How to heat up frozen baby food
Tips for Making, Storing, and Thawing Baby Food At Home – Square Baby
Katie Thomson MS, RD | Cofounder
How long can you freeze homemade baby food?
- You can store baby food in the freezer for up to six months.
- I recommend storing in an airtight container with minimal air or headspace.
- For optimal taste, quality and nutrient retention, consume frozen baby food within 1-3 months.
How should you defrost/heat homemade baby food?
- The best way to thaw baby food is to put tomorrow’s food in the fridge and let it thaw overnight.
- You can also use the microwave on the “defrost setting” if your baby food is in a microwave-safe dish.
- Remember, food that has been thawed should never be frozen again.
- Once thawed, keep refrigerated and consume within 2 days.
What's the best way to prep homemade baby food?
Food safety is of utmost importance. Before getting started:
- Wash your hands thoroughly.
- Scrub all working surfaces & equipment with antibacterial soap and hot water
Food Preparation Tips:
- Fresh fruits and vegetables should be scrubbed, peeled (as appropriate), and removed of any seeds that could pose a choking hazard.
- Meats and Proteins: remove bones, skin, connective tissue, and gristle.
Cooking Tips:
- If boiling, use a small, covered saucepan with a small amount of water until tender. The less water used, the more nutrients retained in the food.
- Puree food using a blender, food processor, baby food grinder, spoon or fork.
- Add a liquid such as breastmilk, infant formula, bone broth, yogurt, or water to achieve a desired consistency.
How should you store homemade baby food?
There are a couple options for freezing baby food:
- ICE CUBE TRAYS: scoop pureed baby food into clean ice cube trays, cover them with plastic, and stack them in the freezer.
Ice cube trays are ideal for creating individual, 1-ounce servings so less food goes to waste. And you can mix & match 1-oz cubes for variety.
- Put frozen cubes in freezer bags. This frees up the trays to make your next batch. As long as the cubes remain thoroughly frozen, they won’t stick together in the bag.
- 2-4 OZ CONTAINERS: There are several options in stores or online. Look for containers with a resealable lid. Microwave, dishwasher, and freezer-safe is most preferred.
Once thawed, how long does homemade baby food last?
- Once thawed, keep refrigerated and consume within 2 days.
- Always throw away any leftovers in which the baby’s spoon has dipped. Bacteria is introduced when you put a licked spoon back into a container.
- If your baby is not going to eat a full container, portion out what you think he or she will eat into a separate container and then serve.
The extra thawed food can be stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator for up to two days from the date it was thawed.
Square Baby's Story & Mission
100% Daily Nutrition. 0% Effort in the Kitchen.
I’m Katie Thomson -- a mom of 2 boys and a Registered Dietitian with a Masters in Nutrition. I’ve spent 15 years in the food industry leading health and wellness initiatives and consulting for brands like Starbucks, Red Robin, and Naturebox.
My badass cofounder, Kendall Glynn, is a mom of 3 and Certified Genetic Counselor with a Masters in Biophysics and Molecular Genetics. She spent her career in perinatal services and family planning. She was part of the leadership team at CPMC in San Francisco, launched San Francisco Perinatal Associates (SFPA), the first private, full-service perinatal center in SF. Since leaving SFPA, she has been actively involved in philanthropy for both Children’s Hospital Oakland and George Mark Children’s House raising millions for these two worthy causes.
We created Square Baby® to solve for every pain point we had when feeding our kiddos. We were disappointed with the options on the market — often unbalanced, misleadingly marketed, and a sea of uninspiring, shelf-stable, muted flavors.
We didn't want the next generation of babies growing up on so. much. applesauce. PSA: did you know many baby food pouches have the same grams of sugar as a bowl of LUCKY CHARMS? Mind. Blown.
Babies deserve better.
Our handmade meals are made with whole, organic foods — gently cooked, pureed in small batches, quickly frozen, and delivered right to your doorstep. Just like homemade, but better!
With my Dietitian hat on, I created the Square Meal System™ — where every Square Meal is perfectly BALANCED with organic veggies, fruits, whole or sprouted grains, and various protein sources. We even add healthy fats, herbs and spices for optimal nutrition and palate development. Balance is in the numbers! Our meals have HALF THE SUGAR as most pouches!
Our foolproof, interchangeable system means that ANY 2-3 Square Meals per day offers 100% Daily Nutrition! Our meal plans are customizable -- vegan? dairy-free? vegetarian? meat-eaters? looking for extra iron or omega-3's?
We got you!
And most importantly, we are the ONLY fresh baby food company offering a comprehensive allergen introduction option for each of the Top 8 Allergens.
That’s right!
As a science-based company, we are following the research and offering options like Peanut Pumpkin Pie, Coconut Shrimp Fried Rice, Almond Butter & Banana, and Salmon Mash. Because the research has shown that introducing babies to allergenic foods early and often can help prevent food allergies from developing by up to 80%!
Follow us on Instagram @squarebabyfood or reach out with any questions to hello@squarebaby. com -- we're so happy to help!
Whether you prefer to make your own baby food, or need a little help -- we're here to support and cheer you on.
xo, Katie & Kendall
This blog post is for information purposes only and shouldn’t be used as personal, health, nutritional, or medical advice. Always consult with your pediatrician before making any decisions about your child's health or readiness for various foods.
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Heating and Thawing Homemade Baby Food Purees
What is the Best Way to Heat or Thaw Homemade Baby Food Cubes?
There are many ways to heat and thaw homemade baby food. On this page we will tell you all about heating and thawing your homemade baby food cubes.
Thawing and Heating of Homemade Baby Food
When thawing or heating baby food cubes, take out as many cubes that you will feed your baby for 1 or 2 days. Remember to thaw only the amount of food that you will use in a period of 1-3 days as you should not refreeze any leftover food.
Transfer the cubes to a storage container and let the cubes thaw in the refrigerator or you may wish to transfer the cubes to a glass bowl and then thaw them in the microwave. We’ll discuss the various methods of heating and thawing homemade baby food below. Whatever method you choose, please do be sure to always test the temperature of the foods you will be feeding your baby!
Heating Homemade Baby Food
Microwave Heating
Many parents love the ease and convenience of the microwave for both heating and thawing homemade baby food. Whether or not you use the microwave to heat or thaw your homemade baby food is a decision only you can make.
To heat the baby food in the microwave, always transfer the amount of food you will be heating to a glass microwave safe container. You should not use plastic to heat foods in the mircowave. Heat the food in 15 second increments and stir after each heating. When the food has reached the temperature you desire, be sure to give one final stir so that no hot pockets are left to burn baby’s mouth.
Stove Top Heating of Homemade Baby Food
When heating baby food on the stove top, choose a smaller saucepan and place the food into the sauce pan. Gently heat the food using a low setting. Using the lower heat setting will ensure that you do not burn the food.
Do NOT store leftover food from a container that your baby has been eating from. Saliva will contaminate the food and storing leftovers may cause food poisoning.
Microwave Thawing of Homemade Baby Food
Always warm baby food cubes in a glass bowl and not in plastic containers as researchindicates glass is safer. If you are using a microwave to thaw or reheat baby food cubes, be sure to stir food to ensure no hot-pockets are left to burn baby.
Many parents do not like to use the microwave for a variety of reasons. It is up to you to decide if heating or thawing your baby food cubes in the microwave is right for you and your baby. If you do not wish to use a microwave to thaw your baby food cubes, you may thaw your baby food cubes in the refrigerator over night (ensure that the cubes remain a closed container and not in an uncovered bowl) as mentioned.
Refrigerator Thawing of Homemade Baby Food Cubes
Thawing baby food cubes in the refrigerator will take longer than using a microwave or the floating/submersion method. You may thaw your baby food cubes in the refrigerator over night (ensure that the cubes remain a closed container and not in an uncovered bowl). This method may take up to 12 hours so do be sure to plan accordingly!
Submersion or Warm Water Thawing of Baby Food Cubes
Thawing baby food cubes using this “submersion method” should take between 10-20 minutes. You may place the cubes in a small bowl and then place the bowl in a larger bowl filled with hot water. You can also do this with a pan of warm water on the stove; add the smaller bowl to a pot of water that you have warmed.
Thawing food on your kitchen counter is never recommended as bacteria or other contaminants may get into the food.
You should not feed your baby from the container and then re-store the container that baby has been fed from. Saliva may contaminate the food and bacteria may evolve. Always take the portions you will serve from the container and transfer to a feeding bowl.
Please keep in mind that reheating and serving baby food cubes is warm is NOT necessary. Baby food cubes may be served at room temperature once they have been thawed and then heated.. Many babies enjoy room temperature foods.
How Long is it Safe to Keep Thawed Baby Food in the Refrigerator
Thawed homemade baby food is just like other food that you have cooked, frozen and then thawed. The homemade baby food that you have thawed may safely be kept in the refrigerator for 72 hours maximum. Ensure that the thawed baby food is kept in a sealed container to avoid contamination.
Remember, always consult with your pediatrician regarding introducing solid foods to your baby and specifically discuss any foods that may pose allergy risks for your baby.
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Defrosting and serving baby food. Your baby from birth to two years old
Defrosting and serving baby food. Your baby from birth to two yearsWikiReading
Your baby from birth to two years old
Sears Marta
Defrosting and serving baby food
Frozen meals should not be thawed at room temperature for long periods of time. When it's time to use frozen baby food, try these tips:
• For slow defrosting, place one serving or a day's supply in the refrigerator and leave for three to four hours.
• For quick defrosting, use an electric defrost or place a frozen cube or open jar in a heat-resistant small container and place in a small saucepan. Fill the pot with water just short of the rim of the food container. Defrost and reheat over medium heat, stirring occasionally to heat evenly.
• Before giving baby food to a baby, be sure to mix it thoroughly and taste to make sure there are no areas too hot for the baby. Touch the product with your upper lip each time you load another spoon. Even the smallest amount of food that is too hot can teach a child not to trust what lies in the spoon approaching him. You can better check the temperature with your finger.
• Because microwave heating can create hot spots in food that can burn your child's mouth, we do not recommend this method. If you choose a microwave, be very careful to stir and always try a little yourself to see if the food is evenly heated before feeding your baby.
• To avoid wasting food, feed your baby with a spoon of the portion you think he can handle. If he wants more, use a clean spoon to place the topping on his plate. You can store the rest of the dish in the refrigerator for two days, but only if saliva does not get into it.
Some babies don't eat "baby food" at all, and all this information on how to make it can be skipped if your baby tolerates a fairly firm texture, refuses solid foods for a long time, can't stand being spoon-fed, or transitions immediately to hand feeding. Some mothers really go into making baby food; others simply cook for the whole family and mash a portion for the child with a fork.
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How do you warm up tinned baby vegetable puree?
There are several ways to heat up baby food:
The first way is to lower the jar of baby food up to the neck into warm (possibly hot) water, preferably open the lid and gently mix the contents of the jar.
the second way, hold the jar (it is desirable that the jar is not opened) under a stream of warm water. Put in a saucepan, open the water warm and put under a stream of water.
You can put the contents on a plate and put them in the microwave oven for a certain time, after heating, you need to stir and try to determine the temperature (maybe the dish is not completely warmed up).
I made the old and proven way, both vegetable and fruit. We heat the water and pour it into a deep bowl or plate, in which a jar would fit. And then you just need to put a jar of mashed potatoes there and wait until it warms up. In the same way, you can cool, for example, a bottle, only in cold water.
Yes, there are indeed several ways to warm bottles.
You can use a microwave oven, heat it up in a steam bath, but the old method is fine for me personally - just put a jar of baby puree in hot water.
Another option is to use special electric bottle warmers.
Their advantage is that they can constantly maintain the desired temperature.
This is especially convenient if you feed your baby at night, you can cook everything in the evening, put a jar of mashed potatoes or water for the mixture in an electric heater and you will constantly maintain the temperature in it, so you can immediately take it out and feed or make the mixture not spending time heating water.
These heaters are small and compact, making them easy to carry around.
You can use a microwave oven, heat it up in a steam bath, but the old method is fine for me personally - just put a jar of baby puree in hot water.
How to make puree at home?
If you want to buy food in jars , then you can make puree at home. The most important rule: heat treatment fruits and vegetables should be minimal. This is necessary in order to preserve the greatest amount of essential vitamins and minerals in the products that you use to make puree. To do this, you can use a double boiler or a slow cooker.
In addition, follow a few more general recommendations:
- Rinse all foods thoroughly under running water. This will make it possible to reduce the amount of pesticides on fruits and vegetables. Also rinse food before storage. This will help get rid of the chemicals;
- most of the toxic substances that are in products are destroyed during the heat treatment process. This applies to the chlorine compound. However, when boiling or stewing, they can get into the broth or juice. That is why when preparing food, the child is recommended to drain the water at least twice;
- you can get rid of nitrates by pre-soaking root crops. Cut the food into small pieces and fill them with water for half an hour.
Tell me the recipe for applesauce.
Ingredients: for 10 cans of 0.5 l: 5.5 kg of unpeeled apples 900 g of sugar natural fruit preserves • Russian cuisine • Recipes for children weight of apples. Boil apples for about 10-15 minutes until softened, then rub them through a colander. Warm up the resulting applesauce and pack in prepared jars. Roll up jars with boiled lids and pasteurize. If you want to prepare applesauce with sugar, then for 1 kg of applesauce you need to add 100-150 g of sugar. Boil applesauce with sugar for 10-15 minutes, pack in jars and pasteurize at a temperature of 85 ° C: jars with a capacity of 350 ml - 13 minutes, 0. 5 l - 15 minutes. Enjoy your meal!
When serving, place the puree in bowls and garnish with mint.
Ingredients: for 10 jars of 0.5 l: 5.5 kg of unpeeled apples 900 g of sugar natural canned fruits • Russian cuisine • Children's recipes Preparation: Wash the apples, cut out the damaged areas, put in an enamel pan and pour water at the rate of 10-15% from the weight of apples. Boil apples for about 10-15 minutes until softened, then rub them through a colander. Warm up the resulting applesauce and pack in prepared jars. Roll up jars with boiled lids and pasteurize. If you want to prepare applesauce with sugar, then for 1 kg of applesauce you need to add 100-150 g of sugar. Boil applesauce with sugar for 10-15 minutes, pack in jars and pasteurize at a temperature of 85 ° C: jars with a capacity of 350 ml - 13 minutes, 0.5 l - 15 minutes. Enjoy your meal!
Open the puree jar and put half of it into another container – a special container, a plate or an empty puree jar. I'll explain why half. At the beginning of complementary foods, puree is given in several spoons and you should not heat the entire jar if the child does not eat it at a time. When complementary foods have been introduced for a long time, they do not shift, but heat up the entire jar.
Pour hot tap water into a bowl and place the puree container in it. The water level should be up to the level of our puree or slightly higher. If the tap water is not hot enough, pour from the kettle, but not boiling water, but cooled down so that the jar does not crack.
Stir occasionally with a spoon. Depending on the temperature of the water, you need to wait 5-10 minutes. If the water cools too quickly, add new water. You don't need to overheat. We make fruit puree a little warmer than room temperature, vegetable puree even warmer, and meat puree for the longest time.
Interesting: After how many days can you eat salted tomatoes
Before you feed your baby, mix well and put a drop on your wrist to check the temperature. In this way, home-made mashed potatoes are also heated if the baby has not eaten everything at once.
The third way - the most optimal and efficient - is baby food warmer . Today it can be bought at any children's goods store. And for those parents who daily face the problem of how to heat baby puree
, it is highly recommended to purchase this useful device. It will save both time and effort, and the nerves of mom and baby.
Baby food warmers
work on the principle of the same water bath, only quickly and efficiently.
Baby drinks
Milk. As your baby learns to eat solid foods, his interest in bottled milk may decrease. Breastfed babies usually just change their feeding schedule. Experts believe that breast milk or formula should remain the main source of nutrition for a baby until about 1 year old.
Water. You can offer your baby boiled, cooled water from a baby sippy cup at every feed. Drinking cups with soft spouts are good for this age, but you can experiment to see which cup is best for your child. Remember that some kids don't drink from a cup at all until they're six months old or older, so be patient.
The baby probably won't like the water because it's not sweet, but insist on it anyway. Take a few sips from his cup yourself, turn it into a game, and don't expect your child to want to drink water on his own until you've offered it at least 20 times. And even then, he will only take one or two sips. Keep trying anyway, and eventually he will drink water, but for now, don't worry too much, because the baby gets enough liquid from milk and vegetable or fruit puree.
Juice. Resist the temptation to give your child fruit juice, even if it is diluted. Some may tell you that there is nothing wrong with diluted juice, but in terms of dental care, juice is harmful because fresh fruit contains a lot of sugar and acid. The baby sucks slowly from his drinking cup, and the juice will stay in the mouth for a long time, coming into contact with the teeth and causing cavities.
The only advantage of juice is that the child gets used to it faster than to water, because the juice tastes sweet. But once he tastes the juice, it will be almost impossible to convince him to drink water. And although juice contains healthy vitamin C, it is better to offer your child fresh fruits and vegetables that will not harm the teeth.
How to properly warm up baby food
For all mothers, the issue of baby nutrition has been and remains one of the top priorities. Therefore, one day every parent will face the problem of properly warming up baby food. How to reheat frozen breast milk? And how to heat baby puree
There are three ways to warm baby food. The first way is to heat it up in the microwave. But this is the most “undesirable” way of warming up. Why? Because the food in the microwave is heated unevenly. It can be hot on top, but still cold inside. For mothers who store their milk frozen and then reheat it, the issue of temperature is important, so heating breast milk in the microwave is highly undesirable. You risk destroying all the valuable substances in such an irreplaceable and unique product. In addition, there are fundamental ideological opponents of microwave ovens, for whom this method of heating is completely unsuitable.
The second traditional method is to heat baby food in a water bath. It is safe, but rather long and troublesome. Pour boiling water into a bowl and put a container with food for the child. In another way, you can do it like this: put a saucepan on the stove, put a jar in it, water boils in the saucepan and warms the mashed potatoes. This method was used by our grandmothers and mothers, its only minus is the time that a young mother always has to spare.
The third way - the most optimal and efficient - is baby food warmer . Today it can be bought at any children's goods store. And for those parents who daily face the problem of how to heat baby puree
, it is highly recommended to purchase this useful device. It will save both time and effort, and the nerves of mom and baby.
Baby food warmers
work on the principle of the same water bath, only quickly and efficiently.
Before how to warm baby puree
, open the jar and make sure you hear a pop - this is a simple test for the quality of the contents of the jar. After that, separate the part of the puree that the child will not eat into a separate plate or jar, and leave in the jar itself as much as you need to warm up. After that, put the jar in the baby food warmer, and after three to four minutes, the food for your baby will reach the desired temperature. Such a useful device will be an excellent and very necessary gift for a young mother. After all, she no longer has to worry about cups and saucepans for heating in a water bath. One of the obvious advantages of the heater is also the ability to set a fixed temperature for heating.
With this convenient addition, mommy's worries will be much easier and the question of "how to warm up baby puree" will simply no longer arise, and the baby will no longer have to whine for a long time, waiting for his breakfast to warm up.
You can warm up baby food in several ways:
Scheme for the introduction of vegetable complementary foods
First complementary foods: vegetable puree. Broccoli and cauliflower, zucchini and carrots are recommended to start the first feeding. Puree in the amount of 1 teaspoon from one vegetable should be given to the baby in the morning. This will help track if there is an allergic reaction to the introduction of complementary foods. Every 2-3 days you need to increase the amount of puree, by 0.5-1 teaspoon, bringing it to 100 gram servings.
After, for example, cauliflower and zucchini have been introduced, they can be combined during the cooking process. The rest of the feeding is carried out according to the old scheme, the baby is supplemented with breast milk or formula.
Approximately within a week, the volume of puree can be increased to 100-150 grams, which will completely replace one feeding, but this portion is designed for a child older than six months. If you introduced complementary foods earlier, the portion should be slightly reduced.
Is it possible to salt
It is not recommended to add salt and sugar to children's meals, because vegetables and meat contain sodium, which will be enough so that the taste of the product does not seem insipid to the child. Namely, sodium (ordinary salt) irritates the mucous membrane in the stomach, thereby leading to the formation of inflammatory processes.
IMPORTANT! And excessive salt intake can even negatively affect the central nervous system, while the load on the kidneys increases, the load on the cardiovascular system increases, and besides, it slows down the metabolic processes in the body.
Which is better
Puree made from fresh vegetables
The best option for your baby's health is to cook vegetables yourself. In this case, you should choose fruits from your garden or farm, which are guaranteed to be free of nitrates and harmful impurities.
Be sure to pay attention to the appearance of the fruit - they should not show signs of damage - mold, dents and scratches, black spots. You need to choose dry vegetables with a matte sheen, small in size.
Frozen vegetable puree for the winter
If vegetables are introduced into the child's diet at a time when fresh vegetables are difficult to obtain, frozen formula is the best choice. Vegetables need to be decomposed into portion bags, for one or two cooking steps, so as not to defrost them, because it is during repeated freezing that you can lose most of the vitamins in the composition.
For cooking, it is recommended to purchase a separate steamer or multicooker, but a special stand for a regular pot will also work. You will also need a blender, it’s good if it comes with a bowl and a separate nozzle in the form of a grinder.
Canned puree for first foods
High-quality canned food is not only sterile, but also homogeneous in consistency. Mom does not need to cook once again, in fact, a small portion of food for the baby - just open the jar and heat it to the desired temperature. In addition, it is so convenient to take a jar with you on the road or a long walk to refresh yourself with your usual food.
Before giving the puree to the baby, warm the jar in a water bath, or transfer it immediately to a child's plate and heat it in a microwave oven to a temperature of no more than 36-37C.
VERY IMPORTANT! The first spoon must be tasted by yourself, so you can feel the sign of spoilage, for example, the sharp taste of the product.
If it is a glass jar, then when opening it, there must be a characteristic cotton, which indicates the tightness of the prepared puree. And it is worth remembering that baby food does not contain salt and sugar, so an adult may not like it, but this does not mean that it is spoiled.
How do I reheat canned baby vegetable puree?
There are several ways to heat up baby food:
The first way is to lower the jar of baby food up to the neck into warm (possibly hot) water, preferably open the lid and gently mix the contents of the jar.
the second way, hold the jar (it is desirable that the jar is not opened) under a stream of warm water. Put in a saucepan, open the water warm and put under a stream of water.
You can put the contents on a plate and put them in the microwave oven for a certain time, after heating you need to stir and try to determine the temperature (maybe the dish is not completely warmed up).
I made vegetables and fruits in the old and proven way. We heat the water and pour it into a deep bowl or plate, in which a jar would fit. And then you just need to put a jar of mashed potatoes there and wait until it warms up. In the same way, you can cool, for example, a bottle, only in cold water.
Yes, there are indeed several ways to warm bottles.
You can use a microwave oven, heat it up in a steam bath, but the old method is fine for me personally - just put a jar of baby puree in hot water.
Another option is to use special electric bottle warmers.
Their advantage is that they can constantly maintain the desired temperature.
This is especially convenient if you feed your baby at night, you can cook everything in the evening, put a jar of mashed potatoes or water for the mixture in an electric heater and you will constantly maintain the temperature in it, so you can immediately take it out and feed or make the mixture not spending time heating water.
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These warmers are small and compact, making them easy to carry around.
Baby food from a jar: harm or benefit for the baby?
With the slogan “All the best for children”, baby food manufacturers produce thousands of jars of fruits and vegetables every year, constantly fantasizing about the assortment. However, good intentions to feed the younger generation with something tasty and healthy, while saving mom's time, stumble upon parental criticism and skepticism.
Food from a jar appeared in the post-Soviet space relatively recently, but has already acquired myths, distrust and accusations from grandmothers. Is canned food really so harmful and do children need it?
The main answer lies in a simple truth: food in a jar is needed not by a child, but by a mother. Children need a complete and balanced diet, nutrients and vitamins. A modern mother complains about the lack of time and difficult life. A compromise between the needs of adults and children has become ready-made, while brought to the desired consistency, fruits and vegetables. They allow you to save parental time on everyday cooking, washing dishes, going to markets and shops in search of quality broccoli or zucchini. Also, jars with ready-made delicacies help out perfectly during travels, walks and trips to visit. Each family has the right to choose food for their child based on their financial situation and free time.
The opinion that canned food is devoid of nutrients is wrong. In the process of cooking, vegetables and fruits are subjected to gentle types of processing, at the end enriching the puree with beta-carotene, iron, potassium and vitamin C in doses approaching the daily requirement of children of the corresponding age.
Fans of buying products for the children's table in the market should take into account that many fruits and vegetables are grown along highways, in ecologically polluted areas, with the use of chemical fertilizers. Such "gifts of nature" may contain lead, radionuclides and nitrates, which is guaranteed to hit your baby's plate. When choosing products for children, purchase them from places of proven quality or from villagers.
Manufacturers of baby food that undergo regular safety checks are required to grow their products in accordance with a number of regulations and requirements. This, in turn, is a guarantee of quality and increases the chances of parents to feed their child with a healthy dessert.
The long shelf life of food jars does not indicate the presence of chemical preservatives in the composition (note: their use is strictly prohibited), but the use of modern technologies for the thermal processing of products and vacuum packaging that protects against the ingress and reproduction of bacteria. Colors, flavors, spices or flavorings are also absent in quality baby purees. In some cases, manufacturers add rice or corn flour to obtain a uniform consistency and reduce the cost of the finished product, but this is not a required ingredient in the composition.
Some parents notice that after a can of mashed potatoes, the child has difficulty switching to an adult table. This happens if you feed the baby with a product that is not age appropriate. For six-month-old babies, manufacturers produce homogenized purees, for eight-month-olds - puree-like treats, for children older than 10 months - coarsely ground products. Products should be selected taking into account the degree of their grinding, depending on the age of the child and the development of the baby's ability to chew. Age-appropriate food from a jar gradually prepares the child's gastrointestinal tract for "adult" food. In the case when parents prepare a treat for the crumbs at home, the consistency of food must also be changed depending on age.
When choosing ready-made puree in jars, pay attention to the composition: it should contain only natural ingredients and no salt. Sugar is an undesirable component of children's food, try to avoid foods containing it. Fruit and vegetable treats should also not be expired, have signs of opening and deformation of the packaging. Items with an illegible or missing production date should be discarded. After opening the treat, a characteristic dull pop should sound, which indicates the suitability of the product and the correct production and storage conditions.
Motherhood should not turn into a feat, but remain a pleasure. A happy mother will always be more useful for a child than a mother exhausted by everyday life. When choosing canned food or cooking at home, consider your own free time, confidence in the quality of market products, and financial opportunities. Remember that canned food is not a replacement for normal plated food, but a way to optimize it and make life easier for mom.
Happy parenthood and delicious treats for your baby!
Elena Tur
Tell me the recipe for apple puree.
for 10 cans of 0.5 l:
5.5 kg of unpeeled apples
900 g of sugar Natural fruit preserves • Russian cuisine • Children's recipes % by weight of apples.
Boil the apples for about 10-15 minutes until softened, then rub them through a colander.
Warm up the resulting applesauce and pack in prepared jars.
Roll up jars with boiled lids and pasteurize.
If you want to prepare apple puree with sugar, then add 100-150 g of sugar per 1 kg of apple puree.
Boil applesauce with sugar for 10-15 minutes, pack in jars and pasteurize at 85°C:
Usually it is gluten-free porridge (buckwheat, rice, corn), if the child is not gaining weight, or one-component vegetable puree.
Our first food. Delicious and tender puree: went with a bang. Answers to frequently asked questions.

I would like to share with you the experience of the first weaning, as well as the key information that I learned in preparation for this event.
I have two twin daughters and our very first food was squash puree from .
Squash puree "Spelenok" is sold in two versions: a glass jar and Tetra Pak. Tetra Pak is more profitable than a jar, it is larger in volume and at the same time cheaper. From the beginning, I doubted about Tetra Pak, whether it would contain normal mashed potatoes. I bought it, it turned out to be the same as in the jar.
Zucchini is a natural source of pectin fibers and fine fiber. Zucchini puree is the first one-component vegetable puree in the assortment of the Spelyonok trademark. Produced from own raw materials grown and processed at the company's plant. Puree from light zucchini "Spelenok" is prepared without salt, starch and milk protein, therefore it is ideal for a hypoallergenic diet for babies with a risk of food allergies. Zucchini puree contains useful trace elements: potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron, necessary for the health of the child. Recommended as a first vegetable food.
- Light yellow-green color with small white patches.
- Thin, watery consistency.
- Tastes pleasant, slightly sweet.
- Contains only squash puree.
The date of manufacture is clearly marked on the packaging.
Contains only marrow.
I haven't noticed any allergic reactions in my children to zucchini. The chair is fine.
What is recommended to start complementary foods?
Usually it is a gluten-free porridge (buckwheat, rice, corn), if the child is not gaining weight, or a one-component vegetable puree.
Our weight is fine, so we started with vegetables.
It is recommended to start complementary foods with cauliflower, broccoli or zucchini.
We chose zucchini because cabbage has an unpleasant smell, is not very tasty and, as far as I know, can increase fermentation and gas formation in the intestines. Therefore, I will not give them either cauliflower or broccoli, I think that a catastrophe will not happen because of this.
Complementary foods are currently recommended to be introduced from the age of six months.
I am not in a hurry with complementary foods. I do not strive to quickly feed the children more and more varied. Zucchini began to give, somewhere in 6.5 months. Children by this time already showed food interest, so they ate mashed potatoes willingly.
Any new product is recommended to be introduced gradually. Starting with a spoon and bringing to the age norm. The purpose of complementary foods is to introduce the child to new foods. It is undesirable to give two new products at the same time.
I started giving zucchini to my children from half a very small spoon. The next day, a spoonful, then one and a half, and so on.
In the beginning, I put the right amount of mashed potatoes on a plate and heated it in the microwave. As far as I know, there is no harm in this, the only negative: uneven heating. But my relatives protested: it oxidizes. I do not know what can be oxidized there and whether it is oxidized. But after that, the heated puree began to seem sour to me. Maybe inspired, or maybe it is.
After that, I started heating the puree on gas, in a saucepan with water. I put an open jar or Tetra Pak in a saucepan with water and sent it to gas. Stirred, tasted, controlled the temperature.
I didn't study recommendations about feeding place. If the child is already sitting, then it is possible in a high chair, if not, then it is undesirable. At the very beginning of complementary foods, I gave mashed potatoes to children right in their beds. She turned her over on her tummy and fed her with a spoon.
It is recommended to give a new complementary food in the morning, so that during the day you can monitor the well-being and reaction of the child to a new food. At first, I gave puree in the morning, and then when the product became familiar to the child, I could give it at different times, including in the evening.
Precisely from a spoon (not from a bottle), because the food must be processed by saliva enzymes. It is important. It is recommended to buy special silicone spoons. But we ate and eat from a very small metal one.
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This is my experience. It should be borne in mind that each child is individual, you need to monitor your child's reactions to new foods and adapt to them. Consult with pediatricians. Study literature. Health to you and your kids.
I invite me to read, my reviews about other products for children food:
Here people know how to create a problem for themselves: gy:
Yak Correctly PIDigrivati Dytyach
BUVAK, and Mom PEROISH, DITINA, DITINA not ї vіdmovitsya, but through pіvgodini її appetite prokinetsya. Zvichayno, for the whole hour sumish okholone. How about obov’yazkovo recreate a new portion, or can you just save the platter in the refrigerator? How can you play the child crazy, how did it get cold, or the food was left unfinished?
You can bring baby sumish
As a rule, you don’t nurse the baby sumish, shards of milk powder are diluted in warm water before the anniversary. Really, the children are good at drinking the sum of the room temperature, or a bit of cooling. Ready for some summish, before the vzhivnannyam, they transfer the obov’yazkove rozіvannya so, as I say in the instructions - do not give them cold children.
You need to save the sum
Deakers allow the possibility of reheating the prepared sum after refrigeration and storage in the refrigerator, otherwise it is not recommended to save the sum until a year later. It’s better for him to play it safe and don’t prepare a meal for a long time, so as not to destroy the poisoning of silence. You can spread the sum of money in the world of necessity, for which you don’t need folding clothes. On trips, manually dispense water from a thermos. At the car, you can play a little plyashechka - only with water - you can use compact mini-heaters, which can be connected to a smoker.
RISIKI, OBOVALY ZB Zbereznyam Ta repeated Pіdigriv Sumyshi
2 Chi Mozhnna Rosigrivati Dytyach Sumysh in Mikrokhvilovtsi Bagato Batygo Kharchyo dig. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that the temperature of the rivers, heated in micro-furnaces, is not the same at the edges of the container and in the center. Choose the minimum tension and the longer heating period, the sum can be overheated (like under a jet of hot water). Under the tidal wave of high temperatures, the milk proteins will burn out, the vitamins will be used, alive bifidobacteria and other fundamental power of the product.
Ready-made formulas for safe heating in balls with an additional water bath, electric heater or warm running water. For the dissolved powder formula, there may be extreme caution.
Skіlki is ready baby sumish can stand in the refrigerator
In the packing of tetrapacks baby sumish in the refrigerator is stored until vіdkrittya under temperature conditions and in terms, as having designated the brewing plant. It was poured from packing into a dance and it was summed up in a wink.
How much can cost a divorced child sumish and how to grow sumish
Just diluted in water sumish does not require pіdіgіvannya and vikoristovuєtsya for a long time. If the child has not finished eating the little balls, then it is not possible to save, heat up and drink victorious food again. At the refrigerator, I’ll save a small plyashechka with a bag (for not smoking a baby) the fathers save for their judgment, but no more than two years under a sterile sealed cap. At room temperature, the plaque is not overwhelmed, shards in the heat of the sum can dry up.
Everyone knows that a little child needs a fresh hedgehog. If you want to find out what kind of crazy people you can save, doctors recommend to start preparing a little dance before the anniversary. To save an hour, it’s better to add a few portions of dry powder and warm water. It will be safer for you, and safer for children.
*Ideal life for not having mother's milk. WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding in the first 6 months. MAMAKO® supports this recommendation. Before introducing new products into the diet of a baby, consult with a trader.
I am introducing complementary foods.

1. Open the jar, simply place it in a container of boiling water and stir occasionally until the puree is slightly warm. In general, everything is heated in the microwave and nothing terrible happens! )) 2. Water can be measured with a water thermometer 3. Yes, you need to mix the vegetables at first, you won’t immediately give the baby a whole jar, but starting with 1 teaspoon! And then, when the baby is already familiar with new vegetables and tolerates them normally, you can buy two- or three-component purees from those types of vegetables and fruits with which he is familiar. 4. It is better to give all new products in the morning so that you can follow the reaction during the day. Let's have vegetables for lunch. 5. There are rules for each age, look on the internet. And the liquid yes, also introduce a little bit. 6. Yes, I kept the jars for a day and gave them to the trail. day, slightly warm.
As for jars, I think you are right, it is best to introduce complementary foods from jars, as all doctors advised us. And we switched to “adult” food somewhere in a year or a little later.
1. Open the jar, simply place it in a container of boiling water and stir occasionally until the puree is slightly warm. In general, everything is heated in the microwave and nothing terrible happens! )) 2. Water can be measured with a water thermometer 3. Yes, you need to mix the vegetables at first, you won’t immediately give the baby a whole jar, but starting with 1 teaspoon! And then, when the baby is already familiar with new vegetables and tolerates them normally, you can buy two- or three-component purees from those types of vegetables and fruits with which he is familiar. 4. It is better to give all new products in the morning so that you can follow the reaction during the day. Let's have vegetables for lunch. 5. There are rules for each age, look on the internet. And the liquid yes, also introduce a little bit. 6. Yes, I kept the jars for a day and gave them to the trail. day, slightly warm.