How to cook figs for baby food
3 Fig/Anjeer Recipes for Babies [Fig water| Fresh Fig Puree |Dried Fig Puree]
| | by Dr Hemapriya
Here is a collection of simple recipes made with one fruit, which is traditionally used to treat constipation. Yes! it’s fig. Constipation is most common in babies and most of the babies face it when they are introduced to solids. These simple recipes, 3 Fig/Anjeer Recipes for Babies [Fig water| Fresh Fig Puree |Dried Fig Puree] are the easy and yummy way to add this amazing fruit in your little one’s diet.
3 Fig/Anjeer recipes for Babies [Fig water| Fresh Fig Puree |Dried fig Puree]
Fig water
Fresh fig puree:
Dried Fig Puree:
3 Fig/Anjeer Recipes for Babies [Fig Water| Fresh Fig Puree |Dried fig Puree]
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Figs are loaded with nutrients which support the baby’s overall growth and development. They are rich in antioxidants, calcium, iron, potassium, fiber, vitamin B5, B6 and much more. They are good to be introduced after 6 months completion. Figs has several health benefits. They are less allergic and helps to maintain the gut health. It also helps to prevent anemia, treats constipation, strengthens bone and also helps to build the immune system.
Fig water
- Age Recommendation: 6 Months +
- Dried Fig
1. Soak fig in water overnight.
2. Drain the water.
3. Fig water eases constipation in babies.
Fresh fig puree:
- Age Recommendation: 6 Months +
- Fresh fig fruit
1. Cut the fig into halves.
2. Scoop the flesh using spoon.
3. Mash well.
NOTE: Add water, BM/FM to adjust the consistency.
Dried Fig Puree:
- Age Recommendation: 7 Months+
- Dried Fig
1. Soak fig in water for 3-4 hours.
2. Add the soaked figs to mixer jar.
3. Grind to smooth puree.
4. Serve.
Figs are available in dried and fresh forms. Hence, we have used both the forms in recipes. You can opt for the recipes with the available form of figs 😊. These purees can also be added as a natural sweetener in other recipes. The sweet taste with the soft, chewy and a little crunchy texture would make the baby love and gobble up the entire treat.
- Dried Fig
- Fresh fig fruit
- Dried Fig
Fig water
Age Recommendation: 6 Months +
Dried Fig
Soak fig in water overnight.
Drain the water.
Fig water eases constipation in babies.
Fresh fig puree:
Age Recommendation: 6 Months +
Fresh fig fruit
Cut the fig into halves.
Scoop the flesh using spoon.
Mash well.
NOTE: Add water, BM/FM to adjust the consistency.
Dried Fig Puree:
Age Recommendation: 7 Months+
Dried Fig
Soak fig in water for 3-4 hours.
Add the soaked figs to mixer jar.
Grind to smooth puree.
Buy Healthy Nutritious Baby, Toddler food made by our own Doctor Mom !
Shop now!Superfood Fruit baby puree : fig & pluot
Fruit baby purees using seasonal fruit are always the best: naturally sweet and so flavorful!!
Today I’ve chosen two fruits that are at the top of their season (and so, even sweeter than usual!): figs and pluots. If you do not know pluots, they look like plums but they are an hybrid of plums and apricots, more plums than apricots considering the look. Insanely good! Both figs and pluots come in season at the end of the summer and – unfortunately – you can find them locally only for few weeks. I really like them not only for their taste, but because they kind of sign the end of the summer. For me they are like the first yellow/red leaves that you see on the trees: fall is coming!!!
In addition to my personal reasons why to like figs and pluots, they are a wonderful fruit for babies starting from 6 months.
If you are looking for a delicate natural laxative for your baby or if you just want to prevent constipation in a natural way, you should try this simple recipe.
Figs are rich in fiber (that means that they help digestion) and a wonderful source of calcium. They have the highest overall mineral content of traditional fruits. Highly nutritious, they also help developing the baby’s immune system. In addition to the surprising nutritional benefits, figs have a very soft texture with teeny tiny seeds (edible ones), as tiny as the strawberry ones. Definitely a must for babies.
Plots are no less nutritious 🙂 Loaded with Vitamin C and A, they can be considered “superfoods” thanks to their high level of antioxidants.
Considering the short season of pluots and figs, you can prepare a nice batch of this baby puree and simply freeze it for up to three months. It will be a pleasure for your little one (and you!!) to enjoy a spoon of summer at Christmas time!!!
For the recipe I both peeled and steamed the fruit as I considered the recipe a very first food for babies around 6 months and I wanted the puree’ super easy to digest. The peel is the most difficult part to digest and the 2 minutes of steaming will make the fruit even easier to digest by a little baby. If you are preparing the puree for an older baby (10/12 months) or a toddler you can easily keep the peel (for both the figs and the pluots) and skip the steaming part.
- 2 Pluots
- 2 figs
Peel the fruit and chop it in small pieces
Steam for 2 minutes. nothing more.
Place the fruit in a tall container and puree with an immersion blender (you can also use a food processor)
Enjoy warm or cold!
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About Barbara Lamperti
In Italian BuonaPappa means “enjoy your baby food”. I thought that if I had issues cooking for my baby for the first time, well, maybe I was not the only mom in this situation. Why not start sharing what I learned with other moms and dads all around the world? That's how was born, THANK YOU for following! I feel honored and humbled daily that you would stop by and view my recipes. Grazie mille!
whether it is possible to give normal or dried?
Child's birthday » Baby food » When and in what quantities can figs be given to children?
- 1 Composition of figs
- 2 The benefits of figs for the child
- 3 The damage to the building for the child
- 4 When and in what quantities of the child you can feed with fruit
- 5 figs and milk - the best remedy against cough
- 6 Recipes for sweets based on figs
- 6.1 Hercules pie
- 6.2 Fig roll
- 7 Results
- 8 Video: Fig tart - Grandmother Emma's recipe
The composition of the fig tree is

Fresh fruit contains up to 25% sugars, 1.3% proteins, 0.4% organic acids, 3.25% glucose, 2.45% levulose and almost 4% sucrose, as well as pantothenic, glyceric and polyic acids.
Rich mineral composition helps to recover faster and easier to endure poisoning. Dried figs treat sore throats and coughs, improve the functioning of the heart and digestive organs.
Thus, regular consumption of fig helps to saturate the body with vitamins and microelements. nine0003
Benefits of figs for children
Mothers don't know if figs can be given to children. Nutritionists and doctors say that a young organism tolerates dried and fresh fruit equally well, provided that the baby does not have an individual intolerance to the components of an exotic fruit.
How is the fruit useful for a child?
- Replaces vitamin complexes. Dried fruit contains a record amount of vitamins and minerals;
- Delicious drug replacement. Figs have long been used in folk medicine to treat babies for colds; nine0010
- Universal tonic. Dried figs are used to make a tonic that improves digestion in children;
- Tasty and healthy substitute for sweets;
- Laxative for children from 1 year of age. Fresh fruit porridge has a strong laxative effect and helps the baby cope with intestinal dysfunction;
- Improves immunity;
- Reduces cholesterol levels due to the presence of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids;
- Strengthens the nervous system and increases the elasticity of blood vessels; nine0010
- Normalizes the functioning of the kidneys and liver;
Harm of figs for a child
Before introducing figs into a child's diet, you need to consult a doctor Fresh and dried figs are not dangerous for the human body. However, its fruits are not recommended for use in gout and gastrointestinal diseases. Can dried fruit be given to overweight children? Nutritionists advise not to do this, because the young body metabolizes sugar 2 times faster, which leads to rapid weight gain. nine0003
When and how much fruit can be fed to a child? By this time, the baby's body is so strong that it can digest dried fruit. Acquaintance of the baby with this fruit must be carefully monitored. It is advisable to stop feeding immediately if the baby develops indigestion, vomiting or dizziness.
How much dried fruit can be given to children? At the age of 1-1.5 years, 1 dried fruit per day is enough for a child. Despite its harmlessness and usefulness, the fruit in large quantities can cause indigestion or diarrhea. It is recommended to increase the daily dose gradually. Feeding is recommended to start with half. The dose can be increased by 50% after 1 week of eating the fruit. nine0003
A child up to 4-5 years old is given figs in the amount of no more than 3 fruits per day. Every 3 days it is recommended to pause for one day.
The systematic use of fruit leads to addiction and a weakening of its therapeutic and restorative effect.
Figs and milk are the best cough medicine
You can make a drink to fight a cold. For cooking, you will need 50 g of dried fruit, a glass of milk, a tablespoon of honey and 30 g of butter. The ingredients are mixed and added to warm milk. The medicine is given to the baby in small amounts at bedtime - 50 ml for children aged 1 to 2 years and 100 ml - from 2.5 years. nine0003 Ingredients for cooking figs with milk
Fresh fruit is also suitable for fighting colds. To prepare a medicinal drink you will need:
- 200 ml of milk;
- 1 large fruit.
Cooking will not take long. Put the milk to boil and take care of the southern plant - peel it, rinse it well and pass it through a meat grinder. Put the purified product into boiling milk and turn off the fire. Let the milk cool down. The remedy is drunk 3-4 times a day half an hour after eating. Children should not be given more than 200 ml of syrup at a time. nine0003
The quality of the prepared medicine depends on the fat content of milk. Fatty milk softens the throat better and removes phlegm from the lungs faster.
Recipes for sweets based on figs
What to do when a child needs to eat figs, but he refuses? In this case, delicious dishes are prepared based on this fruit:
Hercules pie
Hercules pie with apples and figsTo prepare you will need:
- 100 g of dried fruit; nine0010
- 500 g regular apples;
- 3 tbsp. l. Sahara;
- 150 g each of butter and honey;
- 250 g of Hercules porridge;
- 1 g cinnamon;
- 2 tbsp. l. walnuts.
The cooking sequence is as follows:
- Apples are peeled, seeds are peeled and cut into small cubes. Sliced apples are placed in a heated saucepan and covered with 1 tbsp.
l. Sahara. Cook 10 minutes;
- After 10 minutes, chopped dried figs are added. Boil 10 minutes; nine0010
- Butter, sugar, honey and Hercules are melted in a separate bowl;
- The composition of the two containers must be mixed well and poured into baking molds;
- The cake is baked for 25 minutes at 190 degrees. The finished dish is sprinkled with walnuts.
Hercules pie is a very nutritious and tasty pastry rich in vitamins and minerals. Hercules pie can be given to children from 2 years.
Fig roll
Roll with nuts and figsIngredients:
- 120 g dried figs;
- 100 g crackers and walnuts each;
- 80 g honey;
- 20 g candied oranges;
- 5 chocolate bars;
- Vanilla sugar.
Nuts, candied fruits, crackers, figs are passed through a meat grinder and mixed with egg yolk and honey. Rusks are used as a thickener. The formed mass is sent to the refrigerator for a day.
Fig roll is a simple dish that does not lose its beneficial properties during heat treatment. The roll is perfect for feeding children from the age of 1.5 years.
The fig is considered one of the healing fruitsThe fig contains many vitamins and minerals. Fig is quickly absorbed and does not burden the digestive organs, so it can be given to children as early as 9 months of age. Medicines are also made from it not only to fight colds, but also to treat gastrointestinal dysfunction and kidney problems. nine0171
Video: Fig Tart - Grandma Emma's Recipe
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is it possible, what is useful, from what age to give?
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Figs, or figs, are eaten mainly in dried form. This is one of the most popular dried fruits, which benefits the health of not only adults, but also babies. It has natural laxative and antimicrobial properties, promotes digestion, strengthens the immune system, protects liver cells and spleen. But when can you give figs to children? Today we will answer this question. nine0003
Photo: Author: belchonock.
- Benefits for children
- When and how to give?
- Damage in childhood
- Tips for choosing and storage
- Children's recipes
- Puree from fresh figs
- puree from dried figs
- compote
- Baked figs
are necessary for children, benefits for children.

- A source of vitamins and minerals (iron, copper, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, etc.) important for the formation of body structures and the development of the child's brain.
- Supports the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is especially useful for children with a weak digestive system who need very soft, tender food.
- Laxative properties of mature figs are due to fiber, which absorbs water well, participates in the formation of feces, improves intestinal motility and prevents constipation. nine0010
- Antibacterial and antipyretic effects are significant in young children who are most susceptible to microbial infections.
- The hepaprotective properties of figs are aimed at the prevention and treatment of such common ailments among babies as jaundice and hepatitis.
- Natural polyphenols in the composition of the product strengthen the baby's immunity, improve overall health and form a natural defense against pathogens in the body.
- Due to its high iron content, the fig is a good prophylactic against anemia. nine0010
- Fresh figs are good for teeth and gums as they fight bacteria in the mouth. While the viscous, sticky texture of dried fruits, on the contrary, can bring a visit to the dentist closer.
The nutritional value of 100 g of dried figs is shown in the table.
Food substances | |||
water | 69.8 g | ||
1.42 g | 90,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,ANTA0265 | 294 mg | |
Sodium | 4 mg | ||
Zinc | 0.24 mg Ideally, the child should be given fresh and ripe figs. But if you do not live in the Krasnodar Territory, where the locals harvest three crops a year, it remains to be content with dried fruits. The main disadvantage of dried figs is a hard, dense structure that makes chewing difficult. The problem is solved by steaming or boiling. Do not rush to pour out the liquid remaining after this, because it contains valuable substances and can be given to the baby instead of compote. nine0003 If there are no contraindications, drinks from dried figs and puree from fresh are introduced into the children's diet in small quantities from 9-12 months. As for dried fruits and raw fruits, they begin to feed the crumbs from 1.5-2 years in half, gradually bringing the amount to 1-2 pieces per day. A child of 4-5 years old can already eat 3-4 fruits per day. But daily giving figs to your fidget is still not worth it. Be sure to take breaks for a few days or a week. When your baby first meets figs, be sure to test for sensitivity. Over the next 4 days, carefully monitor the baby's condition for signs of allergies, colic, or problems with stool. During this period, it is important not to offer other novelties of the diet. When can you give your child watermelon? Harm in childhoodFigs, both fresh and dried, are generally safe for children's health, but may still be harmful if:
Possible side effects: allergic rashes, runny nose, indigestion, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, dizziness. If one or more of these symptoms occur, feeding figs should be stopped immediately and medical attention should be sought. nine0003 Ripe fruits exude a small amount of milky sap (latex) which causes an allergic reaction in some people when it comes into contact with the skin. For this reason, it is recommended to wash figs thoroughly before using them in baby food. Advice on selection and storage
Fresh figs spoil quickly and can be stored in the air for up to 3 days and up to one week in the refrigerator. When dried, the product is stored much longer - in a cool dry place or in the same refrigerator. nine0003 Children's prescriptions
Photo: Author: Saschanti17. Fresh fig puree Take 2 medium sized fresh ripe figs, wash thoroughly, remove the thin covering skin and grind in a blender. This puree can be given to the baby not only as a separate meal, but also as an addition to your favorite porridge or yogurt. Dried fig puree
Place excess puree in an ice tray and freeze for up to 3 months. CompoteCompote is usually made from dried fruits. There are two options:
Roasted figs The recipe is interesting because fruits become even sweeter during baking. |