What to feed a baby kitten at home
Newborn Kittens: Care, Feeding, and More
Written by WebMD Editorial Contributors
Reviewed by Kathleen Claussen, DVM on February 16, 2021
In this Article
- How Do I Feed a Newborn Kitten?
- What Do Kittens Eat Besides Milk?
- How Often Should a Kitten Eat?
- How Do I Keep a Newborn Kitten Warm?
- How Much Should a Newborn Kitten Weigh?
- Can I Hold the Kitten?
- How to Teach Your Kitten to Go to the Bathroom
How Do I Feed a Newborn Kitten?
Kittens under 4 weeks of age cannot eat solid food, whether it’s dry or canned. They can drink their mother’s milk to get the nutrients they need. The kitten will rely on you to survive if their mother isn’t around.
You can feed your newborn kitten a nutritional substitute that’s called kitten milk replacer. It’s essential that you avoid feeding a kitten the same milk that humans consume. Typical cow’s milk can make cats very sick. If you’re unsure of which kitten milk replacer to choose, talk to a veterinarian. They can help you select the right one.
For many dry milk replacers, refrigeration is not always required. But if extra milk is prepared, it should be stored in the fridge. To feed your kitten, follow these steps:
Prepare the formula. Warm the kitten formula to slightly above room temperature. Test the temperature of the formula right before you feed your kitten. Do this by placing a few drops of the formula on your wrist to ensure it’s not too hot.
Keep things clean. Before and after each feeding, you should wash your hands and the bottle that you used to feed your kitten. It’s also recommended that you use a “kitten gown.” This could be a robe or a shirt that you only wear when you’re handling or feeding your kitten. Using a kitten gown helps reduce the possibility of spreading germs.
Feed them gently. Handle your kitten with care. The kitten should be on their stomach lying next to you. This would be the same way they would nurse from their mom. Try holding your kitten in a warm towel while they sit on your lap. Find a position that feels comfortable for both of you.
Let them take the lead. Hold the bottle of formula to your kitten's mouth. Let the kitten suckle at their own pace. If the kitten doesn’t eat right away, gently stroke their forehead. The stroking stimulates how their mother would clean them and it encourages the kitten to eat.
Kittens need to eat every 3 hours, no matter what time it is. Many people set an alarm so that they don’t miss a feeding. This is especially helpful overnight. It’s important that you feed your kitten regularly. Skipping feedings or overfeeding can cause your kitten to have diarrhea or develop severe dehydration.
Burp them. Kittens need to be burped the same that way babies do after feeding. Lay your kitten down on their stomach and gently pat their back until you hear a little burp. You may need to do this a few times throughout each feeding.
If for any reason you can’t get your kitten to eat, contact your veterinarian immediately.
What Do Kittens Eat Besides Milk?
Once your kitten is about 3.5 to 4 weeks old, you can start weaning them off of the bottle. This is a gradual process that takes time and practice. The process usually looks something like this:
- Begin by offering your kitten formula on a spoon.
- Later, start offering your kitten formula in a saucer.
- Gradually add canned food to the kitten formula in the saucer.
- Increase the canned food in the saucer, adding less and less kitten formula.
If your kitten doesn’t take to the spoon or the saucer right away, you can continue to offer the bottle.
As you progress through the weaning process, monitor your kitten and their stool to ensure that they digest everything well. If your kitten is doing well and isn’t experiencing digestive issues (like loose stool or diarrhea), then you can gradually introduce more and more food.
At this stage, it’s also important to offer your kitten a bowl of fresh water to make sure that they’re staying hydrated.
How Often Should a Kitten Eat?
The frequency that your kitten eats normally depends on how old they are:
- Up to 1 week old: every 2-3 hours
- 2 weeks old: every 3-4 hours
- 3 weeks old: every 4-6 hours.
- 6 weeks old: three or more feedings of canned food spaced out evenly throughout the day
- 12 weeks old: three feedings of canned food spaced out evenly throughout the day
If you have questions or need additional guidance about how often or what kind of food to give to your kitten, contact your veterinarian for help.
How Do I Keep a Newborn Kitten Warm?
Kittens should be kept in a cat carrier wrapped in a few layers of towels. Using a heating pad or heat disc (often the safer option) for pets alongside a soft fleece blanket can also help keep them warm. Ensure that the carrier is large enough for your kitten to move away from the heater when they want to.
It is very important to keep your cat carrier in a safe, warm room away from other pets. It’s helpful to go and check on your kitten throughout the day. If your kitten feels cold, you need to warm them up as soon as possible.
How Much Should a Newborn Kitten Weigh?
Newborn kittens usually weigh about 3.5 ounces, depending on their breed and the litter’s size. A healthy kitten should gain at least 10 grams per day. If you don’t see growth in their body size, this is often a sign of illness.
It’s essential to track and write down your kitten’s weight and how much they're eating every day. You can use a gram scale for accuracy in weighing animals this small. If your kitten isn’t eating or growing as expected, contact your veterinarian right away.
Can I Hold the Kitten?
Vets recommend not touching kittens unless you have to while their eyes are still closed. You can check on them to make sure they’re healthy and gaining weight, but try to limit direct physical contact.
The kitten’s mother will also let you know how comfortable she is with you handling her babies. It’s important to take it slow, especially at first. If the mother cat seems anxious or stressed, give her and her babies some space.
How to Teach Your Kitten to Go to the Bathroom
Young kittens can't go to the bathroom by themselves. Usually, a mother cat will clean her kittens to stimulate urination and a bowel movement. If the mother isn't present, the kitten will rely on you.
To help your kitten go to the bathroom, use a clean, warm, wet cotton ball and gently rub your kitten's belly and genital and anal area. Your kitten should go to the bathroom in less than a minute. After your kitten is done, clean them carefully with a soft wet cloth.
Once your kitten is 3 to 4 weeks old, you can introduce them to their litter box. Add a cotton ball to the process in a similar way that you used one on them when they were younger. This will help them to understand what to do.
Gently place your kitten in their litter box and let them get used to it. Keep practicing with them. Ensure that their bathroom is in a safe area away from other people and pets so that they feel comfortable.
Healthy Cats Guide
- Diet & Nutrition
- Cat Behavior
- Kitten Care
- Preventive Care
- Common Conditions
What to Do (and NOT Do) If You Find a Newborn Kitten
This article is now outdated. An updated version of this information can be found at https://bideawee.org/programs/feral-cat-initiative/colony-care/kittens/
During kitten season, it’s not unusual to discover a nest of unattended kittens or a single kitten seemingly abandoned by his/her mother. (Photo by Ken Hanly)
by Valerie Sicignano, NYC Feral Cat Initiative
During high kitten season in the spring and summer, it’s not unusual to discover a nest of unattended kittens or a single kitten seemingly abandoned by the mother. You want to help, right? Before jumping to the rescue, consider these recommendations.
First: Wait & Watch
You might have come across the kittens while their mother is off searching for food, or is in the process of moving them to a different location. Try to determine if the mother is coming back for them, or if they are truly orphaned.
To do this, stand far away from the kittens — 35 feet or more. If you stand too close, the mom will not approach her kittens. You might need to go away completely before the mother cat will return to attend to the kittens. It might be several hours before the mother cat returns — until she no longer senses the presence of humans hovering near her litter.
If you need to leave before the mother cat comes back, carefully evaluate whether the kittens are in immediate danger: Is it raining or snowing? Are dogs or wild animals that might harm the kittens running loose in the neighborhood? Does the neighborhood have kids or adults who are likely to harm the kittens? Are the kittens located in an area with heavy foot or car traffic?
To help with your decision, it is important to know that it might take several hours for the mother cat to return, and healthy kittens can survive this period without food as long as they are warm. Neonatal kittens are much more at risk of hypothermia than they are of starvation. During spring and summer months, waiting a longer time to see if mom will come back is much safer than during frigid winter months.
The mother cat offers her kittens’ best chance for survival, so wait and watch as long as you can. The best food for the kittens is their mother’s milk. Remove the kittens only if they are in immediate, grave danger.
The mother cat offers her newborn kittens their best chance for survival, so wait and watch as long as you safely can for her to return before removing them.
If the mother cat returns…
If mom returns and the area is relatively safe, leave the kittens alone with mom until they are weaned. You can offer a shelter and regular food to mom, but keep the food and shelter at a distance from each other. Mom will find the food but will not accept your shelter if the food is nearby, because she will not want to attract other cats to food located near her nest.
Six weeks is the optimal age to take the kittens from the mother for socialization and adoption placement, and any time after eight weeks for Trap-Neuter-Return (spay/neuter, vaccination, eartip, and return to their colony). Female cats can become pregnant with a new litter even while they are still nursing, so don’t forget to get the mother cat spayed or you will have more kittens soon! Learn how to socialize kittens and how to successfully trap a mom and her kittens.
If the mother cat does not return…
If you discover that mom has been hit by a car, or if for any reason it appears that she is not coming back, then you should remove the kittens. This is crucial to the kittens’ survival. But you must be prepared to see this project through to weaning if you decide to intervene!
If you take the kittens in, it is unlikely that you will find an organization with available staff or volunteers to take on bottle-feeding on short notice. Some organizations do have experienced bottle-feeders, but prior logistical planning is necessary. Animal shelters and veterinarians generally do not take in newborn kittens, since they do not have the staff to feed and stimulate them for elimination around-the-clock.
You can contact the NYC Feral Cat Initiative at [email protected] or (212) 330-0033 x5 and we will attempt to find someone to bottle-feed the kittens, but this might take days or weeks, and we might not be successful in locating a feeder. If we do find someone to bottle-feed, you might still be responsible for taking the kittens back when they no longer require bottle-feeding. You also might be responsible for paying for veterinary visits, which might include emergency medical care, and will definitely include spay or neuter surgery, disease testing, and vaccinations. And finally, you might be responsible for adopting the kittens into permanent homes. The NYC Feral Cat Initiative can help you locate low-cost veterinary care, and might be able to help you find new homes for the kittens, but completing these tasks will be your responsibility.
Kitten Care & Bottle-Feeding
First Steps
- Prepare for bottle-feeding and proper care before you take the kittens off the street.
- If you feel you must take the kittens in, wrap the carrier or container you will transport them in in a towel for warmth, but make sure you leave air holes uncovered so the kittens won’t suffocate.
- Check to see if the kittens are warm. This is more important than feeding. Never feed a cold kitten! If the kittens are cold, you will need to warm them up slowly. You can tell a kitten is cold if the pads of his feet and/or ears feel cool or cold. Put your finger in the kitten’s mouth. If it feels cold, then the kitten’s temperature is too low. This is life-threatening and must be dealt with immediately. Warm up the kitten slowly over 20 minutes by wrapping him in a towel or baby blanket, holding him close to your body, and continually rubbing him with your warm hands.
- Determine the age of the kittens by comparing them to the photos and descriptions on the How Old Is That Kitten? Kitten Progression: At-a-Glance page on the Alley Cat Allies website, or the Boutique Kittens website (Note: we do not advocate breeding or buying kittens; these kitten development photos just happen to be particularly descriptive.).
Newborn kittens need to be fed and stimulated for elimination every three hours around-the-clock. (Photo by Valerie Sicignano)
Feeding & Elimination
Neonatal kittens (under four weeks of age) cannot eat solid food (not canned, not dry) and cannot urinate or defecate on their own, so you must bottle-feed them around-the-clock and stimulate their genitals after every feeding so they can eliminate. For example, if you have kittens less than one week old, they will need to be fed and stimulated every three hours. That means you will be caring for them eight times a day — for example, at midnight, 3:00 a. m, 6:00 a.m, etc. If the kittens are unusually small or sickly, they might need to be fed every two hours.
Skipping feedings or overfeeding can cause diarrhea, which results in dehydration, a condition that can be fatal for small kittens (not to mention a hassle for you to clean up after). Diarrhea requires a visit to the veterinarian.
As the kittens age, the number of feedings they need per day goes down. You can start weaning at four weeks of age.
Milk Replacement Formulas
Powdered kitten milk replacement formula is better for kittens than the canned liquid formula. We recommend that you use only powdered kitten milk replacement formula from the start — or as soon as possible — to prevent diarrhea. Two major brands of formula are available: PetAg KMR® Powder and Farnam Pet Products Just Born® Highly Digestible Milk Replacer for Kittens. Both brands are available in both canned and powdered formulas. We highly recommend the powdered type to prevent diarrhea. It can be purchased at pet food stores, veterinarians’ offices, or online. Revival Animal Health offers the lowest prices we know of.
Make sure that the powdered formula you are using is fresh by opening the pop-top and smelling it. It should smell slightly sweet, like powdered milk. If it has a sharp smell like bad cooking oil, cheese, or chemicals, it is rancid, and dangerous to give to the kittens. Do not use any type of formula past the expiration date.
Once opened, kitten milk replacement formula (canned or powdered) must be refrigerated promptly and stored in the refrigerator. You cannot keep opened kitten milk replacement formula out of the refrigerator for very long before it spoils. Think of it as fresh milk.
Tip: Using unflavored Pedialyte electrolyte solution instead of water when mixing the powdered formula for the first 24 hours of feeding helps prevents diarrhea and eases the transition from mom’s milk to commercial kitten milk replacement formula.
Bottle-Feeding Guidance for Beginners
- Visit the the NYC Feral Cat Initiative website for detailed information on bottle-feeding orphaned newborn kittens,
- E-mail us at [email protected] and describe what instructions/information you need, or
- Call us at (212) 330-0033 x5 and leave a voicemail with your name, address, and a description of what instructions/information you need.
About the Author
Valerie Sicignano is Community Relations Director for the New York City Feral Cat Initiative and has been working with feral cats in New York City since 1990. She holds a Certificate in Humane Education from the ASPCA, and her work with animals has been recognized by the Manhattan Pet Gazette’s “Animal Guardian Award” and In Defense of Animals’ “Companion Animal Guardian Award.”
What to feed a kitten - food and diet
A kitten's health depends on many factors, including nutrition. When getting a pet, you should carefully prepare for its appearance and organize a healthy diet.
Proper nutrition of a pet: features
If we are talking about kittens, then there are several principles that should guide the owners:
- Balance. The animal with food should receive all the necessary vitamins and substances. As your pet grows older, their needs will change somewhat. It is important not to miss this moment so that there is no shortage of substances;
- Food freshness. If it is natural food, then it should be freshly prepared. Ready wet food is given in portions. What the pet has not eaten is put in the refrigerator or thrown away;
- Feeding frequency. Kittens are fed often and in small portions. For pets younger than 3 months, observe an interval of 4 hours. As they grow older, the interval increases, as does the size of the portion;
- Gradual introduction of new products. New food is given carefully. It is recommended to respect the application interval of 2 days.
The first portion should be small;
- Room temperature food. Applies to all food offered to the kitten. This will avoid irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa or burns;
- Pure water. The bowl with it should always be in the public domain for the animal. Water is changed at least once a day. It is better to put a couple of bowls in several places;
- Diet, natural or prepared. It is worth deciding in advance what kind of food the kitten will consume. Then you will not have to change the diet in the future, and the animal will get used to the new food.
When choosing natural food, it is important to remember that not all products from the human table can be consumed by cats.
Feeding mode
By the time a kitten is 5 weeks old, it should already have an established feeding schedule. A pet is fed 4 to 7 times a day. This is an average value and may be adjusted. Based on the age of the animal. Until the age of 2 months, the frequency of feeding is 7 times a day, food is not left at night. At the age of 12 weeks, the maximum number of meals is reduced to 6.
During the period of 4-5 months, it is recommended to feed a kitten no more than 5 times. Then the number of meals is reduced to 4 when the pet is 5 to 9 months old. Before reaching the age of one year, the kitten receives food 3 times a day. A grown pet should get used to feeding 2 times a day with a break of 12 hours.
Age affects not only the number of meals, but also the portion size. Kittens up to 6 weeks per day should not exceed 120 gr. At 2 months, you can increase the amount to 180 gr. At the age of 3 months to six months, the animal should receive a maximum of 240 grams of food, of which 40 grams is meat.
Up to 9 months, a pet needs 180 gr. In the future, the amount can be increased to 200 gr. Overeating can lead to serious health problems, including obesity and the development of diabetes.
Permissible products
It was noted that some foods are unacceptable in the diet of a kitten. You need to know in advance what you can feed your pet. Allowed food includes:
- Meat. Give raw, scalded or boiled. It is necessary to choose low-fat varieties. A day of meat in the diet should be a maximum of 80%;
- Liver. Maximum 2 times a week;
- Kashi. It is not recommended to give mana. The rest will fit. Not all kittens eat porridge. You can mix them with meat in a ratio of 1 to 2;
- Vegetables. You can not potatoes, the rest is acceptable in raw or boiled form;
- Chicken eggs. For kittens, only the yolk is suitable, no more than once a week;
- Dairy products. Any, except sour cream, are suitable. The main thing is a low percentage of fat content.
Kittens can also be given apples.
Prohibited products
In order not to harm the organs of the digestive tract, it is necessary to exclude certain foods from the diet. Kittens are forbidden to eat freshwater fish, salt. If you plan to add milk to the diet, let it be goat. Cow is best given at the age of 3 months and is better in a dry form.
It is unacceptable to feed a pet sausage from the store, any legumes, so as not to provoke an attack of flatulence. Potatoes should not be in the diet. After all, the body of the animal will not be able to assimilate starch. Cheese, pork and lamb are too fatty foods. Sweets are also excluded, as are flour products.
Ready-made food is produced for a certain age, which is indicated on the packaging. It is important to follow these guidelines and not feed your kitten food meant for older cats.
Diet and age
At the age of 2-4 months, the kitten develops sharp teeth. He should be eating from the bowl by himself. Due to intensive growth, the pet needs a complete and balanced diet. The basis should be lean meat, boiled vegetables and porridge. It is recommended to boil the cereal in an abundance of liquid so that it turns out to be liquid.
In the period from 4 to 6 months, cats begin to actively form and strengthen muscle mass. The diet should be dominated by chicken and beef. They are cut into small pieces. You can continue to give dairy products in a minimal amount. Cow's milk should be discarded. Porridge begins to cook in less water, increasing the density of the consistency. You can enrich the diet with cucumbers, zucchini, both raw and boiled.
When the kitten is six months old, it is worth diversifying his diet. Food is cut into larger pieces. In the same period, you can begin to introduce industrial feed.
Ready food for kittens
There is no unequivocal opinion on dry and wet prepared foods among veterinarians. Most people think that this type of feeding is chosen if the owner does not have time to prepare food for the pet on their own. Practice shows that kittens can be fed industrial feed. The main thing is to do everything right.
Feed selection features
Economy segment food is considered a type of fast food. They use various flavor enhancers, flavors, soy instead of meat, few vitamins. It is not recommended to choose such feeds as the main food. They can harm your pet's health by causing problems with the digestive tract.
Premium and super premium foods are more expensive. This does not mean that they are all better. Their main advantage is the absence of preservatives, dyes. The composition of such products is better than that of the economy class.
Holistics are among the most expensive products. Differ in natural composition. There are no dyes, flavors.
How to switch to industrial feed
Ready-made feeds are convenient for pet owners. For kittens, they are useful due to the fact that they are rich in essential substances. Start introducing such food should be from 5-6 months, gradually. Scheme:
- On the first day, the food consists of 75% of the usual food for the pet and 25% of the purchased food;
- On the second day, prepared food and homemade food should be in the same amount;
- On the third day, you can reduce part of the natural food to 25%.
The bulk is purchased feed;
- On the fourth day, you can completely transfer the animal to finished products.
If on the first day the pet does not touch the industrial feed, the transfer should be postponed for several days.
When deciding to switch the diet completely to ready-made food, you must adhere to the following tips:
- Natural and prepared food can only be combined during the transition of a pet to dry or wet food. Then the animal's diet should consist of one thing. If you constantly combine these types of feed, the pet will have an imbalance of vitamins, which will negatively affect the state of the gastrointestinal tract;
- Always keep fresh water in the bowl. Especially if dry food predominates in the pet's diet. It is important that your pet drinks water regularly. If the kitten rarely does this, it is worth accustoming it. Lack of fluid will subsequently lead to urolithiasis;
- It is better if the diet is dominated by wet food.
It is more nutritious, it has moisture, which will allow you to worry less about how much water the kitten drinks;
- If it is difficult for a pet to switch to purchased food, it is worth warming up the food to 40 degrees. It will become more fragrant. But this only applies to wet food;
- Do not mix wet food with dry food. It is better that one of them prevails in the diet. For example, most of the day the animal eats dry food, and canned food is offered to him periodically;
- The selected food must be completely suitable for the age of the pet. Information about this is contained on the packaging. Kittens should not be offered food intended for adults.
Ready-made feeds differ in composition, the ratio of vitamins and minerals. It is recommended to consult with your veterinarian beforehand. To understand whether the food is suitable, you can by the condition of the pet. If he is mobile, with a thick, shiny coat and in a good mood, then the food is chosen correctly for him.
Natural food or prepared food?
There is no clear answer. Natural food is considered healthier when high quality products are used. There should not be any chemical elements in a piece of chicken. It is recommended to use poultry. This also applies to vegetables and fruits. They should be without preservatives, completely natural, rich in vitamins.
Ready-made feeds are able to replenish the missing elements and substances in the body. But you need to buy holistics or super-premium food. They are expensive, it may not be affordable for the owner. Then it is better to stick to a natural diet.
Choose food based on the age of the kitten, its characteristics, and the capabilities of the owner. If he does not have time to cook natural food, he will have to switch to ready-made food.
The best way to feed a kitten 1,2,3,4,5,6 months
A small kitten is a big responsibility. After all, it depends on the conditions in which it will grow, on the attitude of the owners, what kind of cat it will become. Nutrition plays an important role in raising a child. The diet must be composed correctly, contain minerals and vitamins necessary for proper growth and development.
Principles of proper feeding of kittens
In order for a kitten to turn into a big, strong, beautiful pet, and also be satisfied and happy, it is important to understand what can and cannot be fed to small kittens. The basic principles of proper feeding include the following:
Balance. Cats are predators, which means that protein foods should prevail in the diet. On average, this is 50% of the total nutrition. The rest is carbohydrates and fats. It is also important that the growing body receives minerals and vitamins in sufficient quantities. If there are few of them in food, it is worth buying ready-made complexes and adding them to the diet.
Fresh. You can not feed the baby with something that is already stale or, moreover, has begun to deteriorate. Store-bought food should be fresh from the pack, natural food cooked today.
Correct temperature. Food should be warm, at a pleasant temperature. Hot freshly brewed must be pre-cooled, and taken from the refrigerator - warmed up.
Gradual introduction into the diet. A kitten should be introduced to any new product gradually so that there is no poisoning or problems with the tummy. For the first time, you should give quite a bit to get acquainted with the taste. If the baby likes it, and the body does not have negative reactions, the amount of the product can be gradually increased.
Access to water. In addition to fresh warm food, the kitten should always have clean water at room temperature. You need to change every day.
Age tracking. What to feed a kitten at 5 months and 4 weeks is fundamentally different.
If you have any doubts about how to properly formulate a kitten's diet, you should consult your veterinarian.
Common mistakes
Usually the owners face the main question: what can be fed to little kittens, what format of food to accustom? The choice is between store-bought food and natural food. In both cases, you can make mistakes that will be detrimental to the baby.
In the case of a straight woman, some owners believe that it is possible and necessary to give everything that they eat themselves. And they literally feed the kittens from the table: whether it's fried potatoes, dumplings or pastries. Such food will be not only not useful, but also harmful for an adult cat, and even more so for a growing organism. It is even worse when pets are fed with waste from the table - that which has already begun to deteriorate, leftovers, bones.
In fact, natural nutrition means that you will cook fresh different foods every day for the kitten from those products that are allowed and healthy for him.
Choosing cheap cat food, especially for very young ones, is one of the biggest mistakes. It is prepared mainly from offal, fat, bone and vegetable flour with flavoring additives that are addictive. There is practically nothing useful for a kitten there.
It is also a mistake to feed babies food for adult animals. In different periods, the need for nutrients and their ratio vary. For example, what you can feed a kitten at 4 months and at six months is somewhat different. This must be taken into account.
Natural or prepared food? What to choose
Natural nutrition means that you have to stand at the stove longer and more often. After all, you will have to cook not only for yourself, but also for the cat. You will have to buy personally for him products. This is a troublesome business. Feeding ready-made food is easier. But then there is the question of costs. Cheap packaged food is not good for anyone, especially for kittens. And the expensive one often hits the pocket. Natural is better in this regard.
On the other hand, a ready-made diet for a pet is more beneficial from the point of view that it is balanced. Contains the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals necessary for a kitten of a certain age. With natural nutrition, you will have to independently calculate how much meat you need, and how much cereals, and additionally buy vitamin complexes.
The golden mean is the approach in which the cat eats both prepared food and natural food. For example, in the morning and in the evening - a dish prepared especially for him, and during the day, while the owners are at work, he regales himself with dry granules.
Which foods are best?
Any brand of ready-made complete food includes a line of things that can be fed to small kittens. These include both dry and wet foods. Choosing which is better, you need to focus on the following recommendations:
- Wet food is recommended especially for small kittens up to 3 months. It is more easily absorbed and digested by a weak digestive system. In addition, liquid food for a kitten aged 1-2 months is preferable, because the teeth are still milk.
- Dry food recommended for older kittens. It should be introduced gradually, first you can soak the granules in water or broth.
- The gastrointestinal tract of a cat is oriented, first of all, to fairly hard food that requires a long digestion.
And as the animal grows older, it needs more of this food. The older the kitten, the more solid food should be in the diet, and vice versa.
- It is necessary to accustom to any food gradually - from small portions. The same is true if the kitten is on one brand and you decide to switch it to another. Do not change food abruptly, introduce gradually.
- It is necessary to adhere to the characteristics of the breed and the development of the animal. There are specialized foods for long-haired and short-haired kittens, Maine Coons, animals with chronic diseases, etc.
As for the manufacturer, the main criterion here will be the focus on the composition of the product and its cost. Frankly cheap food for small kittens does not contain anything useful. However, this does not mean that the most expensive trade names are the most useful. There are many worthy representatives in the middle price category. For example, Monge Cat, Royal Canin, Hill's and others.
As a rule, a high-quality complete food for kittens contains everything that is needed for the full growth and development of a pet. Additionally, the animal can be pampered with chewable and fortified treats, observing the recommended dosage.
Recommended and prohibited natural products
Protein foods should form the basis of the diet of the little predator. Then there are carbohydrates and fats. But saturated animal fats can harm a growing body. Therefore, the meat should be dietary - veal, lean beef, turkey, chicken. Pork and lamb should be avoided.
Cats love fish, but small kittens under 3 months old should not be fed. Then - no more than 2 times a week. Preference is given to marine fish. There are a lot of helminths in the river, with which the animal can become infected if the product is not cooked correctly.
Kittens should also be given dairy products. This is cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt - the main thing is that they are low-fat, natural, unsweetened, without additives. In small quantities, you can give sour cream. As for cow's milk, it can cause intestinal problems. Serum is useful for kittens. But cheese is too heavy and fatty for a baby’s diet.
Another recommended addition to the menu for kittens is eggs. Quail are considered the most useful - they can be given raw. Chicken is better to cook, if we are not talking about products from our own domestic chickens.
Kittens should receive carbohydrates mainly from cereals. The most useful, easily digestible - oatmeal, buckwheat, wheat and barley porridge. Barley - practically not absorbed by the body of cats, it should not be given, like corn porridge. Vegetables are also a good source of carbohydrates and nutrients. Well suited pumpkin, carrots, cabbage, both fresh and boiled.
It is optimal to combine different products in one dish. For example, wipe cottage cheese with egg yolk. Boil oatmeal with chopped meat and carrots.
Here's what you can't feed a little kitten:
- legumes in any form;
- bread, pastries, sweets - homemade and store-bought;
- carbonated drinks;
- tea, coffee;
- chips, crackers and other snacks;
- food with the addition of hot spices, seasonings;
- salted and smoked fish, meat;
- chocolate.
All of the above restrictions apply to adult animals. Even if a pet begs for some product, he likes it and it's tasty - this does not mean that you need to indulge whims. For example, chocolate for cats is deadly and can lead to the death of the animal.
Rules for feeding kittens at different ages
Until the age of one month, kittens are breastfed. From the age of one month, kittens gradually begin to accustom themselves to additional products, they are taught to eat from a bowl on their own.
How to feed kittens of different ages:
- 1 month. Until this age, the baby ate only mother's milk, so do not immediately give him hard food. Supplements to the diet should have a delicate, light texture. Suitable liquid cereals, dairy products, meat, boiled vegetables, chopped in a blender in a puree. Feeding - 6-7 times a day.
- 2 months. All the same can no longer be crushed in a blender. Boiled vegetables, meat enough to cut into small pieces.