Beech nut naturals baby food

A Beech-Nut Love Story

Dear Beech-Nut,

My name is Trish and I recently adopted a beautiful baby boy named Harry. I have been waiting so long to be a mom and he is the most wonderful gift. As he gets to be the age where I will start adding baby food to his diet, there is only one choice: Beech-Nut. I am writing to tell you why Beech-Nut is the only option for our family.

Our family history runs deep with the original Beech-Nut Factory in Canajoharie, N.Y. Harry’s grandfather, Donald, worked summers at Beech-Nut from 1951 – 1954 delivering supplies, while he was a high school and college student. Harry’s great-aunt, Dorothy, worked at Beech-Nut in 1944, during World War II. She worked for a secret project that Beech-Nut did “on the side” for the federal government. Beech-Nut was commissioned to assist in the war effort with a special electronics project using microfilm. The workers were cautioned never to discuss what they did, not even with locals.

Harry’s great-grandmother, Helen, worked at Beech-Nut over a 40-year period. In the 1920’s, Beech-Nut gave away beautiful, tin boxes decorated with images of the Canajoharie, N.Y. valley. Helen packed these boxes with products (many no longer made by Beech-Nut today) for big customers as Christmas gifts from the company.

During WWII, Beech-Nut needed women to work because so many men went to war. Helen worked in Ration K, preparing food in cans and packages for soldiers throughout WWII. I am proud to say my grandmother was a part of this important war effort.

One really interesting thing Harry’s great-grandmother did during her time at the factory was testing baby food jars. I am sure today you have more high-tech ways to do this, nowadays, but Helen would hit the tops of the jars, one by one, with a wooden drum stick. One could tell from the sound it made if a jar had spoiled!

Back then, people who worked in the baby food section also worked in a conveyor belt setting, picking out the bad fruits and vegetables. My father fondly remembers standing behind the workers with his buddies so they could eat the sweet pears that were discarded!

Harry’s great-great uncle, Ray, worked in the Beech-Nut his whole adult life, except for four years when he fought in WWII, from the 1930’s until he retired in the late 1960’s. He worked in Store One, where my dad worked, and later worked maintenance. Our cousin, Janet, worked for a long time making gum at the factory. Our cousin, Bill, worked a long time for the Beech-Nut and retired from there. He worked at Plant 2 near Fort Plain making hard candy.

Harry’s great-grandmother retired on a pension and lived her final years in Arkell Hall in Canajoharie, the home once owned by the Arkell family, who built Beech-Nut. When my dad graduated from high school, he won one of the Arkell College Scholarships. I will someday share this history with my son and explain to him why he only ate Beech-Nut baby food when he was a baby!




Beech-Nut Baby Food Lawsuits

Our law firm is handling Beech-Nut autism lawsuits in all 50 states.

Current research and testing have shown that many commercial baby food products, including Beech-Nut baby food, are tainted with unsafe levels of heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, mercury, and cadmium. These metals are very unhealthy and can cause neurologic disorders such as ADD and autism in developing children.

Our national product liability lawyers are currently accepting new cases from children who may have developed neurologic disorders (including autism or Attention Deficit Disorder) from consuming contaminated Beech-Nut baby foods.

Our baby food autism lawyers are talking to victims looking to file a Beech-Nut toxic baby food autism lawsuit in 2023.  Call our attorneys today for a free consultation at 800-553-8082 or reach out to us online.

Congressional Report Finds Heavy Metals in Beech-Nut Baby Food

Lead, arsenic, mercury, and cadmium are elements referred to as toxic heavy metals and they are very harmful to the human body. Exposure to these elements has been specifically linked to neurological health conditions in children with developing brains. Sadly, a recent investigation by Congress has shown that we may have been feeding these toxic metals to our children for years without realizing it.

In the winter of 2021, the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy published a USHR Report entitled Baby Foods Are Tainted with Dangerous Levels of Arsenic, Lead, Cadmium, and Mercury (the “USHR Report”). The USHR Report detailed the results of the Subcommittee’s investigation into claims that Beech-Nut and many other commercial baby food brands were being sold with heavy metals above maximum safe limits.

The investigation fully confirmed that Beech-Nut and other major brands of baby foods “are tainted with significant levels of toxic heavy metals, including arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury.” The USHR Report also noted the evidence showing that exposure to these contaminants is harmful to infant neurological development and brain function.

  • Tylenol autism lawsuits are also gaining currency in 2022 for mothers who took acetaminophen during pregnancy

Heavy Metal Levels in Beech-Nut Baby Foods

Baby food products from 7 of the largest manufacturers in the U. S., including Beech-Nut, were found to contain unsafe levels of heavy metals, according to the USHR Report. The USHR Report provided information on the exact level of toxins found in the various food brands based on testing. Beech-Nut was one of the worst brands when it came to levels of lead, arsenic, and cadmium. Beech-Nut brand foods had some of the highest levels of these three toxic metals, higher than any other brands.

  1. Arsenic Levels in Beech-Nut Baby Food
    Arsenic is considered the most hazardous of all the toxin heavy metals covered by the USHR Report. When children are exposed regularly to arsenic it is known to cause not only neurologic problems, but it can also damage the central nervous system.The maximum safe arsenic level for bottled water set by the FDA is 10 ppb (parts per billion). The USHR Report found that Beech-Nut used ingredients after they tested as high as 913 ppb arsenic – 91 times the FDA’s maximum safe limit. Digest that: 91 times! This was the highest arsenic level for any ingredient used by any manufacturer. The USHR Report also found that Beech-Nut regularly used “high-arsenic” additives that tested over 300 ppb (30 times the FDA limit).
  2. Lead Levels in Beech-Nut Baby FoodEven at very small levels, lead is associated with a range of bad health outcomes, particularly neurologic and cognitive developmental issues in children. This is why lead is considered the second most harmful heavy metal regularly found in baby foods.5 ppb is the FDA’s maximum safe level of lead for drinking water. The USHR Report concluded that Beech-Nut used ingredients in its baby food containing as much as 886 ppb lead. That is a staggering 177 times the maximum safe lead levels set by the FDA. The USHR Report also noted that Beech-Nut used many ingredients with high-lead levels, including 89 that contained over 15 ppg lead, and 57 with over 20 ppb lead.
  3. Mercury Levels in Beech-Nut Baby FoodAfter arsenic and lead, mercury ranks third as the most harmful of the heavy metals featured in the USHR Report on baby foods. According to various studies, prenatal exposure to mercury can lead to adverse neurologic development. Testing has also shown that high blood levels of mercury in toddlers have been positively associated with “autistic behaviors.”Even at extremely low levels, mercury can be harmful. The FDA has set the maximum safe level of mercury in drinking water at 2 ppb. The USHR Report states that Beech-Nut does not perform any testing for mercury in its finished products or ingredients. So we have no data of levels.  Why doesn’t Beech-Nut test for mercury?
  4. Cadmium Levels in Beech-Nut Baby FoodCadmium exposure in children has been linked to the development of ADHA and lower IQ. The FDA’s maximum safe limit for cadmium in drinking water is 5 ppb. The USHR Report found that Beech-Nut was one of the worst brands in terms of cadmium levels in its products. According to the report, Beech-Nut used 105 ingredients that tested over 20 ppb cadmium, and some of its ingredients tested as high as 344 ppb cadmium.

Heavy Metals in Beech-Nut Baby Food May Cause Autism and Other Conditions

The general toxic health effects of heavy metals are well recognized. Recently, however, a growing body of research is beginning to specifically connect exposure to these materials to autism, ADD, and other neurologic conditions. Numerous medical studies have made a connection between regular exposure to heavy metals during infancy and childhood and higher rates of autism.

A study published in 2014 sought to evaluate the impact of prenatal and early infancy exposures to mercury. The study results suggested that mercury exposure caused a twofold increase in the risk of developing both autism and ADD. Three years later in 2017, a similar study on children in Korea found the exact same association between mercury exposure and autism/ADD rates.

A possible connection between early-age exposure to arsenic e and higher autism rates was identified in a meta-analysis study conducted by a University of Buffalo research team and published in 2019. A more comprehensive study was published in 2020 which found the same positive association between autism and exposure to mercury, arsenic, and cadmium during infancy.

Beech-Nut Baby Food Autism Lawsuits

The USHR Report has led to a number of product liability lawsuits against Beech-Nut by parents claiming that their children developed autism (or other disorders) from heavy metals in commercial baby foods like Beech-Nut. Part of the basis for these lawsuits are the findings in the USHR Report which clearly show that Beech-Nut was aware of the fact that its baby food products contained heavy metals well above the maximum safe limits set by the FDA.

Hiring a Beech-Nut Baby Food Autism Lawyer

Since the USHR Report was published in February 2021, Beech-Nut Products Company has been named as a defendant in a number of consumer class action and product liability lawsuits involving toxic metals in baby food products.

Our firm is currently seeking Beech-Nut toxic baby food lawsuits. Call today for a free consultation at 800-553-8082 or reach out to us online.

beech nuts, raw, dried (en)

Health and nutrition facility

Institution health and nutrition

Health and Nutrition Institution


In autumn, beech nuts - beech fruits, cover the forest soil. They are highly nutritious and have a nutty flavor.




macronutrient carbohydrates 37.35%


Macronutricient protein 6.91%


Macronutricient fat 55.74%

ω-6 (LC, 18.4G)

omega-6 fatty acids, such as linolenic acid (LC)

: ω-3 (Alk, 1.7g)

Omega-3 fatty acids such as alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)


The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids in total should not exceed 5:1. Link to explanatory text .

Here the ratio of essential linoleic acid (LA) is 18.39g and essential alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) 1.7 g = 11:1
Total ratio of omega-6 = 18.39 g and omega-3 fatty acids = 1.7 g = 11:1.
On average, we need about 2 g of LA and ALA per day, from which a healthy body also produces EPA and DHA, etc.

  • X

    © CC-by-sa 3.0, Rasbak, Wikipedia Ripe beech nuts in shell on the table - Fagus spp.

Beech nuts (chinariki) are the fruits of the common beech ( Fagus sylvatica ). Triangular small beech nuts are usually located two in one cupule and are surrounded by a brown shiny shell.

General information:
Beech gives beech nuts only after 40 years, and the harvest is especially rich after a dry, hot year. Harvests are often interleaved, which means that a good year is followed by a small harvest of beechnuts. Beech nuts ripen in September and October.

Beenuts are an important source of nutrition for animals, but people also use this fruit in times of famine. Today, beech nuts can well enrich the autumn diet. They can be cooked deliciously like chestnuts, hazelnuts, acorns and other prefabricated fruits, or eaten to replenish energy reserves while walking through the forest.

From Wikipedia: Beech nut is the fruit (seed) of broad-leaved trees of the Beech genus of the Beech family ( Fagaceae ).

Nutlets acorn-shaped, trihedral, 10-15 mm long, with a woody shell, collected in pairs or four pieces in a 4-lobed shell called a cupule. The surface of the fruit is smooth, light brown, shiny. The kernel is white, sweet in taste .

Caution should be exercised when eating raw beechnuts. Their slight toxicity is explained by the fact that raw nuts contain alkaloids and fagin (from Latin Fagus - beech, another name for trimethylamine). Roasting or heating quickly for a few minutes destroys these toxic substances.

In addition, beech nuts contain oxalic acid. This can also be one of the causes of ailments after consuming them in large quantities.

Culinary uses:
The fruit is edible after toasting. ... A coffee drink is prepared from roasted grated nuts. Bread and various confectionery products are baked from beech fruits ground into flour. The kernel of the nut contains up to 47% beech oil, which in terms of its nutritional qualities is a substitute for cocoa butter. It can be used in the manufacture of sprats, sardines and other canned food. ... Beech kernels are also used to make caramel filling, various confectionery products, wine, alcohol, coffee substitute.

Whole nuts can also be combined well with other ingredients and added to salads. Lightly toasted beech nuts add a delicious nutty flavor to dishes.

Once the beechnuts have been harvested, they can be easily sorted with the following trick: put the nuts in a cup filled with water and wait until the heavy, full nuts sink. At the top, empty or rotten fruits will remain floating, which can be easily caught. In addition, wet beech nuts clean better.

Chemical composition:
They are rich in fat, they contain more than 40% fat, which consists of 75% unsaturated fatty acids and carbohydrates. Beechnuts are high in bitter-tasting tannin and may contain the poisonous alkaloid fagin (excessive consumption of which can cause intestinal upset, cramps or diarrhea, and nausea) that decomposes when toasted.

Beenuts are very nutritious and contain, in addition to mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, also proteins, vitamins such as folic acid and minerals such as manganese and iron.

Author: Julia (Yuliya) Velitschko | Feb 12 2018

ᐉ Double bed Mix Mebli Iris 160x200 cm made of natural wood Walnut light


Seller of goods: good wood
Seller's other items

Main characteristics

  • Bed size: 160x200
  • Type: classic bed
  • Upholstery: without upholstery
  • Equipment: sleeper, with legs
  • Mattress base: lamellas
  • Manufacturer country: Ukraine

All features

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Description Double bed Mix Mebli Iris 160x200 cm made of natural wood Walnut light

Double bed Mix Mebli Iris 160x200 without footboard made of natural wood Walnut light without mattress

A double bed made of natural Iris wood without a footboard is a great addition to the bedroom interior. The bed frame is made of beech board, the headboard is made of veneered MDF board. The basis under a mattress - slats.


  • Manufacturer: Mix Mebli
  • Country of origin of goods: Ukraine
  • Model: Iris
  • Bed type: double
  • Bed shape: rectangular
  • Availability of lifting mechanism: no
  • Laundry niche: no
  • Drawer available: no
  • Complete with mattress: no

Production material and color:

  • Body (frame) material: natural wood (beech shield), veneered MDF
  • Mattress base: slats
  • Colour: light walnut


  • Bed length, cm: 208
  • Bed width, cm: 168
  • Bed height including headboard, cm: 87
  • Bed size, cm: 160x200

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Characteristics Double bed Mix Mebli Iris 160x200 cm made of natural wood Walnut light

  • Guarantee: 12 months
  • Equipment: Bed
  • Series: For home, for family
  • Design features: bed with headboard without footboard

Main characteristics Double bed Mix Mebli Iris 160x200 cm made of natural wood Walnut light

  • Brand: MixMebli
  • Manufacturer country: Ukraine

Additional information