Can you freeze glass jars of baby food
Storing Baby Food | Happy Baby Organics
AndieM.Ed., RD, LDN, CLC, RYT-200
Read time: 6 minutes
How to store homemade baby food and store-bought pureed foods
How to thaw and re-heat pureed baby food
How to help prevent bacterial contamination of baby foods
Whether you buy baby food at the market or make it from scratch, it’s important to know how to store, prepare, and reheat your baby’s food correctly and safely. Store-bought baby food usually comes in a glass jar, plastic container, or pouch and usually does not require refrigeration or freezing before opening. These foods are manufactured to be shelf-stable, like any other pantry item (think beans, soups, or condiments). They can typically stay fresh on the shelf for 1 to 2 years, but always check expiration dates carefully.1
Baby food storage guidelines: 2Pureed store-bought baby vegetables and fruits can stay in the refrigerator for up to 48 to 72 hours and in the freezer for 6 to 8 months.
Pureed store-bought meat, poultry, or fish can be refrigerated for 24 hours after cooking and frozen for 1 to 2 months.
Homemade baby foods will keep for 24 to 48 hours in the refrigerator and for 1 to 2 months in the freezer.
Be sure to refrigerate freshly cooked baby food within 2 hours as bacteria will start to grow at room temperature after those 2 hours are up. Note that your refrigerator should be kept at, or below, 40 degrees F. Any warmer and illness-causing bacteria can thrive and quickly multiply.3
Want some tips on feeding your little one or on making baby food? The Happy Baby Experts are infant feeding specialists and here to help (for free!) with questions about starting solids and picky eating, as well as formula and breastfeeding. Chat now!
Can I feed baby directly from the jar or pouch?
If you feed your little one directly from the jar or pouch, all leftovers must be thrown out after the meal. Saliva from baby’s mouth gets back into the jar or pouch via the spoon, this introduces bacteria that can quickly multiply and contaminate the food. If you know baby won’t finish it all, spoon a serving in a separate bowl and feed from that. Then you can refrigerate the jar or pouch of remaining food for an upcoming meal!4
For more information, read: How Can I Make my own Pureed Baby Food?
How to warm refrigerated or shelf-stable foods and thaw frozen foods:Microwave: Warm up store-bought food directly in its glass jar or transfer the food – including previously frozen purees – into a separate glass bowl (never heat up pureed food in a plastic container or pouch). Reduce the microwave to 50% power (or use the defrost feature) and then warm the puree in 15 second increments. 4 Check and stir the food thoroughly each time to ensure even heating and to eliminate any heat pockets that may burn your baby’s mouth.
Stovetop: Warm your baby’s store-bought food or thaw frozen baby food on the stovetop by placing the food in a small saucepan and warming on low heat until the puree is the same consistency and no longer frozen.
To preserve the nutrients, heat only as much as is necessary.
Submersion Method: Thaw frozen baby food by placing the pureed cubes in a plastic bag and then inside a bowl filled with hot or warm water. This method allows for even warming but does take a little longer – figure about 10-20 minutes for the food to thaw fully. 5 Many parents also use the submersion method to thaw frozen breastmilk.
Refrigerator: Thaw frozen baby food simply by transferring it to the refrigerator. 5 This process will take 4-12 hours so plan ahead (transferring the food the night before it’s needed to allow thawing overnight is a good rule of thumb). Homemade frozen baby food that’s been thawed can safely stay in the refrigerator for up to 48 hours. Be sure to keep thawed baby food in a sealed container to avoid contamination.
DO NOT let baby food thaw for long periods of time on the counter at room temperature. This will allow bacteria to grow.
Freeze purees in ice cube trays or on a cookie sheet
Sanitize or thoroughly clean standard ice cube trays before spooning the puree directly into each cubed section. You could also cover a cookie sheet with parchment or wax paper and spoon small ‘mounds’ of puree onto the sheet to freeze.
Cover the tray with plastic wrap and place into the freezer.
Once the cubes or ‘mounds’ are solidly frozen, pop them out and store them in plastic freezer bags.
Label the bags with the type of baby food as well as the date. This allows you to use it before it expires. (Remember: store-bought fruits and veggies can be frozen for 6 to 8 months, while meats, poultry, and all home-made baby food can be frozen for 1 to 2 months).
When your baby is ready to eat, grab an individual portion of the cubes you want to use and thaw!
Ice cube trays are not only convenient, they are also incredibly helpful in portioning out homemade baby food. The cubes are roughly 1 ounce each, so you can easily measure the amount of food your baby is eating and thaw small portions at a time to reduce waste.
Do not freeze food in glass containers
Glass baby food jars (or any glass container) are not meant to be frozen. Frozen glass can burst or cause tiny fractures in the glass leaving behind microscopic shards that you may never see.Freeze baby food in safe “ok to freeze” plastic containers instead.
Consider a deep freezer if you want to store purees long-term
For best results, frozen foods should remain at a constant sub-zero temperature. A deep freezer is better equipped to handle this temperature control as opposed to your regular freezer, which may fluctuate with you opening and closing the door often.
Throw away leftover food that’s already been reheatedYou cannot reheat (or re-freeze) baby food more than once, so once you’ve thawed a frozen puree, toss any leftovers. This rule also applies to breastmilk. So if you’re using breastmilk to thin out your homemade baby food purees, add the milk while it’s fresh!
Read more: Safe Storage of Pumped Breastmilk
You can also use formula too thin a puree. Do not freeze formula in its original can or bottle, but once mixed into a puree it’s ok to freeze. Freezing formula causes a separation of the fats from the liquid, which may negatively impact the texture and quality.6
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For more on this topic check out the following articles
How do I Choose Store Bought Baby Food?
Food Safety for Babies and Toddlers
Everything You Need to Know About How to Prepare and Store Infant Formula
Avoid Giving Your Child Too Much Sugar And Salt
Ways to Store Homemade Baby Food
Now that you have made your baby food, you want to store it in the most sanitary yet convenient way possible.
Should you bother with ice cube trays, store it in the refrigerator, drop it on wax papered cookie sheets for freezing or use glass jars?
After you have made the decision on how to store your baby food, how will you organize it? Outlined below are the varied methods for storing homemade baby food along with their pros and cons.
Storing Homemade Baby Food Using the Ice Cube Tray – Freezer Bag MethodUsing this method, you spoon or pour your purees into regular ice cube trays and then cover with plastic wrap. Prior to using your ice cube trays, you want to thoroughly cleanse them with warm soapy water and/or run them through the dishwasher on the sanitize setting. Some parents have even submerged their ice cube trays in boiling water for sanitizing (note: please make sure that the manufacturer of the trays indicates it is ok to boil the trays.)
The ice cube tray method offers you many advantages:
Each cube is approximately 1+ ounces, allowing you to have an idea of the amount of food your baby is consuming.
Another advantage is that you probably have ice cube trays on hand and will not need to go out and buy them.
Further, there is minimal waste as you use only 1 cube at a time and will not have to toss away much food; such as you toss away when using commercial foods.
Using the ice cube tray method to store homemade baby food also allows you to make several trays at a time so your time spent in the kitchen making baby food is decreased.
Once the purees have been frozen in the trays, you simply pop out the cubes and use as needed. If you’ve made big batches, pop out the cubes and store them in freezer bags. You simply transfer the baby food cubes into freezer bags, freeing up your trays for the next batch of food as well as freeing up some freezer space.
If using the freezer bag method for your food cubes, be sure to label the bags with the type of food and also date the bags. This will help you to quickly grab a cube from a bag of veggie and a bag of fruit without having to guess what you have in the bags. It also allows you to keep track of the length of time the food cubes have been in the freezer.
Storing Homemade Baby Food in the Refrigerator
Storing your baby food in the refrigerator is probably one of the least convenient and safe way to store homemade baby food. It is recommended that baby food be stored no longer than 48 hours in the refrigerator so as to reduce the risk of (bacterial or other) contamination on the food.
If you choose to store your baby food in the refrigerator, please be sure to take individual servings from the container. NEVER feed your baby directly from the original container and then re-store. Saliva may contaminate the food.
Using the Wax Paper/Cookie Sheet Method to Store Homemade Baby Food
This method involves dropping your purees into “clumps” on a cookie sheet that has been covered in wax paper; much like you do when making cookies.
This method requires a lot of freezer space and would also require that you transfer the frozen food into another storage item.
Should You Use Glass Jars or Recycled Baby Food Containers to Store Homemade Baby Food?
You should NEVER freeze anything in glass containers unless the glass container is specifically labeled for freezing.
Freezing in glass may cause bursting. It may also cause tiny fractures in the glass and may leave behind microscopic glass shards that you may never see. Freezing homemade baby food in the plastic containers that some commercial baby food makers now use is a better choice. However, some plastics are made specifically to withstand heat and freezing temperatures so ensure that your recycled plastic containers are labeled as “ok to freeze”.
BALL, makers of home canning products, manufactures 4 ounce jars specifically for freezing as do other manufactures.
All things considered, freezing in ice cube trays and then transferring to freezer bags is to me, the easiest, most time-saving and convenient method of storing homemade baby food – even when you have twins!
Remember, always consult with your pediatrician regarding introducing solid foods to your baby and specifically discuss any foods that may pose allergy risks for your baby.
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Choose freezer safe glass jars to store homemade baby food! These Ball canning jars are freezer safe – use plastic wrap between the lids to help protect baby food.
Photography by Chelsea Foy
Freezing Homemade Baby Food - Encyclopedia Baby Food
Levchuk Viktoria©
There are some important guidelines for freezing baby food to follow, they are outlined on this page, and there is even a diagram of the foods that can be frozen. We will show you how to freeze freshly made puree and store it. It will be interesting to read.
Good to know!
- The remains of frozen baby food - what to do with them, we will find out in the article.
- Heading Frozen food - all about baby food cubes.
- New thinking on allergens
Easy to use site map Baby Food Encyclopedia with a list of all articles and recipes.
How long do you keep baby food in the refrigerator or freezer?
- Freezer: 4-6 months (ideally used within 1 month or 3 months)
- Refrigerator (fruits/vegetables): 24 hours
- Refrigerator (meat, poultry, fish eggs): 24 hours
For optimal quality and nutrient retention, store frozen baby food cubes in the freezer for no more than 1-3 months .
Frozen baby food is safe to use if kept in the freezer for about 3-6 months without thawing again. However, it is more reasonable to use them in the region of 1 month to 3 months inclusive. Due to the amount of water crystals that accumulate in baby puree, and the fact that nutrients and important substances can be leached/evaporated when thawed due to these same water crystals, it is wiser to use your frozen baby food whenever possible. - no more than 3 months of storage. However, it is best to use within the first month after freezing, we advise.
Most sources advise storing fruit and vegetables for 8 to 12 months in the freezer. This is mostly true of whole foods that are congealed in their natural state. This is also provided that the refrigerator compartment remains at a constant temperature below zero. Deep-freezing is best if you want to keep frozen food for a long time. However, it should be remembered that the instructions and recommendations for freezing food for long-term storage do not imply that the fruit or vegetable has been boiled and mashed.
How long can baby puree be kept in the refrigerator?
In the refrigerator, it is not recommended to store fresh pureed homemade baby food for more than 24 hours. This limitation ensures that the growth of pathogens in the puree is kept to a minimum and that the food does not take on the “refrigerator flavor”. This "rule" applies to vegetables, fruits, meats, etc.
If you do not plan to freeze homemade baby food, then baby food for the baby is prepared every day if he is too small until 8-9months, or every other day, older than the specified age.
Why freeze baby food?
Save parent time, reduce food waste and ensure food safety.
For example, one potato was baked in the oven, and then half was mashed and the other half was frozen.
Frozen vegetables or fruits are safe in baby food
Fruits and vegetables can be frozen. Using frozen fruits and vegetables is the second best option after eating fresh. The quick freezing process (food is frozen at a very low temperature and very quickly) actually preserves the nutrients optimally. Cooking destroys more important nutrients than freezing food. Contrary to myth, freezing food (particularly fruits and vegetables) does not destroy 100% of minerals and vitamins. The freezing process, subject to storage conditions at a constant temperature of zero degrees, does not contribute to the complete loss of nutrients and important substances - if this is the case, then most of the population is malnourished, since in winter we eat a huge amount of frozen foods.
Frozen vegetables not cooked at the time of packaging must be cooked before eating. Please remember to read the labels of frozen bags, as some brands of frozen vegetables may be pre-cooked.
One of the most frequently asked questions is "Can I use frozen fruits or vegetables for baby food and then freeze the puree?". Since there are no studies that show that repeated freezing is negative and / or can negatively affect health. The problem is that it is necessary to cook food from products that have been frozen once. But the reality is that a frozen product, going through all the stages from a fresh look to a frozen product in a refrigerator in a store, can survive several defrosting and freezing, as it was written earlier, it is through water crystals that nutrients leave. Therefore, purchased frozen vegetables and fruits must be carefully selected, and we would not recommend preparing baby food from them for subsequent freezing of baby puree. It is clear that sometimes parents have no choice and have to start complementary foods with purchased frozen food, so we carefully choose the packaging and the manufacturer, without holes, without pieces of ice.
For example, from frozen vegetables (home-made or a good quality store-bought bag) that were raw when frozen, we cook a roast, we freeze the leftovers of the roast and use it for its intended purpose next time, but it is not worth freezing the roast after the last defrosting.
Why not refreeze
Do not refreeze thawed food, this is a correct statement. Re-freezing a defrosted product can affect the quality and taste (and possibly nutritional value) of the product, and when it is thawed, pathogenic bacteria may begin to multiply. It is always necessary to prepare defrosted food before re-freezing. The preparation of a thawed product then allows it to be re-frozen in a single cycle. Storing a bag of frozen fruits or vegetables makes food preparation a quick and easy solution. You do not need to defrost the whole package, just get the required amount of the product, and leave the rest in the freezer.
The easiest way to freeze baby puree is to spoon it into an ice mold, cover with plastic wrap so that there is no air access.
Before using the ice molds, they must be thoroughly cleaned with soap and boiled water. Some parents even immerse their ice molds in boiling water for sanitization (Note: Make sure the sanitization is suitable for the molds before use.)
There are many benefits to storing your child's homemade food in an ice mold:
- Each cube is approximately the same size, which allows parents to determine the amount of food the child consumes.
- Minimal waste by using only 1 cube at a time and not having to waste a lot of food.
- Another advantage is that the ice molds are close at hand and you don't have to go out and buy them.
- The time spent in the kitchen is significantly reduced.
You can transfer baby puree cubes to freezer bags, freeing up molds for the next batch of food and also freeing up some freezer space.
Do not forget about the labeling of packages with cubes of baby puree, write the date of freezing and the type of puree. This will help you quickly remove the cube from the package, as well as monitor their expiration date.
Ice crystals on baby food cubes
Don't worry if ice crystals are visible on baby food cubes. It's not frostbite, but excess liquid used in mashing that rises and solidifies at the top of the cubes. These crystals or frost are not dangerous and will not make baby puree cubes inedible or harmful.
Frostbite - what is it and how to determine it?
Frostbite looks like greyish brown spots on frozen food. It looks like a leathery type of texture and is easily noticeable. Crystals on frozen foods are not frostbite, but are the result of excess liquid during the freezing process and the formation of ice crystals.
Frostbite does not make frozen foods bad or harmful; it just makes the affected areas very dry. The only thing that can suffer in food that is frostbitten is the quality. You can cut off frostbitten areas and use the undamaged area of food. Frostbite is the result of excess air in a frozen bag that sinks onto food. Eliminate air pockets in bags to help stop frostbite.
Can glass baby food freezer jars or baby food jars like Frutonyanya or Gerber be used? and also such banks are prone to rupture. Baby food jars are not manufactured for freezing or extreme heating. There are glass jars for freezing food in them, but they can be hard to find. Many people freeze in baby food jars, but I'm not a fan of this at all. After all, food is made for the baby because we want to give him the best healthy food; Do you really want to take the risk and freeze baby food in glass jars?
There are certain plastic jars that are specially made to withstand high temperatures and/or freezing. Therefore, it is best to use plastic containers or ordinary thick plastic bags, convenient and simple. There are also special freezer bags with a zip clip - an interesting option.
Can previously frozen breast milk or formula be used to make vegetable or fruit purees?
Do not use previously frozen breast milk to prepare puree to freeze later this baby food.
Breast milk must never be refrozen in any shape or form.
Milk formula
You can freeze puree to which thawed milk formula has been added. However, formula should not be frozen in bottles or cans. It is impossible to add the mixture to the previously frozen mixture and freeze it. If frozen milk formula is used for mashing, then it is necessary to freeze it at a time without defrosting. Freezing milk formula causes separation of fats and liquids, and the texture suffers accordingly. Although there is no health risk, the same happens with breast milk and cow's milk, the texture and quality suffer a little. However, it is best to prepare the milk formula before putting it in the baby puree and only then freeze the puree. This will be more useful and efficient.
Some formula manufacturers say that freezing any formula is not recommended, as the process can alter physical properties such as fat separation, which can be difficult for sensitive babies to digest. Freezing does not affect the quality or food sterility, however it will not prolong the shelf life of formula. Freezing may result in the loss of the desired appearance and functionality and is therefore not recommended.
It may be easier to freeze puree without adding any additional liquids. Since, when defrosted, they are most often liquid, so you have to add oatmeal or rice flakes.
is it possible to store glass jars in the freezer - 25 recommendations on
Sick broth
Typical situation: the child is ill. He lies, unhappy, and looks plaintively. I so want to console him, please him, give him something delicious! And then the grandmother arrived in time: “How, still not fed?! He doesn’t have the strength to fight the disease! The body needs strength! More broth!”
So: everything really should be exactly the opposite. Let's make a reservation: we are not talking about protracted, complex diseases. Discussed something like a standard acute respiratory disease, influenza, tonsillitis. Remember: in the acute phase of the disease, the child does not need to be fed! If he lies with a temperature, or without a temperature, but is very unwell, simply do not offer him food. That's when he asks for food, then another matter. Then go ahead, mom!
Squeeze the juice he likes. Cut a peeled apple into slices, cut a sweet orange into slices. If summer, offer any fruits and berries. Make cranberry or currant juice with honey. But - in moderation! Yes, he himself does not eat much, does not drink. He doesn't want more - he doesn't need to. Ask for more - give more. Usually, the first day or two during illness, children are limited to fruits. It happens even longer.
The basic principle: while sick, do not give food that is difficult and long to digest, best of all vegetables, lactic acid products, later - porridge. On such a diet, the child will recover much faster.
By the way, notorious broths certainly belong to hard-to-digest foods. Some nutritionists believe that broths are very unhealthy even for healthy people, because they are an extract of all the most harmful that is in meat. It is much better to give a child, when he is seriously hungry, a piece of well-cooked meat, moreover, boiled in several successively drained waters. The meat can be ground to make it easier to chew if the baby is still weak.
Of course, let's be reasonable. When a sick baby, sobbing, asks for a chocolate bar or cutlet, only an evil stepmother will refuse. But keep a sober look at things, such food is only a concession to his grief, and not at all something useful that promotes recovery.
Well, we understand the general principles, now let's get down to practice and consistently and methodically - and this is the only way to discuss issues related to the baby's health - let's talk about what he should eat and drink.
What does your child drink?
Children are different. There are water drinkers, there are those who from birth can easily do without water, tea and other liquids - they have enough fruit, soup, milk. But still, most children like to drink. And not anything at all, but something tasty.
The human body mainly consists of water, everyone knows this. We have over 90% water. So the main food is water. It is especially important for children. However, mothers, who are concerned about how to feed their baby tastier and healthier, rarely pay attention to the quality of the liquids they consume. Hence the terrible pictures that are often found on our streets: a baby in a stroller with a bottle of Pepsi in her hand, or a caring mother buying some "juice" or "nectar" of obviously dubious quality for an impatient child in a stall.
Let's think about what water should be in order to benefit our children? First of all, the main and immutable - the water must be clean. This is an axiom.
Of course, the quality of tap water varies from city to city. But there is no doubt that everywhere it goes from the water intake to your house through rusty pipes that have not been changed for decades. There is no doubt that bleach, which is generously poured into the water, destroys not only microbes, but us and our children. The quality of water is also affected by its hardness. Sometimes water is so hard that it leaves impressive deposits on the walls of the kettle and pots. Do you know that exactly the same deposits form on the walls of your blood vessels? And all sorts of ciliate bacteria and blue-green algae? They, of course, are killed by boiling - the only question is how long boiling.
So, first of all, let's purify the water on which we will prepare food for our child (and ourselves). Clean up - how?
First method: filter
We will buy a household filter. A filter should be in every house, unless, of course, you live all year round in a village where you drink water from the purest source (and even in this case, periodically checking it in the SES does not hurt at all!). Many use sources in the city or its immediate surroundings. They bring water from it in cans, bring it in canisters by car. Be careful! The city soil is saturated with the most unimaginable mud - can you be sure that this mud has not seeped through it into the water of your favorite source? If the key doesn't strike in a clear forest, don't risk it.
There are a variety of filters. Convenient for the home and inexpensive filter jugs, water is poured into them quickly, it is convenient to use them. Even cheaper filter nozzle. Expensive, but reliable - embed a large filter. In general, there is a choice. Just do not forget to monitor the expiration date of the cartridge in the filter, each of them has a certain resource, after which the filter will turn into a props. Be sure to calculate how much water you use on average per day, and based on the life of the cartridge, determine when it will need to be replaced.
Method two: store-bought water
Let's buy for the baby, while he is very small, and we prepare him separately, clean water in a canister. It is not difficult to bring a five-liter canister in his own stroller. But! We do not buy the first available water, first we study the market. Because publications about unscrupulous water suppliers have already flashed, pouring not quite what is or not quite what is on the labels. So before buying water, take an interest in its quality, maybe in the city SES, maybe somewhere else. Think. And having settled on any brand, feel free to buy it for your baby. Or maybe your family's budget allows everyone to drink this water? A healthy baby needs healthy parents. Now most suppliers of bottled water deliver it to apartments in large containers for free.
Third method: melt water
There is another way to purify water. It is more complicated, more cumbersome, but its efficiency is unrivaled (by the way, this method will not require additional material costs from you). This is the preparation of melt water.
Theoretically, the method is justified by the fact that water in a living organism has the structure of an ice crystal. We will get water of the same structure by freezing the water, and then thawing it. Such water easily penetrates through tissues and cell membranes, giving strength. It can generally be used as healing, living water!
The disadvantage of this method is its relative bulkiness. But when you adapt, get used to it, it will become quite easy for you.
The easiest time to start is in winter. If you have not sealed the balcony for the winter, it will be very convenient for you to freeze water on it. Or look for another place convenient for you, where the temperature is the same as outside - negative. You can use a freezer, but, you know, the scale will not be the same. This is a minus. But we will not depend on the weather outside. This is a plus.
So, we take a container that we will expose to frost. Best of all, polyethylene (of course, with the inscription "for water" or "for food" at the bottom!), Pour water from the tap into it. Aerobatics - from the filter. We close the lid - plastic or wooden, so as not to freeze, and put it in the cold. Depending on the outside temperature and the volume of our water freezer, it may take a different time, which - you will understand in two or three times. The most convenient thing is to bring the water to such a state when it is not completely frozen, but in the middle there is a kind of glass with the remnants of unfrozen water. But keep in mind - there will be a crust of ice on top, so you may not see this unfrozen water right away.
We take out our bucket from the balcony (or the bowl from the freezer), we carry it into the bath under hot water. First, we pour over the walls and bottom from the outside, then we overturn the bucket, and a piece of ice slips into the bath. Now we carefully and quickly direct hot water to the upper surface, wash off this ice - we don’t need it, it’s dirty. We turn the ice bucket upside down, knock out the cloudy part of the ice from the middle with a hot stream, and the water that remains unfrozen pours out by itself.
If you have slightly overfrozen your ice and it is completely frozen - no problem. You send a hot stream to the center of the ice block and knock out all the ice in the center with it. Don't be afraid, you can't go wrong - it even has a different color. Closer to the walls, the ice is transparent, but here, in the center, it is cloudy - all the impurities that were in the water have frozen.
And you end up with a nice transparent glass of ice, hollow in the center. We put it back in a bucket or bowl and let it stand, defrost (in a natural way!). This is the water we will give the child - bringing to a boil, but not boiling for a long time. On it you can cook compote, jelly, rosehip tincture, herbal tea, mashed and water-filled berries with honey, just diluted honey with lemon or apple cider vinegar. Let him drink to his health!
Note 1: the beneficial properties of melt water are partially destroyed by boiling, so it is best to drink it without heating, at room temperature.
Note 2: when boiling water for making tea or compote, it is useful to bring it not to 100 degrees, when it starts to gurgle, but to 90 degrees. This is the so-called. the "white key" stage, when the water becomes cloudy and small bubbles form in it. By brewing tea or herbs with such water, you thereby retain all their beneficial properties.
Note 3: honey loses its healing properties when heated, so it is recommended to drink it with tea or water at room temperature.
This water retains its properties for about a day after thawing. Just don't forget, when you've finished fiddling with ice in the bathroom, pour a second bucket and pull it out onto the balcony. This will be your water for the day after tomorrow.
The procedure is simple, believe me. You will quickly adapt. And your child will drink the best water in the world - living water.
Method four: silica water
A great way to purify water and make it healthy is to put silica stones in a jar of water. They can be collected on the beach in the south, you can buy at the pharmacy. Silicon water is extremely useful, it contributes to the production of chlorophyll and hemoglobin by the body, a lack of silicon in the child's body leads to rickets and anemia. On the other hand, silicon colloids "glue" to themselves everything alien, harmful to the body: viruses, fungi, parasites and their eggs, purifying the blood and internal organs.
It is extremely easy to get the healthiest silicon water. Pour water into a jar (again, who prevents you from pouring filtered water? Boiled? Or even melted water?), Throw pebbles into it, and let it lie. The longer they lie, the better. The top two-thirds is the healthiest water for drinking and cooking. You merge the lower third - by the way, you can use indoor flowers, they love it.
There are other ways to improve water - to make it distilled, silver, magnetized, "alive" and "dead" using electrodes, etc. But, firstly, this is already exotic. And secondly - and most importantly - such water is not neutral, its prolonged and uncontrolled use can be harmful. Yes, and violating the cooking process, you can get something completely different instead of healthy water. So don't risk it!
The best, healthiest, most delicious juice! A glass of juice in the morning, on an empty stomach - and the child is healthy and cheerful, his body is saturated with useful substances in the most digestible form. Only juice - not purchased and not even canned at home. These products are mostly useless. Do not buy cardboard boxes and glass bottles of "juices" and "nectars" for your child. Believe me, their contents will not benefit him. Buy a juicer. They are very different, there are very cheap. Choose one that is easy to wash - ask the seller to disassemble it in front of you and check the ease of assembly and disassembly, reliability, the absence of indelible corners and corners. Ceteris paribus, the best juicer is one in which there is little that can break and where there are fewer parts to wash.
And every morning, and if there is not enough time in the morning, then in the middle of the day, on an empty stomach, drink, drink, give the baby freshly squeezed juice! Carrot, apple, any fruit, any vegetable, in any combination! Experiment with it - which is tastier? One condition - never sweeten or add salt to the juice, this will negate all the benefits.
To make vegetable juice tastier, you can chop dill, parsley, crushed garlic, a drop of grated horseradish, add a little lemon or cranberry juice. Fruit juices are so tasty that it would not come to mind to improve them. Just carefully monitor the quality of the raw materials. Let the carrots be tasty, juicy, let the apples be sweet and fragrant - then the juice will be tasty. Keep in mind that carrot juice combines in taste with all others: both vegetable and fruit.
Note: in order for the carotene contained in carrots to be well absorbed, carrot juice must be consumed with fat, for example, with sour cream or vegetable oil (one tablespoon of one or the other is enough).
Freshly squeezed juices cure many diseases, they carry such a powerful charge of health. Do not be lazy to peel a carrot, cut an apple - the health benefits of the child will be huge. Prerequisite: the squeezed juice must be drunk within 10 minutes. You cannot store it. The child has not finished drinking - finish drinking yourself.
Do you give your child tea? What for? The benefits of black tea for a child are very doubtful, although there may not be any harm (unless, of course, the tea is freshly brewed). Sachets - any, as already known, are also not useful. And to buy bags containing flavors and dyes is just strange. If you want to give your child tea with health benefits, then it is better to let it be green tea. Or herbal tea. With honey, not sugar.
Why do you think sugar is so harmful? Not because it corrodes tooth enamel. If this were the case, then brushing your teeth would completely remove the negative consequences of its use. Sugar is much more insidious. It replaces calcium in the body, and calcium is displaced from bones, teeth, and nails. Hence the caries, from the inside, and not at all from the outside.
Our grandmothers, who survived the war, exclaim with one voice that sugar is necessary for the brain. "What are you doing? Why don't you give the child sugar? The brain demands it!" Yes, his brain does not require sugar! His brain needs glucose, which is found in digestible form in fruits, dried fruits, and honey. And from sugar - one harm.
Let's remember this and if our child is still small, just don't give him anything that contains sugar. And if he has already grown up and knows the taste of sweets, we will limit him to them. Let there be no cookies, cakes, waffles, rolls, sweets in our house for tea. Let's put jam in a vase (sugar digested with fruits is no longer harmful, unless it's "five minutes", if the fruits are really boiled in syrup), put dried apricots, raisins, prunes, figs, put good honey. And pour ourselves and the child green tea, brew herbs.
Unlike sugar, honey is very useful. It contains an abyss of useful substances - trace elements, enzymes and so on. A couple of teaspoons of honey a day - and your child (and you) is provided with the best nutrition. Buy the best honey available for your money. Don't skimp on it.
How not to run into a fake? The most reliable thing is to find sellers of good honey through acquaintances. If this is not possible, try the honey you buy. From real honey for a moment the spirit is taken, breath is interrupted. If it’s just sweet and fragrant, then the bees are fed with sugar syrup; do not take such honey, look further.
Please note that tea is not the end of a meal, but a separate meal. If you pour a sweetened liquid on top of a dinner eaten by a child, then even if this liquid is sweetened with even the best honey, there will be one harm from it. The food will begin to rot in the stomach instead of being digested. But if you give your child instead of an afternoon snack or before bedtime a warm herbal tea with honey, jam, dried fruits, it will be both pleasant and useful. And here, dad and mom are discussing the events of the day side by side, and grandmother puts jam - what comfort, what a memory of the family for life!
A simple recipe
Dried fruits can be ground - in any combination, with lemon, with cranberries, with lingonberries, with apples, with honey, with nuts - create, invent, try! Ground dried fruits can be rolled into sweets of any shape, rolled in oatmeal, ground nuts, or frozen. A wonderful sweet snack for tea is obtained from finely grated raw beets with mashed cranberries. Only beets must be of good quality, with a thin tail, dark-colored, without white circles on the cut.
Mineral water
Only table water for a child! Therapeutic mineral water - only on prescription. And trust your baby's body. If he refuses mineral water, if he doesn't like it, don't insist. This means that he does not need it and will not benefit, but harm.
Herbs, compotes, jelly
Make herbs for children. Neutral, little by little. There will be no harm from the leaves of raspberries, strawberries, currants. Mint, thyme, oregano will not hurt. It will be great if in winter you brew spruce or pine needles, after scalding it with boiling water. This is a storehouse of vitamin C. But all this is in moderation! Herbs have many properties known only to specialist herbalists. So the principle is the same: do no harm.
Infusions of dried and frozen berries and fruits are safe. Perfectly brew rose hips, hawthorn, mountain ash, viburnum. True, you must be sure that the berries are collected in an environmentally friendly place. Do not buy beautiful scarlet rose hips from grandmothers in the market, do not be flattered by the magnificent clusters of viburnum. How can you be sure that all this is not collected along a polluted highway? It is better to collect rose hips for your child in the country, ask grandmothers to grow a viburnum tree, go to the forest, where hawthorn grows on the edge. These berries will be useful.
A simple recipe
Great to whip up a vitamin compote. To do this, take some lingonberries or cranberries and crush them. Then add honey, stir the resulting mixture, and then pour it with melted water. How much to take? So much to be delicious. For a standard glass - about a handful of berries and two teaspoons of honey. Try it. And correct.
Cook compote, jelly? What for? You can’t cook it with honey, or with fructose either - there won’t be enough money. On sugar, as we have already established, it is better not to cook. Kissel on starch is also an extremely mucus-forming product, which is completely superfluous for a child. This mucus is an excellent breeding ground for microbes, fungi and parasites.
And the accumulations of mucus inhabited by them are all that the body begins to get rid of, removing them through the nose (and then the baby's nose runs, and we sigh: "Rhinitis!") or, for example, through the respiratory system (this is the same sputum, which causes so much trouble for the baby).
So why waste precious time and no less precious fruits and berries in order to end up with a product that is harmful to the baby? Feed him these berries raw, on an empty stomach - or make a compote in a hurry, as described above.
Dried fruits can also be used as the basis for a tasty and healthy drink.
Note: Stevia extract (another name for stevia is honey grass) can be used as a sugar substitute. Stevia is a natural low-calorie sugar substitute with a wide range of therapeutic and prophylactic properties.
A simple recipe
Soak dried fruits, pour boiling water over them, wash thoroughly and put in a thermos, and then fill with water - let stand overnight. If there is no thermos, you can use an ordinary pan, which must be wrapped in a blanket. Get a delicious compote. Well, if you really want to get everything possible out of dried fruits, boil them a little, just don't add sugar! Put sweet raisins, figs - it will become sweeter.
Pepsi-Cola, Sprite and more...
Definitely and forever - no sprites. Do you know the best way to make washed jeans? Boil them in Sprite. And the best way to dissolve the scale on the spiral of an electric kettle is to boil Pepsi in it. And are you ready to pour these chemical reagents into your child? As well as "juice", "mors" and other solutions, accidentally spilling which you will provide yourself with indelible stains on linoleum? To poison or not to poison your child - the choice is yours.
Purchased juices are less obvious. Let's figure it out. If the package says: "Without added sugar and preservatives" - this is a clear plus. Let's look further. The best option: "made from freshly squeezed juice." But this is rare. More often we will see "made from concentrated juice". If nothing is added besides the concentrate, we must be aware that this product is quite safe, but also useless. So let's be realistic. If at the zoo or on the way from the theater the child wants to drink, we can buy either bottled water or this kind of juice. Moreover, the younger the child, the stricter the ban on any supplements. It is best for children under five years of age not to give purchased juices at all. Take a drink with you when leaving the house with your baby, and no problem!
Let our children choose not Pepsi, but health. Don't teach your child to drink lemonade when he is small, and it is likely that he will not become addicted to them when he is older.
Dairy and lactic acid products
Let's look at it with an unbiased eye: which of the mammals uses milk after coming out of infancy? None! It’s very simple: when a baby leaves infancy, the production of those enzymes that are able to 100% break down milk that has entered the gastrointestinal tract dies off, because nature in its evolution is economical and expedient and therefore quite reasonably removed from the body what is in natural conditions after infancy will never be useful to him again. This enzymatic capacity for splitting is subsequently retained only in an insignificant part of the individuals.
We are able to drink milk with pleasure, especially, on occasion, real fresh milk. Why not? Occasionally, not as a system. If such an occupation is regular with us, then we will begin to accumulate in our body a significant amount of internal toxins, which in the form of mucus will gradually begin to envelop our internal organs.
Note: If you still consider it necessary to give your child milk, provided that he tolerates it well and he is not allergic to it, then we recommend that you consider the following:
1. It is best to give your child natural goat's milk if possible.2. If you are interested in the best nutrition for your baby, then make sure that your baby gets natural milk, not something sterile from a bag. As a rule, with a strong desire, there is an opportunity to buy milk from pets.
Take the time to search, to deliver, do not spare the money - everything will pay off handsomely when the baby grows up.
Natural milk does not need to be boiled! When boiled, milk proteins coagulate and become indigestible. Boiled milk cannot be compared with fresh or even cooled unboiled milk. You cannot provide your baby with natural milk all year round - give him unboiled milk to drink in the summer, in the country.
True, when drinking unboiled milk, there is a certain danger of catching some kind of infection. Therefore, never buy milk in the market, from random people. To minimize this possibility, you must carefully select the animal and its owner. A goat or a cow should be clean, well-groomed, with a clean udder, the hostess should be neat, milk should not smell like a barn. Do not be shy to ask the neighbors, visit the barn, and be present at the milking. Pay attention to whether the pail is clean, whether the hostess washes the udder of the animal before milking, whether she washes her hands, whether she pours milk into clean jars.
If you have doubts about its cleanliness, it's better not to risk it - boil milk or buy bags.
But what about the widespread recommendations for a predominantly dairy-vegetable diet? Yes, it's very simple: an analysis of the diet of centenarians proves that a significant part of it is lactic acid products! This is curdled milk, this is kefir, these are cheeses, these are feta cheese (soaked from salt, of course), this is cottage cheese, etc. The one residue in milk that a person is not able to completely break down is completely "overcome" by food fungi, which and prepare us a truly priceless product.
If you have a food processor or mixer at home, it will take you just a minute to make a delicious dish by diluting any lactic acid drink with fruit. For example, acidobifilin with a banana is very tasty, the proportion is about one banana per glass of acidobifilin.
In recent years, there has been a general transition of the population to yogurt. Yogurt is no longer in honor, although in vain. They are no less useful.
Surely you buy yogurt for children? Then keep the following in mind. According to international standards, yogurt is a product that contains live bacteria. Therefore, it has a limited shelf life, and in the refrigerator. The manufacturer has no right to call a canned product yogurt. So watch carefully what you buy. Look not at the inscription on the price tag, but at the product packaging itself. If it says something like "yogurter" or "frugurter" or anything other than the clear word "yogurt", it's not yogurt! Don't be fooled! This is something stuffed to the eyeballs with preservatives, so that it can be stored for a long, long time and without problems. Do you need it?
Real yoghurt, with fruit, without sugar - not a bad thing. But it can't be cheap. Whether it is worth spending money on it, decide for yourself. But it’s better not to buy surrogates for children. Honest acidobifilin or curdled milk is both better and cheaper.
Yes, yes, yes, children should eat cottage cheese. Again, as natural as possible. And again, unsweetened. If you want to make it tastier - add sour cream. Want sweeter - add raisins, dried apricots. Fill with good yogurt. Add milk and salt a little. In extreme cases, put some jam or honey, although this option is the most extreme case if you have already accustomed your child to sweet curds.
Cheesecakes, casserole? Perhaps, if occasionally and fully aware that by adding flour and sugar to cottage cheese, and then also exposing it to high temperature, you significantly impoverish it. Try cooking with fructose, but also - occasionally, it is now sold everywhere. And it’s better not to have any glazed curds, curd mass, “Miracle” curds and other things like that, sugar-containing, which will not be beneficial.
As for soft curds without sugar in airtight packaging, packaged in 100-200 grams, even with fruit and berry fillings, it is very convenient for the mother and, hopefully, not bad for the child, unless, of course, they contain preservatives , dyes, flavors, etc. But it is hardly worth giving them to a child all the time, let it be better for him to be familiar with cottage cheese of normal consistency.
As a rule, children love cheese. And great! Cheese has a lot of calcium, it is a very useful product. True, the product is concentrated, so you don’t need to eat a lot of it. But a couple of cheese sandwiches, if eaten with raw vegetables and not with sweet tea, but if on bread and not on a roll, are excellent food, extremely healthy and well balanced.
There are many varieties of cheese, you can find something for every taste. Your capricious does not like spicy? Buy him a gentle, sweetish "Maasdam" or firm sweet "Camembert". Search and you will definitely find varieties that will suit his taste.
Ice cream
One thing you shouldn't give your child for as long as possible is ice cream.