Pictures of birds feeding their babies

Mother Bird Feeding Baby Bird Stock-Fotos und Bilder


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Bird Feeding Babies - Bilder und Stockfotos


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Birds feeding chicks

Birds skillfully catch big succulent insects in order to feed their cubs. This compilation captures caring parents feeding their little chicks. The photos are very touching and beautiful. Just imagine how much work this garden warbler in the photo below needs to feed 5 hungry mouths :)

And this robin is easier, she has only one chick, the rest apparently fell out of the nest, as often happens. She has already managed to find a great treat for him in the form of a fat caterpillar

Another caring mother who caught an insect similar to a cricket for her chicks

And this bird caught a worm and decided to feed all her cubs with it. Everyone got a piece of the delicacy

The most beautiful picture of a sunbird feeding offspring on the fly

Already quite an adult chick demands food from its mother :)

And this photo looks like a painting by some famous artist, the feeding process turned out to be very picturesque

And these baby swallows look not only hungry, but also aggressive - perhaps the parents hunted too long . ..

A flamingo mother takes special care of her chick, checking to see if food has gotten into her pet's beak. Reminds me of spoon-feeding :)

This heron has almost nursed her offspring, very soon they will go on their first flight

This bird looks like a hummingbird, but in fact it is a hook-billed thymelia and another skillful shot of feeding on the fly. Everything happens in a fraction of a second, and the photographer managed to capture this moment.0003
And here's a funny photo I decided to leave to complete the selection - a warbler feeds a chick, which has long outgrown the size of its parent's nest. In fact, this is a cuckoo chick that just threw it into the nest of a strange bird

December 27, 2011 | Categories: Nature, Photo, Other

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Amazing feeding pictures of chicks

They are cute, they are funny and they look so much like human babies. These pictures will show us the first weeks of life of warbler chicks, as well as their relationship with their parents. And you will see how these birds resemble our children. All day they sit and chirp, waiting for the mother to fly in, who does nothing but rush around the area, collecting food for her babies.

(12 photos)

1. Angry: These chicks don't seem very happy about having to wait so long for their mother to get food. But their mother is already on the way with prey in her beak.

2. Hungry: these babies are in shock - mother flew in with empty hands, or rather with an empty beak.

3. They open their mouths wide: The fate of this grasshopper is sealed - it will feed this chick.

4. Ooty ways: the chicks will quickly deal with this spider. nine0004

Demanding warbler chicks are not yet able to fly, so they sit on the branches of trees, impatiently waiting for their mother to bring them a tasty larva or grasshopper, and then get very excited when the parent comes into view. The photographs show the incredible distance a female warbler can travel to find food for her young, who are only a few days old. Pictures taken by photographer Octavian Darmawan in Jakarta, Indonesia show how incredibly agile these birds are when they manage to feed their brood in flight. nine0003 A 56-year-old enthusiast says that sometimes it takes him days to weeks to catch at least one lucky moment when a female is near her chicks. He says: "I take these photos to show the whole world how beautiful the nature that surrounds us is."

5. On a perch: This caterpillar's days are numbered, because it will be a snack for this hungry chick.

6. Let's open our mouths wide: Each of these chicks is hungry. Who will mom feed first? nine0004

7. Bird songs: The chicks chirp, trying to get their mother's attention.

8. Fast food: Chicks froze on a branch, and their mother flies up to them at great speed.

“I am always amazed at the sight of a mother feeding her children.

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