That’s what Make It Lovely did and with love the simplicity and also the creativity.
23. Rainbow Cake
Make Life Lovely also gives us inspiration concerning baked good. These rainbow cakes are adorable but delicious too and can be used for a variety of occasions.
24. Crayon Storage
Monkey See Monkey Dogave us some colorful and festive organization idea for the kids playroom or our own craft rooms! Paint the jars and then tidy things up a bit!
25. Magnetic Jars
Used for spices or crafts storage, these magnetic jars are the perfect way to help organize small things in small spaces. Check it out at DAV.I.SON.
26. Hummingbird Feeder
Check out this awesome DIY from Birds & Blooms! Feed the hummingbirds you love out in the garden with these easy and adorable tutorial.
27. Dipped Vases
These gorgeous vases from Apples & Onions are, possibly, my personal favorite from the list. They’re inspired, they’re stylish and totaly doable at home.
28. Salt & Pepper Shaker
Add a bit of charm to your table with these baby food jar salt & pepper shakers from Dream A Little Bigger. This is such a great way to upcycle and give yourself another functional item.
29. Votive Holders
This photo from Flickr inspires us to create votive holders out of older jars. Paint a design and use them around the house for a pop of romance and warmth.
30. Spice Jars
Pinterest shows us how to use all of those old food jars for organizing the pantry. With a bit of chalkboard paint, you’ll have a great way to keep your spices easy-to-reach and tidy in a drawer.
Do-it-yourself candlestick from a jar from baby food
Today, there is electricity in every home and there is no need to constantly use candles. But they remain popular in various countries and the manufacturing industry is constantly evolving. Today, candles symbolize the holiday, help create a romantic atmosphere, aroma candles soothe, are used as decorative elements, and most importantly, they bring coziness and comfort to the house. Candlesticks can now be seen in a wide variety of materials, sizes and colors. Sometimes such creations cost a lot of money, and if you want to make something fabulous and unusual on your own, then today we will tell you how to make a candlestick from a jar with your own hands. nine0003
Consider several options
If you have several glass jars in stock, then you will definitely choose several options for yourself. Jars of baby food or spices look very good, you can make a whole series of candlesticks of the same size. You can use a candle holder or pour wax inside and add various ingredients for fragrance and decoration.
Here, for example, is a chandelier made from such small jars. For manufacturing, the most common materials are required, you can see an example of manufacturing in the photo. nine0003
Or these lanterns, they will be a good decoration for the restaurant.
For the stability of the candle inside the candlestick, you need to add sand, grains to the bottom, with the addition of small gravel and salt it will also look good.
These lamps will fit well into the interior of the gazebo.
Winter version of the candlestick. Salt was poured tightly at the bottom, the top was decorated with twine, and you're done.
Just color illustrations can be added.
Small glass cups instead of jars are also a good option.
And to make such a magic candle with your own hands, you will need:
- wax;
- wax heating container;
- wooden stick;
- aroma oils;
- dye;
- wick;
- jar.
Cut the wax into small pieces and set to warm up in a water bath.
Stir the wax well until all the pieces are completely dissolved and add various aroma oils and dyes. You can add spices, such as cinnamon or star anise.
Various decorative elements can be added to the sides of the jar.
The wax hardens very quickly, so pour it into the mold immediately.
We fix the wick with a stick and hold it carefully. All details can also be fixed with wax. When the wax has completely cooled, you can remove the top mount and cut off the excess thread. nine0003
To make multi-colored layers, you need to wait until each filled layer hardens, only then pour the next one.
Small jars do not need much decoration, their shape gives an unusual look anyway.
It all depends on your mood, you can come up with different decorations on different topics.
Here, for example, the beauty of the sea with the help of an ordinary semolina.
Jars decorated with glitter. nine0003
If the jar is wrapped with rope or threads, and then covered with paint of one tone or several, then such a structural candlestick will turn out.
Fantasy will always tell you the best. The main thing is to have the desire and mood, then you get such wonderful works.
Decorative pebbles are sold in every craft store. They can also be used to create mesmerizing beauty.
You can't take your eyes off this beauty.
Cans can also be used, they can also be beautifully decorated. Video on the topic of the article
The second life of a baby food jar :), crafts from baby food jars candlesticks from baby food jars
16 August 2012 16:24
After my youngest son was 5 months old and we started introducing complementary foods, I had a lot of empty baby food jars. I distributed them, and when I supplied everyone I could, these jars began to force me out of my own kitchen.
And so, I found a solution for them
So, we are making a festive candlestick!
For this we need:
* Baby food jars,
* Paints and contours for glass and not only (acrylic, melallic, glitter, universal . .. in general, everything that is available for all surfaces)
* Thinner for stained glass paints is not water-based (if they require it) I do not dilute the paint with it but my brushes.
* Varnish glossy universal or for decoupage. nine0160
* Brushes.
* Wide brush or blush brush to shake off glitter.
* Loose sequins - different colors and calibers.
* Alcohol or nail polish remover.
* Cotton pads.
* Absolutely any ribbons: satin, nylon, thin, wide, with or without a pattern, braid and plaits, etc. ...
* Beads, glass beads, beads, sequins, etc. nine0160
* Glue gun.
* Scissors.
* Tea light.
* Well, what is there and how you really want to decorate the candlestick.
So let's get started.
I propose to make several options for candlesticks:
We make a candlestick Pink glamourr.
Degrease the jar by wiping it with alcohol or nail polish remover. nine0160
Next, with stained glass paint and the selected color, I have it orange, holding the jar upside down, apply paint around the circumference of the jar and rotate it, forming smudges.
Pour orange sparkles on the still wet paint.
nine0160 Next, with white paint, do the same thing only from the side of the neck. Controlling and forming smudges. Then we sprinkle pink sequins of a larger size than red ones on the wet paint.
After everything is dry and we have removed the non-adhering sequins from the jar, we proceed to decorate the neck. We will decorate it with a pink-lilac ribbon and threads of different colors.
Having wrapped the necks of with school tape, we fixed it with a glue gun (do not overdo it with glue, it can leak when heated from a candle!) fix it pointwise and wrap it tightly. Glue the threads on top of the tape, after tying the knots at the same distance.
Next, we make a bow from the same ribbon and the same threads and glue it. The hanging ends of the threads seemed long to me, but I did not cut them, but wrapped them around the jar and fixed them with a small ribbon bow. nine0160 Then we insert a tea candle into the resulting candlestick, and voila!!! Enjoy! Glamor - mur - mur - mur - it turned out murky!
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Making a Beaded Fairy candlestick:
Degrease the jar by wiping it with alcohol or nail polish remover.
Then draw a contour on the glass, I have it golden, a vertical line from the bottom to the neck. We draw a fatter line, we will glue multi-colored beads on it.
Draw the next line...
Draw lines at equal distance dividing the jar into segments. We cover all lines with beads. Bottom around the circumference of the jar, too. Next, after our contour with beads, yellow and green paint on the glass has dried, we paint over the resulting windows one by one. nine0160 Sprinkle with pale green sparkles on top.
As in the first version of the candlestick, we fix the ribbons and threads around the circumference very carefully without excess glue. We decorate with large and smaller bows so that our candlestick is beautiful from all sides. nine0160
Insert a candle into the candlestick, light it up and enjoy! This is what we ended up with:
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Making a candlestick Mosaic lantern:
Degrease the jar by wiping it with alcohol or nail polish remover.
With a bronze contour on the glass, draw chaotic straight lines. As a result, we get a mosaic pattern. Don't grind! After the contour has dried with white, yellow and orange paints on the glass, paint the resulting cells, leaving some of them unpainted. Sprinkle red sequins over wet paint, not very thick.
We wrap the neck with a wide pale yellow ribbon, hiding the thread. With a thinner white ribbon, we wrap it in spiral steps. We finish the decor with orange thread and a ribbon bow.
Insert a candle, light it and admire the play of light in the mosaic pattern!
We make paired candlesticks M F:
Degrease the jars by wiping them with alcohol or nail polish remover.
With universal contours with sequins (red and blue), draw a triangle and a circle on one jar with a red contour - the sign Zh on the other, with a blue contouron a triangle, but already inverted and a circle - the sign M. Add points. After drying, fill M and G with white paint and sprinkle each with sequins of the corresponding color. nine0160
After the paint has dried and we have removed the non-adhering sequins, we cover the entire jar with glossy varnish and on top of the dry varnish on the segment from the dots alternately sprinkle with opposite colors of sequins.
After everything is dry and we shake off the sequins, we begin to decorate the neck. We use silver ribbon and blue and burgundy threads for M. For F pink, white ribbons and blue and burgundy threads.
We insert candles into our candlesticks, light them and relax and enjoy each other in an embrace with our soulmate!
This is what we ended up with:
We arrange a modest photo session for our candlesticks and voila:
What good fellows we are!!!
Try it and you will succeed!
Rubric Needlework
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