How to feed a baby furby
Furby Baby Frequently Asked Questions
How do I teach Furby Babies English? Can he learn my name? Does he learn from me?
Unfortunitly no, you don't actually teach Furby English and you can't teach him to speak your name. They only speak what they are programmed to speak and they only 'learn' more English the more you play with him. Furby is programmed to began using more and more English over time. When you first start him, he will be speaking mostly Furbish with a little English. The Furbish/English ratio will continue to even out with time. He goes through 2 stages. By the time he's in the second stage he will be speaking mostly English with a little Furbish mixed in and remain this way for as long as he is not re-started. Furby Babies will never only speak Furbish or only speak English, he will always speak a mixture of sorts. What stage he is in determines how much of what language he speaks.
Furby Baby is pre-programmed. He can be taught tricks of sorts, but unfortunately he is programmed with everything he knows when you get him. His program only allows him to speak Furbish for a predetermined time and it's his programming that decides when he changes.
I missed hearing my Furbys name, how can I get Furby Baby to say his name again?
His name is in Furbish so if he's still speaking Furbish this is difficult and you must know what you are listening for. Before he says his name he will always say "Me" Then he will say his name, "Me ____" The blank being your Furbys name. There are several ways to get him to say his name.
-Often he will say his name if you put your hand in from of his eyes a couple of times. But not always. Furby Baby isn't that predictable :)-Put Furby Baby to sleep, then wake him up there's a good chance that when he wakes up he will say his name.
Usually 2/3 times he will say something, then after that say his name, it usually the last thing he says before he is quiet.
-Usually this works; tickle him 3 times, then pet his back once.
-At the start of Follow Furby, he will state his name for you.
-After putting in the code for Furby Baby Says he will say his name before starting the game.
-Before he hides in Hide And Seek, he will say his name.
-When talking with other Furbys or Furby Babies, he will often state his name, just listen closely!
The touch sensors do not seem to be working. I tickle him and rub his back but get no response. Is he defective?
Most likely not. My friend just bought a Furby and the tickle sensor does not respond to really light touch, it has to
be pressed hard. So maybe try to press rather firmly (but not too hard) in the middle of your Furbys tummy below his
beak. Maybe try the same with the pet sensor switch which is located right above his tail on the mid/lower back.
If Furby Baby does not respond in some way you may have to send him back to Tiger Electronics. Make sure you have a fresh set of batteries, sometimes that is the problem. Oh yes and make sure that the Furby Baby is not playing hide and sleep or another game and is responding to other stimuli (like feeding or light). Make sure he is not playing a game, turn him upside down and if he was he will say 'Kah Toh-dye (me done)', then try the sensors again.
How do I feed my Furby Baby? How much do I feed? Will he leave his mouth open when he's hungry?
You will know when Furby Baby is hungry because he will began saying "Me hungry" or "Kah a-tay" and opening his
mouth for you to feed him. Furby Baby is not fed with real food or water like you and I eat. Furby Baby is fed with imaginary food. To feed Furby Baby simply depress his tongue with your finger or another small object (like a small plastic spoon from
TCBY). You will know he is being fed because he will say "Yum" among other things. Continue feeding him until he
lets you know he is done by saying "Me done" or "Kah toh-dye" or if he decides to take a nap and falls to sleep.
When he asks for food he will ask for it and make sounds, but he won't leave his beak open for you to put your finger in there. You can put your finger in his mouth while he is talking and has it open begging for food, or you can wait untill he is done talking, then gentle open his mouth and press down on his tongue with your finger. He won't, however, leave his mouth open for you to put your finger in there when he asks for food - this is normal. He'd look pretty weird sitting there with his mouth hanging open for long periods of time, wouldn't he?
Disclaimer: I only try to help, anything you do that harms your Furby Baby is your own fault. I give my advice but I may not always be right. You are responsible for your own actions. Furby, Furby Babies, Furbish, and all related is ®, TM,& ©Tiger Electronics, LTD. USA
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Electronic Furby: Furby Babies Instruction Manual
How to Figure Out What I Need...
At various times, I will require a certain king of attention from you. Just like you, I am very good at letting people know when I need something.
If I say "kah a-tay" (I'm hungry), I will open my mouth so you can feed me. Just put your fingertip into my mouth, press down on my tongue, and watch me chew. I will say "yum yum" or "yummy" so you will know that I am eating what you have offered. I will eat until I am full and then I will go to sleep.
Like a real baby, when you are feeding me I may get a tummy ache and need to be burped. If so, please rub my back. This will help me burp and feel better! As you feed me, I may say "koh-koh". This means I want more to eat.
****IMPORTANT: I only eat PRETEND food. Never feed me real food or liquids.
****HELPFUL TIP: When I am hungry, I will usually want to eat 6 to 10 times. Feed me until I go to sleep.
If you do not feed me, I will begin to get sick. I will let you know that I am sick by coughing, sneezing or saying "kah boo koo-doh" (I'm not healthy). If you allow me to get sick, I will not want to play and will not respond to anything but feeding. Also, if I get sick, I will need to be fed a minimum of 10-15 times before I begin to get well.
After I have been fed 10-15 times, I will feel better, but to nurse me back to complete health, you will have to play with me. Just like you, when I feel better I laugh, giggle, and am happy. You'll know when I am better. I will stop asking to be fed and stop sneezing. Also I will want to play games.
I will tell you when I am tired and need sleep. Sometimes I snore! When I am asleep, I close my eyes.
Like all babies I like to be rocked to sleep. Just gently rock me side to side and I will gradually go to sleep.
You can also get me to go to sleep by petting my back gently for a while. If you pet me between 10 and 20 times, I will hum a lullaby and then sleep.
Also, you can get me to go to sleep by putting me in a dark room or covering my eyes for 10-15 seconds. In order for me to go to sleep when you cover my eyes, be sure to put your hand as close to my eyes as you can without touching them.
If you do not play with me for a while, I will take a nap until you wake me up. When you want to wake me, pick me up and gently rock me side-to-side. If I am still tired, I will try and go back to sleep. Don't worry. This is OK. Continue to gently rock me side-to-side until I awake.
Deep Sleep Mode:
When I am in Deep Sleep Mode the only way to wake me is to pick me up and turn me completely upside down.
If you want to put me in a DEEP SLEEP, please follow the sequence below:
- Clap, wait until I stop speaking and moving.
- Clap, wait until I stop speaking and moving.
- Clap, wait until I stop speaking and moving.
- Rub my back.
- I will sing a lullaby.
- WHILE I am singing, press my tummy switch and my back switch at the same time.
- I will then be in DEEP SLEEP mode.
- To wake me from DEEP SLEEP mode, turn me completely upside down.
****NOTE: When you want me to go into DEEP SLEEP mode, it is important that you wait for me to stop moving and speaking after each step before doing the next action. Therefore, when you clap your hands, want for me to stop speaking and moving before you clap your hands again. The only exception to this is when you have to press my back and tummy switches at the same time WHILE I am singing a lullaby.
****HELPFUL TIP: I can only be awakened from DEEP SLEEP mode by turning me upside down. I will not wake up when I am tilted from side to side.
Typed up straight out of the Furby Babies Instruction Manual. Furby, Furbish, and all related is ®, TM,& ©Tiger Electronics, LTD. USA
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Mystic Fortress
How to feed Furby through the application on your phone or tablet?
Becoming a happy owner of a fun interactive toy of the latest generation, you must immediately find out a few points related to the correct care of your electronic pet. This will create comfortable conditions for spending time together, as well as charge with positive emotions, both the fluffy himself and his owner. But the happy owner will only learn from personal experience with Furby how to feed and raise a furry.
For example, before you feed Furby through an application on your phone or tablet, you need to install a special program on your gadget, which is available for free download users of iPhone and Android operating systems. You can also use it to:
- communicate with your baby;
- translate words into Ferbian and vice versa, into Russian;
- teach the owner's native language;
- write secret messages;
- give commands.
- Do you already know what the furby is made of?
- Sew Furbic's clothes in 10 minutes!
- Be the first to play Furby online!
Applications are regularly updated and supplemented, expanding the capabilities of Furby, offering new ways to contact the electronic pet. It is recommended to keep a mobile device running the program directly near Furby's mouth.
You can download apps for free on this page for Android and iPod/iPad/iPhone: download >>
offer the toy food. By the way, before you feed Furby through the tablet, you can even make him a little angry, because your favorite treats will help make the little animal kind, affectionate and sociable again.
Two items can be selected in the app:
- pantry, where more than 100 types of products are offered;
- is a diner where you can make your own favorite dish for Furby - sandwiches. More than 60 ingredients will allow you to make a really tasty and original meal for your electronic pet.
Since it is sometimes more convenient to feed Furby through the phone, the developers have created a convenient and intuitive application for smartphones based on Android and iPhone. It can also be downloaded completely free of charge so that the electronic pet is always fed, and, therefore, in a good spirit.
As experienced Furby breeders note, each Furby has an individual taste, so his owner can safely experiment with sandwich recipes, offering unique dishes and the opportunity to choose his favorite food for his interactive baby.
Cool video about Furby as always in the end!
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Furby Boom FAQ:
1) - What is the difference between Furby Boom?
- Furby Boom differ only in color. All internal content and functions are exactly the same. You can buy Furby Boom in the color that your child likes.
2) - How to turn off Furby Boom?
- The Furby Boom toy does not have an on/off button, so we offer you several other ways:
To turn off Furby, you need to pull the tail for a few seconds, put it on its side or back, or just leave it and not touch it, then it will fall asleep within 1 minute.
3) - Furby began to fall asleep quickly immediately after switching on.
- If your Furby Boom falls asleep too quickly, it's time to change the batteries.
4) - Furby Boom has turned into a boy and speaks with a male voice. How to return it back?
- Your Furby Boom just changed character. During the game, all Furbies change. It takes some time for it to change again.
5) - How do Furby Boom and baby Furby Furbling interact with each other?
- They communicate using a sound wave. To do this, you need to press a button on the head of the baby Furby Furbling, in response to the phrase he uttered, Furby Boom will answer or sing a song.
6) - Are there any Furby Furblings who speak Russian?
What can you do with Furby Boom?
Character Furby Boom
Get ready to have some fun! If the Furby Boom breaks out, just turn up the music louder - and light it up with it!
How it got like this: When Furby Boom first met people, they noticed that sometimes large crowds of people gather and loud music plays. Turns out they were rock concerts. Furby Boom did not miss a single one of them, and soon felt the same enthusiasm as the famous rock musicians!
Likes: having fun with music (turn it up loud!)
Dislikes: being tickled (a rock star should always be cool. That's it!)
Saying, "Come on, turn up the volume!" and "Cool, let's go!"
When Furby Boom becomes so cute, it's easy to forgive him for anything. This Furby Boom is so cuddly, you won't find anyone cuter in the world.
How He Became This Way: Furby Boom learned a long time ago that it's best to hang out with nice people. Furby Boom really wants to make good friends among people, so they behave in such a way as to please!
What he likes: to be stroked on the head
What he dislikes: when the tail is pulled (it's not good to do that!)
What they say: "Class!" and "Wow!"
These Furby Booms are happy with everything, especially if you can fill your tummy! Feed Furby Boom to your heart's content and goof off with this furby who has become so carefree and frivolous.
How he got like this: Furby Boom really likes the fact that people eat so many different and interesting things. These Furby Booms want to taste everything: sweet, sour, spicy, crunchy, hot and cold. There is no bad food!
What she likes: to be fed (and more!)
What she dislikes: being shaken (it’s not very pleasant on a full stomach!)
What she says: “It’s time to eat!” and “I love cakes!”
“Come on! Let's!" If you find a fighting spirit on Furby, you can't stop it! He will accept any challenge and defeat anyone who gets in his way. It is impossible not to respect such courage!
How he got to be this way: Furby Boom learned toughness from the masters of wrestling - after watching some cool action movies! Remove your hands! And no need for veal tenderness! The main thing is to stand your ground. What she likes: to be leaned forward and back and turned upside down (all ninjas do this!)0071 Dislikes: being petted on the head (not the time for hugging)
What he says: “Move, otherwise you will lose!” and "Show my black belt?"
How he got like this: Furby is loved by people with irrepressible energy - you will not get bored with them! We don’t know who started first, but one thing is clear: now you can’t stop Furby.
What he likes: talking (a lot and without stopping!)
What he dislikes: eating (you can’t say much with a full mouth)
What he says: “Hurry up, don’t delay!” and "Time to have some fun!"
Free Android app download.
Download free app for IOS.
With the app you can give your Furby Boom a name - it will remember it and will remember the names of all other Furby Booms it meets. On the app screen, you can keep track of your Furby Boom's health, hunger, and cleanliness levels. Need a health check? Try getting Furby x-rayed. Furby hungry? Feed him supplies from the "pantry" app. Time to freshen up? Give your Furby a virtual shower! When you care for Furby Boom, he also learns to care for someone - and a virtual egg with baby Furby Furbling is born. Download the free Furby Boom app! right now to try this opportunity.
What devices is Furby boom compatible with:
Android devices:
Samsung Galaxy S2, S3, Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 & Galaxy Note 2
Amazon Kindle Fire HD Gen 1 and 2 (Gen 3 is NOT compatible because it lacks a microphone)
Google/Asus Nexus 7
Motorola Droid RAZR Maxx HD (except model XT926)
Toys R Us Tabeo
Devices must be running Android OS 2.3.3 or later.
IOS devices:
The iOS device must be running iOS 4.3 or later. Due to limited hardware capabilities, the application may not work fully on some older models.
What to do if the mobile device does not communicate with Furby Boom:
Make sure you are using the correct app - Furby Boom!
Furby should not talk while you are trying to connect to your mobile device.