Baby food shower game instructions
How to Play "Name that Baby Food" Baby Shower Game
Name that baby food is an awesome baby shower game that requires some set-up, but is totally worth it! In this baby shower game, your guests will taste different selections of baby food and try to guess what it is. The person with the most baby food friendly palate wins the game.
- Jarred Baby Food - 6-12 flavors
- Wastebasket
- Container - where guests can put their completed answer sheets
- Permanent marker / pens / pencils
- Paper to cover the jar labels
- Answer Sheets - these can be blank or pre-numbered so guests will just write their guesses about the flavors that correspond with the number
- Tasting utensils - plastic spoons or popsicle sticks (enough so that guests don't reuse the utensil for each flavor)
Prepping for Name that Baby Food Baby Shower Game
To prepare for this game, you will need to purchase some baby food jars in advance. To keep the game fair and simple, it's best to choose baby food jars that only contain one type of fruit or vegetable.
There are a lot of combo flavors (like apples and bananas or mangos and pears, etc...), but that may really stump your players, so just sticking to one ingredient per jar is best.
To keep things interesting, you may look for baby food that look somewhat alike - it's tricky but not too tricky. For examples, apple baby food and pear baby food may look very similar in consistency and color, so that might be a good choice for a couple of flavors. Carrots and sweet potatoes also look similar, so that could also be a nice couple of flavors that you can choose.
Once you have the baby food jars purchased, make a note of which flavors are in which jars (you'll need to know this for the answer key as the labels will be removed). A quick numbered list with the flavor and numbering the bottom of jar with a permanent marker can be a quick way to keep track.
Once you have the baby jar flavors noted, you can take off the wrapper (or you can always cover the wrapper with some patterned baby to hide the flavor). If you choose to take off the wrapper, there might be a little bit of adhesive left, so you might need some adhesive remover to get those last bits of stickiness off.
Now with your "naked" jars, you can number them with a permanent marker or get some colorful construction paper and make a new label for the jar with just the number.
For the game, your guests will get a blank numbered piece of paper and they will write their guesses that correspond to the number on the jar.
Baby Shower Game Set-up
To set-up the game, you will need some space where you can put out all the materials - jars of food, game sheets, pens, popsicle/spoons, wastebasket, etc... You should opt for a dedicated space so the stuff doesn't get mixed up with other things. A small table or countertop should be fine.
How to Play Name that Baby Food
There are a couple of ways that you can play the game. You can have the game be passive, meaning the guests can play it throughout the baby shower event and drop their answer sheets in a container and you can tally up the correct answers later and announce the winner. Or you can make the game a main event and ask for volunteers to play while the rest of the guests become the audience.
If you choose to play the game passively, you might consider having the instructions out on display so guests know what it's all about - the last thing you want is guests thinking you're serving appetizers!
If you are expecting guests of all ages to attend, then you might think twice about letting the game be passive - depending on the age of the kids, they may not quite understand the game and the results could be...messy.
The other way to play this game allows for everyone to enjoy the action. You'll need to carve out some time to play the game during the event. At the time, you can ask for volunteers who want to play - not everyone will feel comfortable tasting baby food in front of an audience, so asking for volunteer players will just make things easier.
Once you have the volunteers, have each of them taste one baby food at a time, then write down their guess. When they've had a chance to taste each one, you can announce the type of food, the person with the most correct wins!
It may be more fun to play this game with an audience as everyone will be able to see the reactions of the players as they taste those mushy peas and squashed carrots. It will also be fun to announce the winner right away.
Baby Shower Game Prizes
For this game, you may want to prepare a few prizes just in case you have a tie. As the game is all about food (albeit baby food), it might be fun to have your prizes be food-related too.
Here are some food prize ideas that you might consider:
- Homemade Jars of Jam: If you love canning, then consider making some special treats for your winners. A cute label "Adult Food: Apricot Jam" or something that ties the prize back to the game can be a clever and memorable baby shower game prize. If you're not into making jam, then buying a few fun flavors and relabeling them with cute labels is an option.
- Mason Jar Recipe Kits: A recipe in a jar prize is always fun and can be a play on the baby food jars. There are tons of recipe in a jar kits you can find online and if you think you might have more than one winner, then this is an easy prize to duplicate.
- Food Cooking Kits: As this baby shower game is all about flavor, consider some food kits for your winners so they can add more flavor to their next dish! A collection of exotic salts, a variety pack of BBQ sauces or salsas. Some nice oils or spice mixes can also work.
- DIY Food Gift Basket: A little themed food gift basket is another option. A small container filled with goodies for a movie night, breakfast in bed, or a picnic would make a great baby shower prize.
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Baby Shower Games That Will Entertain Your Guests
Nowadays, you can find many different and modern baby shower games, but others are just classic. These are some of the most popular baby shower games, and for good reason!
Bobbing for pacifiers
This is probably one of the most hilarious baby shower games!
What you’ll need:
- A plastic tub
- 10-15 pacifiers
How to play:
Fill the tub with water and place the pacifiers in the water. Give each of your guests a certain amount of time (a minute or 2 will do) and have them try to bob for as many pacifiers as possible. Players must keep their hands behind their back. You could also try tying guests’ hands for added fun. The player who catches more pacifiers wins a prize!
Guess the baby food
This easy baby shower game is also one of the classics. It’s very simple to pull off, and it can provide tons of fun!
What you'll need:
- Different types of baby food
- Spoons
- Pens and paper
- Blindfolds (optional)
How to play:
Place different kinds of baby food in unmarked jars and number the lids. You’ll have the list that states which food is in each jar. Try using mashed peas, applesauce, and different vegetable purees.
Then, have guests try each the food in each jar and write down what they think they’re tasting. You can also have them put on blindfolds if you want to make this game harder. The person who guesses more foods wins!
Dough babies
This simple baby shower game will be a favorite for crafty moms!
What you'll need:
- Several cans of play dough (it can be homemade or store bought)
How to play:
Give a can of play dough to each player and ask them to model a baby from the dough. Set a timer for 10 minutes. Once the time’s up, mom and dad will get to choose which is their favorite play dough baby.
Who knows mom and dad best?
This is a great game for a co-ed baby shower. And if you’re having an all-female shower, you can switch it up to “Who knows mom the best?”
What you'll need:
- A list of questions and answers provided by mom and dad-to-be
How to play:
Before the shower, ask the expectant parents to come up with a list of questions and answers about them or their relationship. Some examples include “Where did we meet?”, “Where was our first date?”, and “How long have we been together?”.
Then, create 2 teams of guests and have them try to answer the questions. The teams will take turns, and if one team doesn’t know the answer to the question, the other team will get to answer it.
If neither team knows the answer, mom and dad can share it. The game is over when all questions have been answered, and the team that gets more questions right, wins!
There are plenty of simple baby shower games and activities that you can plan for your guests.
(Baby item) price is right
What you'll need:
- Different baby items (a list of baby items with pictures works, too)
- Pens and paper
How to play:
Distribute pens and paper to each player. Show your guests each baby item and ask them to guess their price. Each player will write down how much they think the items cost. Once you’ve shown all the items, go through the players’ guesses. The player with more correct guesses wins!
What item am I?
What you'll need:
- Several baby items (pacifier, baby bottle, amongst others)
- Bag
- Blindfold
How to play:
The players will be blindfolded. Have them take turns holding each item in the bag. Without being able to see the items, they’ll have to guess what they are. The player who guesses more items, wins.
Guess mom’s belly size
This is another cheap baby shower game that’s still lots of fun! It’s no wonder that this one has become a classic.
What you'll need:
- Some yarn or ribbon
How to play:
Each guest will take a piece of yarn or ribbon. Then, they’ll try to guess how long the yarn has to be to fit around mom’s bump. Once everyone has measured their yarn, have them go up to mom’s belly and try their luck. Whoever’s yarn is closest to the size of mom’s bump wins this one!
If you’re hosting a large baby shower, these funny baby shower games will keep everyone happy and laughing!
Don’t say baby
What you'll need:
- Bobby pins
How to play:
As each guest arrives, place 5 bobby pins on their lapel or top. Warn them that the word “baby” has been banned from the baby shower. Whenever someone says the forbidden word, anyone who hears them can take one of their bobby pins. The person who has the most pins at the end of the party wins!
Guess the baby
What you'll need:
- Baby pictures
How to play:
When you invite your guests, ask them to bring a baby picture of themselves each. During the baby shower, stick all the photos to a wall or board. Then, ask guests to guess who the babies in the photos are. The person with more correct guesses wins!
Baby bingo
What you'll need:
- Bingo te mplates (you can search online and print them)
- Pens
How to play:
Create your own “baby bingo” by writing down traditional baby shower gifts in each slot. Make each bingo card a bit different by including different gifts. Then, as mom - and dad! - open up their presents, hand out the bingo cards and pens to each guests. They’ll cross out each gift from their cards as it’s opened, and the person who fills the card first wins!
Dirty diapers
Some consider this to be an inappropriate baby shower game, but we think it’s loads of fun!
What you'll need:
- Baby diapers
- Different candy bars
How to play:
Number each diaper and smear a candy bar onto each one. Keep a list to track which candy bar is in each diaper. Then, have guests try to recognize the candy bars by looking, smelling, and even tasting them! Players can also team up to create a baby shower game for couples.
Mom can’t drink during her baby shower for obvious reasons. However, there are still some fun drinking games that can spice up a baby shower!
My water broke!
What you'll need:
- Small, plastic baby figurines
- Ice cube trays
How to play:
Before the shower, place a baby figurine into each slot of an ice cube tray. Make enough “pregnant” ice cubes for all your guests to get one. Then, place one “pregnant” ice cube in your guests’ drinks. The first person to have their ice cube melt must scream “My water broke!” to win a prize.
Drink up, baby!
When you use beer, this is one of the most popular baby shower games for men!
What you'll need:
- Baby bottles
- Alcoholic drinks (such as beer, wine, or a cocktail. If pregnant women want to play, you can make them a mocktail, too!)
How to play:
Place different alcoholic drinks into the baby bottles. Then, have your guests try to chug their drinks and finish their bottle first. Having to suck the bottle will make this harder! Avoid hard liquors or spirits - we don’t want our baby shower to get too rowdy!
Gifts for baby shower games
If possible, handing out small prizes to each of the winners of your baby shower games is a nice touch. Some great ideas for gifts for baby shower games include:
- Bags filled with candies or cookies
- Scented candles
- Face masks
- Lip balms
- Small makeup items (lipstick, nail polish)
- Bath bombs
Final thoughts
Hosting a fun and creative baby shower doesn’t have to break the bank. Baby shower games can create lots of fun and laughter!
You can come up with many other games, from word games to baby shower paper games. These activities are also versatile, and you can use them as games for a baby shower after the baby is born, too. They even work if you need baby shower games for twins.
At the end of the day, your baby shower is about your loved ones coming together to celebrate you and your new baby. The most important thing that day is for you - and your guests - to have fun and enjoy yourselves!
Games and exercises for the development of phonemic hearing and perception
Games and exercises for the development of phonemic hearing and perception
The basic prerequisite for mastering writing is a developed phonemic hearing. Phonemic hearing, the main component of speech perception, is understood as the ability of a person to hear and distinguish between individual phonemes, or sounds in a word, to determine the presence of a sound in a word, their number and sequence. Thus, a child entering school must be able to distinguish individual sounds in a word. For example, if you ask him if there is a sound [m] in the word "lamp", then he must answer in the affirmative.
Why does a child need a good phonemic ear? This is due to the method of teaching reading that exists today at school, based on the sound analysis of the word. It helps us to distinguish between words and forms of words that are similar in sound, and to correctly understand the meaning of what is said. The development of phonemic hearing in children is the key to successful learning to read and write, and in the future - to foreign languages.
By the age of five, children are able to determine by ear the presence or absence of a particular sound in a word, they can independently select words for given sounds, if, of course, preliminary work was carried out with them.
How can phonemic awareness be developed in a child? The best way to do this is in the game. Many games for the development of phonemic processes are of a combined nature, which is expressed not only in the enrichment of the dictionary, but also in the activation of higher mental functions (memory, attention, thinking, motor skills). I bring to your attention games that allow you to teach your child to listen to the sounds of speech in an interesting way.
- Game "Catch the right sound with a clap."
Instructions: If you hear the sound [k] in a word, clap your hands. Words: [K] wounds, pestilence [K] ov, hut, boots [K].
The same with any other sounds:
Sh - cat, hat, mask, pillow; С – dog, paints, horse, socks, nose…
R – hands, paws, Motherland, shelf, mug…; L - shovel, bark, words, pilaf ...
- Game "Come up with words for a given sound."
To begin with, it is better to give only vowel sounds (a, o, u, i) - watermelon, hoop, snail, needle, etc.
Then consonants (p, s, w, l, n, b, etc.)
- Game "Determine the place of the sound in the word."
Determine where: at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word we hear the sound [K] in the words: mole, carrot, fist, sock. . .
Sh - hat, cat, shower; C - sun, paste, nose; H - teapot, bump, night; U - brush, puppy, help; L - moon, shelf, chair; P - locomotive, steam, rose; P - floor, foot, stop; K - falcon, varnish, roof, etc.
- Repeating chains of syllables.
Syllables are given with different voice power, intonation. (sa-SHA-sa), (for-for-SA). Syllables can be set with any oppositional sounds, for example, s-sh, sh-zh, l-r, p-b, t-d, k-g, v-f (i.e. deaf-voiced, hard soft, whistling - hissing). Make sure that the child does not change the sequence in the chains. If it is difficult for him to repeat three syllables, give two syllables first: sa-sha, sha-sa,
sa-za, za-sa, la-ra, ra-la, sha-sha, sha-sha, etc. .
Examples of syllable chains:
Sa-za-za, za-za-sa, sa-za-sa, za-sa-za
Sa-sha-sha, sha-sha-sa, sa-sha -sa, sha-sa-sha
La-ra-ra, ra-la-la, ra-la-ra, la-ra-la
Sha-cha-sha, sha-sha-sha, sha-sha -sha, sha-sha-sha
Za-zha-zha, zha-za-za, za-zha-za, zha-za-zha (Similarly with other pairs of sounds)
- Slap syllables with sound "B" in the palms, and with the sound "P" on the knees (ba-pu-bo-po).
The same with sounds, for example, s-sh, sh-zh, k-g, t-d, r-l, ch-sh, etc.
- Say the word with sound "B": duck - bow - whale; "P": bank - stick - squirrel. Those. three words are given, among which only one with a given sound.
- Game "Who is more attentive".
An adult shows pictures and names them (it is possible without pictures). The child listens attentively and guesses what common sound is found in all the named words.
For example, in the words goat, jellyfish, rose, forget-me-not, dragonfly, the common sound is "З". Do not forget that you need to pronounce this sound in words for a long time, highlighting it with your voice as much as possible.
- Guess the word game.
An adult pronounces a word with pauses between sounds, the child must name the whole word.
First, words of 3, 4 sounds are given, if the child copes, then it can be more difficult - from 2-3 syllables, with a confluence of consonants.
For example:
s-u-p, k-o-t, r-o-t, n-o-s, p-a-r, d-a-r, l-a-k, t- o-k, l-o-k, s-s-r, s-o-k, s-o-m, f-o-k, h-a-s
r-o-s-a, k -a-sh-a, D-a-sh-a, l-u-zh-a, sh-u-b-a, m-a-m-a, r-a-m-a, v-a -t-a, l-a-p-a, n-o-t-s, sh-a-r-s
p-a-s-t-a, l-a-p-sh-a, l-a-s-t-s, k-o-s-t, m-o-s-t, t- o-r-t, k-r-o-t, l-a-s-k-a, p-a-r-k, i-g-r-a, etc.
- Say all the sounds in the word in order. We start with short words, for example: HOME - d, o, m
- Extra Four Game
For the game you will need four pictures with the image of objects, three of which contain the given sound in the name, and one does not. The adult lays them out in front of the child and offers to determine which picture is superfluous and why. The set can be varied, for example: a cup, glasses, a cloud, a bridge; bear, bowl, dog, chalk; road, board, oak, shoes. If the child does not understand the task, then ask him leading questions, ask him to carefully listen to the sounds in the words. An adult can highlight the identified sound with his voice. As a variant of the game, you can select words with different syllabic structures (3 three-syllable words, and one two-syllable), different stressed syllables. The task helps to develop not only phonemic perception, but also attention, logical thinking.
- Throwing the ball game “One hundred questions - one hundred answers with the letter A (I, B ...) - and only with this one.
Throw the ball to the child and ask him a question. Returning the ball to an adult, the child must answer the question so that all the words of the answer begin with a given sound, for example, with the sound [I].
- What's your name?
- What's your last name?
- Ivanova.
-Where did you come from?
-From Irkutsk
-What grows there?
- Fig.
- Word chain game
This game is an analogue of the well-known "cities". It consists in the fact that the next player comes up with his own word to the last sound of the word given by the previous player. A chain of words is formed: stork - plate - watermelon. Remembered?
- Let's fix the broken phone game
It is best to play with three or more people. The exercise is a modification of the famous game "Broken Phone". The first participant quietly and not very clearly pronounces a certain word in his neighbor's ear. He repeats what he heard in the ear of the next participant. The game continues until everyone has passed the word "on the phone".
The last participant must say it out loud. Everyone is surprised, because, as a rule, the word is noticeably different from those transmitted by the rest of the participants. But the game doesn't end there. It is necessary to restore the first word, naming in turn all the differences that have “accumulated” as a result of a phone breakdown. An adult should carefully monitor that the differences, distortions are reproduced by the child correctly.
- Make no mistake game.
An adult shows a picture to a child and loudly and clearly calls the picture: “Carriage”. Then he explains: “I will name this picture either correctly or incorrectly, and you listen carefully. When I make a mistake, clap your hands." Then he says: “Wagon - vakon - fagon - wagon”. Then the adult shows the next picture or a blank sheet of paper and calls: "Paper - pumaga - tumaga - pumaka - bumaka." The game is very popular with children and is fun.
It must be emphasized that one should start with words that are simple in sound composition, and gradually move on to complex ones.
- The game “Be careful” An adult lays out pictures in front of a child, the names of which sound very similar, for example: cancer, varnish, poppy, tank, juice, bough, house, lump, scrap, catfish, goat, scythe, puddle, ski. Then he calls 3-4 words, and the child selects the corresponding pictures and arranges them in the named order (in one line or in a column - according to your instructions).
- Game “Pick up by sound ” An adult puts the following pictures in one line: lump, tank, bough, branch, ice rink, slide. Then, giving the child one picture at a time, he asks to put it under the one whose name sounds similar. As a result, you should get approximately the following rows of pictures: clod bak bough branch skating rink slide house crayfish onion cage scarf crust catfish poppy beetle heel leaf mink scrap lacquer beech lash skein brand
- SHOP game
Games to highlight the sound on the background of the word.
Task: Dunno went to the store for fruit, came to the store, but forgot the name of the fruit. Help Dunno buy fruits that have the sound [l'] in their names. Subject pictures are exhibited on the typesetting canvas: apples, oranges, pears, tangerines, plums, lemons, grapes. Children select pictures that have the sound [l '] in the name.
Show your child the products you bought at the store and have him list the ones that have [R] or another sound in their names.
- Living ABC Game
Game for the development of sound discrimination
Cards of pairs of letters: 3-Zh, Ch-Ts, L-R, S-Ts, Ch-S, Sh-S, S-3, Sh-Z are laid out in front of the children on the table face up. Two cards with the image of letters are also used. On command, the children must choose objects (pictures) whose names include this letter and arrange them in piles. The one who picks up the most cards wins. The game continues until they are all taken apart.
First time camp (advice to parents)
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I have 13 years of experience in children's camps. I have seen many children, and I believe that children are ideal adults. And all the problems and difficulties that arise in children who first come to the camp are associated to a greater extent with mistakes in how the parents themselves prepare for the first independent children's trip.
Dear parents, if you want to make your children's holiday bright and useful, listen to my advice. I offer you two options: how to prepare a child for the camp and what should not be done in any case. And, believe me, the negative examples are absolutely true and taken from my personal experience.
Need | Don't |
1. Power of suggestion | |
First of all, prepare your child psychologically. It's one thing to stay with grandparents, whom you know from birth, it’s quite another to be in a group of new, unfamiliar of people. The teenager is already psychologically ready to separate from his parents, a younger child needs to be emotionally prepared, to discuss in advance how much days he will spend away from home, enthusiastically tell what he will do in camp, explain that there will be complete strangers and new acquaintances. AND This is good. | Inspire the child that he will be "alone - alone, no one needs”, only unfriendly strangers will be around. Suffer in advance with the child for about the impending breakup, say something like “how are you without me will you be there alone?" or vice versa, “how can I be without you?” To scare the child with the lack of acquaintances and relatives: “let’s see how you sing without me” or “there won’t be your friends, it will be hard for you." Tell how wonderful you will spend time while the child is in the camp - "let's go on a picnic / fishing with friends, to my grandmother, to the sea ", etc. |
2 Collecting things | |
Try to discuss all household moments: how much clothes you need to take, why it is important to eat varied (rather than only pasta and cookies), rules of conduct in the pool (shower before going to pool, shower after, rinse wet clothes and immediately hang to dry). Ideally tag/permanently marker all of your child's clothes. It is better if the child knows "by sight" everything, what you put in his suitcase. In the camp it is possible to use the washing machine, but most often the children then do not recognize the things that were washed. Socks and underwear not to be washed accepted, so please make sure your child gets the right amount socks, t-shirts and shorts. | Buy a lot of new things and put in suitcase so that there is a surprise in the camp (then the child will not believe that this his things) Pack a suitcase without a child, so that he had no idea how many T-shirts he had, and that he had rubber boots and even a swimming cap. |
3. How to arrive, what to bring? | |
Discuss with your child in advance visits. | Fly abroad without informing child, and from there already promise to come “just about, already tomorrow.” To come during events and resent why the child does not pay attention. nature with friends. Bring prohibited foods: carbonated drinks, crackers, chips, fast food, perishable foods and fruits. Take the child to the nearest cafe to "feed delicious." The consequences can be unpredictable. |
4. Health is above all! | |
If your child has allergies or needs take medications on the advice of a doctor, you must know about this counselors. | Withhold information about allergies (especially pool and insect bites), cold tendencies and other “purely personal” health characteristics of the child. Separately, in a special secret, to keep the fact of observation with a psychologist and others diseases that are in the acute stage. Give medicines with you “just in case”, or suddenly one of your friends gets sick - you can share it, and it doesn’t matter what there are no harmless medicines. |
5. Call me, call ... | |
A special conversation about calling a child. Agree in advance that the child is calling you no more than once a day, preferably at bedtime. If you have any questions, you can call the teacher on duty. The purpose of the camp organizers is to distract child from the phone, to interest in new things, to teach something new, so rejoice if it doesn’t call often and don’t distract the child from new impressions. I often noticed how a child carelessly plays and engages in all activities all day, cheerful and cheerful during the time of calling parents in the evening becomes unhappy and sad. He suddenly remembers about his mother, he is sad that she is far away. | Call the child immediately upon arrival and be nervous if you didn’t answer, demand from the teacher on duty that the child always carried a phone with him and was ready to answer all your calls. Constantly call, distracting the child from study, games, asking if the child is bored, crying into the phone, control - what did you eat, how did you sleep, how did you go to the toilet, what did you wear, or ask the same counselor. Report to the child on the phone bad news. If you think that the child should learn this urgently, then it is better come and report in person. If a child cries into your phone - sob along with him, saying that you are a "bad mother." Promise to buy a hamster dog, carpet, TV and go to Disneyland, right after graduation camps. |
6. How can I help with adaptation? | |
If the child is emotionally unprepared to parting with his parents, cries and asks to pick him up, calm down, talk, but in no case do not give in to persuasion, give another 2-3 days for “acclimatization”, he will definitely get involved, the program is based on a combination very different types of tasks: from sports games to creative competitions, from team activity to individual activity - everyone must find something to your liking. If your child does gymnastics, modeling from polymer clay, dancing, playing the flute, sketching - let's costumes for performances, the necessary tools and stationery - so he will be able to demonstrate competence in the chosen field and arouse interest and respect from peers. | Pick up the child at the very beginning of the shift. At then he will desperately not understand what is so special in the camp find others coming 3-4 times, why someone this type of holiday, seems more attractive than peaceful gatherings at home with video games. Persuade if the child asks to go home, trying bribe in exchange for agreeing to “just a little more” stay in the camp. Unfulfilled promises will never be forgotten and will lead to serious psychotrauma. Better be honest with your thoughts. After all, the camp is not hard labor, but an adventure that will slowly prepare a child for an adult independent life. |
If you heed these tips, it won't be long before you return as a noticeably matured, more organized and responsible child, open to new ideas, not afraid to try new activities, who has learned to clearly express his thoughts.