Food names with baby in them

Help I Need Baby-Que(BBQ) Food Ideas

Updated on April 05, 2008

M.C. asks from Phoenix, AZ

27 answers

I have decided to have a baby-Que(BBQ) instead of a baby shower for my baby due in July. I wanted to theme my foods with "baby" in it or something to that effect. So far the only thing I can come up with is baby back ribs. Does anyone have any other suggestions. I was also thinking of maybe doing mini-burgers instead of full size burgers to give the baby effect.

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answers from Flagstaff on

Hmmm, how about chocolate pudding and you can call it chocolate "poo"ding. Or those little candy pacifiers for the adults and older kids. You could do baby carrots, baby corn, serve all food on baby plates and in tiny baby cups, make guests wear personalized bibs with their names on them. Okay, I'll stop. This is a really cute idea!
C. V


answers from Phoenix on

Little BBQ WEiners - you can get from Costco I think - or Oscar Meyer - can you BBQ those Baby Corn on the Cobb? or just serve them cold - as baby finger food - baby carrots - grape tomatoes also make great small finger foods - make cup cakes and not a big cake - for dessert - Good Luck! S. :)

More Answers


answers from Albuquerque on

Well, there's baby broccoli (broccolini), baby carrots, baby corn, little quiches, finger sandwiches, & mini ravioli(as appetizers). You could have mini skewers of meat or seafood. For dessert, you could have mini cheesecakes made with the mini muffin pans using the instant cheesecake mix. I can' think of anything else right now, but good luck with your party.


answers from Phoenix on

baby carrots
baby greens/baby spinach


answers from Phoenix on


How cute this would be!!

What about vegies that are all baby, such as baby carrots, babby fresh greens for a salad?
Not much but a quick idea.

B. Goodwin
[email protected]


answers from Phoenix on

Pigs in a blanket...


answers from Tucson on

Hmmm...that is a hard one, maybe you could do everything just "baby" Like baby cakes, baby sandwiches, everything small like carrots, baby corn, etc...I can't think of any other foods with the word baby in it!


answers from Albuquerque on

Baby carrots and mini trees on a veggie platter (ok Broccoli). Mini sized sodas in the 8 oz cans, 1/2 baby ears of corn, I could really keep going


answers from Santa Fe on

Hi M.,
I've made a watermelon into a baby carriage by cutting 1/4 off. I then scooped out the melon with a melon baller and added other fruit such as strawberries and grapes to make a fruit salad. I added orange slices as wheels and decorated around the cut edges. I thought this might be nice for a bbq. Good luck and congratulations!


answers from Las Cruces on

HI M.,

What a great idea! Congrats on the new addition. I saw the other day mini-bananas at the grocery store they were super cute and would fit the theme perfect. Let's see what else..... you could serve icecream with baby spoons if you are having cake and ice cream. Of course a baby cake of some sort. The burger idea is good too, you could use baby cookie cutters to cut the meat & bun in a cool baby shape. I've seen baby ice cube trays at Hobby Lobby too. Good luck and let us know how it goes. Also you could ser "pea"nuts :)



answers from Phoenix on

Baby carrots.
Petite Quiches or "Baby" Quiches
Thats all I have before my cup of coffee. : )
Good luck! Cute idea.


answers from Tucson on


Have the men attending have a baby bottle drinking contest, if you're in to the baby shower contests. Video it. It will be a riot. :)



answers from Phoenix on

I did this theme for my daughters 1st b-day. We did the baby cans of soda and the mini bottles of water. We also had mini hotdogs. We made the buns and used cocktail sausages for the hotdog. They were a hit! We also had bagel bites and baby carrots and miniture candy bars and mini tacos from Costco. We went all out!


answers from Phoenix on

Hello, Some suggestions- Baby peas and baby pearl onions in a white sause- Baby Dills pickles- Baby red potatoe salad. Have fun sound like a very good Idea. R.


answers from Flagstaff on

One of our family favorites is "Li'l Smokies" You buy a couple bags of them in the bacon section. They are little and cute and delicious. Here's the recipe:

2 bags cocktail sausages (about 40 ct. each)
1 18 oz. bottle BBQ sauce
1/2 cup brown sugar

Put all ingredients in crockpot. Cover and cook on low about 3 hours.

Another idea would be Pigs in a Blanket--you could call them Babies in a blanket. Recipes for those can be found on internet.


answers from Phoenix on

How about those little cans of pop. Baby carrots. You could use baby shape cookie cutters to cut brownies or put little baby items in jello-sterilized of course. There are candy items that look like baby bottles and pacifiers.
Have fun!


answers from Phoenix on

A different twist on mini burgers...
Make them candy mini burgers, my sis in law just did this and they turn out so cute.
Buns - vanilla waffers (use sesame seeds on top)
hamburger - small peppermint patty
lettuce - coconut dyed green with food coloring
katchup & mustard - red and yellow frosting
have fun!


answers from Phoenix on

Super cute idea!

baby carrots
new red potatoes?
baby spinach salad with bibb lettuce?

have fun!


answers from Tucson on

Here it goes:

Baby Cakes Shortbread

Baby Ruth Cookies

Baby Carrots in Herb Vinegar – awesome with baby back ribs.



Baby Porcupine Appetizers – OMG Super YUMMY

BABY SHRIMP & TARRAGON MUSTARD – Super Duper awesome and easy

CRY BABIES – An amazing cookie I think I will make right now!

These are some recipes to help make some choices. Other more simple things would be like all of your baby veggies: carrots, potatoes (new potatoes), onions, asparagus, and artichoke. Then there’s baby shrimp, and calamari (baby octopus). Hope something is of use to you as I have provided the websites for their recipes and I am going to go and make some Cry Babies right now thanks to you. God bless you and your little one to come!


answers from Dallas on

baby carrots
finger sandwiches
sugar snap peas
baby spinach salad

you could also have things that are easy for babies to eat, i.e. applesauce, rice cereal (pudding), yogurt, oatmeal cereal(cookies), snack mix with cheerios

cute theme!
good luck,


answers from Tucson on

Hmmmm Baby peas, Baby broccoli, Baby artichokes, Baby portobellas,might make an interesting salad. New potatoes (y'know the fingerling kind) Baby shrimp, Baby Asparagus, Baby Corn and for desert Baby Ruth ice cream sundaes. Mini Burgers are a great idea and a crock pot full of mini sausages (little smokies) in BBQ sauce is always a hit. Also all your background music has the word baby in it.


answers from Flagstaff on

You could also serve baby carrots and Baby Ruth candy bars!


answers from Las Cruces on

How about glazed baby carrots and baby potatoes with butter and parsely.


answers from Las Cruces on

Very cute idea! Also, you could make mini cupcakes or cheesecakes in a mini muffin pan. Hobby Lobby or a local cake store (or online) would have mini cupcake papers. Could also purchase the mini cheesecakes at your local wholesale club - Costco or Sams.

If you do mini hamburgers, the King's Hawaiian Rolls (I think that's the brand) that are usually in the deli area make yummy buns. Also in that same area are usually mini loaves of bread you could make baby sandwiches out of - or use mini bagels. Mini pizzas on English Muffins.

I think you're going to have a fun party, so many good ideas from everyone!


answers from Phoenix on

Here is a combo of two previous suggestiongs:
Piglets in a Blankie
-Little Smokies
-Croisants (cut to size for the smokies)

You have lots of great ideas here...should be a fun party.


answers from Albuquerque on

how about baby corn on the cob? or grilled baby carrots?


answers from Tucson on

For Veggies try baby corn, baby carrots.
Also chick fil-A sells mini platters of yummy chicken biscuits and cinamon buns 4 minis = 1 bun (together)
Also maybe will have ideas.
I also have a mini muffin pan I use for brownies, muffins, cupcakes. Pampered chef brand has many decadent recipes using this pan. Pushing in the center of brownie and stuffing with whipped cream, strawberry slice, drizzled choc and a mint leaf I know b/c I just had a few last night at a bunco. Maybe u can find this recipe on their site.
Baby food --- Container's ex: mason jars you can scoop out of apple sauce, guacamole
I don't know all from the top of my head.
Have fun

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By Marcella Gates

Photo credit: Thinkstock

Whether you're a card-carrying foodie or the type who thinks cute babies look good enough to eat, consider one of these baby names inspired by fruits, vegetables, spices, drinks, and other culinary concoctions.

Baby girl names

  • Abalone - (edible mollusks)
  • Absinthe - (drink)
  • Almond
  • Amandine - (preparation involving almonds)
  • Amarantha - (seeds, leaves, and stems of the amaranth plant; used in Asian cooking)
  • Ambrosia - (dessert)
  • Angelica - (herb)
  • Anise - (spice)
  • Anjou - (type of pear)
  • Apple
  • Banana
  • Bean
  • Bellini - (cocktail)
  • Berry
  • Blanche - (from the cooking term, blanch)
  • Blueberry
  • Brandy
  • Brie - (cheese)
  • Burgundy - (wine)
  • Candy
  • Cashew
  • Cassis - (liqueur)
  • Chai - (spiced tea)
  • Champagne
  • Chardonnay - (wine)
  • Charlotte - (dessert made with lady-fingers)
  • Cherry
  • Chianti - (wine)
  • Clementine
  • Clove
  • Coco - (from hot cocoa)
  • Colby - (cheese)
  • Cookie
  • Coriander - (herb)
  • Cress - (green, leafy vegetable in the mustard family)
  • Curry
  • Danish - (pastry)
  • Dolce - (Italian word for dessert)
  • Dulce - (Spanish word for dessert)
  • Éclair - ( French dessert of cream, pastry, and chocolate)
  • Fig
  • Ginger
  • Hallah - (or Challah, type of bread)
  • Honey
  • Jelly
  • Julienne - (style of cutting food)
  • Kale - (leafy, green vegetable)
  • Lilikoi - (Hawaiian name for passion fruit)
  • Madeleine - (a small sponge cake)
  • Magdalena - (a small sponge cake)
  • Margarita
  • Martini
  • Melba - (toast)
  • Melony - (from melon)
  • Merlot - (wine)
  • Nori - (seaweed)
  • Olive
  • Paprika
  • Parsley
  • Peach / Peaches
  • Pear
  • Pepper
  • Plum
  • Reese - (from the candy)
  • Rosemary
  • Saffron
  • Sage
  • Sherry
  • Shirley - (Shirley Temple cocktail)
  • Sugar
  • Sultana - (type of grape used for raisins)
  • Suzette - (crêpe preparation)
  • Sweetpea
  • Syrah - (wine)
  • Taffy
  • Thyme
  • Virginia - (ham)

See all baby names lists

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Marcella Gates

Marcella Gates is executive editor at BabyCenter, the world's number one digital parenting resource, and is an expert on pregnancy and parenting. As a mom of three, she loves that her professional life is focused on supporting and empowering parents and expecting parents. Gates lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her family.

Baby Names A-Z

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What to cook for children, menu from 1 to 7 years old: 350 recipes with photos

Recipes for meals that can be prepared for a child with step by step photos. Breakfasts, lunches, dinners, afternoon snacks. Dishes like in kindergarten. Proven recipes with cooking times

Kindergarten Recipes Dinner Recipes for Kids Breakfast Recipes for Kids Soup recipes for kids Salad Recipes for Kids Recipes for baking and sweets for children side dish recipes for kids How to "hide" vegetables for kids

Thinking out what to cook for a child is another quest, because food should be both tasty and healthy, and meet many more children's whims.

Here you will find many suitable recipes for children to prepare for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Read more

One of the best soup options for children is, of course, with meatballs.

An airy and infinitely delicious cake made from the simplest ingredients, easy and quick to prepare - this is a cake with sour cream and raisins.

Incredibly tender, tasty and healthy chicken liver pancakes are obtained according to this PP recipe.

Donuts according to the classic recipe are cooked on kefir and from the simplest ingredients.

Salad with carrots, apples and dried fruits - a great option for a children's menu from 2 to 6 years old.

Mannik is one of the simplest and most economical types of baking. It is the easiest to prepare.

The recipe for a cake with raisins in milk is very simple. You don't need to beat anything for him.

An excellent low-calorie no-bake dessert for the New Year is panna cotta.

The low-calorie version of the Potato cake will never replace the original.

Quince has a pleasant aroma and delicate fruity taste, and can be used to make a variety of dishes, including delicious desserts.

These fragrant yeast-free dough tarts with juicy apple filling bake very quickly.

Sweet braided yeast dough with cinnamon - soft inside, spectacular, with caramelized crispy edges.

Royal cheesecake, despite its name, is more like a sweet pie with crumbly crispy dough and a delicate cheesecake-like filling.

A wonderful recipe for meatballs for children is hedgehogs, I cook them in a pan.

Cheesecakes with cottage cheese from yeast dough - a wonderful weekend breakfast.

Funny hedgehogs with gravy will surely please your kids. Light sour cream sauce goes well with unusual meatballs.

The recipe for the most delicious cake - this, of course, sounds subjective. But yes, I have it.

This simple and delicious cheesecake recipe uses only available and inexpensive ingredients.

Curd cake with raisins bakes quite quickly in the oven and will become a lifesaver for the arrival of guests and home tea drinking.

Carrot cake according to the classic recipe is prepared quite simply. And the products for him are also simple.

Meringue is a sweet, crunchy dessert made with minimal ingredients.

This grated cottage cheese pie always pleases my family with its aroma and taste, I bake it in the oven.

Many people remember from childhood the taste of tender cake Mishka in the north. Thin shortbreads soaked in fragrant sour cream with vanilla and a light crunch of walnuts.

Grated shortcrust pastry pie with apple from childhood. Now more and more people are looking for recipes for fashionable macaroons and canelli, and earlier our mothers and grandmothers baked the simplest pies that were and remain insanely delicious.

Thinking out what to cook for a child is another quest, because food should be both tasty and healthy, and meet many more children's whims.

Here you will find many suitable recipes for children to prepare for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

For your convenience, we have divided the recipes into categories: breakfasts for children, soups for children, side dishes for children, dinners for children, desserts for children.

There is also a category of recipes “how to hide vegetables for children in baking” – for those mothers whose children cannot stand everything healthy and prefer to eat only sweets. :)

All recipes are suitable for children's menus, tested by our authors and their children, so feel free to choose what suits you!

You will also be interested in our training “How to teach a child to eat right in 2 weeks”.

Cooking with a child or dishes prepared by children. Recipes for cooking children.

Cooking with a child or dishes prepared by children. Recipes for cooking children.

"Go play by yourself! Wait! Do not touch!". How often do we say this when you need to cook dinner, and the baby is eager to help at all costs! And so do both girls and boys. And then, when a daughter or son grows up, one can only be perplexed - where did everything go? Well, you need to pull the child more often - and soon his desire to help will disappear, you can be sure.

The normal desire of a child to help in such an exciting business, which is cooking, needs to be cherished and cherished. No matter how difficult the dish is, no matter how busy you are, you can always find something for the baby that he can handle. Peel boiled, cooled potatoes or eggs. Wash vegetables. Make sandwiches or decorate a salad. Something to mix or even chop. And it doesn’t matter that the filling falls out of the crooked dumpling, the cream is smeared on clothes, and flour is picturesquely scattered on the floor. Is a piece of dough, a stain on clothes or a soiled floor really worth the resentment and disappointment of your baby? Of course they don't. And the benefits of what you take care of recipes that children can cook , and sometimes cook a new interesting dish with your child, there will be a lot.

Kitchen essentials

When we involve a child in the kitchen, we not only prepare him for adulthood or get another hand ready to help, but we also realize a lot of other useful aspects. Firstly, the fact that the kid was entrusted with an “adult” job becomes a very important moment for him in realizing his importance and necessity. Secondly, while working in the kitchen, the child learns independence, responsibility, new and necessary skills. Thirdly, the kitchen is an ideal "testing ground" for teaching mathematics and logic. After all, you need to count how many eggs, spoons of sugar or salt, drops of lemon juice and so on. You need to navigate in time. Fourth - food prepared by one's own hands is much tastier than mother's. So, your fussy little kid will stop suffering from lack of appetite. Fifth: cooking is a creative process. So, we not only teach the kid to cook, but also increase his creative potential. In other words, the list is endless. But in order to get only joy and pleasure from kitchen witchcraft, you need to remember a few simple rules.

The most important thing is to explain to the child how to behave in the kitchen and strictly follow this. After all, there are so many dangerous objects around - which means that there should not be running around or pampering. In order to have less washing, sew or buy a personal apron for your young chef (you can use oilcloth). Pick up a stable stool or other stand so that he can easily reach the sink, stove or table. And by all means explain that after cooking it is necessary to put things in order in the kitchen. By the way, usually children love to wash dishes - because they are so interested in messing with water.

Of course, not everything will work out right away. Do not scold the baby for this. Yes, it seems to you that there is nothing easier than making a neat pie. But remember - was he so neat when you first made pies? Immediately tune in to the fact that cooking with your child will take longer than usual. But after all, at this time you will communicate with your baby - which means that it will be spent pleasantly and profitably. So, here are some recipes for kids.

Cooking sandwiches with the child

The most accessible recipe for kids is sandwiches. You can even cut all the ingredients you need for this dish yourself. And let the kid lay them out on bread - the way it comes to his mind. After all, even a banal sausage sandwich can turn into a funny face. It is enough just to make eyes from halves of olives, a luxurious mustache from dill and draw a mouth with ketchup.

Hot Sandwiches is a good recipe that kids can make for Sunday breakfast. A preschooler can cut bread and cheese on their own and put it all in the microwave. And what difference does it make that the sandwiches are likely to be thick and crooked? Just imagine how proud and happy your child will be! After all, he did it himself, feeding mom and dad!

There is also a more complex recipe for cooking by children - recipe for morning sandwiches . It is necessary to add a drop of mustard and parsley, previously finely chopped, to the mayonnaise. You need to spread this mixture on bread, add sausage on top (you can replace it with a slice of boiled meat), cover everything with cheese and put in a microwave or oven. The sandwiches will be ready as soon as the cheese is melted.

And with a baby, you can cook unusual apple sandwiches is a good recipe that kids can make. For sandwiches, you will need an apple (grated), cheese, butter and a white loaf cut into slices. If the grater is plastic, then you can trust your child to grate an apple. Slices of bread should be smeared with butter, put a grated apple on top, sprinkle a little sugar on top, put a piece of cheese on top and fry under a lid in a greased frying pan. The sandwiches are ready when the cheese is melted.

Very delicious sweet croutons and can be made from a slightly stale long loaf. The recipe for cooking by children is quite simple: half a glass of milk is beaten with an egg and a tablespoon of sugar. Slices of a loaf are dipped into this mixture (your child will do this best), and spread on a preheated pan, greased with vegetable oil (and this is your concern). You need to fry on both sides. Such unusually tasty sweet croutons are perfect for morning tea or coffee. By the way, they are eaten much faster than they are cooked.

Recipes that children can cook - extraordinary soup

Most often, the child, without giving up "snacks", categorically does not want to eat soup. The way out suggests itself - you need to cook the soup together. And be sure to come up with an unusual name. For example, Edible Bugs Soup , which turns into a regular soup with meatballs, is a great recipe for cooking with children. You will need a small onion, medium-sized carrots, five to six potatoes, a parsley root and 300 grams of minced meat. While the baby washes vegetables, boil two liters of water. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots, cut the potatoes into cubes. Put all this together with the parsley root in boiling water. A child can salt the soup if you first measure the right amount of salt. Ten minutes after the vegetables, we lower the meatballs into the soup. By the way, a child can also make them - you just need to control the process. Another five to seven minutes - and the soup is ready. It remains only to add a piece of butter and finely chopped parsley. This is how a small miracle happens before the eyes of a child - from seemingly ordinary products, a fragrant, beautiful and incredibly tasty soup is obtained. Well, why not try it?

Cooking fun snacks with the child

For children, not only the taste of the proposed dish is important, but also how it looks. And many boring dishes can be restored to their attractiveness, just by changing the appearance. For example, Cheesy Yellow Cheesy Chicken is a good recipe that kids can make. Boil 5 eggs, let cool. Let the child clean them, and you carefully cut them in half, in no case breaking the proteins. Set the egg white halves aside. To the yolks add 100 g of grated cheese and 20 g of butter, drip with mayonnaise. Thoroughly mash with a fork and mix well. Put the halves of the proteins on a plate decorated with greens. Fold the balls rolled from the cheese mass into them - these will be the bodies of the chickens. Roll up the heads and put them on top of the bodies - both can be done by a child. Boiled carrots are suitable for beaks, pieces of black bread or olives are suitable for eyes. By the way, the birds may not be chickens, but some other chicks - and then they can be seated in nests of boiled or fried cauliflower in an egg.

Cheerful snowman is made from three boiled potatoes connected with toothpicks. The hat and nose are made from boiled carrots, and the eyes are made from canned peas. A simple recipe for cooking by children will bring joy to both you and your baby.

There are many recipes that children can cook - from an ordinary egg you can make a hedgehog, or a funny pig or a cute bunny. It just takes a little imagination.

Culinary geography of recipes prepared by children

From joint culinary creativity, you can create a wonderful opportunity to get acquainted with geography. To do this, sometimes it is enough to cook some kind of national dish. First you need to find a country on the map, read about the climate there, what kind of people live in it, about their customs, culture, and traditions. And then cook dinner in the traditions of this country. For example, quesadillas are Mexican flatbreads.

Recipe for making children's quesadillas: for start to make tortillas, which will serve as blanks. We will need two glasses of flour, a teaspoon of salt and 50 grams of bacon (can be replaced with grated margarine or butter). Put it all in a bowl and grind it thoroughly to form small crumbs. Then pour in a little one and a half cups of hot water and knead the dough. Divide into twelve parts, each thinly roll out, giving the shape of a round cake. Let the kid try to work with the dough. The task is difficult - but very interesting. Moreover, you can always correct what happened - and one or two cakes can be baked "as is" - just imagine how many impressions there will be. The cakes are fried in a dry frying pan, the first side is half a minute, the second is ten seconds. They should come out as if a little undercooked, pale. Do not overdo it - otherwise our cakes will become brittle. The tortillas are then filled with filling and turned into quesadillas. For the filling, almost anything is suitable. Here, for example, is a very tasty option: boiled chicken meat, corn, grated cheese, sweet peppers, sour cream, a little parsley. Put the mixture on the half of the tortilla (this is another thing for the baby), fold it in half, fastening the edges with a toothpick, and put it in the microwave or oven until the cheese is melted.

A great recipe for cooking by children - a favorite dish of most little gourmets from Italy. Of course, we are talking about pizza. By the way, "pizza" means "pie" in Italian.

If you don't want to mess around, you can buy ready-made pizza dough. But it will be much more interesting for the baby to cook pizza with mom - from start to finish. Mix a tablespoon of sugar and 7 grams of dry yeast in a bowl with 4 tablespoons of water (we will need a glass of warm water in total), set aside for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, mix a teaspoon of salt and 350 grams of flour. Make a slide on the board with a recess in the center. Pour a tablespoon of vegetable oil, prepared yeast, the remaining water. Knead the dough for 5 minutes, put in a warm place for about half an hour. During this time, the dough should double in size. Knead again for a couple of minutes, roll into a layer about half a centimeter thick and spread on a baking sheet, previously greased with vegetable oil. It remains only to prepare the filling. Mandatory components of any pizza are tomatoes (or tomato paste) and cheese. Everything else is at the mercy of your imagination. You can simply put slices of tomatoes on the dough, sprinkle cheese on top thickly, do not add salt and pepper, and bake it like that. You can use boiled chicken or beef. Diced ham or any other sausage will do. Pizza with fish and other seafood like squid or shrimp will turn out well. Vegetarians can use mushrooms, onions, bell peppers, you can even lay zucchini or eggplant, pre-fried. Here, for example, one of the options: chicken plus canned pineapple in small pieces, plus cheese, plus herbs. Let the child choose the pizza with what filling he wants. And he will put it on the dough himself.

Favorite recipes for children to cook or prepare a delicious dessert with your child

This is something that will not only be cooked with pleasure, but also eaten with delight. And there are simply a great many recipes for preparing sweet dishes for children that are available for cooking with a child. Here are at least apples in a puff .

Grate a pack of margarine (250 g) on ​​a fairly large grater or chop with a knife, grind with flour (3 cups are needed) until a homogeneous mixture of crumbs appears. Add a glass of sour cream and half a teaspoon of soda, quenched with a tablespoon of vinegar. Knead the dough well. Sixteen medium-sized apples cut in half, remove the core. Divide the dough into 32 parts, roll each part into a ball, then flatten it with your hand into a cake. Place an apple cut side up on each tortilla. We wrap and connect the edges of the cake together - carefully, there should be no holes in the dough. On a baking sheet lined with baking paper, spread the resulting puffs flat side down, after dipping the convex side in sugar. Bake over medium heat until the puffs are golden brown.

Even if the child is very small, he will be able to wash the apples himself, put the chopped halves on the dough. Older children can wrap apples themselves in the dough - it turns out to be very elastic. They can dip puffs in sugar and spread on a baking sheet.

Apple Pyro Biscuit g is a delicious recipe that kids can make. 6 apples washed, peeled, cut into medium-sized cubes. Sprinkle with sugar (about a tablespoon), mix. Separate 4 proteins from the yolks, beat in a steep foam. While whipping, you can tell the baby that Dr. Aibolit cooked his famous eggnog in much the same way. Continuing to beat, slowly pour a glass of sugar into the whites (this is where you need one more hand), then pour the yolks. Carefully, add flour in small portions, and mix the dough no longer with a mixer, but with a spoon. This is the most crucial stage, you need to mix carefully, otherwise the biscuit will settle and no longer turn out to be airy. Pour sliced ​​apples into the bottom of a cake pan greased with margarine, carefully place the dough on top. Gently, trying not to shake off, put in the oven (it should be already preheated). Bake on medium heat for 15-20 minutes. The dough should acquire a golden hue. One of the main criteria for readiness is the amazing smell that filled the kitchen. Gently pry the finished pie with a spatula, separating it from the bottom and walls of the mold, then turn the mold over, laying out the pie so that the apples are on top.

Another favorite recipe for kids is Shortbread Cookies . After all, these cookies can be cut out of a layer of dough with funny molds. The dough itself is very simple - 250 g of melted margarine, two cups of sugar, three eggs, a bag of vanilla sugar, two teaspoons of baking powder for the dough, mix well, add 2.5-3 cups of flour, knead the dough thoroughly again. The finished dough should be elastic. Roll it into a large board with a thickness of 0.5 to 1 cm. And then the fun begins. Give the child molds - and let him squeeze the cookies out of the dough and transfer it to a sheet previously lined with paper. Bake until golden brown over medium heat. From scraps of dough, you can mold your own invented wondrous animals.

As you can see, cooking with a child is easy and fun, and both for the child and for you, it's worth a try. And the recipes that kids can make are always tastier! Joyful preparations and bon appetit!

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Recipes for a tasty and healthy life

Spring Fun:


Sun. The snow melts. Droplets tap on the windows. Brooks ran. Spring streams are very small rivers. I wonder how homemade boats will float on them? A walnut shell with a match mast or a wooden "steamboat" - a chip? Where will the turbulent current take them? Will they overcome the thresholds? Will they fall into the whirlpool? It is advisable not to run aground, otherwise you will have to call a “tug” - a dry stick and correct the situation. And if your ship got into a huge puddle sea, then here it will either moor at the coast, or fall into a storm caused by a passing car. If the stream is long, then you can follow its “banks” for a long time and even arrange a sailing regatta. And then, of course, award the winner. So you can simultaneously get pleasure, vivid impressions and knowledge of mathematics, physics and natural science, walking and enjoying the spring sun. After all, a stream is a natural, greatly reduced model of a river, and most of the patterns: the flow of water, the stability and reliability of ships, their movement, and much more - coincide.

If your boy (or girl) is inquisitive, then such walks are a little paradise for them. The more questions a son or daughter has, the more interesting it will be for you to go for a walk, the higher the likelihood of an active intellectual and creative development of the child. At 7 and 8 years old, it is not too late to launch boats. And if a company is selected, and even of different ages, then any options are suitable. Meet spring!

Ball, chalk, rope and rubber band.

A multi-colored round ball lies on a shelf. Skipping rope or "jump rope" - what is it? Oh yes! This is such a rope with two wooden or plastic handles, you have to jump through it in gymnastics, but it doesn’t work. Near the house. On the pavement, someone drew rectangles with numbers with chalk. Classics. You can jump on them. You don't have to go to hell. Nothing special. Walking alone is not fun. Nothing to do. Here in the company - another matter. You can scream loudly, chase each other, push each other. It is even more interesting to stand nearby and play the game on the phone. Preferably the same. Who will set the record faster. Oh! What are those guys doing over there? Two (a little boy and an older girl) stand opposite each other and hold either a rope or an elastic band on their feet. And another girl jumps over it, clinging with her legs, and twists some strange figures. But at the end of the jumps, the gum returns to its place. Great!

- Mom, how does she do it?

- Nothing special, I can do it too!

- Mom, what are you talking about! How can you do that?

-Do you want me to show you?

- You won't fall?.....Wow! Mom, you are great! Why didn't you show me this game?

We all come from childhood. We, too, were small, loved to run, walk and play. They often gathered in large companies and played dodgeball, classics, and Cossack robbers. The times and interests of children have changed. But this does not mean at all that they are not at all interested in all the previous games. The kids just don't know about them.


Evening. The city falls asleep. Why go to bed so early when dad is watching TV? Mom is talking on the phone with her friend in the living room. The older brother sits at the computer, watches a video of a concert of a popular group and at the same time draws something to a friend “on the wall” in contact. Only the dog is stretched out on the rug near the bed and dozing: one eye is closed, the other is peeping. Late. Maybe it's time for everyone to sleep? In the house opposite, someone just turned off the light and opened the balcony. The sky is dark. On it are bright stars and a young month. Can't sleep. The pillow is hot, you need to turn it over to the other side. A car drove into the yard. Neighbor hurries home. The engine stopped. The door slammed, the alarm went off. Hurry steps ran by, and the access spring sang its song. The dog growled softly and scraped its paw on the floor. She is dreaming. If you close your eyes and close them tightly, you can see a bright orange door. The leg is numb, you need to roll over. The light in the living room went out. The orange door is gone. Now the house is quiet. The TV is off. A fresh breeze came from my brother's room, which means he turned off the computer, opened the window and went to bed. There was a comfortable lulling silence. She has her secrets.

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