How do mosquitoes feed their babies

Mosquito Lifecycle FAQs | All You Need To Know

Homeowners, landowners and renters alike want to handle a mosquito problem proactively. Interrupting the insect’s life cycle reduces the chance of contracting serious diseases. Here are some mosquito life cycle hacks to improve your time spent outside, and yard safety.

Getting Rid Of Mosquitoes

Do you want to interfere with a mosquito life cycle? Mega-Catch offers a range of mosquito traps designed to keep mosquitoes out of your yard. It is important to know the life cycle of mosquitoes, but keeping them out of your yard is even more important.


How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes Outdoors


  1. Remove stagnant water where possible. 

  2. If you have a pool, implement a regular cleaning schedule for the chlorine. 

  3. Rinse out birdbaths and replace the waters.  

  4. Treat any ornamental ponds and fountains.

  5. Clear up dead plants. Either remove dead leaves and stems every week or hire a service company to perform that. 

  6. Use a Mosquito Trap, such as the Mega-Catch Alpha Mosquito Trap, to keep your yard mosquito free.

The Mosquito Life Cycle


If there's anything good about mosquitoes, it's that they don't live very long. The entire mosquito life cycle can be counted in days. Once they emerge from their pupal cocoons and take flight, male mosquitoes last less than a week, the females maybe a couple of months, and that's only with ideal conditions. They generally need warmer, humid temperatures. 

The bad news is that they are an extremely hardy type of insect. According to the University of California-Davis Mosquito Research Program, mosquitoes have been around for at least 210 million years.

They don't travel much, typically not more than a mile from the place where they were hatched, and their sole purpose seems to be laying more eggs to make more mosquitoes. A female can produce up to 500 eggs before she finally dies.

And here's a creepy little bit of information: Your blood helps mosquitoes perpetuate the species, and not in the way you probably think. But more about that later on. Right now, let's start with eggs, the first of four stages in the mosquito life cycle.

Keep Mosquitos Away from Standing Water

You've probably seen the TV news segments telling you to never, ever leave standing water around your yard because it can become a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

The reason for the warning is that mosquito eggs require water to develop. From stagnant rainwater to the condensation found inside an old tire, any kind will do. A mosquito will be satisfied as long as the water is not likely to be disturbed for a week or two.

There are about 3,500 species of mosquitoes throughout the world, and roughly 176 of them can be found in the United States. The most common is the Culex pipiens.

The female mosquitoes of Culex and most other species lay their eggs in batches of 50 to 100, often in tiny clumps about a quarter-inch long that float together on the surface of the water like a raft. They make those deposits on water that's collected in tree holes, ditches, even your dog's water dish.

However, some species will lay mosquito eggs on moist, often-flooded soil to anticipate the subsequent rise in water. Those eggs can survive winter, waiting for spring or summer rains to cover them over.

Females usually deposit their eggs at night and lay them about every third night, up to three times. Entomologists at Oklahoma State University report that the eggs are white when first deposited, then darken to near black within a day. They will hatch in one to three days, depending on the temperature.  

Eggs left on moist soil can last for up to a year until the ground is flooded again before hatching. When the eggs hatch, the mosquito larvae come out.

Mosquito Larvae - Infant Stage of the Mosquito Lifecycle


This is the baby stage for mosquitoes. The larvae are aquatic creatures that feed on algae, bacteria, and other microorganisms in the water. Certain mosquito species will even eat each other. They spend most of their time hanging upside down at the surface, sucking in oxygen from breathing tubes located in their tails.

They're often called “wigglers” because that's how they move in the water, propelling themselves with a frantic twitching motion. At this stage, a mosquito larva is vulnerable to predators such as fish and birds, and other mosquito larvae.

The New South Wales Department of Natural Resources in Australia describes them as “hairy maggots with siphons,” covered on the lower half by a cocoon. Because mosquitoes are cold-blooded and rely on external heat sources to warm their bodies, development depends on the temperature. The warmer it is, the faster the mosquito larvae will grow.

Most larvae develop over about a week or so, shedding their skins – known as molting – four times on the way to becoming mosquito pupae. The molting stages are called instars. By the fourth one, each one mosquito larva is almost a quarter-inch long.

Mosquito Pupae Mature in Stagnant Water


The mosquito pupae – called “tumblers” – do not feed. They don't do much of anything except swim around in the water. Think of this as the teenage stage of the mosquito life cycle.

They have short, curved bodies with a large head at one end and flippers for swimming at the other. They are lighter than water, so they live at the surface, and, like the larvae, they must take in oxygen from time to time through two breathing tubes known as “trumpets.

When disturbed, mosquito pupae tumble down to the safety of deeper water and eventually float back to the surface. Again, like the larvae, they are vulnerable to birds and fish. They're also vulnerable to people. Just put a little bit of an oily substance in the water, and a mosquito pupa will be unable to break through to get oxygen.

Otherwise, inside their cocoons, they are developing into those flying insects we all hate. It can take up to four days, depending on the temperature of the water. Once the pupal tissue has developed into adult mosquito form, the adult uses air pressure to split the cocoon and emerge.

The new mosquitoes will rest on the surface – which is one reason eggs are deposited in still water – until their wings dry out and their bodies harden. Then, they take off.

Mosquito Traps Stop Your Yard From Being A Mosquito Breeding Ground

Adult mosquitoes are made up of a head with two large compound eyes, a thorax, a pair of scaled wings, and six jointed legs. They also have antennae and a proboscis.

Mosquitoes, both male and female, come out of the cocoon with two things in mind. They want to breed, and they want to feed, in just about that order.

Adult mosquitoes mate within the first few days after emerging. The male mosquitoes sometimes have to wait for about a day for their reproductive parts to develop fully. They locate females by listening for the sounds of their wings, which run about 250-500 beats per minute. The mosquitoes join, and the males pass sperm to the females, perpetuating the mosquito life cycle.

Once their job is done, male mosquitoes live three to five days. The females tend to mate only once, but live considerably longer, depending on how much warmth and moisture is in their environment. Under ideal conditions, they may last as long as a month or two.

Of course, they have plenty of predators. Bats and birds feed on mosquitoes, communities spray pesticides to kill them and homeowners use mosquito traps to attract and dispose of them.

The mosquitoes often stay within a short distance of where they emerged from their cocoons, although some species can fly five miles or more. Slow fliers – about one mph – and easily dispersed by wind- prefer to stay close to the ground.

Trap Mosquitoes Before They Can Feed

Mosquitoes generally feed on plant nectar and fruit juice. Male mosquitoes do not take blood, so when you feel a mosquito plunge into your skin and start siphoning your blood, you can bet it is a female every time.

Typically, female mosquitoes start hunting as the sun goes down and will continue a few hours into the night, searching for any warm-blooded creature, such as people, dogs, cats, birds, and wildlife. Carbon dioxide – which we exhale – and lactic acid from our sweat combine to make us smell like a mosquito buffet. The insects can pick up the scent from 100 feet, and they can also see us moving and feel our body heat.

They use a serrated proboscis to pierce the skin and inject an anticoagulant to keep the blood flowing. A mild painkiller, apparently to help them escape detection by their prey. The female mosquito will insert the proboscis into a capillary and withdraw as much blood as possible, up to three times her body weight.

If a mosquito bites you, assume that you have just become a proud new parent, in a way. While female mosquitoes need nectar for nourishment, they also need protein to develop their eggs. That protein comes from your blood. 

Once they've gotten blood, the mosquitoes fly away to a warm, damp place to rest and wait for their eggs to develop. That takes up to five days. The females lay their eggs and then move on to the next blood meal to feed the next batch of eggs.

Female mosquitoes can lay a set of up to 100 eggs about every third night after mating only once. They typically lay as many as three groups before dying. Those eggs eventually hatch, and the whole mosquito life cycle starts over again.

Implement Mosquito Repellents And Traps With MegaCatchTM

Do you want a better solution to handling mosquitoes? MegaCatchTM is more than ready to provide the machinery that you need. Our devices are designed to handle mosquitoes over an extensive range. 

To find out more, please reach out to us today. Mega-CatchTM has upgrades for standard insect repellent and will improve your comfort when spending time outside.

What is the Life Cycle of a Mosquito? | Mosquito Control

Life Cycle Stages

The length of the mosquito life cycle varies between species and is dependent upon environmental conditions such as temperature and moisture. However, the life cycle of all mosquitoes is comprised of the egg, larval, pupal, and adult stages.

Mosquito After Feeding


Male mosquitoes feed on plant nectar alone, while females extract the blood of hosts in order to develop and nourish eggs. Most mosquitoes lay their eggs directly into water. Others lay their eggs near bodies of water but not within them.

Life Cycle Stages

How Long Do Mosquitoes Live?

The length of the mosquito life cycle and lifespan varies between species and is dependent upon environmental conditions such as temperature and moisture. However, the life cycle of all mosquitoes is comprised of the egg, larval, pupal, and adult stages.

Profile of Mosquito


Male mosquitoes feed on plant nectar alone, while females extract the blood of hosts in order to develop and nourish eggs. Most mosquitoes lay their eggs directly into water. Others lay their eggs near bodies of water but not within them.


Eggs will hatch into larvae within 24 to 48 hours. Larvae soon grow to become approximately 5 mm in length. Most larvae breathe through air tubes. Larger larvae can be seen floating just above the surface of infested waters. Larvae and pupae usually cannot survive without water. If a water source evaporates before the larvae and pupae within it transform into adult mosquitoes, those young often will die.


Within seven to ten days, larvae enter the pupal stage. Pupae are also visible upon the surface of the breeding site. After a mosquito is fully developed, it will emerge as an adult from its pupal case. At this time, the new adult stands upon the water and dries its wings to prepare for flight. Adult female mosquitoes will then seek an animal on which to feed. Females are capable of flying for miles if necessary and can lay over 100 eggs at a time.

Encounters & Concerns


Where will a homeowner encounter the eggs, larvae, and pupae life cycle stages? Encounters with potential mosquito developmental sources can be places where you might not expect. Almost any source of water found on a homeowner’s property can support these developmental stages, and unless a homeowner is diligent to inspect their property, adults are going to be a problem.

Adult mosquitoes creating problems on your property may have come from a water source miles away, but also may have come from a water source located near your home. For example, two areas of concern that might not occur to homeowners are stopped up gutters that hold water and corrugated plastic downspout extensions that direct water away from the house.


Mosquitoes are notorious for their involvement in disease transmission, creating annoyances, interfering with outdoor recreation activities, and even ruining a good night sleep. Another concern related to bites is the possibility of secondary infections of mosquito bites that are scratched and become infected with bacteria.Eggs will hatch into larvae within 24 to 48 hours. Larvae soon grow to become approximately 5 mm in length. Most larvae breathe through air tubes. Larger larvae can be seen floating just above the surface of infested waters. Larvae and pupae usually cannot survive without water. If a water source evaporates before the larvae and pupae within it transform into adult mosquitoes, those young often will die.


Within seven to ten days, larvae enter the pupal stage. Pupae are also visible upon the surface of the breeding site. After a mosquito is fully developed, it will emerge as an adult from its pupal case. At this time, the new adult stands upon the water and dries its wings to prepare for flight. Adult female mosquitoes will then seek an animal on which to feed. Females are capable of flying for miles if necessary and can lay over 100 eggs at a time.

Encounters & Concerns


Where will a homeowner encounter the eggs, larvae, and pupae life cycle stages? Encounters with potential mosquito developmental sources can be places where you might not expect. Almost any source of water found on a homeowner’s property can support these developmental stages, and unless a homeowner is diligent to inspect their property, adults are going to be a problem.

Adult mosquitoes creating problems on your property may have come from a water source miles away, but also may have come from a water source located near your home. For example, two areas of concern that might not occur to homeowners are stopped up gutters that hold water and corrugated plastic downspout extensions that direct water away from the house.


Mosquitoes are notorious for their involvement in disease transmission, creating annoyances, interfering with outdoor recreation activities, and even ruining a good night sleep. Another concern related to bites is the possibility of secondary infections of mosquito bites that are scratched and become infected with bacteria.

Tell me, please, why does a mosquito need blood?

If we are talking about the mosquito's own blood (hemolymph), then it performs the same functions as human blood - it carries nutrients, harmful metabolic products, hormones, and provides protection against infections. It does not tolerate oxygen and carbon dioxide only - the mosquito has a tracheal respiratory system, and oxygen is delivered directly to the cells through thin tracheal tubes. Larvae of ringing mosquitoes ("bloodworm") are a rare case among insects when the hemolymph is colored red due to hemoglobin. These aquatic larvae breathe through the integument, their tracheae are poorly developed and do not open outwards with holes. They live in silt at the bottom of water bodies, where there is often very little oxygen, and hemoglobin allows you to bind and store additional amounts of oxygen. (See also the answer to the question "Do insects have blood?")

If we are talking about the blood that female mosquitoes drink when bloodsucking, then they need it primarily for reproduction. Females, like males, can drink water and nectar and live without blood nourishment. But most species and populations of kulicid mosquitoes (Culicidae; blood-sucking mosquitoes belong to this family) are not capable of reproduction without blood feeding. Blood, unlike nectar, is a food rich in proteins. Proteins contained in plasma (the liquid part of the blood) and erythrocytes are digested in the intestines of the mosquito, and the amino acids formed are used to synthesize the proteins of its eggs. nine0003

3-4 days after hatching from pupae, female mosquitoes mate with males. Fertilized females are looking for their victims. After drinking blood, females digest it within 2-3 days. During this time, eggs ripen in their ovaries, and then the female finds a suitable reservoir and lays her eggs on the surface of the water. A certain percentage of the females then die, and the survivors can drink blood again and only after that lay a new batch of eggs. (They do not need to mate again, as they retain sperm reserves in the seminal receptacles - a special section of the reproductive system.) The cycle of "nutrition - digestion of food - laying eggs" is scientifically called "gonotrophic harmony". nine0003

But some mosquitoes don't need blood. For example, female large mosquitoes of the genus Toxorhynchites feed only on nectar. This is due to the nutrition of their larvae. The larvae of most mosquitoes eat bacteria and small particles of dead organic matter - detritus. And the larvae of Toxorhynchites eat the larvae of other mosquitoes - protein animal food. Therefore, they store enough protein in the larval stage to ensure that the female has enough to lay eggs, and she does not have to risk her life by extracting blood. nine0003

The ability to autogeny (laying eggs without bloodsucking) also appeared in the so-called "urban mosquitoes" - Culex pipiens pipiens forma molestus . Populations of these mosquitoes have adapted to life in the semi-flooded basements of city houses. Cellar water often contains enough organic matter that the larvae feed on, and the females of these mosquitoes can lay their first clutch of eggs without bloodsucking. For the next clutches, blood supply is needed, but the population can exist and increase in number indefinitely without it. Unfortunately, the "bloodsucking instinct" of the females of this mosquito has not disappeared, and they pester the inhabitants of some cities even in winter...

replied: Sergey Glagolev


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90,000 mosquitoes-an insect-blood


  1. Office
  2. features Mosquito species
  3. Common squeaker mosquito
  4. Long-footed mosquito
  5. Malarial mosquitoes
  6. Double-banded biting mosquito
  7. Winter mosquitoes
  8. Larva
  9. Pupa
  10. Imago
  11. From larva to adult
  12. How a mosquito bites and drinks blood
  13. Why do mosquitoes bite - video
  14. Why do mosquitoes bite more than others?
  15. What diseases it carries
  16. The importance of mosquitoes
  17. What if mosquitoes disappear - video
  18. Natural enemies
  19. Where mosquitoes hibernate
  20. Mosquito protection
  21. Interesting facts
  22. 0036 Mosquito swarming
  23. Biting process
  24. Benefits and harms
  25. Precautions


There are a large number of varieties of these insects that determine the habitat and methods of reproduction. In nature, there are a number of dangerous and completely harmless species. As a rule, they are found in humid and warm habitats.

Mosquitoes belong to the insect family with two wings and long whiskers. In their structure, they have a subgroup, which is also divided into subspecies. nine0003

An important condition for the existence of all species of mosquitoes is the proximity of water. In dry areas they cannot survive. The most optimal habitat are swamps, rivers, lakes, characterized by moist soils and warm temperatures. The number of mosquito populations is determined by the external conditions of existence. Dry ground and frost are harmful to mosquitoes.

Features of the insect

Mosquitoes are a large family of insects, including about 3.5 thousand species. They live all over the world, with the exception of Antarctica, that is, wherever people live, whose blood is needed for the reproduction of offspring. nine0003

Successful life of bloodsuckers is possible with a comfortable level of humidity and heat, so most of the genus is represented by inhabitants of the tropics. If we talk about the temperate zone of climatic conditions, then they prefer places near water bodies, river valleys, shady forests and swamps. Photos of the exterior can be seen below.

If you are interested in the answer to the question of what midges eat near swamps and in forests, then they consume a sugar-containing liquid, they get it from the juice of vegetation. But in order to be able to lay eggs, from which larvae and pupae hatch, the females of the family require the blood of a warm-blooded animal, in some cases reptiles. Of course, they prefer human lymph. nine0003

Species of mosquitoes

Common peeping mosquito

The most common type is this species of mosquito. They are not picky, can bite anyone and are terribly annoying. There are very bad effects after Squeak Mosquito Vinegar, such as itching, burning and inflammation. Children are most susceptible to bites, who can scratch the bites, thereby exacerbating the unpleasant consequences.

An adult mosquito is about 6-8 mm long. Only females suck blood; plants feed the males. These people can transmit viral and infectious diseases to humans through a bite. They prefer moist environments. nine0003

Long-legged mosquito

Another name for Karamor. Distributed in a humid environment, in wetlands, in forest thickets, in green spaces near water.

An adult mosquito grows up to 5-8 cm, it is often confused with the so-called malarial mosquito, which is not true. The centipede mosquito is the largest of its relatives in the world, but it is harmless to humans. It feeds on plant juices. Mosquito larvae cause damage to agriculture, as they eat shoots in large quantities. nine0003

Malaria mosquitoes

Another name is anopheles. It is very dangerous for humans, capable of carrying diseases such as malaria and plasmodium, as well as many parasites. It differs in small size, its main feature is the increased length of the hind legs. They live mainly near the reservoir, where they breed by laying eggs in a humid environment.

Double-striped biting mosquito

Found everywhere except Antarctica. A distinctive feature is the small size and white stripes on the limbs and throughout the body. It reproduces by laying eggs in marshy areas. Carries deadly diseases. nine0003

Winter mosquitoes

They are large - up to 3 cm, prefer to feed on decayed plants. They do not suck blood and therefore do not transmit disease. Active all year round, including winter. In sunny and frosty weather, you can observe a flock of these mosquitoes. They live in a cave, a mine, a hollow tree. Body length up to 15 - 18 mm.

Meadow mosquito

Representatives of this species are relatives of centipede mosquito.

The diet is based on plant nectar, human and animal blood. The dimensions are identical to those of ordinary mosquitoes. They live in a humid environment. The mosquito larva feeds on algae and other plants. It can be found in the meadow, in the field. nine0003

Twitch mosquito

It has two names: twitch and call. It makes a loud ringing sound, its front paws are constantly moving. These facts explain the legitimacy of both names.

Dense thickets of the reservoir are its habitat. They feed on plants and do not suck blood. The color is dark brown, this individual is distinguished by the presence of long legs. The mosquito itself can be orange, gray or yellow, the color of the abdomen is green. They can live in herds. About 10 thousand species live in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine. nine0003

Tiger mosquito

It lives in Asia and is extremely dangerous. They transmit malaria, typhus, dengue fever, Zika virus to humans. It can be found in tropical areas where there is no human. Outwardly, it is distinguished by its small size and black and white wings.

The female is almost twice as large as the male. Distinctive features - dark color with white markings. They live in wet, swampy forests. About 5 generations are bred per season. They live from two weeks to a month. The female can incubate up to two hundred eggs at a time. nine0003


Gall midges

There are up to 2 thousand varieties of such mosquitoes. This is a small and harmless creature, safe for humans. Unlike other species, they do not bite humans or animals.

An adult lives for about 72 hours.

Thick-bodied mosquito

Adult does not drink blood, preferring nectar. However, the larva living in the reservoir can prey on crustaceans and even on young insects. With the help of a proboscis, he kills his prey. nine0003


Nearly all mosquitoes prefer warm, humid environments, including the tropics. However, we will never find them in the Arctic and Antarctica. But perhaps they can be found near the Arabian Sea.

The most dangerous individuals for humans live in India, Thailand, China and South America. To visit these countries, tourists are recommended to be vaccinated.

There are many mosquitoes in Thailand. Basically, malarial, tiger and centipede mosquitoes live there. It is recommended to get vaccinated before visiting the country. nine0003

The so-called "Crimean" mosquito lives in the Crimea, settles in basements and can carry dangerous infections.

The most popular mosquito in the world is the common mosquito. It can be found where a person lives, because human plasma for him is the main source of nutrients necessary for reproduction.

Body structure

Mosquito has a slender body, long thin legs, wings and narrow claws. The head, thoracic region and abdomen form the basis of the body of the mosquito. nine0003

An important place in the structure is occupied by the thorax, which includes elements of the mesothorax, prothorax and metathorax, and is the central organ of the insect.

The wing of a mosquito includes longitudinal and transverse veins framed by a costal vein. The rear edge of the wing is fringed. The sound of the wingspan is similar to its buzzing. When a mosquito flaps its wings, a person hears a mosquito chirp.

The weight of a mosquito is determined by the amount of food eaten. The legs of mosquitoes are represented by the coxa, trochanter, femur, tibia and tarsus. The head consists of an antenna and a mouthpart. The mouth has two lips, upper and lower. nine0003


And in a man they are equipped with processes and look like a lush mustache. In order for the male mosquito to have more acute hearing, more perfect antennae are needed. Then you will quickly find a girlfriend in a fat mosquito. The female's antennae are more modest and uniform. They do not need to look for a partner. They often swarm, waiting for a female. Then it mates with the fastest, with the most developed antennae.

But the female has better developed sensory abilities. They are able to capture the heat of a mammal for several kilometers. Including the person. They can also trap lactic or uric acid, carbon dioxide. nine0003

Mouth apparatus

Underdeveloped insect jaws form a needle. It moves along the groove installed between the upper and lower lips. Saliva flows out of the channel, which is hidden in the cavity of the tongue. Contains anticoagulants and anesthetics. Nature rewarded insects with small teeth. The proboscis of the female has bristles with which they pierce the skin. The male doesn't have them. They do not need them: they do not feed on blood. The proboscis of the male is more tender, but it is quite adapted to obtaining food.

Difference between male and female

The diet of the female consists of blood, while the males consume water and nectar. The male mosquito never drinks blood, preferring it to water and nectar. The female needs blood during the laying of eggs. From it, he extracts nutrients, proteins and the iron enzyme.

The difference between a female and a male mosquito

With the help of a special antenna, the female pierces the epithelium and drinks the blood like a straw. Such an antenna helps males in mating, due to which the male catches and anticipates the position of females. nine0003

Feeding characteristics of females

Females need blood; this can be explained by the need for animal protein contained in the lymph, without which the formation of eggs after the mating procedure is impossible. For this reason, humans and mammals suffer from bites and attacks. There are species of mosquitoes that bite birds and reptiles.

When biting the skin, the saliva of the insect, which contains anticoagulants, also gets into the microscopic hole: they do not allow the blood to clot and thicken, so the female can suck out liquid blood through a long proboscis without any problems. For hunting, females choose evening and night, when the scorching rays of the sun disappear. nine0003

Bloodsucker saliva also contains substances that cause allergies in humans. Thus, the bite site is red and swollen, with severe itching in the affected area. Antihistamines can be used to relieve unpleasant symptoms.


The female feeds on blood to lay eggs. He needs blood as the main element for future offspring. Blood males prefer water and plant nectar from burdock, tansy and broad-leaved yarrow.

The mosquito chooses its diet depending on its habitat. Tansy is a favorite delicacy of forest dwellers and summer residents. Fructose contained in tansy acts on the body of the mosquito.

Some representatives of mosquitoes prefer to eat exofloral nectar and honeydew.

Life cycle

The mosquito develops through four stages, the appearance of an egg, a larva, then a pupa and finally an adult. The whole period takes several months. The appearance of the larva is similar to a worm or caterpillar. The environment in which the mosquito is located determines the lifespan of a person. nine0003

Ambient temperature is important. At higher temperatures, they can live up to 40 days, at a lower value, the life cycle is extended to 100 days.

In their natural environment, mosquitoes feed on the blood of animals, reproduce and produce numerous offspring. Once in an apartment, bloodsuckers can live up to a month, while in such conditions the larvae appear in small numbers. However, in damp basements, porches, sewers and drains, the mosquito feels good and breeds well. nine0003


Mosquito is able to make a sound, a kind of squeal, which is easily caught by the male due to sound vibrations. Highly sensitive antennas help him in this.

Over time, the sound of chirping in adults changes.

Reproduction occurs in a swarm formed by mosquitoes. The female lays about 20-160 eggs, the process lasts several days. The basis of the process of emergence of eggs is the level of blood consumed by the female.

Egg laying occurs mainly on the ground near the coast, on objects floating in water bodies. Moisture is needed for growing offspring; in the water, the larvae look like a raft. nine0003

The larva hatches in two days. An adult appears after a couple of weeks, there are times when this period lasts up to a month.

The reproductive system of mosquitoes

Members of the family have internal fertilization: after mating, the male's seed enters the female's genital tract, after which the formation of eggs begins. The sex organs of mosquitoes are located inside their abdomen: the ovaries in females and the testicles in males. The microscopic external genital organs of the male have a very complex structure, the features of which are the key to distinguishing outwardly similar species. Females also have a small ovipositor in the form of a short tube: eggs hatch through it. nine0003

"Mating games"

The mating type of mosquitoes is called "eurygamy" in the language of biology. Its peculiarity lies in the formation of a swarm - a dense cloud of male insects, keeping close to each other. Surely everyone saw such flocks on summer nights.

Female mosquitoes attract the attention of the opposite sex with a subtle buzzing, like a screech. This sound is created by the movement of the wings. Its frequency depends on the age of the individual, and males, with the help of their sensitive antennae, capture the slightest differences in sound, preferring more mature “girlfriends”. nine0003

Approaching the cloud of males, the female flies up to it and turns out to be impregnated by the one who managed to do it first. To perform work, males have special appendages near the genitals, with the help of which they keep the female in a joint flight.

It is noteworthy that mosquito populations living in cities are characterized by stenogamy - reproduction without a swarm, which is difficult due to the lack of large free space.

After a short mating, the male flies away from the female and returns with the rest. The female goes in search of the blood needed to continue offspring. nine0003

Reproductive activity directly depends on the degree of blood saturation of the female: with sufficient nutrition, she lays eggs every 2-3 days, after which she returns to the swarm of males


Females each time make large clutches containing from 30 to 150 mosquito eggs . The most prolific malarial species, producing about 280 pcs. The exact number is directly proportional to the amount of blood that the female drinks, which explains the aggression of insects towards humans.

The female usually spawns directly on the surface of the water. To do this, choose fresh, calm, stagnant reservoirs with a minimum flow rate. Ponds and calm backwaters of reed-covered lakes are ideal. More rarely, the mosquito lies on well-moistened soil along the banks or near temporary reservoirs, which dry up in the summer and fill up in the spring after the snow melts. Sometimes the female chooses floating objects and plants (this is more typical for the genus of real mosquitoes, to which the famous voyeur mosquito belongs). nine0003


Under favorable conditions, after a few days, the larvae enter the water from the lower end of the eggs. They look like little worms covered in hair. The color of the body of mosquito larvae depends on the species. For example, in a peep they are dirty gray, and in a tick they are green or red. The latter are used in fisheries and aquariums, where they are known as bloodworms.

The larva, and the pupa that subsequently emerges from it, absolutely need a sufficient amount of air. The larvae of some species live at the bottom of water bodies, buried in silt or silt, but every 15 minutes they must float to the surface to receive oxygen. Others can swim for a long time, curving with their whole body, on the surface upwards with the “tail of the body”, because it is there that the respiratory organs of the worm are located - special tubes through which it breathes. nine0003

During the entire period of its development, which lasts an average of 20 days, the larva waits for 4 molts, after which it turns into a pupa. During them, he sheds his former exoskeleton, allowing it to grow larger and larger. For example, immediately after hatching, the length of the larva does not exceed 1 mm, and after the last molt it can reach 1 cm. At the same time, the body volume of the larva increases even more - almost 500 times.


Mosquito pupa is the penultimate stage of insect development, it has a more complex arrangement of internal organ systems. She also lives in the water and periodically floats to the surface, preparing to become a flying individual. Standby time is about 5 days. Gradually it becomes dark. nine0003

The answer to the question whether the mosquito has a chrysalis is positive, since it is an insect with a complete transformation cycle.

The behavior and nutrition of the larva and pupa are almost identical, but the latter has an interesting feature: due to their shape and well-developed tail, they can move quickly in the water column with jerky movements.


Imago is an adult insect that lives on land and participates in reproduction. Males live only 3 weeks, and females - 3 months, if the air temperature is maintained at about 10-15 ° C. In adverse conditions, life expectancy is reduced. nine0003

Larva to adult

It takes an average of a week for a mosquito to hatch from an egg. The female lays eggs on the surface of water bodies, not distinguishing between standing and slowly flowing, or on the ground near the water, she can also stick them to objects that come into contact with water: grass, branches, etc. At the larval stage, the body of future midges consists of three parts: head, chest, abdomen.

Mosquito larvae

The larva does not exceed two millimeters in length. Finding the "cubs" is not difficult: they hang upside down, but, frightened, unhook from their homes and dive into the water. There the larva spends little time, since it cannot stay without air for a long time. nine0003

The larva molts four times, pupating after the last molt. Outwardly, the chrysalis looks like a comma, while it moves and swims well. At the beginning of this phase, the future mosquito has a brown color, at the end - black. From the entire masonry, males are born forward and, sitting near the former place, they wait until the pupae hatch from the female. From the first minutes of the adult stage, mosquitoes are ready to mate.

Larvae and pupae need atmospheric air for breathing, they receive oxygen through open breathing tubes from the reservoir to the outside. For their nutrition, they require microorganisms that also live in water. Only the imago leads a terrestrial way of life; in other phases, development occurs in water. nine0003

Like a mosquito bites and drinks blood

To bite a prey, a mosquito needs to find it. With the help of the sense of smell, the mosquito will do this without difficulty. Mosquito antennas have up to 100 types of receptors. A third of them recognize substances characteristic of a person or animal.

Bloodthirsters easily distinguish the movements of the victim. Hearing a buzz, a person understands that a mosquito is approaching. Mosquitoes are most active at night.

The mosquito can inflict many bites on both humans and animals. The mosquito tries to drink all the norm of blood at once. It then digests the blood and continues to lay eggs as long as there are enough nutrients in the body. Basically, protein is necessary for females to reproduce offspring. Bloodsuckers calculate the victim by the thermal environment that comes from the body of a person or animal. In nature, insects drink the lymph of animals and, in rare cases, the blood of birds. nine0003

Scientists have found that mosquitoes weighing 4 grams can drink the same amount of blood, that is, identical to their weight.

Why do mosquitoes bite - video

Why do mosquitoes bite some people more than others?

Everyone has experienced a mosquito bite and is aware of all the negative consequences. Often some people get bitten more than others. This may refer to randomness, but certain factors are inherent in this pattern.

Consider the main factors that attract mosquitoes:

  • Physical activity. In the human body, with high activity, sweat begins to be released, which in turn increases the content of lactic acid, which is attractive to bloodsuckers.
  • Blood type. Mosquitoes prefer to bite people from the first group.
  • Smell of alcohol. Alcohol in the blood attracts insects to a person, while intoxicated, the chances of being bitten increase.
  • The fact of pregnancy. Due to the high content of carbon dioxide in the blood, the blood of a pregnant woman becomes very attractive. nine0037
  • Shade of clothing. Dark colors attract mosquitoes more than light colors.

What happens to your body when a mosquito bites you

What diseases it carries

Some types of mosquitoes are dangerous to humans. It is not the bite itself that is terrible, but infectious diseases that are transmitted through the blood. The most dangerous are mosquitoes that live in areas such as Africa, America, Asia.

Malaria is considered an extremely dangerous disease, it can be transmitted by the so-called malarial mosquito. nine0003

Mosquitoes can infect humans with the following types of infections:

  • Malaria.
  • Tularemia.
  • Eastern equine encephalitis.
  • West Nile virus, a type of fever.
  • Filariasis.

Importance of mosquitoes

The mosquito is an essential part of the food chain. Their complete disappearance could affect the entire world.

Mosquito eggs and larvae are food for many amphibians. Its larva filters the water. About a liter of water passes in an hour. An adult person cleans water bodies by eating decomposition products. nine0003

The value of a mosquito remains even after its death. After death, mosquitoes enrich the soil with essential trace elements.

Males are involved in pollination, thereby contributing to the development of plants. For carnivorous plants, the mosquito is a favorite delicacy. The disappearance of mosquitoes could lead to the extinction of some fish species and irreversible changes in the world's lakes and rivers.

Despite the negative impact on humans, mosquitoes form an important food chain in nature. The composition of the biocenosis includes representatives of insects, birds, fish and amphibians. With the complete destruction of any participant, irreversible changes in natural conditions may occur. nine0003

What if mosquitoes disappeared - video

Mosquitoes play an important role in maintaining populations of cold-blooded animals such as toads, frogs and bats.

The absence of mosquitoes can contribute to changing the habitat of deer. They do not like mosquitoes and live where there are none. The disappearance of bloodsuckers can lead to the development of new territories.

Natural enemies

Mosquitoes have many enemies around who want to eat them. This is a delight for dragonfly larvae. In addition to it, they are usually swallowed by other inhabitants of rivers and seas. nine0003

Plants also include predators that catch mosquitoes and use them as a food source. With the help of the adhesive composition, midges are caught by oily flycatcher, sundew and pemphigus plants.

Birds: swift, swallow, oriole, wren, chaffinch, starling and great tit. Reptiles: frog, newt, toad, chameleon, lizard and turtle.

The common bat and mouse, as well as the hedgehog, like to eat mosquitoes.

Where mosquitoes hibernate

The mosquito adapts very well to changes in its environment. Thus, the tropical mosquito is active throughout the year, while other species hibernate during the winter. During this period, all vital processes are reduced. nine0003

The Arctic mosquito leads an active life only a couple of days a year, it spends this time on intensive reproduction.

Individuals prefer wintering in warm places, in a humid environment. These places include:

  • Warehouses and cellars.
  • Sheds.
  • Roof and attic.
  • Wooden grooves.
  • Deep cracks in walls;
  • Window frame.
  • Ceiling voids.
  • Furniture holes.
  • Ventilation hatches. nine0037
  • Bath

In the forest mosquito hides in wooden hollows, in burrows, in moist soil, in rocks. These shelters give the mosquitoes warmth and protection from the cold.

Protection against mosquitoes

A person, in order to protect himself from bloodsuckers, must carefully protect his skin, avoiding dark tones when choosing clothes. Long-sleeved shirts and a cap or hat are required. Instead of shorts, wear trousers and choose as high socks as possible.

While in the forest, you should treat clothes and shoes with mosquito spray. The skin of the face and hands must be covered with a special repellent. nine0003

Mosquito control measures:

  • Avoid exposing your legs and arms to minimize exposed areas of the body.
  • Wear light and heavy clothing at night.
  • Monitor the duration of the protective spray, reapply every 4-5 hours.
  • Eliminate additional habitats for mosquitoes.
  • Keep children out of mosquito-infested marshes and waters.
  • When visiting Africa and Asia, take care of vaccination in advance, which will protect against dangerous mosquito-borne diseases. nine0037

What to do to protect yourself from mosquitoes in private homes:

  • Close water containers. Change the water in jugs and buckets every day.
  • The accumulation of rainwater creates ideal conditions for insect breeding.
  • Avoid puddles in areas that do not dry out.
  • Remove weeds and weed bushes regularly.
  • Supervise the storage and disposal of waste.

In urban areas, the main measures will be:

  • Disinsection treatment of basements, especially flooded ones, with the help of special services and organizations.
  • Timely cleaning of waste bins.
  • Monitoring the condition of areas near swamps, ponds and lakes.

Interesting facts

  • Today, there are about 4000 varieties of mosquitoes.
  • Its habitat is all over the world.
  • The body of the mosquito reaches 10-13 millimeters in length.
  • The male lives for 14 days and the female for 2 to 3 months. nine0037
  • Do not fly in windy conditions.
  • Some people can eat fish and reptile plasma.
  • Only the female needs blood to incubate her eggs, the male mosquito prefers nectar and water.
  • Mosquitoes often bite a person who has eaten a banana.
  • The sound of a mosquito is nothing but the sound of frequent flapping.
  • The male, having met the female, starts synchronously flapping its wings.
  • Females choose females more often than males as prey.
  • When it comes to smell, mosquitoes are attracted to sweaty people. nine0037
  • Mosquitoes are more likely to bite sweaty people.
  • Mosquito transformation time from larva to adult is 86 hours.
  • An interesting fact is that mosquitoes have infrared vision, which gives them excellent orientation in the dark.
  • Mosquitoes do not fly far from their birthplace, they live in the nearest radius.
  • Entangled in the web, they remain invisible to the spider due to their light weight.
  • Mosquito eggs can remain in the ground for up to 3 years, waiting for favorable conditions for hatching. nine0037
  • Full moon increases mosquito activity several times.
  • Males prefer older females.
  • When a human bites, its enzyme enters the bloodstream, providing an analgesic effect. This is what causes redness and itching.
  • Mosquitoes are carriers of hepatitis, malaria, encephalitis and dengue fever.
  • A hungry mosquito can fly long distances in search of food.
  • They have a pair of wings.
  • A mosquito can walk on water. nine0037
  • At one time, the female gives offspring an average of 100 eggs.
  • Every year, mosquitoes transmit various diseases to almost 500 million people.

Mosquito swarming

Swarming is characteristic of insects of both sexes. They need it for mating. Males with highly sensitive antennae are waiting for females in the flock. They choose them for the screeching sound their wings make.

Blood-sucking insects choose partners having approximately the same frequency of sound vibrations. Retention of a partner is carried out with the help of special appendages that males have and are absent from females. nine0003

After mating, the female goes in search of a secluded place to lay her eggs. Throughout the entire life cycle, the female mates up to 3-4 times, the male - 1 time, after which, in most cases, it dies.

Mosquitoes are one of the most common and annoying blood-sucking insects. The greatest harm to humans is caused by mosquitoes that feed on the blood of humans and mammals. This causes severe irritation, itching, allergic reactions, and various infectious diseases transmitted by mosquitoes. nine0003

Bite process

During the bite, the female pierces the skin of a human or mammal with a sharp proboscis, after which she injects saliva into the wound, which anesthetizes it. That is why a person does not feel pain during a bite.

By piercing the skin, the insect releases a portion of carbon dioxide and yeast into the blood of its victim, which prevent blood clotting, but leave an itchy red spot. At this time, a special section opens up in your digestive system, designed to digest protein foods. nine0003

For males to maintain a full life, plant food is enough: nectar, pollen. Mosquitoes can also switch to an all-vegetarian diet if they don't have access to blood. But in this case, they lay no more than 50-100 eggs, most of which are not viable.

The female needs blood only after mating.

Benefits and harms

The male mosquito lives half as long as the female. On average, it's two to three weeks. Females can live up to three months or more. This is largely influenced by environmental conditions. As the temperature decreases, the period increases. Mosquitoes are of great importance in maintaining the natural balance of the ecosystem. They themselves and their larvae serve as food and are included in the food chains of larger species. Another function is that they can transmit infections and this regulates the number of animals susceptible to infection. nine0003

Mosquitoes can harm humans. And it's not just about skin irritation after their bites. Some types of mosquitoes can carry dangerous infectious agents: tularemia and arboviruses. Representatives of the genus Anopheles can be carriers of malarial plasmodia. They are contained in saliva and enter the human blood when bitten. As a result, malaria can develop. In our region, this disease is rare and there is no point in worrying about it.


If the male mosquito is not dangerous to humans, then the females can seriously annoy. It is believed that theoretically a healthy person is able to withstand up to 500 bites of these insects. From a larger number, death can occur due to pain shock and intoxication. However, in some people, even a few bites can cause a severe allergic reaction.

To be safe, you should know that mosquitoes do not tolerate heat well and prefer to hunt in the shade or at dusk. They do not like windy weather and open areas of space, as they are easily blown away by a draft. It is better to protect your home with window bars. Clothing that is not tight to the body greatly reduces the number of bites. Mosquitoes do not like the smell of anise, eucalyptus, grass, elderberry, lavender, mint. nine0003

Profuse sweating makes a person more "attractive" and noticeable. Ultrasonic repellents that emit “unpleasant” wave vibrations for insects, as well as fumigators that release chemicals, can help. Some drive away uninvited guests, others kill. Topical application of repellents to the skin is also relevant.

To some extent, salicylic or boric alcohol, soda solution, vinegar, tea tree oil and calendula tinctures help relieve itching and swelling after bites. With a predisposition to allergic reactions, it is better to have special antihistamines with you. nine0003
