What do you feed a baby fox
What Do Foxes Eat? - AZ Animals
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Foxes are omnivores that eat a diet that’s heavy in frogs, birds, rodents, and rabbits©A-Z-Animals.com
Foxes often get a bad rap, and not just in fairytales, where they often act as antagonists or tricksters. People who raise small animals know well the damage a fox can do if it gets into your yard. Despite their bad reputation, foxes can actually act quite friendly. They usually pose little to no threat to humans and will tolerate most house pets. They tend to mind their own business, and urban foxes will even live peacefully alongside people. Known for their curiosity and high energy, foxes mostly get in trouble when they target domesticated chickens, rabbits, or ducks. To avoid problems with foxes, it’s important to know what they like to eat. That said, what do foxes eat, and how do they find food?
In this article, we’ll examine the foods that foxes like to eat best, as well as how they hunt and forage for food. In addition, we’ll discuss what wild foxes eat versus what pet foxes eat. Finally, we’ll wrap up with an exploration of what baby foxes eat. Let’s cut to the chase and answer the question of exactly what do foxes eat.
What Do Foxes Like to Eat?
Foxes are omnivores, and eat a wide variety of foods.©iStock.com/Rejean Bedard
Contrary to popular belief, foxes are not carnivores, but actually omnivores. In the wild, foxes will eat a wide variety of foods, although their diet is primarily meat-based. Generally, they will hunt animals when available but will settle for plants when they can’t catch meat. In particular, they enjoy high protein, fatty foods like fish, eggs, and birds. That said, they also enjoy sweet and savory foods, like fruit, dairy, and nuts. Overall, you can boil down the foods that foxes like to eat into 15 categories.
The foods that foxes like to eat most include:
- Rodents
- Rabbits
- Birds
- Frogs
- Worms
- Insects
- Raccoons
- Reptiles
- Crabs
- Mollusks
- Fruit
- Seeds
- Fungi
- Vegetables
- Eggs
When readily available, foxes will also eat carrion. If a fox lives in close proximity to humans, it may also eat trash or leftover food.
How Do Foxes Hunt and Forage For Food?
Foxes surprise their prey by pouncing on them unawares.©Agami Photo Agency/Shutterstock.com
Most foxes are nocturnal and do the bulk of their hunting and foraging at night. That said, it’s not unusual to see a fox out at dusk or dawn, or even during the day. True to nature, most foxes hunt using stealth. They prefer to sneak up on their prey and take them unawares rather than run their food down. However, foxes can run quickly and can catch fleeing prey if required. For example, red foxes can run up to 30 miles per hour, while gray foxes can run 40 miles per hour. Foxes will use a pouncing technique to pin prey, then kill their target using their sharp teeth. Typically, they will break their prey’s neck or back, or puncture their throat to deliver a killing blow. If they can not finish a meal in one sitting, foxes may store leftover food nearby and come back for it later.
Foxes adapted highly-attuned senses to help them hunt at night. Their hearing is so sharp, they can hear a mouse squeak over up to 100 feet away. They can move their ears independently, which allows them to accurately pinpoint where sounds originate from. Foxes also possess an excellent sense of smell. This allows them to detect animals nesting below ground. Proficient diggers, foxes will quickly burrow into the dirt, ice, or around rocks to get at insects and small animals. In addition, foxes also possess excellent vision that is adapted to help them hunt at night. They possess a 260-degree field of vision, although their vision largely relies on them detecting movement. Their vision shares a lot in common with cats, and like dogs, they cannot see green or red colors.
What Do Foxes Eat in the Wild?
The red fox eats rodents, rabbits, eggs, birds, fruits, carrion, and anything else it can catch.©iStock.com/The_Near_North
In the wild, a fox’s diet will vary according to the seasons and their natural habitat. For example, in more northern climates, foxes will eat cold-adapted mammals like lemmings and snowshoe hares. Meanwhile, foxes that live further south will eat more warm-adapted animals. During winter, foxes primarily eat small mammals, while during summer they will eat more fruits, vegetation, and insects. Differences also exist between species, although this likely has more to do with distribution than biology.
The red fox is the largest species of true fox and the most widely distributed fox species. They feed on numerous small mammals including voles, mice, ground squirrels, hamsters, gerbils, woodchucks, gophers, and rats. They will also eat songbirds and waterfowl, as well as eggs. Red foxes may also target larger prey such as raccoons, opossums, and porcupines, as well as insects, reptiles, and fish. Their diet also includes plant material and fruits like berries, apples, plums, pears, and acorns. At night, red foxes will prey on carrion, and may also target poultry farms. Foxes that live near urban populations will also eat rats, pigeons, or any trash they can find.
What Do Pet Foxes Eat?
The Russian red fox is the only somewhat domesticated breed of fox.©RT Images/Shutterstock.com
First off, foxes are wild animals. Even foxes raised in captivity possess wild instincts, and should not be treated like domesticated dogs. That said, there is one breed of fox that was specifically bred for domestication, the Russian red fox. Still, these foxes still require a lot of specialized care and attention. In addition to plenty of exercise and room to run, pet foxes require a unique diet to ensure their optimal health. The proper diet for a pet fox will include the right balance of protein, vitamins, and minerals. Generally speaking, a pet fox can eat high-quality, grain-free dog food. Just make sure to adjust the proportions according to your pet fox’s weight. You can also buy specially formulated fox feeds that contain the right amount of protein and taurine. As a treat, you can include small amounts of fruit and vegetables. Popular treats include:
- Strawberries
- Blueberries
- Apples
- Carrots
- Mushrooms
- Eggs
- Raw meat
Pet foxes should also get a regular supply of insects if you let them outside. Alternatively, you can include live insects in their diet such as grasshoppers, grubs, crickets, beetles, and caterpillars. However, you should avoid feeding your fox certain foods. These foods could prove toxic to your pet fox. Potentially problematic foods include:
- Avocados
- Grains
- Grapes and raisins
- Caffeine
- Onions
- Chocolate
- Garlic
- Pits and seeds from fruit
What Do Baby Foxes Eat?
Baby foxes rely on their mothers to feed them and teach them how to hunt.©iStock.com/Harry Collins
Baby foxes, or kits, are born blind and rely solely on their parents for food. For the first two weeks, they eat only the regurgitated meat that their moth feeds them. Once they can stomach whole food, their mother will bring them small live prey, like mice and insects. Practicing killing live prey teaches them the skills they will need to survive in the wild. By the time they can go hunting with their mother, juvenile foxes possess most of the abilities they need to hunt and forage for food. If you have a pet baby fox that is still in the weaning phase, you can feed it a puppy milk replacement formula. Around 1 month old, you can start to feed your baby pet fox solid foods. It’s best to start with an all-meat diet, particularly raw rabbit, chicken, and rodents. If you can supplement its diet with live insects that’s even better. Over time you can slowly add more foods as it transitions into adulthood.
The Featured Image
Gray Fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) climbing tree. Gray foxes make noise more similar to a dog's bark than a woman's scream.© Danita Delimont/Shutterstock.com
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What Do Baby Foxes Eat?
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What do baby foxes eat? Baby foxes are omnivorous, meaning they will eat anything. They can even be found eating vegetables and fruit. While most people are familiar with the negativity associated with baby foxes, much goes on about them. Most often thought of as pests or malicious creatures due to their quick wit and ability for mischief games; however, it’s also true these animals can be friendly if given enough time (and space).
Locals have a reputation for being cautious and friendly. They usually pose little to no danger to people and will accept most household pets. They prefer to mind their own business, and urban Baby foxes will live in peace alongside humans.
Baby foxes are notorious for their curiosity and high activity, with pests most frequently targeting chickens, ducks, or rabbits. To treat baby foxes it’s helpful to understand what they enjoy eating.
Baby foxes with their parents.
Baby foxes are not carnivores but actually omnivores. They will eat a wide variety of foods in the wild, and their diet primarily consists of meat-based when available, or they can settle for plants if there’s no animal payable nearby.
One interesting fact about Baby foxes is that despite being called “carnivores,”. It’s been discovered through recent studies on animals like dogs and cows respectively to show how much flexibility these creatures have with what kind or fleshy meals suit them best at any given time.
Baby foxes are omnivores that eat just about anything they can get their paws on. They’re known for being crafty and grazing up some tasty prey, like voles or earthworms! These clever creatures make around 1-2 kills per week, with each kill varying depending upon what’s available at any given time.
When no prey is available, Baby foxes will forage for food. They are omnivores that will search for food in the absence of human-provided meat sources. Baby foxes live in many countries across the world. Therefore the food sources may vary considerably depending on whatever is accessible in that region and its home range.
Baby foxes are adaptable creatures. Their diet varies depending on where they live. Still, cold-adapted animals generally make up most or all of it during the winter months when there is less food available because these types can’t graze as warmer native species do–they must hunt them down and catch prey directly.
Baby foxes eat various animals in the wild, including rodents, rabbits, and birds. During the cold season, they feed on smaller mammals; however, they consume more fruits, vegetation, and insects during the summer months. There are variations among species; however, this is likely due to location rather than biology.
The red Baby fox is one of the most widely distributed and numerous small animal prey species in North America. These versatile hunters will feed on anything from voles to mice, ground squirrels/hamsters-even gerbils! They also love eating songbirds or waterfowl eggs.
Red Baby foxes will eat almost anything, including rats, pigeons, or any trash they can find. They may also take down larger prey such as raccoons, opossums, and porcupines. Plant matter and fruits like berries, apples, plums, pears, and acorns are among their diet choices.
To be a successful pet, one must first understand the care requirements. Captive-bred baby foxes like Russian Red need special attention that wild ones do not require. Over time, they have been domesticated by humans and still retain some semblance of their original instincts despite being raised indoors. Most likely due mainly to providing food for them while living out these days.
A pet Baby fox’s diet must also include the appropriate balance of protein, vitamins, and minerals to guarantee optimal health. A proper diet for a pet Baby fox should contain adequate protein, vitamins, and minerals. In general, a pet Baby fox may eat high-quality grain-free dog food. Simply adjust the measurements to your pet Baby fox’s weight.
You may also buy pre-mixed Baby fox diets with the correct amount of protein and taurine. You may offer small portions of fruit and vegetables as a special treat. Eggs, apples, carrots, blueberries, or beef are common threats.
A baby fox.Kits are born blind, but they rely on their parents for food. For the first two weeks of life, baby Baby foxes only eat meat that an adult bird or animal has regurgitated to feed them its meal! Once kits can stomach whole foods like mice and insects after emerging from hiding under leaves where the mother has hidden them during hunting sessions with other prey animals, she’ll bring these nutritious snacks instead.
At this stage, babies start catching sight quicker than earlier because all sense organs develop simultaneously, so there isn’t any one area responsible for seeing things differently. Live animals are valuable learning tools that help youngsters develop their hunting and killing skills. By the age of two, juvenile Baby foxes have learnt all they need to know to hunt and forage for food. If you’re feeding a pet baby fox, start with half a bottle once or twice daily.
It is introducing your kit friend to the world of food! The perfect time for them is around 1 month old. A good idea would be to start with an all-meat diet, such as raw rabbit or chicken (or even smaller animals). If possible, try feeding it live insects, too–this will make life easier when they transition into adulthood later down the line.
Baby foxes Social BehaviorBaby foxes may be solitary, but they’re not immune to the occasional social event. Baby foxes have been known to join their groups in sharing food, especially when it comes down to kill-or-go prey.
Baby foxes are intelligent mammals that live in packs. They use calls, tail signals and chemical communication (marking things with their urine) to maintain relationships among themselves and warn others of danger.
Red Baby foxes are innovative and creative when hunting their prey. They use various techniques, like hiding buried goodies with urine markings on top so others can find them in case they get hungry later.
To protect the Baby fox population, you must have a USDA license if your goal is to sell or breed them. Baby foxes should not be fed raisins, coffee, chocolate, green peppers, macadamia nuts, onions, or garlic. A Baby fox shouldn’t eat anything you wouldn’t offer a pet dog or cat.
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Fox at home | All about animals
Increasingly, people began to have exotic and wild animals at home, and foxes were no exception. Although the fox is a wild animal, it can still be tamed. Even Soviet scientists conducted an experiment on the domestication of foxes, which ended with the breeding of a breed that gets along well with humans.
The fox is a very active animal that has its own individual character. To keep an ordinary fox, you will need a large space, because the animal loves to frolic, jump, gnaw on various objects, dig holes and run. In an apartment, it is most appropriate to settle a small representative, for example, a steppe fox fenech. To keep a fox at home, you will need to decide for yourself whether you are ready to live under the same roof with this tireless and mobile animal. If your answer is yes, then get ready to learn how to properly care for her.
Preparing a place in the house for a fox
Having decided to get a fox, the first thing to do is to arrange a place where the animal will feel safe. If this is an apartment, then it is best to purchase a spacious cage and place the pet in a convenient place. The cage will replace the fox's hole, where she can sleep and hide. Foxes are very agile and cannot be left unattended, they are very curious and can do little dirty tricks. Also in the apartment it is necessary to accustom the animal to the tray. For this, a tray for a cat or for small puppies is suitable. The fox is well trained to relieve his need in one place.
The best option would be to keep the fox in the private sector, where he can equip an aviary and build a small house. You need to build an aviary taking into account the preferences of the animal, namely, he needs a place where he can bask in the sun and watch what is happening around.
Education and training of the fox living in the house
Like all members of the canine family, foxes lend themselves well to training and education. But, nevertheless, when raising a fox, one should not forget that this is a wild animal and it is not inherent in an emu to behave like a domestic dog. To achieve the location of the fox, you will have to work hard. First of all, you need to remember that aggressive methods of education will not work with this beast. To earn the love of an animal, you need to treat it kindly and in no case beat it. Foxes are very touchy and can withdraw and not let anyone near them, and also start biting. The key to a fox's heart will be the amount of time you spend with her. Teach her to fetch a ball or play other games with her, just don't tease her. She may take it as a game and attack.
What to feed a fox at home?
First of all, you need to remember that the fox is a predatory animal and the basis of its diet is meat. It is best to choose food close to what the fox eats in nature. Feed the animal should not be fatty meats, such as: chicken, beef, rabbit, turkey. You can also give some fatty types of poultry: duck, goose. In addition to meat food, vegetables and fruits should be present in the diet, since in nature the fox also consumes them. Little foxes should definitely be given fruits and vegetables containing vitamin C for full development. In addition to the above products, cereals, kefir, sour-milk cheese and fish should be present in the diet.
Little foxes need to be fed 2-3 times a day, as the body is in the process of growth. A large individual is fed once a day. Cooked fox food should cool to room temperature before serving. You can also add to the food and dog food of a good brand, only it needs to be diluted with water. There are foods that a fox can eat with pleasure, but they are completely unhealthy and can do harm. These include: chocolate, spicy, fatty, salty, spices.
Domestic foxes. Maintenance and care.
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This blog will be useful for those who are planning to get a fox!
Topical articles with answers to the most frequently asked questions about domestic foxes
Preparation for the appearance of a fox
male or a female
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apartment content of home foxes
Deciding to buy a fox in the apartment, many believe that the animal can contain an animal free range as a cat or dog.

Quite often, in a new home, a puppy gets complete freedom: walks while no one is at home, sleeps with the owners, has access to wires and other dangerous objects.
Growing up, the fox begins to show interest in things that he did not pay attention to before. The most harmless thing that can happen is damage to furniture and things, in the worst case scenario, the fox cub can get stuck, fall, swallow a foreign body, the puppy can be shocked.
Domestic foxes are very active and unpredictable animals, you should not tempt fate and endanger the animal by leaving it unattended.
In the absence of the owner, the fox should be in his corner. You can equip a balcony for an animal or a spacious cage
Cage training should start from puppyhood. An adult fox, being limited in movement for the first time, simply does not understand why it was closed and will try to get out. A cage or balcony should be associated with positive emotions. Play with the fox in the cage, feed and treat when the animal itself enters its “home”.
How exactly to keep a domestic fox - the owner decides, our club only shares the experience gained over the years of working with these animals.
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Domestic fox enclosure
Outdoor fox enclosure is a wonderful alternative to apartment keeping.
The size of the enclosure that suits the fox starts from 6 square meters, then it all depends on your desire and finances.
Welded mesh for the aviary is used 25 by 25 mm, we do not recommend using a chain-link due to the fact that foxes quite easily unbend the bars and can get stuck and injured.
The floor of the aviary can be wooden, concrete or earthen. Most often, fox owners opt for a sanded board 25-40mm. It is advisable to coat the wood with impregnation for greater durability.
Shelves and booths are installed in the enclosure. Foxes are active animals and will appreciate such a game complex. So that the fox is not bored in your absence, provide the aviary with toys.
At least two walls of the structure must be closed, the animal must be able to hide from rain, snow, wind and summer heat.
It is not necessary to insulate the booths and the winter hut, in the aviary the foxes are well pubescent and the cold does not cause them any discomfort. It is enough to put more dry hay for the chanterelles.
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There are already animals at home. Will they get along with the fox?
Quite often, those who want to buy a fox cub already have a pet at home and, accordingly, a natural question arises "how do foxes get along with other pets?"
There is no unequivocal answer to this question, since all animals are different and it is impossible to guarantee that the animals will make friends.
To increase the chances of caudate friendship, it is necessary first of all to introduce them correctly. Acquaintance is carried out through a cage, and then on leashes. The first impression is very important.
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Try to make the meeting smooth and calm, further relationships between the animals will depend on this.
As a rule, foxes get along better with dogs than with cats. Foxes have quite active games and many felines do not quite understand such an onslaught and can be stressed. With a dog in this regard, it is easier to agree. In any case, all games must take place under the control of the owner in order to avoid injury. A large dog can hurt a fox, just like a fox can hurt a small dog.
During the absence of the owner, the animals must be kept separately. It is not known how they will behave without supervision.
Male or female?
Many people ask this question in the hope of getting an animal with certain distinct characteristics.

In the case of keeping domestic foxes, it is worth relying primarily on the temperament of a particular animal.
Males and females can have absolutely any character, puppies can be: cowardly, friendly, calm, etc. When choosing a fox, you should not expect any specifics in behavior, it tends to change as the puppy grows up, both for better and for worse. The task of the owner in this case is to reinforce the desired behavior and correct undesirable reactions.
When choosing a fox, you should focus not on the sex, but still on the puppy's character in the first place. Often adult males are calmer than females, but this is not a pattern.
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Vaccination. What vaccinations does a fox need?
Keeping foxes at home implies mandatory annual vaccination.
Foxes are vaccinated according to the canine schedule with conventional canine vaccines. We recommend using imported ones: Eurikan or Nobivak.
First vaccination given at 60 days of age. After the first vaccination, it is necessary to quarantine for 21-28 days. During this period, it is not recommended to walk with a fox, but due to the need for socialization of these animals, it is allowed to take them out into the fresh air on their hands. An animal cannot be placed on the ground. The body of the fox cub is weakened after the introduction of the vaccine and is most at risk during the quarantine period.
It is strictly forbidden to interact with other animals, also try to avoid contact with outdoor shoes.
Quarantine is followed by revaccination, and after reaching three months, the fox cub is given an anti-rabies vaccine. After the last vaccination, it is necessary to quarantine again for at least two weeks, and do not lower the fox to the ground during walks. Further walking is carried out in the usual way. We will talk about it below.
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How to feed a domestic fox?
Before you buy a fox, you need to study the feeding habits of a predator.

The consequences of improper feeding can be detrimental to the health of a furry pet, and this is not only about appearance, but also about the sensitive digestive system of farm animals, which are domestic foxes.
Feeding is divided into two types: balanced dry food and natural food.
Super premium and holistic dry food suitable for foxes. The feed rating is presented in the table, the most suitable ones are on the top three lines. In addition to dry food, it is recommended to treat the fox with berries, fruits (except citrus fruits), vegetables and dairy products (low-fat cottage cheese and kefir). This kind of treats are given separately from the main diet, 3-4 hours after eating.
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The first year it is worth feeding the fox with dry food, as it is the most balanced and contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals
Natural feeding is more complicated and definitely more expensive than dry food. A natural diet should consist of meat, offal, fruits, vegetables, bone component. All meat is given raw, after freezing. Heat treatment is not needed. A convenient option is packing in trays for everyday feeding and freezing. You can supplement this kind of food with fodder rodents, chickens, young quails in a feather.
It is recommended to take blood tests every few months for prevention, as well as to check if a certain diet is suitable for the fox and if the animal needs supplements in the form of vitamins.
Especially for the owners of our foxes, we have compiled a table of permitted and prohibited foods
Is it possible to accustom a fox to a tray?
Yes, it is possible to train a fox to use a tray, but it can take a lot of effort and nerves.
The box for the fox must be deep, the animal must fit completely in it. Often, the owners choose plastic containers from hardware stores as a tray.
Almost any litter is used in the tray, but be prepared for the fact that the fox may not like a certain type, or the animal may begin to eat it. In this case, you will have to change the type of filler. When starting a domestic fox, you must be prepared for the fact that the smell of the animal will be present in the apartment to one degree or another.
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Allergy to foxes
Quite often new owners face such a problem as an allergy to an animal. The domestic fox has rich fur and thick underfur, we strongly do not recommend getting a fox if you already have an allergy to cats or dogs. Foxes can also cause allergic reactions.
Before you buy a fox, visit your nearest fox breeder and get to know the pet live. You can find the nearest owner of a fox to meet here.
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Walks. Ammunition. Socialization
An important part of keeping a domestic fox is walking.
Start accustoming the fox to the street as early as possible. Given the fact that up to 3.5 months the puppy must be quarantined due to the vaccination course, walks are currently taking place in the hands of the owner. An animal cannot be placed on the ground. The fact that the puppy is in the hands does not exempt from the need to put on ammunition. At any moment, an unforeseen situation may occur as a result of which the fox cub may be on the ground.
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It is strongly recommended to walk the fox in a collar + harness combination, this combination will maximally secure the time spent outside the home.
Acceptable harness options for a domestic fox are "H" shaped or "U" shaped, they are very similar to each other, but "H" shaped has 2 fastexes and it looks like the letter "H" when opened. "U" figurative is worn over the head and not all foxes love harnesses that are worn in this way. All parts of these harnesses are adjustable, which allows you not to worry about how much the fox will get better or throw off. The material of such harnesses, as a rule, is canvas belts and slings, there may be a decorative tape on top. A finger must pass freely between the harness and the body.
Our kennel cooperates with manufacturers of harnesses for foxes, minks and ferrets. Graduates of our kennel are provided with special conditions for the purchase of ammunition from our partners.
Collar and harness must be fastened with a fold, otherwise the fox can easily slip out. An alternative to the sash can be twist-on carabiners from a regular hardware store and a chain.
The leash is selected depending on the owner's preferences. It can be a tape measure, tarpaulin, nylon, etc. The length should be comfortable to control the situation, so that in case of danger it would be possible to pull the animal up and pull it towards you.
You can start learning to wear a harness at home, putting it on for a couple of hours. The process of finding a fox in ammunition is mandatory for control. The fox can chew on the harness or get caught on the collar and get stuck.
The fox, as a pet, needs physical activity, long walks in the evening are necessary for a peaceful sleep.
Social adaptation, why is it important?
It's no secret that any animal and human needs constant socialization in order to be able to communicate and contact with the creatures around them and the world. This is one of the most important skills for anyone who lives in society.
Let's start with the fact that foxes are not the most stable animals emotionally, as a result of which tantrums can occur and misunderstandings between the owner and the animal can grow. The fox must learn to trust you, to understand that as long as you are around, she is safe and you can relax. The most suitable moment for this is from 30 to 60 days, when the puppy becomes more or less aware of himself and expands his world of knowledge.
Most foxes are "foodies", and if your fox is one, then there are certain advantages to this. If not, we are looking for other ways to establish contact. It can be scratches, toys, even voice communication, creating a sense of security.
The socialization of a puppy starts first of all with the owner, if your animal does not trust you or you are afraid of him, then you should not go to the next level. Do not rush, let the fox first get used to the environment and realize the fact of the move, get to know the smells and let go of stress. The knowledge of the world in a fox occurs through the mouth, and the best thing you can do for him is to teach him how to handle his hands and explain how not to hurt him. In the future, this will play a great service to you, so even under severe stress, the fox will be able to control himself and at least not bite through.
Selection of anatomically correct fox harness
Please note that when hitching, the main emphasis should be on the harness and not on the collar, this will avoid unnecessary injuries to the cervical regions during sharp jerks. An incorrectly selected harness will cause discomfort on walks.
When choosing ammunition, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that all its parts are regulated, do not stretch when wet, the straps do not hang out or, on the contrary, do not squeeze the muscles, do not interfere with the free release of the paws, the natural movement of the shoulder blades when walking and running.
The leash ring should be placed behind the shoulder blades on the back. The use of vests is not allowed. There are no adjustments in them and when shedding, gaining and losing weight, you will have difficulty.
Next we go for walks. Not just walks, but walks on the handles, without lowering the fox to the ground, until the end of quarantine after vaccinations. If this is not done, the fox will, to put it mildly, be shocked by the street after quarantine, and thus you can fix either only the negative from walking, or you will need much more time to eliminate stress from street noise.
Walks start with small forays into quiet places, at the same time accustoming to ammunition (also a very important point), the fox cub must be in a harness, collar and on a leash, as mentioned above. Situations are different, and if suddenly you do not hold the fox in your arms, you have insurance. It’s good if the fox can hide somewhere from the noise, for example, in your jacket or backpack. A carabiner can be sewn into the backpack, and the puppy can be fastened to it. Do not forget to feed the fox, scratch, stroke and communicate. At first, he may often hide or not come out at all, everyone needs a different amount of time to adapt. For courage and interest we encourage, we always praise. We gradually increase the time of walking, the noise of places and the density of streets. You can also start accustoming to strangers, giving the puppy to the hands of other people, or offering scratching, stroking, treats. So you will gradually reach the end of quarantine and the fox will be able to quickly get used to the street and walks on the ground.
Additional sources of help in socialization are commands, thanks to them, you can focus the attention of the fox on yourself at the right time and this often helps in stressful situations. Also attending photo shoots and festivals is a good opportunity for socialization. Remember that such events are still not for all chanterelles. There are foxes that get emotionally overloaded very quickly, start to get nervous, get angry. Such homebodies prefer, as a rule, either no walks at all, or quiet unhurried walks in the forest.
If you have read about all the difficulties of keeping and still decide to buy a fox in our nursery or have already booked a pet fox and are waiting for his arrival, then this information will be extremely useful for familiarization and will help you to correctly select the necessary things for keeping a domestic fox, as well as pass the time equipping the room in anticipation of a puppy.
Preparing for the arrival of the fox
Choose a cage large enough for the fox to feel comfortable in it.
Suitable dimensions: from 100 to 70 cm: sizes "#5" or "#6". A cage with size “No. 4” should be taken only if in the future it is planned to relocate the fox to an outdoor enclosure. For an adult fox, a cage with size “#4” will be too small.
Cages come with or without a false bottom, and often you can buy a false bottom additionally. We recommend cages with a false bottom, as this option greatly simplifies cleaning up after the fox cub.
In the cage there are bowls, a sunbed (preferably plastic, because the fabric one will quickly become unusable), a tray, toys.
It is strongly recommended to accustom any fox to the cage, as sometimes it becomes necessary to overexposure or simply isolate the animal after the operation (for example, castration). A fox that is not cage trained can injure itself trying to get out. A fox cage should serve as a shelter, a home, a place where you can feel comfortable and safe. To do this, it is necessary to fix positive emotions in the animal: feeding, playing, resting. The fox should not perceive the cage as a punishment, on the contrary, the puppy enters the cage with pleasure. Believe me, accustoming to a cage from puppyhood will greatly facilitate your life with a fox in the future.
A cage is required to keep a fox at home. It will help protect both the fox itself from possible injuries, and the apartment from fox destruction.
Topless enclosures are not suitable for domestic foxes. Both an adult fox and a fox cub can easily get out of a similar design. You should not consider such options even for small puppies.
Hard plastic carriers are suitable for foxes. Cloth carriers are not used, as they are easily torn, poorly cleaned, and not safe.
The most popular brands are Marchioro Clipper Cayman, Moderna, Stefanplast. Carriers are fully closed and with an open top.
For foxes, the drop-top option is extremely convenient, but you should pay attention to the allowable weight. Many of the carriers of this plan are not designed for a weight of more than 4 kg. Using the carrier in violation of the permissible weight may result in the opening of the top and, accordingly, the loss of the pet. Carriers designed for heavy weight are sometimes equipped with wheels. This option is very convenient for transportation. The wheels in such carriers are usually removable, so if desired, they can be dismantled.
Carefully read the parameters of the box before purchasing it, because it is the safety of your animal. Carrying must be durable, and the locks must be reliable and prevent accidental opening.
When transporting the fox, car hammocks can also be used. In this case, the fox must be fastened with a special belt. Fixing the animal will ensure safety in the event of an accident, and also prevent damage to the interior upholstery of the car.
Training foxes to use the litter box occurs from the first days the puppy is at home. The tray is placed in a cage or in the place that the fox prefers to relieve himself. You can purchase two trays at once. For a puppy, an option with low sides is selected, where it will be convenient for the fox to climb. For an adult fox, it is worth replacing with a high-walled option, because foxes love to dig and the sides will reduce the amount of spilled filler and help in maintaining cleanliness around the tray. The size of the container should be sufficient so that the fox fits completely inside.
The filler is selected according to the fox's preferences. It is worth starting with the usual wood, it is often suitable for foxes, and is also a budget option. Silica gel should be used with caution, as it can be swallowed, stick to wool, or enter the respiratory tract.
If the fox refuses to go to the filler tray for a long time, it changes to another species. Also in this case, you should pay attention to whether it is convenient for the animal to climb into the container. This may cause the tray to fail. For each productive time, we must praise and treat the fox. We reinforce positive emotions.
Trays are selected with thick walls. Foxes love to gnaw on the corners of trays, the broken pieces can be dangerous.
Containers made of thin transparent plastic should not be considered as a tray. Such containers are short-lived, easily cracked, light and, accordingly, prone to capsizing.
For puppies, all bowl options can be considered, including plastic and ceramic bowls. For adult foxes, bowls are selected from durable material, such as metal or bamboo. The most popular option is still metal. Such bowls are durable, easy to clean, and almost impossible to spoil.
Plastic bowls can be chewed by foxes, sharp fragments are dangerous if accidentally swallowed.
Ceramic bowls can shatter, again dangerous.
Bowls on a stand should only be used for foxes if the base of the stand is firmly fixed to the floor. Such a design plan is easily overturned, so it is important to secure the frame and the bowls as firmly as possible.
There are also bowls with additional fasteners for fixing to the cage/enclosure wall. This is a good option if your fox turns over water or food. Domestic foxes are quite inventive, bowls can be knocked out of the mounts and, for some foxes, it is necessary to further modernize the feeding place: for example, make a roof over the bowls and close the bottom to prevent the bowls from knocking out of the mounts.
Slow eating bowls are also acceptable. Some foxes enjoy the process and are distracted by such a bowl for a long time.
Above are bowl options suitable for indoor and outdoor fox keeping.
Quite a common question: what good and, most importantly, safe toys can a fox buy? The question is excellent, since in fact not all of those offered in the pet store are suitable.
Many foxes play very hard, so any easily chewed objects are dangerous for them. The most resistant and safe will be toys made of molded silicone or rubber. When chewed, they crumble into small particles and, even if swallowed, do not pose a danger.
Coconut as an alternative to store-bought toys is quite an interesting option. Foxes are happy to play with him, but due to their noisiness, this idea is more likely for captive foxes.
Plastic horns and toys are strictly prohibited as foxes easily break their teeth on them.
Soft toys are given only to small puppies and only under supervision, as they can be chewed.
Hollow rubber toys tear apart easily and can get stuck in the respiratory tract, such toys should either be discarded or given to the pet under strictly supervised conditions.
Toys must be free of buttons, ribbons, rhinestones and other parts that can be swallowed.
Large treats like dried beef feet, noses, ears can also be used as toys and keep your pet entertained for a long time, but don't overdo it.
The right toys for the fox
Foxes, like many other animals, need proper and timely hair care.
Domestic foxes need regular brushing of shedding undercoat. For this purpose, special metal combs are well suited. They come with frequent and rare teeth.
Fine teeth suitable for belly, neck, paws, head. Slickers are also used for these parts of the body. Slicker brushes come with and without bristle drops. We recommend taking the option with drops.
Wide-toothed combs are suitable for the rump and tail area. The two-row rake has proven itself quite well. There are rakes with rotating teeth and cast ones. A rake with rotating parts prevents the accumulation of static electricity and is more convenient to use.
Furminators are not normally used on foxes, but they can be used on paws, ears, belly.
When purchasing grooming accessories, pay attention to the size. Medium or large size is optimal. Small slickers and combs will only be comfortable for puppies.
In the event that you cannot fully and timely care for your fox's coat, you should contact a specialist. There are not many groomers with experience with foxes, but as a rule, professionals do not have any particular difficulties.
Foxes from fur farms have a very thick coat and without proper care their fur becomes tangled, tangles and “felt boots” appear under which the skin begins to rot, and the growth of new wool becomes more difficult.
Nail trimming is also part of the regular and necessary routine for domestic foxes, except for foxes who grind their claws on walks. If your fox does not sharpen its claws, it is necessary to cut them to a comfortable length in a timely manner in order to avoid deformation of the toes. In addition, long claws can get stuck when digging and playing and cause injury. An example of a fox nail cutter can be found in the fox grooming tools table.
grooming tools
The next step in caring for your pet fox's appearance is proper washing with quality products.
An important nuance: you do not need to wash the whole fox often. Frequent washing leads to dryness of the coat. Whole adult foxes, as a rule, are washed as needed, and they fox as their wool gets dirty, puppies get dirty much more often. Sometimes it is enough to rinse the belly and paws of the fox to keep it clean, such procedures can be daily.
There is a huge amount of cosmetics for pets, the most popular options are listed in the table.
For better distribution of the shampoo, it is diluted with water and lathered with a sponge, applied to the animal's coat. Thus, the consumption of shampoo is reduced, and the product itself is also better washed out.
In addition, we recommend that you consider purchasing sprays from tangles. They moisturize the coat well, help in combing the fox, and also leave a pleasant aroma on the animal.
care cosmetics
Care of the appearance of the fox includes keeping the ears clean, as well as caring for the coat after walking.
How to clean the ears of a domestic fox? Quite often, the phrase "ear cleaning" is associated in people with cotton swabs. In fact, everything happens a little differently. Cleaning the ears of a fox involves the use of a special lotion that is buried in the auricle. If the animal is healthy, then you should use a remedy without an anti-tick effect. After using the lotion, the auricle is massaged at the base, and excess funds and accumulated dirt are removed with a cotton pad or a damp cloth. The rest of the deposits will be shaken out of the ear by the animal itself, do not go there with cotton swabs. There is a chance of injuring the shell or pushing ear exudate and wax deep into the ear.
Wool wipes are an excellent alternative to washing a fox if the dirt is light or you just want to wipe the paws after a walk. Many of these wipes are quite strongly scented and deodorize wool well, eliminate odors. Some contain lanolin and various oils. Almost all wipes are suitable for daily use.
Swaddles are a very popular option for fox bedding. Convenient to replace, good adsorption effect, relatively inexpensive. However, diapers have one significant disadvantage, namely, the irresistible desire of many foxes to tear and swallow pieces of diapers. When using this type of bedding, you should carefully monitor the animal. You may have to give up diapers in case of special interest and propensity for them to be eaten by a fox.
hygiene products
This section is about keeping the fox's area clean.
The most used products are Nature's Miracle and Laina.
Nature's has a fairly wide range not only for different types of dirt, but also for different surfaces.
Layna, in turn, is a safe disinfectant with detergent action. It is convenient for washing cages, trays, pallets. The line contains various volumes of funds with different concentrations of the active substance. Means for processing furniture are also present in the range.
Be careful when using strong cleaning chemicals. Bleach is difficult to clean from surfaces, and foxes can lick the floor and objects.
cleaning products
If you want to buy a pet fox and you are in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Vladivostok, don't worry. We will select a suitable delivery option and bring the fox to a new home comfortably, accompanied by our trusted guides.
Domestic foxes are becoming more and more popular as companions every year.
The primary question that worries future owners is where exactly to buy a tame domestic fox with a full package of documents and necessary treatments?
Buy a fox cub in a nursery from a breeder.
In our kennel you can book and buy a tame fox cub of even the rarest color. For the upcoming season, such rare colors of domestic foxes as: fire and ice, cream (pink champagne), colicott, pearl, fawn glow, Vyatka moth and many others are expected. Fox cubs from our cattery move to a new home with a full package of documents, including a pedigree. Our foxes are loyal to humans and are transferred at the optimal age for adaptation. If the puppy of the color you are interested in is not among those that our kennel is engaged in, we will be happy to help with the selection of a tame fox cub from a fur farm.
Contact intermediaries who will go to the fur farm, pick up a tame fox cub and draw up the necessary documents for home maintenance.
Through our club you can redeem and save a fox from a fur farm. The specialists of our nursery select foxes from different farms in Russia and Belarus. Turning to Fox Family, the owner receives a full package of documents for the animal, as well as lifelong advice on caring for the fox.