Bottle feeding baby goats whole milk
Bottle Feeding Baby Goats - Backyard Goats
Reading Time: 5 minutes
Once your kids arrive, you will need to decide if they will be dam-raised or if you will be bottle-feeding baby goats. There are reasons you might choose to bottle feed from promoting friendliness to managing the dam’s udder. Or you may be forced to bottle-feed because for one reason or another the dam can’t or won’t let the kids nurse or a kid is too weak or compromised to nurse. Whatever the reason, if you are planning on bottle-feeding, you likely have many questions including:
- What kind of milk to feed baby goats?
- How to get a baby goat to bottle feed?
- How much milk to feed a baby goat?
- How long to bottle feed a baby goat?
What Kind of Milk to Feed Baby Goats:
When bottle-feeding baby goats, the very first milk they must receive is colostrum. Ideally, the dam will be producing enough colostrum that you can express her own into a bottle and immediately feed it to the kids. But if her fresh colostrum is not available for some reason, your other choices are to feed fresh colostrum from another doe that has kidded at the same time, feed frozen colostrum that you saved from a previous kidding, or feed kid colostrum replacer. For this last choice, it is important to be sure it’s kid colostrum replacer and not calf or lamb replacer as the nutrient needs are different for different species. It is also important to be sure it’s colostrum replacer and not milk replacer. Newborn kids absolutely must get colostrum in the first 24-48 hours of life or their chances of survival are low. Do not substitute any type of homemade replacer at this stage and don’t try to get by with regular whole milk.
Once you get the newborn kid through the first 24-48 hours, then you can switch to milk. Ideally, you will have fresh goat milk available as this is best. Many goat owners who choose to bottle-feed will milk the dam and then immediately transfer the milk to bottles and feed it to the babies. Other goat owners prefer to heat-treat the milk before bottle-feeding baby goats in order to eliminate the risk of potentially passing CAE or other diseases from the dam to the baby. I, myself, do my CAE tests while my does are pregnant so that I know they are negative and then I feed the mother’s milk to the babies raw, which feels more natural to me and I believe it contains more of the beneficial antibodies than heat-treated milk does. But if you do choose to heat-treat, remember that colostrum cannot actually be pasteurized because it will curdle, so it must just be gently heated to 135 degrees F and held at that temperature for one hour. Regular milk can be pasteurized at 161 degrees F for 30 seconds.
If you don’t have fresh goat milk for bottle-feeding baby goats, then your choices are goat milk replacer or another species of milk. I have seen goat milk replacer recipes but the advice I get from my veterinarian and goat mentors is that whole cow milk from the grocery store is more adequate and appropriate in the event that I don’t have, or don’t want to use, powdered replacers.
If your newborn is healthy enough to have a strong sucking reflex, getting it to take a bottle will be relatively simple. I like to use the little red “Pritchard” nipples for newborns because they are smaller and easier for them to suck. Don’t forget to snip the tip of the nipple as it doesn’t come with a hole in it! Hold the bottle at an angle so that the milk is flowing downward, open the baby’s mouth with your fingers, and stick the nipple inside. I find it helpful to put gentle pressure on the top and bottom of the muzzle to help the baby hold the bottle in its mouth at first. A strong kid will generally be hungry and start sucking enthusiastically.
Bottle-feeding a baby goat. Photo credit: Kate Johnson.If the baby is too weak to suck, you may need to feed a few drops at a time through a medicine dropper (be careful not to put too much on its tongue or in the side of its cheek at once or it could go down the wrong tube and into the lungs). Or you may need to tube-feed the baby. I’ve also had babies that just needed to wake up a bit in order to get the sucking response going, and I find that using a supplement like “Nutri-Drench” or some Caro syrup or even coffee, rubbed on their gums, is often enough to give them a little energy boost and get them eating.
How much your babies will need depends on whether they are full-sized breeds or miniature breeds, and also on how old they are. In general, try to feed three to four ounces per five pounds of weight per feeding. At first, you may be feeding every three to four hours, and then after a few days, you’ll spread this out to four feedings a day. You can drop that back to two or three feedings a day at about three weeks of age, and then down to twice a day by six to eight weeks. For the last month, you can feed once a day as they should be eating some hay and grain by then, if not sooner.
Here are two useful charts to use as a starting point. You may need to modify the schedule and number of feedings per day based on your own schedule and time constraints, but this is a good place to begin:
Age | Ounces per Feeding | Frequency |
0-2 Days | 3-6 ounces | Every 3-4 hours |
3 Days to 3 Weeks | 6-10 ounces | Four times a day |
3 to 6 Weeks | 12-16 ounces | Three times a day |
6 to 10 weeks | 16 ounces | Twice a day |
10 to 12 weeks | 16 ounces | Once a day |
Age | Ounces per Feeding | Frequency |
0-2 Days | 2-4 ounces | Every 3-4 hours |
3 Days to 3 Weeks | 6-8 ounces | Four times a day |
3 to 8 Weeks | 12 ounces | Twice a day |
8-12 weeks | 12 ounces | Once a day |
As a general rule of thumb, when I’ve decided on bottle-feeding baby goats, I try to feed doelings for at least three months and bucklings or wethers for at least two months. Sometimes I go longer if I have extra milk, but this seems to get them off to a good start and by two to three months they are eating grass, hay, and even some grain, so their need for milk is greatly reduced.
Bottle-feeding baby goats is a time commitment, but it’s also a fun way to bond with your babies and make them oh so friendly!
Basics of bottle feeding goat kids
Even though I strongly believe that goat kids should be raised by mom, there are times when that simply is not possible. A doe may have more kids than she can feed. A kid may be born too small or weak to be able to nurse. And on rare occasion, a doe may reject one or more kids. So, if you find yourself with a bottle baby, what do you do?
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Table of Contents
What do you feed a baby goat?
Goat milk is best, and I prefer raw milk because it has all of the antibodies intact. However, if the milk comes from a doe that has CAE, Johne’s, or another infectious disease, then the milk needs to be pasteurized so that the kid does not get infected.
Beyond that, you’ll hear people argue all day long about what to feed. We’ve used milk replacer, and we’ve used whole milk from the store, and we had equally OK results with both.
Without mom’s antibodies in fresh goat milk, the kids will be more likely to have problems with worms and coccidia, which is why some people use medicated milk replacer, which helps prevent coccidiosis.
I really think the reason some kids die on milk replacer is because of human error. If you do not mix it up with the correct amount of water, a kid can wind up with an intestinal blockage. Of course, if someone makes a mistake, it’s a total accident, so they would probably never realize they had done it. So if you do use milk replacer, be extra careful when reading the instructions and mixing it up.
Check out my “Just Kidding and Raising Kids” online course
How much milk do baby goats need?
All kids should get 5% of their body weight in the first six hours and 10% of their body weight in the first 24 hours in COLOSTRUM. Without colostrum, kids will die. When calculating, remember to convert pounds to ounces. If you have a 3-pound Nigerian dwarf kid, that’s 3 X 16 = 48 ounces, which would be 4.8 ounces of milk in the first 24 hours.
It would need to have half that amount in the first six hours, which would be 2.4 ounces. You may have to split that up into two bottles. If the kid wants more, that’s fine. This is just the minimum. If I can get 10% of body weight in colostrum into a kid within the first six hours, I sleep much better.
20% of body weight in this example would be 16 ounces, which is preferred. The above example is only the MINIMUM amounts of milk needed in the first 24 hours!
I gradually increase the amount of milk in the bottle, up to 32 ounces per day for Nigerians. For years I maxed out at 24 ounces, which is what most breeders did back then, but I discovered that the kids are much healthier and grow faster with 32 ounces a day.
Ellen Dorsey of Dill’s A Little Goat Farm in Chelsea, OK, has raised Nubians and Alpines and says, “I’ll give them a 1-liter bottle, which is around 38 ounces, three times a day and then gradually reduce the middle bottle once they start eating hay and grain. So, I max them out at 114 ounces.”
Although most people today max out somewhere around 20% of the kid’s body weight every 24 hours, it is important to watch the kid. If you have recently increased the amount of milk in a baby goat’s bottle, and it gets diarrhea, go back to the amount of milk you were feeding before the diarrhea started. If the diarrhea was caused by too much milk, it should stop as soon as you cut back on the amount of milk you’re feeding. If it continues, check out this post on diarrhea in goats.
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How do you get a baby goat started on a bottle?
It is much easier to get kids started on a bottle if you are using a Pritchard teat because you can squeeze the bottle, which causes a few drops to go into the kid’s mouth. This helps them learn that this is how they get milk. And while they are learning, you are getting some milk into them, even if it is a few drops at a time. It’s much easier and faster than using an eye dropper!
Many years ago when we were new, we used human baby bottles, which works okay for a kid that already knows how to take a bottle. However, if the kid has never taken a bottle, that makes it much harder and sometimes impossible, which is why we started using the Pritchard teat at least 15 years ago and never looked back.
Below is a video of two kids getting their first bottle. Keep in mind that it is usually much more challenging to get kids to take a bottle if they have already been nursing from mom. The longer they have been nursing from mom, the longer it usually takes to get them switched to a bottle. It is not unusual for a kid to fight the bottle for several days or even close to a week if it’s been nursing for more than a day or two.
How often do baby goats need to be fed?
Most people feed 4-5 times in 24 hours, and you can usually go 7-8 hours overnight between bottles, so it’s about every 3-4 hours during the day. If a baby goat can’t consume much in the beginning, I may need to give five bottles to get at least 10% body weight into the kid in 24 hours. If the kid is a little piggy, I may be able to do it in four bottles in 24 hours.
Some people try to get kids down to only two bottles as soon as possible, but in my experience, baby goats are more likely to get diarrhea when given too much milk at a single feeding.
Feeding too much milk at one time is also the cause of abomasal bloat, which can cause death if not treated quickly.
For the first two to four weeks, we give bottles at about 7 a.m., noon, 5 p.m., and 10 p.m. After one month, we do three bottles a day, which would be 7 a.m., 3 p.m, and 10 p.m. After two months, we do two bottles a day — one in the morning and one in the evening.
How long should baby goats get a bottle?
Kids need milk for a minimum of two months, or in the case of my Nigerian dwarf kids, until they weigh at least 20 pounds, which is about 1/4 to 1/3 of their adult weight. I cringe when I hear someone say that they wean standard size goats that weigh only 20 pounds because obviously they need to be even bigger before weaning. And age is simply not a good indication of when to stop giving milk. Weight is much more important. After all, the goal of feeding milk to kids is so they can grow big and healthy.
Between keeping copious records of feeding and weight gain on our own kids, I have also received way too many emails and messages from people who have Nigerian dwarf kids that are several months old and weigh only 15 pounds and are suffering from chronic coccidiosis and diarrhea. These kids are obviously malnourished and have a very poor immune response due to not getting enough milk early in life.
In the early years, we used to bottle feed for three to four months. But since we’ve learned that mama’s milk makes them healthier, and they grow faster, we now bottle feed for five or six months. People who wean earlier are usually providing medicated feed to prevent coccidiosis. But that doesn’t always work either.
Where should bottle babies live?
Of course, it is tempting to keep bottle babies in the house with you. They are so adorable and cuddly! And it’s easier than going out to the barn to give a bottle at night. But having a kid in the house creates so many problems!
Sure, it’s cute and fun until the kid is running around and eating your mail and chewing up your extension cords and dancing on top of your CD player. (Yep, really happened.)
The worst part, though, is that they don’t know they’re a goat, and eventually you will have to put them outside, and it will be a very sad day as you listen to that kid screaming for hours. So, if they are a normal, healthy kid, I now make them stay with the other goats.
If they are weak or having trouble maintaining their body temperature, we will keep them in the house initially, but we move them to the barn with other goats as soon as it’s safe for them, which is usually within one or two days.
If we have more than one bottle baby, we will have a bottle baby pen in the kidding barn, so they can all stay together. But if there’s only one, we try to keep it with its mother and siblings, if possible. Because goats are herd animals, they should not be alone, and it’s best for them to realize that other goats are their herd, rather than humans.
Enroll in my “Just Kidding and Raising Kids” course
Guide to Pregnancy, Kidding, and Newborn Care
For more information on how to feed kids as they grow, check out this article on What Do Goats Eat? It depends?
Feeding kids from the first days of life. Learn how to feed kids
From the first days of life, kids can be fed in a variety of ways. However, it is worth remembering that the interval between the moment of birth and the start of feeding with colostrum should be small. The maximum indicator of such a period should be 1 hour. The whole point is this. Newborn goats are born with very weak immunity. As a result, they are susceptible to many diseases. Their blood does not yet contain the necessary antibodies. But thanks to colostrum, weak kids become stronger. Their body receives a portion of antibodies that will be aimed at strengthening the body's defenses. In addition, colostrum for kids is an unusually tasty substance.
It should be noted that colostrum is not only a source of vital antibodies. It is also considered a kind of inhibitor of the digestive process. The rapid receipt of colostrum by the body contributes to the fact that lactic acid bacteria appear in the stomach of the kid, which protect against the development of various infectious diseases. In this case, harmful bacteria do not gain access to the stomach and intestines. Also, beneficial bacteria improve digestion, accelerate the release of feces.
Feeding kids from the first days of life: description
Feeding kids under the uterus is used in cases where goats have low milk production. Then the presence of kids with uterus is extended to 4 months of age. Then they are transferred to another feed (for example, milk replacer). When feeding goats from the first days of life takes place on suction, it is necessary to carefully check that the udder is clean and healthy, and the milk itself is normally milked. Usually, after giving birth, the kid begins to suck on his own, but it is better to support him by the tummy, since it is still very difficult for him to stand on his legs. In some cases, there are plugs in the nipples of goats that prevent the goats from getting to the milk. It should be noted that very weak kids cannot get to the milk at all because of the cork. Therefore, before feeding the kids, it is recommended to milk the first stream.
For the first time, newborn kids are allowed near a goat one hour after its birth. She feeds them about 6-8 times a day. From the 11th day of life, kids begin to feed freshly cooked and chilled oatmeal. Every day they put fresh hay in the feeder. Dairy-free feeding is transferred within 10 days.
Raising lambs and kids: feeding norms
In the first week, the diet of young kids should contain about 1.5 liters of milk, and it should be taken 3-4 times a day. It is worth remembering that milk replacer must be included in the goat's diet gradually. This should be done until the mother's milk is replaced. At the age of 20-30 days, it is necessary to include mineral supplements in the diet of kids. This is about 5 grams of salt, 7 grams of crushed chalk or bone meal. Portion is for one person. When the kid is 3 months old, you can increase the daily portion of bone meal (chalk) to 10 g. It is at this age that the kids should be gradually weaned from uterine feeding. It is recommended to take 10 days for this. During this period, it is necessary to feed the animal with both mother's milk and concentrate at the same time, so that it is easier to accustom to mother's milk substitute.
Feeding with pasteurized milk
You can find your own alternative to artificial milk replacer. It is pasteurized goat's milk of natural origin. Pasteurization is necessary in order to destroy all harmful microorganisms, thus making the milk suitable for consumption some time after milking.
Pasteurization methods
Pasteurization can be carried out in two ways - fast and slow. Fast pasteurization is that the milk is heated for half a minute to a temperature of 74 degrees Celsius. When the slow method is used, the temperature will be slightly lower (64 degrees Celsius), but the exposure time is longer (it takes half an hour to withstand). In order to prepare pasteurized milk, you can use an ordinary stove with a thermometer or a household pasteurizer.
After the procedure, it is necessary to quickly cool the milk in some sterile container. It must be remembered that any object that touches the milk should be sterilized to avoid contamination. A slightly different technology is used to heat colostrum. Colostrum should be heated to a temperature of 56 degrees Celsius, and then kept for an hour. Such a process is able to destroy all harmful microorganisms, and, on the contrary, keep the antibodies important for the kid in an active state.
When baby goats are fed from the first days of life without a uterus, in most cases bottles or cups are used for watering the animals. The milk container must be clean. It should always be remembered that as the kids grow, they become active, they can butt heads, hitting the person who is feeding from the bottle. It should be noted that feeding newborn kids with a bottle with a nipple will take a long time.
Pot feeding
Kids can be taught to drink milk on their own from birth. Pot-feeding is an unusual method, but goats love this way of feeding the most. This is because in this case they can drink as much milk as they want. You can feed kids from a bowl or pan from the moment you consume colostrum. A goat will be happy to drink milk if it is preheated to a temperature of 40 degrees Celsius (that is, a couple of degrees above its usual temperature). When a kid sees a pot or bowl of milk for the first time, he won't come right away. Therefore, it is necessary to dip his muzzle into a container of milk. Most often, this will be enough for the kid to understand what to do next. At first, you can use small cups to water the kid, which will soon be changed to a pot or bowl. A cup or pan is much easier to clean than a plastic bottle. In addition, there will be unexpected costs associated with the purchase of pacifiers and bottles. But there is a small minus in feeding from a pan - often kids put their legs in a container, so they pour it over.
Kid's diet
Feeding and caring for kids from birth to 30 days is as follows.
Until the age of 30 days, kids are recommended to be fed at least 4 times a day, i.e. every 5 hours. Breakfast at the goat should start at six in the morning, and dinner at 9 in the evening.
At 10 days old, a small amount of hay or brooms can be added to the goat's feeder. Salt also begins to be included in the diet (4-6 g per day will be enough).
At the age of 3 weeks, goats are already able to cope with various concentrates: bran, rolled oats, crushed cake. It is best to add about 10 g of crushed chalk or bone meal to these concentrates. Every day, the goats are boiled oatmeal, which needs to be lightly salted and served warm to the animals. Serve various kinds of root crops to goats finely chopped.
When kids are reared, the scheme of feeding kids up to a month is approximately the following:
- 1-2 days - feed 200 g of whole milk in one feeding (4 times a day).
- 3-5 days - feed 225-250 g (4 times a day).
- 6-10 days - 300 gr.
- From the 11th to the 20th day feed 200 g of oatmeal.
- 21-30 days, in addition to milk (1200 g per day), the kid is given 300 g of oatmeal and 300 g of concentrates.
It is worth remembering that from birth, kids will need water. Therefore, it is necessary to provide them with a sufficient volume of clean, non-cold water.
When the goats go to the stall at the age of 8 months, they need to be given one and a half kilograms of hay daily, about 300 grams of concentrates and about one kilogram of various root crops. Such a diet will provide the goat with a sufficient amount of nutrients and will promote growth. This scheme of feeding and caring for goats in the first months of life can guarantee a weight gain of up to 4 kg per month.
Benefits of goat's milk
Goat owners know that goat's milk is more nutritious. In addition, it contains a huge proportion of proteins, fats and dry matter. If we compare it with cow's milk, then it contains the amino acids necessary for a person. Goat milk is more fatty. However, it has amazing anti-infective properties. Many people do not consume goat's milk just because of its smell. However, this is not the fault of the animal itself. Milk has a specific smell due to the negligent attitude of its owners. An animal that is kept clean, the udder always washed, and the feeding utensils clean, will produce odorless milk. The smell of a goat can saturate everything around, including food, wool of queens. It should be noted that goat hair must be combed once a week so that the skin pores do not become clogged. Otherwise, those substances that should come out with sweat enter the blood and milk. Experienced livestock breeders know that to determine the quality of goat milk, you only need to smell the head of a goat. If there is no unpleasant odor, then you can be sure that the milk will also be odorless.
Dairy goat feeding
Goats are most often fed with food waste (vegetable tops, potato skins). In the hot season, animals feed on pasture, so they do not need much additional feeding. The daily portion of hay for goats is about 3 kg. For the winter, animals are recommended to prepare about half a ton of hay. It should be remembered that fresh grass in summer improves the digestion process of the animal. Although goats are very unpretentious in their choice of food, they still refuse products spoiled by mold.
Ration of the queens
The "menu" of the queens should contain 2 kilograms of hay, about 2.5 kg of feed and another half kilogram of concentrates. The room for the animal should be free of drafts and dampness. In winter, the room should be ventilated, that is, it is necessary to provide access to fresh air.
Feeding kids from the first days of life: table and video
Feeding kids from the first days of life is of great importance. An approximate diet table for them helps to understand what proper nutrition should be. If babies have enough food and useful trace elements, they grow up healthy. Therefore, the owner must take care not only about the comfort of the kids, but also about their feeding. The menu for them is selected depending on age.
Root crops - Favorite treats for growing goats
Content of Article
- 1 Preparation for the first feeding
- 1.1 Diet and feeding scheme during the milk period
- 3.1 Prices for milking machines for goats
- 4 Table of feeding goats
- 5 Ways to raise goats
- 5.1 Natural feeding
- 5.2 Video - How to excommunicate goats from a goat
- 5.3 Crowing goats without uterus
- 6 How to feed goats without a goat
- What will be the goat menu after three months
- 9005 7.1 for goats
- 1.1 Diet and feeding scheme during the milk period
Preparing for the first feeding
It must be carried out in the first half hour after the birth of the kid. Then the young animals develop strong immunity. There are no problems with lambing in goats - most often it passes naturally, without the intervention of the farmer. His help will be needed only after the immediate birth of the baby.
You can read all about goat lambing in our article here.
What to do before the first feeding
The owner needs to perform certain actions:
Step 1.
Cut the umbilical cord with a sterile instrument. To do this, the scissors are treated with alcohol.
Umbilical cord
Step 2.
Wipe the kid with a clean towel. Remove mucus from mouth and nose. If it enters the lungs, it can cause illness.
Take care of the newborn goat
Step 3.
Cover the newborn with a soft cloth or dry towel to maintain normal heat exchange.
Newborn kid needs warmth
Step 4.
Wash the goat's udder. Milk the first jets of colostrum. They are considered unsuitable for eating due to the presence of harmful bacteria.
The first streams of colostrum are not suitable for food
After that, you can start the first feeding. Goat colostrum contains a complete set of trace elements that help activate the newborn's immune system. It contains easily digestible protein, fats and a group of enzymes, thanks to which digestion is improved in the baby's fragile stomach. Thanks to colostrum, the intestines of the young are also cleansed of the original feces.
First feeding
Feeding devices
Before you start feeding, you need to prepare special dishes. For feeding animals use buckets with nipples or bottles.
Newborn bottle feeding
Important! Do not feed young animals from troughs or cups. Their body is not yet ready for this way of eating. If the kids immediately swallow milk in large doses, a curd mass will form in the stomach.
Then the kids will have diarrhea, exhaustion.
It is undesirable to let them near a goat in the first days of birth for several reasons:
- babies can overeat;
- the goat will become nervous, overexcited;
- milk will be less or its quality will change.
A few baby bottles are enough to feed a small number of animals. These can be bought at the pharmacy. If the livestock is large, it is recommended to use special buckets. They are joined by nipples, through which the cubs receive food in small portions.
Thanks to special buckets with nipples, the suckling reflex develops faster in young animals.
If the farm is large, then it is better to feed the babies using automatic machines. These are special tanks with tubes connected to cages with young animals. In them, the food is first heated to the required temperature, and then the feeding process begins. Thanks to the use of this type of professional equipment, food is delivered to newborns according to a certain schedule, and its volume is also regulated. As a result, the kids have no problems with the digestive system.
Video - Feeding kids
Diet and feeding scheme during the milk period
For 3-4 weeks from birth, babies are given food several times a day, gradually increasing portions. The milk period in goats lasts up to 30 days from birth.
Appearance of babies in the milk period
Table №1. Approximate nutrition scheme for cubs in the milk period.
Age | Number of meals | Recommended amount of milk per feeding | Recommended amount of milk per day | Oatmeal | Concentrates |
1-2 days | 5 | 150 ml | 750 ml | - | - |
3 days | 5 | 225 ml | 900 ml | - | - |
4-5 days | 4 | 250 ml | 1000 ml | - | - |
6-10 days | 4 | 300 ml | 1200 ml | - | - |
11-20 days | 4 | 300 ml | 1200 ml | 200 g | - |
21-30 days | 4 | 300 ml | 1200 ml | 300 g | 30 g |
Newborns are fed fresh colostrum for the first few days. And only for 5-6 days they are given whole milk. Liquid oatmeal on the 11th day begins to be added to milk. It is not as nutritious as colostrum, but it contains antibodies that form resistance to infections.
Goat milk is the basis of the diet
Goat milking machine prices
Goat milking machine
Important! In a goat, the most nutritious colostrum is excreted 1-2 days after lambing. It can be milked and frozen to be given to pups for 3-7 days to improve their health.
Baby goat feeding chart
Newborn babies are under stress. This is caused by a sharp change in the form of development - the intrauterine period passes into the postnatal. At this point, babies are very susceptible to the influence of the external environment. To reduce the negative impact from the outside, you need to carefully monitor the diet.
Table #2. Feeding kids at 31-90 days of life.
Age | Number of meals | Recommended amount of milk per feeding | Recommended amount of milk per day | |||
31-40 days | 3 | 350 ml | 1050 ml | 500 g | 50 g 9025 40254 | |
41-50 days | 3 | 250 ml | 750 ml | 700 g | 100 g | 60 g 902 |
51-60 days | 3 | 150 ml | 450 ml | 800 g | 120-150 g | |
61-70 days | 3 | 150 ml | 450 ml | 800 g | 200 g | 150-200 g |
71-80 days | 3 | 150 ml | 450 ml | - | 250 g | 250 g |
81-90 days | 3 | 150 ml | 450 ml | - | 300 g | 250 g |
On the 5th week, crushed root crops are introduced into the menu. Feeding for babies is young needles, fish oil. In small quantities, bone meal can also be given - up to 5 g per day. As roughage, animals are also given hay or fresh grass. If you feed them according to this scheme, the monthly growth of each individual will be 3-4 kg.
Hay is an additional source of vitamins
Ways of rearing kids
There are two types of feeding young animals - under the uterus and without it. You can choose one method or combine them.
Natural feeding
This method is considered optimal for animals with low milk production. As part of this type of feeding, babies are left with their mother until they are 3-4 months old. All this time they freely suck the udder, getting milk as many times as they want.
Natural nutrition is the key to healthy baby
Important! Breastfeeding requires good care of the mammary glands of the female. Young growth is not able to suck out all the colostrum completely.
Especially for 1-3 days old. Then the discharge accumulates, which can cause the development of mastitis. To prevent this from happening, the goat's udder should be checked regularly. If there are milk residues after feeding, they are milked.
At the age of 3 weeks the cubs are fed 10 g. It contains salt and chalk in equal proportions. After 2 months, the rate is doubled. As they grow older, mixtures of sunflower cake and oats are introduced.
When the young are 3-4 months old, the process of weaning begins. It lasts from 7 to 10 days. During this period, kids are allowed to visit it once every two days. The transition is carried out gradually. It is impossible to abruptly tear off babies from the uterus.
Important! They perceive even a smooth transition to artificial feeding painfully - they behave restlessly, bleat. At first, the cubs refuse to use milk mixtures.
Video - How to wean kids from goats
New ingredients are introduced into the diet immediately. They are added to mashed bran or liquid oatmeal.
The natural method of feeding has its advantages:
- milk that enters the stomach of goats directly contains more nutrients than the product that first falls into a separate container, and only then is fed to animals;
- in young animals, the immune system is strengthened, resistance to diseases increases;
- development is proceeding at an accelerated pace;
- accelerates the process of weight gain;
- babies copy their mother's behavior and learn to eat hay or concentrates faster;
- does not require large energy and time costs on the part of the farmer.
This method has only two drawbacks. If babies are born in summer or early autumn, then in the process of walking in the pasture, they can completely suck out the goat, causing her exhaustion. In addition, babies can damage non-working nipples. Then they swell and hurt, causing discomfort in the goat.
Raising queenless kids
This type of food is more troublesome, requiring constant supervision from the owner. You also have to spend time and effort on additional care for animals. Rearing without a queen is practiced mainly when breeding goats with high milk production.
After the birth of a kid, he is immediately weaned from his mother. Milk is given to a baby in a bottle with a nipple. Before feeding, it is heated to 38 degrees. Feeding utensils must be sterilized, otherwise the infection will enter the body of newborns.
Weaned newborn goat
Important! Colostrum must not be withheld from formula-fed babies. Together with it, young animals receive useful trace elements that contribute to normal growth and development.
There are few advantages to artificial feeding - it is the possibility of self-control over the diet of cubs and getting a large milk yield from females with a dairy direction of productivity.
The disadvantages of this method include:
- exposure of young animals to infectious diseases;
- slow development of kids;
- difficulty;
- the need for large financial costs.
Regardless of the choice of feeding method, one should not forget about the drinking regimen. Animals should always have access to warm and clean water.
How to feed kids without a goat
If you have to raise babies without a uterus due to the lack of a nursing mother, then goat's milk is replaced by its analogues. The composition of such mixtures contains low-fat milk, vitamins and emulsifiers. You can also use milk from other goats. If this is not possible, you will have to feed the young with the help of milk replacer - milk substitutes. Mixtures are given in accordance with certain rules:
- the portion size should correspond to the age of the individual, its daily needs;
- the specified rate must not be exceeded;
- with increasing portions, the number of feedings decreases;
- the older the calf, the longer the intervals between meals should be;
- if the goat died, you need to give the babies heated colostrum from another goat.
Important! If it is not possible to feed the kids with colostrum or milk replacer, cow's milk will do. But individuals fed with such food will be inferior in productivity and weight to their relatives.
Table #3. The daily rate of the mixture.
Age of kids | Total servings per day |
1-7 days | 900-1200 ml |
7-20 days | 1300-1600 ml |
Up to 9 weeks | 1700-1900 ml |
Milk replacer is prepared according to a specific recipe at the rate of 5 liters of water per 1 kg of dry product. To make baby formula you need:
- Combine dry product with water.
- Heat the mixture over low heat to 45 degrees. Stir continuously while heating.
- Strain until there are no lumps.
After 9-10 weeks they are switched to adult nutrition.
Milk replacer for kids
What will be the menu of goats after three months
Animals are accustomed to it gradually. Give new feed start in small doses, gradually increasing them. The new menu will include the following products:
- fresh herbs or hay depending on the season;
- young branches of shrubs;
- silo;
- root vegetables and cabbages;
- compound feed;
- straw;
- ground grain;
- vitamin supplements.
Due to the diversity of the diet, goats receive all the necessary substances for active growth. To provide the animals with green grass, they are kept on a leash in the pasture or allowed to graze freely in a separate paddock. While walking in the meadow, lick salt can be decomposed as a source of additional minerals for young animals.
Salt-lick for kids
Prices for felucene mineral lick for goats
Felucene mineral lick for goats
With a change in diet, the cubs are accustomed to a bowl and a trough. In order for the kids to understand what the owner wants from them, you need to perform the following actions:
- pick up the baby;
- bring a container of food to his muzzle;
- dip your finger in it;
- let the kid lick it.
Hay can be given not only in winter. It is also suitable for evening feedings in the summer. Goats are fed with straw only in winter, so that there is no shortage of useful trace elements.
Metal trough - the most comfortable and stable option for kids
Important! Vegetables are first washed and then finely chopped and poured into a feeding container. For young individuals it is a valuable source of proteins and carbohydrates. Compound feed and cereals improve digestion. For the day of each individual, it is necessary to eat up to 1.5 kg of grass, 300 g of feed and 1 kg of root crops or silage.
In order for babies to get stronger and grow up healthy, they are provided with good care and quality nutrition.