Baby food weekly planner
Weekly meal planner for babies from 6 months
Weekly meal planner for babies from 6 months | MadeForMumsWeekly meal planner for babies from 6 months
- Waking – Milk
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Baby rice
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Bedtime - Milk
Baby rice
- Waking – Milk
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Apple puree
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Bedtime - Milk
Apple puree
- Waking – Milk
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Pear puree
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Bedtime - Milk
Pear puree
- Waking – Milk
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Sweet potato puree
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Bedtime - Milk
Sweet potato puree
- Waking – Milk
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Butternut squash puree
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Bedtime – Milk
Butternut squash puree
- Waking – Milk
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Carrot puree
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Bedtime - Milk
Carrot puree
- Waking – Milk
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Banana and apple puree
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Bedtime - Milk
Banana and apple puree
6 MONTHS - WEEK 2Monday
- Waking – Milk
- Breakfast – Apple puree
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Broccoli and sweet potato puree
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Bedtime - Milk
Broccoli and sweet potato puree
- Waking – Milk
- Breakfast – Banana and apple puree
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Avocado and pear puree
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Bedtime - Milk
Banana and apple puree
- Waking – Milk
- Breakfast – Baby rice
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Spinach and roasted carrot puree
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Bedtime - Milk
Spinach and roasted carrot puree
- Waking – Milk
- Breakfast – Pear puree
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Parsnip and pea puree
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Bedtime - Milk
Parsnip and pea puree
- Waking – Milk
- Breakfast – Tropical fruit puree
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Butternut squash and banana puree
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Bedtime - Milk
Butternut squash and banana puree
- Waking – Milk
- Breakfast – Fruit salad puree
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Pear and swede puree
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Bedtime - Milk
Pear and swede puree
- Waking – Milk
- Breakfast – Blueberry, apple and peach puree
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Courgette and cauliflower puree
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Bedtime - Milk
Blueberry, apple and peach puree
6 MONTHS - WEEK 3Monday
- Waking – Milk
- Breakfast – Avocado and pear puree
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Sweet potato and basil puree
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Bedtime - Milk
Avocado and pear puree
- Waking – Milk
- Breakfast – Pear puree
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Cheesy vegetable medley
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Bedtime - Milk
Cheesy vegetable medley
- Waking – Milk
- Breakfast – Orchard fruit puree
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Butternut squash and apricot puree
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Bedtime - Milk
Orchard fruit puree
- Waking – Milk
- Breakfast – Apple puree
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Broccoli and sweet potato puree
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Bedtime - Milk
Apple puree
- Waking – Milk
- Breakfast – Summer berry puree
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Courgette, pea and kale puree
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Bedtime - Milk
Summer berry puree
- Waking – Milk
- Breakfast – Pear and baby rice puree
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Butternut squash and carroty mash with thyme
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Bedtime - Milk
Butternut squash and carroty mash with thyme
- Waking – Milk
- Breakfast – Fruit salad puree
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Carrot and cauliflower cheese with rice
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Bedtime - Milk
Carrot and cauliflower cheese with rice
6 MONTHS - WEEK 4Monday
- Waking – Milk
- Breakfast – Blueberry, apple and peach puree
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Chicken casserole
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Tea – Sweet potato and basil puree
- Bedtime - Milk
Chicken casserole
- Waking – Milk
- Breakfast – Apple puree
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Sweet potato and pear puree
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Tea – Fruit salad puree
- Bedtime - Milk
Fruit salad puree
- Waking – Milk
- Breakfast – Pear and baby rice puree
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Carrot and cauliflower cheese with rice
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Tea – Avocado and mint puree
- Bedtime - Milk
- Waking – Milk
- Breakfast – Tropical fruit puree
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Chicken with sweet potato, swede and carrot puree
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Tea – Apple fool
- Bedtime - Milk
Chicken with sweet potato, swede and carrots
- Waking – Milk
- Breakfast – Apple puree
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Avocado and mint puree
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Tea – Butternut squash puree
- Bedtime - Milk
Butternut squash puree
- Waking – Milk
- Breakfast – Tropical fruit puree
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Sweet potato and lentil puree
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Tea – Peach pudding
- Bedtime - Milk
Peach pudding
- Waking – Milk
- Breakfast – Orchard fruit puree
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Fruity pork with vegetables
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Tea – Cheesy vegetable medley
- Bedtime - Milk
Fruity pork and vegetables
Next month:
Weekly meal planner for babies from 7 months
Sarah Barker
Baby weekly meal planner - 8 months
Plaice and sweet potato mash
- Waking - Milk
- Breakfast – Mini pancakes with berry fruit yoghurt
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Tomato and beef risotto
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Tea – Butternut squash and chickpea mash, Yoghurt
- Bedtime - Milk
Mini pancakes with summer berry yoghurt
- Waking - Milk
- Breakfast – Orchard fruit puree, Baby wheat cereal
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Cod with leek and cheese sauce
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Tea – Green vegetable pasta, Peach pudding
- Bedtime - Milk
Green vegetable pasta
- Waking - Milk
- Breakfast – Summer fruit compote with yoghurt
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Mediterranean vegetables with cous cous
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Tea – Chicken and sweet potato mash, Fruit
- Bedtime - Milk
Mediterranean roast vegetables with cous cous
- Waking - Milk
- Breakfast – Blueberry, apple and peach puree, Greek yoghurt
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Salmon, peas and broccoli
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Tea – Cheesy sweetcorn fritters, Rice pudding with fruit
- Bedtime - Milk
Cheesy sweetcorn fritters
- Waking - Milk
- Breakfast – Berry porridge
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Turkey stir-fry
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Tea – Cheesy pasta with broccoli, Fromage frais
- Bedtime - Milk
Berry porridge
- Waking - Milk
- Breakfast – Banana and apple puree, Baby wheat cereal
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Chicken and butternut squash
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Tea – Baby sandwiches with chopped salad, Pear and nectarine creamy dessert
- Bedtime - Milk
Baby sandwiches with chopped salad
8 MONTHS - WEEK 2Monday
- Waking - Milk
- Breakfast – Banana porridge
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Beef and sweet potato
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Tea – Cheesy broccoli and cauliflower, Fruit
- Bedtime - Milk
Beef and sweet potato
- Waking - Milk
- Breakfast – Banana with eggy bread soldiers, Sliced seedless grapes
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Aubergine and red pepper curry
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Tea – Butternut squash and chickpea mash, Yoghurt
- Bedtime - Milk
Butternut squash and chickpea mash
- Waking - Milk
- Breakfast – Fruit salad puree, Greek yoghurt
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Mediterranean fish stew
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Tea – Steamed vegetables with cucumber dip, Peach pudding
- Bedtime - Milk
Mediterranean fish stew
- Waking - Milk
- Breakfast – Orchard fruit puree, Baby wheat biscuit
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Chicken and mango mash with veggies
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Tea – Baby sandwiches with chopped salad, Pear and nectarine creamy dessert
- Bedtime - Milk
Orchard fruit puree
- Waking - Milk
- Breakfast – Berry porridge
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Baked haddock in tomato sauce
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Tea – Scrambled egg with baked sweet potato chunks, Fruit
- Bedtime - Milk
Baked haddock in tomato sauce
- Waking - Milk
- Breakfast – Toasted muffin, Mashed banana
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Chicken and sweet potato mash
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Tea – Easy tomato pasta sauce with baby pasta stars, Yoghurt
- Bedtime - Milk
Chicken and sweet potato mash
- Waking - Milk
- Breakfast – Tropical fruit puree, Farley's rusk
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Fruity lamb cous cous
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Tea – Cheesy pasta with broccoli, Fromage frais
- Bedtime - Milk
Fruity lamb couscous
8 MONTHS - WEEK 3Monday
- Waking - Milk
- Breakfast – Banana and apple puree, Porridge
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Cheesy broccoli and cauliflower
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Tea – Mediterranean fish stew, Fruit
- Bedtime - Milk
Banana and apple puree
- Waking - Milk
- Breakfast – Pear puree, Brown bread soldiers
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Sweet potato and tuna pasta
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Tea – Steamed vegetables with cucumber dip, Mini pancakes with summer berry yoghurt
- Bedtime - Milk
Steamed vegetables with cucumber dip
- Waking - Milk
- Breakfast – Orchard fruit puree, Baby wheat cereal
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Chicken and courgette mash
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Tea – Baby pesto pasta, Fruit
- Bedtime - Milk
Baby pesto pasta sauce
- Waking - Milk
- Breakfast – Fruit salad puree, Baby oat biscuit
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Baby's first chilli
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Tea – Scrambled egg with baked sweet potato chunks, Fruit
- Bedtime - Milk
Baby’s first chilli
- Waking - Milk
- Breakfast – Apple, pear and apricot puree, Porridge
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Homemade haddock fish fingers
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Tea – Green vegetable pasta, Strawberry and passion fruit brulee
- Bedtime - Milk
Homemade haddock fish fingers
- Waking - Milk
- Breakfast – Tropical fruit puree, Toasted muffin
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Chicken and vegetable risotto
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Tea – Aubergine and red pepper curry, Rice pudding, Farley's rusk
- Bedtime - Milk
Chicken and vegetable risotto
- Waking - Milk
- Breakfast – Spiced apple puree, Yoghurt
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Lamb rice casserole
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Tea – Banana with eggy bread soldiers, Cheesy sweetcorn fritters, Fromage frais
- Bedtime - Milk
Lamb Rice Casserole
8 MONTHS - WEEK 4Monday
- Waking - Milk
- Breakfast – Pear and cinnamon porridge
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Mini moussaka
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Tea – Chickpea and red pepper cous cous, Fruit
- Bedtime - Milk
Mini moussaka
- Waking - Milk
- Breakfast – Apple, pear and apricot puree, Greek yoghurt
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Cheesy cod with sweet potato
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Tea – Steamed vegetables with cucumber dip, Pear and nectarine dessert
- Bedtime - Milk
Pear and nectarine creamy dessert
- Waking - Milk
- Breakfast – Blueberry, apple and peach puree, Baby oat cereal
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Baby's first chilli
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Tea – Baby pesto pasta with baby pasta stars, Orchard fruit puree, Yoghurt
- Bedtime - Milk
Blueberry, apple and peach puree
- Waking - Milk
- Breakfast – Farley's wholemeal rusk, Mashed banana
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Chicken and cous cous hotpot
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Tea – Cheesy leek and potato mash, Fruit
- Bedtime - Milk
Chicken and cous cous hotpot
- Waking - Milk
- Breakfast – Apple and cinnamon porridge
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Smoked haddock and mash
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Tea – Sweetcorn and sweet potato pasta, Apple fool, Farley's wholemeal rusk
- Bedtime - Milk
Apple and cinnamon porridge
- Waking - Milk
- Breakfast – Toasted muffin, Thinly sliced pear and grapes
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Chicken and mango mash with veggies
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Tea – Banana with eggy bread soldiers, Baked sweet potato chunks, Very berry rice pudding
- Bedtime - Milk
Chicken and mango mash with veggies
- Waking - Milk
- Breakfast – Spiced apple puree, Yoghurt
- Mid-morning – Milk
- Lunch – Milk, Vegetarian lentil cottage pie
- Mid-afternoon – Milk
- Tea – Cheesy cod with sweet potato, Fruit
- Bedtime - Milk
Vegetarian lentil cottage pie
Next month:
Weekly meal planner for 9 month old babies
Veterinarians are switching to baby food – Newspaper Kommersant No.
The tightening of veterinary control measures for the import of products into the country, introduced since April, threatens the market for medical and baby food, warned the largest manufacturers Danone and Nestle. Today, imports in these categories account for up to 90% of products. Market participants will not have time to adapt to the new rules, this may lead to interruptions in supplies and shortages, they fear. The Ministry of Agriculture insists that the expansion of veterinary control is necessary to combat counterfeiting.
Photo: Dmitry Lekay, Kommersant / buy photo
Marina Balabanova, regional vice president for corporate relations at Danone in Russia and the CIS, told Kommersant about the threat to supplying the Russian market with medical and dietary foods, including for children. Danone is one of the largest baby food suppliers in the country (Nutrilon and Neocate brands). According to Ms. Balabanova, the risks are associated with the draft amendments to the decision of the Customs Union Commission, which tightens the requirements for the import of products subject to veterinary control.
According to the draft (the document is published on the legal portal of the EAEU), such goods must be issued with veterinary certificates, import permits, and manufacturers must be included in the register of enterprises of third countries. The tightening of requirements is justified by the need to control the import of “cheese-like” products, in which animal fat is replaced with vegetable fat, continues Marina Balabanova. But other goods of the same customs group also fell under restrictive measures, including food products for therapeutic and preventive nutrition, in particular for children, as well as a number of biologically active food supplements, she lists.
The decision will most seriously affect their supplies to Russia, while the share of imports of such goods, depending on the category, reaches 90%, Danone fears.
In addition, they add there, the restrictions will also affect the ingredients for their production. At the same time, most of the listed goods and raw materials do not contain components of animal origin at all and have never been regarded in the food industry as products of veterinary risk, says Marina Balabanova.
This is an unnecessary and unjustified measure, agrees in Nestle (brands Nan, Nestogen, Gerber), now border control will be subject to categories that are not considered as bearing veterinary risks in any other country in the world. At the same time, the companies add, suppliers and importers of medical and dietary nutrition are not ready for the new requirements, which should come into force as early as April 11. The issuance of import permits for such products may take more than a year, which will lead to disruption of supplies, shortages and negatively affect the final consumer, echo the Association of European Businesses (AEB). In addition, the tightening of control will have a negative impact on the Russian food industry, adds Marina Balabanova.
Danone proposes changing product descriptions to exclude products with less than 50% animal raw materials, limiting control measures to veterinary certificates, and establishing a transitional period for the entry into force of the decision for at least 2.5 years. In the long term, it is advisable to return to the issue of revising the list and excluding therapeutic and dietary foods, as well as nutritional supplements from it, the AEB believes.
The Ministry of Agriculture told Kommersant that the expansion of the list of objects of veterinary control for goods related to children's and medical nutrition products is aimed at ensuring safety and identifying counterfeit products. The measure will be implemented within the framework of electronic veterinary certification and will not affect conscientious suppliers in any way, the representative of the ministry promised. At the same time, the Ministry of Agriculture recalled that comments on the published draft decision of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) can be made at the appropriate site. The EEC did not respond to Kommersant's request.
Anatoly Kostyrev
90,000 Russians warned about more than 15% more expensive baby food
- Business
- Rinat Tairov Editorial Forbes
Prices for baby food in Russia could rise by more than 15%. The manufacturer of FrutoNyanya attributed the increase in cost to the rise in the cost of raw materials, logistics and packaging. Other food manufacturers will follow suit and also increase the cost, analysts are sure
Russia's largest baby food manufacturer Progress (FrutoNyanya brand) warned retail chains of an average price increase of 15.5% in February, Kommersant reported citing a letter from the company's CEO Natalia Medunova. She attributed the rise in prices to the rising cost of raw materials due to the freight crisis, market expectations amid the pandemic and adverse weather conditions for crops, the newspaper claims.
According to Medunova, fruit concentrates have risen in price by an average of 26.8-33.3%, fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables - by 30.9%, dairy raw materials - by 20%, buckwheat, oats and rice - by 19%. The cost of packaging components added 50-100% each, Kommersant added, citing a letter from the CEO. Shipping costs increased by 30%. Progress intends to raise prices for liquid and dry cereals, drinks, bread, desserts and other products. Progress products are subject to increased quality and safety requirements, which the company is not ready to reduce, Medunova herself told Kommersant.
Related material
Baby food, especially for young children, has a large share of imported raw materials, and it has become especially expensive due to the depreciation of the ruble, a source in a large food manufacturer told the newspaper. Retailers will most likely have to accept the terms of Progress, because it is a leader in its category and has great negotiating power, another Kommersant source said. The announced increase in selling prices may not cover the cost, but this is an important step to maintain profitability, said Alexei Popovichev, executive director of the Rusbrand association (which includes Procter & Gamble, Danone, Nestle and other manufacturers).
The arguments of the FrutoNyanya owner are also valid for other market players, they will now also try to raise selling prices, Marat Ibragimov, a senior analyst at Gazprombank, predicted.