Food for babies during teething
10 Ways to Help your Teething Baby
It’s 10am, you’re on your 3rd cup of coffee of the day already, your normally happy little baby hasn’t eaten any breakfast and has turned into a drooling and very cranky bundle of very little joy. If this sounds like your life right now, then chances are your baby is teething – I hear your pain Momma!
I recently saw a diagram showing how far those baby teeth have to move down, before they are pushed through their gums. It really is no wonder that your baby has gone off food and is an irritable little mess. Oscar had a terrible time when it came to teeth. I always knew they were coming because;
- His appetite for solids would decrease.
- His appetite for breastmilk would increase.
- He wanted to be constantly in my arms.
- His little bum would have a rash.
- He would wake up every few hours screaming 🙁 (that really was the worst one).
I actually did a happy dance around his bedroom with him in my arms when he cut his 20th tooth! So how did we get through it? I was asked by the lovely people at Teetha to write a post with my top tips for teething and so I’ve put together my top 10 tips that will hopefully help you and your baby get through this!
Teething Pops
Ice is a natural pain reliever so I always had pops on hand along with some chilled teethers. Great for little gums and give immediate relief to your little one. For the ice-pops I always try to get as much goodness into them as usually my little guy had gone totally off food. These are my favourite ideas:
Perfect for babies under 6 months. I could always get my baby to eat one of these. Just pump some breastmilk and freeze into an ice-pop mould. If you’re not breastfeeding, you can also use formula.
‘Mommy & Baby’ Avocado & Spinach Smoothie (Frozen Into Pops)
If your baby is on solids and you’re looking for a super nourishing pop then this one is for you and your baby. Super easy to make and then freeze into little ice-pops. I love avocado because it just contains so much goodness and is a little meal in every bite. When mixed with a little banana, spinach and yogurt these pops are just so nutritious. I added a teaspoon of maple syrup because I wanted my baby to eat them (he hadn’t eaten anything but drank breastmilk for days). This recipe should make 12 mini pops so it is only 1 1/12th of a teaspoon of free sugar which is a very tiny amount anyway.
Find the recipe here: ‘Mommy & Baby’ Avocado and Spinach Smoothie
Banana And Turmeric Lassi (Frozen Into Pops)
I love these because they are sweet, they contain lots of goodness but most importantly the secret ingredient is turmeric, a natural inflammatory. Babies just love these pops and they are a great way of cooling little gums down and getting some nutrients into them at the same time.
Find the recipe here: Banana and Turmeric Lassi
Peanut Butter And Sweet Potato Chocolate Mousse (Frozen Into Pops)
These pops are one of my favourite things EVER! They taste like a healthy magnum, are full of goodness and they are so nutritious. The best thing is that they contain sweet potato, and not just a little sweet potato! 12 pops contain one of those large sweet potatoes that you look at thinking ‘what on earth do I do with this?’.
Find the recipe here: Peanut Butter & Sweet Potato Chocolate Mousse
Melon And Mint Zingy Teething Pops
Sometimes the simplest ingredients make the best things. Take these pops for example – 3 simple ingredients watermelon, mint and lime juice blended up together and frozen. Oscar LOVED these! So easy to make and they will have those little gums laughing away in no time.
Find the recipe here: Melon and Mint Zingy Teething Ice Pops
Good Teething Foods (besides pops).
- Soup – I know soup is a contradiction from frozen but soup is soft, easy on the gums and if you add lots of goodness it is a great way to get your little one eating something. I left soup go cold as Oscar when teething preferred it that way. Load a spoon, soak some soft bread or just half fill a beaker up with soup and let them help themselves. You may have to make the beaker holes a little bigger for the soup to come out.
Oscar liked chewing the top of the beaker as the hardness seemed to help his gums and a little soup would come out with every chew. Double win!
- Muffins & Pancakes – If you search for muffins and pancakes on Baby Led Feeding you will find a huge range of healthy muffins – find the listing here: all my muffins and all my pancakes. The great thing about these is they are all super nutritious and soft on little gums. Top tip before giving your little one a muffin is to give them some Teetha granules about 20 minutes beforehand. They will be more inclined to eat them if their gums are feeling calmer.
- Cooled Fruit – Bananas are great! Just peel one, then stick your finger through the top and it turns into 3 spears! Stick them in the freezer and take out about 10 minutes before giving to your baby. It will have started to go soft again but will be cool enough on your babies gums. Chilled ready-to-eat mango spears are also really great as are spears of chilled avocado.
Homemade Teething Biscuits
My lovely pal Stacey over at My Kids Lick the Bowl had this lovely recipe for sweet potato teething biscuits which are really good!
Find the recipe here: My Kids Lick the Bowl
- Frozen Washcloth – I always had a wet washcloth in my freezer for those really bad days. Take out of the freezer a few minutes before, shake to release any ice particles and so that it won’t freezer burn your little ones gums. Then just let your baby chew on it to get some relief.
- Washed clean finger – If you have ever wondered ‘are my baby’s gums o.k to chew food’ then this tip will really help relieve that worry. Just clean your hands well and gently massage your little one’s gums to ease the pain. This is great if you are using cooling Teetha Teething Gel as it is natural and really helps alleviate pain.
- Cooled Teething Rings – Cooled teething rings are great for little gums.
Just make sure you read the instructions and never place in the freezer as this can damage your baby’s gums if frozen. I used really natural ones that were PBA-Free.
- Rubber Spatula – I know this sounds like a crazy one but Oscar loved the spatula when he was cutting teeth
Natural Pain Relief
Camomile Granules or Gel
I have been using camomile granules since my daughter Jade (who is now 15) was a baby and I have since used it on my two boys as well. I loved it because it is made using only natural ingredients including chamomile which really helped to calm them down and it can be given to babies from 3 months+ so great if your little one has started cutting teeth early.
I found it especially great before mealtimes especially for Oscar. I just poured the granules into his mouth and within 10/15 minutes he was calmer and more inclined to eat his food. It was also great during the night when his gums seemed to hurt him more than usual. It must have been sore to latch on and I knew he wanted milk so I gave him Teetha and walked around with him for a few minutes until it took effect. Then he seemed to feed much better and would go back to sleep. Some relief for Mommas too!
Like the granules the camomile teething gel is made using natural ingredients with the main one being chamomile. It relieves the symptoms of sore gums, flushed cheeks and dribbling so quickly. I stored it in the fridge so it was cold, then using a clean finger applied about a pea-sized amount onto Oscar gums and massaged it in. Massaging their gums with the gel really, really was so effective. I found this method great before breastfeeding as it was like an instant relief for him.
Finger foods baby led weaning first foods Freezer Filler Recipes Buddah Bowl Buddha Bowl Toddler Food Baby Bowl Recipes First foods broccoli first foods for baby led weaning broccoli Fussy eaters Starting baby led weaning
What Foods to Give as My Child Is Teething? | Healthy Eating
By Alicia Bodine Updated December 06, 2018
According to the American Dental Association, you can expect your baby's first teeth to erupt between 6 months and 1 year, with the full set of 20 primary teeth showing up by age 3. As the teeth make their way through the gums, your little one may experience soreness that leaves him irritable. Fortunately, in addition to teething rings, there are a few foods you can give your child that will help soothe the tender gums and relieve pain.
Teething Biscuits
In addition to relieving gum pain, chewing on teething biscuits is also a yummy snack for most babies. The biscuits can be cracker- or cookie-like and are designed to break up and dissolve easily to reduce choking risks. Of course, parents should still keep a close eye on their children as they munch on these crumbly foods.
The treat is available for purchase in grocery stores, but parents can make their own by blending 2 cups of oat flour, 1 ripe banana and 2 tablespoons of coconut oil. Mold the dough into cookie or stick shapes and bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 10 minutes per side.
Hard Vegetables
Carrots, cucumbers, celery sticks and other hard vegetables that have been chilled in the refrigerator feel good against aching gums as your baby gnaws on them. It's important that the carrots and cucumbers be peeled first and that parents watch their toddlers closely in case a piece of the vegetable breaks off.
Popsicles or Fruit Slushies
Ice is excellent for numbing areas of our body that are in pain, so it makes sense that frozen ice in the form of popsicles and fruit slushies would give a baby relief from sore gums. You can also purchase popsicles and fruit slushies from your local grocery store or make your own at home.
Simply place your baby's favorite fruits in the freezer. Once they've frozen, toss them in the blender so they become fruit slushies that can be spoon-fed. If you'd rather make popsicles, blend fresh fruits with a little water and then pour the mixture into popsicle molds. Place in the freezer and use once frozen.
Applesauce, Yogurt and Pudding
Some babies prefer the texture of soft foods. In this case, you'll want to offer chilled applesauce, yogurt or pudding during snack time. The creamy foods won't irritate the already painful gums, and the cold temperature of the snacks will soothe the area. Pouring the applesauce, yogurt or pudding into a popsicle mold and serving it that way also works.
- KidsHealth: Teething Tots
- Teething: Tips for Soothing Sore Gums
- BabyCenter: Teething: Your Baby's First Teeth
- Super Healthy Kids: Healthy Homemade Teething Biscuits
- Mom Tricks: 27 Must-Know Tips to Quickly Soothe a Teething Baby
Alicia Bodine is a New Jersey-based writer specializing in health and nutrition. With more than 13 years of experience, her work has appeared in sites like Livestrong and eHow Food & Drink. She has also served as the Healthy Foods editor at BellaOnline.
How and what to feed the baby when the teeth are cut
— Anastasia Anatolyevna, when the teeth start to cut in the baby, how long does teething last?
- Babies can “boast” about their first central incisors at about six months. However, the first symptoms of teething in infants may appear as early as a couple of months before the tooth looks out. And it is desirable to see the beginning of the process in time to help the baby survive the pain. In most babies, discomfort symptoms are detected three to four days before teething and usually disappear on the fourth day after the tooth comes out.
Clear signs of teething in an infant:
- increased salivation, rash on face and chest from constant wetting;
- swelling of the gums, their increased sensitivity to sucking;
- the little one is irritable and whiny, naughty, does not perceive the breast / bottle;
- the baby gnaws, bites objects, trying to relieve soreness in the mouth;
- the baby's sleep is disturbed, night wakefulness appears.
- Toothache is often mistaken for a cold or an allergy. How to distinguish one state from another?
— Teeth growth is a physiological stage, and, as a rule, it does not have negative consequences for the child's health, despite frequent crying, fever, and excessive anxiety. Children's ailments can be differentiated based on knowledge of their characteristic features.
Table. How to understand that a baby is teething
— Parents often worry that their children are not eating enough. Are baby's first teeth and weight gain related?
- Poor appetite is an alarming symptom that occurs against the background of teeth moving and pressure on aching gums during feeding. The baby does not attach well to the breast, pushes out the nipple and receives less nutrition, which leads to a suspension in weight gain. It is better to just temporarily switch to a free diet, but do not force feed the baby.
An infant's poor appetite may be accompanied by the following behavioral changes:
- complete or partial rejection of the breast/bottle;
- constant whims while feeding with writhing of the body;
- increased desire to take something in the mouth, followed by refusal to eat due to increased discomfort and itching in the gums;
- loss of interest in solid foods, especially in children on a mixed diet.
— And if the child often refuses to suckle the breast or pacifier?
- Parents need to be patient. The inflammatory process in the mouth - which means sleepless nights and a moody mood - reduces appetite. Any touch to the gums is accompanied by discomfort, so the baby does not want to suck. In such a situation, force-feeding is useless. But even if the child misses two or three feedings per day, nothing bad will happen, everything will get better soon. When he is very hungry, he will still take a breast or a bottle and be sure to eat.
- Restless baby is waiting for support - how to soothe itching, inflammation of the gums?
— Teeth do not appear before three months, and sometimes the family celebrates a “tooth feast” closer to the year. The task of parents is not to miss the moment when the tooth comes out in order to facilitate the process.
Dummy teether
— Given with the appearance of the first incisor for scratching the outer side of the jaw. Itching subsides with the growth of teeth at the edges of the mouth. It is better to look for a wide pacifier (it is so convenient to get hard-to-reach places in the oral cavity) with a narrow limiter handle (does not interfere with the grip and does not allow the nipple to be swallowed too deeply).
Non-spill cup
— Teething is accompanied by strong salivation, therefore, in order to normalize the water balance, plenty of drinking is often given from a convenient drinking cup. Its spout is made of rubber, and the valve does not allow liquid to flow. In addition, convenient holders do not allow the bottle to slip out of the baby's hands. Children are delighted with such a “toy” and drink from a beautiful bottle with great zeal.
Pain reliever, gum gel
- Your doctor will tell you the best solution. A number of drugs to relieve inflammation and soothe the gums include lidocaine. But for them there is no clear dosage, and the baby can swallow the medicine. Therefore, when treating gums, when a tooth is cut, lidocaine can lead to intoxication of a small organism and cause serious undesirable consequences.
Rules for the use of gels for pain in teething syndrome:
- at the first anxiety of the child, first a teether, drinking bowl are given, a circular massage of the gums is done from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth;
- the remedy is used only with severe discomfort;
- is applied in a thin layer up to 3-4 times a day with strict observance of the instructions;
- manipulation is performed with a clean finger, accompanied by a circular massage;
- it is preferable to lubricate the gums after feeding and at night;
- Never let your baby chew on a tube of gel.
- Anastasia Anatolyevna, what to feed and how to feed a child when teeth are being cut - is it necessary to follow the schedule, give the baby water, warm food? And what is better to give the child: infant formula / puree soup / vegetable puree? Should I keep breastfeeding?
— When teething, it is important to get away from a well-planned feeding regime for a while. It is best to offer your baby breast or formula milk on demand. Everything will soon return to normal and return to the order that developed during life without teeth.
It is preferable not to force the baby to eat solid foods. It is better to cook liquid, mashed, light meals, and also not to introduce new complementary foods, not to give stale bread, cookies, in order to eliminate the risk of choking on crumbs. The temperature of the food should correspond to the temperature of the child's body, so as not to worsen the condition of the baby and he has not lost his desire to eat. With hyperthermia and salivation, it is advisable to give the baby water to drink.
— Do breast-fed and formula-fed babies equally tolerate toothache?
- Breastfed babies have been found to tolerate teething more easily. Mother's breast is not only a source of complete and healthy food, but also a bioregulator of the emotional state, a way to calm down. Mothers whose babies literally “hang on their chests” observe that periods of prolonged feeding coincide with the appearance of dental tubercles.
You need to show increased attention to a bottle-fed baby - hold him on the arms more often, fall asleep with him, spend sleepless nights nearby - fortunately, the tooth completely crawls out in just 3-4 days (in the worst case, in a week).
- Does infant formula affect the baby in any way when teething?
- The best food for a newborn is, of course, breast milk. But there is no tragedy in transferring a child to artificial or mixed feeding, if it is really necessary. This decision is made by the mother together with the pediatrician.
Fortunately, there are now alternatives to breast milk, among them the MAMAKO ® Premium infant formulas. They have excellent composition, pleasant taste. One of their main advantages is the basis of goat's milk, which is closer in composition to breast milk than cow's. Features of the protein component of goat mixtures contribute to their easier digestion.
The eruption of the first teeth through the soft tender gums can cause the child's whims during feeding. But the main milk nutrition is preserved, and pureed complementary foods will make it easier to eat with sore mouth. Also, the growth of teeth will bring less trouble if you pay more attention to the baby, gently communicate with him, distract him with singing or playing. It is important to massage the gums, offer the baby teethers. On the recommendation of a doctor, with an intense pain syndrome, ointments and gels can be used to calm the baby and help the teeth break through.
* Breast milk is the best food for babies. WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of a child's life and continued breastfeeding after complementary foods are introduced until the age of 2 years. Before introducing new products into the baby's diet, you should consult with a specialist. The material is for informational purposes and cannot replace the advice of a healthcare professional. For feeding children from birth.
what to do if teething and poor appetite in infants
Published: 05/06/2022
Reading time: 2 min.
Number of reads: 72399
Author of the article: Ponomareva Yulia Vladimirovna
Pediatrician, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Allergist-Immunologist
The appearance of milk teeth in a baby is a difficult stage in the life of both a child and all family members. This is one of the most common causes of restlessness, moody behavior and poor appetite in an infant in the first year of life. Let's discuss how parents need to behave in order to help the baby get through this difficult period.
Contents: Hide
- Timing of teeth
- Changes in health
- Refusal to eat
- General rules
- Baby porridge
- Practical tips
Terms of appearance of teeth
The formation of teeth occurs in utero, that is, the baby is born already with a full set of teeth, which then wait for their hour of eruption. The timing and pace of teething is an individual process, which depends primarily on heredity, as well as on external factors, such as the quality of drinking water and the nature of nutrition. For the first 3-4 months, the baby is exclusively breastfed, and the baby does not need teeth yet. By the 4th month of life, the baby is already deficient in the nutrients of breast milk, the stage of the start of the introduction of complementary foods begins. At this age, many children begin to appear the first milk teeth. However, the timing of the onset of eruption can be shifted to the second half of life, this is also a variant of the norm. On average, by the 12th month of life, a child has 8 teeth and 20 by 2 years.
Health changes
The most common teething symptoms are increased salivation and itchy gums. During this period, the child pulls in his mouth and gnaws his own fingers and any objects that come across. In addition, the appearance of teeth is often accompanied by an increase in body temperature, changes in the stool and a decrease in appetite. The temperature can be above 38 ° C and disturb the child for several days. To make sure that changes in the baby's health are associated with the appearance of milk teeth, carefully examine the child's oral cavity. On examination, you will find redness and swelling of the gums at the site of the new tooth, and the child will respond even to a slight pressure on this area. Against the background of teething, the immune defense of the baby is often reduced, which leads to the appearance of symptoms of a viral or bacterial infection. Therefore, changes in the state of health of the crumbs can only be indirectly associated with teething. In every ambiguous situation, do not neglect the advice of a pediatrician.
Refusal to eat
Teething in babies is often accompanied by eating disorders - children become selective in choosing food, and often completely refuse food. Since the appearance of milk teeth is a long process, many parents of babies are concerned that during the period when teeth are being cut, the child does not eat almost anything. The contact of food with the gums increases pain, and the child does not perceive any food well. "How and what to feed the baby?" - this is the most pressing issue for parents of infants in the first year of life. Try to follow the general recommendations during this period, as well as some practical tips to help keep the child from being hungry.
General rules
Despite the difficult situation, do not force-feed. Forced eating can provoke disruption of the digestive tract and be the cause of improper eating behavior in the future. During this period, it is better to adhere to a free feeding regime according to the principle - often, but in small portions. If the mother is breastfeeding, then expect the frequency of feedings to change. The child has a need for frequent application, not only to satisfy hunger, but also for emotional calm. In the acute phase, refuse to introduce complementary foods and choose foods that minimally irritate the oral mucosa. During this period, salivation is increased in babies, therefore, to restore the water balance, periodically offer the baby drinking water for babies, allowed from birth. The baby has a desire to gnaw and bite everything, but during this period it is better to refuse solid food as much as possible, since sharp edges can additionally injure the mucous membrane and only worsen the situation. Among complementary foods, the most optimal choice during teething are cereal complementary foods.
Children's porridge
What are the advantages of choosing children's porridge as a priority in the baby's diet during the period of the appearance of milk teeth? Firstly, it is a highly nutritious product - the combination of milk and cereals meets the needs of the child for energy and nutrients, even with a relatively small amount of the finished product. Secondly, the appropriate consistency of commercially produced baby cereals facilitates the assimilation of complementary foods. Bebi Premium baby cereals for children over 4 months of age have a homogenized degree of grinding, which does not require additional gum grinding and reduces the load on the jaw apparatus. In addition, they are easily and without lumps diluted with water or breast milk at room temperature, which also reduces the severity of pain compared to warmer foods. Fruit and vegetable complementary foods, despite the appropriate puree-like structure, are rich in organic acids, which can be a source of irritation of the delicate mucous membrane of the baby's gums. During this period, another important advantage of the Bebi Premium line of children's cereals is the reduced sugar content. Sugar is a good breeding ground for microbes that live in the oral cavity, its excess intake can increase the inflammatory process in the gums.
Practical Tips
The pharmaceutical market offers a variety of topical gum pain relievers approved for use in children. However, it is recommended to use them very carefully and in consultation with the pediatrician in cases where pain significantly affects the condition of the crumbs. Be careful when using them, as swallowing the gel with painkillers can lead to severe toxic reactions. Safe aids are special teethers. Among them, the most effective are devices with a cooling gel or water inside. Offer the baby teethers before the next meal, and then he will eat complementary foods more calmly. Another simple and useful procedure is to massage the gums in the direction from the center to the corners of the mouth, avoiding impact on the eruption zone.