How to increase nipple size for baby feeding
Breastfeeding with flat, inverted or pierced nipples
Nipple shapes and sizes can vary a lot from woman to woman. Read our practical tips to help make breastfeeding a little easier – whatever type of nipples you have
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Most women’s nipples protrude and become more erect when stimulated by touch or sensation, but some have nipples that are flat or inverted. And some women have had one or both nipples pierced. Many mums with inverted, flat, or pierced nipples breastfeed with no problems at all, but others need extra support.
“Don’t panic if you have flat or inverted nipples, it’s often perfectly possible to breastfeed,” reassures Sioned Hilton, a lactation consultant, neonatal nurse and health visitor, who has worked with Medela in the UK for more than a decade. “Remember your baby latches on to a mouthful of breast, not only the nipple itself, when feeding effectively. ”
But in the earliest days, when your baby’s mouth is still tiny and her sucking is less efficient, inverted or flat nipples may make it harder for her to start – particularly if she is premature or unwell.
“If your nipple is flat or inverted, it may not reach the roof of your baby’s mouth to stimulate her palate and trigger her sucking reflex,” Sioned explains. “This could mean she has problems latching, or can’t stayed latched on for effective milk transfer.”
How to tell if you have flat or inverted nipples
Flat nipples1 don’t protrude very far from the areola (the darker area surrounding them), even when stimulated.
An inverted nipple dimples inwards at the centre. It may look like this all the time, or only when stimulated. Sometimes inverted nipples retract back so they are level with the areola, or they may even sink down into the breast tissue.
One or both nipples can be affected, and it’s estimated up to 10% of first-time mums have at least one inverted nipple. 2 If you’re not sure whether your nipple is inverted, try the ‘pinch test’: compress your breast gently, with your thumb and forefinger either side of the areola. Most nipples will poke out, but if yours retracts or pulls inwards, creating a hollow at the end, then it’s inverted.
Preparing inverted or flat nipples during pregnancy
You may find that, as your breasts change during pregnancy, your nipples begin to protrude more by themselves. If not, and you’re concerned that their shape could make breastfeeding difficult, you can wear nipple formers. These soft, flexible silicone discs fit discreetly inside your bra and place gentle pressure on your nipples, helping draw them out.
“Nipple formers can be worn from week 32 of a normal pregnancy,” advises Sioned. “Start with just an hour a day and build up to around eight hours. If you have an incompetent (weakened) cervix or are otherwise at risk of delivering pre-term, chat to a healthcare professional about the best time to start using them, as nipple stimulation can bring on contractions.
“You can continue to wear the nipple formers once your baby is born,” she adds. “Try popping them inside your bra 30 to 60 minutes before you’re due to breastfeed.”
“I have inverted nipples and, after two or three weeks of trying to get my baby to latch, was on the verge of switching to formula,” remembers Nina, mum of one, Germany. “I sought help from La Leche League and a lovely lady visited and encouraged me to keep going. She suggested nipple formers, which really helped. Somehow my little boy started to understand what to do! Breastfeeding was then great and we kept going until he was 21 months old.”
Helping your baby latch on to flat or inverted nipples
If your baby will suck happily on your finger but seems less interested in your breast, it’s a sign your nipple may not be reaching her palate when she latches on. She may become frustrated and pull away and cry, or even fall asleep at your breast. If this is happening, ask a lactation consultant or breastfeeding specialist to check her latch.
There are several techniques you can use just before each breastfeed to form your nipples into an easier shape for your baby to latch on to. Sioned suggests:
- rolling your nipple between your thumb and forefinger to encourage it to stick out
- compressing your breast just behind your areola with your fingers in a ‘V’ or ‘C’ shape to push your nipple outwards
- touching your nipple briefly with a cold compress or ice cube to make it erect
- hand expressing or using a breast pump for a couple of minutes before a feed to pull your nipple out more
“I have one flat nipple, but only found out when Austin had difficulty feeding on that side,” says Jennifer, mum of two, UK. “There’s nothing anatomically wrong – it just doesn’t perk up as much, which makes the latch a bit trickier. Before feeding on that side I always tweaked and squeezed it a bit and eased it into his mouth. It was a bit tricky early on but got a lot easier as time passed.”
Using a nipple shield to help baby latch on
If none of the above work and your baby is still struggling to maintain her latch, your lactation consultant or breastfeeding specialist may advise you to feed your baby through a nipple shield. This is a thin, flexible piece of silicone, shaped like a nipple, with holes in the tip for your milk to pass through.
The nipple shield offers your baby a larger, firmer target, as well as stimulating her palate to encourage her to suck. In general nipple shields should be considered as a short-term solution. If problems or pain occur, consult your lactation consultant or breastfeeding specialist, who will ensure your baby is latching well with the shield in place. You’ll also need to monitor your baby’s weight gain to ensure your milk supply is building to meet her needs.3
Over time, as your baby’s suck gets stronger and your nipples become more accustomed to breastfeeding, you might be able to breastfeed without the nipple shields.
“My nipples are rather flat. A healthcare professional recommended nipple shields for my two babies, and I used them with great success,” says Anne-Sophie, mum of two, Sweden. “My secret to make them stick to the skin is to wet the edge slightly before use. ”
Breastfeeding with pierced nipples
Many women with pierced nipples find it has no impact on their ability to breastfeed – although you’ll need to remove jewellery before feeds as it’s a choking hazard and could graze your baby’s tongue, gums or palate.
“I had a nipple piercing, but removed it a year later when I got pregnant as my breasts felt sensitive,” says Kellie, mum of three, UK. “I breastfed my daughter exclusively, and then her two younger brothers, with no issues whatsoever. If anything, the pierced nipple was the favourite!”
Other mums find breast milk leaks from their piercing holes, or suspect scarring from the piercing is reducing their milk supply4 – although there has been limited research in this area.
“It’s impossible to know how a piercing will affect breastfeeding until your milk comes in,” says Sioned. “Get advice from a lactation consultant or breastfeeding specialist if you’re worried. And remember babies can get all the nutrition they need from just one breast if there’s a problem with the other. ”
If you can’t breastfeed with flat or inverted nipples
If you’ve tried everything and breastfeeding’s just not working, you still need to feed your baby.
“The most important thing is a well mum and baby,” says Sioned. “Exclusive pumping, so your baby has expressed milk at every feed, might work for you. Or you could try a supplemental nursing system so your baby can practise feeding from your breast while being topped up with expressed milk through a tube. This means she still gets the breastfeeding experience and stimulates your milk supply, which in turn may help you express more milk.”
“I have inverted nipples. After a disastrous breastfeeding experience with my first son, I was determined to succeed with my second,” says Babettli, mum of two, Italy. “I got advice from experts and tried nipple formers and nipple shields, but without success. In the end pumping exclusively using a hospital-grade Medela Symphony double electric breast pump was the best option for us. I pumped every feed for four months.”
Caring for different types of nipples
You may need to take extra care of your flat or inverted nipples as your baby might suck on them more strongly, which could make them sore at first. For tips on combatting sore nipples, read nipple care for breastfeeding mums.
If your nipples retract after feeding, any dampness could make them sore and increase the risk of infections, including thrush. Pat them dry after a feed before they have the chance to sink back.
Flat and inverted nipples can be harder to deal with if your breasts are engorged – when even nipples that are usually erect can temporarily flatten. Read our article on breast engorgement for advice.
The great news is that repeated breastfeeding or pumping can alter your nipple form, so breastfeeding might get easier as your baby grows. And you may not have any problems at all if you have another baby – as Leanne, mum of two, UK, found:
“Second time round breastfeeding was a dream,” she says. “Nearly four months of expressing for my first son had helped stretch out my flat nipples and my second son latched straight away without nipple shields. He’s still feeding now at nine months.”
1 Pluchinotta AM. The Outpatient Breast Clinic. Springer International Publishing; 2015.
2 Alexander JM, Campbell MJ. Prevalence of inverted and non-protractile nipples in antenatal women who intend to breast-feed. The Breast. 1997;6(2):72-78.
3 McKechnie AC, Eglash A. Nipple shields: a review of the literature. Breastfeeding Medicine. 2010;5(6):309-314.
4 Garbin CP, Deacon JP, Rowan MK, Hartmann PE, Geddes DT. Association of nipple piercing with abnormal milk production and breastfeeding. JAMA, Journal of the American Medical Association. 2009;301(24):2550-2551.
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How to Breastfeed with Flat Nipples: 11 Tips
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Read more about our vetting process.Nipples 101
Nipples come in all shapes and sizes and not all nipples point out away from the breast. Some nipples are flat while others are inverted and pull into the breast. Or, nipples may fall somewhere in between.
The amount of fat in your breast, the length of your milk ducts, and the density of connective tissue beneath your nipples all play a role in whether or not your nipples protrude, lie flat, or are inverted.
The shape of your nipples may also change during pregnancy. Sometimes, flat nipples push out during pregnancy and the first week or so after the baby is born.
It’s not uncommon for a woman to worry about breastfeeding with flat nipples. The good news is that with a little extra time and patience, breastfeeding with flat nipples is possible.
Here are 10 tips to help you breastfeed if your nipples are flat or inverted.
1. Test yourself
Many nipples will stiffen and protrude when stimulated. You can check to see if your nipples are truly flat or inverted. If you’re able to coax your nipples out, then chances are your baby will be able to, too.
Here’s how to check:
- Place your thumb and forefinger on the edges of your areola, which is the dark area around your nipple.
- Squeeze gently.
- Repeat on your other breast.
If your nipple is truly flat or inverted, it will flatten or retract into your breast instead of pushing out.
2. Use a breast pump
You can use the suction from a breast pump to help draw out a flat or inverted nipple if other methods to stimulate your nipples don’t work. This can be especially helpful if you have deeply inverted nipples.
There are different types of breast pumps available, including manual and electric breast pumps.
Here are some popular breast pumps you can buy online.
You may also be able to get a breast pump through your health insurance. Health insurance providers usually want you to purchase the pump through a specific vendor. Choices are usually limited, but often include popular brands. Call your health insurance provider for more information.
3. Other suction devices
There are other suction devices that can be used for drawing out inverted nipples. These products are sold under different names, including nipple extractors or nipple retractors. They’re worn under your clothing and work by pulling your nipple into a tiny cup. Overtime, these devices can help loosen nipple tissue.
You can purchase a variety of suction devices here.
4. Hand express
Sometimes, if your breast is very engorged with milk, it may feel hard and your nipple may flatten. Hand-expressing a bit of milk can soften your breast so that your baby can latch on more easily.
Here’s how to do it:
- Cup your breast with one hand, with your other hand make a “C” shape with your thumb and forefinger near the areola, but not on it.
- Squeeze gently and release the pressure.
- Repeat and try to get a rhythm going without sliding your fingers over the skin.
- Drops of liquid should appear just before your milk begins to flow.
- Express just enough to soften your breast.
5. Pull back
Pulling back on your breast tissue may help when breastfeeding with flat nipples or inverted nipples. Even if the nipple doesn’t protrude completely, pulling back on the breast tissue can help your baby get a better latch. You do this by holding the breast tissue behind the areola and gently pulling back towards your chest.
6. Try a nipple shield or breast shells
A nipple shield is a flexible, nipple-shaped shield that fits over a mother’s flat nipple and areola. It is used as a temporary aid to encourage latching. The use of nipple shields is somewhat controversial because some evidence has suggested that a nipple shield may reduce the transfer of milk and interfere with complete breast emptying.
Some experts also worry that the nipple shield can be addictive for a baby, causing some babies to prefer it over the mother’s breast. Improper positioning also increases the risk of damage or injury to the breast. Speak to a lactation consultant if you’re planning to use a nipple shield.
If you’re considering using nipple shield, you can buy one here.
Breast shells are plastic shells that are worn over your areola and nipples. They’re flat and able to be worn discretely under your clothes between feedings to help draw out your nipples. They’re also used to protect sore nipples.
See purchasing options for breast shells.
7. Stimulate the nipple
You may be able to coax your nipple out by gently stimulating the nipple yourself. Try gently rolling your nipple between your thumb and finger or touching your nipple with a cold, damp cloth.
You can also try the Hoffman technique, which was created to help women breastfeed with flat or inverted nipples. A 2017 study found that the technique effectively improved the nipple type and the quality of breastfeeding.
Here’s how to perform the Hoffman technique:
- Place your index and thumb on either side of your nipple.
- Press your fingers firmly into the breast tissue.
- Gently stretch the areola in each direction.
- Repeat five times each morning if you’re able to without pain.
You can also perform the exercise with both hands, using both of your thumbs.
8. Hold your breast
Holding your breast while feeding can make it easier for your baby to latch on and breastfeed.
Here are two ways that you can try.
The C-hold allows you to control the movement of your breast so that you can easily guide your nipple toward your baby’s mouth. It also helps flatten your breast for a better fit in your baby’s mouth.
To do it:
- Create a “C” shape with your hand.
- Place your hand around your breasts so that your thumb is on top of your breast and your fingers are on the bottom.
- Make sure your thumb and fingers are behind the areola.
- Gently squeeze your fingers and thumb together, pressing your breast like a sandwich.
The V-hold uses your forefinger and middle finger to create a scissor-like shape around your areola and nipple.
Here’s how you do it:
- Place your nipple between your forefinger and middle finger.
- Your thumb and forefinger should be on top of your breast and your remaining fingers underneath the breast.
- Press down gently towards your chest to help “squeeze” out the nipple and areola.
9. Check the diaper
You can make sure your baby is getting enough breastmilk by checking the diaper. Your baby should have frequent wet and dirty diapers. Around the time your milk comes in, your newborn should have six or more wet diapers each day and three or more stools per day.
10. Talk with an expert
If you’re having trouble breastfeeding or finding breastfeeding very painful, talk with your doctor or seek help from a lactation consultant.
If you live in the United States, you can find an international board-certified lactation consultant online on the United States Lactation Consultant Association (USLCA) website. For people outside of the United States, try the International Lactation Consultant Association.
11. Surgical options
If natural methods fail to work, surgery may be an option. There are two types of surgery for repairing inverted nipples. One type preserves some of the milk ducts so that you can breastfeed and the other does not. Speak to your doctor to see if surgery is right for you.
The takeaway
Breastfeeding with flat nipples is possible, though it can be difficult for some women. You can try a number of techniques and devices to coax your nipple out or talk with your doctor about surgical options.
In many cases, women with flat nipples will be able to breast feed without an issue. If you have concerns, consider speaking with a lactation consultant, who can provide in-depth strategies for breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding with pierced, flat or inverted nipples
The shape and size of nipples can vary greatly from woman to woman. Our practical tips will help you make breastfeeding easier, no matter what your nipples are.
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Most women's nipples protrude, enlarge and swell when touched, but some have flat or even inward nipples. In addition, some women pierce one or both nipples. Usually flat, inverted or pierced nipples do not cause problems when breastfeeding, but in some cases additional help may be needed. nine0003
“Don't panic if you have flat or inverted nipples. As a rule, this does not interfere with breastfeeding in any way,” says Shawnad Hilton, a lactation consultant, health visitor and newborn care specialist who has worked with Medela in the UK for more than a decade. “Remember that your baby takes into his mouth not only the nipple, but also part of the breast.”
However, in the early days, when the baby's mouth is still very small and suckling skills have not developed, inverted or flat nipples can make feeding difficult, especially if the baby is unwell or born prematurely. nine0003
“Flat or inverted nipples may not reach the baby's palate and therefore not trigger the sucking reflex,” Schoned explains. “That is, the baby may have trouble grasping and holding the breast in the mouth, and the baby will not get enough milk. ”
How to tell if you have flat or inverted nipples
Flat nipples 1 do not protrude much from the areola (the darker
area surrounding the nipple) even when stimulated.
Inverted nipples seem to be recessed in the center. They may look like this all the time or only if they are stimulated. Sometimes inverted nipples are on the same level with the areola, and sometimes even sink deep into the breast tissue. nine0003
This feature may occur on one or both nipples. It is estimated that approximately 10% of nulliparous women have at least one retracted nipple. 2 If you're not sure what type of nipples you have, try a simple pinch test: Gently squeeze your breast with your thumb and forefinger on both sides of the areola. The nipple should come forward. If your nipple hides inside, creating a depression, then it is retracted.
Preparing inverted and flat nipples during pregnancy
You may have noticed that during pregnancy your breasts have changed and your nipples have become more protruding. If this does not happen and you are worried that the shape of your nipples will make breastfeeding difficult, try using nipple formers* in consultation with your doctor. These are soft and flexible silicone discs that are discreetly placed in the bra and slightly squeeze the nipples, helping to pull them out.
“In a normal pregnancy, nipple formers can be worn from 32 weeks,” advises Schoned. - Start wearing them for an hour a day, gradually increasing the time to eight hours. If you have an incompetent (weakened) cervix or are at risk of preterm labor, check with your healthcare provider about when you can start using shapers, as nipple stimulation can trigger contractions.” nine0003
“Nipple formers can continue to be worn after childbirth,” adds Schoned. “Try to put them in a bra 30 to 60 minutes before feeding.”
“I have inverted nipples, and after two or three weeks of constantly trying to latch on, I almost switched to formula,” recalls Nina, a mother from Germany. “I turned to La Leche Liga for help, and one nice woman came to me and supported me to continue to feed. She suggested trying nipple shapers and they really helped me. Somehow my baby began to understand what to do! Breastfeeding went well and I nursed him until he was 21 months old.” nine0003
How to help your baby latch on to flat or inverted nipples
If your baby enjoys sucking on your thumb but isn't as interested in your breast, chances are your nipple isn't reaching the palate. The baby may become nervous, push off the breast and cry or even fall asleep on your chest. If this happens, ask a lactation consultant or healthcare professional to check the grip.
There are several tricks you can use before every feed to make your nipples more comfortable to latch on to. Schoned recommends the following:
- twist the nipple between thumb and forefinger so that it protrudes better;
- place fingers in a "V" or "C" shape and squeeze the breast just behind the areola to push out the nipple;
- apply a cold compress or ice cube to the nipple to push it forward;
- Express milk manually or with a breast pump for a couple of minutes before feeding so that the nipple comes out more.
“I had a flat nipple, but I only found out about it when I noticed Austin was having trouble suckling on that side,” says Jennifer, mother of two in the UK. “From an anatomical point of view, there is nothing abnormal in this, it’s just that my nipple does not protrude so much, and this requires some skill when feeding. Before giving this breast, I always pinched and squeezed the nipple a little and tried to put it into the baby's mouth. It was a little difficult at first, but over time I learned.” nine0003
Using nursing pads
If none of the above work and your baby still has difficulty latch-on, your lactation consultant or healthcare professional may recommend that you breastfeed with a nursing pad*. They are thin and flexible nipple-shaped silicone funnels with holes at the tip through which milk will flow.
It is easier for the baby to put the feeding pad in his mouth, as it is larger and more rigid. In addition, such an overlay will reach him to the sky, causing a sucking reflex. Do not use nursing pads for a long time. If you experience pain or other problems, contact your lactation consultant or healthcare professional to check that your baby is latching on properly with a breastfeeding pad. You will also need to monitor your baby's weight gain to ensure that milk production is meeting his needs. nine0019 3
Over time, as your baby learns to suckle properly and your nipples get used to breastfeeding, you will be able to breastfeed without breast pads.
“My nipples are rather flat. The doctor advised me nursing pads, and I was successfully able to feed my two babies,” says Ann-Sophie, mother of two from Sweden. “My secret is to make them adhere better to the skin, I lightly wet the edges before use.”
Breastfeeding with pierced nipples
Many women with pierced nipples find it does not affect their ability to breastfeed. However, jewelry must be removed before feeding, as the child may choke on them or injure their tongue, gums or palate.
“I had a nipple piercing, but I got it off a year later when I got pregnant because my breasts were very sensitive,” says Kelly, mother of three from the UK. “I breastfed my daughter exclusively, and then her two younger brothers, and never had any problems. And the pierced nipple was my favorite!” nine0003
Some women report that milk can leak from piercings, while others believe that piercing scars reduce milk production 4 - but this has not been well researched.
“You can't predict how a piercing will affect breastfeeding until milk production begins,” Schoned explains. - If you are concerned, talk to a lactation consultant or healthcare professional. And remember that one breast may be enough for babies to get the nutrition they need if there are problems with the second. ” nine0003
What to do if you can't breastfeed with flat or inverted nipples
If you've tried all the options and still can't breastfeed, you still shouldn't deprive your baby of breastmilk.
“Mom and baby's health is the most important thing,” says Schoned. “Maybe you should switch to full pumping and feed your baby only expressed milk. You can also try the supplementary feeding system** where the baby continues to feed at the breast while receiving additional expressed milk through a tube. That is, the baby will still suck on the breast and stimulate the production of milk, which, in turn, will help you pump even more. nine0003
“I have inverted nipples. After the disastrous experience of breastfeeding my first son with my second, I decided to get my way after all,” says Babettli, mother-of-two from Italy. - On the advice of experts, I tried nipple formers and nursing pads, but everything was unsuccessful. In the end, pumping with the Medela Symphony*** Double Electronic Clinical Breast Pump proved to be the best solution for us. I fed exclusively on expressed milk for up to four months.” nine0003
Care for different types of nipples
Flat or inverted nipples may require extra care as the baby may squeeze them harder and they may become inflamed at first. Tips on how to care for sore nipples can be found in Nursing Nipple Care.
If your nipples become inverted after a feed, any moisture can lead to inflammation and increase the risk of infections, including thrush. Blot your nipples dry after each feed before they have time to hide inside. nine0003
With swelling of the mammary glands, when even protruding nipples can become flat, flat or inverted nipples can be difficult. Read the helpful tips in the article on breast swelling.
The good news is that continuous breastfeeding or pumping can change the shape of your nipples and breastfeeding will become easier over time. With the arrival of the next child, you may not have to face this problem at all, as happened with Leanne, a mother of two from the UK. nine0003
“The second feeding was like a fairy tale,” she says. “After almost four months of pumping for my first son, my flat nipples were so extended that with my second son I no longer had to use breast pads - he was able to suck directly from the breast. The youngest is now nine months old and I still breastfeed him.”
1 Pluchinotta AM. The Outpatient Breast Clinic. Springer International Publishing ; 2015. - Pluchinotta A.M., "Treatment of breast diseases on an outpatient basis". Springer International Publishing. 2015.
2 Alexander JM, Campbell MJ. Prevalence of inverted and non-protractile nipples in antenatal women who intend to breast-feed. The Breast . 1997;6(2):72-78. — Alexander JM, Campbell MJ, "Prevalence of inverted and intractable nipples in pregnant women who intend to breastfeed." nine0106 Ze Brest (Chest). 1997;6(2):72-78.
3 McKechnie AC, Eglash A. Nipple shields: a review of the literature.Breastfeeding Medicine. 2010;5(6):309-314. — McKechnie A.S., Eglash A., "Nipple Covers: A Review of the Literature". Brestfeeding Medicine (Breastfeeding Medicine). 2010;5(6):309-314.
4 Garbin CP0106 , Rowan MK , Hartmann PE , Geddes DT . Association of nipple piercing with abnormal milk production and breastfeeding. JAMA, Journal of the American Medical Association. 2009;301(24):2550-2551. - Garbin S.P., Deacon J.P., Rowan M.C., Hartmann P.I., Geddes D.T., "Nipple piercing and its impact on abnormal milk production and breastfeeding", JAMA (Journal of the American medical association). 2009;301(24):2550-2551.
Read instructions before use. Consult a specialist about possible contraindications.
* RC No. ФСЗ 2010/07352 dated 07/19/10
** RC No. ФСЗ 2010/07353 dated 07.19.10
*** RC No. ФСЗ 2010/06525 dated 03/17/2010 How to achieve the effect of protruding nipples: advice from a plastic surgeon
You won't believe it, but not only a dream man, but also. .. a plastic surgeon can bring your nipples to an excited state! Yes, one simple operation, a couple of deft movements - and now your chest is already in "combat readiness" always and everywhere. How to make nipples stick out? We found out from the doctors. nine0003
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The possibilities of plastic surgery in breast augmentation are well known, but it will come as a surprise to many that it is possible to correct not only the size, but also separately - the nipples. nine0003
Nipple correction is a common medical procedure. Nipple manipulation can be performed independently of breast surgery. The nipples can be given a different shape if the patient, for example, is not satisfied with the so-called "inverted" nipple, or you can bring the nipples into an excited state for a long time (or even forever). Women plan these changes for both aesthetic reasons (because perky nipples look sexy—many want to be like stars who don't wear a bra) and practical reasons (to make breastfeeding easier). nine0003
Expert - Aleksey Avdeev, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Reconstructive Plastic Surgeon , Leading Surgeon at the Osnova clinic, told us about all the intricacies of working with nipples.
Can nipples be enlarged?
It is possible, but is it necessary... Manipulations with the nipples affect the milk ducts. And before deciding on any surgical intervention in order to achieve protruding nipples, a woman must answer herself the questions: will she give birth and breastfeed a child. If yes, then it is desirable to postpone such operations. nine0003
Who needs nipple correction surgery?
From an aesthetic point of view, nipple correction surgery is more often performed with inverted or flat nipples. If a woman does not plan to give birth and feed a child, then in this case the nipple is pulled out with the help of a thread, and tissues intersect through a small incision in the skin, which pull it inward. A mesh of threads is created under the nipple, which prevents it from being retracted to its original position. nine0003
Are there alternatives to surgical nipple reshaping?
There is an alternative! In case you want to correct inverted nipples, you can achieve the effect of excited nipples using a different technique. For example, using chest cups, in other words - caps. They are small bulging discs with a hole in the middle, which pushes the nipple forward. How exactly is it possible to achieve the desired effect and get protruding nipples? For 7-10 days, the nipple is in a state of tension, scar tissue forms under it, which prevents it from falling back to its original place. In this case, a woman will be able to breastfeed without restrictions, the only inconvenience is wearing caps for some time. nine0003
You can try to correct the shape of the nipples with improvised means. To do this, you will need a regular syringe prepared in a special way.
- Carefully cut off the tip of the syringe on the opposite side of the plunger with scissors.
- Insert the plunger from the cut side and push it all the way into the syringe.
- Rest the uncut side of the syringe against the nipple and pull the plunger out so that the nipple protrudes. Be careful, pain should not arise! nine0047
- Leave the syringe on the nipple for a couple of minutes, and when removing it, press the plunger a little to avoid discomfort.
- Wipe the nipples with a damp, cool towel and clean the makeshift nipple correction tool with soap and water.
Of course, the choice of nipple correction method depends on the cause and severity of the problem of an “inverted” nipple or both nipples (by the way, this is a common phenomenon that only one of the two is affected by this problem). As for the reasons, it is one thing if this is your innate feature (this occurs in 15-20% of women), another thing if the changes have already occurred in adulthood, especially closer to 50 years. In this case, it is necessary to consult with a mammologist, changes in the shape of the nipples may indicate the presence of diseases, including oncological ones. nine0003
How to achieve protruding nipples: manual methods
If you do not have diseases and medical problems, there are several ways to achieve protruding nipples manually by gently massaging the area around the nipple with your fingers.

Whatever method you choose to fix your nipples, be sure to first contact your doctor so that he approves your plans or gives his recommendations.
I always want excited nipples! How to achieve this? nine0017
Nipples can be “excited” with the help of fillers (temporary effect) or microscopic implants, but only if they are of a natural shape (not retracted). The injection procedure is quite harmless, it will not affect lactation in any way. But fillers, if you want to prolong the effect, will have to be updated regularly. As an alternative, negative pressure can be used to enlarge "standing" nipples - use a manual or electric breast pump.