Food for ten month old baby
10-Month-Old Baby: Development Milestones | Pampers
There’s nothing quite like watching your baby take on new challenges, from trying to stand and then walk, to attempting to say his first real words. You’re no doubt feeling proud of your little one. Still, you may have questions about what’s coming in the weeks ahead, including what 10-month-old babies can eat, how long they should sleep, and which development milestones they typically achieve. We’ve got you covered on all this and more, so read on!
Baby Development Milestones
One of the paradoxes of your baby’s development at 10 months is that while he’s eager to become more mobile and independent, he may also be cautious about straying too far from you and may even cry when you’re out of sight. Read on to learn more about what your 10-month-old baby may be experiencing this month, including the development milestones he may reach around this time.
Growth and Physical Development: Steady Gains
Don’t get too attached to your favorite baby clothes! Your 10-month-old baby will likely continue to grow rapidly this month as he makes his way toward nearly tripling his birth weight by his first birthday. All babies grow at their own pace, and there’s no single growth standard for a baby. Instead, during your baby’s regular checkups, the healthcare provider will chart your baby’s weight, length, and head circumference to make sure he’s on track for healthy development. You can read more about how baby growth charts are used here.
Movement: Up, Up, and Away!
You might have noticed that when your baby is awake, he’s moving nonstop. If he’s on his tummy he’ll arch his back to look around; if he’s on his back he’ll grab his toes. At other times, he may be rolling over or rocking on his hands and knees. All of these movements strengthen his muscles, improve his coordination, and teach him what his various body parts can do.
Each baby is different, but around this time your baby could be trying to pull himself up to stand. Seeing everyone else walking makes him eager to follow suit! Once he stands, he might worry that he won’t be able to sit down again, which is a little trickier. If you sense he's having trouble, show him how you bend your knees to return to the floor and he might be able to copy you.
Once your baby can stand more confidently, he might take a few tentative steps while holding onto furniture. This is known as “cruising.” Soon, he’ll try taking a few cautious steps without holding onto anything. This might end in him dropping to the floor, but he’ll grow more skilled with each try.
After months and months of tummy time and all those movements designed to strengthen his muscles in preparation for walking, you might be surprised at how quickly things progress now. Once he takes those tentative first steps, it may only be a few more days before your baby is walking with confidence. What a miracle!
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*Input details of your baby’s last measurements. **Source: World Health Organization
Cognitive Development: Hello, Can You Hear Me?
Long before your baby can say real words, he can understand some of what you’re saying. You might even be surprised at how much babies can understand! For example, if you say the name of his favorite toy, he may look toward it, showing you he knows what you’re referring to. If he’s created his own word for something, you can treat that as his word. For example, if he calls his favorite teddy “tata,” respond by giving it to him and saying the word “teddy” to reinforce the right word. In time, he’ll correct himself. Whether it’s now or in the coming months, your baby will soon be able to say simple words like “no,” “mama,” and “dada.”
Your little one will soon start to mimic the way you use objects, too. If he has a toy phone, he might put it to his ear, just as he’s seen you do. Take advantage of his interest in imitating you by teaching him how objects are used. Let him “brush” his hair with a hairbrush or his teeth with a toothbrush. At mealtimes let him play at using a cup and spoon.
While your baby plays at using the phone, how much do you use technology as part of parenting? If you have a minute, we’d love to hear about your experiences via our short quiz.
How to Support Your Baby’s Development
As always, there’s lots you can do to help your baby grow and develop. Here are some ideas to get you started:
Place some sturdy, safe objects in a low drawer or cupboard for your baby to discover and play with. Finding new things on his own is exciting for him and will help boost his confidence.
As your baby learns to pull himself up to a stand, stairs might start to interest him. Add baby gates for safety, but consider allowing him onto the lowest step under close supervision with you standing right below him.
Teach your baby the actions that go with words like “bye-bye,” “yes,” and “no.” For example, show him how to wave bye-bye, nod yes, and shake his head no.
Experts recommend not to put your baby in a baby walker. These devices are dangerous and may actually decrease his motivation to walk. Instead, consider a stationary walker, a play center, or a push car with a bar he can hold onto.
The toys your 10-month-old baby plays with don’t have to be expensive; your baby may be fascinated by an empty box, an egg carton, or even a toilet paper tube that he can bend, tear, and scrunch.
If you do want to choose some toys for your 10-month-old baby, go for things like a large doll or puppet, a toy telephone, or a “busy box” with features that squeak, push, move, open, and roll. These will help develop his fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.
Feeding Your 10-Month-Old Baby
Your baby needs about 750 to 900 calories each day, with about half coming from breast milk or formula and the rest from solids. In addition to spoon feeding your baby or letting him handle using a spoon, you can also give your 10-month-old baby finger foods to encourage him to feed himself. Try small pieces of tofu or cheese, peas, diced fruit, and well-cooked pasta. Try to be patient with his slow pace and with the amount of food that ends up everywhere but in his mouth, as he’s still learning. The more you let him try, the sooner he’ll grow more capable and confident.
At some point around this time, you could introduce your baby to the sippy cup. Get started with a trainer cup, which has a lid, two handles, and a soft straw or spout. At first your baby will treat it like a plaything, which is totally OK. Add a little water and show your baby how to drink from it, and before long he’ll start to mimic you. In time, fill it with breast milk or formula instead of water. Using the cup will help improve your baby’s hand-to-mouth coordination, and will help prepare him for weaning from breastfeeding or bottle-feeding when the time comes. Keep in mind that it may be many months before your baby drinks all of his liquids from a cup. For now, this is just a casual introduction — all babies have to start somewhere.
Here’s an example of a daily menu for your 10-month-old including both baby food and breast milk or formula. It also gives you an idea of approximately how much baby food to give your 10-month-old.
Eating Out With Your Little One
Going out for a meal with your baby may seem daunting, but these tips may help:
Call the restaurant ahead of time to make sure it is baby-friendly and has a high chair.
Take some baby wipes just in case it's necessary to clean the chair.
Consider feeding your baby beforehand; you may find he sleeps right through.
If your baby will be eating with you, take his food, spoon, and bib.
Don't be embarrassed if your baby starts crying. Instead, be flexible and ready to either do a little soothing or to grab the check early.
Take some soft toys and baby books that your little one can play with without making too much noise.
How Much Sleep Does a 10-Month-Old Baby Need?
Ten-month-old babies typically sleep about 10 to 12 hours each night and have two naps during the day. Some babies start to need the morning nap less and less.
Around this time, your baby may develop what's known as separation anxiety — he becomes upset when he's away from you or can't see you. This can cause problems at night, when your baby wakes to find you're not there. Here are some do's and don'ts to guide you if your baby wakes in the night:
Check to make sure he's comfortable and isn't sick.
Pat him gently and quietly tell him it's OK — you're nearby if he needs you.
If a diaper change is needed, do it quickly with minimal fuss, and put him right back to bed in his crib.
Don't turn on the light, rock him, feed him, walk him, or take him to your bed. These actions will just reward him for waking and will prolong this stage.
If a daylight savings time change is coming up, this can also prompt sleep disruption. Learn how to transition your baby's sleep time smoothly.
Don’t miss these must-watch sleep tips from the Smart Sleep Coach pediatric sleep consultant:
A Day in the Life of Your Baby
Every baby is different, but here’s a glimpse of what a typical day could look like with your baby.
Your Baby’s Health: Dental Care
You might have seen your baby’s first teeth poke through already — or maybe not yet, as timing varies widely for teething. By age 3, most children have all of their primary teeth in. No matter how many teeth she has now, it’s important to care for your baby’s teeth and gums each day. Here’s how:
Twice a day, clean your baby’s teeth with a soft baby toothbrush and a small amount of toothpaste designed for babies. If no teeth are in yet, gently wipe the gums with a soft washcloth or soft toothbrush. Read more about baby dental care, including what toothpaste to pick and how long to brush for.
Never let your baby fall asleep with a bottle. This causes milk to pool in her mouth, leading to tooth decay.
If your baby shows signs of discomfort from teething gently — like irritability, crying, or tender or swollen gums — try to relieve the soreness by massaging her gums with your finger or giving her a rubber teething ring to bite on.
Unfortunately, at some point your baby may suffer a tooth injury. Read more about how to treat a baby tooth problem here.
Here are two more health topics worth knowing about:
Food allergies.
Young children can have allergic reactions to things like cow’s milk (which should not be introduced before 12 months), eggs, peanuts, soy, and wheat. Symptoms of a food allergy can be mild or severe and can include things like a rash, diarrhea, breathing difficulties, or pale skin. Your baby’s healthcare provider will diagnose any allergy and may recommend a course of action. It could be that you need to ensure your baby doesn’t eat foods she’s allergic to. In some cases, children grow out of their allergy.
Roseola. If your baby has a fever of between 102 and 105 degrees Fahrenheit, and then develops a rash on her trunk once the fever goes away, it could be a viral illness called roseola. Other symptoms include a runny nose, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, cough, and irritability. Contact your baby’s healthcare provider for treatment advice. Roseola is contagious during the fever phase, so it may be best to keep your child away from other children while the fever is present.
Read more about roseola here.
Your Life as a Parent: Tips for Sharing Parental Duties
Talking about parenting with your partner can be challenging. The key is to remember that there is no “perfect” family, nor one way to parent, and that roles and responsibilities may need to change along the way. Figuring out how to share parenting duties and household chores is going to be an ongoing discussion. But it’s best to be open and honest to avoid frustration and resentment building up. Consider these ideas:
Split the chores. Create a list of the common daily, weekly, and monthly household chores and find a way to split these chores fairly. Perhaps one parent can contribute more mid-week, while the other takes over on weekends.
Take turns with baby care. One or both of you may be working, but you’re both likely to want to be involved and invested in raising your child. Can you share who gets up at night to soothe your little one if she cries? Can one of you handle the morning feeds, the other the evenings? Can you split who takes days off if your baby is sick, and share who does the childcare runs?
Remain flexible.
Things change and your family’s needs evolve. Sit down with your partner regularly to discuss what’s working and what isn’t.
Spend time together as a family. Set aside some time regularly when you can all be together as a family in a more relaxed way. It could be playing on the floor together, sharing family mealtimes, or going for walks on the weekend.
Seek help to resolve conflicts. Conflicts are a natural part of a relationship and every family dynamic, but your little one is sensitive to the emotions of the people who care for her. If you need help resolving conflicts, ask your healthcare provider whether there are relationship counselors or other professionals you could consult.
The Best Foods for Babies 10 to 12 Months – Happiest Baby
The 10- to 12-month age range is a time of incredible growth for babies. You'll look down one day, and suddenly your sweet baby might begin to look more like a toddler. And with all the changes happening from trying to walk and talk to showing a natural, vibrant curiosity for the world around them, you'll also notice that their food preferences will mature a bit too.
The beauty of finger foods for babies between 10 and 12 months is that not only will your baby enjoy nutritious foods, but they will also be getting a dexterity workout too. Using their fingers and hands to pick up and feed themselves is an excellent way to practice hand-to-eye coordination and work on that vital pincher and grasping reflex.
If you're interested in moving away from purees and venturing into finger foods, then check out this list of snacks and meals that are perfect for your budding toddler. The best part? Most of these can be made ahead to cut down on time in the kitchen.
Breakfast Foods for BabiesThey say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but it's also a pretty big contender for the most fun. Here are five great, nutrient-packed, finger-friendly breakfasts that your little one will love.
Overnight OatsFill a small jar with one part dry oats, one part breastmilk or formula, and sprinkle in some cut-up fruit, like blueberries or raspberries and a touch of pure maple syrup. Mix it up and leave it in the fridge overnight. This one is great for your baby to practice scooping with their fingers, although it is messy.
You can buy frozen waffles or make your own and freeze them ahead of time. Make sure to look for whole wheat, and pair your waffles with fresh fruit instead of sugary syrups. Try a dollop of whipped cream (or even better: yogurt) for some added fun, and always make sure to cut up fruit to manageable sizes.
Hard-Boiled Eggs and Toast SoldiersToast soldiers are a fun way to let your baby play with food. Simply toast a piece of bread and cut it into strips for dipping into the egg. Toast soldiers are great for gripping and self-feeding, especially for teething babies. Make sure that your child can handle eating toast before trying this one out.
Cheese and Veggie FrittataFrittatas are a lovely way to combine eggs and vegetables for your little one. Not only are they super healthy and delicious, but they’re also easy to pick up and eat. Experiment with fillings such as kale, spinach, pasteurized feta or Swiss, cherry tomatoes, mushrooms, and chives. Always be sure to chop vegetables up into manageable sizes for your baby.
Smoothies are a fun way to get in vitamins and protein, and there are endless ways to make them. Here are a few popular combinations that your baby might like:
Banana, peanut butter, and breastmilk or formula
Strawberries, banana, mango, full-fat yogurt, and breastmilk or formula
Avocado, spinach, banana, and full-fat yogurt
Blueberry, banana, full-fat yogurt, and breastmilk or formula
If your baby is bored with bland, mashed foods for lunch, then try a few of these fun, well-balanced lunch ideas that you can easily make ahead.
Broccoli and Cauliflower CoinsSteam and mash broccoli and cauliflower, add an egg, some almond flour, and shredded cheddar cheese. Mix ingredients together and use a one-inch melon-baller to drop balls onto a cookie sheet, flatten with a wet fork, and bake at 350 until golden brown. These veggie coins are soft, full of nutrients, and fun to dip into ketchup or applesauce.
Make a batch of beef and barley stew and toss in peas, carrots, and other veggies. Try chopping the finished stew into a chunkier version of puree before serving with toast soldiers. Your baby can scoop with their fingers or practice using a spoon.
Baby Charcuterie PlateUsing your baby's favorite plate (or a muffin tin!), place bite-sized cubed cheese, crackers, cut-up fruit and veggies, and pieces of cereal for a fun way to eat a balanced meal.
Macaroni and CheeseUpgrade the old kid food stand-by with chopped veggies like peas, carrots, sweet potato, and corn kernels.
Cottage Cheese and DippersServe cottage cheese in a bowl with a small plate of dippers like toast soldiers, crackers, cut-up pieces of fruit, and soft vegetables like baked sweet potato sticks.
By 10 to 12 months, you might already be serving your baby the same food that your family eats, albeit chopped, mashed, or cut up. Serving your baby the same foods you eat is ideal because it helps your baby develop a taste for healthy foods. If you're looking for dinner ideas that your baby might love, check out these five options.
Pasta BowlsPasta bowls are perfect because you can add almost anything to your pasta and call it a meal. Look for small pasta shapes like alphabet letters or elbows that your baby can pick up. Here are a few additions to try:
Chopped, steamed spinach and ricotta
Red sauce with chopped spinach
Cooked carrots, peas, and corn kernels garnish with Parmesan cheese
Chopped chicken, veggies, and shredded cheese
Like pasta bowls, rice bowls are also a great way to add various healthy tidbits for your baby. Simply choose a protein, a vegetable, or two, and offer some flavor options like low-sodium soy sauce or even unsweetened apple sauce.
Good old-fashioned beef and lentil soup with lots of vegetables is a perfectly balanced meal that you can make ahead and freeze in small amounts. Your baby can use their fingers to pick up pieces of food or practice using a spoon.
MashMash some sweet potato or potato and mix in some small pieces of cooked veggies for a fun, healthy dinner. Try adding carrots, peas, spinach, kale, corn kernels, cherry tomatoes, beets, and more.
Fish and ChipsFish is a wonderfully healthy option for your baby, and it is so easy to eat with those sweet little fingers. Try roasting white fish with a splash of lemon and steamed veggies like asparagus or broccoli. Remember, small and soft, bite-sized pieces are your baby's friend.
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Disclaimer: The information on our site is NOT medical advice for any specific person or condition. It is only meant as general information. If you have any medical questions and concerns about your child or yourself, please contact your health provider.
what can a baby eat, what to feed, what vegetables, cereals, fruits to give, regimen and diet for 10 months
Published: 06/20/2020
Reading time: 4 min.
Number of reads: 226179
Author of the article: Ponomareva Yuliya Vladimirovna
Pediatrician, candidate of medical sciences, allergist-immunologist
The first year of a baby's life is unique. The processes of growth and development are so intense that each new month is not like the previous one. In this regard, the child's diet undergoes changes every month to meet the growing needs of the body for nutrients, vitamins, minerals and other biologically active substances. Let's discuss what changes are taking place in the baby's diet, and what can be included in the diet at 10 months. 9Ol000 Basic principles and changes in nutrition at 10 months
The basic food groups that must be included in the daily diet of children in the second half of life remain the same - vegetables, fruits, meat, cereals, dairy products. There are 3 main meals and 2-3 additional ones, while the portion size increases, and the daily amount of food is 1000-1100 ml. The child no longer looks like a baby - he has grown stronger, is trying to walk, he has an interest in all the phenomena of the world around him, including traditional adult food. Of course, the menu at 10 months is still very different from the food of the general table, but in terms of the possible variety of food, the list is already close to the diet of older children. The baby’s menu can already be diversified with homemade dishes in the form of soups, puddings and casseroles. Vegetables and fruits can be partially raw, grated on a fine grater. The drinking diet is still represented mainly by water, but the child can already drink compotes and fruit drinks of home and industrial production without the addition of sugar and artificial colors.
Feeding a 10-month-old baby
Daily routine and nutrition are very important in a baby's life. Children quickly get used to a certain routine and more readily eat the dishes that are traditionally offered at this meal. Of course, each child is unique, and yours has its own favorite foods and their combinations. Try to rationally distribute all the necessary complementary foods in 5 meals, taking into account the characteristics of family life. Adhere to the principle of a balanced menu, plan your diet for the week in advance, while trying to diversify your diet as much as possible, accustoming your child to the taste of new foods.
First meal
The first meal is early in the morning - the baby wakes up hungry after a 6-8 hour break in food. It is best to feed your baby with breast milk or an adapted formula. Child health and nutrition experts recommend continued breastfeeding (BC) until at least the end of the first year of life. The nutritional value of mother's milk at this age is already low, but as a source of the most important biological substances and psycho-emotional comfort, it is undoubtedly priceless. If the child is bottle-fed, you can prepare him a drink based on an adapted mixture. Until the end of the first year of a child's life, it is not recommended to feed whole cow's milk. The fact is that the protein of cow's and goat's milk can cause an allergic reaction, in addition, it causes damage to the intestinal epithelium of an infant and is a serious burden on the kidneys. Do not rush to introduce this unadapted product into the baby's diet.
See also: Complementary Foods and Meals
The second meal, at approximately 9-10 am, should provide energy and nutrients for a 10-month-old baby to be active in the morning. What can you offer your child for breakfast? Milk porridge is the perfect product for a good start to the day - it is rich in complex carbohydrates, which ensures long-term saturation and energy boost. The dietary fibers included in its composition are involved in comfortable digestion. In addition, cereals are a source of almost all essential nutrients. In the nutrition of babies at 10 months, the consistency of porridge may already be less homogeneous. Try introducing porridge into your diet, which contains cereal flakes and crushed berries, which helps your child learn to chew. At this age, mothers often begin to cook porridge at home, but it is preferable to use industrial products. Commercially produced porridge is often multi-cereal, which makes it possible to use the beneficial qualities of various grain crops, including those that cannot be cooked at home due to poor digestibility. Cereals go well with fruits and vegetables. For breakfast, you can additionally offer fruit puree or slices of boiled / baked soft fruits for breakfast. Cottage cheese and vegetable or cottage cheese and cereal casseroles and puddings can diversify the weekly breakfast menu. Every day a child can eat up to 50 grams of cottage cheese. If the child has not previously had allergic reactions, you can expand the range of fruits and gradually introduce citrus fruits and a number of exotic fruits into the diet.
It is not recommended to give a large amount of liquid immediately after a meal, as this overloads the digestion process. Limit yourself to a few sips of water or compote if the child wants to drink food. And between the main meals, periodically offer the baby water, compote or fruit drink, as well as special children's tea. Limit your juice intake, as this is a high-carbohydrate product and is a serious burden on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. The volume of juice per day should not exceed 100 ml.
The next meal, lunch, covers a third of the total energy expenditure of the day and provides essential nutrients for active growth and development. At 10 months, it is already possible to offer the baby unpurified soup, provided that well-boiled vegetables are used. Meat complementary foods should be combined with foods that promote the best absorption of trace elements important for growth and development, especially copper and iron. First of all, these are vegetables, with the exception of legumes, and buckwheat. Given that different types of meat contain different amounts of trace elements and vitamins, a balanced weekly diet includes at least 3-4 types of meat complementary foods. Also, 1-2 times a week, the baby can eat dishes with the addition of offal - the liver, tongue and heart. In addition to mashed meat, the baby can be offered coarsely chopped meatballs or steam cutlets. Adding vegetable and cereal components to a meat dish makes the taste more tender and enriches the diet with other beneficial nutrients. Despite the insipid taste of dinner dishes, which seems to many adults, it is not recommended to add salt and spices to them. At 10 months, onions and parsley and dill can be used to develop taste buds in dishes.
Snack, although not the main meal, is necessary for the baby to reinforce forces after a daytime nap and provide the necessary energy for active activities in the afternoon. A dairy product rich in easily digestible protein and fat is ideal, combined with cereals and fruits that complement the dish with carbohydrates and fiber. For a 10-month-old baby, this could be a specialized fermented milk drink combined with baby biscuits and fruit. Another option would be a special industrial product called "Snack Porridge", which is a delicious dessert that combines cereals, milk and natural fruits. In addition to nutritional value, it is a source of dietary fiber, organic acids, vitamins and trace elements. And for kids, this is a delicacy, because the dish has a delicate texture and pleasant taste.
The main evening meal should be easy to digest to avoid problems with digestion at night, and at the same time be nutritious. A 10-month-old baby can be offered a fish soufflé with a vegetable garnish, a curd-cereal casserole with fruit sauce, baked vegetables with noodles, or a fruit-cereal pudding. Right before bedtime, the baby can be fed with breast milk or an adapted mixture, which will ensure comfortable falling asleep and a restful night's sleep.
The table shows a sample menu for one day for a healthy 10 month old baby.
Seeing | Menus | volume, ml / number, grams |
200 | Water/compote or juice | 100/100 |
| ||
Lunch (13:00) | Vegetable soup with 70003 9,0002 60/2 | |
| Fresh carrot salad with olive oil | 50/3 200 |
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Diet for a child aged 9-12 months
By 9 months the main complementary foods have already been introduced, so the expansion of the child's diet continues. It is important to know that at this age the consistency of the products should change from homogenized to finely and coarsely ground.
A meat dish for an older child can be offered in the form of meatballs, which diversifies the child's diet and stimulates the formation of chewing skills. Canned meat industrial production for children over 8 months. - coarsely chopped, spices and spices (white pepper, celery, parsley, dill, onion, basil, thyme) can be added to them.
The volume of fish puree increases to 60 g per day by 12 months. Fish is given 2 times a week boiled without broth (instead of meat).
At this age, children's pasta can be offered to the child.
The number of children's biscuits and crackers is increased up to 10-15 g per day (2-3 biscuits).
By the year it is useful to add finely chopped fresh garden greens (dill, parsley) to various dishes, which significantly enriches the diet with vitamins and minerals.
Sample diet for a 12 month old child:
breakfast 8 hours | Dairy-free or milk porridge* Butter Boiled egg yolk Fruit puree | 150-200 g approx. ![]() 1/2 pcs 50 g |
lunch 12 noon | Vegetable puree Vegetable oil Meat puree (meatballs) or fish Bread/rust Compote | 180 g |
afternoon tea 4 pm | Breast milk (kefir or yogurt)** Cottage cheese Fruit puree Baby biscuits | 100 g 50 g 50-70 g 2 pcs |
dinner 20 hours | Vegetables or porridge** Meat puree Vegetable oil Fruit juice | 180 g 20 g 1/2 tsp. 50 ml |
at bedtime 11 pm | Breast milk (DMS)*** | 200 ml |
* - dairy-free porridge should be diluted with breast milk or infant formula that the child receives. Milk porridge is diluted with water.
** - daily volume of kefir or yogurt can be up to 200 ml,
*** - infant milk formula
Approximate diet of a 12-month-old child with an allergy to cow's milk proteins:
breakfast 8 hours
| Dairy-free porridge* Vegetable oil Fruit puree | 150-200 g approx. 1 tsp. 50 g |
lunch 12 noon | Vegetable puree Vegetable oil Meat puree/meatball Bread/rust Compote | 180 g about 1/2 tsp. 50-70 g 10 g 50 ml |
afternoon tea 4 pm | Breast milk or formula for infants with cow's milk protein intolerance Fruit puree Rusk | 150-180 ml |
dinner 20 hours | Vegetables or dairy-free porridge** Vegetable oil Meat puree Fruit juice | 180 g about 1/2 tsp. ![]() |