Food to make baby fair during pregnancy
Best Food During Pregnancy For Fair Baby
Pregnancy is a time of change in a woman’s life. Pregnancy is also a time that has some special nutritional requirements, which is why it’s important to eat the right foods during this time of change. The food that a pregnant woman eats has an impact on her baby’s health, appearance, and development during pregnancy. Hence, many parents end up searching for the Best Food During Pregnancy For Fair Baby. This blog will help such parents to know about the best options that can be included in the diet of a pregnant woman.
A woman’s body also needs some extra nutrients during pregnancy which she may not be getting in her diet. Genetic traits such as hair color, eye color, skin color, and height of the baby may be influenced by what a pregnant woman eats. Thus, if you are pregnant, it is important to start planning your diet as soon as possible. You need to know what foods to eat and which ones to avoid, whether it is a boy or a girl. For this, have a look at our list of the best foods during pregnancy that are proven to help you conceive a baby with a fair complexion.
In This Article
- 9 Best Foods to Eat During Pregnancy:
- 1. Coconut Water
- 2. Avocado
- 3. Saffron Milk
- 4. Oranges
- 5. Sweet Potatoes
- 6. Berries
Eating right is one of the most important things you can do throughout your pregnancy. By eating healthy foods, you can give your baby all the nutrients that are needed to stay healthy. At the same time, you will be filling your body with essential vitamins and minerals that will keep you feeling energized and help you have a healthy pregnancy. Here are the 9 Best Foods During Pregnancy to get your baby off to the best start possible.
1. Coconut Water
Coconut water is not only helpful in hydrating the body, but it offers other benefits as well. It is good for providing the necessary nutrients and vitamins to the baby. Coconut water is an isotonic fluid that contains most of the minerals and electrolytes such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, etc. Similarly, many people believe that it is helpful in improving the complexion of the baby as well and therefore is the Best Food During Pregnancy For Fair Baby.
2. Avocado
Avocados are a rich source of fiber, vitamin K, Copper, Vitamin E, potassium, and Vitamin B. Because of such high nutritional value, avocados are a great food to be added to the meals of pregnant women. The potassium in avocados helps in reducing the side effects of pregnancy like relieving leg cramps, etc. Moreover, because avocado is high in many nutrients such as vitamin C, it helps in the development of fair and glowing skin in babies.
3. Saffron Milk
Saffron milk can serve many benefits during pregnancy. Saffron is an aromatic, perennial plant with purple flowers and orange-red stigmas. Saffron’s supposed impact on a baby’s skin tone is one of the reasons for its popularity. Some cultures believe that saffron can lighten your baby’s skin. However, before consuming saffron you must consult your doctor to know whether it is safe to eat during pregnancy or not.
4. Oranges
Oranges are the Best Foods to Eat During Pregnancy for a fair baby because of their high Vitamin C content. This sweet and tangy fruit has a wide variety of nutritional benefits that can be added to your diet and good for boosting your immune system. They have essential nutrients that you need during pregnancy, such as Vitamins, Folic Acid, and Potassium. Oranges are delicious on their own, or you can juice them to make a healthy drink. They are also a good alternative to keep the women hydrated and prevent potential health issues in babies. Additionally, studies say that eating oranges also helps in increasing iron absorption.
5. Sweet Potatoes
During your pregnancy, there are certain foods that you should eat to ensure that both you and the baby are healthy. Eating sweet potatoes is a great way to consume beta-carotene. The fiber present in sweet potatoes helps in improving digestion in pregnant women. Consuming sweet potatoes during pregnancy can help prevent gestational diabetes and reduce the risk of contracting other illnesses. Thus, sweet potatoes are a healthier option for you and your baby.
6. Berries
Berries are a favorite fruit of many people due to their nutritious value that makes them one of the healthy foods during pregnancy. Also, they are a good choice for healthy snacking and for adding to your favorite desserts. With high fiber, antioxidants, and vitamin C, it is no surprise that berries are good for pregnant women. However, berries are low in calories but they are good for providing a great flavor and nutrition. You can choose to add raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries as a snack in your diet plan.
7. Grapes
Grapes are low in calories and high in nutrients. They contain fiber, folate, manganese, pectin, vitamin C, vitamin K, sodium, and organic acids. The anti-oxidants that are present in grapes are good for boosting immunity and are helpful in preventing infections. Thus they are counted among the healthy foods during pregnancy. In addition, there are many different ways to enjoy grapes as part of a healthy, balanced diet.

It is a great source of energy for pregnant women. Pregnant women should include dried fruits in their diet for good health. But at the same time, do not forget that dried fruits contain a high amount of sugar. Also, unlike fresh fruits, they do not contain water. Thus, dried fruits are healthy for a pregnant woman if consumed in moderation. Likewise, do not eat dried fruits in place of fresh fruits. Fresh fruits are equally important for providing essential nutrition to the baby.
9. A lot of Water
It is important for expectant mothers to stay hydrated in pregnancy, and especially to make sure they drink plenty of water in the third trimester. Water is an essential source of nutrients and helps to flush out waste from your body. Staying hydrated has many benefits. Many studies have shown that drinking plenty of water in pregnancy can have a positive impact on your and your baby’s health. Besides, drinking enough water aids in the removal of toxins from the body, as well as providing you with healthy skin.
Pregnant women are always worried about the baby’s health. During pregnancy, women must be mindful of the food they eat and it is essential for them to have a proper diet for the baby’s development. This is because every food has its own positive or negative impact on the baby. However, fruits like oranges, grapes, berries are essentially rich in Vitamin C and thus are found to be effective in improving the skin tone of the baby. Therefore, eating fresh fruits is the Best Food During Pregnancy For Fair Baby. You can add these fresh fruit juices to your regular diet to give birth to a healthy baby.
How to Get Fair Baby During Pregnancy
Are you pregnant? Are you looking for ways to ensure you have a fair baby? Pregnancy is a time when many women make an extra effort to eat well and stay healthy. There are specific foods that can help promote fairness in your unborn baby. Read on for 13 foods that you can eat during pregnancy for a fair baby.
Pregnancy is a crucial time for the mother-to-be as well as the baby. A lot of changes occur in the body of the woman during this phase and it is important to take good care of oneself and eat healthy to ensure a hassle-free pregnancy. Consuming vitamins and minerals in adequate amounts is extremely important for the development of the baby as well as to keep the mother healthy.
During pregnancy, every mom is worried about their unborn baby for some specific reason. One common worry that expecting mothers have is whether their baby will be born fair. Although the complexion of the child cannot be determined before birth, still there are many food items that can be taken during pregnancy for having a fair child. In this blog post, we will tell you some of the effective foods for you and your baby that will help in having a fair baby.
In This Article
- Best Foods To Eat During Pregnancy For Fair Baby
- 1. Avacado
- 2. Coconut And Coconut Water
- 3.
Saffron Milk
- 4. Sweet Potatoes
- 5. Berries
- 6. Almonds
- 7. Consume Ghee
- 8. Eggs
- 9. Eat other dairy foods
- 10. Cumin seeds
- 11. Grapes Juices
- 12. Red lentils
- 13. Fennel seeds
As we said above pregnancy is the time when a woman has to be extra careful about her diet. A pregnant woman should consume vitamins and minerals in the right proportion. Similarly, the fairness of your baby’s skin also depends on the food you eat during your pregnancy period. Here we are sharing some of the best foods to eat during pregnancy for a fair baby which will help you in getting a beautiful and fair baby.
1. Avacado
For getting a fair baby it is important that you eat avocados during your pregnancy as it contains a good amount of vitamin C, E, and folic acid. All these vitamins are very important for the development of your baby’s skin tone. To avoid the risk of your baby having any birth defects, you should start consuming avocados from the first trimester of your pregnancy. In pregnancy, for the growth and development of your baby, you should eat one avocado every day.
2. Coconut And Coconut Water
Coconut and coconut water are very effective in getting a fair baby. Coconut water is rich in electrolytes and helps to keep the body hydrated. It also contains vitamins and minerals which are crucial for the development of your baby. Coconut oil massage on your belly helps to get rid of stretch marks. You can consume coconut water 2-3 times a day during pregnancy. In the first trimester of pregnancy, plenty of water helps to dilute the blood, thereby reducing the risk of pregnancy-related complications like preeclampsia. For fair skin Coconut water is the best remedy for your baby.
3. Saffron Milk
Saffron is very rich in antioxidants and carotenoids, which are very good for skin complexion. Saffron is also a very good source of vitamin B6, which is very important for the development of your baby’s nervous system. So, if you want a fair baby, you should drink saffron milk every day during your pregnancy. If you’re pregnant and you don’t like the taste of saffron, then you can add a little bit of honey to it. Moreover, to your baby, saffron milk is also very good for the development of his/her brain.
4. Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of carotenoids which is very important for the development of your baby’s skin tone. It is advisable to eat at least two servings of sweet potatoes every day during pregnancy. If your doctor has advised you to take folic acid supplements then you can also get it from sweet potatoes. Generally, sweet potatoes are for your baby’s health and for getting a fair complexion.
5. Berries
You can also include various berries in your diet to get a fair baby. All kinds of berries such as raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, etc. are very rich in antioxidants and help to improve the skin complexion of your baby. Also, these berries are a good source of folic acid which is very important for the development of your baby’s neural tube. You can add these berries to your breakfast cereals or oatmeal or simply have them as a snack.
6. Almonds
Almonds are a good source of vitamin E which helps to keep your skin healthy and glowing. It also helps to improve the complexion of your baby’s skin. You can either have a handful of almonds every day or you can include them in your breakfast cereals or oatmeal. During pregnancy, if you want your baby to have a fair complexion, then you can also apply almond oil to your skin. It will help to keep your skin nourished and will also give a natural glow to your skin.
7. Consume Ghee
Ghee is a healthy fat that should be included in your diet during pregnancy. It helps to improve the complexion of your baby and also keeps your skin healthy and glowing. You can either add ghee to your food or you can apply it to your skin. Ghee is also a good source of vitamin A which is important for the development of your baby’s eyesight. Ghee that is made from cow’s milk is considered to be the best for pregnant women and their babies.
8. Eggs
Eggs are a powerhouse of nutrients and are very important for the development of your baby. They are a good source of protein, choline, vitamin D, vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants. All these nutrients are very important for the growth and development of your baby. You can have eggs in any form such as boiled, scrambled, omelet, etc. Moreover, if pregnant women consume eggs regularly, it can also help to improve their skin complexion.
9. Eat other dairy foods
In addition to milk, you can also include other dairy products in your diet such as curd, cheese, etc. Dairy products are a good source of calcium which is very important for the development of your baby’s bones and teeth. They are also a good source of protein which helps to build the muscles of your baby. You can have a bowl of curd or cheese as a snack or you can also include them in your salads. Moreover, dairy foods help to improve the skin complexion of your baby.

Cumin seeds are also very effective in getting a fair baby during pregnancy. Soak some cumin seeds in water overnight and drink the water on an empty stomach in the morning. You can also add a little honey to it. This will help in improving the complexion of the baby. Cumin seeds are also rich in iron which is essential for the development of the baby. Moreover, during pregnancy, cumin seeds help in the digestion of food and also relieve various other pregnancy-related problems like nausea, vomiting, heartburn, etc.
11. Grapes Juices
Drinking grape juice is very beneficial for pregnant women as it helps in the development of fair and glowing skin for your baby. It is also rich in folic acid which helps in the development of your baby’s neural tube. Folic acid is very important for pregnant women as it helps in preventing birth defects such as spina bifida. For getting a fair baby, you should drink fresh grape juice every day during your pregnancy.

Red lentils are another efficacious home remedy for a fair baby during pregnancy. Soak some red lentils in water overnight and drink the water on an empty stomach in the morning. You can also add a little honey to it. This will help in improving the complexion of the baby. Generally, lentils are considered to be a healthy food for pregnant women. If they take it in small amounts then it will not cause any problem. Furthermore, it is also a good source of folic acid, which is essential for the development of the neural tube in the baby.
13. Fennel seeds
Fennel seeds are effective in treating babies fair during pregnancy. It is a well-known fact that fennel seeds help in the digestion process. However, it also helps in improving the complexion of the skin. All you need to do is soak some fennel seeds in water overnight and drink the water on an empty stomach in the morning. Fennel seeds are also rich in antioxidants and help in detoxifying the body.
What determines the color of the baby during pregnancy?
The baby’s skin color during pregnancy is determined by the genes inherited from the parents. The mother and father contribute different genes to the baby that determine skin color. For example, if the mother has black skin and the father has white skin, then the baby will likely have a light brown complexion. Likewise, if both parents have fair skin, then the baby will likely have very fair skin.
Which fruit is good to eat to get a fair baby?
When it comes to getting a fair baby, there are certain fruits that you can eat that may help. Pomegranates, for instance, are known to be good for the skin and may help promote a fairer complexion. Oranges and grapes are also rich in antioxidants, which can help to protect the skin from damage and keep it looking healthy. So if you’re hoping to have a fair baby, eating these fruits may help your cause!
Does eating saffron during pregnancy make the baby fair?
Yes, eating saffron during pregnancy makes the baby fair. Saffron is a natural skin lightener that helps to improve complexion and achieve a fairer skin tone. It is also rich in antioxidants and vitamins that are beneficial for the baby’s overall health. Saffron can be added to food or consumed as tea during pregnancy. However, it is important to consult with a doctor before using saffron as it may not be safe for all pregnant women.
What affects the baby’s skin color?
There are a few factors that can affect a baby’s skin color. The most common are genetics, ethnicity, and climate. Genetics plays the biggest role in determining a baby’s skin color. Ethnicity can also have an effect, with people of African, Asian, and Latin American descent tending to have darker skin than Caucasians. And finally, climate can make a difference too – babies born in warm climates tend to have darker skin than those born in colder climates.
The Last Word
Therefore, eating these above types of food during pregnancy will not only help the baby develop healthily but also be born with white skin and smooth as you desire. For your baby’s skin color during pregnancy to be bright and beautiful as you hope, in addition to following a reasonable diet, you should also pay attention to other things such as: getting enough sleep every day, not being too stressed, and avoiding smoking, etc. In the above article, a list of these most effective foods to help lighten your baby’s skin during pregnancy. We hope that after reading this article, you will find it useful and quickly incorporate these foods into your diet to give birth to a beautiful and healthy baby. If you have any queries or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us or leave a comment in the box below. Thank you for reading!
Nutrition during pregnancy - Geburtsinfo Wien
Many people think that pregnant women should eat "for two", that is, twice as much as usual. But it's not!
It is much more important to organize a healthy diet with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, fish, milk, dairy products and high quality fats. Drink plenty of fluids, preferably water or unsweetened tea. Don't diet or fast, even for religious reasons. Diets and fasting are harmful to pregnant women.
Essential for healthy development of the child:
- folic acid: found in spinach, broccoli, egg yolk, tomatoes and bananas
- Iron: in meat, black pepper, cinnamon, parsley, beans, peas, lentils, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, nuts
- Iodine: use iodized table salt!
- Calcium: in milk, dairy products, cabbage, broccoli, leeks, dill
Discuss all questions with your doctor and read the following information:
Dangerous and forbidden foods for pregnant women
During pregnancy, the entire female body changes. This can weaken the immune system, lowering the body's defenses. Therefore, at this time, infectious diseases are more severe than usual, which can jeopardize the health of the mother and unborn child.
Take precautions: When preparing and eating food, pay attention to the following two things:
- Practice strict hygiene when preparing and storing food.
- Avoid so-called dangerous foods.
Dangerous foods include:
- raw milk and raw milk products
Discard raw milk or boil it first.
Avoid raw milk products. You will recognize these products by their "Made with Raw Milk" label.
Remove the skin from the cheese and do not eat cheeses that ripen in the presence of slime microflora (eg tilsiter, quargel) and soft cheeses (eg camembert).
- Meat, fish and eggs
WARNING! Avoid oily predatory fish such as tuna, swordfish, halibut and pike. These fish often contain heavy metals.
Heavy metals are also found in giblets. Therefore, you will have to give up offal.
Avoid raw and undercooked fish and seafood, including sushi, oysters, and the like.
Avoid smoked and pickled fish, including smoked salmon, and gravaviloha.
Do not eat raw or undercooked eggs, meat or sausages. This list includes carpaccio, beef tartare, low to medium rare steak, salami, smoked sausage, hunting sausages, smoked ham, smoked meat, ham fat, soft-boiled eggs, fried eggs or raw egg dishes, including homemade tiramisu and the like.
- Drinks
Avoid alcohol and smoking. So far, no scientific study has been able to prove that alcohol, even in small doses, is not dangerous for pregnant women. Therefore: hands off alcohol! Be aware that flour products, sweets or cooked sauces may contain (residual) alcohol!
Don't take unnecessary risks and keep caffeinated drinks to a minimum. No more than 2-3 cups of coffee or 4 cups of green or black tea are allowed. Attention: Cold tea and coffee drinks, coca-cola, guarana drinks, many energy drinks and the like contain caffeine!
As a precaution, do not consume freshly squeezed and uncooked fruit and vegetable juices sold in stalls and shops.
Do not drink beverages containing quinine, such as gin and tonic, Bitter Lemon, etc.
Talk to your doctor and read the following information:
Addictive Substances
Quit All Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs During Pregnancy!
Do not drink alcohol during pregnancy! Even in small doses, alcohol can cause serious harm to a child. Alcohol acts like a poison on the nerves and brain, being one of the most common causes of anomalies in the development of the child.
Talk to your doctor and read the following information:
Stop smoking during pregnancy and avoid smoky rooms! Cigarettes contain nicotine and nearly 5,000 other chemicals. If inhaled, all of these substances can cause serious harm to your child. Pregnant women who smoke often have miscarriages or premature births. Children born to smoking mothers often suffer from asthma, allergies, pneumonia, bronchitis and other diseases. There is also an increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome.
Discuss all questions with your doctor and read the following information:
Do not use drugs or intoxicants during pregnancy! Drugs can seriously harm your baby's development and, in the worst case, lead to miscarriage or stillbirth. If you have an addiction, don't be ashamed of it and discuss the situation with your doctor. You can also contact specialized centers that advise drug addicts.
Talk to your doctor and read the following information:
Taking medications
Some medications are dangerous for pregnant women and unborn babies. If you are prescribed regular medication, tell your doctor that you are pregnant. Even if you are sick and must take medication, tell your doctor that you are pregnant. When purchasing medicines at a pharmacy, always warn that you are pregnant.
Pregnant woman nutrition
So, your plans and decisions to have a baby have come true – you are pregnant! But this news causes you a double feeling: - on the one hand, a feeling of joy, and on the other hand, a feeling of certain fear and even fear of unknown trials for your life and the fate of the unborn baby. What will he be like? - healthy, beautiful, happy?...
And this largely depends on the woman herself, on what lifestyle she will lead during pregnancy and, most importantly, how she will eat.
Nutrition of a woman in different periods of pregnancy
The main thing in the menu of a future mother is variety. She should consume foods from all food groups: meat, fish, vegetables and fruits, dairy products, bread and cereals.
A woman's nutrition during pregnancy can be roughly divided into three periods (trimesters).
If before pregnancy a woman ate normally, felt comfortable, did not experience allergies to any products, then it is not worth changing her diet at an early stage of the first trimester of pregnancy.
During this period, all organs and systems in the child's body are formed, tissues are formed. The body needs complete proteins and vitamins: lean meat (rabbit, chicken, turkey), fish and seafood, dairy products. Be sure to eat rice, fresh or frozen vegetables, seasonal fruits. In the first trimester, many expectant mothers are still working. No matter how difficult it is to control your diet in the workplace, you need to do it - find time for a full breakfast and lunch.
In the first trimester of pregnancy, there is an active restructuring of the body and adaptation to a new state. During this period, it is recommended to switch to a low-calorie diet, which includes more fruits, juices, decoctions of dried fruits, including rose hips. At the very beginning of pregnancy, especially if toxicosis torments, more frequent, but less plentiful meals are recommended.
Always keep a hematogen, a bag of nuts or dried fruit in your pocket to have a snack on the street. If your condition does not allow you to eat regular food, you should pay attention to baby food. Baby products literally save expectant mothers suffering from severe toxicosis. These are boxed cereals, children's curds, cookies and fruit purees.
In the first trimester, special attention must be paid to the quality of products. Gradually abandon sauces, semi-finished products and canned food containing harmful chemical additives. Do not forget that the placenta freely accumulates and passes chemistry. The importance of products containing folic acid is great, without it intensive metabolism is impossible, its deficiency can cause developmental abnormalities. Folic acid is found in greens, nuts, white cabbage and broccoli, beets, legumes, and eggs.
According to nutritionists, the diet of pregnant women should be 300 kcal / day higher than that of non-pregnant women, but in the first trimester there is no need to increase the energy value of the diet at all; in the second trimester, an additional 340 kcal / day is required; in the third trimester - 452 kcal / day. Pregnant women generally get enough calories, and more than 80% of women achieve and even exceed the required weight gain. These extra calories benefit the fetus. An underweight woman should gain 16–20 kg during her entire pregnancy, an overweight woman about 7 kg, and a normal body weight of 11–12 kg.
In the second trimester there are active jumps in the height and weight of the baby and uterus, so the caloric content of the diet needs to be increased. It is desirable to eat more and better. At this time, the need for trace elements increases: iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, calcium, potassium. The child creates his own "reserve" of trace elements using the mother's resource, which means that the mother should have enough of them for two.
Very often in pregnant women in the second trimester hemoglobin drops, this is a normal physiological phenomenon, if it is not threatening to health. You can increase hemoglobin by eating red meat, chicken, fish, dried fruits, pomegranates, green vegetables and fresh herbs, buckwheat, citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits, pomelo, lemons), rosehip and berry infusions.
In the second trimester, a pregnant woman should limit the intake of smoked and fried foods, as well as salt in her diet. In no case should you limit the liquid. Pure water is the best drink for a pregnant woman, and water should be consumed up to 2-2.5 liters per day. Water is a natural drink for the body, it does not cause complications and has no contraindications. Edema is caused not by water, but by salt, which we not only add in its pure form, but also consume with canned food, mayonnaise, cheese, and sausage. The absence of salt is not harmful, it is naturally found in many products: vegetables, bread, so the diet will not remain completely without it. Excess salt disrupts metabolism.
During this period, you can increase the calorie content of food. Childbirth must be approached physically strong. It is better to eat meat and fish in the morning, for breakfast and lunch, and for dinner, prepare dairy and vegetable dishes: cheesecakes, stewed vegetables, cottage cheese and vegetable casseroles. It is necessary to minimize the intake of canned food, smoked meats, pickles and marinades, hot spices and fatty foods. Frequent walks in the air, physical activity are recommended.
In the third trimester, it is necessary to reduce the calorie content of foods at the expense of confectionery and flour products, eat less fatty meat, as well as cheese and sour cream.
By the end of this period, many experts advise pregnant women to give up meat altogether in order to increase tissue elasticity and prevent ruptures.
During the entire period of pregnancy, special attention should be paid to the combination of products. If you combine foods wisely, you can ensure more efficient absorption of food. If the food is digested poorly, then this can lead to rotting and fermentation of products and the formation of substances harmful to the body of the mother and child. In addition, the fermentation process is accompanied by gas formation, which can lead to flatulence (bloating) and discomfort. This is especially harmful in the last stages of pregnancy.
Try not to take the first, second and third course at the same time; this overflows the stomach and presses on the fetus, the food is poorly digested and poorly absorbed. Eat little and often. It is not recommended to eat immediately before starting work, a long walk, before charging and immediately after it; it is advisable to rest for 10 minutes before eating.
Eat only when you are hungry, try not to snack on the go. Follow the diet, eat at about the same time.
Proper preparation of food will help to maximize the useful substances contained in the products. Do not overcook food, try not to reheat the same dish several times, it is better to set aside only the portion that will be used. Cook in the most gentle way: baking, steaming, stewing. Avoid frying, boiling in large amounts of water, with this method of processing products, many useful substances are lost. If possible, do not cook for several days at once. Do not use aluminum cookware when cooking. Remember that for a pregnant woman, it is not calories that are important, but the quality of food, its naturalness, primarily a “living cell” (whole cereals, raw vegetables and fruits, fresh meat and dairy products).
What can harm the pregnant woman and the fetus
Smoking and alcohol – quit smoking from the first days of pregnancy, if you have smoked before, avoid "passive" smoking, and do not consume alcoholic beverages in any doses.
Lack of vitamins and microelements in the body - their absence or deficiency can lead to irreparable consequences. So, for example, iodine deficiency can lead to mental retardation of a child, folic acid deficiency - to severe fetal deformities, calcium deficiency - to a violation of the formation of the child's skeleton, iron deficiency - to anemia and a delay in the physical and neuropsychic development of the child. It is necessary to consult a doctor, perhaps he will recommend switching to iodized salt, as well as supplementing your diet with a vitamin-mineral complex and folic acid.