How to position baby for bottle feeding
Bottle feeding advice - NHS
If you're planning to bottle feed with expressed breast milk or infant formula, these tips will help you feed your baby and keep them safe and healthy.
If you decide to use infant formula, first infant formula (first milk) should always be the first formula you give your baby. You can use it throughout the first year.
Buying bottle feeding equipment
You'll need several bottles, teats and a bottle brush, as well as sterilising equipment, such as a cold-water steriliser, microwave or steam steriliser.
There's no evidence that 1 type of teat or bottle is better than any other. Simple bottles that are easy to wash and sterilise are probably best.
Making up bottles for your baby
Make sure you sterilise bottles and teats until your baby is at least 12 months old. Wash your hands thoroughly before handling sterilised bottle and teats.
If you're using infant formula, follow the instructions on the packaging carefully when you make up the feed.
See how to make up baby formula.
How to bottle feed your baby
Bottle feeding is a chance to feel close to your baby and get to know and bond with them. Babies will feel more secure if most feeds are given by you, your partner or their main caregiver.
Make sure you're sitting comfortably with your baby close to you. Enjoy holding your baby, look into their eyes and talk to them as you feed them.
Hold your baby in a semi-upright position for bottle feeds. Support their head so they can breathe and swallow comfortably.
Brush the teat against your baby's lips and when they open their mouth wide let them draw in the teat.
Always give your baby plenty of time to feed.
Do not leave your baby alone
Never leave your baby alone to feed with a propped-up bottle as they may choke on the milk.
Keep the bottle horizontal
Gently place the teat into the baby’s mouth. Keep the bottle in a horizontal position (just slightly tipped). This will allow the milk to flow steadily and help prevent your baby from taking in air.
If the teat goes flat while you're feeding, pull gently on the corner of your baby's mouth to release the suction.
If the teat gets blocked, replace it with another sterile teat.
Be guided by your baby
All babies are different. Your baby will know how much milk they need. Some want to feed more often than others. Just follow your baby's lead.
Feed your baby when they seem hungry and do not worry if they do not finish the bottle.
Winding your baby
Your baby may take short breaks during a feed and may sometimes need to burp.
When your baby has had enough milk, hold them upright and gently rub or pat their back to bring up any wind.
Throw away unused milk
Throw away any unused formula or breast milk after you've finished bottle feeding your baby.
Only make up the feed when needed – one feed at a time.
Help with bottle feeding
Talk to your midwife, health visitor or other mothers who have bottle fed if you need help and support.
You'll find the phone number for your health visitor in your baby's personal health record (red book).
Your questions about bottle feeding
Why if my baby does not settle after feeds?
If your baby swallows air while bottle feeding, they may feel uncomfortable and cry.
After a feed, hold your baby upright against your shoulder or propped forward on your lap. Gently rub their back so any trapped air can find its way out.
Your baby may sometimes only burp up a small amount of air.
Why is my baby sometimes sick after feeds?
It's normal for babies to bring up a little milk during or just after a feed. This is called possetting, regurgitation or reflux.
Keep a muslin square handy just in case.
Check that the hole in your baby's teat is not too big. Drinking milk too quickly can make your baby sick.
Do not force them to take more milk than they want during a feed. This may be distressing for your baby and can lead to overfeeding.
Sitting your baby upright on your lap after a feed may help.
If it happens a lot, or your baby is violently sick, seems to be in pain or you're worried for any other reason, talk to your health visitor or GP.
Can formula make my baby constipated?
When using formula, always use the amount of powder recommended on the packaging.
Do not add extra formula powder. Using too much can make your baby constipated and may cause dehydration.
If your baby is under 8 weeks old and has not done a poo for 2 to 3 days, talk to your midwife, health visitor or GP, particularly if your baby is gaining weight slowly.
Your baby should be gaining weight and have plenty of wet and dirty nappies.
Infant formula and allergies
If you think your baby might be allergic to or intolerant of formula, talk to your GP. If necessary, they can prescribe a special formula feed.
Some formula is labelled as hypoallergenic, but this is not suitable for babies with a diagnosed cows' milk allergy.
Soya formula should only be given to babies under medical supervision.
Always talk to your GP before using hypoallergenic or soya-based formula.
Read more about cows' milk allergy and lactose intolerance.
Get Start4Life pregnancy and baby emails
For information and advice you can trust, sign up for weekly Start4Life pregnancy and baby emails.
The Start4Life website also has more information and advice about expressing and bottle feeding
Everything You Want to Know
Bottle-feeding an infant is not rocket science, but it’s not necessarily easy either. Some babies take to the bottle like champs, while others require a bit more coaxing. In fact, introducing a bottle can be a process of trial and error.
This seemingly simple undertaking is made exponentially more challenging by the staggering plethora of bottle options, varying nipple flows, different formula types, and multiple feeding positions.
Yes, there’s a whole lot more to bottle-feeding than what meets the eye, so don’t be discouraged if your wee one is a bit fussy at first. You’ll soon find the routine — and products — that work for your little one. In the meantime, we’ve got you covered with all the bottle basics.
Once your bottle is prepared and at the ideal temperature (find more details on these below), it’s time to start feeding your baby.
- First, find a position that’s comfortable for you and safe for your baby.
- Hold the bottle at a horizontal angle so that your little one has to gently suck to get the milk.
- Be sure that the milk fills the entire nipple so that your baby isn’t gulping lots of air, which may result in gas and fussiness.
- You’ll want to take breaks every few minutes to gently burp baby. If they seem particularly squirmy during a feeding, they may have a gas bubble; take a pause and gently rub or pat their back.
- Use this opportunity to bond with your baby. Hold them close, look into their wide eyes, sing soft songs, and make feeding time a happy time.
Be sure to pace your feeding. You can’t expect — nor do you want — a new baby to chug a bottle down in 5 minutes flat. It may take a while, and that’s a good thing.
You want a baby to regulate their own hunger, so slow down and allow an infant to go at their own speed. Be sure to follow their cues, pause to burp or reposition them, and put the bottle down if they seem bothered or disinterested. You can try again in a few minutes.
And if they seem to want a top off? Go ahead and offer a free refill if it seems necessary.
There are several positions you can try for bottle-feeding. Make sure you’re both comfortable so it’s a pleasant experience. Find a suitable place to sit comfortably, use pillows to support your arms if needed, and cozy up together during feeds.
Here are a few options to try:
Cradle your baby
When you think of holding a newborn baby, you probably envision yourself cradling them in the nook of your arm. This is a great position for feeding your wee one a bottle. Rest their head in your elbow bend, and tilt them up so they’re at a comfortable angle. This position is ideal for some bonus skin-to-skin contact.
Sitting position
Sit down and place baby upright in your lap with their back against your stomach and chest. This position is especially encouraged for infants with reflux. Just be sure that you’re tipping the bottle to completely fill the nipple with milk.
Rest baby on your legs
Sit or lay down, and prop your baby on your legs with their back against your thighs and their head near your bent knees. This position allows for eye contact and interaction.
Use a feeding pillow
Nursing pillows aren’t just for breastfeeding. Some babies enjoy being positioned on a pillow for mealtime. A traditional C-shaped nursing pillow works great for this purpose, allowing baby to relax and be comfortable during a feed.
While this option frees up your arms, you’ll still need to hold the bottle for your baby. Propping or rigging a hands-free situation has potentially dangerous consequences.
Once a baby is old enough and expresses interest in holding the bottle themselves (somewhere around 6–10 months of age), you can let them try. Just be sure to stay close and monitor them carefully.
Whatever position you try, make sure that your little one is angled, with their head raised. You don’t ever want your baby to be lying down flat while eating. This could enable milk to travel into the inner ear, potentially causing an ear infection.
Of course, feeding baby the bottle might be the easy part. Picking the right vessel to hold your breast milk or formula can be a whole other complicated story. The information below can help you master the art of preparing the perfect bottle for your baby.
Choose the right bottle for your baby
If you’ve ever browsed the feeding section of a baby store, you know that bottle options are seemingly endless.
There are bottles designed for colicky babies, gassy babies, and breastfed babies. It’s daunting. The confounding truth is that some babies will take any old bottle you throw at them, while others will be far more discerning.
You might have to try a few different brands to find “the one” for your baby. If you have a gassy guzzler, you could go with one that uses a venting system. If you’ve been exclusively nursing up until now, you can try one that more readily resembles the shape and feel of mama’s breast.
You may also want to pick a bottle that has fewer parts to clean and reassemble. You’ll appreciate the lack of steps during that 2 a.m. feeding session.
Furthermore, start with a slow-flow nipple, and upgrade when your baby seems eager to get more milk, faster.
Prepare your formula or breast milk bottle
Feeding with formula? There are three types to choose from: powder, concentrate, and ready-to-pour.
Ready-to-pour formula is the easiest (and, yes, most expensive) option of the three. It involves no preparation and is as simple as opening and pouring it. You can purchase small, individual bottles that come with nipples, which are especially useful for those early infant feedings, or opt for larger bottles that need to be refrigerated. Either way, it’s fairly foolproof.
When using powder, you’ll need to measure out portions and mix them well with suitable water. It’s important to follow the directions and use the recommend water-to-formula ratio. Using too much water can dilute the nutrients; using not enough can cause dehydration. Both of these possibilities can have dangerous consequences, so use caution and care.
Similarly, concentrate formulas require a safe water source. Once again, measuring appropriately is key.
If you’re breastfeeding, preparing a bottle is pretty straightforward. Just pour pumped fresh or frozen breast milk into a bottle, and warm it up (if refrigerated and desired). Be sure to double-check the pump date, though; thawed and/or refrigerated breast milk has a short shelf life.
Warm your bottle
Some babies will take a bottle straight out of the refrigerator, but many prefer their milk slightly warmed.
The best way to warm up a cold formula or breast milk bottle is by submerging it in a cup of hot water for a few minutes. You can also use a bottle warmer. Test the milk temperature on your wrist before serving it to your baby.
Be sure to never microwave a bottle. This can cause an uneven temperature throughout and create hot spots that could burn baby’s mouth.
How long is a bottle good for?
It may seem painful to throw away precious pumped liquid gold or chuck expensive formula. Yet, at some point or another, you’ll probably watch wistfully as you pour some unused bottle milk down the drain.
If you’re using expressed breast milk, there are some important time frames to remember. Breast milk can be frozen for up to 6 to 12 months and refrigerated for 4 days. (If it has been thawed, though, you should use it within 24 hours.) Once you begin feeding a breast milk bottle, it’s safe for up to 2 hours.
A prepared bottle of formula can be refrigerated for 24 hours. Once baby has taken a sip from a bottle of formula, it must be used within 1 hour. Bacteria multiply quickly on milk-based products, so be sure to check the clock.
It may feel like you’re constantly preparing bottles, but don’t worry, this feeding frenzy phase will soon pass.
Yes, in the early days of parenthood, you’ll be feeding your little one every 2 to 4 hours. As a newborn, your baby will likely consume around 2 ounces per feed.
As they get older, the feedings may become spaced out, and the amount in each bottle will increase. Around the 2-month mark, your baby may start drinking 4 to 6 ounces each feeding. By 6 months, they’ll probably take in about 8 ounces.
Don’t feel tethered to a strict feeding schedule. It’s best to feed a baby when they seem hungry. Babies go through rapid growth spurts and may need to feed more frequently. Look for hunger cues to determine whether your little one is hankering for a bottle.
Your baby may be hungry if they begin gumming on their hands, sucking on their tongue, or rooting. Rub your finger or a bottle nipple at the side of their cheek or mouth, if they turn toward it, they’re probably ready for a feeding. Give that bottle a go!
If you’re a nursing mama, you may feel especially nervous about introducing a bottle. Rest assured that with a little patience and time, your baby will eventually get the hang of it.
Still, before you offer a bottle, you’ll want to feel confident that nursing has been well established. As such, you should consider waiting 2 to 3 weeks after your baby is born to introduce the bottle to avoid potential nipple confusion and ensure that your milk supply is adequate.
If you need to transition your baby to the bottle before returning to work, cushion in some extra time to normalize this routine. While your breastfed baby may happily accept the first bottle you offer, they may also turn their tiny nose up at it. Spare yourself and your baby unnecessary pressure, and give yourselves some wiggle room to adjust.
And if your baby does resist the bottle? Walk out of the room and have a partner or caregiver try. Your baby knows that you have the real deal under your shirt, and they may respond more readily to someone else.
Furthermore, don’t try to introduce the bottle when your little one is impatiently ravenous. Wait until they’re in a pleasant mood, and offer a bit when their tummies aren’t entirely empty. You may get a better reaction.
Even if you plan to be home and available to nurse around the clock, you should still try to introduce the occasional bottle. It’s good to know that your baby will accept it in a pinch.
Bottle-feeding has its challenges and rewards. There are a few other tips to keep in mind to help set you and your baby up for success.
Washing and sterilizing bottles
You may want to sterilize your bottles before their first use. You can do this with a steam sterilizer or in the dishwasher.
Sanitizing them between uses is probably unnecessary, but you do want to ensure that you always have a clean supply on hand — lest you have to wash one in the middle of the night while a crying baby impatiently awaits their bottle.
That said, a bottle requires a thorough scrubbing between uses, especially if it has pieces and parts with nooks and crannies. You can, of course, also use your trusty dishwasher. Either way, it’s smart to at least pour out any unused formula or breastmilk right away and give the bottle a quick rinse after a feeding session.
Mixing breast milk and formula
Want to slowly introduce formula to your breastfed baby? You can mix breast milk and formula in the same bottle. This can get baby more readily adjusted to the unique flavor of formula.
Just be sure to prepare the formula separately. If you’re using powder or concentrate formula, you’ll still need to add water first; don’t use breast milk as a liquid substitute. Once the formula is prepared, pour in the breast milk.
Finally, heed the time restrictions. While breast milk on its own can be used for up to 2 hours, the addition of formula means the bottle is only good for 60 minutes.
Adding cereal to a bottle
Has a well-meaning grandparent suggested adding cereal to your baby’s bottle?
Generally speaking, doctors advise against this practice. While many people assume it will keep their baby fuller for longer — and even help them sleep for a longer chunk of time — it can have a few negative consequences, including excessive weight gain and constipation.
Occasionally, doctors will recommend adding a bit of oatmeal cereal to a bottle to help a baby with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Talk to your pediatrician before making this decision on your own.
No doubt, the idea of bottle service takes on a whole new meaning these days, but you’re going to love this new adventure.
And while it may seem like a lot to take in, bottle-feeding your baby will soon become second nature. You may encounter some hurdles or missteps along the way, but you’ll quickly discover what works for you and your baby.
Good luck, you’ve got this!
How to properly bottle feed
Feeding your baby is not only an important process for healthy growth and development, but also a way to establish close emotional contact with the baby and build trusting and loving relationships. The transition from breastfeeding to bottle feeding should be carried out after the mother and the child are fully prepared for this. We are talking about both the moral aspect, and about choosing the right bottle and getting adults the necessary skills so that eating brings only positive emotions and benefits to the baby. In this article, we will talk more about how to properly bottle feed your baby and where to start. nine0003
How to prepare your baby for bottle feeding
If this method of feeding is a completely new experience for the baby, or if parents decide to bottle feed their baby from a very young age, slow flow nipples should be preferred. So you protect the child from the possibility of choking while eating. Over time, you can gradually switch to bottles with nipples, which would provide faster and more intense feeding.
Feeding bottle selection and daily care
All baby accessories should be kept clean and sterilized regularly and thoroughly.
There are several ways to sterilize dishes:
- select the appropriate mode when using the dishwasher;
- or place the bottle and teat in a vessel of boiling water for 5 minutes.
Before using this method of cleaning the bottle, make sure that the material it is made of can be exposed to high temperatures. Since some types of plastic contain various chemicals in their composition, after sterilization they can become dangerous for their little user. For this reason, experts recommend choosing glass bottles. nine0003
The need for thorough cleansing of everything that the baby will touch is caused by the fact that in the first months of life, the child's immune system is just beginning to strengthen. Before sterilizing the teat, it can be cleaned with dishwashing detergent. There are special products for washing children's dishes, without a strong odor and with a safe composition.
How to bottle feed your baby
Before starting a meal, mom or dad should wash their hands well with soap and warm running water. Particular attention should be paid to the area between the fingers and under the nails. The hand washing process should take at least 20 seconds. And after carrying out this hygienic procedure, hands should be wiped dry with a paper towel or clean towel. nine0003
The next step is to prepare for the meal. If you plan to fill the bottle with formula, then dilute it with water in accordance with the instructions in the instructions. Improper proportions can lead to dehydration or bloating. It should also be remembered that for the preparation of the mixture you need to use only clean drinking water.
Breast milk is the most beneficial for a newborn. Despite this, pediatricians advise breastfeeding babies for as long as possible. Even if the mother is ready to give up breastfeeding, milk can be expressed into a bottle and gradually accustom the baby to the nipple. If, for one reason or another, the mother does not have the opportunity to feed herself, then the only alternative is feeding with a special mixture. nine0003
In the first six months after birth, cow's or goat's milk or its substitute in the form of soy milk should not be included in the baby's diet. Valid options for supporting healthy development of a newborn are breast milk or formula milk only.
What temperature should the bottle filler be? Under no circumstances should the bottle be heated on the stove or in the microwave. If the temperature of the bottle and its filling exceed 37°C, the baby may be burned. It is recommended to use special bottle warmers. If this is not possible, then use the following method:
- put a saucepan on the stove with a little water;
- bring the water to a boil, then remove the pan from the heat;
- place a bottle of milk in a vessel and heat it up to 37◦С;
- check the temperature with a pre-cleaned thermometer or a special device for measuring the temperature of foodstuffs.
You can also check the temperature of the ready-to-use bottle as follows:
- turn the bottle over;
- drip several times into your wrist area.
In this way, you can check not only the temperature of the milk or formula, but also how well the liquid flows out of the bottle. If you have to shake or squeeze the bottle hard to drip, the nipple is blocked and needs to be cleaned out. If, on the contrary, the filler pours out when the bottle is turned over, this means that the nipple is damaged and another nipple should be used to feed the baby, having previously sterilized it. nine0003
How to bottle feed your baby lying down
There are several techniques for feeding your baby. However, it is the feeding of the child lying down from the bottle that young parents consider the most comfortable. It is worth noting that eating in this position will only be safe when the baby's head is slightly raised. Otherwise, the child may simply choke. In the prone position, the child should be placed on his arm bent at the elbow. After feeding, you should place the baby in an upright position, taking him in your arms and putting his stomach to your chest. nine0003
Make sure that the feeding bottle is closed correctly: the ring at the connection of the nipple to the bottle must not be too tight. Air must enter the bottle, otherwise a vacuum will be created there, which, in turn, will complicate the consumption of food for the child.
How to bottle feed without spitting up
Since the newborn is not able to fully control the process of feeding, along with milk, he can also take in air. This may be the reason that at one meal the child could not master the planned portion. In view of this, it is recommended to take small breaks during feeding. nine0003
As soon as you notice that the baby has stopped sucking on the pacifier, is tired or thoughtful, pick him up and press his face to you, holding his head and back. To help burp excess air, you can make a light massage between the shoulder blades, pat on the back or pope.
The air will quickly rise up and the baby will burp it without any extra effort. However, you should be prepared for the fact that, along with the air, part of the consumed mixture or milk may also return. Therefore, before taking the baby in your arms, cover yourself with a diaper, because it will be easier to wash it than clothes. nine0003
Never leave your baby alone with the bottle or let him fall asleep while using it. After eating, mom or dad must help their child burp. This will help to avoid colic, bloating and other manifestations of stomach discomfort.
Where to buy baby accessories
It's safe to say that I Love Mommy online store is one of the best places to buy baby food. Our catalogs feature products from world-famous brands, the quality of which you will not have to doubt for a minute. Bottles, baby dishes, pacifiers, baby bibs - all this and much more you can buy for your son or daughter from us at affordable prices in just a few minutes. nine0003
How to bottle feed your baby
For various reasons, women stop breastfeeding and introduce bottle feeding for their babies. Artificial feeding can be combined with breastfeeding and alternate with it. Numerous studies show that breastfeeding has endless physiological and emotional benefits for both mother and baby, so if breastfeeding is not possible, it is essential to create a bottle feeding environment that is not significantly inferior to breastfeeding. nine0003
The following aspects are important in bottle feeding:
- bottle comfort and safety,
- bottle contents,
- feeding technique,
- emotional state of mother and child during feeding.
Bottle safety and convenience
The European Union has declared that baby bottles containing a chemical called bisphenol A (BPA) are unsafe. In Europe, bottles containing BPA are banned for feeding. Bisphenol has been used in the manufacture of plastic bottles by various companies, as its properties make the bottles unbreakable. While breastfeeding, small amounts of BPA can pass from the plastic bottle into milk and cause health problems such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes and hormonal changes, which can then affect the reproductive system. nine0003
If you decide to use glass bottles for baby feeding because they are chemical free when properly handled, be sure to inspect them carefully before use. There is a risk of glass cracking during the heat sterilization process, which could result in glass fragments entering the milk or formula.
No matter what bottle material you choose, it must be sterilized before every feeding. Sterilization kills potentially harmful bacteria that can collect on the bottle and in the milk. Before feeding the baby, the bottle with all its parts must first be washed in clean hot soapy water and then sterilized. To sterilize baby feeding equipment, you can use a special electric steam sterilizer, a microwave oven, or a sterilizing solution. For the purpose of sterilization, you can also boil bottles and nipples in a sealed container for at least 10 minutes. nine0003
Bottle contents
If you intend to bottle feed your baby with expressed breast milk, all you need to do is keep the bottle clean: sterilize it after every feeding. If feeding is to be carried out with dry mixes, then there are a number of rules that must be followed for the correct preparation of the feed.
- Boil water and let it cool for no more than half an hour.
- Pour the required amount of water into the bottle (according to the mixing instructions). nine0018
- Add to the bottle the amount of dry powder indicated on the packaging by the manufacturers. The concentration should not be reduced or increased - the instructions are designed in such a way that the contents of the mixture are well absorbed by the child. If the mixture contains an excessive amount of water, the child will not receive the necessary calories and nutrients; in the case of a high concentration of powder, the child may develop diarrhea or dehydration. nine0017 Close the cap on the bottle and shake it well to completely mix and dissolve the powder.
- Check the temperature of the formula: put a little of the mixture from the bottle on the inside of your wrist. The mixture should be warm, not hot. Food can be heated in a water bath, but you should not heat it in a microwave oven, since the contents of the bottle warm up unevenly in the microwave, the mixture can warm up too much in the center and burn the baby’s mouth and esophagus during feeding. nine0018

Feeding should take place in sessions: do not leave the bottle with formula until the next feeding, do not supplement the child several times a day from the same bottle. The prepared mixture can be stored for no more than half an hour, because after this time the food loses its homogeneity, it precipitates and bacteria grow, which, in turn, can provoke the development of diseases and disorders of the immune system.
Feeding technique
Bottle feeding is not really difficult. However, there are a few feeding rules you should remember to avoid baby tears, food spills, and other problems.
- The position taken by the feeder should resemble the natural position of the mother when breastfeeding: the baby's head should lie on the left hand.
- The nipple that enters the baby's mouth must always be full of milk or formula, otherwise the baby will swallow air which can cause colic. nine0018
- The appearance of bubbles in the bottle means that the child is eating incorrectly and you need to help him, change his position, tilt the bottle in a different way.
- Do not leave a child alone with a bottle and do not let the baby sleep with a bottle in his mouth - in both cases, this can lead to choking.
- It is best to feed your baby when he is in your arms - babies feel most secure in parental arms.
- Remember that the baby's head should always be slightly higher than his torso. nine0018
- Make sure that the baby does not tilt the head too far back or forward - if the head is in the wrong position, it becomes more difficult for the baby to eat, the wrong position of the head can also cause food to enter the respiratory tract.
- When a baby eats from a bottle, he swallows air with nutrition, so he may feel full, despite the fact that he ate little. During feeding, you need to take breaks every 5 minutes so that the child has the opportunity to burp. After he releases air and some nourishment, he will feel hungry again. In order for the child to burp, you need to change his position: put the child's head on your shoulder and support his back with your hands. The child should be in a straight or semi-upright position. If the baby does not burp between feedings, the accumulated air will lead to the formation of painful gases. nine0018
The seated position is the most classic feeding position. With this feeding, the baby sits on your hips with his booty, his back leans against your left hand, and his head is in the crook of the elbow of his left hand.
Side feeding of the bottle is useful if the child suffers from gastroesophageal reflux or has a runny nose. In this option, the child lies on his side (according to the recommendations of doctors, it is better for the child to lie on his left side), and you are nearby and can also take a position lying on your side, turning to face him. nine0003
Emotional state of mother and baby during feeding
The baby feels your emotions, so do not feed him when irritated, angry or upset. Before feeding, take a deep breath and try to relax. Take a comfortable position for you in a chair or on a bed, put a towel or wet wipes nearby in case of spilling the mixture; under the arm on which the child will lie for comfort, you can put a pillow.
While feeding, stroke the baby and talk softly to him. It is important to create for the child the same feelings that he experiences during breastfeeding - the warmth and care of the mother. nine0003
The emotional state of the child before feeding is also important: if the child is excited, crying or screaming, then he should be calmed down and then feeding should begin. When a baby cries or screams, the airways are not protected and formula or milk can get into the larynx.
Feeding your baby is an important part of caring for him, bring maximum care for your baby to this ordinary event and enjoy every moment spent with your baby.