Mother feeds baby to husband
Otty Sanchez Baby Photos: Who is She? Woman Kills Child And Feeds To Husband - Is She Still In Jail?
Otty Sanchez Baby Photos: Who is She? Woman Kills Child And Feeds To Husband – Otty Sanchez, who is he? Here’s what we know about the lady who murdered and ate her three-and-a-half-week-old kid.
Otty Sanchez is a woman from the United States who murdered her child.
In 2009, the incident occurred. Otty was suffering from numerous sorts of psychosis at the time.
Otty Sanchez, uma mãe de 33 anos que morava em San Antonio, Texas, assassinou seu próprio filho cruelmente. Ela decapitou, desmembrou e comeu partes do corpo do recém-nascido, alegando após isso que vozes mandaram-na realizar tal feito, pois o bebê estava “possuído pelo Satanás”.
— Crimes Reais (@CrimesReais) December 30, 2021
Otty Sanchez Baby Pictures – Is She Still In Jail?
The pictures of Otty Sanchez’s baby are available on different websites, including Murderpedia.
Sara Ege, de 32 anos, em 2010, espancou seu filho, Yaseen Ali, de sete anos, até a morte com uma vara e ateou fogo no corpo. A motivação do crime se deu pelo fato da criança estar apresentando dificuldades nos estudos do livro sagrado do Islamismo.
— Crimes Reais (@CrimesReais) July 30, 2021
Although she killed her infant, she is currently not in jail. Reportedly, the court found her not guilty by reasons of insanity. However, her current whereabouts remain unknown. Probably, she is still in a mental institution.
Who Is Otty Sanchez?
Otty Sanchez is an American who killed her child, Scott Wesley Buchholtz-Sanchez, and ate his body parts, including the brain.
On 26 July 2009, police found a decapitated three-and-a-half-week-old infant in the bedroom of a home in Texas after they got a call at about 5 a.m. from the murderer’s sister, Priscilla Garcia. The child’s mother was screaming her throats out about killing her son, sitting on a couch. She said she did it because a devil asked her to do so.
Three days later, the authorities made a desperate 4-minute long 911 call available to the public.
Otty Sanchez Baby Photos, Who is She? Woman Kills Child And Feeds To Husband, Baby Photos
After murdering her son, Otty tried to commit suicide, stabbing herself in her chest and stomach. The investigators collected a sword, a machete, and a kitchen knife as evidence and took the critically injured 33-year-old woman to a local hospital.
Likewise, they also found her sister’s two children, then 5 and 7, unharmed at the place. The incident took place a week after she had a fight with her boyfriend and moved in with her parents.
Following the incident, the authorities charged her with capital murder. However, she didn’t face trial as the court found her not guilty because of insanity on 30 June 2010. Instead, they directed her to a state mental institution in Vernon, Texas.
Nonetheless, Otty’s boyfriend, Scott W. Buchholz, wanted her to receive a death sentence. The two had met six years before the horrific incident. At that time, they were studying to be pharmacists assistants.
Reportedly, she had postpartum depression, and just a week before killing her son, she was schizophrenic. Further, she had half a decade’s worth of history full of hospitalizations due to mental issues. After the birth of her child, she spent some hours in an emergency room as she was hearing voices in her head.
The lawers later submitted mental evaluations of Otty with the help of three separate doctors, including Randall Sellers and Lucy Puryear. The report portrayed her as a woman beaten, molested, and diagnosed with various forms of psychosis.
The Prisoner, Slick (8) By Edna Merle
← Big Bird in Prison (7) By Edna Merle
Our First Marriage (9) By Jan Cordele →
Oct 11
I met slick after I’d been moved into a 4 person room across the hall from her two person room. I’d just been sent back from Washington prison in Davisboro, Georgia where I’d almost decided to have sex with an officer. I’m thankful to God for changing my mind. It turned out that the officer had already been doing that with some girls on mental health and some who were known to have HIV. He was discovered and fired. I was transferred back to Atlanta. But, I believed him when he told me I’d have been the first; a small preview of my gullibility. I was so new to prison, in shock and didn’t understand the legal lines between an officer/ free world person and the prisoner. I was learning to trust God.
Slick noticed I was kind of walking crooked and my shoulders were stressed, hunched upward into my neck. I was stressed and in pain. She came over and said she could give me an adjustment. My first thought was, “Oh no, she’s gay and wants me”. I quickly told her I would love an adjustment but I am not a homosexual. She laughed so hard, I was embarrassed. Then she told me not to worry she wasn’t either. “Lie down on your bed, arms to your side and try to relax”. I did. She fixed my crooked shoulders and gave me an adjustment once a week thereafter, for years.
Slick’s former roommate had been transferred to another prison and Slick needed a roommate. She requested me, even though she prayed to God for a nonsmoker. I smoked 4 cigarettes an hour on the streets. But in prison, the smokers were playthings for the officers. They’d take you to a smoke break, watch you light your cigarette and take a drag, but before you could take the next drag, they’d scream “Put it out, don’t take another drag or you’ll go to lockdown!” So, I started smoking at the vent, in our room, on Slick’s advice. There I wasn’t harassed for my “short”, or toyed with by the guards. I could enjoy my own smoke. Right.
First, I must tell a little about Slick’s former roommate. Probably the worst case I knew personally. You know, not just by reading it, but I knew the person. Anyway, this person was married. Her husband preferred the baby’s attention over the mother’s and the mother got jealous. So the mother cooked the baby and fed it to her husband, the child’s father. .. The father asked, “Where’s the baby?”, and the mother just smiled and nodded towards the emptied dinner plate. The father became extremely violently ill and threw up and called the police. Mother was taken in and sentenced to: Not life? What’s up with that? But that’s the story and it’s horrible beyond belief, I know. So let’s just move on.
There were also people there that I believe were not guilty of the crime(s) for which they’ve been sentenced. One of those people actually became a good friend of mine, for a while. Here’s her story:
The Dancer with Handcuffs
She was an exotic dancer and had handcuffs as part of her routine. Her husband and father of her children drank a lot. One day he drove the children home while drunk. He was found by my friend passed out in the front seat of the car. She was livid with rage and handcuffed him to the steering wheel, thinking to teach him a lesson upon waking. They had a man staying in the home. Basically a stranger the father had picked up hitchhiking. The stranger ended up living with them all. Well the stranger happened upon the car with the handcuffed passed out man in the front seat and proceeded to tape up his whole head with rock and roll tape. The father then suffocated to death, and the hitchhiker went inside to ask for the keys to the handcuffs. The hitchhiker needed her to come outside, “NOW!” She went with him and approached the car and saw to her horror what the hitchhiker had done. Now the hitchhiker said, “If you don’t help me get rid of him I’ll kill you and your family.” So, she did. Then she became a party to a crime, for which she was given Life. Out of fear she did nothing but what the hitchhiker told her to do. She said later, “If only I’d called the police as soon as I had the chance”. Her kids were little when she went to prison, now they’ve since graduated from college. The hitchhiker also went to prison, but got out shortly after.
He didn’t get life…
Anyway, I lived with Slick for 8 years in a two person room. She was my spiritual mentor and really lived her Christian beliefs. She taught me how to handle confrontation without running away in fear. And she taught me about reflexology and how to stay healthy in prison. Our room was a sanctuary of peace. Others would come to our room just to step inside and feel the peace of God. Truly it was a place where the Holy Spirit lived too.
Slick killed a man in cold blood for money because the man was molesting his adopted young daughter. Slick had been molested by her own grandfather when she was very small. So when the girl’s mother asked Slick to do it, she didn’t have to think too hard to justify it. She went to a lake and drank some beer with the man, then said she was going to get more beer. She came back and shot him. She freaked out and saw her grandfather in her mind and she just kept on shooting. She froze and emptied the gun. She got away for 3 years. But when the mastermind wouldn’t pay up, Slick went to collect and the mastermind called the police and said Slick was trying to extort money from her. So, Slick said, “I have a story to tell you.” And she did. Slick got life and the mastermind got 3 years. Slick is now in her 18th year of prison and regrets every day the taking of a life. She tells anyone who asks about her crime, that she was wrong and deserves prison. That was why she had to tell the truth. Being free then, wasn’t freedom at all. It was torture. Slick was the best roommate I had during my whole incarceration.
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Posted on October 11, 2010, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.
← Big Bird in Prison (7) By Edna Merle
Our First Marriage (9) By Jan Cordele →
90,000 conflict in the family due to GV
I'm new here. I figured it out with RD and KS. What is GW?
Galactic authorities
In general, we went to the pediatrician, she says you can’t first guards and immediately willows, you can only alternate full-fledged methods. For him, this is not an argument, he says that these are just her speculations. colic subsided, just a coincidence. I listen to what a bad mother I am, that I don’t need a child, that I myself study all the labels and just don’t eat anything, and I bully the child that work is more important to me (I didn’t go on maternity leave, until 39I went to the office for a couple of hours, and now at home remotely and now remotely, but from October you will need to show up at the office)
for artificial nutrition of the child. Just a miser
We always had a common budget, and now I work + allowance. only, but this is not a problem. In general, the scandals are terrible, I did not expect this from him. I would have wanted to feed (although initially they discussed with him that up to 3 months no more), but a fool is a fool with these pills and still a terrible state after the COP , everything was like in a fog, I even partially remember the RD. She is indignant at my mother that she sets me up like that. , the head hurts. It only started to feel better on day 12. By the way, according to my nutrition - when I gave breasts (and I always do), I ate "correctly": buckwheat, boiled beef, everything boiled, not fatty, not sweet, not peppered, not puffed. nine0005
Maybe you earn more than him? New I figured it out with RD and KS. What is GW?
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What is it not respected and your choice? Author, this is your body. And it's up to you to decide whether to breastfeed
or not. In addition, you stopped Guards for a number of good reasons. The child needs a healthy and calm mother more, because he feels stressed and we live in a cloud when there are good mixtures for willows.
I am Guest
Guest What is a husband if he is not respected and your choice? Author, this is your body. And it's up to you to decide whether to breastfeed
or not. In addition, you stopped Guards for a number of good reasons. The child needs a healthy and calm mother more, because he feels stressed and we live in a cloud when there are good mixtures for willows.
A healthy mother who is breastfeeding. Who does not feed, then all sorts of cysts, fibroids begin. At least think about yourself, since you don't care about the child. I had little milk, but I fought for every drop! nine0005
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or not. In addition, you stopped Guards for a number of good reasons. The child needs a healthy and calm mother more, because he feels stressed and we live in a cloud when there are good mixtures for willows.
A healthy mother who is breastfeeding. Who does not feed, then all sorts of cysts, fibroids begin. At least think about yourself, since you don't care about the child. I had little milk, but I fought for every drop!
Your husband just doesn't want to pay for artificial feeding of the child. Just a miser
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