Breast feeding to baby video
Breastfeeding & baby-led attachment | Raising Children Network
Renee Kam (lactation consultant): Baby-led attachment is where a baby uses their own instincts to find the mother’s breast on their own accord. Baby-led attachment really helps to lay down the foundation for breastfeeding. A baby who has had many opportunities, particularly in the early weeks, to do baby-led attachment becomes a lot more orientated towards the breast.
Adele (mother of Charlie, 5 years, Noah, 3 years, and Holly, 4 weeks): I did baby-led attachment because I had a lot of trouble feeding my first baby and getting him to attach and when I saw a video of baby-led attachment it just looked like a natural way to do it, so I thought I would try it to see if that meant that I didn’t have attachment issues with the children I had after my first one.
Miranda (mother of Mattie, 8 years, Tacy, 6 years, Sedna, 7 months): When I had my second baby, when she was born at home and she was lying on me, she all of a sudden attached by herself, which was a wonderful feeling but I never followed-up on it because I didn’t know anything about it. So then when we moved to Australia I so wanted to try it so we tried it with this one. It really started at home, so when we got home we started doing it. You don’t have to do it straight away – baby-led attachment – it’s something that they can do for quite a few weeks after they’re born. It’s imprinted in their being, I guess.
Renee Kam: If a mother wants to do baby-led attachment the tips that I would give her would be the timing of it. So a baby will be able to follow through on their instincts best when they’re calm. So it would be when the baby’s showing early feeding cues such as turning their head from side to side with mouth open, sticking their tongue out, sucking on their hands, or it might be as soon as their baby wakes up from a sleep. So in those situations baby is typically calm and then if the baby is then placed skin-to-skin contact with the mum and the mum, say, is in a semi-reclined position, then that will help a baby to follow through on their instincts to find their mother’s breast.
Narrator: Find a comfortable position. Many mothers find that a semi-reclined position with pillows behind them for support works well. A partially laid-back position allows gravity to assist the baby in moving to the breast. With as much skin-to-skin as possible between you and your baby, place your baby on your chest facing you between your breasts with her head just above your breasts. Start when your baby is calm, such as when she is showing early feeding cues like turning her head from side to side with her mouth open.
As your baby starts to instinctively move towards a breast, she will start to lift her head and bob it around. As she moves towards a breast, you may find it helpful to hug her bottom in close to you and to support her neck and shoulders with your hand and wrist. It is important to avoid putting pressure on her head as she needs her head free to instinctively move it into an extended position to help her attach and feed well.
When her head nears your nipple, she may nuzzle around to find your nipple and bring her tongue toward it. When she finds the right position, she will anchor with her chin, open her mouth wide, attach and begin sucking.
Renee Kam: Straight after a baby is born for the first 1 to 2 hours after they’re born, they’re typically alert and eager and ready to receive their first breastfeed. So when placed into skin-to-skin contact with their mother straight after birth, then that can allow the baby to do baby-led attachment, find the mother’s breasts on their own accord and receive their first breastfeed.
Adele: I did skin-to-skin with all of my children in hospital. So with the baby it probably took a few minutes before like they would kind of just be laying there for a little while and it was a few minutes before they kind of started moving around. But they did the bopping around and choosing a side and finding the nipple and all of that themselves.
Renee Kam: The great news is even if you don’t get to do baby-led attachment straight after a baby is born, babies’ instincts to find a mother’s breasts are easily reproducible for at least the first few months. When a mother and baby are in skin-to-skin contact, there are many benefits of it such as the baby’s heart rate and temperature, blood sugar levels, breathing rate are all kept stable and also when a mother and baby are in skin-to-skin contact it also helps a mother to be able to learn her baby’s feeding cues.
Miranda: As with the baby-led attachment, I also did try the mother-led attachment, attachment and feeding and it was quite painful. I went to see a lactation consultant a couple of times for her to help as well. Of course, they have told me to use the baby-led attachment, which was great.
Renee Kam: Even if the mother doesn’t have any breastfeeding problems, by using baby-led attachment frequently, particularly in the early weeks, it can help to reduce the risk of developing any breastfeeding problems such as the baby simply not attaching at all or sore nipples.
Miranda: Persevering with the baby-led attachment actually did help to heal the wounds and I think it was around 3 weeks that we had a happy breastfeeding relationship.
Renee Kam: A mother can do baby-led attachment whenever it’s right for her and her baby to do so. By having done baby-led attachment whenever she feels comfortable to do so, then it means that when she is breastfeeding in public, it makes it easier because baby knows what they’re doing and baby attaches easier to the mum’s breast.
Adele: So I think the baby-led attachment improved my confidence by I was able to see them feeding well, when I could look at them and I could see that they were attached really well and I could hear the swallowing and I knew we were having a good feed and so I didn’t have to really think about what I was doing with them.
Miranda: It helps to know about the fact that everyone is different. With baby-led attachment, it doesn’t matter because babies just go for the breast; they know what to look for.
Renee Kam: Baby-led attachment – it helps a mum and baby get breastfeeding off to a really good start. Then, it may help a mum to be able to breastfeed for as long as she wanted to and reach her own breastfeeding goals.
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general advice and medical advice
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Breastfeeding: general advice and medical advice
Breastfeeding is the most important function of the mother's body, able to provide the newborn child with everything necessary for its development. Breast milk is the most ideal mixture for the baby, suitable for his gastrointestinal tract, its protective properties promote the development of the child's immunity, block infectious agents, and the balance of nutrients and hormones contributes to the harmonious growth of body tissues. Despite the fact that breastfeeding is the easiest and most convenient way to eat, without knowing the rules of feeding, it is difficult to ensure the full nutrition of the child, as well as the comfort and health of the mother.
The first rule of breastfeeding is the early attachment of the baby to the mother's breast. Previously, in the 50s and 60s, the baby was brought to the mother in two days, as it was believed that colostrum (a thick liquid released from the mammary glands in the first days after childbirth) is useless. At present, studies have been carried out, as a result of which data have been obtained that children fed on colostrum during the first days of life are more resistant to infections, especially given the lack of independent full-fledged immunity of the newborn.
Now, in all maternity hospitals, in the absence of contraindications, the mother and the child are in the ward together, only then the mother can ensure the feeding of the child at his request. With the regimen of feeding "according to the regimen", the formation of lactation occurs much more slowly, not to mention the possible risks of lactostasis, in addition, it is stressful for the baby, because he constantly received food from the mother's body during pregnancy from the placenta. The more the baby suckles, the faster the connection between mother and baby will be established, and the body will begin to produce as much milk as the newborn needs.
Thus, the first main principle of breastfeeding is feeding on demand.
The second key to successful feeding is proper attachment. This is important for the mother, in order to prevent pain and, as a result, cracks in the nipples, when there are no cracks, the breast is well emptied, there are no congestions or lack of milk. For a baby, this is necessary for good weight gain and harmonious development - he eats up, emptying his chest as much as possible.
How can this be ensured? Mom should choose a position that is comfortable FOR HERSELF so that the body is relaxed, since it is in the calm position of the mother that the hormone “oxytocin” is produced, which contributes to the “ejection” of milk; the child is deployed to the mother and pressed tightly, the child's head is in line with the body (ear-thigh control). With one hand, mom fixes the line between the shoulder blades and the sacrum. The baby's head is free, the mother's hand holds the head no higher than the level of the ears, the baby's chin, thus, is pressed against the chest below the areola - this is the correct fulcrum. The child in this position has only one choice: to throw back his head as far as possible, thereby opening his mouth wide.
Now the mother’s task is to give the baby a breast: with the second hand we take the breast like a sandwich: the thumb is at the border of the areola, the other four are below it, while the nipple is at the level of the baby’s nose, we roll the breast into the baby’s mouth - the thumb relaxes, four make a slight pressure .
Most moms don't get it right the first time or even the second time, and that's absolutely normal.
As far as breast hygiene is concerned, it is enough to take a shower every day, just like at any other time of the day for a woman. Do not wash your breasts with soap before each feeding, any soap contains alkali, which dries the skin and favors the appearance of cracks.
A separate topic is the nutrition of a nursing mother, the main thing to consider is that a mother's diet is not unique and has nothing to do with her subjective feelings about the fat content, color and density of milk. The most important thing in mother's nutrition is variety and quality. You need to eat not for two, but for two, this is the golden rule, both during pregnancy and during the feeding period, thanks to which the baby will not have a metabolic syndrome, nor will the mother have excess weight.
Now every modern mother understands that breastfeeding is the most natural way to feed a baby, but given that breastfeeding is not the easiest thing to do, there are feeding consultants. Counseling is necessary for all novice mothers who want to provide their child with everything necessary from birth, while maintaining their health. It is important to overcome the fear of pain, lack or, conversely, excess milk, cracks and other troubles. Every woman can feed a child, only the right preparation for this process is necessary. Milk is not enough in most cases, due to improper attachment of the baby, feeding is a big science, help in which and the right advice suitable for each specific woman, according to her personality, can only be a qualified doctor who has the necessary knowledge about the mother's body.
Remote consultation on breastfeeding
As you know, any mother does not have time to visit the clinic to learn how to feed, this must be done at home, in which the woman feeds the child. In such cases, video consultations with a doctor come to the rescue. This is the most convenient way for the mother, she is in comfortable conditions for herself, while the doctor can check the correct attachment of the child directly with a glance.