Best first time baby food
The Best First Foods for Babies 6 to 9 Months – Happiest Baby
By Happiest Baby Staff
On This Page
- Best Baby Foods at 6 Months
- Best Baby Foods at 7 Months
- Best Baby Foods at 8 Months
- Best Baby Foods at 9 Months
You've spent the first six months of your baby's life making sure that they are nourished with breastmilk or formula. As they grow and thrive, you might notice that your little sprout shows you some signs that they are ready to graduate from the bottle or breast to solid foods. If your baby can sit up and hold their head up, that's a great first sign! What's more, if they bring objects to their mouth and show an interest in what you are eating, your curious kiddo might be ready to start eating solid foods.
But what should you feed your baby? Here’s a list of perfect starter foods for your baby from ages 6 to 9 months.
Best Baby Foods at 6 MonthsAt 6 months, babies may be starting to chew. Though this skill won’t be mastered just yet, they are typically ready to get messy with some mushy, pureed eats—helping them learn about flavor and texture. At this age, the goal is not to satiate your baby with full meals of solid foods but rather to get your child curious and excited about their culinary options.
Because babies are growing so fast, their needs for iron are high to prevent iron-deficiency and support their overall health. Offer your little one iron rich foods like—infant cereal (read up on why you may want to skip rice cereal), well-cooked meat, poultry, mashed beans, and lentils. To keep your baby safe from choking, avoid adding solids like cereal to baby bottles.
Here are some great first foods for Baby to try:
- Infant oat, grain, or barley cereals mixed with breastmilk or formula and spoon-fed to your baby
- Sweet potato puree
- Squash puree
- Pea puree
- Carrot puree
- Mashed banana
- Mashed avocado
- Mashed or pureed beans
- Mashed or pureed lentils
- Pureed meats (beef, chicken, or turkey)
- Soft, falling apart meats (salmon, beef, chicken, turkey)
Check out more of our favorite first food purees. Or, if purees aren’t your thing, read up on how to start baby-led weaning.
By 7 months old, your baby will probably be eating more solids but not enough to replace breastmilk or formula as their primary source of food. The goal for this month is to keep introducing solid foods to your baby. What's fun is by 7 months, you can get more creative with mixing flavors and adding textures.
Here are a few nutritious and delicious food combos to try with your baby:
- Peas pureed with breastmilk (or formula), sweet potatoes, or squash
- Kale pureed with blueberry, squash, potatoes, sweet potatoes, peas, pears, or bananas
- Apples pureed with cauliflower, carrots, pears, prunes, or beets
- Beef pureed with broccoli
- Chicken pureed with carrots and potatoes
- Chickpeas pureed with bananas, apples, or sweet potato
- Sweet potatoes pureed with red bell pepper
Seven months is also the perfect age to start giving your baby a plate, bowl, and plastic utensils so they can begin to practice feeding themselves. If your baby is teething, you can place frozen chunks of fruit in a sieve feeder/mesh bag that allows them to gnaw on the fruit without choking. Learn more about helping your baby use a fork and spoon!
By 8 months, your baby is likely eating more solids and relying a little less on milk as a primary meal (though it’s still where they get the bulk of their nutrition!). And they’re probably having lots of fun learning how to use their hands to feed themselves. Something else to consider: Babies should be exposed to potential allergen foods (like peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, and fish) before their first birthdays to help prevent future food allergies. Starting at 6 months of age, peanut butter is safe to introduce as long as you are comfortable giving it to your baby.
In fact, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans says that babies can begin having these foods when they start eating solids. But many families often feel more comfortable waiting to introduce these foods until around this age. Of course, consult with your little one’s pediatrician if you have concerns about potential allergen foods.
Here are some foods to add to your repertoire:
- Whole eggs, scrambled
- Nut butter thinned out with water and mixed with cereal (nut butters are sticky and can cause choking)
- Fully cooked fish, like salmon or tuna
- Full-fat yogurt
Here are some preparation ideas:
- Well-cooked (think over-cooked until falling apart) pasta such as elbows or alphabet shapes
- Mashed meat with mashed or ground vegetables such as peas and potatoes or kale and squash
- Rainbow on a plate: Using tiny pieces of soft, strained, pureed, and mashed food options, look for a variety of colors to offer. Some fun options could include banana, avocado, sweet potato, peas, blueberry, raspberry, cheese, and chicken.
Though there’s a greater variety of foods babies eat now, formula or breastmilk continues to be their primary source of nutrition until age 1. At 9 months old, babies get more comfortable with self-feeding and eating the foods their families enjoy. After all, eating solid foods is a sensory wonderland of texture, smells, and tastes. Not to mention all that fun making messes with those adorably curious fingers.
As you begin to focus on meal planning for your baby, there are few things to keep in mind:
- Babies need four to five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. A serving size for a 9-month-old is less than a quarter cup.
- "Eat the rainbow" is excellent advice because it gives your baby exposure to lots of different fruits, vegetables, grains, and starches.
Here are a few menu ideas to help meal plan for your baby…
Breakfast Ideas for Babies
These morning meals pack a nutritional punch—and don’t forget to check out all of our favorite breakfast ideas for babies:
- Soft fresh fruit cut up in small pieces (think: banana, raspberries, or blueberries)
- Whole-grain waffles or pancakes
- Unsweetened oatmeal made with breastmilk or formula combined with cut-up and cooked apples and pears or banana slices.
(It is essential to steam the apples or pears to make them soft enough for your baby to mash with their gums.)
- Full-fat yogurt mixed with mashed or pureed berries such as blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, or raspberries
- Soft scrambled eggs
- Veggie frittata
Lunch Ideas for Babies
- Spread hummus on soft crackers or bread
- Grilled cheese sandwich with cooled tomato soup
- Macaroni and cheese with cooked veggies like peas and carrots mixed in
- Pizza bites with chopped bits of spinach in the sauce and melted shredded cheese
- Quesadilla made with pureed spinach, squash, or beans
Snack Ideas for Babies
Babies this young won’t likely need to snack too much (remember, breastmilk or formula will provide the majority of your little one’s nutrition). Still, it’s not a bad idea to have snacks on hand for when your mini muncher needs something to eat that’s not quite a meal. A few baby snack ideas:
- Apple and carrot slaw
- Cheese slices
- Full-fat plain yogurt
- Hard-boiled egg
- Avocado slices
- Muffins made with fruits, veggies, and/or whole grains
- Fruit and veggie pouches
- Sugar-free, whole-grain cereal, like plain Cheerios
Dinner Ideas for Babies
To help your baby get and stay excited about eating solid foods, serve a version of whatever the family is having for dinner. Remember to steam or mash, grind or chop foods into appropriate softness and sizes to prevent choking. Some baby dinner ideas:
- Pasta with softened vegetables
- Well-cooked rice, soft veggies, and chicken
- Baked sweet potato with butter or cheese
- Beans or lentils served with rice and veggies
- Flaky fish served with steamed zucchini
There are endless variations on what you can serve your baby for dinner. As long as your baby is safe and happy, try to encourage lots of food exploration!
You must not feed any child under the age of 1 year honey, cow’s milk, juice, hard foods like candy, raw vegetables, popcorn, or sticky foods like peanut butter, as these each present choking hazards.
Learn more about feeding your baby:
- The Happiest Baby Feeding Guide
- The Benefits of Homemade Baby Food
- The Best Store-Bought Baby Food
- Unlocking Opportunities in Food Design for Infants, Children, and the Elderly: Understanding Milestones in Chewing and Swallowing Across the Lifespan for New Innovations.
Journal of Texture Studies, August 2017
- Complementary Feeding: A Position Paper by the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) Committee on Nutrition, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, January 2017
- Infant Formula Feeding Practices Associated With Rapid Weight Gain: A Systematic Review, Maternal & Child Nutrition, July 2018
- Solid Food Introduction and the Development of Food Allergies, Nutrients, November 2018
- US Department of Agriculture: Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025
View more posts tagged, feeding
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Disclaimer: The information on our site is NOT medical advice for any specific person or condition. It is only meant as general information. If you have any medical questions and concerns about your child or yourself, please contact your health provider.
The Ultimate Guide to Baby’s First Foods from 4-6 Months Old
If you have a baby between 4 and 6 months old, you’re probably starting to think about what their first foods will be…which means you probably have questions about baby’s first foods, too! Things like: “When should I start?” “Do I need to stick to single-ingredient foods?” and “How do I safely introduce common allergens like peanut butter without freaking out?!” Chances are, you miiiiight be a little overwhelmed at the idea of first foods, too. I know it’s a lot to think about, but the good news is that you’ve found your way here! And now that you’re here, I can help.
As a mom of two and a pediatric dietitian, I’m writing this post to help you navigate the nerves and the new chapter that is buying, preparing, and serving up baby’s first foods! Whether you’re going for purees, baby-led weaning, or a combination of both, consider this your ultimate guide to what first foods to serve and how to introduce them to your baby safely.
P.S. Don’t forget to save this post! I know it’s one you’ll want to come back to again and again.
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Skip right to the first foods info you’re looking for:
- When To Serve Baby Their First Foods
- Safety For Baby’s First Foods
- Purees vs. Baby-Led Weaning: What’s Right For You?
- The Best Foods To Introduce Baby To Between 4 & 6 Months Old
- The Ultimate Baby’s First Foods List
- Best Finger Foods & Baby-Led Weaning First Foods
- The Best Pureed First Foods
- The Best Easy-To-Make First Foods
- The Most Nutritious First Foods
- The Best Vegetarian First Foods
- Foods That Should Be Avoided
- Baby’s First Foods Chart: What, When & How To Serve Common First Foods to 4- to 6-Month-Old Babies
- First Foods For Babies With Allergies
When To Serve Baby Their First Foods
Although some people will serve baby’s first foods earlier, I recommend starting solids closer to the six-month mark. You want to avoid adding rice cereal or any other food to their bottle, and instead, begin solids when they display the signs of readiness listed below. By waiting to serve baby’s first foods until they’re truly ready, you increase their safety and chances of success as a new eater.
Signs of Eating Readiness
Your baby is ready to start solids if they:
- Can sit upright
- Can sit unsupported
- Have good head and neck control
- Have some practice bringing toys or objects from their hand to their mouth
- Show an interest in food (By reaching for what you’re eating, intently watching as others eat, etc.)
Can I Give My 4-Month-Old Baby Food?
Some pediatricians may okay solids around four months, but again, I generally recommend waiting until closer to six months, and when baby is displaying those signs of readiness.
There are more benefits to waiting than there are to starting earlier. Before six months, babies get everything they need from breastmilk or formula, so starting solids early won’t help them sleep better, grow faster, or, you know, become a professional athlete!
If you want to get your four- or five-month-old baby involved in mealtime, I recommend getting them acquainted with food and eating in these ways:
- Sit them near you while you’re eating
- Give them a silicone spoon to hold (I like NumNum GooTensils, EZPZ Tiny Spoons, and Olababy Training Spoons) and let them practice bringing it to their mouth
- Give them teething toys, like Sophie, or this elephant, to desensitize the gag reflex
FAQ: Do Formula- and Breast-Fed Babies Have Different Nutritional Needs?
Formula and breast milk are both completely nutritionally satisfactory for the first six months of life and beyond. So when it comes to starting solids, it doesn’t matter whether your baby has been receiving breast milk or formula.
That said, babies who are exclusively breastfed should receive a Vitamin D supplement, as levels in breastmilk are low. Formulas on the other hand are typically fortified with Vitamin D, so formula-fed babies don’t need one. Another thing to consider for a baby’s nutrition is iron. Babies build up an iron reserve from their mothers while in utero, but these stores begin to decline around six months of age for all babies.
Safety For Baby’s First Foods
Safety is a huge concern for parents when starting solids. Whether you start with baby foods, purees, or baby-led weaning, there are certain parameters to follow to make sure baby’s intro to food is safe and successful.
Choking Hazards for 4- to 6-Month-Old Babies
Choking hazards for babies ages four to six months old include any foods that are hard, crunchy, sticky, or chewy, as well those that are dangerous shapes.
Common hazardous foods are:
- Chips
- Popcorn
- Pretzels
- Raw Apple
- Globs of Nut Butter
- Hot Dogs
- Grapes
- Large seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, for example)
- Whole nuts
Many of these foods can be prepared safely to minimize the risk of choking, but they remain a choking hazard if they’re in their “natural” states until children turn four years old.
You can minimize choking risks by making sure your child is seated upright and strapped in a high chair with good trunk support. Foot support on a high chair is also helpful when your baby is starting out because it reinforces their stability, and when they’re more stable, they can chew and swallow more safely!
AAP & CDC Recommendations
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommend starting solids around six months of age, but not before four months. Again, some pediatricians may okay solids around four months of age, but I usually recommend waiting until six months to make sure baby is showing the physical signs of readiness I outlined above.
The one exception may be for introducing certain allergens to certain infants, depending on their inherent level of risk. Speak with your pediatrician or allergist to see if they want to start your baby on certain foods early.
Purees vs. Baby-Led Weaning: What’s Right For You?
Before you serve baby their first foods, you’ll need to decide what kinds of foods you want to offer. And while there’s a lot of dialogue and opinions about the “best” way to feed a baby, I want you to know there isn’t one right way to do this. You can start with purees or baby-led weaning, or you can do a combination of both.
Tip: If you take a puree approach, help them learn to self-feed by offering baby preloaded spoons and letting them bring the food to their mouth.
Babies are very intuitive about getting the nutrition they need, so full permission to opt for the feeding style that’s comfortable for you. They’ll be able to get enough to eat either way! If simple textures feel easier and lower-stress for you, start with purees. If you’re ready to tackle preparing foods in a way that’s safe for baby, go for baby-led weaning. And if you’re on the go a lot or need a caretaker to feed your baby sometimes, maybe a hybrid approach is best. It truly doesn’t matter as long as you’re helping them foster independence in eating, and offering a variety of different foods.
One thing that DOES matter when it comes to feeding your baby is letting them be in charge of how much they eat (while you learn to interpret their hunger and fullness cues). And you can do this whether you’re feeding them purees or finger foods.
Baby Signs Of Hunger:
- Reaching for food
- Moving toward the spoon
- Opening their mouth
- Pointing to food
- Excited at the sight of food
Baby Signs Of Fullness:
- Turning away from food
- Batting spoon away
- Clamping mouth shut
- Playing with/throwing food
- Significantly slowed pace of eating
- No longer showing interest
The Best Foods To Introduce Baby To Between 4 & 6 Months Old
A common question I get is, “What baby foods should I introduce first?” And really, there isn’t one “best” first food. You do not have to start with only baby cereal or only veggies or fruits. In fact, you shouldn’t! Research shows that introducing babies to a wide variety of foods early on is what’s most beneficial.
That said, my favorite first food is avocado! It’s a wonderful source of healthy fat, and it’s loaded with vitamins and minerals. Fat is essential to the developing brain and central nervous system, so we want to prioritize it within a baby’s first foods and make sure it’s completely unrestricted during their first two years of life.
(We also want to prioritize iron, because it’s a common dietary deficiency, and our babies begin to run out of the iron stores they got in utero by about six months.)
It’s Okay If Baby’s First Foods Have Multiple Ingredients!
You may choose to serve solely single-ingredient foods like avocado or sweet potato, but know that it’s not necessary to do so. It can be really helpful to serve a variety of new foods together, so they get used to different tastes and textures. Plus, there are nutritional benefits to mixing foods. For example, yogurt—a common first food for babies—can be fortified with mashed fruit, nut butter, or hemp seeds to up the nutritional value. (But if you ever notice a reaction or suspect an allergy to a component of a food combination you’ve been serving, stop serving the suspected allergen and contact your pediatrician.)
PSA: Skip The Baby Cereal
The recommendations from years past telling parents to start with rice-based infant cereals are outdated now. Rice cereals aren’t super nutritious, and we don’t want to rely too much on rice due to potential exposure to arsenic. So instead of cereals, offer new foods in safely-prepared forms. This is way more nutritious, and it exposes them to different flavors, textures, and nutrients which are beneficial for growth and development and can protect them against food allergies and picky eating.
The Ultimate List of Baby Foods
I’m covering allll the best kinds of baby foods separately, so you get all the juicy info and context you need. Then, I’m combining them all into one big, bad, comprehensive list of the best first foods for baby at the end.
Best Finger Foods & Baby-Led Weaning First Foods
For baby’s first foods, I like to suggest approachable options like avocado, sweet potato, and banana. These can be prepared and served baby-led-weaning-style by cutting them in wedges or crescent shapes that can be gripped with a palmar grasp. Bananas can be served as halves or in thirds-long ways. Just stick to serving items in longer shapes, about the width of two adult fingers, for the first few months of BLW. This way, baby can hold them and bring them to their mouth. Once your baby is a little bit older—usually around 9 months—many foods can be served safely in smaller pieces.
The Best Pureed First Foods
If you’re going the puree route, you can start with many of the same foods. Just mash up the sweet potato, avocado, banana—or whatever else, really!—and serve those as purees. You may want to thin them some with breastmilk or formula.
But shortly after starting with these foods, I would move on to introducing allergenic foods, because the early and repeated introduction of allergenic foods can be protective against the development of food allergies in babies, specifically for peanuts. Foods like yogurt and peanut butter may be good early options for allergenic introductions and are already in pureed form. Just start with small amounts.
The Best Easy-To-Make First Foods
Foods that are naturally soft are the easiest to prepare for young eaters. Banana, yogurt, apple sauce, and avocado are all great options that are easy to serve with little to no prep. You can also mix creamy nut butter with yogurt and incorporate other mashed fruits, like raspberries and blackberries, to ramp up the nutritional value while keeping prep extremely low.
Don’t feel like you need to shy away from foods that aren’t naturally soft, either! Many other fruits and veggies, like sweet potato, broccoli, and pears, can also be safely served with simple steaming or roasting techniques. Just make sure to cook these foods until they’re soft enough to be smashed between your fingers, so baby can safely enjoy them, and present them in a shape or style that they can safely navigate. (Soft foods can also be served to them on a pre-loaded spoon if they can’t be eaten by hand, yet.)
Low-Prep First Food Options:
- Banana
- Yogurt (Can mix with mashed berries or nut butter)
- Apple Sauce
- Avocado
- Steamed Veggies (Soft enough to mash between your fingers)
The Most Nutritious First Foods
There are so many great, nutrient-dense choices for baby’s first foods that are safe by six months of age no matter what type of foods you serve. (But it’s true that, if you take a baby-led weaning approach, you’ll probably have more options.) Sardines and salmon (fresh or canned) are both loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, DHA, protein, and tons of vitamins and minerals, which make them highly nutritious first foods! From the plant kingdom, sweet potato and avocado are nutrient-dense foods with a wide variety of vitamins and minerals including vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and magnesium.
The Best Vegetarian First Foods
Vegetarian foods are some of the best first foods for baby! There are tons of wonderful and nutritious fruit and veggie options that suit young eaters, like berries, bananas, avocados, potatoes, broccoli, squash, and many others. Non-produce vegetarian items are great first foods for baby, too. Think tofu strips, eggs (yolk and white), beans, nut butter, and oatmeal.
Just be sure you serve these in safe shapes and forms, and that they’re soft enough to be mashed between your fingers. Always avoid serving things that are hard, sticky, or chewy, and keep in mind that many raw vegetables and fruits are choking hazards (like celery and apple).
Foods That Should Be Avoided
While most foods have a place in most diets, there are some foods to avoid serving your 4- to 6-month-old baby:
Added Sugar
To make sure our babies get the most nutrition possible during this important phase of growth and development, it’s best to avoid added sugar for children under two. Added sugar doesn’t have much nutritional value, so it’s best to limit it as much as possible and avoid it altogether if possible.
Want to offer baby fun, homemade foods like cookies, bars, and muffins once they are fully established on solids? You still can! Just use the recipes in my No Sugar, Still Sweet cookbook, where everything is sweetened with fruit alone.
Babies should strictly avoid honey before 12 months of age. Honey can be contaminated with spores of a bacteria called clostridium botulinum. In babies under one, these spores can multiply and produce a dangerous toxin that causes infant botulism.
Related: Honey for Babies & Toddlers
Finally, sodium should be limited. For babies ages four to six months, the recommended sodium limit intake for a day is 110 mg, which includes any sodium present in breast milk and/or formula.
Fruit Juice
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no fruit juice before 1 year of age. Juice offers very few nutritional benefits and therefore isn’t a helpful addition to a baby’s diet.
- Under 1: No Juice
- Age 1-3: 4 Oz Daily Max
- Age 4-6: 4-6 Oz Daily Max
- Age 7-18: 8 Oz Daily Max
The Ultimate Baby’s First Foods List
- Avocado
- Sweet Potato (Mashed or Steamed)
- Broccoli (Steamed or Roasted)
- Pears (Steamed or Roasted)
- Butternut Squash
- Mango
- Banana
- Yogurt*
- Nut Butter* (Mixed-In To Purees or Spread Thin on Toast)
- Oatmeal
- Apple Sauce
- Mashed Raspberries
- Mashed Blueberries
- Mashed Blackberries
- Canned Sardines*
- Canned Salmon*
- Potatoes (Mashed or Steamed)
- Squash (Steamed or Roasted)
- Tofu Strips*
- Baby-Safe Eggs* (Try omelet-style and cut into strips!)
- Beans (Mashed)
*Common Allergens
Baby’s First Foods Chart: What, When & How To Serve Common First Foods to 4- to 6-Month-Old Babies
Avocado | 6 Months or Later | Mashed, mixed-in to sauces, and purees, or in wedge shapes baby can grip (BLW). |
Oatmeal | 6 Months of Later | Prepare with breastmilk or formula. Option to mix in yogurt, nut butter, mashed berries, or mashed banana. |
Banana | 6 Months or Later | Mashed, mixed into sauces and purees, cut in halves or third-long pieces (BLW). |
Sweet Potato | 6 Months or Later | Roasted or steamed so they’re soft enough to mash between your fingers. |
Mango | 6 Months or Later | Cut into wedge-shaped pieces that baby can grip. Or, give baby the pit to work on! |
Eggs (Common Allergen) | 6 Months or Earlier (If advised by a pediatrician or allergist) | Prepare eggs omelet-style and cut them into strips baby can grip. |
Yogurt (Common Allergen) | 6 Months or Earlier (If advised by a pediatrician or allergist) | Serve yogurt as-is or mix it into sauces, oatmeals, or purees. |
Nut Butter (Common Allergen) | 6 Months or Earlier (If advised by a pediatrician or allergist) | Mix nut butters into oatmeal or purees, or spread them thinly over toast. |
Berries | 6 Months or Later | Mash berries into a thicker, jam-like consistency before serving. Consider mixing mashed berries into other foods. |
Tofu (Common Allergen) | 6 Months or Earlier (If advised by a pediatrician or allergist) | Cut into thin strips that baby can grasp and fry them up in a pan. Serve cool or warm, not hot. |
Broccoli | 6 Months or Later | Steamed or roasted so it’s soft enough to mash between your fingers. |
Apple Sauce | 6 Months or Later | As-is or mixed in to oatmeal, yogurt, or purees. |
Canned Sardines (Common Allergen) | 6 Months or Later | Whole piece or mashed with other foods. |
Honey | 1 Year or Later | At 1 year or later, serve mixed-in to yogurt, sauces, or purees, or spread thinly on toast. |
Fruit Juice | 1 year or Later | At 1 year or later, offer up to 4 oz per day. |
Sugar | 2 Years or Later | Avoid added sugar before age two, then introduce it gradually and only as-needed. |
First Foods For Babies With Allergies
Food allergies have grown in prevalence over the last 50 years, and it’s now estimated that about 7% of babies have a food allergy! And while that can make choosing a baby’s first foods a little scary, the good news is that up to 80% of kids can grow out of their food allergies. (Especially when those allergies are milk and eggs!)
Important Information on Allergic Reactions & Introducing Allergens
For at least the last decade, parents were told to wait until 12 months or older to introduce the top eight allergens (peanut, tree nuts, eggs, milk, wheat, soy, fish, and shellfish) to their babies. Now, things are different. Today, we recommend introducing allergenic foods to your baby when they start solids, which, for most children, is around six months old. Introducing allergenic foods at this point in your baby’s development can reduce the risk of developing some food allergies—especially allergies to eggs and peanuts.
For Babies With Known Allergies
If your baby is already known to have a food allergy, do not introduce that food. But, if baby has certain risk factors WITHOUT a confirmed allergy (like eczema or a family member with a food allergy), consult the pediatrician. You may be referred to an allergist who will determine the best course of action with an introduction.
Introducing Allergens: What To Watch For
Mild allergic reactions may look like new hives around the mouth or face.
More severe reactions can include:
- Vomiting
- Lip Swelling
- Widespread Hives
- Face Or Tongue Swelling
- Difficulty Breathing
- Changes In Skin Color
- Sudden Lethargy Or Limpness
If you notice any of these severe signs, seek emergency medical help immediately.
Make Starting Solids Simple
I know that getting ready to start serving your baby their first foods is nerve-wracking. But with the right info (which you now have) and prep (which you’re equipped to do), I promise you it can be a great experience. Now that you know all the things about safety, allergic reactions, which foods to serve, and how to serve them, go in with your bases covered and just enjoy the time spent with your little one.
I also know that if you decide to go with solids, you might be a little extra nervous about things like gagging and making all foods baby-safe. And, I get it! These things can be intimidating the first few times. Lucky for you though, you’re not alone! You’ve got me in your corner. I’ve been there before, I’ve helped so many parents navigate through it, and I know you can do it, too.
To help you up your confidence, ditch the unnecessary doubts, and feed them well right from the start, I put together my research-backed Simply Solids guide. If you’re about to start—or already on—your baby-feeding journey, Simply Solids is a must-have.
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.Trust me, you’ll be kicking yourself if you don’t grab your copy right the heck now 👇
Get The Free Guide
Baby’s First Foods
Kacie Barnes, MCN, RDN, LD
Summary of baby first foods 4 to 6 months some ideas in case you want a printer friendly list!
No ratings yet
Print Recipe Pin RecipePrep Time 5 mins
Cook Time 5 mins
Total Time 10 mins
Course Breakfast, Dinner, lunch
Cuisine American
Servings 2 servings
Calories 50 kcal
- Avocado
- Oatmeal
- Banana
- Sweet Potato
- Mango
- Eggs (Common Allergen)
- Yogurt (Common Allergen)
- Nut Butter (Common Allergen)
- Berries
- Tofu (Common Allergen)
- Broccoli
- Apple Sauce
- Canned Sardines (Common Allergen)
Mashed, mixed-in to sauces or purees, or in wedge shapes baby can grip (BLW).
Prepare with breastmilk, formula, canned coconut milk or water. Option to mix in yogurt, nut butter, mashed berries, or mashed banana.
Mashed, mixed into sauces and purees, cut in halves or third-long pieces (BLW).
Roasted or steamed so they’re soft enough to mash between your fingers. Or, serve mashed with a spoon.
Cut into wedge-shaped pieces that baby can grip. Or, give baby the pit to work on!
Serve yogurt as-is or mix it into sauces, oatmeals, or purees.
Mix nut butters into oatmeal or purees, or spread them thinly over toast.
Mash berries into a thicker, jam-like consistency before serving.
Consider mixing mashed berries into other foods.
Cut into thin strips that baby can grasp and fry them up in a pan. Serve cool or warm, not hot.
As-is or mixed in to oatmeal, yogurt, or purees.
Calories: 50kcal
Keyword baby
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It's no secret that the best food for a newborn baby is breast milk. Unfortunately, not every woman has the physical or moral ability to provide them with her child. This may be due to certain diseases, medications taken and a number of other important factors. In this case, you have to resort to things like infant formula. nine0004
Today, grocery stores and pharmacies carry a wide variety of these products. They can differ greatly in composition, nutrient content, and a number of other factors. So that you are not mistaken in such an important issue, we decided to rank the best baby formulas. However, before proceeding with the analysis of these products, we would like to give you some useful tips on making the right choice. Let's start with this, and in the future we will move on to the review itself. nine0004
Rank summary: (hide/show)
How to choose infant formula in 2022-2023?
As we said a little higher, it is very easy to get confused in the variety presented on store shelves. First you need to figure out what kind of food is. According to its consistency, it can be of two types - dry and liquid. Dry products represent about 90% of all available on the market. It is usually packaged in a cardboard box or tin, made in the form of a powder, which must be diluted with boiled water at room temperature before use. Liquid mixtures are usually ready to use - they just need to be warmed up a little. They are sold in special tetrapack packages, divided into portions of 200 ml each - for one full meal. It is not so easy to find such a mixture in ordinary stores. nine0004
Almost all of these products are made on the basis of cow's milk, but the protein is present here in an altered form. Here, too, there is a classification - adapted, partially adapted and non-adapted. The former are produced on the basis of demineralized milk whey, therefore, in terms of their composition and nutritional properties, they are as close as possible to breast milk. They are well absorbed, designed specifically for newborns. Due to the complex manufacturing technology, such products are quite expensive. nine0004
Partially adapted mixtures contain lactose and sucrose, and also do not have a stabilized mineral fat composition. The latter type is made on the basis of casein, an unchanged protein found in cow's milk.
When choosing milk formula, be sure to take into account the age indicator. For newborns or premature babies, a product labeled 0 would be suitable, a product with the number 1 is designed for children under the age of six months, 2 - from six months to a year, 3 - for older children. nine0004
Finding the right mixture the first time is not always easy. It is advisable to carefully monitor the condition of the child after feeding and the reaction to the mixture. If the slightest signs of an allergy suddenly appear, then you should immediately abandon the selected product and switch to another one. The same is done if the child has loose stools, he shows anxiety after feeding, weakly gains weight. The mixture should be prepared in strict accordance with the instructions on the package.
When we selected the nutrition to include in our 2022-2023 Best Blends list, we were guided by all the considerations in the first place. However, some other factors were taken into account - this is the ratio of price and quality of products (it should be borne in mind that baby food is always quite expensive), as well as user reviews.
Top 9 Infant Formulas 2022-2023
9. Similac (Abbott) Gold
This is the latest development in the company's infant formula line. It is characterized by an innovative composition, which is now even closer to natural breast milk. The original ingredient is added here - oligosaccharide, which until then was found only in human milk. You will not find similar products on the market today. With the help of this component, beneficial bacteria begin to actively develop in the intestines of a child. Due to the fact that up to 70% of the cells of the immune system are located in this organ, when using such milk, it is possible to strengthen and largely maintain the natural defenses of a developing and growing organism. The substance reduces colic in the baby's tummy, makes it more calm. nine0004
Literally in a week the child starts crying much less, and in a month the immune system becomes twice as strong and better resists various infections. The product also contains bifidobacteria B. lactis, a very effective and thoroughly researched probiotic. It contributes to the development of the natural intestinal microflora of the baby, and also maintains the digestive system in perfect order. There are FOS prebiotics, which are food for beneficial intestinal microflora, contribute to gentle emptying. The composition does not contain palm oil, so the likelihood of constipation is minimal, and calcium will be absorbed very well. nine0004
- Instantly dissolves in water without forming lumps;
- Prevents colic and constipation;
- No palm oil;
- Has all the nutrients you need, many of which are not found in other formulas.
- Expensive;
- Not found in all stores.
Similac (Abbott) Gold
8. Friso VOM
A special anti-reflux mixture, the main purpose of which is to eliminate various negative effects of feeding a child, such as colic or spitting up. The composition contains a special thickener, which is absolutely harmless to the health of the child. Its function is as follows: when it enters the baby's stomach, it does not allow the mixture to come out back, as happens when spitting up. Here, locust bean gum acts as an anti-reflux substance - a special component that also positively affects the functioning of the children's intestines and prevents constipation. It contains skimmed milk powder, as well as whey. Lactose acts as a source of carbohydrates here. Galactooligosaccharides act as a prebiotic - they help to establish proper bowel function. nine0004
Another useful substance is the polyunsaturated fatty acid Omega-3, -6. Such compounds are useful for the child's vision to develop well and in accordance with age. Nucleotides are indispensable for the development of brain connections and the digestive tract. For additional thickening of the mixture, maltodextrin is used. It does not harm the baby's esophagus and stomach, and decomposes into glucose in the intestines. It contains a whole complex of vegetable oils - sunflower, palm, rapeseed and special unicellular oil. All of them are aimed at creating the elasticity of the skin. nine0004
- Provides a restful sleep for the baby after the evening feeding;
- Stabilizes the chair;
- Improves the functioning of all systems of the baby's body;
- Prevents regurgitation;
- The complex of nutrients is perfectly balanced.
- Quite expensive;
- Very thick - difficult to pass through the nipple;
- It is necessary to dilute with rather hot water - its temperature should not be lower than 50 degrees, it is also hard to stir. nine0041
Friso VOM
7. Valio Baby
Another dry adapted product, and it has the appropriate label, depending on which the mixture is intended for children of a certain age. It is optimal for babies largely due to the perfectly balanced composition, and it is close to natural breast milk. It does not contain palm oil, but there is a complex of GOS prebiotics (galactooligosaccharides). These substances are found in large quantities in women's milk, they contribute well to the growth of intestinal microflora, restore digestion. In addition, such substances gently affect the stool and contribute to the active development of the baby's immune system. The complex of vitamins and minerals is ideally balanced so that the development of the body occurs harmoniously in strict accordance with the age of the child. These include iron, zinc, vitamin C, calcium, and phosphorus, with the latter two also for proper skeletal development. nine0004
There is no palm oil here, so the child will have little colic, regurgitation and constipation. There is natural milk fat, which is completely identical to the complex of maternal milk fats. Dietary cholesterol is also at the required level. There are no artificial flavors or colors, as well as preservatives or genetically modified products.
- Perfectly balanced composition;
- Presence of a complex of vitamins and minerals; nine0041
- Pleasant smell and taste - most babies eat this mixture with undisguised pleasure;
- Dissolves perfectly in water without forming lumps or other inclusions.
- Some babies may have an allergic reaction to this mixture.
Valio Baby
6. Semper Baby Nutradefense
The mixture contains an original combination of MFGM & Milk fat components, which includes membranes of milk fat globules and a certain percentage of natural milk fat. All these compounds are found in breast milk and are very important for the proper formation and development of the child. Clinical studies have shown that the use of milk formula with a similar complex reduces the likelihood of infectious diseases and increases the cognitive development of babies compared to children who ate formulas without such components. The packaging is hermetically sealed, preventing water vapor from the air from entering the mixture. Directly on the jar there is a detailed instruction on the preparation and use of the mixture, as well as on the amount of volume, depending on the age of the baby. nine0004
The mixture dissolves perfectly even in cold water, and it diverges very well: no lumps are formed either at the bottom or on the surface, although the manufacturer recommends diluting the product at a temperature of 40 degrees. Suitable for most babies, copes well with colic and constipation. Due to the presence of all the necessary substances and minerals, the baby, when using such a mixture, gains weight according to the plan.
- The original composition of the mixture with the addition of all the necessary nutrients; nine0041
- Colic, regurgitation disappear in children, allergic reactions do not occur;
- Mixes well even in cold water;
- Babies enjoy eating these products.
- The measuring spoon that comes with the composition is often located at the very bottom of the jar;
- Relatively high cost.
Semper Baby Nutradefense
5. Nutrilon Superpremium
This company has been in the baby food business for over 40 years, and the experts have done well in this matter. Researchers studied mother's milk, tried to find out the optimal ratio of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. As a result, they have an optimal mixture that can be used as a main or additional food. In addition, the products are so similar to mother's milk that they are recommended for a smooth transition from breastfeeding to formula-feeding, if necessary. The composition lays a solid foundation for the health of the baby. The developers have added a significant amount of DHA / ARA fatty acids to it, which contribute to the rapid development of the baby's intelligence. There are also milk lipids in the mixture, due to which the entire necessary spectrum of minerals is provided, and this complex is perfectly balanced. nine0004
All prebiotics present in the composition are aimed at the active development of immunity. The mixture is produced in containers weighing 400 or 800 grams. The packaging is made of materials that allow you to hold it with one hand, without fear that it will slip out of your palm. Preparation of the mixture takes only a few seconds, and you can use ordinary boiled water at room temperature, you do not need to heat it. This allows you to quickly make food for the child, for example, at night, when there is not much time for cooking, and the baby screams a lot and can wake up the household. nine0004
- The composition contains biologically active components that ensure the growth and development of the child;
- The composition is aimed at the prevention of most pathological processes;
- The product has the same ratio of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and lactose as in human milk;
- There is an improvement in the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract in the baby;
- Produced on the basis of original European technology;
- Found in almost every major grocery store; nine0041
- Acceptable cost.
- Minor amounts of coconut and palm oil present;
- Some parents find that the product does not taste very good.
Nutrilon Superpremium
4. Nestogen
Carefully balanced nutrition ensures the normalization of the child's digestive system and, consequently, the proper development of the entire child's body. The mixture is absolutely safe, absorbed almost instantly. The contained prebiotics not only make the digestive process stable and relieve constipation, but also contribute to the beneficial development of the intestinal microflora and prevent regurgitation. Depending on the numerical marking, the mixture can be given to children from birth until the age of two. It is produced in cardboard packages, but the powder of the mixture itself is in sealed foil packaging. nine0004
The composition contains all the micro and macro elements that are necessary for a growing child's body. There are also fats and amino acids that can make up for the lack of nutrients.
- Dissolves almost instantly in water;
- The composition is balanced, it is aimed at ensuring that absolutely all components of the mixture are fully absorbed by the baby's body;
- There are fatty acids that are aimed not only at improving immunity, but also at improving brain function and developing vision; nine0041
- Well adapted for children with any health condition;
- Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, including the normalization of the stool.
- Parents often say that the mixture is too sweet;
- Foil bag does not have a snap closure;
- Contains no probiotics.
3. Nutrilak (InfaPrim) 1
Finally, we can present you the products that open the top four of the best infant formulas. This composition is made on the basis of whey protein of the highest quality. It also contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, which positively affect the state of the child's cardiovascular system, ensure the development of the brain and vision. In addition, the mixture provides a well-balanced complex of vitamins necessary for the child, which was developed by the company's researchers, taking into account the age characteristics of the baby. It is well thought out, contributes to the harmonious growth and development of the body. nine0004
The mixture also includes vitamin D and calcium, which, together with other beneficial substances, are well absorbed by the child's intestines, and act on bones and teeth, strengthening them. The iron and zinc contained are designed to prevent anemia. The complex of antioxidants and biologically important nutrients are designed to protect the baby from most adverse environmental factors.
- Very reasonable cost of the mixture - it is one of the cheapest among all on the market today; nine0041
- No palm and rapeseed oil in the composition - many parents have a negative attitude towards these substances;
- Dissolves almost instantly;
- Every baby eats this mixture with pleasure.
- Not very convenient packaging, including measuring spoon.
Nutrilak (InfaPrim) 1
2. BIBIKOL Nanny Classic
Depending on the label, it is used from birth until the child reaches the age of two. The composition is a dry, fully adapted milk formula, which is produced on the basis of goat milk, which is obtained in New Zealand farms. The natural conditions in this country make it possible to fully provide animals with fresh grass throughout the year. Product developers were able to fully preserve all the beneficial qualities of goat milk, largely due to the original production technology of its composition. It contains less alpha-S1-casein and beta-lactoglobulin when compared to standard baby food formulas made from cow's milk. In addition, the composition contains natural milk fat and oils of vegetable origin of the highest quality. nine0004
Goat milk contains nucleotides, membrane components of fat globules (for example, phospholipids), oligosaccharides in sufficient amount for a child's organism. The optimal amount of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids has been added to the mixture, there is a carefully balanced vitamin-mineral complex designed exclusively for the child.
- Goat's milk causes fewer allergic reactions than cow's; nine0041
- Great for lactose intolerant children;
- Quite tasty product;
- Easily digested in children's intestines;
- Minimum risk of allergic reactions.
- Slightly more expensive than products made with cow's milk.
BIBIKOL Nanny Classic
1. NAN Optipro
In the first place of the rating was the product of the Swiss brand, which is preferred by many parents largely due to its good qualities and pleasant taste. The main distinguishing point of this mixture compared to all other products that we considered as part of our review is the presence of beneficial bifidobacteria here. Otherwise, this is also an adapted dry milk mixture that can be fed to a child from the very moment of birth. The composition is carefully balanced, so the manufacturer guarantees with confidence that the baby will receive all the necessary nutritional compounds, vitamins and minerals that are required for his physical, psychological and mental development in the first months and years of life. nine0004
There is a unique Optipro complex here, which provides the baby with the required amount of protein, and bifidobacteria help to form and improve immunity. The mixture contains the right amount of trace elements, minerals and vitamins. Products are manufactured using the highest quality raw materials. It will not be possible to detect flavorings, genetically modified foods, preservatives and dyes. The mixture is very pleasant in taste, it contains a variety of vegetable oils, as well as fish oil, instead of standard table salt, magnesium chloride is used here. It is diluted with water of any temperature - better than room temperature, so that later it does not have to be heated. nine0004
- Excellent product quality;
- Widely available in all grocery stores;
- Does not cause colic or loose stools;
- Convenient packaging;
- Easily dissolves in water.
- Except for the relatively high price was not found.
NAN Optipro
In conclusion, useful video
Our review of the most popular infant formulas on the Russian market has come to an end. If you still have some questions or want to share your impressions of the use of a particular product - welcome to the comments on this article. It will be very interesting for us and our readers to know your opinion. nine0004
The best milk formulas for newborns
There is no doubt that the ideal food for a newborn baby is breast milk. However, there are a lot of mothers who are forced to switch to artificial feeding for one reason or another. In such a situation, it is very important to choose a good mixture for the newborn, which will suit him according to all requirements. So that you can better navigate the range of baby food, we have prepared for you a rating of the best baby formulas for newborns based on the reviews and recommendations of many mothers. nine0004
- Best children's mixture on goat milk
- 1. Kabrita
- 2. Nanny
- 3. Mamako
- 4. Mdmil SP Kozochka
- The best children's mixture for newborn adapted (maximum close to the breast)
- 1. Nutrilon
- 2. NAN
- 3. Nestogen
- Best Premature Infant Formula
- The best infant formula for newborns, inexpensive and good
- 1. Malyutka
- 2. Agusha
- Which infant formula to choose for a newborn?
It is very important to remember that before making a choice, you should definitely consult your pediatrician, who is more than anyone else competent in this matter, and knows all the best manufacturers of infant formula on the market.
Best goat milk formula
This version of baby food appeared on the domestic market not so long ago, but has already gained great popularity. This is due to the theory that goat's milk is absorbed by an immature child's body more easily than cow's milk and is equivalent in its properties to mother's breast milk. It is also suitable for feeding newborns who are allergic to cow's milk. At the same time, the choice of mothers who decide to switch to such a product is small - there are only 4 similar brands on the market, which will be described in detail. nine0004
1. Kabrita
Highly adapted mixture from the Netherlands, made from natural farm goat milk. Kabrita® is today considered the best and most advanced goat formula.
Firstly, the mixture is enriched with the most valuable goat milk whey (63%), and its protein content is balanced (1.3 g per 100 ml of the finished mixture), which makes it gentle on the baby's health.
Second, the unique Digest X® fat complex with a high (42%) triglyceride content, similar to breast milk fats, helps to facilitate digestion, reduce constipation and improve the intestinal microflora. nine0004
And thirdly, in addition to traditional omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, the composition includes pro- and prebiotics that help digestion and the formation of immunity.
The benefits described above are very important for baby nutrition, especially in the first months after birth. According to the reviews of numerous mothers, Kabrita is the best goat milk mixture that helps digestion and saturates the child very well, providing a good night's sleep, and therefore rest for the mother.
- The ratio of serum to the casein 63:37, as in breast milk
- The rich and useful composition
- without palm oil
- positively affects the digestion and dream of babies
Disadvantages: 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000
2. Nanny
A New Zealand product that is rightfully considered the best goat milk formula. Its main difference from the products of other brands is the high content of casein proteins, which are easier to digest for an immature organism. Another feature is the absence of additional processing of milk, which ensures maximum preservation of its useful qualities. In addition, the product of this brand does not contain palm oil. All this together ensures a minimal risk of allergies, which is very important when it comes to a newborn baby. nine0004
- High quality products
- Lack of palm oil and serum protein
- Minimum risk of allergies
- High cost
- The proportional ratio of serum and casein proteins
- is saturated with prebiotics
- The optimal composition with the minimum risk of allergies
- Normalization of the stool and the absence of colic when consumed
- good composition
- High digestibility by the children's body
- is easy to find in the supermarket
- A
- The content of all the necessary components in sufficient quantities and ratio of
- Positive effect on the body's work as a whole
- The convenience of storage
- is easy to find in any supermarket
from the Spanish manufacturer contains casein and whey proteins in equal proportions. The product did not have time to gain great popularity, as it appeared on the shelves relatively recently. However, mothers who have tried it note that milk based on it has a pleasant sweet taste that children like.
- 9000 000 (sold not in all stores)
4. MDMIL SP An infant formula with a good composition, co-produced by Switzerland and Spain. Unlike other brands of baby food, the saturation of milk with proteins and salts is within the normal range (in other products it either exceeds the permissible limits or is at their upper limit). This optimal combination avoids unnecessary stress on such children's organs as the intestines and kidneys. In addition, here the ratio of omega acids is closest to breast milk, which positively affects the development of the children's nervous system. nine0004
ISMENTION BECOME! Never store dry mix in the open, as the air contains microorganisms that can also get into the food.
We recommend watching the Test Purchase video about infant formula! nine0387
The best baby formula for newborns adapted (as close as possible to breast milk)
The main feature of such nutrition is the minimum amount of casein protein, which in some babies causes difficulties in digestion and is poorly absorbed. As part of an adapted diet, an increased content of albumins and globulins, which brings its characteristics as close as possible to breast milk. This means that these foods contain virtually no ingredients that can cause digestive difficulties, which is ideal for an infant. It is from this line that you should choose food in the first months after the birth of the baby, so that there is no allergy. nine0004
1. Nutrilon
The best infant formula according to most mothers for many years. It has the optimal ratio of vegetable fatty acids with minerals and vitamins. In addition, there is a high level of absorption of nutrients, a proportional ratio of phosphorus and calcium. In its composition, Nutrilon is also as close as possible to breast milk, which is very important for the child.
2. Nan
Not only one of the best dairy mixtures for the newborn, but one of the most delicious, but one of the most delicious, but one of the most delicious most delicious, but one of the most delicious most delicious, but one of the most delicious . It dissolves quickly when cooked, saturates the baby well. The optimal amount of prebiotics and probiotics ensures the smooth functioning of the intestines, as well as an increase in its protective properties. It has a beneficial effect on the brain, nervous system and eyesight of a little man. nine0004
Disadvantages: 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000
3. Nestozhen
High quality budget option for baby food. Contains vitamins and minerals, but their amount is less than in more expensive brands. There is no fish oil, which is necessary for the harmonious development of the nervous system. But it is a mixture without palm oil. Despite the fact that this type of oil is considered an excellent source of fat in Western countries, for many Russian mothers its absence is a significant argument in favor of this product. There is also a sufficient amount of lactobacilli, prebiotics and other important trace elements. nine0004
- acceptable cost
- Lack of palm oil
- Great composition
- The absence of some important microelements consisting of
the process of feeding a baby with formula milk. Baby bottles that are not washed in time are an ideal place for the development and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. If you do not boil such a bottle, but simply rinse it and pour a new portion of food into it, the child may vomit, and you may think that this mixture is not suitable for the baby. nine0004
Best Premature Infant Formula
Premature babies need special care and attention. An organism that has not had time to fully form and prepare for birth is especially sensitive. Therefore, for their nutrition, you need to choose special children's products that fully meet the needs of the little man. They take into account all the features of such fragile babies: the use of proteins that are easily digested, the increased content of vitamins and trace elements, the increase in the energy value of the product for faster weight gain. Also, this line is recommended to reduce the risk of allergic reactions. nine0004
Infant formula with bifidobacteria and reduced lactose. The percentage of whey milk is the highest here, which brings it as close as possible to breast milk. Enriched with polyunsaturated fatty acids, vital vitamins and microelements.
- optimal composition especially for premature babies
- minimal risk of allergies and other negative reactions
- as close as possible to breast milk
- high cost
It practically does not contain lactose, instead maltodextrin is used, which provides not only a sweet taste of the product, but also a high energy value that contributes to rapid weight gain. This indicator is very important for this category of children's products. In addition, it is perfect for children suffering from increased gas formation and colic, due to the minimal burden on the digestive system. It does not contain palm oil, but there is a special herbal complex that helps to get rid of constipation and soften the stool. nine0004
- The composition taking into account all the characteristics of the underwear of the premature baby
- The absence of palm oil
- is perfectly absorbed by the children's weak organism
Completely, If you are forced to switch to artificial feeding, it is not necessary to buy the most expensive formulas. In fact, products that are produced in our country meet all the requirements of quality standards at an affordable cost. Most moms find they are best suited for babies from 12 months, but they are also designed for babies from birth. One of the most popular brands of Dutch quality baby food produced in Russia. Contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals, prebiotics and fatty acids. Can be given to a healthy full-term baby from birth. And if you are wondering which formula to choose from 6 months, when the transition to the next stage of development occurs, this is one of the best options. According to the reviews of mothers, who at first gave the baby more expensive food, they switch to Baby without difficulty, as the children like its sweetish taste. A great option for those parents who want to save on price, not quality. nine0004 DPCs: Disadvantages: Below we will consider the leaders of children's dairy products that are produced in the country. nine0004
1. Malyutka
A good mixture from a domestic manufacturer at an affordable price. Enriched with all the necessary minerals and vitamins, suitable from the first days for healthy babies born on time. Contains a special vitamin complex designed to strengthen children's immunity and have a beneficial effect on the growth and overall development of the baby. nine0004
- Available cost
- Good composition
- A
We recommend that an interesting video about which children are the best of them and what are the children's most of them. quality!
Which infant formula should I choose for my newborn?
With so many brands of baby food on the shelves, choosing a formula for a newborn baby is quite difficult. In order not to make a mistake when making a decision, pay attention to the following criteria:
- general composition
- percentage of lactose (the less the better)
- percentage of whey milk
- specific features for a particular brand
- recommendations for use (for which category of children it is intended)
since milk nutrition ends very quickly and you need to buy it quite often. Here you should come to the optimal ratio of price and quality by choosing which milk formula from birth is best for your child and will not hit the family budget too much. But at the same time, you should not overpay for a brand and convenient packaging (mixtures at a budget price in cardboard packaging can easily be stored in ordinary glass jars with a lid). nine0004
In addition, be sure to consider, choosing which mixture is best for the development of the child, is decided exclusively together with the pediatrician, who will give important advice based on the characteristics of the baby's body. Moreover, if the mixture does not fit, do not immediately panic. Despite the general principle of production, all brands of infant formula have their own characteristics, to which the body of a little man must get used, and this takes time. Therefore, everything new should be tried very carefully, introducing the product gradually. The first time you should give the minimum amount of milk, carefully observing the reaction of the child's body.