Foods that have baby in the name

Baby Vegetables – Produce Blue Book

Image: Africa Studio, mahey, Jilll Richardson, pratikastock, Hong Yo/

The term “baby vegetable” is, depending on the variety, either accurate or a misnomer. Some baby vegetables are indeed smaller or immaturely harvested versions of mature corn, bok choy, cucumbers, and onions; others are new, distinct varieties bred to be more tender and delicate than their full-size counterparts.

Though baby vegetables have come into mainstream over the past decade or so, they originated in England in the late 1800s. They were later used in frozen TV dinners and found in Asian dishes, but didn’t hit popularity until French chefs in the 1960s and ’70s reinvented vegetable sides with the miniatures.

Baby vegetables then became haute cuisine, leading growers to devote acreage to the diminutive delicacies. Today, baby vegetables are quite common, although they are not tracked and measured in the same manner of their larger, conventional siblings.

Types & Varieties

Many mainstream and specialty vegetables are available with a ‘baby’ designation, from the well known baby carrots to artichokes, beets, broccoli, corn, lettuce, and zucchini. There are even baby avocados, bok choy, scallopini, and tomatoes.

Proponents of baby vegetables believe they are more flavorful, tender, and in many cases, the entire vegetable is edible with little or no waste.

Here are some interesting facts about the ever-expanding list of baby vegetables:

• Baby artichokes – unlike full-size artichokes, they have no choke, and minus the outside leaves, the entire vegetable can be eaten

• Baby avocados – also called ‘cocktail avocados,’ typically about 3 inches long and 1 inch in diameter

• Baby beets – available in three varieties (gold, red, and long red), ranging in size from a quarter to a half-dollar, with greens extending several inches; the golds are considered sweeter and the reds heartier in flavor

• Baby bok choy – a smaller, dwarf variety of Asian cabbage, considered sweeter and more tender

• Baby broccoli – also called Brassica oleracea, it is thin and tender, resembling broccoli rabe in shape with a milder, subtler flavor than full-grown broccoli

• Baby carrots – from 1 to 4 inches long, with a sweeter taste; comes in three typical varieties: French, round, and white

• Baby cauliflower – about 2 inches in diameter, available in baby or snowball varieties with flavor and texture similar to the mature plant.

• Baby celery – unlike other babies with a milder taste, this miniature is about 7 inches long and has a stronger flavor than full-grown celery

• Baby corn – available in white and yellow varieties, often pickled or served in stir-fry; has a crunchy corn flavor

• Baby eggplant – comes in purple and white varieties, with long or round shapes; can be bitter

• Baby green onion – prematurely harvested with a chive-like flavor

• Baby lettuce – many varieties, including red and green leaf, iceberg, romaine, as well as mesclun mixes with baby arugula, chard, spinach, endive, and mustard greens

• Baby scallopini – one of three baby squashes (constricted neck, zucchini, and winter), this green, top-shaped squash has a soft inside and a grassy, peppery flavor

• Baby soft squash – varieties include baby patty pan, Sunburst, Table Queen green and gold, and crook; has a soft outer shell and can be sold with or without flowers

• Baby teardrop tomatoes – available in red and yellow varieties; red is particularly sweet

• Baby zucchini – a soft inside and underdeveloped seed cavity gives this finger-sized squash a light, delicate flavor and texture.


Harvesting at the right time is important as the miniatures can grow past the ‘baby’ stage quickly. For example, harvest baby corn within a couple days of the appearance of silk, and any squash varieties within 24 hours of flowering.

Proper handling is important to preserve quality and can include washing off soil, cooling quickly from field heat, and proper refrigeration. Baby vegetables can be grown in fields, greenhouses, or high tunnels. In the field, adequate drainage and planting after frost risk is recommended.

Pests & Diseases

Pests and disease will vary depending on the crop and growing method. Shorter harvest times may avoid certain insects and disorders, but also inhibit the application of many pesticides and fungicides.

Storage & Packaging

Most baby vegetables can withstand moisture and are packed in ice in waxed cartons. Specialty items such as baby squash with flowers may require more protective packaging. Overall, because baby vegetables are harvested immature, they are more sensitive than mature varieties and have a shorter shelf life.

References: Texas A&M University, University of Illinois Extension, University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service.


Currently, there are no good arrival guidelines specific to baby vegetables in the United States or Canada.

Help I Need Baby-Que(BBQ) Food Ideas

Updated on April 05, 2008

M.C. asks from Phoenix, AZ

27 answers

I have decided to have a baby-Que(BBQ) instead of a baby shower for my baby due in July. I wanted to theme my foods with "baby" in it or something to that effect. So far the only thing I can come up with is baby back ribs. Does anyone have any other suggestions. I was also thinking of maybe doing mini-burgers instead of full size burgers to give the baby effect.

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Featured Answers


answers from Flagstaff on

Hmmm, how about chocolate pudding and you can call it chocolate "poo"ding. Or those little candy pacifiers for the adults and older kids. You could do baby carrots, baby corn, serve all food on baby plates and in tiny baby cups, make guests wear personalized bibs with their names on them. Okay, I'll stop. This is a really cute idea!
C. V


answers from Phoenix on

Little BBQ WEiners - you can get from Costco I think - or Oscar Meyer - can you BBQ those Baby Corn on the Cobb? or just serve them cold - as baby finger food - baby carrots - grape tomatoes also make great small finger foods - make cup cakes and not a big cake - for dessert - Good Luck! S. :)

More Answers


answers from Albuquerque on

Well, there's baby broccoli (broccolini), baby carrots, baby corn, little quiches, finger sandwiches, & mini ravioli(as appetizers). You could have mini skewers of meat or seafood. For dessert, you could have mini cheesecakes made with the mini muffin pans using the instant cheesecake mix. I can' think of anything else right now, but good luck with your party.


answers from Phoenix on

baby carrots
baby greens/baby spinach


answers from Phoenix on


How cute this would be!!

What about vegies that are all baby, such as baby carrots, babby fresh greens for a salad?
Not much but a quick idea.

B. Goodwin
[email protected]


answers from Phoenix on

Pigs in a blanket...


answers from Tucson on

Hmmm. ..that is a hard one, maybe you could do everything just "baby" Like baby cakes, baby sandwiches, everything small like carrots, baby corn, etc...I can't think of any other foods with the word baby in it!


answers from Albuquerque on

Baby carrots and mini trees on a veggie platter (ok Broccoli). Mini sized sodas in the 8 oz cans, 1/2 baby ears of corn, I could really keep going


answers from Santa Fe on

Hi M.,
I've made a watermelon into a baby carriage by cutting 1/4 off. I then scooped out the melon with a melon baller and added other fruit such as strawberries and grapes to make a fruit salad. I added orange slices as wheels and decorated around the cut edges. I thought this might be nice for a bbq. Good luck and congratulations!



answers from Las Cruces on

HI M.,

What a great idea! Congrats on the new addition. I saw the other day mini-bananas at the grocery store they were super cute and would fit the theme perfect. Let's see what else..... you could serve icecream with baby spoons if you are having cake and ice cream. Of course a baby cake of some sort. The burger idea is good too, you could use baby cookie cutters to cut the meat & bun in a cool baby shape. I've seen baby ice cube trays at Hobby Lobby too. Good luck and let us know how it goes. Also you could ser "pea"nuts :)



answers from Phoenix on

Baby carrots.
Petite Quiches or "Baby" Quiches
Thats all I have before my cup of coffee. : )
Good luck! Cute idea.


answers from Tucson on


Have the men attending have a baby bottle drinking contest, if you're in to the baby shower contests. Video it. It will be a riot. :)



answers from Phoenix on

I did this theme for my daughters 1st b-day. We did the baby cans of soda and the mini bottles of water. We also had mini hotdogs. We made the buns and used cocktail sausages for the hotdog. They were a hit! We also had bagel bites and baby carrots and miniture candy bars and mini tacos from Costco. We went all out!


answers from Phoenix on

Hello, Some suggestions- Baby peas and baby pearl onions in a white sause- Baby Dills pickles- Baby red potatoe salad. Have fun sound like a very good Idea. R.


answers from Flagstaff on

One of our family favorites is "Li'l Smokies" You buy a couple bags of them in the bacon section. They are little and cute and delicious. Here's the recipe:

2 bags cocktail sausages (about 40 ct. each)
1 18 oz. bottle BBQ sauce
1/2 cup brown sugar

Put all ingredients in crockpot. Cover and cook on low about 3 hours.

Another idea would be Pigs in a Blanket--you could call them Babies in a blanket. Recipes for those can be found on internet.


answers from Phoenix on

How about those little cans of pop. Baby carrots. You could use baby shape cookie cutters to cut brownies or put little baby items in jello-sterilized of course. There are candy items that look like baby bottles and pacifiers.
Have fun!


answers from Phoenix on

A different twist on mini burgers...
Make them candy mini burgers, my sis in law just did this and they turn out so cute.
Buns - vanilla waffers (use sesame seeds on top)
hamburger - small peppermint patty
lettuce - coconut dyed green with food coloring
katchup & mustard - red and yellow frosting
have fun!


answers from Phoenix on

Super cute idea!

baby carrots
new red potatoes?
baby spinach salad with bibb lettuce?

have fun!


answers from Tucson on

Here it goes:

Baby Cakes Shortbread

Baby Ruth Cookies

Baby Carrots in Herb Vinegar – awesome with baby back ribs.



Baby Porcupine Appetizers – OMG Super YUMMY

BABY SHRIMP & TARRAGON MUSTARD – Super Duper awesome and easy

CRY BABIES – An amazing cookie I think I will make right now!

These are some recipes to help make some choices. Other more simple things would be like all of your baby veggies: carrots, potatoes (new potatoes), onions, asparagus, and artichoke. Then there’s baby shrimp, and calamari (baby octopus). Hope something is of use to you as I have provided the websites for their recipes and I am going to go and make some Cry Babies right now thanks to you. God bless you and your little one to come!


answers from Dallas on

baby carrots
finger sandwiches
sugar snap peas
baby spinach salad

you could also have things that are easy for babies to eat, i. e. applesauce, rice cereal (pudding), yogurt, oatmeal cereal(cookies), snack mix with cheerios

cute theme!
good luck,


answers from Tucson on

Hmmmm Baby peas, Baby broccoli, Baby artichokes, Baby portobellas,might make an interesting salad. New potatoes (y'know the fingerling kind) Baby shrimp, Baby Asparagus, Baby Corn and for desert Baby Ruth ice cream sundaes. Mini Burgers are a great idea and a crock pot full of mini sausages (little smokies) in BBQ sauce is always a hit. Also all your background music has the word baby in it.


answers from Flagstaff on

You could also serve baby carrots and Baby Ruth candy bars!


answers from Las Cruces on

How about glazed baby carrots and baby potatoes with butter and parsely.


answers from Las Cruces on

Very cute idea! Also, you could make mini cupcakes or cheesecakes in a mini muffin pan. Hobby Lobby or a local cake store (or online) would have mini cupcake papers. Could also purchase the mini cheesecakes at your local wholesale club - Costco or Sams.

If you do mini hamburgers, the King's Hawaiian Rolls (I think that's the brand) that are usually in the deli area make yummy buns. Also in that same area are usually mini loaves of bread you could make baby sandwiches out of - or use mini bagels. Mini pizzas on English Muffins.

I think you're going to have a fun party, so many good ideas from everyone!


answers from Phoenix on

Here is a combo of two previous suggestiongs:
Piglets in a Blankie
-Little Smokies
-Croisants (cut to size for the smokies)

You have lots of great ideas here. ..should be a fun party.


answers from Albuquerque on

how about baby corn on the cob? or grilled baby carrots?


answers from Tucson on

For Veggies try baby corn, baby carrots.
Also chick fil-A sells mini platters of yummy chicken biscuits and cinamon buns 4 minis = 1 bun (together)
Also maybe will have ideas.
I also have a mini muffin pan I use for brownies, muffins, cupcakes. Pampered chef brand has many decadent recipes using this pan. Pushing in the center of brownie and stuffing with whipped cream, strawberry slice, drizzled choc and a mint leaf I know b/c I just had a few last night at a bunco. Maybe u can find this recipe on their site.
Baby food --- Container's ex: mason jars you can scoop out of apple sauce, guacamole
I don't know all from the top of my head.
Have fun

Meals in preschool | Kindergarten No. 50

Nutrition in a preschool institution

Nutrition for children from 3 to 7 years

At the age of 3 to 7 years, the functional capabilities of the gastrointestinal tract in children increase significantly . The capacity of their stomach increases to 500 ml, the activity of enzymes increases, by the age of 5-7 years the first permanent large molars erupt.
Therefore, for children 3-7 years old, the widest range of food products is provided for in any culinary treatment.
The number of meat dishes increases in the daily diet, smoked and stuffed fish, vegetable stew, cabbage rolls, fried and stuffed zucchini, stuffed peppers and tomatoes are allowed. The diet provides for a four-time meal. The total amount of daily food for children aged 3 to 5 years is expressed in 1400-1500 grams, at the age of 6-7 years - 1600-1700 grams.

Children's nutrition must be varied. With a monotonous or improper diet, the body does not receive the substances it needs, and human health begins to collapse.

Food should contain a certain amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates. In addition, the human body constantly needs mineral salts, vitamins, water. None of the basic substances of food can be replaced by another.

Protein food

The role of proteins in a child's nutrition is extremely important. Proteins are essential for building new cells and tissues. Lack of protein in food leads to stunted growth and development, weight loss and resistance to infectious diseases.
Proteins of animal origin found in milk, dairy products, yoghurts, meat, fish, and eggs have the highest biological value. Important are vegetable proteins contained in cereals, bakery products, legumes, nuts, seeds, vegetables.
It is better to offer meat and poultry to children in the form of chopped products, and not in pieces. It can be: beef stroganoff, chops and chopped cutlets, beef stew, poultry, peasant sausage, homemade ham, jellied meat. From the fish, be sure to select all the bones.
Foods containing a lot of salt and fat, flavorings and dyes are not recommended for preschoolers, including smoked sausages, canned food, fatty meats and sausages. Of course, you can sometimes get by with sausages and sausages, in the name of which the word “children” sounds, but this is rather an exception to the rule. The formation of taste preferences in a child occurs on average up to 5 years. Therefore, it is important that the child continue to give preference to natural food.
Amount of proteins needed by a preschooler:
50% of proteins must be of animal origin:
• 85-100 gr. meat;
• 25-30 gr. fish
Beef, veal, as well as low-fat lamb, chicken, rabbit, liver, and tongue are best suited for feeding children. It is undesirable to give the child goose or duck meat, as it contains indigestible fats. It is best to give meat and fish on separate days, meat 100-130 grams 4-5 times a week, fish 70-100 grams 2 times a week.
• One egg every other day
Be careful with protein, if you are prone to allergies, it is better to give only the yolk.
• 0.5 liters of milk or fermented milk products
• 50 grams of cottage cheese
• Cheese: 3 grams per day
• 5 grams of sour cream or cream
It is not necessary to give cheese, sour cream and cottage cheese every day, preferably 2-3 times a week, but in a larger volume (100 grams of cottage cheese 3 times a week, etc.).


For children, fats and oils are the main building blocks for the developing brain, so fat-free foods are not used in baby food. A number of vitamins dissolve only in fats, namely vitamins A, D, E, K.
Both deficiency and excess of fats in food are harmful. With an excess of fat, food lingers in the stomach for up to 6 hours, which leads to loss of appetite, disruption of normal digestion, and later to overweight, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus and other ailments.
Amount of fat a child needs: On average, a child needs 60-80 grams of fat per day.
Of this amount:
• 25-30 grams (1.5 tablespoons) of butter per cereal and per sandwich
• 10 grams (2 tsp) vegetable oil
is used for dressing salads, vinaigrettes, stewing, baking.
Beef, pork, mutton fats (lard) should not be included in the diet of a preschooler, as they are poorly absorbed by a growing organism.
The rest (the so-called "invisible fat") is already found in foods (milk, meat, cottage cheese, nuts, etc.).


They serve as the main easily digestible source of energy, providing 50-60% of the energy needed for the body per day.
Contained in products of plant origin: bread, pasta, cereals, potatoes, vegetables and fruits, sweets.
Amount of carbohydrates a preschooler needs:
• 30-50 grams of rye and 100-125 grams of wheat bread
(if you give crackers or bagels, reduce the amount of bread accordingly)

• potatoes: 120-150 grams
• portion of porridge: 120 -150 grams
• Vegetables: 180-200 grams
• Fruits and berries: 100-200 grams, juice - 100-150 grams per day
• 35-50 grams of sugar
(5-7 teaspoons of granulated sugar, including sugar-containing drinks - compote, jelly, lemonade, etc. )
• 10-15 grams of sugar-containing products

Peculiarities of nutrition of preschool children

As in early age, raw vegetables in the form of salads, fresh fruits and berries are very useful for a preschooler.
Offer salads before meals, as vegetables stimulate the production of digestive juices and improve appetite.
Fresh fruits are very good for an afternoon snack. Do not give them only in between meals (especially sweet ones).
• Be sure to feed your child soup or borscht during lunch. After all, first courses based on vegetable or meat broths are strong stimulants of the stomach receptors, which helps to increase appetite and improve the digestion process.
• Children are very fond of bread and bakery products, especially buns, gingerbread, waffles, cookies, pastries, and cakes. But we must remember that products made from premium flour are poor in vitamins and minerals and often contain large amounts of sugar and fat. Leave them for weekends and holidays. Bread made from rye flour is useful daily, as well as from wholemeal flour. It is rich in B vitamins, minerals and vegetable proteins.
• Cereals are very useful for children. Unlike pasta (pasta, vermicelli, noodles), they contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. Children are very fond of pasta, but cook it less often than cereals, especially if the child is overweight.
• For the formation of a strong skeleton, good posture and strong teeth, the child needs calcium, which is mainly found in dairy products. Therefore, every day a preschooler should receive 2 glasses of milk or dairy products.
• Sugar is always included in the diet of a child of any age, but its excess reduces appetite, impairs immunity, contributes to the development of obesity and can lead to such a formidable disease as diabetes mellitus. Do not teach children to eat a lot of sweets. Wean your relatives and friends to come to the child with candy or chocolate.
• Buy your children very little carbonated drinks as little as possible - they irritate the lining of the stomach and intestines and contain a lot of sugar.
• Buy more vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs. That's what's good for a child. Moreover, vegetables should be very diverse - carrots, cabbage, beets, turnips, radishes, green peas, tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkins, cucumbers, etc. Garden and wild greens are very useful. From fruits, apples, pears, plums, cherries are primarily recommended, from berries - black currants, gooseberries, red currants, raspberries, sea buckthorn. On the day the child should receive 400 grams of vegetables and fruits. This quantity does not include potatoes.
• Use iodized salt for cooking, as insufficient intake of iodine from food can cause iodine deficiency diseases.
• Continue to teach your child proper table manners. Make sure that he sits straight, does not lean his elbows on the table while eating, do not place them wide apart. He must be able to use the spoon correctly: hold it with three fingers - thumb, index and middle, scooping up food so that it does not spill, bring the spoon to his mouth with the side edge, and not with the narrowed part. The child must remember that if you have to prick pieces of food with a fork, then it must be kept with the prongs down, and if there is mashed potatoes, thick porridge or vermicelli - like a spatula.
• It is necessary that the baby develops the habit of chewing slowly, with his mouth closed. The child should eat in a calm state. Avoid quarrels and unpleasant conversations at the table - this also worsens the process of digestion and reduces appetite. The kid should know that you can leave the table after finishing the meal, only with your permission (but, of course, not with a piece of bread or other food in your hands). He should definitely thank you, push the chair, clean up the dishes, wash his hands (just like before eating) and rinse his mouth. Don't give your baby more food than he can eat. Better then put a little extra.

If the child goes to kindergarten

Most preschoolers go to kindergarten. Nutrition at home for such an “organized” child should be coordinated with nutrition in the institution in such a way that the home diet complements the kindergarten diet.
For this purpose, it is customary in childcare facilities to hang out the daily menu so that parents can get acquainted with it. When taking your child home, do not forget to look at the menu and try to give him at home those foods and meals that he did not receive during the day.
On weekends and holidays, it is better to cook him the same food that he usually gets in kindergarten, using a similar set of products. You should not feed him these days with sweets and delicacies. Very often, after the holidays, kindergarten workers complain about the poor appetite of the child.
In the morning before the child goes to kindergarten, do not feed him, as he will not eat breakfast in a group. Well, if you have to take it away very early, give a glass of kefir or an apple at home.

What should I do if my child is not eating well?

• Find out if this could be due to some disease or the monotony of cooked food.
• Don't rush the child, let him, though slowly, but cope with the dish, slowly chew food.
• Some children drink a lot of water with meals, which reduces food intake and absorption. However, if the appetite is poor, allow the baby to drink thick and solid food in small sips.
• Do not force feed. If the child refuses to eat, it is better to skip one feeding altogether than to insist and bring him to tears. Do not feed with persuasion, with entertainment, during the game.
• Do not talk in front of the child about poor appetite and about your worries about it. He can get used to such conversations and will really act up and refuse to eat. At the same time, if the baby has eaten all the food offered to him, praise him.
• 2-3 hours before dinner, you need to walk with the baby - "work up an appetite."
• There are "little kids". For them, it is necessary to increase protein foods in the diet (cottage cheese, meat, fish, nuts, yogurt by reducing cereals and bread).
• Worried about children's poor appetite, parents often forget that they spoiled their pets with sweets, soft buns before breakfast, lunch or dinner. Meanwhile, feeding outside school hours and sweets themselves cause a loss of appetite. Remember, if there is always a vase of sweets and cookies on the table and access to it is free, then problems with appetite or health problems cannot be avoided.
• If your child wants to eat, offer him a carrot, an apple, a tomato, a cucumber between feedings.
• If the child did not eat well at breakfast or lunch, parents need to gather their will into a fist and endure character: remove everything from the table and give nothing until the next meal. Forced fasting can wean a child to be picky at the table.
• A certain interval between meals must be observed.
Deviation from the set time should not exceed 15-30 minutes. At the same time, the child regularly experiences a feeling of hunger, accompanied by an increase in the secretion of gastric juice, and, moreover, an interest in eating is developed.

List of harmful foods for children: what not to feed a child - April 4, 2021


April 4, 2021, 14:17

34 comments : Ilya Barkhatov / 74. RU


It's not just about sugar.

We decided to take a closer look at children's food and find out what children should stay away from. It is clear that the list would definitely include lollipops and other sweets, curd cheeses, ketchups with mayonnaise - you yourself can tell anyone about the harmful properties of these products. But there is food that only seems harmless.

Here's what's harmful about foods popular with children

Author: Pyotr Gindin

We didn't disassemble fast food into molecules, but we studied other food popular with childrenPhoto: Ilya Barkhatov / 74.RU What is really hidden in nuggets
Vitaly Kalistratov / Network of city portalsReconstituted juice is not the best treat for children
Vitaliy Kalistratov / Network of city portalsHow to distinguish good yogurt from bad
Vitaliy Kalistratov / Network of city portals


Chicken nuggets

At first glance, there is nothing wrong with nuggets - chicken breast, breading of flour or breadcrumbs, sometimes cheese - that, in general, is the whole composition. But while manufacturers focus on the fact that their nuggets are made from real chicken, let's take a closer look at this dish. The first thing that brings all possible benefits to zero is deep fat. With this method of heat treatment, carcinogens are formed, and a merciless amount of oil makes the product fatty and high-calorie.

Another point is the quantitative ratio of meat and everything else. The examination showed that often there is a lot of breading in nuggets - up to 50% of the total mass. There are no regulations regarding ingredients, so, in fact, manufacturers do not violate anything. But not only do you overpay for crackers and butter, it also turns out that the protein in the nuggets is less than it should be in the chicken breast, and there are too many carbohydrates.

Nuggets can also contain too much moisture. Yes, this makes them juicier, but you overpay for plain water. And due to the fact that in addition to chicken meat, nuggets contain many other ingredients (including those not indicated in the composition), their nutritional value is much lower compared to the same chicken breast.

What is really hidden in nuggets
Vitaly Kalistratov / Network of city portals

And do not forget that nuggets are a product of deep processing. With sugar (even if it is not felt, but it is) and added fats.

“Over time, due to the uncontrolled consumption of large amounts of sugar, a person develops insulin resistance,” says dietitian Irina Toropygina. - Decreased sensitivity of insulin receptors. That is, there is a lot of glucose in the blood, but it is not absorbed, does not enter the cell, the cell experiences hunger and does not receive glucose to perform energy functions. In response to this, a person consumes sweets even more and only aggravates the situation. Excessive consumption of sugar inevitably leads to the development of carbohydrate dependence and, over time, to the formation of diabetes mellitus and obesity.

Irina Toropygina — dietician, specialist in functional integrative nutrition, DNA testing specialist.

We didn’t disassemble fast food by molecules, but we studied other food popular with childrenPhoto: Ilya Barkhatov / 74. RUWhat is really hidden in nuggets
Vitaly Kalistratov / Network of city portals to distinguish good yogurt from bad
Vitaliy Kalistratov / Network of city portals



Corn flakes and muesli

Doctors say that it is more beneficial to feed a child with biscuits than with corn flakes - they even have less sugar. In addition, the option of a light and quick breakfast, beloved by children (and sometimes their parents), will “give” the body extra sweeteners, flavor enhancers and flavors. And if you see the inscription “enriched” on the packaging, this only indicates that the product has undergone maximum industrial processing.

Maybe replace muesli flakes? Maybe. But not the fact that they will be more useful.

— Due to the content of cereals and nuts, any muesli is quite high in calories: from 300 kcal and more, — says dietitian Elena Pavlovskaya. - Baked ones are fried in oil: they are, of course, tasty and crispy, but this is more a dessert than a healthy meal. The recommended amount of muesli even for an adult is no more than 30–50 grams per day. Do not forget that there are contraindications to eating muesli: if you have an exacerbation of gastritis or problems with the intestines, you do not need to eat them. They contain a lot of dietary fiber, which can irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

Elena Pavlovskaya — dietitian, candidate of medical sciences, researcher at the clinic of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

We didn’t analyze fast food by molecules, but we studied other food popular with childrenPhoto: Ilya Barkhatov / 74.RUWhat is really hidden in nuggets
Vitaly Kalistratov / City Portal Network portalsHow to distinguish good yogurt from bad
Vitaliy Kalistratov / Network of city portals




Children's juice producers are usually honest with their little consumers. In their examination products, neither sulfur dioxide (a preservative), nor ethyl alcohol, nor patulin (a toxic substance of natural origin that affects the digestive tract; sometimes present in food) is found. These drinks are made from exactly the fruits indicated on the package, they even contain a certain amount of vitamins and nutrients. But what's the catch?

“Let's start with the fact that the best source of fluid for both a child and an adult is water,” says nutritionist Irina Borodina. – Theoretically, juices can be used for baby food, but we must remember that packaged juices contain a lot of sugar, have a high glycemic index, increase appetite, have a sweet taste, which can lead to the formation of wrong taste preferences and refusal of some children from unsweetened foods (vegetable puree, porridge without sugar). For children 7-12 months old, the World Health Organization generally recommends not giving juices, but chopped raw fruits and vegetables: for example, banana, melon or tomato.

Irina Borodina — dietician, candidate of sciences, therapist of the 1st category.

Rospotrebnadzor notes that the most useful juice products are freshly squeezed juices made at home or in a restaurant. They retain the vitamins that were in the "source codes". But even they are not as healthy as whole vegetables and fruits due to the abundance of simple carbohydrates and low fiber content. Pasteurized direct-pressed juices are somewhat less useful. They are made from fresh vegetables, fruits or berries by mechanical pressing, and then kept at a temperature of 60-80 degrees: this method allows you to save a significant part of the beneficial properties of freshly squeezed juice. Reconstituted juice is even less useful. There are very few vitamins in it, and to make it healthier, manufacturers can artificially add vitamins and other biologically active substances (and this will be enriched juice).

Reconstituted juice is not the best treat for children
Vitaly Kalistratov / City Portal Network portalsReconstituted juice is not the best treat for children
Vitaly Kalistratov / Network of city portalsHow to distinguish good yogurt from bad
Vitaly Kalistratov / Network of city portals




If children tried the “proper” yogurt, most likely they would refuse it once and for all - it is almost tasteless. But in a natural product there are definitely those very living bacteria for which it is valued. But the choice of thermally processed yogurts (the very ones that you see on store shelves) is Russian roulette. In addition, it is important to separate at least two types of products in it: for babies from eight months and for children from three years old.

Yoghurts for babies from 3 years old usually contain almost twice as much sugar as yogurts for babies from 8 months old. For a child under three years of age, this amount of sugar puts a lot of stress on the liver and pancreas. The risk of developing diabetes and obesity increases. Therefore, added sugar in complementary foods, if possible, should not be at all. Also, yogurts for children over three years old may have a higher acidity, which is also not good for babies.

Children's dairy products should contain no more than 7-8% sugar. Studies show that in some cases this norm is significantly exceeded (but who will tell you about it on the packaging!) - 10% or more. Three sugar cubes in one jar. Half the daily value of an eight-month-old baby.

“For example: ice cream contains four tablespoons of sugar, vanilla yogurt contains five, and 300 grams of sparkling water contains nine,” says Irina Toropygina. “Besides, we all heard about probiotics, but their effect is somewhat exaggerated. They artificially settle in the intestines and restore the population of beneficial bacteria. This is their main property. However, most of it is lost during digestion.

How to distinguish good yogurt from bad
Vitaliy Kalistratov / Network of city portals

An important component of yogurt is calcium. According to reference data, natural yogurt should contain 110–125 mg of calcium per 100 g of product. Some manufacturers promise even more - up to 240 mg. But these numbers remain only on the packaging. Experts checked how much calcium is in different yogurts. It turned out to be 2-3 times less than promised. That is, sometimes manufacturers take the numbers on the packaging, as they say, from the ceiling.

Calcium is essential for normal growth and development of the child. With its deficiency, the formation of bones and teeth is disturbed, children suffer from nervous disorders, increased nervous excitability, and convulsions may occur. The daily requirement for calcium depends on the age of the child. It is, according to the norms of physiological needs for energy and nutrients for various groups of the population of the Russian Federation: from birth to 3 months. - 400 mg, 4-6 months. - 500 mg, 7-12 months. - 600 mg; from 1 year to 3 years - 800 mg, from 3 to 7 years - 900 mg, from 7 to 11 years - 1100 mg.

“Children get only empty carbohydrates from sweet yoghurts,” says pediatric endocrinologist Natalia Lomonosova. - But dairy products cannot be excluded from the children's diet. They can and should be eaten. But let it be ordinary kefir, without sugar. If the child loves "Snowball", add half a teaspoon of sugar to a glass of kefir, it will be more useful. The child will receive both calcium and protein.

We didn’t disassemble fast food by molecules, but we studied other food popular with childrenPhoto: Ilya Barkhatov / 74.RUWhat is really hidden in nuggets
Vitaly Kalistratov / City Portal NetworkReconstituted juice is not the best treat for children
Vitaly Kalistratov / City Portal NetworkHow to tell good yogurt from bad
Vitaly Kalistratov / City Portal Network



Instant noodles have been proven

these doshiraki are the same egg noodles, and without the seasonings that are in the package with the product, everything is not so bad. But it should be excluded from baby food. Instant noodles, brewed according to all the rules indicated on the package, are mostly rich in phthalates - chemicals that can cause endocrine disruption, reduce testosterone levels and harm reproductive performance. A large amount of phthalates, as it turned out, is contained in cheese powder (it's time to skip the cheese-flavored pack) - more only in flexible PVC and some types of cosmetics.

For all that, the European Union, known for its strict regulations on food and household chemicals, has not listed phthalates on the list of highly hazardous substances, so manufacturers, in general, work within the established norms.

We didn’t analyze fast food by molecules, but we studied other food popular with childrenPhoto: Ilya Barkhatov / 74.RUWhat is really hidden in nuggets
Vitaly Kalistratov / Network of city portals portalsHow to distinguish good yogurt from bad
Vitaliy Kalistratov / Network of city portals


FoodBreakfastChildrenSchool breakfasts



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