Lead free baby food
Safest Baby Foods Without Heavy Metals or Perchlorate--LAB RESULTS
In a new investigation released, close to 200 baby foods were tested across the United States and 95% of them contained one or more heavy metals like arsenic, lead, cadmium, or mercury. They also found perchlorate, a rocket fuel chemical, inside baby food & infant formula used as an “anti-static” agent. This is horrifying. We know. So what should you feed your baby? You’ve trusted Mamavation to bring you topics like best cookware without PFAs & nano-materials, safest “breathable” crib mattresses, & thousands of other product investigations, now join us as we take you through the latest study by Healthy Babies Bright Futures and spill the beans on the safest brands.
Disclosure: This post was updated on September 29th, 2021. It was medically reviewed by Sondra Strand, RN, BSN, PHN. This post also contains affiliate links.
Table of Contents
Heavy Metals Arsenic, Lead, Cadmium & Mercury Are Commonly Found in Baby Foods
When you go to the store to pick up baby food, you don’t expect to bring home a side of heavy metals, but that is exactly what is happening. In the latest baby food investigation by Healthy Babies Bright Futures & partners, 168 baby food products were tested, including 61 brands some of which were USDA organic. Both squeezies and jar baby food was considered. The results were very concerning for parents because it means toxic metals are common in baby food.
- 95% of baby food tested was contaminated with one or more of four toxic heavy metals–arsenic, lead, cadmium, or mercury.
- Within a single container lots of contaminants could be inside:
- 4 metals were found inside 26% of baby foods tested,
- 3 metals were found inside 40% of baby foods tested,
- 2 metals were found inside 21% of baby foods tested,
- 1 metal was found inside 8% of baby foods tested &
- 0 metals were found inside of 5% of baby foods tested (9 foods)
- Arsenic was found in 73% of baby foods
- Lead was found in 94% of baby foods
- Cadmium was found in 75% of baby foods
- Mercury was found in 32% of baby foods
UPDATE: This investigation caused quite a stir and the U. S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy started to investigate. Two reports were made on February 4th, 2021, and September 29th, 2021 with more information about heavy metal contamination within baby food companies. They received internal documents & heavy metal testing from Happy Baby Organics, Beech-Nut, Gerber, Earth’s Best Organic, Plum Organics, Parent’s Choice (Walmart brand), & Sprout Organic Foods. (The latest labs are reflected in the investigation at the bottom.)
Pediatricians Are Talking About Heavy Metals & Baby Food and They Aren’t Happy
Pediatricians have already started warning parents about this danger. “Arsenic, lead, and other heavy metals are known causes of neurodevelopmental harm,” explains Dr. Phillip Landrigan, a pediatrician and Director of the Program in Global Public Health and the Common Good in the Schiller Institute for Integrated Science and Society at Boston College. “Low-level exposures add up, and exposures in early life are especially dangerous. The cumulative impact of exposures is what makes this a significant concern that demands action.”
- 87% of the foods tested contained more than one toxic heavy metal.
- 4 in 7 infant rice cereals tested contained inorganic arsenic (the toxic form of arsenic) in excess of FDA’s proposed action level of 100 ppb (parts per billion).
- 83% of baby foods tested had more lead than the 1ppb limit endorsed by public health advocates
- 1 out of every 5 foods tested had over 10 times the limit of 1ppb endorsed by public health advocates
What Can Heavy Metals Do To Developing Babies?
It’s been clear for hundreds of years that heavy metals like arsenic, lead, cadmium & mercury are very problematic to human health. But when it comes to children, it’s even more dangerous. They can harm a developing baby’s brain and nervous system both in utero and after birth. Arsenic, lead, cadmium & mercury can negatively impact the brain development of an otherwise healthy baby.
And to drive this home, in the past seven years, there have been 23 peer-reviewed studies underlining the dangers to children when it comes to these heavy metals. The lead level, arsenic level, cadmium level, & mercury level of a child’s food and supplements matter. The common symptoms of exposure to high levels of heavy metals are as follows:
- lower IQ
- behavior problems like attention deficit syndromes (ADD)
- other learning and behavioral impacts
- arsenic, lead & cadmium are also carcinogens
According to health advocates at Abt Associates who studied data of national surveys of food contamination and consumption of American children aged 0 to 24 months, American children lose 11 million IQ points from exposure to arsenic and lead in these foods. Rice-based foods also account for about one-fifth of this loss and fifteen foods account for over half of this loss of IQ points.
Rocket Fuel Chemical Perchlorate Found in Baby Food
Perchlorate, a chemical used in the creation of rockets, fireworks, and matches, has also been found in baby foods. In 2005, Perchlorate was approved by the FDA as an “indirect additive” in plastic packaging for foods and today is used as an anti-static agent in cereals, infant formula, and other baby foods. Grains become static-y when ground very small and packaged, so food companies started adding perchlorate to the inside of plastic packaging walls to solve that problem.
Perchlorate disrupts thyroid function and blocks the uptake of iodine to the thyroid. When this happens in utero or in early childhood, IQ loss and development issues become very possible. Last year, the American Academy of Pediatrics issued a statement that food additives like perchlorate were dangerous to children and should not be approved by the FDA. These results show a prevalence of perchlorate in baby food and underline the need for the FDA to ban all food uses of perchlorate in baby food. Babies are already getting heavy metals in their baby food, perchlorate isn’t a helpful chemical in terms of neurodevelopment for American children.
But at Mamavation, we’re not just reporting the news. We have become very active in changing policy behind the scenes for you. Mamavation was active in pressuring the California Water Board to lower the detection limit (DL) of perchlorate, which is the first step to limiting how much can legally come to your tap. Because perchlorate uptakes into green leafy vegetables and California is the salad bowl capital of the United States, the level of perchlorate California allows in water directly affects everyone who eats salad nationwide. You’re welcome!
What Are The Safer Alternatives?
Safer alternatives exist here, so it’s important to just familiarize yourself with the options. In fact, you’ll save an average of 80% less toxic exposure if you follow the solutions we’ve pulled for you. Long story short, here they are.
- Snacks Solutions: If you choose rice-free snacks over puff snacks made from rice you’ll get about 93% less toxic heavy metals.
- Teething Food Solutions: If you choose soothing foods for teething like a frozen banana or chilled cucumber instead of teething biscuits or rice rusks, you’ll get about 91% less toxic heavy metals with better nutrients.
- Cereal Solution: If you choose other infant cereals like multi-grain and oatmeal instead of infant rice cereal you’ll get about 84% less toxic heavy metals.
- Drink Solution: If you choose tap water instead of giving your child fruit juice, you’ll get about 68% less toxic heavy metals.
- Fruits & Veggies Solution: If you choose a variety of fruits & veggies instead of just carrots & sweet potatoes all the time, you’ll get about 73% less toxic heavy metals.
Unfortunately, organic standards do not tackle heavy metals in the standards, nor do they tackle other indirect additives like PFAS or phthalates. So some organic brands will have some surprising heavy metal content, but we’ve found some better organic brands in our investigation at the end of this investigation to help you out.
It’s also important to know that heavy metals are not typically added to baby food but come from the soil and uptake into plants. Levels of heavy metal contamination in soil vary, but it’s important to understand that organic doesn’t necessarily mean safer when it comes to heavy metal contamination in children. More on the best organic baby formulas here.
Baby Food Makers & Home Cooking: The Best Solution
The truth is this–the more something is processed through food manufacturing, the more likely it’s going to have contaminants inside ingredients. You can make your own bpa-free baby food at home with limited effort, while baby food manufacturers are challenged with producing a non-toxic finished product. So making the baby food yourself is really the solution to your problem. But I get it, it’s not always convenient. But if you have the time avoiding high levels of toxic heavy metals is wise. That’s why we are bringing you both options, so you can choose daily.
But here’s more proof that softening your baby’s food isn’t the best plan in general. The latest research looking at evolutionary dentistry says that softening a baby’s food prevents them from fully developing their jaw, which can lead to a list of ailments in adulthood like sleep apnea.
Here are some of the baby food makers we would recommend to make the best organic baby food at home with no preservatives:
- Beaba Babycook Neo (glass/stainless steel)
- Beaba Babycook 4-in-1 baby food maker (polypropylene)
- Stainless Steel mortar & pestle (no plastic whatsoever)
- Weston Stainless Steel Food Mill (no plastic whatsoever)
- Norpro Stainless Steel Food Mill (no plastic whatsoever)
- Cuisipro Stainless Steel Food Mill (no plastic whatsoever)
- Baby Breeza glass baby food maker
- Black & Decker Glass Food Processor
Other Investigations We Think You’ll Like On Mamavtion
Before we go over all the baby food brands, we would like to show you other baby-related investigations we’ve done that we believe we can be of service to you in recommending:
- Best “Breathable” Baby Crib Mattresses
- Safest Baby Strollers without PFAS “Forever Chemicals”
- Safest Car Seats without Fire Retardants & PFAS “Forever Chemicals”
- Baby Food / Updated Baby Food Investigation 2019 & 2021 with Lab Results
- Best Clothing for Children
- Best Jackets & Outerwear
- Best “Nugget” Styled Play Couches
- Lanolin
- Baby food processors
- Prenatal Vitamins
- Organic Infant formula
We also have additional investigations that will make your life easier in terms of product choices.
Supplements & Over-the-Counter
- Probiotics
- OTC Cough Syrups
- Head Lice Treatment Products
- Safer Pest Control for Home Use
Safer Indoor Air
- Air Purifiers
- Organic Mattresses
- Candles
Cleaning Products
- All-Purpose Cleaners
- Safest Disinfectants Also Approved by EPA
- Laundry Detergent
- Dish Soap
- Dishwasher Detergent
- Cookware
- Water Filters to Capture PFAS “Forever Chemicals”
- Small Kitchen Appliances
Personal Care for the Whole Family:
- Makeup
- Lotion
- Soap & Body Wash
- Sunscreens
- Nail Polish
- Face Wash & Moisturizers
- Hair Styling Products
- Hair Dye
- Period Underwear
- Tampons
- Deodorant
- Dry Shampoo
- Shampoo & Conditioner
- Shampoo Bars & Conditioner Bars
- MLM Companies
- Toothpaste
- Dental Floss
- Mouthwash
- Toilet Paper
- Head Lice Treatment Products
- Hair Relaxers
- Peel-Off Facial Masks, Sheet Facial Masks, & K-beauty Facial Masks
- Beard Oil
- Wine
- Spritz & Hard Seltzers
- Beverages in Glass Bottles–Which Bottle Caps Have Phthalates
- Tea
- Iced Tea
- Orange Juice
- Organic Dairies
- Coffee
- Coffee Creamers
- Electrolyte Replacement Drinks, Sports Drinks, & Coconut Water
- Water Filters
Mamavation’s Investigation on Baby Food Brands
Mamavation looked at all 168 brands to decipher based on ranges which brands had the least amount of contaminants. We’ve created this range with help from Charlotte Brody, RN, National Director of Healthy Babies Bright Future & co-author of this report to categorize which brands deserve to be in which category. It’s important to strive for 0 ppb of lead because that is where children are safe. However, we recognize that we are not there yet and this represents the range of heavy metals. Here are the levels:
- Lead: dangerous levels 17-27 ppb, concerning levels 7-17 ppb, and safer levels 0-7 ppb
- Inorganic Arsenic: dangerous levels 75-100 ppb, concerning levels 40-75 ppb, and safer levels 0-40 ppb.
- Cadmium: dangerous levels 25-50ppb, concerning levels 10-25 ppb, and safer levels 0-10 ppb
- Mercury: dangerous levels 3-4 ppb, concerning levels 1-3 ppb, and safer levels 0-1 ppb.
- Perchlorate: dangerous above 1 ppb to any child. This is the public health goal for perchlorate in water in California.
Not Our Favorite Baby Food Brands
These brands had the highest levels of heavy metals than the rest of the group. Specifically, baby & toddler food brands that had between 17-27 ppb of lead, between 75-1000 ppb or inorganic arsenic, 25-50 ppb of cadmium, 3-4 ppb of mercury, or any perchlorate landed here. Because perchlorate is so incredibly toxic to the baby’s development, we have those brands highlighted. (This investigation also reflects the most recent heavy metal testing sent to the U.S. House of Representatives by Beach-Nut, Gerber, Plum Organics, Parent’s Choice (Walmart), Sprouts Organic Foods, Happy Baby Organics, & Earth’s Best Organic in 2021.) Please note: this is not organized according to types of baby foods. This includes baby food pouches.
- Baby Mum-Mum Banana Rice Rusks (arsenic, mercury, perchlorate)
- Beech-Nut Rice Single Grain Baby Cereal (high arsenic, low lead, low cadmium)
- Beach-Nut Rice Cereal from beech-nut nutrition company (arsenic)
- Beech-Nut Oatmeal Whole Grain Baby Cereal (lead, cadmium, perchlorate)
- Beech-Nut Organics Just Carrots (perchlorate)
- Beech-Nut Classics Sweet Carrots (high lead, cadmium, mercury)
- Beech-Nut Classics Sweet Potatoes Stage 2 (high lead, cadmium)
- Beech-Nut Classics Mixed Vegetables Stage 2 (high lead)
- BioKinetics Brown Rice Organic Sprouted Whole Grain Baby Cereal (high arsenic, lead, high cadmium, mercury)
- Comforts (Kroger) Blueberry Little Puffs Cereal Snack (arsenic, lead, high cadmium)
- Cream of Wheat Instant Original Flavor (high lead, high cadmium)
- Cuetara Animalitos Galleta Crackers (Animal Crackers) (high cadmium)
- Deluxe Pasta Macaroni & Cheese, Original Flavor (lead, high cadmium)
- Earth’s Best Organic Sensitivity DHR/ARA Infant Formula with Iron (perchlorate)
- Earths Best Organic Whole Grain Rice Cereal from Hain Celestial group (high arsenic, high lead, cadmium, mercury)
- Earth’s Best Organic Sesame Street Peanut Butter Baked Corn Puffs (high cadmium)
- Earth’s Best Organic Spinach and Potato Baby Food 6 months (perchlorate)
- Gerber Multigrain Cereal (arsenic, lead, high cadmium, mercury, perchlorate)
- Gerber Rice Single Grain Cereal (arsenic, lead, cadmium, mercury, perchlorate)
- Gerber Rice Cereal (arsenic)
- Gerber Probiotic Rice Banana Apple Cereal (arsenic)
- Gerber Oatmeal Single Grain Cereal (Lead, cadmium, perchlorate)
- Gerber Whole Wheat Whole Grain Cereal (Lead, arsenic, cadmium, perchlorate)
- Gerber Barley Single Grain Cereal (Lead, cadmium, perchlorate)
- Gerber Diced Carrots Veggie Pickups (lead, high cadmium, mercury)
- Gerber Carrot Sitter 2nd Food (lead, high cadmium, mercury)
- Gerber Carrot Supported Sitter 1st Goods (lead, high cadmium, mercury)
- Gerber Sweet Potato Supported Sitter 1st Foods Tub (high lead, cadmium)
- Gerber Sweet Potato Sitter 2nd Foods (high lead, cadmium)
- Gerber Fruit & Veggie Melts Truly Tropical Blend Free Dried Fruit & Vegetable Snack (lead, high cadmium)
- Gerber Arrowroot Biscuits (lead, high cadmium)
- HappyBABY Organic Oats & Quinoa Baby Cereal Whole Grains with Iron (perchlorate)
- HappyBABY Organic Baby Cereal, Clearly Crafted Whole Grains (perchlorate)
- HappyBABY Organic Simple Combos Apples, Spinach & Kale (perchlorate)
- HappyBABY Superfoods Puffs- Apple & Broccoli Organic Grain Snack (high arsenic, lead, cadmium, mercury)
- HappyBABY Superfood Puffs – Sweet Potato & Carrot Organic Grain Snack from Happy Family Organics (high arsenic, cadmium, mercury)
- HappyBABY Organic Rice Cakes Puffed Rice Snack – Apple (arsenic, high mercury)
- Healthy Times Organic Brown Rice Cereal (high lead, high arsenic, cadmium, mercury, perchlorate)
- Kitchdee Organic Baby Cereal Rice and Lentil (lead, high arsenic, cadmium, high mercury)
- Kraft Mac & Cheese Dinner, Original Flavor (cadmium)
- Nosh! Baby Munchabes Organic Teething Wafers- Banana & Mango (arsenic, high mercury)
- NurturMe Organic Quinoa Cereals–Quinoa & sweet potato & raisin (arsenic, high lead, cadmium, perchlorate)
- Nurture’s Apple Spinach Pea & Kiwi (lead)
- Nuture’s Pea Spinach Teether (lead)
- Nuture’s Apple Rice Cakes (lead)
- Nurture’s Blueberry Purple Carrot Greek Yogis (lead)
- Nurture’s Apple & Broccoli Puffs (arsenic)
- Nurture’s Banana & Pumpkin Puffs (arsenic)
- Nurture’s Strawberry & Beet Puffs (arsenic)
- Nurture’s Kale & Spinach Puffs (arsenic)
- Nurture’s Purple Carrot & Blueberry Puffs (arsenic)
- Nurture’s Sweet Potato & Carrot Puffs (arsenic)
- Nurture’s Apple Rice Cakes (arsenic)
- Nurture’s Blueberry Beet Rice Cakes (arsenic)
- Nurture’s Multi-grain Cereal canister (lead)
- O Organics (Albertsons/Safeway) Organic Puffs- Apple & Strawberry (high arsenic, lead, cadmium, high mercury)
- Parents Choice (Walmart) Organic Strawberry Rice Rusks (arsenic, high lead, mercury)
- Parents Choice (Walmart) Little Hearts Strawberry Yogurt Cereal Snacks Stage 3 (high cadmium)
- Parents Choice (Walmart) Carrot Stage 2 (perchlorate)
- Plum Organics Grow Well Muscle (lead)
- Plum Organics Grow Well Tummy (lead)
- Plum Organics Little Teethers Blueberry (lead)
- Plum Organics Mighty Morning Bar Blueberry Lemon 15 months (cadmium, perchlorate)
- Plum Organics Mighty Snack Bars Strawberry (lead)
- Plum Organics Super Puffs Apple with Spinach (arsenic)
- Plum Organics Super Puffs Mango with Sweet Potato (arsenic)
- Plum Organics Super Puffs Blueberry with Purple Sweet Potato (arsenic)
- Plum Organics Super Puffs Strawberry with Beet (arsenic)
- Plum Organic Teensy Snacks Berry (lead)
- Similac Advance OptiGRO Powder (perchlorate)
- Simple Truth Organics (Kroger) Whole Grain Puffs Broccoli & Spinach (high arsenic, lead, cadmium, high mercury)
- SOBISK Breakfast Biscuits Golden Oat (high lead)
- Sprout Organic Quinoa Puffs Baby Cereal Snack – Apple Kale (arsenic, high lead, high cadmium, mercury)
Better Baby Food Brands
This category represents two separate groups. Group #1 is between 7-17 ppb lead, 40-75 ppb inorganic arsenic, 10-25 ppb cadmium, and/or 1-3 ppb of mercury. Group #2 is brands that contains the lowest levels of contaminants, but are not organic so they likely contain various pesticide residue. This category has between 0-7 ppb lead, 0-40 ppb inorganic arsenic, 0-10 ppb cadmium, and/or less than 1 ppb of mercury and are marked with **.
- 365 Organic Whole Foods Milk Based Powder Infant Formula with Iron**
- Applesnax Applesauce with Cinnamon**
- Beech-Nut Naturals Just Sweet Potatoes Stage 1 (lead, cadmium)
- Beech-Nut Classics Sweet Peas Stage 2**
- Beech-Nut Naturals Just Butternut Squash Stage 1**
- Beech-Nut Naturals Bananas Stage 1 4 months**
- Beech-Nut Naturals Beets, Pear & Pomegranate**
- Beech-Nut Classics Chicken & Chicken Broth**
- Beech-Nut Classics Turkey & Turkey Broth**
- Beech-Nut Breakfast-on-the-go Yogurt Banana & Mixed Berry Blend Stage 4**
- Earth’s Best Organic Oatmeal Cereal (Arsenic, Lead, cadmium)
- Earth’s Best Organic Sweet Potatoes Baby Food 4 months+ (lead, cadmium)
- Earth’s Best Organic Sweet Potatoes Baby Food 6 months+ (lead, cadmium)
- Earth’s Best Organic Chicken & Brown Rice Baby Food 6 months (arsenic, lead)
- Earth’s Best Sunny Days Snack Bars – Swee Potato Carrot (cadmium)
- Enfamil ProSobee Soy Infant Formula, Milk-Free Lactose-Free Powder (lead, cadmium)
- Enfamil Infant Formula Milk-Based with Iron**
- Gerber Good Start Gentle HM-O and Probiotics Infant Formula with Iron**
- Gerber Pea Sitter 2nd Foods**
- Gerber Green Beans Sitter 2nd Food**
- Gerber Green Bean Supported Sitter 1st Foods**
- Gerber Banana Sitter 2nd Foods**
- Gerber Peach Sitter 2nd Foods**
- Gerber Pear Sitter 2nd Foods**
- Gerber Sweet Potato Supported Sitter 1st Foods (lead, cadmium)
- Gerber Organic Mango Apple Carrot Kale Sitter 2nd Foods (cadmium)
- Gerber Carrot Pear Blackberry Sitter 2nd Foods (cadmium)
- Gerber Mashed Potatoes & Gravy with Roasted Chicken and a Side of Carrots (cadmium)
- Gerber Puffs Banana Cereal Snack (lead, cadmium)
- Gerber Apple Sweet Potato with Cinnamon Toddler**
- Gerber Carrot Sweet Potato Pea Sitter 2nd Foods**
- Gerber Apple Juice from Concentrate**
- Gerber Apple Prune Juice from Concentrate**
- Gerber Variety Pack Juices from Concentrate–White Grape**
- Gerber Pear Juice from Concentrate 100% Juice**
- Gerber Chicken Rice Dinner Sitter 2nd Foods**
- Gerber Turkey Rice Dinner Sitter 2nd Foods**
- Gerber Lil’ Sticks Chicken Sticks Toddler**
- Gerber Beef and Gravy 2nd Foods**
- Gerber Ham and Gravy 2nd Foods**
- Gerber Teether Wheels Apple Harvest**
- HappyBABY Organic Infant Formula with Iron, Milk-based**
- HappyBABY Organic Teethers Blueberry & Purple Carrot Sitting Baby (mercury)
- Happy Tot Love My Veggies Bowl, Cheese & Spinach Ravioli with Organic Marinara Sauce (lead, cadmium)
- Harvest Hill Instant Oatmeal, Maple & Brown Sugar (lead, cadmium)
- Juicy Juice 100% Juice –Apple**
- Juicy Juice 100% Juice Fruit Punch**
- Kidgets Toddler Apple Juice from Concentrate**
- Little Duck Organics 100% Pressed Fruit Snacks & Probiotics Pomegranate, Blueberry & Acai (lead)
- Little Dutch Maid Saltine Crackers (cadmium)
- Meijer Apple Rice Rusks Baked Rice Snack (mercury)
- Meijer Baby Sweet Potatoes 2nd Stage**
- Meijer Baby Bananas 2nd Stage**
- Meijer True Goodness Organic Teethers Baked Rice Snack Vegetable (mercury)
- Mott’s Applesauce Apple**
- Nostalgia Marias Cookies Galletas (cadmium)
- Orchard Naturals Mandarin Oranges in Light Syrup**
- Parents Choice (Walmart) Organic Infant Formula with Iron**
- Parents Choice (Walmart) Sweet Potato Stage 1**
- Pediasure Grow & Gain Chocolate Shake**
- Plum Organics Genter Organic Infant Formula with Iron**
- Plum Organics Organic Just Sweet Potato Baby Food
- Repone Suero/Electrolyte Solution with Zinc Fruit Flavor**
- Seneca Cinnamon Applesauce**
- Simple Truth Organics (Kroger) Infant Formula with Iron, DHA and Dual Prebiotics**
- Sprout Garden Vegetables Brown Rice with Turkey for 8 months+**
- Sprout Carrot Apple Mango Organic Baby Food (cadmium)
- Up & Up (Target) Infant Formula with Iron**
- Up & Up (Target) Apple and Carrot Baby Food, Fruit & Vegetable Blend, 6 months**
- Yoo-hoo Chocolate Drink**
Best Baby Food Brands
This category is organic and has between 0-7 ppb lead, 0-40 ppb inorganic arsenic, 0-10 ppb cadmium, less than 1 ppb of mercury. We’ve linked up as many brands as we could find on Amazon for your convenience.
- 365 Organic Whole Foods 100% Juice Apple from Concentrate
- Apple & Eve Elmo’s Punch 100% Organic Juice
- Baby’s Only Organic Non-GMO Dairy Toddler Formula
- Beech-Nut Organics Just Sweet Potatoes Stage 1
- Beech-Nut Organic Just Pumpkin Stage 1
- Beech-Nut Organic Just Apples Stage 1 4 months
- Earth’s Best Organic Carrots Baby Food
- Earth’s Best Organic Winter Squash Baby Food
- Earth’s Best Organic First Peas Baby Food
- Earth’s Best Organic Apples Baby Food 6 months+
- Earth’s Best Organic First Pears 4 months
- Earth’s Best Organic Turkey Quinoa Apple Sweet potato Homestyle Meal Puree
- Earth’s Best Organic Chicken Pot Pie Homestyle Meat Puree
- Earth’s Best Organic Sweet Potato Cinnamon Flax & Oat-Wholesome Breakfast Puree 6 months+
- Earth’s Best Sesame Street Organic Fruit Yogurt Smoothie Apple Blueberry
- Ella’s Kitchen Organic Nibbly Fingers Apples & Strawberries
- Gerber Organic Apple Blueberry Spinach Sitter 2nd Food
- Good2Grow Fortified Water – Orange Mango
- HappyBABY Organic Sweet Potatoes Stage 1
- HappyBABY Organic Pears Stage 1
- HappyBABY Organic Clearly Crafted Prunes 4 months
- HappyBABY Organic Apples, Sweet Potato & Granola Clearly Crafted Baby Food
- Meijer Infant Formula Milk-Based with Iron
- Meijer True Goodness Organic Carrots Baby Food
- Meijer True Goodness Organic Sweet Potatoes Baby Food Stage 2
- O Organics (Albertsons/Safeway) Organic Carrots Baby Food
- O Organics (Albertsons/Safeway) Organic Apple, Sweet Potato & Carrot Baby Food
- O Organics (Albertsons/Safeway) Strained Organic Turkey and Turkey Gravy Baby Food
- Orgain Kids Protein Organic Nutritional Shake Vanilla Flavor
- Parents Choice (Walmart) Organic Butternut Squash Vegetable Puree Stage 2
- Parents Choice (Walmart) Organic Strawberry Carrot & Quinoa Fruit & Veg Puree
- Plum Organics Organic Just Peaches Baby Food
- Plum Organics Organic Just Prunes Baby Food
- Plum Organics Pumpkin Banana Papaya Cardomon 6 months
- Plum Organics Apple, Raisin & Quinoa Baby Food
- Plum Organics Little Teethers Organic Multigrain Teething Wafers Banana with Pumpkin
- Simple Truth Organics (Kroger) Mini Rice Cakes Apple
- Sprouts Organic Baby Food Prunes Starting Solids
- Sprout Butternut Chickpea Quinoa & Dates Organic Baby Food
- Sprout Organic Crispy Chews Red Fruit Beet & Berry with Crispy Brown Rice
Baby Foods and Formulas Without Heavy Metals? A Few Options
The HBBF conducted a study to test for 4 different toxic heavy metals in 61 baby food brands and 168 different food and formula products.
The group tested for lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium and an additional neurotoxin called perchlorate.
Note that this article was updated in response to the new Staff Report from the U.S. House of Representatives, specifically the Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy, Committee on Oversight and Reform.
This new report considered products from the following manufacturers: Nurture, Inc (Happy Family Organics, and HappyBaby), Beech-Nut Nutrition Company, Hain Celestial Group, Inc (Earth's Best Organic), Gerber, Campbell Soup Company (Plum Organics), Walmart (Parent's Choice), and Sprout Foods, Inc.
Results of this new report demonstrate the following primary points:
1. All tested baby foods contained heavy metals, including arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury.
2. While most companies perform internal testing for heavy metals, they still allow dangerously high levels of heavy metals to occur in ingredients and final products.
3. Specifically big offenders, according to the report, were Walmart (Parent's Choice), Sprout Organic, and Plum Organics.
Heavy Metals in Baby Foods
The recent Congressional report was motivated by a study released by the non-profit Healthy Babies Bright Future (HBBF) organization. That study, released in October 2019, caused widespread concern among parents about the safety of traditional and organic baby foods and formulas.
In their study, the HBBF tested for 4 different toxic heavy metals in 61 baby food brands and 168 different food and formula products: lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium and an additional neurotoxin called perchlorate.
They found concerning results for even the best organic baby foods and best organic formulas.
All four of the heavy metals they tested for are considered neurotoxic. Arsenic, lead and mercury have all been shown to interfere with brain development and cause permanent IQ reductions in children. Additionally, arsenic, cadmium and lead are all carcinogens in humans, meaning that they can cause or increase the risk of cancer.
The results of the study were alarming, and we review them below.
Note that even in the trace amounts found in food, these contaminants can alter the developing brain and erode a child's IQ. The impacts add up with each meal or snack a baby eats.
Baby Cereals with Arsenic, Lead, and Cadmium
Let's start with baby cereals: rice based.
All 7 of the tested rice cereals contained high Arsenic levels exceeding the HBBF limit of 25ppb (parts per billion).
All 7 of the tested rice cereals contained high Lead levels exceeding the AAP and EDF limits of 1ppb.
All 7 of the tested rice cereals contained high Cadmium levels exceeding the CR limit of 1ppb.
There are no guidelines for Mercury contents, but the good news is that they were all much lower than what is typically found in a can of tuna fish (about 50-300ppb).
Now let's consider baby cereals: non-rice based.
Five of the 11 tested non-rice (oatmeal or multi-grain) baby cereals contained high Arsenic levels exceeding the HBBF limit of 25ppb.
Nine of the 11 tested non-rice (oatmeal or multi-grain) baby cereals contained high Lead levels exceeding the AAP and EDF limit of 1ppb.
All 11 of the tested non-rice (oatmeal or multi-grain) baby cereals contained high Cadmium levels exceeding the CR limit of 1ppb.
There are no guidelines for Mercury contents, but the good news is that they were all much lower than what is typically found in a can of tuna fish (about 50-300ppb).
Which Baby Cereals have the Lowest Levels?
We do not recommend feeding your baby rice baby cereals, given the alarmingly high Arsenic levels found in all tested products. Great alternatives are oats, barley, and other mixed whole grains.
The baby cereal winner with the lowest overall Arsenic, Lead and Cadmium levels is the HappyBABY Oatmeal Baby Cereal, Organic Whole Grains.
The runner-up with the second-lowest overall levels of these heavy metals is the HappyBABY Oats & Quinoa Baby Cereal, Organic Whole Grains with Iron.
Heavy Metals in Baby Foods - Vegetable Purees
Of the 38 tested vegetable (single and multiple) purees, only 1 contained excessive Arsenic levels (HappyBABY Sweet Potatoes Stage 1).
33 of the 38 tested vegetable purees contained excessive levels of Lead, especially the Sweet Potato purees. Lowest levels were generally string bean, pea, and squash purees.
29 of the 38 tested vegetable purees contained excessive levels of Cadmium, especially Gerber products containing carrots.
All tested products had very low Mercury levels.
Which Baby Vegetable Purees have the Lowest Levels?
In general, avoid sweet potato purees and Gerber products containing carrots.
The vegetable puree winner with the lowest overall Arsenic, Lead and Cadmium levels is Gerber Pea Sitter (Stage 2).
The runner-up vegetable puree winner is the Earth's Best Winter Squash Organic (Stage 2).
Heavy Metals in Baby Foods - Fruit Purees & Fruit Veggie Blends
Of the 30 tested fruit purees and fruit and vegetable blends, all of them contained acceptable Arsenic levels.
20 of the 30 tested fruit and fruit-vegetable purees contained excessive levels of Lead, especially the Beech-Nut Mixed Vegetables.
14 of the 30 tested fruit and fruit-vegetable purees contained excessive levels of Cadmium, especially when Carrots were added.
All tested products had very low Mercury levels.
Which Baby Vegetable Purees have the Lowest Levels?
In general, avoid the Sprout prunes organic baby food (high Lead), and Beech-Nut Classics Mixed Vegetables (high Lead).
The fruit puree winners with the lowest overall Arsenic, Lead and Cadmium levels were the Beech-Nut and Gerber Banana purees (Stage 2).
Heavy Metals in Baby Formulas
Thirteen different baby formulas were tested, including organic and conventional baby formula types.
ALL tested baby formulas contained detectable levels of arsenic, cadmium, lead and/or mercury!
12 of the 13 formulas exceeded the AAP and EDF limit of 1 ppb (parts per billion) of Lead.
6 of the 13 formulas exceeded the CR limit of 1ppb of Cadmium.
None of the formulas exceeded the HBBF limit of 25ppb of Arsenic.
There are no guidelines for Mercury contents, but the good news is that they were all much lower than what is typically found in a can of tuna fish (about 50-300ppb).
Which Baby Formulas have Lowest Levels?
Given the above results, let's focus on Lead and Cadmium.
The baby formula winner with the lowest overall Lead and Cadmium levels is the Gerber Good Start Gentle HM-O and Probiotics Infant Formula with Iron (Stage 1).
The runner-up with the second-lowest overall Lead and Cadmium levels is the Baby's Only Organic Non-GMO Dairy Toddler Formula.
Overall, the best organic baby formulas tend to show lower levels of heavy metals. We suggest reading our HiPP Combiotic, Loulouka, Holle, and Kendamil organic formula reviews.
Heavy Metals in Teething Snacks
Given how much Arsenic was found in the baby cereals containing rice, it shouldn't be surprising that teething snacks (like baby Mum-Mums and HappyBABY Rice Cakes) would also contain very high levels of Arsenic.
And that's exactly what they found.
Of the 12 teething biscuits and rice cakes, all but one (the Cuetara Animal Crackers) showed unacceptably high levels of Arsenic. Surprise, the animal crackers didn't contain rice!
All 12 showed unacceptably high levels of Lead, and 11 showed excessively high levels of Cadmium.
And all 12 showed generally low Mercury levels.
Which Teething Snacks have the Lowest Levels?
We do not recommend any of the teething snacks, given generally high heavy metals content. The tested Animal Crackers are very difficult to find.
This is getting a little scary!
When combined with the recent reports of high levels of Glyphosates found in oatmeal-based baby foods, options are slowly narrowing.
Waste water runoff in agricultural fields, streams, and rivers contributes to soils with heavy metal content that shows up in rice and several vegetables, particularly root vegetables.
Pesticide and herbicide sprays compound the issue by spraying fruits and vegetables with toxins that contaminate the foods.
The worst part is that heavy metals are consistently linked to adverse health outcomes for children. While a few exposures might not cause problems, repeated low-level exposure has been shown to be a potent neurotoxin in humans, leading to cognitive, physical, social-emotional, and health issues early on and later in life.
We encourage you to read the full report by HBBF, which also reviews the heavy metals and neurotoxins found in kids' juices, snacks (like teething biscuits and rice rusks/cakes), and prepared meals.
Gardener, H., Bowen, J., & Callan, S. P. (2019). Lead and cadmium contamination in a large sample of United States infant formulas and baby foods. Science of the Total Environment, 651, 822-827. See the article at Science of the Total Environment.
Beal, J. A. (2020). Heavy Metals in Baby Food: What Providers and Parents Need to Know. MCN: The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing, 45(2), 125. See the article at AJMCN.
Radwan, C. M. (2019). Toxic metals detected in nearly all baby foods. Contemporary Pediatrics, 36(12), 14-14. See the article at Contemporary Pediatrics
de Paiva, E. L., Morgano, M. A., & Arisseto-Bragotto, A. P. (2019). Occurrence and determination of inorganic contaminants in baby food and infant formula. Current Opinion in Food Science, 30, 60-66. See the article at Current Opinion in Food Science
Baby Food Maker Best 2022
Baby Food Maker
Long before babies have done it Bottle you have to start introducing them to complementary foods. If you want to cook them yourself without much effort, buy a baby food machine. In our baby food manufacturer comparison, you will not only get a recommendation from a baby food manufacturer, but you will also learn how you can evaluate a baby food manufacturer yourself and make sure that your product is indeed the best baby food manufacturer for you and your baby.
Sort by -- Price ascending Price from high to low
BÉABA baby feeder 2 x 200 ml
- Low water consumption warning
- low energy consumption
- self-cleaning
Baby food manufacturer Béaba
- quick preparation
- sharp blade
- available in different colors
Philips baby food manufacturer
- including recipe book
- including storage container
- Cooking at every stage of development
KYG BFP-1800MT Baby Feeder
- Anti-burn handle
- Removable mudguard
- Built-in lock prevents unintentional opening
Comparative evaluation note
Best recommendationtest-vergleiche. com1.5excellentBaby food manufacturer
Home Producttest-vergleiche.com1.6GoodBaby food manufacturer
Home Producttest-vergleiche.com1.7GoodBaby food manufacturer
Home Producttest-vergleiche.com1.8GoodBaby food manufacturer
value Siegertest-vergleiche.com1.9goodBaby food manufacturer

- 3 mixing speeds
- large container
- Simple LCD
- Low water flow warning
- low energy consumption
- self-cleaning
- quick preparation
- sharp blade
- available in different colors
- including recipe book
- including storage container
- Cooking at every stage of development
- Anti-burn handle
- removable mudguard
- Built-in lock protects against unintentional opening
Our comparison chart for baby food manufacturer comparison does not replace one baby food manufacturer test in which baby food manufacturer test winner can be recommended. In order to increase the added value for our readers, we may link to the results of an external baby food manufacturer's test of trustworthy sources. Only you decide which model is your personal Baby food manufacturer test winner vird.
Baby food manufacturer at a glance
- In the baby food maker, extra food is cooked by steaming and then mixed with pulp. This saves you from several separate work steps.
- However, the devices differ in the number of additional functions. Models that also sterilize vials and jars are very practical and task Baby food warmer take control at the same time.
- When deciding which baby food brand to list, you should always consider available space in your kitchen. If the device has to be moved back and forth frequently due to lack of space, it is recommended to make it as light as possible.
- Baby food manufacturer at a glance
- Top product: Amazon baby food manufacturer
- What is a baby food manufacturer?
- Which baby food preparation machines are available?
- Advantages / disadvantages of baby food
- Where can I buy baby food?
- What should I pay attention to when ordering a baby food maker?
- Amazon baby food manufacturer's bestseller:
- Test comparisons introduce you to the purchase criteria for baby food products.
- Are there any recommendations for baby food manufacturers from Stiftung Warentest?
- Questions and Answers (FAQ) about comparing baby food manufacturers
- Conclusion on baby food manufacturers
Infants are given very small amounts of first foods while they are still mostly breastfed or breastfed. follow-up on milk to be fed. By this time you will be using one of our 9 products0003 Babykostwärmer Find a comparison. However, these devices are not suitable for cooking and heating porridge. Especially if you don't want to give your child ready-made food, but want to make your own porridge, a baby food manufacturer will be of great help to you. This is a steamer specially designed for baby food, in which you can cook porridge gently, quickly and effortlessly.
- high chair

What is a baby food manufacturer?
The baby food maker is a combination appliance for preparing baby porridge. The functions of the devices vary, but even in the simplest versions, they at least include steaming and mixing. All you have to do is wash the ingredients - fruits, vegetables, cereals and meat, depending on the age of the child - cut them and put them in the device, fill with water and turn on. The steamer cooks food especially gently and retains vitamins and nutrients. After cooking, the device grinds the prepared food and mixes it into a gruel.
Which baby food preparation machines are available?
In addition to differentiating by the number of functions, the baby food purchase recommendations also distinguish between single-pot and two-pot units. Professional baby food manufacturers usually have two containers, one used for cooking and the other for mixing. They usually perform better, but they are also larger than single container models. You should also transfer the baby food to another container after steaming, which means an extra step of work for you. Another disadvantage is that you naturally need to wash the containers after every use and therefore you will have to wash twice as many dishes on a device with two containers. That's why, in our comparison, four out of five baby food preparation bestsellers have only one container. However, the baby food manufacturer's test winner was the two-container model, as it performs better in both function and performance.
Advantages / disadvantages of baby food
easy cooking at the touch of a button
especially gentle cooking
performs several work steps automatically
programmed cooking time and automatic shutdown prevent fires in the dishwasher
saves space in the dishwasher
hob for other purposesDisadvantages
large space requirement
high power consumption
more expensive than using existing pots and blenders
not suitable for rice, pasta and legumes
baby food manufacturer double boilers. However, this is still irrelevant for baby food, since children at this age have not yet developed a sense of taste to feel the difference.
Where can I buy baby food?
Baby food manufacturers are everywhere you can buy other baby accessories. But you have the biggest choice when you buy baby food online. In addition, an online baby food store usually also offers the opportunity to submit a report about the baby food manufacturer and find out what other users' impressions of the baby food manufacturer have had with this model. The only downside to buying a baby food maker online is that you can't take it with you and use it right away. Therefore, you should plan your purchase several weeks before you want to add porridge.
Philips baby food manufacturer
What should I pay attention to when ordering a baby food maker?
Before you buy a baby food appliance, be sure to check the following features:
There are five functions in total with steamers, but most devices have only four. Very simple models even have only two main functions: steaming and mixing. Each additional feature saves you from extra work and gives you time to devote to your child or leisure.
This feature is available on all models. Dishes are cooked gently, with hot steam and with a fixed cooking time. After that, the device usually turns off automatically and emits a beep.
This function is also available on all devices. At the touch of a button or after decanting, the cooked products are rubbed and mixed. This creates the finished pulp. Usually the consistency of porridge can be adjusted in different ways.
With the reheat function, you can bring your purchased porridge up to food temperature or reheat a portion of it if you have prepared more in advance. This is especially useful if the child is still eating very little and therefore usually has to cook more than he can eat in one meal.
The defrost function is useful if you are preparing and freezing a large amount of baby food beforehand. With it, you can add frozen porridge to ice cubes right in the food cooker, defrost and heat to food temperature.
This feature is quite rare. However, it is very useful if you want to save on the extra purchase of a bottle warmer or if you want to feed your baby food from recycled cans. You can then sterilize bottles and jars directly in the baby food maker or heat them with the contents.
Baby food manufacturer bestseller on Amazon:
Offer Bestseller 1
Overview 4.532
Philips Avent Healthy 4-in-1 baby food maker (model SCF883/01)
- Unique steam cooking technology: steam ensures all ingredients are cooked evenly.
- Steam, turn and puree: everything you need to make nutritious baby food
- Food for every stage of weaning, from pureed fruit and vegetables to coarser textures
- 4-in-1 design: cook, puree, store and reheat nutritious meals.
- Includes: 1 Philips Avent Healthy 4-in-1 baby food maker, 1 storage cup.
Bestseller 2
Overview 58
KOSTTE baby food machine - baby porridge machine - baby steamer - baby food machine - baby food machine - bottle warmer - baby food steaming, mixing ,...
- KOSTTE is a 10-in-1 food processor that can be used for steaming, stirring, defrosting and heating. Especially...
- Easy to use and clean. A wide range of programs or direct settings can be made on the display...
- Easy steaming takes just a few minutes, so taste and nutrients are optimally preserved. The blender is very...
- Safe and effective. We care about the health and safety of the baby, mixing cups are made of special lead-free...
- Two-tier basket design allows you to cook different foods and make different baby food at the same time....
Bestseller 3 Author)
Test comparisons introduce you to the purchase criteria for baby food products.

In addition to the above features and functions that a baby food manufacturer should have, ask yourself the following questions:
The optimal size of the baby food maker depends on how much space you have in the kitchen and how much baby food you want to prepare at the same time. If you want to pre-cook and freeze more food, the larger model pays off in most cases. If, on the other hand, you are only cooking for use on the same day, a small model will also suffice. When evaluating, pay attention not only to the length, width and height of the model, but also correlate them with a given number of servings.
Models listed in our baby food manufacturer's buying guide weigh between 2 and 4 kg. If you don't want the device to be in the kitchen all the time, ready to use, you should make it as light as possible to make it easier to carry and store.
The container should be easy to remove and the water tank should be easy to fill. In addition, the heat-insulated handle makes the device easy to use. You can use it to take out the hot container immediately after the cooking process, without gloves or potholders. Also make sure that the device is dishwasher safe. In addition to the container, blender blades, for example, also come into direct contact with baby food, so they should be easy to clean.
The highest quality baby food preparations should not contain plastic parts, as they can release carcinogens into the cereal when damaged. Unfortunately, models with glass containers are very rare and expensive. In addition, they may also contain plastic parts, for example for attaching knives. If you want to buy baby food cheaply and without endangering your baby's health, you should pay special attention to the correct processing of plastic parts and check them regularly for damage.
Our baby food manufacturer's price comparison did not show a wide range of fluctuations. The cheapest devices are available for just over 50.00 euros. Expensive models can cost up to 200.00 euros. Since quality is especially important when it comes to baby food, don't put too much emphasis on the price of a baby food manufacturer when evaluating it. But if you are low on money and want to buy a good baby food maker cheaply, you should search the internet for a cheap baby food maker. There are almost always enticing special offers. However, make sure that the price advantage is not negated by high shipping costs.
Are there any recommendations for baby food manufacturers from Stiftung Warentest?
Unfortunately, neither Stiftung Warentest nor a similar test organization has yet tested the baby food manufacturer. There is only one test report for adult steamers that contains little to no information specific to baby steamers. An overview of the baby food manufacturer for a specific product can be found on the manufacturer's website or in the baby food manufacturer's blog post.
Questions and Answers (FAQ) about comparing baby food manufacturers
Which baby food manufacturer?
Philips Avent wins the test and is therefore the best baby food manufacturer. It's a compact steamer and mixer in one, with which healthy baby food can be steamed first, then blended and finished in a container.
Which blender is suitable for baby food?
High-quality blenders with a power of 1,000 to 2,000 watts and at least 25,000 revolutions are suitable for feeding your baby with wholesome food.
How to prepare baby food?
Fill the bottle with cold and hot water. Powdered milk should not be stirred either in too hot or cold water, so that it does not thicken. In general, you should first add no more than half the required amount of water.
Baby food statement
The baby food manufacturer is especially recommended if healthy baby food is important to you. With it, you can easily and conveniently cook porridge from fresh ingredients without destroying valuable vitamins and nutrients. This way you can be sure that your baby food is free from unwanted chemical additives or harmful sugars.
Baby food test & comparison guide
So choose the best
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Further links and sources Baby food manufacturer
Wikipedia Baby food manufacturer
More information about our article can be found in section Wikipedia , the most popular free encyclopedia platform on the Internet. Here you will learn a lot of interesting facts and information about our selection of Baby food manufacturer look up.
Youtube Baby food manufacturer
If you are on YouTube video portal real and specific information about our products Baby food manufacturer Search, this source of information gives you direct access to relevant video clips.
Amazon Baby food manufacturer
On the Amazon platform, you can find almost every product you want to buy online. So you will find it too0003 Baby food manufacturer Product on Amazon. At the same time, there are many more articles to search on this portal.
Ebay Baby food manufacturer
Ebay is one of the world's largest online marketplaces where you can also find our articles. Right after Baby Food Manufacturer from commercial traders you will also find Baby Food Manufacturer as used items from private sellers
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Lee Hazlewood's tough-talkin' hit song (popularized by Nancy Sinatra) is adapted into a playful children's book about the inner life of a jealous cat.These boots are made for walkingAnd that's just what they'll doOne of these days these bootsAre gonna walk all over youThese Boots Are Made for Walkin' is an adorable story of friendship and family set against the backdrop of Lee Hazlewood's iconic song. While there have been numerous recordings over the past several decades, "These Boots Are Made for Walkin'" was originally recorded by Nancy Sinatra and released in early 1966 to instant success. A #1 Billboard hit in the US, UK, Canada, and Australia that was nominated for three GRAMMYs, Hazlewood's song continues to be embraced to this day.With lyrics by Lee Hazlewood and illustrations by Rachel Moss, this captivating picture book tells the story of a boy and his extremely attached and very jealous cat who must adapt to the introduction of a new family member--a puppy. The funny story line and delightful images are sure to have the entire family curled up and laughing together, pets included!"'These Boots Are Made for Walkin'' is one of the most famous pop songs of all time."--New York Times"The hit written by Lee Hazelwood took pop to places it had only previously fantasized about...This oddball song was a tough-talkin', heavy-stridin', even fetishistic assertion of grrrl power..."--Financial Times
Lee Hazlewood's tough-talkin' hit song (popularized by Nancy Sinatra) is adapted into a playful children's book about the inner life of a jealous cat.
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How to lay tiles: useful tips When furnishing a home, tiles are often chosen for wall decor. This is an excellent solution for those areas of the house that are constantly threatened by some kind of potentially dangerous contact with the environment: moisture, steam, grease splashes, etc. Tile is more resistant to such challenges than many other finishing materials, Read more
How to install a door? Helpful Hints Every day, several times we cross the threshold of the door, but sometimes we forget that such a thing as a door even exists. But we do not just open them and enter other rooms. Interior doors, if chosen correctly, can be a wonderful piece of interior design for your home. Ah, street doors Read more
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- A handy screwdriver with a set of bits is indispensable for repairing mobile phones, computers, small household appliances at home.
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Buy screwdrivers, pliers, thickness gauge and laser range finder, all kinds of wrench sets and others in Estonia hand tools are welcome to our e-shop Kaup24.ee. Here in a wide range at a good price has everything you need for the repair work of such well-known brands as Bosch, Bohrcraft, BMI, Dewalt, Dexter, Drill Brush, Fiskars, Fieldmann, Hoegert, Jokosit, King Tony, Kreator, Makita, Stanley , Vorel, Wolfcraft, Yato and many more.