Baby food jar crafts for valentine's day
Upcycled Baby Food Jar Candle Holders
Artsy Crafty Holidays
Here’s an easy Valentine’s Day craft project suitable for preschoolers and older, make upcycled baby food jar candle holders!
Recently, I was browsing the Craft Project Ideas website and noticed that the material of the month is Holiday Upcycle and thought it would be fun to try the challenge. I decided to have the kids make a Valentine’s Day candle holder. I had saved tissue paper from Christmas to use for crafting purposes so I grabbed a sheet of the red. Ours are made from baby food jars but any kind of empty jar would work.
*As an Amazon Affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases. I also received the glitter for free to use in projects from
Upcycled Baby Food Jar Candle Holders
Before we started our project, I cut tiny hearts from the tissue paper. Next, the kids placed the baby food jars upside down and used Mod Podge
to cover it. You could also use watered down white glue. My kids painted the bottom but that part is optional.
After it was completely covered, they placed the hearts on their jars. Little Sister and Big Brother shook glitter all over them and also rolled them in a pile of it. After shaking them off, I noticed some areas that had gaps so I painted over them with the Mod Podge
and they sprinkled the glitter over it again.
When the upcycled baby food jar candle holder had finished drying, I used a red permanent to outline the hearts on one of the jars. I also drew designs and wrote ‘Love’ and ‘XOXO’ inside the hearts.
Finish by spraying a Clear Craft Sealer Spray
over all the glitter so that it stays put.
Use a tealight or LED candle
. A lot of times you can find LED ones at the dollar store around the time of many holidays.
See also: Salt Dough Footprint Heart Keepsake
These sparkly DIY Valentine’s Day candle holders can also be used as treat jars for conversation hearts and other small candy.
More Valentine’s Day Ideas
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Artsy Momma
Amanda is an ‘artsy momma’ to 2 kids who love making crafts just as much as she does. Follow their creative journey over on the blog titled Artsy Momma. Besides crafts, they share fun food ideas, hands-on learning activities, mommy DIY, + lots more! If you love handprint art, head over to their Fun Handprint Art blog where you will find hundreds of their projects all made with little hands and feet.
Post Tags: #Ideas For Elementary Ages#Kids Valentine's Day Crafts And Activities#tissue paper#Upcycled And Recycled Crafts
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DIY Baby Food Jars Turned Valentine Storage Decor
On a recent trip to JoAnns, I was browsing the Valentine section and saw these cute little Valentine jars.
They were adorable and knew I could make something similar myself. Why pay $12.99 each, when I could make 4 for LESS than the price of one?
They were adorable and knew I could make something similar…
I found a sales person and asked, “Where are your chalkboard labels?” and found some really cute heart ones! They TOTALLY matched the look I was going for! I was super excited to get home (and put the kids down for a nap) and get started on one of my new valentine crafts!! YAY!
Getting Started
The chalkboard heart labels were around $5.00, BUT of course, I used my “Handy Dandy” 40% off coupon! I already had spray paints left over from other craft projects.
Since I’m REALLY into turquoise right now, I wanted to make a couple jars using it. I decided to use baby food jars I had left over from my son, but you can use a LARGER jar if you’d like.
Check out the next image to see my inspiration picture.
These are the jars I saw at JoAnns. I had to take a quick pic with my phone.
Step 1 – Spray Paint Your Jars and Lids
I took my jars outside, and spray painted 3 coats on the jars (letting them dry a half hour each time). I did the SAME process with the lids.
My poor grass looks like a CRIME SCENE from the red spray paint, but totally worth it, LOL!
Painting the jars was easy. They turned out really great!
Love the turquoise with the white lids. Really glad I chose this color too!
Quick Tip: To remove the glue from a baby food jar’s label, I recommend Goo Gone. Use nail polish remover to “erase” any expiration dates from the glass.
Step 2 – Add Your Chalkboard Hearts
Once my jars were completely dry, I pulled out my chalkboard heart stickers and gently added them to the jars. Voila, so easy!!
The ORIGINAL inspiration jars did not have chalk heart labels (the hearts were painted on). I thought the chalkboard heart labels gave them a little something EXTRA!
Step 3 – Finishing Touches
To put a finish on this craft, I pulled out some chalk and wrote my little sayings on them. Super cute, I can’t wait to start using them!
I {heart} my new Valentine storage jars!!
Quick Tip: Whenever I write with chalk, I sharpen my chalk FIRST. It’s much easier to write with. Works great every time!
There are so many things you can do with these jars. I think they would make a REALLY CUTE gift with candies inside to give someone or even use them for display or storage.
There are so many things you can do with these jars.
I plan on using these cute little jars for storage (maybe to store beads and buttons in my craft area)!! Since I used chalkboard labels, I can WRITE what’s inside the jars.
One of my FAVORITE things about this craft, is you don’t have to spend a lot to make. I’m sure we all have cans of spray paint and a couple glass jars saved. All you need to do is grab some chalk labels and you’re set!
Love, Courtney
Crafts from baby food jars
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The kid ate the puree with pleasure, smearing its contents on all surfaces. And the jar was carefully washed out and sent to the shelf to its fellows. What to do with her?
There are a lot of ideas for using glass baby food jars. Website "Mom can do anything!" collected the most interesting of them.
- Needle cases. From glass jars it is easy to make such cute pincushions that can fit buttons and other small handicraft things.
- Houses for fairies. If you are fond of modeling, then you should try to make such a delightful house for fairies.
- Aquarium. A jar is a small aquarium for a toy fish.
Pour soil inside, install algae - the craft is ready. You can also mold plasticine fish together with your child and place them in a jar.
- Terrarium. Plant moss and other small, low-maintenance plants inside.
- Decorations for the holiday. Decorate the jars with glitter, make holes in the lids and install decorative elements, letters and numbers. A very original decoration is ready.
- Bird feeder. Few people realize that such delicious drinkers and bird feeders are obtained from an ordinary baby food can. In the sun, they will shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow and delight the eye.
- Storage for small items. From cans, not only beautiful things are obtained, but also very practical. Screw the lids to a wooden surface and you will get very convenient containers for storing small things.
- Candlesticks for the garden. Buy a lot of small candles, put each one in its own jar and hang them by ropes on tree branches. A beautiful setting for a romantic evening is ready.
- Container for growing onions. Green onions are a storehouse of nutrients that are so lacking in the cold season. Growing such an onion is not difficult. Pour water into the jar, put the bulb on top, in a few days we will get the first shoots.
- Pots for seedlings. It is convenient to plant parsley, dill and other herbs in small jars.
- Crafts from baby food jars. Such beautiful flowers in pots are easy to make yourself with your children. We circle the palm on a green sheet of cardboard, cut it out, gluing a flower on each finger. We put it in a pot-jar - a beautiful craft is ready. Such flowers will be a great gift for mom or grandmother by March 8th.
- Storage containers. In puree jars it is very convenient to store buttons, beads, beads.
- Pencil holders.
- Night lamps.
- Snow globe. A can of baby food makes a delicious snow globe. Just stick the figurine on the lid. Pour the baby oil and glitter into the jar, close the lid tightly and shake.
- Gift-treat for guests or children.
- Original frames. Just place photos inside the jar.
- Spice storage. Glass jars with screw-on lids keep spices fresh for a long time.
- Vases for flowers. Just dip the jar in the paint and get unusual vases for small flowers.
- Jelly mold. Small jars are great for making jelly. It looks beautiful and appetizing in them, one jar holds one serving, and the screw cap will help keep it in the refrigerator for a long time.
- Portion desserts. In small jars it is convenient to make portioned desserts.
- Refreshing cocktail in a jar.
- Candles. You can read how to make these candles here.
- Crafts. Small glass jars are a great base for crafts.
- Rubber storage. The advantages of transparent jars are obvious - it's easy to find the right one.
How do you use jars?
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Crafts from baby food jars and tins
Hello. Can't live without needlework? Let's talk about what can be done from baby food jars? Having fed delicious puree to our beloved child, we cannot throw away an empty jar, but wash it and put it in the closet - it will suddenly come in handy.
I propose to consider several options for their use.
- How to make glass baby food jars
- DIY decorations for home and garden
- Decoration from a glass jar for the New Year: master class
What can be done with glass baby food jars
The jars can be used for their intended purpose for food storage. So that they are not boring, they need to be decorated. Spend time doing interesting things. Get original containers for seasonings and spices, jams. This can be done in various ways.
Painting with paints
Glass jars are painted with special stained glass paints, paints on glass. They are sold in stores specializing in art supplies. The work will require certain skills, because the jars are rounded and the drawing must be applied carefully, preventing the paint from spreading.
While the paint is not dry, it can be easily washed off with water, wiped off with a cotton pad moistened with a special solvent. You can pre-paint the jar in a solid color, thus making the background for the picture. If the paints are stained glass, then the background does not need to be done.
For painting, special stencils are used, which are sold in art stores, or they find a suitable picture on their own. Having attached the drawing to the glass from the inside of the jar, you need to circle the lines on the outside and color it.
Decoupage of baby food jars
Jars decorated using decoupage technique look impressive. The jar is painted white, preparing the background. Then stick the picture you like with decoupage glue. When a layer of paper dries, cover with decoupage varnish. Special glue and varnish can be replaced with simple PVA glue.
If you draw the symbol of the coming year on the jars, choose the right size tray or make your own out of the box, you will get a charming set of spices as a gift.
Decoupage with cloth, thread, twine
Baby food jars can be tied with thread, wrapped with twine, pasted over with braid. Although Winnie the Pooh said that an empty pot is much more valuable, it is still better that it is full. Decorated jars of jam or jam look great.
After they are filled with delicious content, close them with lids, cover with a piece of beautiful fabric and tie with a ribbon. Don't take your eyes off! A couple of such jars with different types of sweets and a wonderful gift is ready.
Small tins are useful for storing small things. It's easy to transform them, watch the video.
Decorating jars with polymer clay
An unusual way to change a plain glass jar beyond recognition is to decorate it with polymer clay. Material for creativity requires baking, and glass allows this procedure. Anything can be molded from polymer clay. For example, a real house for a gnome.
By letting your imagination run wild and with some effort, you can create a real miracle. And the best thing is that you can create with your child. Children love to make crafts.
You don't want to hide a work of art in the kitchen cabinet and take out the right container if necessary. It is better for such beauty to hang a shelf somewhere in a conspicuous place.
Jars can be carefully hung under the cabinet by attaching a metal surface to one of the cabinets, and glue magnets on the lids. You can screw the covers to the cabinet with self-tapping screws. Take a design approach to organizing space.
When decorating jars for the purpose of using them for storing food, you need to remember that the decor should not emit harmful substances.
Do-it-yourself decorations for home and garden
I'm talking about all kinds of interior things with a functional load. First of all, about candlesticks. The original candlestick is easy to make using the methods listed above. Small jars of baby puree, turning into a candlestick, can create coziness and a romantic mood in the room.
You can make vases, photo frames, chandeliers, funny figurines, needle beds and even educational toys for toddlers.
In addition to small glass jars, you can use tins from milk mixtures such as Nan, Nutrilon. They are perfect for storing pencils, scissors, and other little things. They can be painted, wrapped with twine, glued with buttons, decorated using decoupage technique. If you fasten several cans together, you get a real organizer.
Cans are used to make indoor and garden lamps.
You need to carefully make holes in the wall of the jar, and put a candle inside. Arrange the lamps in the right places or hang them. Tin cans also make pretty bird feeders.
Cans accumulated a decent amount? Paint them in different colors and arrange a cheerful flower bed on the wall of a country house.
Need bird protection? Scarecrow doesn't hurt. Tin cans will come to the rescue. And you can also make an original weather vane, bright and lively.
Not far off New, on the threshold we will think about souvenirs with our own hands. It is doubly pleasant to receive a homemade gift, it carries the love of the giver. Various beautiful little things for decoration and workshops on making interesting little things will help us make a present.
Remember the snow globes from the Christmas miracle movies? Such a ball is a symbol of hope and faith, only a happy life lies ahead. From the glass jars left after baby food, wonderful snow globes are obtained.
They are easy to make. But you can present a gift that is sure to make you smile.
Decoration from a glass jar for the New Year: master class
On New Year's Eve, parents and children create beautiful New Year crafts.
Perhaps someone would like to repeat the skill below. It turns out a pretty fairy-tale theme of winter. Material available. Prepare a light bulb with a battery in advance.
- Required:
- jar
- brush (for making a Christmas tree)
- 2 screw caps
- dry snow or sparkles
- beads (for a snowman)
- distilled water
- glycerin (1 vial per liter of water). - Materials at hand:
- moment glue
- knife
- scissors
- green paint solution
- silicone sealant
- nippers
- nail polish.
Making a craft:
- We need to make a Christmas tree. To do this, cut the brush with scissors. We give the correct form. Let's paint the tree green.
- We make holes in the lids with a knife. We pass a light bulb with a battery. Covers are glued with silicone. We cover the bulb with silicone, there will be no cracks.