What baby food can you get on wic
WIC-Authorized Baby Food | Gerber
Puree Type
- Pregnancy
- Newborn
- Supported Sitter 28items
- Sitter 57items
- Crawler
- Toddler
- Preschooler
- Colic
- Crying
- Fussiness
- Gas
- Mild Spit-Up
- Uncomfortable Poops
- Teething
- Vitamin D
- On the Go
- Iron 7items
- Starting Solids 13items
- Expanding Textures 1item
- Probiotics
- Prebiotics/2’-FL HMO
Price - Low to High Price - High to Low Newest On Sale Top Sellers
Food Packages | Texas WIC
- Pregnant Women
Your WIC foods:
- Are low in fat and high in fiber.
- Provide nutritional variety.
- Help promote a healthy weight gain and a healthy baby.
Food Package
- Cereal: 36 ounces
- Whole grains: 1 pound
- Fruits and vegetables: $11.00
- Juice: 144 ounces (3 - 12 ounce frozen or 48 fluid ounces)
- Low-fat or fat-free milk: 4.5 gallons
- Yogurt or low-fat or fat-free milk: 1 quart
- Cheese: 1 pound
- Eggs: 1 dozen
- Beans and peanut butter: 1 pound dry or 4 cans and peanut butter 16 to 18 ounce jar
Before your baby is born, speak to a WIC counselor about choosing one of the three food packages for you and your baby.
- Are low in fat and high in fiber.
- Moms and Fully Breastfeeding Babies
This food package is the largest and does not contain any formula. Moms and babies can get this food package until baby’s first birthday.
Fully breastfeeding (feeding your baby only breastmilk) is the healthiest choice for you and your baby and this package gives you the most food. You will receive breastfeeding support throughout your baby’s first year. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends mothers exclusively breastfeed for the first six months.
Mom’s Food Package
- Cereal: 36 ounces
- Whole grains: 1 pound
- Fruits and vegetables: $11.00
- Juice: 144 ounces (3 - 12-ounce frozen or 48 fluid ounces)
- Low-fat or fat-free milk: 5 gallons
- Yogurt or low-fat or fat-free milk: 1 quart
- Cheese: 2 pounds
- Eggs: 2 dozen
- Beans and peanut butter: 1 pound dry or 4 cans and 16 to 18 ounce jar of peanut butter
- Canned tuna, salmon, sardines and mackerel: 30 ounces
Mothers who are fully breastfeeding multiples (twins, triplets, etc.) will receive additional amounts of foods.
Baby’s Food Package
When your baby is age 0-5 months:
- The best and only food source your baby needs during this time is your breastmilk.
When your baby is age 6-11 months:
- Infant cereal: 24 ounces (8 ounce or 16 ounce containers)
- Baby food fruits and vegetables: 64 containers, 4 ounces each
- Baby food meats: 31 containers, 2.5 ounces each
- Moms and Partially Breastfeeding Babies
This package contains less food than the fully breastfeeding food package but more than the formula feeding package, and it includes some formula. The amount of formula will vary depending on how much your baby needs and his or her age. Moms and babies can get this package until baby’s first birthday.
After the first month of your baby’s life, you can continue to provide only breastmilk or you can choose to combine breastfeeding with formula feeding. If you are using formula, WIC staff will help you figure out how much you need.
Use only as much formula as you need, and only when you and your baby are not together or when you cannot provide your pumped milk. Every ounce of your breastmilk counts when it comes to your baby’s health and your health as well.
As a WIC mom, you will receive breastfeeding support.
Mom’s Food Package
- Cereal: 36 ounces
- Whole grains: 1 pound
- Fruits and vegetables: $11.00
- Juice: 144 ounces (3 - 12-ounce frozen or 48 fluid ounces)
- Low-fat or fat-free milk: 4.5 gallons
- Yogurt or low-fat or fat-free milk: 1 quart
- Cheese: 1 pound
- Eggs: 1 dozen
- Beans and peanut butter: 1 pound dry or 4 cans and 16 to 18 ounce jar of peanut butter
Baby’s Food Package
Breastfeed when you and your baby are together.
In your baby’s birth month
- Formula: You may be able to get 1 can of 12.4 ounce powder formula. Ask the staff at your local WIC office.
When your baby is age 1-3 months
- Formula: up to 4 cans of 12.
4 ounce powder*
When your baby is age 4-5 months
- Formula: up to 5 cans of 12.4 ounce powder*
When your baby is age 6-11 months
- Formula: up to 4 cans of 12.4 ounce powder*
- Infant cereal: 24 ounces (8 ounce or 16 ounce containers)
- Baby food fruits and vegetables: 32 containers - 4 ounces each
*All formula amounts are approximate
- Moms and Formula Feeding Babies (also includes some breastfeeding)
This is the smallest food package for moms and babies. This package includes more formula than the partially breastfeeding package, but not all the formula your baby may need. The amount of formula will vary depending on the age of your baby.
You can also choose to feed your baby only or mostly formula with some breastfeeding.
The amount of formula provided by WIC may not be enough to meet the nutritional needs of your baby, so you should breastfeed any time you and your baby are together so you won’t have to buy more formula.
If you choose this package, your baby will receive the following foods throughout his or her first year. You will receive foods for yourself only during the first six months.
As a WIC mom, you will receive breastfeeding support.
Mom’s Food Package
- Cereal: 36 ounces
- Fruits and vegetables: $11.00
- Juice: 96 ounces (2 - 12-ounce frozen or 48 fluid ounces)
- Low-fat or fat-free milk: 3 gallons
- Yogurt or low-fat or fat-free milk: 1 quart
- Cheese: 1 pound
- Eggs: 1 dozen
- Beans or peanut butter: 1 pound dry or 4 cans or peanut butter 16 to 18 ounce jar
The Formula Feeding food package provides these foods for six months after your baby is born. Moms who choose the Fully or Partially Breastfeeding food packages will receive more food for one full year.
Baby’s Food Package
Breastfeed when you and your baby are together.
When your baby is age 0-3 months
- Formula: up to but no more than 9 cans of 12.4 ounce powder*
When your baby is age 4-5 months
- Formula: up to but no more than 10 cans of 12.4 ounce powder*
When your baby is age 6-11 months
- Formula: up to but no more than 7 cans - 12.4 ounce powder*
- Infant cereal: 24 ounces (8-ounce or 16-ounce containers)
- Baby food fruits and vegetables: 32 containers - 4 ounces each
*All formula amounts are approximate
- Children 1 to 2 Years
Your child’s WIC foods:
- Are low in fat and high in fiber.
- Provide nutritional variety.
- Help promote a healthy weight.
Food Package
- Cereal: 36 ounces
- Whole grains: 2 pounds
- Fruits and vegetables: $9.
- Juice: 128 ounces (2 - 16 ounce frozen or 64 fluid ounces)
- Whole milk: 3 gallons
- Yogurt or whole milk: 1 quart
- Cheese: 1 pound
- Eggs: 1 dozen
- Beans or peanut butter: 1 pound dry or 4 cans or peanut butter 16 to 18 ounce jar
- Children 2 to 5 Years
How is this package different from the food package for children 1 to 2 years old?
- Whole milk is replaced with low-fat (1%) or fat-free milk.
- Peanut butter and canned beans are included as an alternative to dry beans.
Food Package
- Cereal: 36 ounces
- Whole grains: 2 pounds
- Fruits and vegetables: $9.00
- Juice: 128 ounces (2 - 16 ounce frozen or 64 fluid ounces)
- Low-fat or fat-free milk: 3 gallons
- Yogurt or low-fat or fat-free milk: 1 quart
- Cheese: 1 pound
- Eggs: 1 dozen
- Beans or peanut butter: 1 pound dry or 4 cans or peanut butter 16 to 18 ounce jar
Dairy kitchen Who is entitled to and how to apply for free food
In most regions, after the birth of a newborn, families are provided with material assistance in the form of free food. Products are issued at special points. Instead of food packages, additional cash benefits may be assigned.
The article reveals the concept of "dairy cuisine", and you will learn who is entitled to free food, how to get it and what nuances exist.
Article content
○ Calculation of maternity benefit.
○ What is a dairy kitchen?
○ Who gets free meals?
○ Methods of receiving baby food
✔ Putation transfer at issuing points
✔ Obtaining a “children's” bank card
○ Feedback Power supply
✔ The necessary package of documents
✔ Conclusion Pediatrics
0025 Application
○ Card registration
✔ In what cases is
✔ Drawing up a statement
✔ The necessary package of documents
✔ Additional documents from incomplete families
○ What products are issued to the child?
○ Product issues
○ The recipe for the dairy kitchen
○ Lawyer tips:
✔ Is it possible to issue a dairy kitchen for a child-preschool child 7 years old, if the family is poor?
✔ Can HIV-positive mothers count on government assistance in the form of a dairy kitchen?
○ Video.
○ What is a dairy kitchen?
Dairy Kitchen is a form of financial support given to pregnant women and young children in the form of special meals.
In accordance with part 3 of article 52 of the Law on the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens dated November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ:
“3. The provision of adequate nutrition for pregnant women, nursing mothers, as well as children under the age of three years, including through special food outlets and trade organizations, is carried out at the conclusion of doctors in accordance with the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
Each subject has regional regulations that establish the procedure for providing free meals to privileged categories.
○ Who is eligible for free meals?
Pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and babies under the age of three are eligible for adequate nutrition under federal law. In specific regions, in accordance with local legislation, an individual list of persons in need of social security may be established.
Thus, in the Moscow region, the norms of laws No. 26/2006-OZ of February 27, 2006, No. 27/2006-OZ of March 1, 2006, No. 132/2013-OZ of November 14, 2013, 08/23/2013 No. 663/38, dated 02/12/2008 No. 90/5, orders of the Ministry of Health dated 01.12.2017 No. 300-r.
Benefit categories include:
- Children aged 0 to 3 years.
- Pregnant women from 12 weeks to childbirth.
- Nursing mothers within six months after childbirth, if the baby is receiving breast milk.
In Moscow, by order of the Department of Health of 04/06/2016 No. 292, the list of beneficiaries includes:
- Toddlers under the age of 3 years.
- Nursing mothers.
- Children from large families who are under 7 years old.
- Disabled children.
- Pregnant women.
- Children under the age of 15 with chronic diseases (oncology, chronic glomerulonephritis, hemoblastoses).
○ Ways to get baby food
You can get baby food as a free food package or a special allowance. Each region decides this issue independently.
✔ Food distribution at distribution points
Products are distributed through distribution points in the Murmansk, Saratov, Belgorod regions, Moscow and the Moscow region, and other subjects.
Food packages are collected on the basis of standards that are approved for each category of beneficiaries. The composition differs depending on the region and the decision of the pediatrician.
✔ Receiving a "children's" bank card
In the Penza, Leningrad, Voronezh, Amur regions, instead of food, they pay a special allowance intended for buying food. In St. Petersburg, children's bank cards are issued.
Users can use them to purchase only permitted goods in stores from the approved list. You cannot withdraw cash from an ATM.
○ Registration of food distribution
Consider the procedure for issuing meals on the example of the Moscow region. In other regions, the rules may differ slightly.
Therefore, we recommend that you clarify this point with a gynecologist in a antenatal clinic or a pediatrician in a children's clinic.
✔ Required package of documents
To receive free meals, you must complete an application in the approved form and prepare a package of documents.
Attached to the application:
- Passport with a mark of registration in Moscow or the Moscow region.
- Birth certificate (if the food package will be given to a nursing mother or child).
- Doctor's report.
- Recipe.
✔ Pediatrician's opinion
Obstetrician-gynecologist prepares the opinion for a woman, pediatrician for a child. First, a medical examination is carried out and the results are recorded in the medical record. Then they are determined with the term of imprisonment.
The document is issued for the following period:
- For a month (pregnant women, nursing mothers, babies up to a year).
- For three months (children aged one to three years).
Further, based on the doctor's opinion, a prescription for free meals is filled out every month. They are transferred to the administration of the municipality of the region, which allocates subventions for the purchase of a food package. The issuance of products is carried out by special points at the medical institution.
✔ Application
An application form has been approved for residents of Moscow and the Moscow Region. Citizens living in other regions should clarify this information in relation to their region.
The following information is entered in the application:
- Position, full name of the head of the medical organization.
- Full name of the pregnant woman, nursing mother, legal representative of the child.
- Request to be included in the meal list.
- Date and signature of the applicant.
Sample application
Source: consultant. ru
○ Issuing a card
Residents of St. Petersburg receive social cards that allow them to purchase products from a special list.
The procedure for the sale of goods and services using plastic cards is established by part 4 of article 20 of the Social Code of St. Petersburg:
"4. The sale of goods and services using plastic cards is carried out by organizations, individual entrepreneurs who have passed the qualification selection. At the same time, the right to sell goods and services using plastic cards should be granted to at least three organizations, individual entrepreneurs.
✔ In what cases is it allowed
It is allowed to use a social card only for non-cash payments. Cash withdrawal is not provided. Banking services are provided by the Bank of St. Petersburg. It is allowed to purchase products with the card only in those stores that are included in a special list.
✔ Compiling an application
To obtain a card, you need to fill out an application for a specific type of allowance addressed to the municipality administration. Together with inclusion in the list of beneficiaries, a plastic card is automatically issued.
The following must be entered in the application:
- Full name of the applicant.
- Address of residence.
- Passport data.
- Phone, e-mail.
- Type of allowance.
- List of papers.
- Date and signature.
✔ Required package of documents
Depending on the situation, attach to the application:
- Applicant's passport.
- Certificate of registration in a medical institution for pregnant women.
- Child's birth certificate.
- Certificate of registration of a minor at the place of residence.
✔ Additional documents from single parent families
If a woman is raising a child alone, additionally you need to bring:
- Certificate of registration and divorce.
- Information about the establishment of paternity.
- Other papers as needed.
○ What food is given to the child?
There is no federal regulation on what foods to give to children. The subjects of the Russian Federation decide this issue on their own.
Standard list includes:
- Mixtures.
- Kashi.
- Baby milk.
- Kefir, cottage cheese.
- Puree.
- Juices.
- Fruit teas.
- Baby water.
○ Food distribution norms
Food distribution norms are set by regional authorities individually for each category.
Thus, in accordance with the Decision of the Penza City Duma dated February 20, 2015 No. 88-6/6, children receiving breast milk are given the following number of products:
Infants of the first year of life, who are on artificial and mixed feeding, receive the following norms of products:
Children of the second year of life are given: in a day. The prescription is issued for one month. In some cases, it can be extended for three months. The decision is made by the doctor on the basis of a medical examination and a conclusion about the health of the woman or child. Meals for a preschool child under 7 years old are not issued in all regions. Each region deals with this issue differently. For example, in the Chelyabinsk Region, the Ministry of Health adopted Order No. 493 dated March 29, 2016, according to which children born to HIV-infected mothers are provided with adapted milk formulas. To be included in the preferential list, you must provide an extract from the history of the development of the newborn indicating the diagnosis code according to ICD-10 Z 20. Video Published by: Vadim Kalyuzhny , TopJurist.RU portal specialist January 14, 2021 Gorbyleva Elena Nikolaevna 73 Add to favorites To favorites Share Dairy cuisine is a measure of social support, which, unfortunately, not everyone knows about. Not everyone can use the dairy kitchen. Therefore, you need to know who is entitled to dairy cuisine: it is quite possible that you or your child are entitled to receive free quality food. In this article, we will figure out who is entitled to a dairy kitchen in 2021, and how to get the right to use it. The norms for issuing special meals are determined by local governments (for example, the City Administration), as well as the procedure paperwork for obtaining products in the dairy kitchen. Local governments also choose an organization that deals with the issuance of special meals. If we talk about who is supposed to have a dairy kitchen, then it should be said that in different regions the list of such persons may differ significantly. In the most general form, the following categories of citizens who have the right to receive products in the dairy kitchen can be distinguished: In addition, the right to a dairy kitchen may be granted to pregnant and lactating women until the child reaches the age of 6 months. The basis for issuing special meals in the children's dairy kitchen is a doctor's opinion. If a child left without parental care has the right to receive dairy food, his legal representatives can exercise this right for him. You can unequivocally answer the question of who is entitled to dairy cuisine in 2020 in your region by reading the local regulations relating to this issue. The decision of local governments determines not only the categories of citizens who have the right to receive products in the dairy kitchen, but also the norms according to which the dairy kitchen distributes products to citizens in 2020. For children, the norms for issuing dairy food in 2021 are determined depending on age; for mothers, depending on whether the woman is pregnant or breastfeeding: If we talk about how to get into the dairy kitchen, it must be said that it all depends on who is the recipient of the special meal. To confirm the basis on which a dairy kitchen is issued, it is necessary to submit the relevant documents. The first basis for receiving any benefit, allowance or assistance is always a personal application of a citizen. In this case, this will be either the legal representative of the child, or a pregnant or nursing mother. The application is written in the name of the chief physician of the medical institution in which you are attached. In addition to the application, it is necessary to submit other documents for the dairy kitchen in 2020. Among them: For example, these can be certificates of recognition of a family with many children, disability or a child with a chronic illness. ○ Validity of a prescription for dairy cuisine
○ Legal advice:
✔ Is it possible to arrange a dairy kitchen for a 7-year-old preschool child if the family is poor?
So, in Moscow, the norms of the order of the Department of Health of 04/06/2016 No. 292 are in force, which include this category of persons in the list of beneficiaries. Together with the standard list of papers, you need to provide a certificate of a large family, a certificate of the presence of chronic diseases. Residents of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation should check with the medical organization whether they are entitled to a benefit in accordance with local legislation.
✔ Can HIV-positive mothers count on government assistance in the form of a dairy kitchen?
6. The pediatrician writes a prescription for formula every month.
Who is the children's dairy kitchen intended for
Norms for issuing dairy kitchens
How to get into the dairy kitchen
Documents for a dairy kitchen