Baby silver feeding spoons
Silver Baby Spoon -
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Sterling Silver Baby Spoons and Forks – Fussbudget.
Sterling Silver Bent Curved Baby Spoon
Sterling Silver Bent Curved Baby Spoon
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Sterling Silver Classic Baby Spoon
Sterling Silver Classic Baby Spoon
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Sterling Silver Beaded Loop Spoon & Fork Set
Sterling Silver Beaded Loop Spoon & Fork Set
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Sterling Silver Beaded Loop Baby Feeding Spoon
Sterling Silver Beaded Loop Baby Feeding Spoon
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Sterling Silver Beaded Feeding Spoon
Sterling Silver Beaded Feeding Spoon
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Sterling Silver Heart Baby Feeding Spoon
Sterling Silver Heart Baby Feeding Spoon
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Sterling Silver Loop Baby Spoon & Fork Set
Sterling Silver Loop Baby Spoon & Fork Set
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Sterling Silver Classic Baby Spoon & Fork set
Sterling Silver Classic Baby Spoon & Fork set
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- $189.
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Sterling Silver Teddy Baby Feeding Spoon
Sterling Silver Teddy Baby Feeding Spoon
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- $119.99
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Sterling Silver Beaded Baby Spoon & Fork Set
Sterling Silver Beaded Baby Spoon & Fork Set
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Sterling Silver Sophie Baby Spoon & Fork Set
Sterling Silver Sophie Baby Spoon & Fork Set
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Sterling Silver Sophie Feeding Spoon
Sterling Silver Sophie Feeding Spoon
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Sterling Silver ABC Baby Spoon
Sterling Silver ABC Baby Spoon
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- $99.
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Sterling Silver Heart Baby Spoon & Fork set
Sterling Silver Heart Baby Spoon & Fork set
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- $199.99
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Sterling Silver Baby Circle Spoon & Fork Set
Sterling Silver Baby Circle Spoon & Fork Set
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- $129.99
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Sterling Silver Majestic Spoon Fork Set
Sterling Silver Majestic Spoon Fork Set
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90,000 children's silver spoons in YekaterinburgCatalog
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Curious facts about the tradition of giving silver children's spoons on the first tooth
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“Finally, I was ripe for a silver butter dish, it was a gift to myself. I used to take ceramic ones, which quickly broke, scratched or cracked from a sharp knife. I think that a silver oiler is a good investment, as it will not fall in price. The bowl itself is beautiful and heavy. The most important thing is that when stored in the refrigerator, the oil does not absorb the smells of other products thanks to the lid, and I often store cheese there too. Definitely recommend to anyone reading this review. Guys, do not skimp on chic things, they make our life happier and more fulfilling!
Moscow city
“I liked the napkin holder. Convenient for table setting, made with high quality. Quite heavy. The price is very reasonable for this weight. Now I know what to give my mom for her birthday.
Arseniy Eduardovich
“Excellent quality and beautiful decoration. Thanks for the free shipping!"
Ksyusha S.
“An excellent option for a gift for an intelligent birthday person. The handle is packed well, the swivel mechanism works properly. There are no complaints about the quality of execution. Thank you!”
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Now everyone knows such a tradition how to give a baby a silver spoon for the first appeared tooth. Many are interested in where it came from, and what practical benefits it brings to a child or parents.
Roots of the tradition
Now it is not known for certain where this tradition came from, but it is generally accepted to say that it came to Europe from England. It is noteworthy that in this country there is still a saying: "to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth." It can be compared with the Russian proverb: “to be born in a shirt”. Those. to be protected in every sense of the word: esoteric, physical and financial. In fact, silver was mentioned in an English proverb as an element of a noble metal denoting wealth. Not wealth, but prosperity and lack of need for anything. Therefore, a tradition arose for a small child to give a silver spoon so that his future life would not know poverty, and he would not need anything.
In Russia, there is a second version of the emergence of this tradition, which came from the Christian Magi. According to legend, they gave a silver spoon to the newborn Jesus.
If we talk about the mystical properties that are attributed to this metal, then it is generally accepted that it is silver that protects against dark forces, evil, negativity and negative influences.
The practical benefits of such a gift
In addition to the fact that such a gift for a baby will serve as a kind of mystical amulet, it also has a number of practical benefits:
- Silver spoons are now available in a wide range. They are made with decorative additions that little kids love. Accordingly, using it for feeding, you can quickly teach the child to eat cutlery himself.
- Spoons for children made of this metal are made from a special alloy that undergoes additional purification. They are completely harmless and do not emit toxins even when heated. Moreover, silver can have a supporting effect on the immune system and a disinfecting effect on the oral cavity. This is especially important for babies who put everything in their mouths and try to try it “by the tooth”.
- An unforgettable gift will be a silver spoon brought to a small child for his first erupted tooth. Over time, when the child grows up, such a souvenir is replaced by larger cutlery. But he is not thrown away, but put away in a beautiful case and stored for a lifetime. Some of these spoons are even passed down from generation to generation as a family tradition and heirloom. Even if the family does not have such old things, nothing prevents the baby from buying a spoon and starting such a tradition right now.
Modern facts about the old tradition
Now adherence to the old tradition is very relevant. It is due to the fact that many newborns suffer from gastrointestinal diseases with the introduction of the first complementary foods. By the time a child has their first tooth, complementary foods have already been introduced. This period is the most difficult in a child's life. Along with common diseases, new foods add stress to the baby's stomach. In addition, at the same time, the baby begins to actively explore the world around him and the entry of harmful bacteria into the stomach is most likely. Accordingly, the use of a silver spoon for feeding at this difficult time for the child and his stomach is necessary. The bactericidal properties of silver will help reduce the risk of intestinal infections and indigestion in a young child.
It will be beneficial not only to feed the baby with a silver spoon, but also to keep it in a bottle of drinking water until drinking in about 20-30 minutes. A small amount of silver ions, which thus enters the child's body and stomach, will perform their main function: disinfection and maintenance of immunity.