Vitamix baby food processor
Some advice from a new mom
Last Updated June 19, 2020
Update May 7th, 2019: New video tutorials and demonstrations!
First one, a 90-second tutorial on making Vitamix baby food!
Second one, a long-form tutorial about mistakes we made while making Vitamix baby food:
Update April 10, 2018: We now have a baby of our own that’s the perfect age to feed baby food purees. Fun!
Here’s a clip of us on the local news talking about making baby food purees.
Video: Baby Food Blending on Local News
Original article from 2016
When the fiancée first pitched an article about baby food purees in a Vitamix, I just about puked. (I also considered inconsolably crying, flailing my limbs, and drooling).
But we were headed to Minnesota for a family weekend and my sister, Alana, was going to be there with her 7-month old son, Norman. Fine.
So I sat down with Alana and asked her some questions.
To my surprise, making baby food purees in a Vitamix (or any blender, for that matter) is actually a pretty awesome thing to do.
Here are a few highlights from the conversation. Afterwards, you’ll find three Vitamix recipes for baby food purees (good for adults, too, that need or prefer to eat their food with a spoon.)
Enter Alana: New mom and maker of her own baby food purees
Alana Matthew, 30, worked in sales at DirecTV for seven years. Now, she is a professional mom. Her parenting style is somewhere between thoroughly by-the-book and progressively perfectionist. Her son is Norman and was playing with (trying to “eat”) some plastic toy during our interview. Despite being my nephew, he is objectively a ridiculously cute baby.
LINY: You are my sister. We got you a Vitamix for your wedding. Besides supporting Life is NOYOKE and being a kind sister, why do you use a Vitamix to make baby food purees for your baby?
Alana: I didn’t know anything about baby food. So when I first picked up a package of baby food, I was surprised it had other things in it besides peas. There’s like lemon, something acid, or, you know, you can read the package… The things are not bad for you. But it’s not peas.
LINY: Preservatives and…
Alana: Yeah. It sits on the shelf. So what is in it? So, if I can give him just peas, then I would prefer to do so.
LINY: Good. It’s like I coached you to say that!
Alana: Yup. I also like it because you can introduce one food at a time. Then, you give it to him for three days to see if he’s allergic. And a lot of the foods that I had to store-buy yesterday (because we’re traveling) are a mix. So, like, mango and peach. But I would prefer to give him just peach. Here is a peach. Here’s what it tastes like and see if he’s allergic.
LINY: Less is more with smoothies, too.
Alana: And also there’s the convenience. The other night, we had so many leftover brussels sprouts. We weren’t going to eat them before they went bad. So I Vitamixed them and froze them for Norman. Instead of wasting them, I fed them to the disposal. *points to the baby*
LINY: So it sounds like it helps avoid waste. Is it actually convenient to use a Vitamix to make baby food?
Alana: Yes, but the cleanup is not. That’s not the Vitamix’s fault, though. That’s just serving homemade baby food in general.
LINY: How does baby food (in your Vitamix) compare to store bought from a price perspective?
Alana: Crazy. A jar, which is a serving, is a little over a dollar. And what is a bag of peas or a bunch of asparagus or brussels or beans?
LINY: Do you get frozen peas? Can you get fresh peas? Is that a thing?
Alana: I get frozen. But, everything else is fresh. And a bag of fresh beans costs like three dollars. And that made three ice cube trays worth. Which is like 14 servings.
LINY: So one pack of peas is worth like 15 bucks of what you’d buy in pre-made baby food.
Alana: It’s probably a dollar per serving versus 20 cents.
LINY: But do you think about that? Price?
Alana: Of course! Coming here this weekend, this was my first time having to buy baby food. And I was like, this is a dollar, per!?
LINY: Certainly you don’t always use your Vitamix to make all his baby food, right?
Alana: Right. There’s easy stuff. He loves banana. Avocado.
LINY: What do you blend up?
Alana: I’ve blended carrots, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, beans, peas, brussels sprouts, asparagus, pears, and apples.
LINY: Not all together, right? Individually.
Alana: Yes. Individually.
LINY: When you do that, do figure out what the ratio should be? Do you add water?
Alana: I steam them. I steam everything before I blend except for the pears and the apples. We have a steamer. It catches the “sweat.” That has all the nutrients, so I put that back in the blend. The steam softens them, too. No water needed.
LINY: So you make the purees and put it into ice cube trays?
Alana: Yup. Then I freeze it overnight. In the morning, I pop them out and put them into big zip lock bags. My freezer bags have labels saying the date and what it is. The night before, I take out three meals and put them in the fridge. That way they’re defrosted for the next day.
LINY: So at Life is NOYOKE, we are 100% dairy free. But we are 100% supportive of breast milk for babies (and dare-prone brothers-in-law who are married to your twin sister). Have you ever made your baby a smoothie with breast milk?
Alana: No. But some people do popsicles. Boobsicles. Great for when they’re teething.
LINY: Our brother-in-law James would eat that.
Alana: But a smoothie? No. But the directions to make baby food say you can add water, formula, or breast milk.
LINY: Okay, back to topic. How much baby food do you make at once?
Alana: It depends on whatever I buy. For example, asparagus, I just buy a bunch.
LINY: Do you have to use your Vitamix’s tamper, or no?
Alana: Yes, sometimes. I did yesterday with the brussels. Because it can get stuck on the sides.
LINY: What advice would you give to mothers about making their own baby food?
Alana: (Speaking to Normie) You think that’s funny? … I think that in the beginning, and I’m still kind of dealing with this, is that I have this overwhelming feeling that I want him to try every single vegetable. And I have to give it to him for three days. But if you’re making homemade baby food purees, the amount of vegetables in the world is endless. But if you’re buying pre-made, there’s three: Peas, carrots, sweet potatoes. So, I try to remind myself that I don’t have to introduce him to every single one. He’ll try them in time.
LINY: Let him make his own mistakes, eh?
Alana: And, he likes pears. So I always have frozen pears in a bag.
LINY: Any other advice?
Alana: It’s a lot of dishes. Because my doctor recommends, basically, two things every meal. So a cereal and a vegetable. Or a cereal and a fruit. Or a fruit and a veggie. And so it’s two dishes right there.
LINY: What do doctors know about nutrition?
Alana: Nothing.
LINY: Thank you. I’m going to link to that article I wrote about Doctors knowing nothing about nutrition. Okay, go on.
Alana: Sometimes I use a baby-sized, cheap mixer we were given. Like for a single peach. “You like peaches, don’t you cause they’re yummy!”
LINY: I get that. If you had an S-Series (in-depth review), you’d really be a one-stop-shop-baby-food-puree-maker-lady.
Alana: So why didn’t you get us that one?
LINY: Because the Pro 750 (in-depth review) is better.
Alana: I think it’s time for a nap.
Other Noteworthy Versions
- My Life on a Plate: Baby Food | Butternut Squash Puree
- Do It On a Dime FAMILY: How to make baby food: BULK COOKING
- MOMables: How to make baby food at home
- Yield: 15 servings, approximately
- You're needed for: 10 minutes
- Until it's done: 10 minutes
- Lenny Gale
Baby food purees in a blender
- peas - one bag frozen
- asparagus - one bunch, fresh
- sweet potatoes - 3, peeled
- pears - 3, cored
- carrots - 3 large carrots
- apples - 3, cored
- beans - 3 cups
- corn - 3 cups
- squash - 3 cups
- Pick one ingredient.
- Peal and seed it.
- Steam it.
- Blend it.
- Pour into an ice cube tray.
- Store in freezer for up to three months.
- Defrost overnight in refrigerator before serving.
NOTE: This “recipe” is adapted from this baby food puree instructional on the US Vitamix site.
Useful tips for Let’s Talk Baby Food Purees
Here’s a summary of tips for making baby food purees from the convo above:
- Embrace the cost savings. They’re significant.
- Steam, first. Use the “sweat” in the blend to maximize nutrients.
- Use ice trays to freeze the baby food overnight.
- Pop cubes into a plastic bag and label.
- Pluck food from freezer for next day the night before.
- Don’t worry about exposing baby to every food on the planet.
- Enjoy the precious moments. It flies by.
How to Make Baby Food with a Vitamix: 3 Simple Tips
Making baby food at home using a blender is getting more and more popular. People are sick of paying outrageous amounts of money for processed baby food from the grocery store and are moving towards making it themselves. And so, today we will talk about how to make baby food with a Vitamix blender.
Vitamix blenders are strong, reliable, and excellent for making baby food. While you can definitely make baby food in any blender, I recommend the Vitamix simply for its dependability and power. You know the Vitamix blender is not going to malfunction or stop working when you need it the most.
When it comes to making baby food, most homemade recipes only require two ingredients. The first thing you need is a flavor, which will be a single ingredient you add to the blender. The most popular ingredients are definitely pears, carrots, and peas. Keep in mind that if you are using a vegetable for the main ingredient, you must steam it to get it soft before blending.
The second thing you need for making baby food in your Vitamix blender is some kind of liquid. This will generally be water, formula, or breast milk. You can always substitute a formula/water mixture if the recipe calls for standard water.
Once you have your two ingredients, simply blend until you reach the perfect baby food texture. It’s really that easy, and it’s much more affordable than purchasing your food from the store. For example, apple-flavored baby food from the store is going to cost you about $ 0.20 per ounce, whereas if you make it yourself it will cost about $0.04 per ounce.
Read More: Best Vitamix blender for smooth drinks
How to Make Baby Food in a VitamixMaking baby food in your Vitamix blender is extremely simple. We already talked about the two ingredients you will need for making baby food, but now let’s discuss how to actually make the baby food.
You probably want to make a pretty big batch of baby food. There is no sense in making a single serving or only one day’s worth of food. You definitely want to make a huge batch so that you can freeze the leftovers and thaw them as necessary.
The first step is to choose two cups of your favorite ingredient for your baby’s food. Let’s say carrots. First, prepare the carrots accordingly, then place the two cups of your carrots into the Vitamix blender. Be sure your carrots have been properly prepared before adding them to the blender. This is super important.
Now you will add roughly ¼ cup of water, formula, or breast milk into the Vitamix container. This is basically the same as making a smoothie with only two ingredients. You still need the liquid base for the mixture. And you still need the formula or the breast milk as a healthy ingredient in your baby’s food.
The next step is to select variable 1 using your speed dial. Now turn on the machine and gradually increase the speed until you hit variable 4. If you need, increase the speed even more to get a smoother blend and your desired consistency.
The typical blend time is going to be between 20 and 30 seconds. If the mixture appears too thick, simply remove the lid and add more liquid base. You can even add just another squirt of water or formula to lighten the mixture. You then need to continue blending until the consistency is perfect.
Congratulations, you have just made extremely healthy baby food! Now it’s time to store the baby food for later.
Related Articles:
- Best blender to puree baby food
- Full review of the Baby Bullet blender
The best way to store your baby food after it has been blended is by pouring the extra food into ice cube trays. This is one of the best methods, and it’s incredibly easy. When you need to prepare a day’s worth of baby food, simply snap out a few frozen blocks and let them thaw.
Alternatively, you can store the baby food in small containers in the refrigerator. It’s not necessary to freeze the baby food unless you have made one or two weeks’ worth of food. Generally, something simple like carrots mixed with water will last for a few days in the refrigerator with no problems.
If you will be freezing the baby food, I highly recommend you only use breast milk that is fresh. Don’t use thawed breast milk if you are going to be freezing it again.
Banana Berry Baby FoodBefore we finish for the day, let’s take a look at an awesome banana berry baby food recipe. This is a little fancier than your average baby food. We are going to use bananas and strawberries without any liquid to create a delicious snack that your baby can enjoy.
Of course, strawberries and banana are both extremely healthy for young babies. But don’t forget that you need to steam these fruits before blending them to help with the baby’s digestion. If you want the baby food to be thinner or more liquid, you can of course use your discretion and add whichever liquid base you prefer.
Ingredients:- 1 Banana
- 10 Strawberries
- Steam your banana and strawberries before starting the recipe.
After they have been steamed, place your banana and your 10 strawberries inside your powerful Vitamix container and then begin blending.
- Start on variable 1 and increase the speed to variable 10. Blend for about 20 seconds, or until the mixture is completely smooth.
- You can now serve immediately and store the extra for later use.
How to Make Baby Food with a Vitamix: Final Thoughts
This is one of countless unique recipes that can make baby food fun. Forget the boring baby food that you see at your local grocery store and start making your own. You will be happy knowing exactly what ingredients are going into your baby’s food and how healthy it really is.
Also, you will save yourself serious money. Don’t waste any more time or energy shopping for baby food when you can make your own fun recipes at home with your Vitamix blender.
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Agu Baby Steamer blender for baby food, processor 3 in 1 Cookee
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- 10900 rub
- 9265 p
Not available
Promotional item
AGU Mini 3in1 Baby Meal Processor is a compact device that fits in any kitchen and takes care of all the key tasks of preparing healthy and delicious food for little ones… and more!
AGU Cookee is controlled by one button, very easy and convenient to use. It will become a reliable assistant on trips and travels. The safe composition of the product components (BPA free) will allow you to enjoy healthy and tasty food without harm to the body. Automatic shutdown is provided in the absence of water in the tank of the device.
The main thing for parents is to study the tastes of the child, and the 3 in 1 mini processor for cooking children's dishes AGU will cook everything.
3 functions that are combined in the AGU:
- steamer
- blender
- sterilizer
Product information:
- Type: food processor
- Power supply: AC 220-240V, 50Hz
- Max. heater power, W: 400
- Motor power, W: 120
- Warranty: 12 months
- Product dimensions (LxWxH), mm: 238x187x210
- Weight, kg: 1.7
- Bowl volume, ml: 600
- Water compartment volume, ml: 300
- Sterilization of pacifiers and nibblers;
- Steam cooking;
- Blender.
- Pitcher and spatula included;
- Fast cooking;
- Compact size;
- Cup volume 600 ml;
- Bowl and blades are dishwasher safe;
- BPA free;
- Double safety switch on body and water tank;
- Low noise level.
Agu Baby Steamer baby food blender 3 in 1 processor Cookee
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