Beech nut organic baby food reviews
Beechnut Baby Food Review | SheSpeaks
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Rated #4 in Food
By Crunchymama09 | ERIE, PA
Jun 18, 2019
Before I knew about BLW, I was getting my child these purees. They are tasty as well as nutritious. With minimal additives. This brand is a brand I like to use often.
By monteque | N LITTLE ROCK, AR
Dec 27, 2018
Yuck. I do not like Beechut. It seems watery. My grandbaby will not eat it.
By Zendalia | Kingston, PA
Dec 14, 2018
My top choice I absolutely love beechnut baby food. It's so affordable and both my kids loved it! I would highly recommend giving it a try!
By mommabear123 | ROCKY HILL, CT
Jul 23, 2018
need mroe options the product itself is great, there just isn't enough options for baby to try. Ive tried all the flavors before giving to my kids. they all taste good but the meats smell off and are alittle watery.
By Modelc96 | GLEN ROCK, PA
Sep 27, 2017
So good for your baby I love Beechnut and I buy it for my son consistently! They have natural and organic foods for your baby. Most of the baby foods literally have 1 or 2 ingredients, so I don't have to worry about what my son eats. I've even tried a few and they taste just like what food it is! They are so good for babies and have no additives or artificial ingredients.
By Santomattei | BRONX, NY
Dec 03, 2016
Love this baby food. They are always only sale for 10 for 4$ at my supermarket so I always stay stocked up for my baby. This is the only brand he likes. I love that the ingredients are so simple so you actually know what your baby is eating.
By Mandiboler | Cincinnati, OH
Oct 22, 2016
Favorite Brand! This is by far my favorite brand of baby food. I have done a TON of research on organic baby foods and this is my favorite organics. Just the ingredient and water, and nothing else added so I am relieved to give this to my babe. He loves it and it's not too watered down. I love that the containers are clear so I can see the food before feeding it to him.
By Prettygirl01 | SEGUIN, TX
Aug 14, 2016
This product my baby loves them. It is just so good for them. It is nutritional for them to grow.
By Jessielp0814 | MONTGOMERY CY, MO
May 14, 2016
My son loved these they are a good price and it's helps out when you get coupons and get some free and some time s stores have the 2 for 1
By HippieMommy | Fayetteville, AR
Apr 27, 2016
Organic babyfood I love that this is organic babyfood. It is affordable and my son loves it. He is a very picky eater.
By Softlyspoken | WEIDMAN, MI
Feb 24, 2016
Great quality and very affordable! Both my kids loved it.
Feb 16, 2016
I love how there are so many different flavors by Beechnut! The quality is amazing for the low price!
By Cmichelew | MYRTLE BEACH, SC
Jan 29, 2016
I only buy organic and my kids love them all. There's always a ton of coupons for them too.
By AmySS84 | TAMPA, FL
Jan 24, 2016
Beechnut is a brand that I always use. My kids love the way it tastes and never refuse to eat. They enjoy all the different varieties. I never had a problem with them eating anything made by Beechnut.
By enovak816 | WATERFORD, NY
Jan 19, 2016
Great company, I grew up near the plant. My son loves the pouches.
Beech-Nut Baby Food Reviews –
59 reviews
Yesterday my husband was going to feed our 7 month old a jar of the carrots until he found a wavy blonde hair, i tasted the carrots before he fed the baby and thought they were a little sour.. anyway I makei big deal out of it until today the very next day I opened a jar of the squash and wouldn't you know it I found a curly thin pitch black hair.. I am very upset and disgusted. I don't think we'll be buying this brand anymore
Detroit, MI
great baby food products at a good price both my babies like them and gobble them up
I started BeechNut Baby Cereal with single grain to my 6 month old healthy son. He vomited about 1 hour after feeding with only a few small spoons of cereal mixed with breast milk. I thought he might have got some viral infection so that I stopped solid and continued feeding with breastmilk. Restarted about 7 days later with same BeechNut baby cereal with single grain and gave her very thin cereal mixed with 10 cc breastmilk. He vomited again in 1. 5 hour after feeding. I will not going to use BeechNut products again.
I suppose I can't say much for the taste of them personally. But my son loves Beech Nut baby food. And I love the variety, the price, and the ingredients. If you read the labels of a lot of foods anymore, and there are atleast 10 ingredients on them that you've never heard of, let alone able to pronounce. I love beech nut because they usually have very minimal ingredients, and they are all things that I know and have no trouble reading. They are also super cheap, and there are so many different kinds and combinations of foods. When I have a choice, I always buy beech nut.
Since this is the only baby food I have ever bought, I can not compare it to others, but I think that says a lot about the product. Year after year, this has been the go to. I am now wondering how much money I have given this company. Well however much it is, it was all worth it. Usually hope for a sale, but still stop at this section and this section only sale or no sale. Have been lucky to find it a few times at a local Big Lots, but it does seem to be popular/gone for the times I have been there. I would recommend it to anyone, literally anyone, not just parents, it really does make a good snack, I usually grab a few more for myself. Simple, natural ingredients. No need to look on the back for the ingredients list, buying apple banana, you're getting apple and banana, no extra sugar, sweeteners, or additives. My local big box store does carry baby food, unfortunately not this brand, so yet again it shows how good a product I think it is since I would be willing to pay more for it.
Kansas City, MO
I never purchased Beech-Nut Baby Foods much for my babies simply because it wasn't stocked at the grocery store where I shopped. My daughter is using quite a bit of Beech-Nut Baby Food and I thought I would write up a review since this brand usually takes a back seat to the Gerber brand. My granddaughter has been eating fruits and vegetables in the Beech-Nut brand and has not had any problems with digestion. She loves most flavors of fruits and vegetables, but like all people has her personal favorites. She loves sweet potatoes and green beans currently as her absolute favorites! This of course may change by next week! I love the fact that Beech-Nut is a family owned company and has been producing quality baby food for over 75 years. At this point in time, I would have to say that it is just as good as the Gerber brand of baby foods. Quality of Ingredients Beech-Nut Baby Food is made from all natural ingredients. The consistency is just right and my daughter has not purchased any spoiled food in this brand. Beech-Nut has stages that are introduced to babies in order, just like Gerber baby food. Safety We have never experienced any bad food or ever found anything that doesn't belong in the food so far.
The food is well sealed and you can tell if a jar has been opened before purchasing.
Greenwell Springs, LA
This brand was my go to choice when choosing baby food for my child. It's not always easy to prepare homemade baby food and this product was perfect. You could just toss it in the diaper bag and go! My baby loved all of the different kinds of food available.
Princeton, WV
I have two kids and when I first started buying baby food, I wanted to only feed my first child all natural, organic baby food. Four and a half years ago, organic baby food wasn't quite as readily available as it is today, so I would read the back of labels to decide what I wanted to buy in place of the sought after organic baby food I couldn't find. Back then, I wasn't real fond of **Beech-Nut Baby Food**, but they have improved over the years and I now feed my second son some of their toddler snacks. Quality of Ingredients Four years ago, I would not have bought anything Beech-Nut, but they now have toddler snacks made from all natural ingredients. Some of them are kind of gross, but some of them are good, healthy snacks. I like to read the labels of Beech-Nut thoroughly before I buy anything of theirs. Beech-Nut is far from my favorite brand of baby food, but if you have to, you can find some decent items. Safety I question the size and texture of some of their toddler snacks. Some seem too large, so you as a parent will need to decide if it's something your little one can eat, or if you need to break it into smaller pieces.
Camp Lejeune, NC
Overall, this is my hands down favorite brand of baby food. When you turn the product around and look at the ingredients label, it normally is the actual fruit or vegetable, water, and maybe Vitamin C. Other jarred baby foods contain much longer ingredient lists and have me questioning what I am serving to my child. When I see so many artificial and unnecessary additives to baby food, I really wonder how nutritional the product can be. Not with Beech-Nut, this stuff is really the best. Quality of Ingredients Natural and wholesome!
Levittown, PA
My son was on Gerber rice cereal then we started him on Beechnut oatmeal. He normally poops 3x a week or every other day even with the rice cereal but after having the oatmeal he pooped right away. He seemed to like the taste so I continued giving it to him but noticed he was having diarrhea and was pooping 10x a day in a span of 24 hours! I don't know if this was the cause of it or it was a coincidence.
4.0 59
Home Healthy Bread Mill
There is probably no cozier smell than the smell of freshly baked bread, especially if the bread is made from whole grain flour that you ground yourself. Lookbio starts Grinding Weeks. With this material, we open a series of consumer tests of gadgets for a healthy diet from the Khlebomoly online store. Today our reader Elena Zheleznyak will talk about the most important "bread-grinding" gadget - a mill, with which you can grind flour for baking the best, most delicious, most homemade bread
A home grain mill is every baker's dream. I also dreamed about it, because homemade bread, homemade sourdough is all wonderful, but my own homemade flour is generally super cool! Therefore, when I got my own home mill, my joy knew no bounds. I have a German electric mill Hawos Queen 1, made of beech, with stone millstones and a powerful motor inside. In a minute, it can grind up to 250 gr. grains. It is beautiful and solid, made accurately and accurately. This mill has been making me happy for a year already, and I am sure that my grandchildren will still be able to get it as a family heirloom.
Bread is a tradition
I've been baking sourdough bread for four years now, and this occupation fascinates me more and more. Healthy and tasty homemade bread is not just a hobby, it is also a tradition, continuity: only when I started baking bread myself, I remembered that my grandmother had worked with grain all her life, and as a child I had been in huge bright barns full of grain more than once . Moreover, I literally bathed in this grain, as in the sea. And having tarred my first flour and inhaling its warm aroma, I was suddenly transported to the most magical and fertile time and felt the forgotten aroma of these dusty barns, elevators and a huge collective farm mill. In general, the aroma of freshly threshed wheat is the aroma of my childhood happiness.
Pushing the Culinary Limits
Not so long ago, whole wheat flour was a dream: it was almost never sold, and the one that appeared from time to time cost as much as an airplane wing. Seeds and bran were used as healthy additives in bread, but I still wanted real whole grain flour. Firstly, I was curious about the taste of whole grain bread, secondly, I wanted it to be truly healthy, and thirdly, I was eager to bake bread according to the recipes of famous bakers. But how to make a real wheat sourdough without whole grain flour? How to bake Jeffrey Hamelman's world-famous chic Vermont Sourdough without such flour? And with homemade whole grain flour, this is at its best.
How the mill works
I use about 2-2.5 kg of whole wheat flour and about 1 kg of rye per month. It only takes a few minutes to grind wheat. Usually I weigh a kilogram of grain, sort it out, remove the remains of ears, spoiled grains, pour the grain into the mill hopper (it can hold up to 1300 grams of grain) and turn it on. After 5 minutes, fresh flour is ready. For three days I store it in a large salad bowl, without restricting air access, so that the necessary oxidative processes begin to occur, and then I pour it into a bag.
Homemade flour vs store-bought flour
The taste of bread made from homemade whole grain flour and bread made from wholemeal flour sold in stores are, as they say in Odessa, two big differences. It's all about freshness: fresh whole wheat flour is delicious and flavorful, and so is bread. But such flour is stored for no more than six months, because the oil, which is rich in wheat germ, quickly goes rancid, from which the bread from it has the smell of straw and can even be bitter . Many bakers who use store-bought flour complain that they don't like the flavor of the bread, and to get rid of the taste of straw, they have to keep the bread in the cold for a day. Before buying a mill, my whole grain bread was also sometimes not tasty, and I even wondered how anyone could like it, but when I started grinding flour myself, I was finally able to bake delicious whole grain bread and appreciate its benefits.
What and how you can and cannot grind
As I said, the mill lives with me for more than a year. At first she stood on the kitchen table, then moved to the balcony - closer to the home granary. During this time, nothing broke, did not jam or wear off, and I only wipe it from flour from time to time. It works with any grain: it quickly grinds buckwheat, rice, corn, oats and chickpeas, and then I bake bread with additives or even gluten-free. If I need to get meal (semolina), I grind the grain at division No. 7, if fine grinding flour - at “one”. In total, the mill has nine such divisions and, accordingly, grinding options. By the way, flour, ground on a “one”, turns out to be thinner and “smaller” than store-bought whole grains.
But throwing everything into the bunker is not worth it: the mill does not grind grasses, oatmeal flakes, oilseeds and nuts - this can clog its millstones, and the mill will fail.
Joy for children
Now that I know and feel the difference between store-bought and homemade whole grain flour, I can't imagine my life without my own mill. The fact that at any time you can quickly grind fresh flour has become familiar and convenient. The children are especially happy, who help me in every possible way and participate in the process: they lift the lid of the hopper to check whether there is a lot of grain left and whether to add more, control the bowl of flour so that the contents do not overflow, taste the freshly ground product, evaluate its quality and quantity, knead by hand, used for cosmetic purposes for the skin of the face and abdomen! For them, this is a whole event, joy and, I hope, the basis for future happy memories of the most fertile and magical time.
Electric mill Hawos Queen 1, like Elena, you can buy in the online store "Breadmills"
Attention! “LookBio Grinders' Weeks”: only from October 15 to November 20, answer the questions of the Bakers on LookBio Facebook and VK and get cool prizes!
Ancient connections: which tree is connected to you
July 25, 2021
Have you noticed that next to a certain tree you can “recharge” with energy? For example, the Druids firmly believed that each person has his own "protector tree". Namely, this tree protects him, gives strength, energy and protects from troubles. Plant such a tree in the garden and get positive energy from it.
Apple tree: December 23 - January 1, June 25 - June 4
"Apple trees" are naturally endowed with high intelligence, love to read and philosophize. Very sensitive and emotional, like to openly express their feelings.
Fir: January 2 - January 11, July 5 - July 14
They express their emotions rather sparingly, are demanding of others, do not like deceit and idle talk. These are very loyal people, they know their goals and confidently move towards them. They easily sacrifice comfort in order to achieve their future.
Elm: January 12 - January 24, July 15 - July 25
These are very calm people who love peace. All passions are not about them. They control any situation and do not let it go beyond the set limits. These are good leaders. They know how to take responsibility, while they have a good sense of humor.
Cypress: January 25 - February 3, July 26 - August 4
Cypresses are great dreamers and dreamers. They have a very easy character, find a common language with any people, excellent interlocutors. They have many friends, thanks to which they always find a way out of any situation. The family is of great importance in their life, for the sake of it they are ready for a lot. Very loyal and devoted.
Poplar: February 4 - February 8, August 5 - August 13
They have a rather bright appearance, but despite this, they are very modest and indecisive. They are highly dependent on public opinion. They need constant praise and support, without this they "waste". In conflict situations, they hide behind false indifference. They love to experiment and are not afraid of results.
Kedr: February 9-18, August 14-23
Cedar people are very kind and sympathetic, many people take advantage of this. Easily go to conflict to defend justice. Very freedom-loving, appreciate personal space. Not prone to tyranny and selfishness. They are cheerful and have an optimistic outlook on life.
Pine: February 19 - 28/29, August 24 - September 2
These people know exactly what they want from life, it is very difficult to lead them astray. Feel sympathy only for those people who share their views. Perseverance and stubbornness are their main character traits. Women are wonderful hosts.
Willow: March 1-10, September 3-12
They love passions and experiences, if this is not enough in life, they begin to invent various situations. Great actors, talented and versatile. They prefer creative professions. Responsive, always come to the aid of friends and like to solve other people's problems. They calculate their actions several steps ahead, so they often achieve success.
Lipa: 11-20 March, 13-22 September
Lindens are distinguished by their hard work, such people are not afraid of hard physical labor. They are not friends with lazy people, and every minute they find new things for themselves. They are well versed in people, but do not like to go into open conflict. In order for their energy to work in the right direction, a mentor is often required.
Hazel: March 21 - 31, September 24 - October 3
People of this tree are rather hidden and do not like to show their emotions in public. At the same time, good and faithful friends are in no hurry to start a family. They do not like noisy parties and gatherings. They prefer friendly quiet gatherings in the same garden.
Rowan: April 1 - 10, October 4-13
These people are sociable and cheerful, they love outdoor recreation, they spend a lot of time on their own plot. In love, they are very faithful, the family is of great importance to them. Not conflict, well control their emotions.
Maple: April 11 - 20, October 14 - 23
Curious and have a craving for knowledge, like to learn something new. They have a good sense of humor and the ability to keep up a conversation. They like to command, not attentive listeners, therefore they have few friends.
Walnut: April 21-30, October 24 - November 2
One of the most complex and controversial signs. They have a difficult character, leaders, purposeful, while they can violently express emotions in a dispute without choosing words. They help relatives and friends, but at the same time remain indifferent.
Jasmine: May 1-14, November 3 - November 11
People born during this period are characterized by diplomatic abilities, they know how to maintain conversations and interest the interlocutor. Behavior depends on the circumstances, if they live in abundance then they are kind and sympathetic, and if not, then they become sarcastic and evil.
Chestnut: May 15-24, November 12-21
Sociable and bright people, love life, family, children. They do not follow generally accepted rules in society. They love to break the rules. Often have an attractive appearance, so they are in the spotlight.
Ash: May 25 - June 3, November 22 - December 1
Very responsible people, ready to make risky decisions, have a natural intuition, are able to quickly solve problems. They are pragmatic and do not like to waste their time and energy.
Hornbeam: June 4-June 13, December 2-11
Materialists and pragmatists clearly know what they want from life. Confidently moving forward. They love constancy, rarely change their place of residence. They do not like conflict situations and prefer to avoid them.
Fig: June 14-23, December 12-20
Extraordinary and independent people. Subject to frequent mood swings. They need the support of loved ones, for which they are truly grateful. They value family and true friends. Talented.
Oak: March 21
This is a male sign, therefore, women born on this day have an analytical mind and an iron will. Oak people are straightforward, uncompromising, do not hide their emotions. They do not have diplomatic skills. They see the goal and know how to achieve it, very rarely anything can lead them astray.
Bereza: June 24
Birches love peace and comfort, they spend a lot of effort on their creation. Family plays a very important role in their life. These are open-hearted people, very sociable, have many friends. Ready to help at any time of the day or night.
Oliva: September 23
People born on this day are optimistic.