Jennifer aniston baby food
Baby food for Jennifer Aniston and vinegar for Miranda Kerr, here are the seven weirdest celebrity diet fads
IT’S no secret that celebrities are willing to try out some pretty whacky diets for the sake of their health.
From using caffeine to stimulate the skin, to cleansing themselves with VINEGER, there’s no shortage of questionable tips online.
But are these bonkers food tricks actually good for your body?
1. Halle Berry uses coffee to banish cellulite
Halle uses coffee as a caffeine treatmentCredit: WENNInstead of slogging it out for hours in the gym, using caffeine products could help to smooth out saggy skin.
Reports reveal that Halle takes her used coffee grinds, mixes it with a little bit of olive oil, before rubbing it over any dimpled areas.
Keeping used coffee grinds could be a savvy moveCredit: Getty ImagesIt’s believed that the caffeine works to stimulate your body cells, encouraging them to regenerate.
Regularly scrubbing the coffee onto cellulite problem areas can make the skin appear smoother.
2. Sophia Loren eats spaghetti to keep trim
Veteran actress Sophia Loren, now 82, swears by this carb-fuelled dishCredit: APIconic actress Sophia Loren famously admitted: "Everything you see I owe to spaghetti".
The Italian beauty swears by eating the carby meal as a part of a Mediterranean diet.
The Mediterranean diet has been proven to cut the risk of heart diseaseCredit: Getty ImagesThere are a number of health benefits to eating pasta, which is packed full of fibre and antioxidants.
The dish contains minerals selenium and manganese, which help repair and protect the cells as well as regulating the body’s blood sugar.
3. Megan Fox and Miranda Kerr use vinegar to detox
Miranda Kerr has been linked to the bizarre eating trendCredit: Getty ImagesA number of celebrities, including Megan Fox and Miranda Kerr, have claimed that vinegar is the perfect ingredient to use to detox the body.
The Transformers actress admitted that the product is great to “clean out your system”.
Even Megan Fox has spoken out in support of the fadCredit: Getty ImagesAlthough there is a lack of scientific support to back-up this theory, research suggests that vinegar can help people lose weight.
A 2011 study published in American Family Physician showed that consuming a small quantity of vinegar before meals can make you feel fuller, encouraging you to eat less food.
4. Jennifer Aniston uses baby food for weight loss
Jennifer Aniston and Lady Gaga have been linked to the strange fadCredit: Getty ImagesIt was widely reported that Jennifer Aniston was one of many celebrities that attempted the baby food diet to shed the pounds for an acting role.
The fad is believed to have been started by health trainer to the stars, Tracy Anderson, although she has since distanced herself from the trend.
Baby food tends to have a low salt content and is free from any nastiesCredit: Getty ImagesDr Samuel Klein, Director of Human Nutrition at Washington University Medical School, said: “Food that makes a baby grow is pretty good food”.
The expert revealed that the theory behind the baby food diet reveals that people are consuming food that is low in added sugar, sodium and preservatives.
5. January Jones ate her own placenta
January Jones famously admitted to consuming her own placentaCredit: Rex FeaturesAmerican model January Jones openly admitted that she ate her own placenta following the birth of her son.
In 2012, the Mad Men actress recommended that other pregnant women follow suit.
Although some experts have warned that the afterbirth can sometimes be contaminated with dangerous bacteria, other medical professionals have pointed out the benefits.
The afterbirth contains a number of nutritional benefits, but can sometimes be contaminated by bacteriaCredit: Getty ImagesThe placenta is packed with iron and vitamins B6 and B12.
As well as this, it contains oestrogen and progesterone, hormones that can help you bond better with your baby and prevent postpartum depression.
6. Marilyn Monroe feasted on raw eggs and milk
Could this be the secret behind the blonde bombshells good looks?Credit: Getty ImagesIn a 1952 interview with Pageant Magazine, the 1950s actress opened up about her “bizarre” eating habits.
The Hollywood icon admitted that her regular breakfast is two raw eggs whipped into warm milk.
There are warnings that come with eating raw eggsCredit: Getty ImagesNot only are raw eggs a great source of vitamin D and omega 3, they also contain valuable fat which can cleanse our internal structures.
Despite this, health experts urge caution for people attempting to try out this trend.
Eating raw eggs can be risky, as it can cause food poisoning, including salmonella and listeria.
7. Kylie Minogue slims using the grapefruit diet
Kylie has claimed to have followed the grapefruit dietCredit: Getty Images - WireImageCelebrities including Kylie Minogue and Brooke Shields have publicly acknowledged this fad diet.
The rumour that grapefruit can “burn fat” has been largely quashed by experts, as it can only perform this function if consumed in vast quantities.
Despite this, there are some health benefits of the fruit, which is good for the blood, strengthens the immune system and works to boost the metabolism.
Scott Stinson: Jennifer Aniston and the baby food diet that doesn't exist
Jennifer Aniston, I’ll have you know, is a terrible role model.
There is her willingness to settle for one mediocre romantic comedy after another. There is her scantily clad appearance — sweaty, no less! — in advertisements for fancy water. And now this: she’s taken to eating baby food in an effort to lose weight, leading the Toronto Star to note that “When Hollywood celebrities lose weight, teenagers suffer.” Thanks to her, countless impressionable youths are probably flocking to the grocery store to stock up on strained peas and mushed up bananas.
For shame, Jennifer. Angelina would never do this to teenagers.
But, hold on a moment. Ms. Aniston has denied eating baby food. “I’ve been on solids for about 40 years now,” she says. Bam! Sadly, the Internet being what it is, the denial has not spread with the speed and breadth of the original scandalous claim. Poke around and all you find is story after story that repeats the same rumour and vague suggestion that the actress was put on the baby food diet by her celebrity trainer, Tracy Anderson.
The original source, the always reliable, reported EXCLUSIVELY on the details of this diet, although the trainer in question speaks only of “pureed foods” and says nothing about eating actual baby food out of jars. Nor does she say that Ms. Aniston is actually on said diet. If anything, Ms. Anderson seems to have called the diet a “baby food cleanse” as a shorthand for pureed foods. So bad on her for giving it a misleading name, but boo to everyone else for repeating the notion that the diet involves eating pablum.
So, to sum up: Celebrity trainer is rumoured to have put Ms. Aniston on fad diet. She says that’s not true. No matter, says the Star. “Eating disorder experts say the damage has been done,” it reports.
“My beef,” says one dietitian, “is the message that it sends to girls and women, who are already bombarded with messages about dieting and weight.”
“I think that a rich and famous movie star could choose to have the best and brightest experts advising them on health eating rather than falling for false promises.”
Says another nutritionist: “When stars are engaging in inappropriate behaviours, it has an impact.”
Yes, it is very disappointing she engaged in this behaviour that she flat-out denies having engaged in.
Look, I have no desire to rally to the defence of Tracy Anderson, who seems plenty loopy enough as it is. Check out the diet she prepared for Gwyneth Paltrow (this one appears on the trainer’s own site), which looks to me like it would starve a rabbit. It is heavy on kale. “When juiced with a bit of lemon and agave, kale turns into a sort-of grassy lemonade. No worries if you don’t have a juicer, a blender and a sieve do the trick.” A sort-of grassy lemonade? Sign me up!
But it just seems that if you are going to run a story that says “eating baby food is Hollywood’s latest fad diet,” you might want to include one example of someone actually acknowledging that they do it.
National Post
[email protected]
Author of the article:
National Post Staff
Published May 19, 2010 • Last updated 12 years ago • 2 minute read
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Jennifer Aniston, I’ll have you know, is a terrible role model.
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Scott Stinson: Jennifer Aniston and the baby food diet that doesn't exist Back to video
There is her willingness to settle for one mediocre romantic comedy
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. There is her scantily clad
— sweaty, no less! — in advertisements for fancy water. And now this: she’s taken to eating baby food in an effort to lose weight, leading the Toronto Star to
that “When Hollywood celebrities lose weight, teenagers suffer.” Thanks to her, countless impressionable youths are probably flocking to the grocery store to stock up on strained peas and mushed up bananas.
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For shame, Jennifer. Angelina would never do this to teenagers.
But, hold on a moment. Ms. Aniston has denied
eating baby food. “I’ve been on solids for about 40 years now,” she says. Bam! Sadly, the Internet being what it is, the denial has not spread with the speed and breadth of the original scandalous claim. Poke around and all you find is
that repeats the same rumour and vague suggestion that the actress was put on the baby food diet by her celebrity trainer, Tracy Anderson.
The original source
, the always reliable, reported EXCLUSIVELY on the details of this diet, although the trainer in question speaks only of “pureed foods” and says nothing about eating actual baby food out of jars. Nor does she say that Ms. Aniston is actually on said diet. If anything, Ms. Anderson seems to have called the diet a “baby food cleanse” as a shorthand for pureed foods. So bad on her for giving it a misleading name, but boo to everyone else for repeating the notion that the diet involves eating pablum.
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So, to sum up: Celebrity trainer is rumoured to have put Ms. Aniston on fad diet. She says that’s not true. No matter, says the Star. “Eating disorder experts say the damage has been done,” it reports.
“My beef,” says one dietitian, “is the message that it sends to girls and women, who are already bombarded with messages about dieting and weight.”“I think that a rich and famous movie star could choose to have the best and brightest experts advising them on health eating rather than falling for false promises.”
Says another nutritionist: “When stars are engaging in inappropriate behaviours, it has an impact.”
Yes, it is very disappointing she engaged in this behaviour that she flat-out denies having engaged in.
Look, I have no desire to rally to the defence of Tracy Anderson
, who seems plenty loopy enough as it is. Check out the
she prepared for Gwyneth Paltrow (this one appears on the trainer’s own site), which looks to me like it would starve a rabbit. It is heavy on kale. “When juiced with a bit of lemon and agave, kale turns into a sort-of grassy lemonade. No worries if you don’t have a juicer, a blender and a sieve do the trick.” A sort-of grassy lemonade? Sign me up!
But it just seems that if you are going to run a story that says “eating baby food is Hollywood’s latest fad diet,” you might want to include one example of someone actually acknowledging that they do it.
National Post
[email protected]
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Jennifer Aniston's diet: what it is, features
- Hollywood star nutrition principles
- Star ration
- Diet Jennifer Aniston: menu for the week
Not everyone knows that Jennifer Aniston is prone to weight gain. It's hard to believe, looking at her toned and slender figure. She does not sit on strict diets and does not exhaust herself with workouts, but she always watches her diet and adheres to the principles of proper nutrition. The main secret of the Jennifer Aniston diet is proper nutrition all year round, without interruptions. nine0003
Hollywood star nutrition principles
The star admits that she easily gains extra pounds, so she always adheres to the principles of a dietary, but balanced diet. Together with a nutritionist, she developed her own nutrition system without strict restrictions, but, nevertheless, she refused a number of products once and for all. The main principles of her diet: if possible, organic products, a minimum of sugar, drink as much water as possible daily, good sleep. nine0003
Jennifer Aniston tries to eat only organic products
Aniston's diet secrets:
- The actress gave up caffeine for breakfast . If earlier she started the day with a cup of coffee, then since she began to monitor her weight, she starts the day with a glass of water with freshly squeezed lemon juice. During the day, she allows herself to drink one cup of coffee.
- She considers oatmeal to be the most useful product for breakfast . She adds fresh berries or fruits to it, or makes a fruit and berry smoothie. nine0006
- Greens and fruits in abundance . The actress tries to eat a balanced diet, so her diet contains all the variety of fruits and herbs.
- No hard limit . She considers it wrong to severely limit herself. The main thing for her is to eat right, choose organic products.
Jennifer does not even like fasting days: when she urgently needs to get herself in perfect shape, she reduces her salt intake and trains hard.
The diet of the star contains a lot of fruits and greens
The diet of the star
The list of allowed foods includes vegetables, eggs, lean meats (mainly chicken and turkey), olive oil, low-fat dairy and sour-milk products, white and brown cheese , spaghetti. The actress's favorite dish is vegetable lasagna, as well as spaghetti with turkey. She advises cooking lasagna according to this recipe: cut zucchini and eggplant into plates, lay them in layers, laying cheeses of different varieties, bake in the oven. nine0003
Her diet includes vegetables, fruits and berries without restrictions . She consumes them both in the main meals and as snacks. Her diet also includes fish, cereals, honey and nuts.
As for prohibited foods , she completely gave up sugar, flour products, potatoes, pasta, and beans.
The actress herself says that there are no expensive products or delicacies in her refrigerator, so she considers her food system accessible to everyone
She always has chicken, vegetables and eggs in her fridge.
The main foods in Jennifer Aniston's diet are chicken, eggs and a variety of vegetables. The essence of the Jennifer Aniston "Zone" diet is that each meal should include a block of fats, proteins and carbohydrates with the following ratio: 40% are carbohydrates, 30% each are proteins and fats.
Water plays an important role in her diet. The actress tries to drink as much pure water as possible every day0003
Another secret of the actress is a diet based on baby food. She considers baby food to be a useful and dietary product. Sometimes she replaces them with several meals. So, when she needs to lose weight quickly, she replaces all meals, except for lunch, with baby food: she consumes about 10 jars of meat, vegetable and fruit food per day. For lunch, she eats boiled chicken breast and vegetable salad.
For quick weight loss, the actress replaces the main meals with baby food
Jennifer Aniston's diet: menu for the week
The actress considers breakfast to be the most important meal of the day, so she never skips it.
Sample menu:
- Breakfast . For breakfast, she eats oatmeal with fruits and berries, toast with olive oil, egg or avocado, fruit smoothies. In smoothies, she often adds protein powder, which helps build muscle in the gym. Sometimes for breakfast she eats low-fat cottage cheese with marmalade. nine0006
- Second breakfast . For lunch, she prefers a jar of fruit baby food.
- Snack : fruit.
- Lunch : vegetable salad, soup.
- Dinner : boiled meat or fish, spaghetti or vegetable lasagna.
Jennifer Aniston adheres to such a diet all year round, without giving herself concessions, for example, she does not allow herself cakes, pastries, buns. According to reviews, on such a diet, you can lose at least 5 kilograms of excess weight per month. nine0003
Jennifer Aniston's diet will help you lose more than 5 kg in a month
At 51, this Hollywood actress looks simply luxurious. And here it is not only about constant sports and yoga, but also about proper nutrition. More precisely, Jennifer has been following a special diet for more than 10 years, which helps her keep herself in perfect shape to the envy of her colleagues and fans.
Website editor
Nutrition nine0003
Proper nutrition
Diet choice
Actually, everything is very simple. The essence of the Aniston diet is the complete rejection of white foods: potatoes, sugar, salt, rice, pasta, flour products, beans, cheese, cream, sweet yogurt, ice cream. To be honest, some white foods are still allowed, such as skim milk and low-fat dairy products (kefir), chicken and turkey (breast), and egg white. And one more secret: brown rice can become an alternative to white rice,
This diet is commonly referred to as the No White Food Diet. But without restrictions, you can eat vegetables, fruits and berries, which will make up about seventy percent of the daily diet. They contain a large amount of natural fiber - it promotes digestion and speeds up metabolism. And vegetables fill the stomach, suppressing appetite. Also, the diet does not prohibit eating fish, sweet potatoes, cereals, nuts, honey.
Of course, you should not forget about water and drink it often and a lot. Since it helps to eliminate toxins and eliminate edema. The main thing is not to drink a lot before going to bed, otherwise swelling will appear on the face in the morning. nine0003
Approximate daily ration:
Breakfast: fat-free cottage cheese with apple jam.
Second breakfast: peach puree (baby food), coconut milk with ginger.
Snack: green apple.
Lunch: Celery soup, vegetable salad with herbs, dressed with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.
If you stick to this diet without giving yourself any indulgence (forget about chocolate and buns!), then in a month you can easily lose up to five kilograms, or even more. In addition, the “white diet” energizes the body so much that 6 hours of sleep will be enough for you instead of the standard 8-9..
And another secret of Aniston's slimness: she is a big fan of baby food, which sometimes replaces several meals. Her friend, nutritionist and part-time personal trainer Tracey Andersen put her on this. According to her idea, the daily diet should consist of 10-14 small jars of baby food, which contain meat, vegetables and fruits. All this, of course, is good, but following such a diet, the feeling of hunger will not leave you.