Wet dog food for baby birds
This Is What To Feed Baby Birds — And How To Feed Them
If you’re wondering how to feed a baby bird, there are a few important things you need to know. Baby birds usually eat what their parents eat for dinner, since the parent has to burp its food into the mouth of its offspring. Birds cannot break down food at birth, so their parents must first partially digest the food to make it safe for chicks. Since baby birds are dependent on their parents not only for food but also for instructions on how to be a bird, it is essential that it stays with them. So, if you find a baby bird on the ground, try to bring it back to the nest rather than looking after it yourself. If you cannot return the bird to its nest, contact a rehabilitation center that can take care of it.
- Consult the experts if you think a baby bird isn’t being fed
- What to feed a baby bird
- What not to offer when feeding baby birds:
- DIY baby bird food
- How to feed a baby bird
15 minutes
What You Need
Dog or cat food, boiled eggs, or raw unseasoned liver
Small pieces of fruit or veggies
If you’re raising domestic birds or are licensed to take care of wild animals, however, then it’s important to know how and what to feed baby birds — and sometimes, even learn how to DIY baby bird food.
Consult the experts if you think a baby bird isn’t being fed
If you find a baby bird that does not seem to be fed, look for an hour or two to see if its parents provide food for it again. Note that the mother bird only needs a few seconds to feed its baby, so inattentive observers could miss several feeding cycles. However, if one parent bird has to look after several baby birds in different places, parental visits could be irregular. When the baby bird is fed, you can be sure that its parents have provided its needs, and there is no unnecessary intervention if the baby bird does not appear injured or sick.
Step 1: If the baby bird does not appear to be fed and becomes increasingly weak and lazy, the first step should be to find a licensed rehabilitator to provide, or guide you through, the appropriate care.
Step 2: If you have found a baby bird that needs to be fed but does not have contact with its parents or an animal rehabilitator, it is essential to know what a baby bird needs a portion of food similar to its natural diet. While each wild bird has its own diet, different types of food can serve as an emergency ration if necessary.
What to feed a baby bird
In nature, baby birds eat the same things that their parents eat: Worms, insects, and seeds. However, chicks can eat different types of food if they are taken care of by whoever found them. You could use puppy food soaked in water until it’s like a sponge. Moist dog or cat food can also be used in a jam when at room temperature. You can also use finely chopped fruits and vegetables (such as corn or peas) and even small insects.
It is equally essential to recognize that baby birds have very different nutritional needs than adult birds. What an adult bird eats can harm its young. As a baby bird grows, its diet can be adapted to more raw meat, giving them the protein that’s needed. As for water, a baby bird gets what it needs from the food it eats.
Food suitable for baby birds:
- Boiled eggs
- Moist dog food
- Wet cat food
- Raw liver (without seasoning)
What not to offer when feeding baby birds:
- Water
- Milk
- Bread and bakery products
- Kitchen waste
Unlike mammals, birds do not drink milk and their digestive systems won’t tolerate milk. Unfortunately, it’s a common misconception that mixing together bread and milk makes for an ideal feed for baby birds. Milk can be toxic to birds, so avoid feeding it entirely.
When a baby bird is older, it can consume ”adult” bird foods without harming itself and the longer it can stay between strokes.
Cathy Hargreaves/Shutterstock.comDIY baby bird food
One easy recipe for feeding baby birds involves just two ingredients: pet food and water.
- Soaking dog biscuits or kibble in water will create a mushy consistency that’s easy to take and digest for young birds. This mimics the texture of the food given by mama birds in the wild and is also a high-protein option, which is extra important for nestlings.
- A classic biscuit treat like Milk-Bone is ideal for recipes like these. To forgo the mixing and mashing, a canned pet food like the Cesar brand is another great option. You still might want to stir in a tiny bit of water if your bird is particularly young, though.
How to feed a baby bird
Step 1: If you need to feed a wild baby bird, remember to offer foods that have a spongy consistency instead of dripping with water, which can suffocate or drown it. All dry food should be softened before offering it.
Step 2: Food should only be offered at room temperature, never heated or refrigerated.
Step 3: Keep food pieces small and proportional to the size of the bird — tiny birds need tiny bites. Cut or crush food properly to fit the size of the bird.
Step 4: When feeding the bird, be as careful as possible to minimize the risk of additional stress or injury. Never force a bird to eat its food.
Lastly, remember that feeding a baby bird should be only an emergency measure. If one is abandoned and needs care, it should be taken by a bird-rescue organization or an experienced rehabilitator as soon as possible. They can not only feed baby birds with a diet suitable for its type, but they also teach it to live independently, avoid predators, and master other skills to live in nature successfully.
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I recieved a call today from a woman in Schenectady who was brought a little baby bird (Sparrow, we think) that was just hatching from its egg. Schenectady is quite a drive from where I live so she is going to try and feed the little guy until we can find time to get the bird to me. This is a fantastic website that I used when I got my first little starling 4 years ago: http://www. There they instruct you to prepare their food using dry dog/cat food that has been soaked in water until it is the consistancey of yogurt. The problem with that is the dry food needs to be ground first and I never had luck with grinding it in a blender (I got a food processer for christmas for the birds, though, and it works great). Before I had the food processer I always used canned dog food (with only a small amount of water added to keep it moist) and been successful with it. You don't need to add the other ingrediants- like apple sauce and baby rice cereal- for short-term feeding. The reason why ground and soaked dry food is recommended over wet canned food is that canned food only contains around 8-10% protein. Dry food contains about 20-25% protein. However, once again- the canned food is fine for short term feeding. Though they say this dog/cat food is good for starlings and sparrows- it is actually good for ALL songbirds- except Doves.
On the left is one I was using for a very tiny, just hatched, baby bird- in the middle is what I am using for the older Sparrows who are feathered and hopping around- and on the right is what I a using for the Grackle (type of blackbird, bigger than the other birds). Its ok for the tip to be pointy, as long as it is rounded and has no sharp edges. When the bird gapes (opens its mouth to be fed) the food should be place into the birds throat to the right side of the birds mouth- the BIRDS right, thats YOUR LEFT. When you can see a good amount of food in the crop, you can stop feeding. Many websites will tell you that the bird will stop gaping when its eaten enough, but this is not true for all birds. House sparrows will keep gaping for food and if you feed them too much their crops could get damaged. Here is a photo of the tiny baby bird with a full crop: Notice this is the right side of the birds neck. The crop is almost as big as the birds head in this photo because this baby had swallowed some air and there was an air bubble in the crop along with the food. And here is the same bird with an empty crop (ignore the ear bubble, this baby had lots of problems and eventually passed away): You dont have to wait until the crop is completely empty before feeding again, but it should be considerably smaller than the last time you fed the bird. If you look at photos from past entries here, you will see the nests I make for the birds. I keep them in little plastic containers and line the bottom with tissues. I fold tissues into about 1"x2" rectangles and place them around the sides of the container so that when the bird poops, I can just remove that one peice of tissue and replace it. The bird will probably poop once everytime you feed it, but it may take a couple feedings before this routine gets established. Some photos of the growth of baby robins. Its amazing how fast baby birds can grow in one day!! Good luck, Ana! |
I saw that you have both house sparrows and starlings. I'm hoping that you keep them all as pets instead of releasing them back into the wild. I really hope that is not the case!
Anyways, everything else you do seems to be great! Great job and keep it up. I too am a lover of the outdoors and wildlife (except non-native birds)!
Thanks, Bret
for some reason he is have a hard time pooping he was do fine earlier to day and for last few day ive been doing what u say to feed it i left a message with a wild life place out here but never got a call back can u answer me about the poop and should i worry. .
diet in the first days of life, chicken feed norms
The diet of chickens, especially small ones, is different from the diet of adult chickens. Many breeders who raise chickens in the household are interested in how and what to feed the chicks so that they develop properly. For healthy growth, chickens require a balanced diet in sufficient quantities. The composition of the products depends on the direction and age of the chicks. | nine0009 |
- What does healthy chicks eat?
- General rules for formulating rations
- What to feed chickens?
- General rules for feeding
- Feed for chickens of various ages
- Feeding frequency
- Feeding Features
- Farmer's Councils
What does a healthy chicken diet consist of?
Sources of proteins, vitamins, micro and macro elements are products of plant and animal origin, as well as substances synthesized in the laboratory. For the production of finished formulations in the factory, only high-quality proven raw materials are used. In feed for laying hens and broilers are introduced:
It is quite difficult to independently calculate the proportions and mix the components thoroughly without the appropriate equipment.
General dietary guidelines
The terms of growing meat breeds are 1.5-2 months, laying hens - up to six months. During this time, the bird should gain weight of 2.5-3 kg. To accelerate the growth of muscle mass in broilers, it is recommended to use specialized feed. It fully meets the needs of the bird in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. The composition and consumption of feed should be appropriate for the age of the chicks. nine0013
At 1-2 weeks of life, the foundation of the skeleton is laid in chickens, muscle mass increases at an average pace. At this time, it is necessary to introduce a sufficient amount of proteins, fiber, and mineral components into their diet.
In the growth phase, chickens are gaining weight intensively. They need as many amino acids and proteins as possible, which act as a building material for cells, as well as complex carbohydrates. The dose of vitamins and minerals received with food is increased. nine0013
At the finishing stage, the amount of carbohydrates is reduced so that the broilers gain more muscle mass, and not fat. At this stage, it is important to prevent weight loss. For these purposes, finishing compound feed is introduced into the diet.
What to feed chickens?
Cereals form the basis of the diet.
Corn | One of the most useful and nutritious ingredients. Corn is the leader among grains in terms of protein content, while it contains less fiber than other cereals.![]() |
oats | Source of many amino acids. It is considered a dietary product, but contains a lot of fiber. In large quantities, it causes blockage of the intestines, so its share in the composition of the feed does not exceed 20%. Oats are given in a purified form, completely removing the film from the grains. The size of the fraction depends on the age of the bird. Sifted oatmeal is usually added to prestarter formulations. |
Wheat nine0087 | Contains a large amount of vitamin E, B. Feed wheat is usually used in bird feed. The percentage can be up to 30%. |
Rye | It is a source of a number of useful proteins, but contains too much mucus, which negatively affects the digestive system of chickens. It is added to some feeds in small quantities. |
Barley nine0087 | Practically not inferior to oats in useful properties, but also contains a lot of fiber.![]() |
Buckwheat | Despite the fact that the product contains components useful for poultry, it is rarely used. Basically, it is added to granulated feed, because. in loose form, chickens do not peck it. |
Bran nine0087 | Products of processing grain crops are introduced to increase the caloric content of the diet. By themselves, they have no nutritional value, so they are rarely used. |
Peeled vegetables are used as succulent feed.
Potato | Improves poultry digestion, promotes the absorption of nutrients. It is introduced in boiled dehydrated form. In the process of preparing food, it is unacceptable to use green potatoes, since poisonous solanine has formed in them. nine0006 |
Beet | It normalizes the work of the intestines, prevents its blockage, provides the needs of chickens for vitamin B2, carotene, sugar.![]() |
Pumpkin | It contains a lot of vitamins and microelements. The product is added in an amount not exceeding 15% of the total volume. nine0006 |
Protein components provide the daily requirement for amino acids. Protein sources are also rich in vitamins and minerals. They can be of plant and animal origin. Amino acids are well absorbed by the body. Animal proteins are obtained from various types of flour:
- fish. This product makes up to 8% of the diet, but is not used in broiler feed so that the meat does not have a specific smell; nine0016
- bone. In terms of the amount of proteins, it is not inferior to cereals, and at the same time it is rich in fats (11%) and vitamins A and E. It is given to chickens from a month old;
- blood. The product is rich in essential amino acids, but in high concentrations it provokes indigestion.
Its share in the diet should not exceed 4%;
- pen. This component is used as an available source of protein to balance the feed composition. It is added in small amounts (up to 2%). nine0016
Dairy products are also a source of well-digestible animal protein: cottage cheese or whey. Their inclusion in feed mixtures for laying hens increases the egg production and fertility of chickens.
Legumes are richest in vegetable proteins:
- soy in terms of percentage and qualitative composition of proteins and amino acids is practically not inferior to products of animal origin, it also contains vitamins and minerals; nine0016
- peas also provide protein requirements for poultry, although to a lesser extent; chickens do not eat it well because of the specific smell and taste, therefore, no more than 10% is introduced into the feed;
- soybean and sunflower meal and cake are an inexpensive, highly digestible source of amino acids. In compositions for adult chickens, their share is 15-17%, for chickens and young animals - 10%.
General feeding rules
nine0005 Each individual should consume approximately 15-30 g of food per day: how much depends on the breed, weight of the chicks, and the intensity of their development. In general, the amount of feed each time should be such that the young hens will eat it in 30 or 40 minutes. The remains must be removed from the feeders so as not to deteriorate, and the feeders themselves must be washed and dried. |
If the chicks do not eat the feed given to them often, then its rate should be reduced. If, on the contrary, the food is eaten quickly, then it is desirable to increase its volume. nine0013
Feed for chickens of various ages
PC-2 | Designed for chicks under 7 weeks old. It is produced in the form of finely ground grains, designed for an insufficiently unformed digestive system, easily digestible, contains all the useful trace elements.![]() |
PC-3 | Balanced mix for young animals 8-20 weeks old. Promotes rapid growth and proper formation of the reproductive system. It is produced in the form of grains with medium-sized fractions. nine0006 |
PC-5 | Designed for broiler chickens from 2 weeks to 1 month of age. It consists of a complex of easily digestible components that stimulate a set of muscle mass. |
PC-6 | It has similar characteristics, but is designed for broilers older than a month. |
All types of feed can be divided into three groups: nine0013
carbohydrate | Protein | Vitamin |
Promote accelerated growth and muscle mass gain. Their composition is dominated by cereals and vegetables. Chickens digest foods high in carbohydrates well, which cause a slowdown in metabolism and rapid weight gain. Such feeds are designed for broilers and increase the average carcass weight.![]() | nine0005 Such compound feeds are developed mainly for laying hens. A large amount of protein increases the productivity of the bird, improves the palatability of the eggs, and makes the shell stronger. Strengthen the immune system, help to survive the winter period. Usually produced in the form of concentrates, which enrich the main diet. |
According to the form of release, the compositions are of 2 types.
nine0012 Loose ones consist of fine-grained components. The disadvantage of such compositions is that they are worse absorbed. The chicken chooses tasty crumbs from the feed, and the less appetizing ingredients are thrown away. As a result, the bird receives less nutrients. In addition, a lot of dust remains in the feeder. However, it is impossible to completely abandon loose compositions. Chickens in the first weeks of life are not able to swallow and digest large granules, therefore they can peck only small grains. |
Expanded feed is produced by short-term heat treatment under high pressure. Nutrient mixtures are in the form of granules and contain liquid components in their composition. The advantages of expanded compositions include:
However, when heated, some of the vitamins are destroyed. |
Feeding frequency
The first time chickens are fed on the same day they are born. Then, until the age of 7 days, the chicks of meat breeds are fed 6-8 times a day, from the 2nd week of life - 6 times, from the 3rd - 4 times a day, by the age of one month, chickens are fed three times a day. Chicks of egg breeds up to 1.5 weeks are fed 5-6 times a day, and by the month they are gradually transferred to 3 meals a day. nine0013
When choosing a mixture, it is recommended to give preference to complete formulations. However, if the breeder has enough of his own food, you can limit yourself to concentrated additives to enrich it. Such compositions are marked with the QC marking. Concentrates for meat and egg-bearing breeds solve different problems:
for broilers | for laying hens |
It is unacceptable to use concentrates as the main feed, since an excess of nutrients is no less harmful than their deficiency. BVMB is introduced into the composition of the mash, taking into account the age of the chickens.
Feeding Features
1st day of life | Feeding of chickens of egg breeds begins immediately after they dry out. The first food for newborn chickens should be a hard-boiled egg. It is cut as small as possible so that the chicks can swallow small crumbs and roll it in semolina to prevent pieces from sticking to the paws and fluff. In the brooder where they are, they put a drinker with clean, boiled and cooled water. Newly hatched chicks are also fed boiled eggs under the brood hen. nine0006 |
2nd day | On the 2nd day, the chicks are already given a mash of eggs and homemade low-fat fresh cottage cheese (the ratio of ingredients is 1 to 1). The formula for feeding day-old chicks should be fresh and fed every 3 hours. |
1 Week | From the 3rd day, chickens are fed with a more varied mixture of cottage cheese, boiled eggs, crumbly porridge from corn, oat or wheat chips (the share of cereals should be 65%).![]() |
2-4 weeks | From 1.5 weeks of life, a little sunflower or soybean meal (3-4% of the total food volume), chalk or shells, bone meal (5-7% of the feed amount or 2-3 g per 1 chick).![]() |
1 month | At this age, the young are already quite strong, they can spend time walking, where they independently find greenery, seeds of various plants, worms and beetles. If the birds are in a closed aviary and cannot pluck the grass, then they need to be given it along with grain and vegetables. In general, the share of green grass in the diet of one-month-old young animals should be about 1/3 part, no less. Grain can be given both ground and whole: the birds are already able to peck it.![]() |
Chickens of meat breeds differ from egg breeds in that they need more complete proteins and vitamins, so their diet should be tailored to this feature. Therefore, it is necessary to give more protein feed, such as legumes (grains and green mass), meat and bone and fish meal, fresh kitchen waste. It should also be borne in mind that they eat more, so they need to be fed more often, especially in the first days of life.
Farmer's councils
When changing nutrition, the sensitivity of chickens to changes in composition should be taken into account. For this reason, birds should be transferred to a different diet gradually, over 3-5 days, daily adding new food to the usual food, gradually increasing its amount.
There should always be fresh water in the drinker, in which a little potassium permanganate is diluted - so much so that the liquid does not turn pink.
It is advisable to mix common salt (up to 5 g per 1 kg of the mixture) and ground egg shells into the feed. nine0013
The main disadvantage of self-prepared mixtures is the fragility of their storage. In contrast, prepared feed can be left in the feeder for as long as the chicks need to saturate.
In our company, you purchase safe, certified mixtures with high nutritional value. Products exceed the requirements of GOSTs in quality. At your request, it is possible to develop an individual recipe for specific chicken breeds. nine0013
The MEGAMIX company cooperates with a network of dealers in Moscow and regions. You can clarify the terms of the order and delivery by phone +7 (8442) 97-97-97 or on our website.
Free consultation
Ask a question to a specialist or order a price list
By leaving a request, you agree to the policy of processing personal data.
nine0012 09.11.2020Korm Solnyshko complete feed for chickens, turkey poults, caesars, ducklings, goslings from the first days of life (id 77656785) and best practice.
- Optimally balanced feed composition provides the chicks with all vital components and can be used as the only feed that:
- is optimally balanced in all ingredients, which allows the chick to receive the nutrients necessary for growth and development from a small portion of the feed eaten. nine0016
- ecologically safe natural product of high quality.
- contributes to the prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, due to the natural absorbent included in the composition, which has antidiarrheal and enterosorbent effects.
- allows you to completely balance the diet in terms of vitamin and mineral composition.
Vegetable protein , vegetable fat, high purity salt (sodium chloride), amino acids (lysine, methionine + cystine). nine0077 Macronutrients: calcium, phosphorus.
Trace elements: iron, copper, zinc, manganese, cobalt, iodine, selenium.
Vitamins: A, D3, E, K3, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, Sun, H, C.
Crude protein: not less than 21.6%.
Table salt: not more than 0.16%.
Metabolic energy: 3047 kcal.DOSAGE AND HOW TO USE
Balanced complete food Sunshine is a ready-to-use food without modification. Feed is poured into the feeder, in accordance with the daily rate divided by the number of feedings.
In the first 5 days, chickens should be fed 6-8 times a day, the next 5 days 3-4 times. From the 10th day, 3 meals a day are possible. Residues of food after feeding must be removed. It is advisable to keep small gravel in a separate feeder for better digestion. nine0013
Daily intake of complete feed, g/head:
Young stock age (weeks) Daily dose per head, g 1 10-20 2 20-40 3 40-60 4 60-80 In the first 5 days, young birds should be fed 5-6 times a day, the next 5 days 3-4 times. From the 10th day, 3 meals a day are possible. Leftover feed should be removed after feeding. Feeders and drinkers are recommended to be washed and disinfected at least once a day. It is advisable to keep small gravel in a separate feeder for better digestion. nine0013
It is imperative to ensure that birds have constant access to water.
Planting density, illumination, daylight hours, temperature and humidity must be maintained in accordance with the recommendations for the breed of poultry, cross-country, taking into account age. It is possible to use birds of other species for daily young growth: ducklings, goslings, caesarlings, quails. Do not use on other animal species.
The product is packed in individual plastic film bags, weight 700g (15 pieces in one box), 3kg (4 pieces in one box), 10kg polypropylene bags and a kraft bag with a polyethylene liner, weight 25kg.
Store the product in a dry and cool place, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C and humidity not exceeding 75%. Shelf life, subject to storage conditions, is 4 months from the date of manufacture of the product.
This product is made from natural natural ingredients. Does not contain antibiotics, growth stimulants, palm oil, hormonal preparations and GMOs. There were no side effects and complications during the use of the product, no contraindications were found. After using the product, poultry meat and eggs are used without restrictions.
Vegetable protein is a building material for cells and tissues of the body. nine0077 Vegetable fat - plays an important role in metabolism. It is also a structural material in the protoplasm of cells. Fat is a rich source of linoleic acid. With the fat of feed, all the necessary fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) enter the body.
Salt - takes an active part in metabolism, ensures the functioning of nerves and muscles.Improves appetite, feed palatability, normalizes digestion and digestibility of feed nutrients.
Amino acids - are the basis of proteins. Lysine is an essential amino acid with pronounced base properties. Methionine - directly affects the synthesis of hemoglobin, is necessary for the formation of adrenaline, cyanocobalamin, creatine and other compounds that affect nitrogen, carbohydrate and fat metabolism. It is a lipotropic factor necessary for maintaining liver function. With a lack of methionine and cystine in the diet, birds experience feather loss, cirrhosis of the liver and a predisposition to infectious diseases. nine0013Macronutrients:
Calcium - essential for bone formation and egg shell formation, as well as for the normal functioning of the heart. Participates in the regulation of muscle and nervous activity; increases the protective functions of the body; regulates the reproductive functions of males and females.Normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
Phosphorus - is found in all tissues of the body and is necessary for the formation of bones; muscle contraction; energy transfer. Included in proteins and lipids. Participates in the formation of egg yolk. It is the prevention of bone softening, reproductive disorders, rickets in young animals and osteoporosis in adult birds. nine0013Trace elements:
Iron - takes part in oxygen transport (as part of hemoglobin), oxygen binding and deposition (as part of myoglobin), electron transport in the respiratory chain (as part of cytochromes). Participates in redox reactions. Prevents the development of anemia during egg production.
Copper - found in all tissues of the body, is an integral part of enzymes. Necessary for better absorption of iron, for normal feather keratinization and normalization of embryonic development. Copper is involved in the development of cartilage, bones and tendons and in hematopoietic function, transporting oxygen in the tissues and organs of birds.Included in the group of elements that play the role of antioxidants, binds microbial toxins, contributes to the body's resistance to infections. nine0077 Zinc - is part of many enzymes, and is also involved in the processes of bone formation, hematopoiesis, shell and plumage formation. Affects the growth, condition of the plumage of a bird, the development and reproductive function of the body (increases the number of eggs during ovulation). Stimulates tissue regeneration and participates in hematopoiesis processes. Strengthens the immune system, blocks the effects of free radicals and increases the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria. nine0077 Manganese - activates oxidative processes and has a specific lipotropic effect, increases the utilization of fats in the body and counteracts fatty degeneration of the liver. It plays an important role in the metabolism of bone, cartilage, muscle and connective tissues. Prevents the occurrence of perosis or "slipping of the tendons" and improper formation of the bones of the limbs.
Cobalt - participates in hematopoiesis, plays the role of an enzyme activator in metabolism. The physiological effect of cobalt is due to its presence in the vitamin B12 molecule. The presence of cobalt in sufficient quantities improves immunity. nine0077 Iodine - participates in the synthesis of thyroid hormones.
Selenium - takes part in the mechanism of antioxidant protection. Promotes the accumulation of vitamin E during reproduction. Selenium is an integral part of the glutathione peroxidase enzyme, which is necessary for quenching peroxides during metabolism, necessary for regulating the permeability of cell membranes, preventing myopathy of the stomach and heart, and fibrous degeneration of the pancreas.Vitamins:
Vitamin A (retinol) - ensures normal growth and development of birds, high productivity, regulating metabolism. The effect of vitamin A on many metabolic processes is associated with its participation in the functions of biological membranes.Provides high egg production and hatchability, prevents damage to the intestinal epithelium and eyes. Increases resistance to infections, stress and promotes rapid recovery.
Carotene - increases the viability of chicks, reduces susceptibility to various diseases. Serves to give the appropriate color to the yolks of eggs and skin of broilers. Participates in the metabolism of birds. nine0077 Vitamin D (cholecalciferol) - essential for efficient absorption of calcium. Vitamin D3 metabolites stimulate the synthesis of calcium-binding protein, which improves the absorption of calcium from the intestine with subsequent deposition in the shell. It has a positive effect on egg production and hatchability. It also participates in the activation of skeletal calcium metabolism. Improves the absorption of magnesium, iron, manganese, cobalt and zinc.
Vitamin E (tocopherol) - having an antioxidant effect, it has a versatile effect on metabolism.The antioxidant properties of vitamin E are of great importance in the functioning of the lungs and heart: it ensures their normal lipid metabolism. It is also an essential functional component of cell respiration, the synthesis of the selenium-protein complex and the manifestation of its action, the synthesis of heme in the bone marrow, ascorbic acid and the coenzyme form of vitamin B12. Promotes the development of more intense immunity, protects vitamins A, D and carotenoids from oxidation, improving their absorption. It is necessary to increase the fertility of birds, since vitamin E is involved in the maturation of follicles. Protects against encephalomalacia, diathesis, muscular dystrophy, fertility decline. Selenium and vitamin E are two essential antioxidants that play a key role in maintaining sperm quality. nine0077 Vitamin K (phylloquinone) - participates in the mechanism of blood coagulation, activates proteins. Reduces embryonic mortality. Vitamin K indirectly affects the calcification of bone tissue and eggshells.
It plays an important role in the metabolism of high-energy compounds, phosphorylation processes that provide energy for various plastic processes, and is also associated with the metabolism of other fat-soluble vitamins, increasing, for example, by 10-30% vitamin E deposits in the liver.
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - necessary to maintain the work of the muscles of the head and neck. Strengthens the body, protects against nervous disorders. It is the prevention of embryonic mortality and poliomyelitis in chickens.
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - necessary to increase the hatchability of eggs, the proper development of the limbs, the survival of the embryos.
Vitamin B3 (pantothenic acid) - very important in energy metabolism. It helps to increase the growth of live weight in young animals, egg production of chickens, hatchability of eggs, feather formation and strengthens detoxification mechanisms. nine0077 Vitamin B5 (PP, nicotinic acid, niacin) - regulates blood sugar levels and reduces cholesterol, dilates peripheral vessels.It is necessary for the normal secretion of gastric juice, to maintain tone, normal intestinal motility, as well as for hematopoiesis processes.
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - takes an active part in protein metabolism. In addition, it affects the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, the breakdown of tryptophan and the metabolism of minerals. Prevents perosis and egg weight loss. nine0077 Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) - takes part in protein metabolism. Thanks to vitamin B12, the absorption of amino acids from plant foods is increased. It is the prevention of skin dermatitis. Improves the condition of the skin, fluff, feather.
Vitamin Bc (folic acid) - takes an active part in the processes of regulation of the functions of the hematopoietic organs. It also has a positive effect on the functions of the intestines and liver, increases the content of choline in the liver and prevents its fatty infiltration. Folic acid supports the immune system by contributing to the normal formation and function of white blood cells.