What to feed baby mice with eyes open
Orphaned Mouse Care | Chip Chloe Squirrel
What should I do if I find an orphaned baby mouse?
Determine if the mouse/mice are indeed orphaned. If you have accidentally destroyed a nest with babies in it, build a makeshift nest using any of the nest remains in a small shallow container, and place it near the original nest site and leave it undisturbed for an hour or two to see if the mother returns to retrieve and relocate her babies. If any of the babies have already died, if they are lethargic or cold to the touch, or if you find one baby wandering alone, chances are that they have been orphaned.
Always wash your hands thoroughly after handling mice.
The risk of contracting disease is rare but increases if you live in the southwestern United States.
When you find an abandoned mouse, there are a few essential steps that should be immediately taken.
(Please note - these instructions are also applicable for other small rodents like orphaned voles and rats)
The first priority is to get the baby warmed up before attempting to feed it anything. Baby mice with their eyes closed (and even for a week after eyes open) are unable to maintain their own body temperature without a supplemental heat source. Make a small nest using t-shirt material, flannel or fleece and place it in a secure container with ventilation (a reuseable Tupperware with vented lid works well) and place it on a heating pad set on low. Make sure it doesn’t have an ‘auto shutoff’. If you don’t have a heating pad, you can fill an old sock with rice, corn or another grain and microwave it for 30 seconds to use as a heat source (use good judgement to make sure it’s not too hot – you’re trying to mimic the mother mouse’s body temperature). This will need to be rewarmed every couple of hours to maintain the warmth.
While the mouse is warming up, use ahnow.org to locate wildlife rehabilitators in your area who may be able to assist in raising the mouse. Leave messages with as many as possible because you may not get a return call for several hours or days. Orphaned mice are VERY difficult to raise and require feedings every 2-3 hours around the clock for several weeks. Rehabilitators are already equipped with the proper tools, formula and knowledge to properly rehabilitate orphaned wildlife but they are very busy and usually overloaded with animals to care for, so be prepared to transport your mouse to them.
After warming, the mouse needs to be hydrated within a few hours of being found. Plain Pedialyte is the best option, but you can also make your own makeshift hydration solution by dissolving 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1 teaspoon of salt in 1 cup of warm water. The best tools for feeding mice are small syringes with pointed rubber nipples (example here), but you probably won’t have those on hand, so you can try dipping the tip of a tiny paintbrush in the fluid and allowing the mouse to lick it off. Get as much fluid into the mouse as you can (0.2-0.5 mL), every 2 hours for the first 4-6 hours.
Mice with their eyes closed need to be stimulated to urinate and defecate after each feeding/hydration session. Gently rub the genital area with a q-tip or tissue in a motion that mimics the mother mouse licking the area. Moistening the q-tip in warm water may help. Do this for about 10 seconds, and if no results, try again after feeding some more. You may not see any poop for the first few times, but you should hopefully see a few drops of urine unless they’re very dehydrated.
If you are unable to locate a wildlife rehabilitator after multiple attempts:
Baby mice can’t go too long without being fed, so if you’re not able to locate a rehabber within about 6-8 hours of finding the babies, you will eventually need to transition them from the hydration solution to a suitable formula. After 2 feedings of the hydration formula, you can start to feed watered-down formula, gradually making the formula to water ratio stronger over the next 3-4 feedings (for example, start with 5 parts water to 1 part formula powder, then 4:1, then 3:1 and finally 2 parts water to 1 part formula powder). For babies under 1 week old, I like to keep the ratio at around 3:1 or 2. 5 parts water to 1 part formula so it's easier on their digestive systems. Acceptable formulas are: Goat’s Milk Esbilac Puppy Milk Replacer, Fox Valley brand formulas (20/50 squirrel formula; Puppy Formula), or if none of those are available, you can make homemade formula (3 tbsp goat’s milk, 3 tbsp plain yogurt, 2 tbsp heavy cream, 1/2 egg yolk. If you can't find goat’s milk, double the yogurt.)
Powdered formulas are preferred because you can mix a fresh batch each day for the needed amount, in comparison with liquid formulas which must be used within three days. Please contact me for advice if you are having trouble locating suitable options. DO NOT FOLLOW OTHER ONLINE RECIPES FOR MIXING YOUR OWN FORMULAS WITHOUT GUIDANCE FROM A LICENSED REHABILITATOR – these can result in severe malnutrition and issues like bloat that can lead to death.
Baby mice need to be fed as often as once every two hours depending how old they are. (This chart can help to estimate age.) This means that you must be prepared for some sleepless nights. A good goal is to feed every 3 hours around the clock, and for the mouse to ingest between 0.3mL – 0.5mL per feeding (up until eyes open) and up to 1mL for eyes-open babies until they gradually wean at 3 weeks of age.
You can use the same method of dipping a tiny paintbrush into the formula and allowing the mouse to suck it off. However – this is a very difficult method of feeding small mice and usually results in the mouse not getting enough food at each feeding. Please try to order the proper syringes and small pointed nursing nipples for the best results.
After warming formula, gently hold the mouse between your fingers, with your index finger near the head, ready to prevent it from lunging forward and falling. Carefully and consistently apply pressure to the syringe plunger to administer 1 drop at a time and ensure that the baby is suckling and swallowing the formula.
TIP: Mice like their formula WARM and it cools very quickly in such a small syringe so it’s recommended to fill 2 syringes and have one sitting in a cup of hot water so you can swap back and forth regularly while the other one keeps warm.
Be careful not to allow any formula to enter their lungs. You can check this by observing that no milk is bubbling from their nose. If milk enters their lungs, aspiration pneumonia may occur. The best way to avoid this is to keep the mouse upright when feeding it, never allowing it to rest on its back. If you do see a bubble form, flip the baby to a head-down position to prevent any more liquid from entering its lungs and wipe the nose with a tissue to absorb any liquid.
Overfeeding is also dangerous and can lead to bloat. Check to ensure that they are well fed by the emergence of a white patch in the middle of their belly, a milk belly. This should recede before the next feeding. If you are seeing a full milk belly when the time comes for the next feeding, wait an extra half hour, and water down the formula to a 50:50 water to formula ratio for one feeding. If your mouse experiences diarrhea, it is also likely a result of being overfed. If this happens, or if your mouse is looking bloated, it’s ok to substitute Pedialyte/electrolyte solution for one or two feedings until the condition resolves.
Make sure to gently massage your baby’s abdomen and rectal area after each feeding to assist food in moving through the digestive tract and to help the baby eliminate waste. It’s almost impossible to reverse the effects of bloat once too much formula has backed up in the digestive tract, and this can lead to a painful death.
Baby mice begin to open their eyes at around 10-12 days of age. They may need a larger enclosure at this point (acrylic kritter keepers work well), but still keep using the heating pad on low under the nest portion of their tank. At this point, you can begin to add some dry oats into their nest and they will start to nibble on these within 1-2 days. Once they start nibbling solids, they will no longer require a nightly feeding – they can last from midnight to 6am without formula.
You can start to introduce other soft solids like spinach and other greens, fruit and crushed nuts. At three weeks of age, the babies will also no longer require the syringe for feedings and may begin to feed from a dish (jar lids work well as shallow dishes). Gradually make the switch from the syringe to a dish by leaving a dish of formula available between meals and spacing out feeding times to every 4-5 hours.
You can begin integrating foods such as baby food, fresh fruits and veggies, seeds and commercial mouse foods. Make sure to add a shallow dish of fresh water.
Mice are often very messy eaters, so after they finish their meals, it will be necessary to clean them up and replace soiled cage bedding often. Plain paper towels make for easy clean up when used to line the cage. Alternatively you can use an unscented shredded paper bedding made for rodents.
By this point, your babies will be getting more active so you can move them to a larger tank – a large acrylic kritter keeper or 10 gallon tank with a tight fitting screen lid are best. A wheel for exercise and some places to hide and things to chew on are also good for enrichment.
Mice can be released at about 4 weeks of age – about 1 week after weaning. However, it’s often better to keep them for an extra week if possible to allow them to put on some more weight. To begin acclimating for release, ensure that the weather is consistently above 50 degrees Fahrenheit and that there are at least 3-4 days with no rain forecasted*. A suitable release location should be an area with plenty of underbrush for shelter and nearby food and water sources.
It’s good to move their cage outdoors in a protected area at least a full day before release so they can adjust to the outdoor smells and sounds. Secure the lid so no predators can intrude overnight. Mice should be released at dusk since this is when they are most active. Gently tilt the tank on its side and gradually open the screen cover. Continue to place food and water at the release location for at least a week, if not longer, while they establish a nesting site nearby.
*If the mice are old enough for release but it’s too cold outside or if heading into the winter months, you may need to overwinter the mice until spring. Please visit the Adult Mouse Care page for further instructions.
What Do Baby Mice Eat?
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It’s not easy to care for abandoned newborn mice; many newborn mice die in the first week owing to heat loss, nutritional deficiency, or disease. Raising baby mice is difficult since it has no fur but it isn’t impossible. It has a reasonable possibility of survival if fed several times each day and given enough warmth.
What comes to mind when you hear the term “mouse”? This may be the kind of small, grey animal with a chunk of yellow cheese in its paws that many people are familiar with. A mouse could also be running around your home, opening cereal boxes.
This is why it’s important to be aware of what baby mice eat in the wild. It will assist you in learning how to keep these pests out of your home. So, let’s look at what baby mice eat in the wild and how our homes have become attractive dining halls for mice.
What Do Baby Mice Eat?
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What Do Baby Mice Eat?
What Do Baby Mice Eat?Baby mice will suck on their mother’s milk for the first two weeks of their life. After that, baby mice can start eating solid foods, such as cooked rice and beans, cooked carrots, soft vegetables, and fruits.
If they are still without parents, give them kitten milk formula with a syringe or pipet. Remember to feed them every two or three hours. This may mean getting up at night, but it is necessary if you want to keep the kittens alive.
The newborn mice will not have developed their teeth, so they won’t be able to chew on the food at first. After three or four weeks, you should consider adding some solid meals. When the mice begin opening their eyes and growing, this is one of the signals that it’s time to exterminate them. You should also note when their teeth begin to develop.
Begin by offering them high-quality, nutritious foods to encourage growth. Fruits, seeds, vegetables, greens, and rodent diets are examples of these items.
Mice are not picky. A mouse’s diet is surprisingly broad, and a mouse will do just about anything to get its hands on it. They’re natural foragers who enjoy consuming a wide range of foods in the wild. Although they have their likes and dislikes, they do have certain tendencies.
Mice, like most other rodents, prefer insects to meat. These creatures will also consume smaller snails, larvae, centipedes, cricket eggs, and worms as a source of nutrition.
What Do Baby Mice Eat At Home? Cheese for Baby MiceMice, like in the wild, will take what they can get. While mice aren’t fussy eaters, they do have their favorite foods. Here’s a list of some of the things that mice enjoy eating.
You may be shocked to learn that mice dislike cheese more than other foods if you grew up watching cartoons of mice chewing on a massive slice of Swiss. That being said, a mouse would not leave an excellent chunk of cheese behind. They will still consume any cheese they discover.
Mice are omnivores, so they eat both plants and animals. They may munch on any leftovers or insects that they discover around your house.
How Much Do Baby Mice Eat? Baby Mice Love Insects!Mice are curious animals, and their food preferences reflect this. Instead of consuming a large chunk of food all at once, they like to nibble on many different things they’ve kept.
Mice are also hoarding animals. They enjoy rummaging through cupboards and pantries, gathering what they find, and bringing it back to their nests when food is in short supply.
Not only is this an annoyance in and of itself, but it also attracts pests like beetles, weevils, and other insects. This food storage may attract additional pests such as cockroaches, ants, and mice, causing a simple mouse infestation to rapidly develop into a full-blown pest issue.
Mice are generally unwilling to eat non-food items. If chew impressions are on cables, cords, wires, boxes, fabric other objects, this is due to the existence of a mouse nest rather than food consumption.
How To Feed Baby Mice?Step 1:Give your baby mouse some liquid nourishment. Baby mice drink mother’s milk. Instead, you’ll need to give your newborn mouse the milk it needs. Cow’s milk should be avoided. You may, instead, try soy formula, kitten formula made of goat’s or cow’s milk, or goat’s milk baby formula.
Step 2:Every two hours, give them a good meal. Your newborn mouse will require feeding around the clock until it opens its eyes. You must feed your newborn mice every two hours for those between 0 and 2 weeks old. They only need to eat every 3-4 hours after that. They shouldn’t eat during the night once their eyes are open.
Warm the milk first. Check a drop on your wrist to see if it’s cold or hot enough. Using a syringe, eyedropper, or pipette, add milk to a mouse. With your non-dominant hand, firmly grip the mouse. With your other hand, hold the pipette and try to shimmy the probe into the mouse’s mouth. Warm milk should be used instead of cold water. This resembles stretching out and squirming
Solid foods should be introduced gradually after your mouse’s eyes are open. It may begin to eat solid food when its eyes are open. Continue feeding it formula until the 4 to 6 weeks old, at which point it will be weaned. Hamster or kitten food, baby food, or soft vegetables can all be offered.
Step 4:To help a mouse go to the toilet, stimulate it. Baby mice can’t urinate or feces on their own because they’re babies. The mother would generally lick them to encourage them to eliminate them. Place a cotton ball or your finger in lukewarm water and gently move it over the mouse’s genitals until it has eliminated itself.
What Are The Natural Predators of Baby Mice?What are the most dangerous animals for mice? While it is not uncommon for some of the larger tarantulas to consume a mouse, most spiders do not consider mice to be a common meal, and instead may appear on a mouse’s menu. Where a substantial amphibian may occasionally capture and consume a mouse, the bulk of their diet is composed of tiny animals, such as insects.
There are several animals that consume mice as part of their regular diet in order to maintain the rodents’ populations in check. These are the creatures believed to be the mouse’s natural predators, and they may be found across a variety of species.
Hawks, eagles, and owls consider mice a welcome change of pace to be hunted and snared. The heron, crow, and blue jay are non-raptor birds that will eat rodents if they find them.
Although larger lizards are known to consume mice, snakes are generally the primary food source for them. People who keep snakes as pets are aware of the snake’s preference for a rodent dinner, but they are more frequently provided with frozen rodents rather than live mice because of their personal preferences or fears that their pets will be injured by food trying to defend themselves.
Cats are commonly thought of as the mouse’s greatest adversary, but once they’ve finished playing with them, house cats will not eat mice. Their feral counterparts and wild cat relatives, however, actively seek out mice for food. Cats, like other species, will consume mice to fill their stomachs. Tigers, lions, and jaguars require more substantial meals, but they will still nibble on them to keep their hunger satisfied. Dogs are not as fussy about eating mice as cats are; nevertheless, they are just as ready to do so in order to survive.
There is another rodent-eating creature that has been observed. It’s a mammal, but it differs from the others in several respects. This species differs from the other mammals listed above because it does not eat mice. Locals avoid members of these societies because they are located in certain countries and are often shunned by those from throughout the rest of the globe. The human is one of the mouse’s greatest foes, and it is a member of this distinctive species.
Humans, as a species, are perhaps the pickiest eaters on the food chain. Humans’ tastes have evolved to the point where we are repulsed by certain foods, particularly those that are known to be parasite-carrying plague transmitters.
Mice are eaten on a regular basis in certain areas of the world, where circumstances demand that food be acquired where it may be found. Though many of the countries that offer mice on their menu no longer struggle financially, traditional dishes are still served, albeit as cultural delicacies for visiting tourists with strong stomachs. In Vietnam, Korea, China, Zambia, and Malawi, rats are known to be eaten in many ways.
Are Baby Mice Healthy To Eat?Mice are now a trendy source of protein, according to the Austrian Times, having been proven that there’s nothing edible that hasn’t been transformed into a delicacy somewhere in the world. It should be prepared similarly to other meats, just in smaller mouse-sized portions.
It’s possible to eat sewer rats. While you can eliminate many of the pathogens by cooking at a high temperature, rodents still feed on waste and human/animal remains. It is possible to eat cooked rats, although doing so might cause various illnesses and even death if not properly done.
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Decorative mice - care and maintenance, diseases, photos of mice.
Decorative mice adapt quickly, are easy to keep, do not require a lot of space, come in a variety of colors and are very funny. These small animals from the order of rodents are awake, mainly at night, are very prolific and reach puberty early. Decorative varieties easily get used to a person and become tame.
Colors of ornamental mice
Breeders have bred interesting varieties of mice that differ in the type of coat (standard, long-haired, satin, curly) and a wide variety of colors.
Solid colors - animals are painted in one color - white, black, blue, red, silver, etc. Source: ornamental mice
Colors "tan" (red tan on the main background) and "fox" (white tan).
Marked colors take into account the location of spots and color zones. These are ribbon, Dutch, broken marked, etc.
Variegated - on the main white background there is a colored speck.
There are many more varieties, including wild-colored agouti, sable, chinchilla, Siamese and many others. You can meet short-tailed and naked mice, so anyone who decides to have this curious animal at home is sure to find a pet to their taste.
Keeping decorative mice
You can keep a mouse in a metal cage or in a glass terrarium with a wide bottom and low sides (it is covered with a net on top). When choosing an aviary, remember that the mouse is able to gnaw through wood and many other materials, as well as squeeze into narrow cracks. It is better to choose a spacious room, the animals are very active and need movement.
The bottom is lined with shavings or strips of uncolored paper. They put a house (a box, a jar, a pot, etc.), a stable feeder, a drinking bowl and all kinds of devices for games in the cage. Levels, ladders, branches, shelters will do, you can buy a wheel for running.
Place the cage near the wall, away from radiators and open windows. Every day the cage is cleaned of food and debris, the feeder and drinker are washed, the litter is changed several times a week.
Rodents are more shy than other pets and do not get used to humans too quickly. At first, be prepared for the fact that the animal you have acquired will avoid contact with humans. Try to equip the cage in such a way that the mouse has the opportunity, if necessary, to hide in a shelter.
At first, when the mouse is just starting to get used to a new place, it usually spends all the time inside the shelter house, leaving it only to eat the offered food.
The mouse is a herd animal. If one rodent lives in a cage, it needs to be given much more attention than two or more individuals. Otherwise, the animal will gradually close in on itself and will constantly sit in the house. To prevent this from happening, the mouse can be offered to play with a small ball, wooden cubes or figures.
After giving wooden toys to a rodent, make sure that there is no paint or varnish left on them, which, once in the animal's stomach, can cause some harm to its health.
When feeding and caring for an animal, avoid sudden movements that may frighten it. Gradually accustom the mouse to the sound of your voice, try to talk quietly and in a gentle tone. After a while, the pet will willingly respond to the nickname that is given to him. Since mice have a well-developed sense of smell, they quickly get used to the smell of a person bringing food. Every time the owner approaches the mouse, she will greet him with a joyful squeak.
Ration of mice
Mice are unpretentious in food. With pleasure they eat grain - oats, millet, wheat, barley, corn. Sometimes you can feed the seeds in small quantities. They eat well cottage cheese, cheese, boiled egg protein. As a treat, vegetables, fruits, berries, bread are suitable. From time to time it is necessary to add vitamins and mineral supplements to the diet. Pet stores sell special food for mice and treats for rodents. Due to the high rate of metabolic processes, food must always be in the feeder. Branches of fruit trees or birch are also needed for grinding incisors.
Plants poisonous to decorative mice include: kokorys, hemlock, celandine, purple or red foxglove, wrestler, May lily of the valley, white hellebore, henbane, crow's eye, nightshade, dope, anemone, poisonous sow thistle, wolf berries, night blindness, marigold swamp, meadow backache, poppy self-seed, bracken fern, wild rosemary.
Breeding decorative mice
Like all small rodents, mice are very prolific. Under favorable conditions of keeping and feeding, mice are able to breed throughout the year. Puberty in mice occurs at the age of 30-35 days after birth, i.e. long before the end of growth. Males tend to mature at a later date and are able to fertilize females throughout their lives. It is believed that the working qualities of the male are the highest up to one - one and a half years of age. Fluctuations in the degree of sexual activity depend on the usefulness of feeding and the physical health of the animal.
Babies are born in a shelter house where a mother mouse builds a nest out of hay, paper and rags. Childbirth occurs, as a rule, at night, complications do not happen. In one litter from 5 to 9 mice. Mice are born naked. Their eyes and ears are closed. The mass of newborn mice is 1-2 g, the body length is 3 cm. At birth, the sex is practically indistinguishable. At a later age, males become larger than females and can be distinguished from each other. Mice at birth are helpless, practically do not move.
During this period, it is necessary to maintain a high milk production of the female. The cage should always have good quality milk and fresh water. Newborns grow fast. Their mass doubles on the 4th - 5th day, the linear dimensions of the body increase. On the third - fifth day after birth, the ears of the mice open, the body begins to become covered with hair. At two weeks of age, their eyes open. On the third week of life, the mice crawl out of the nest and begin to consume food on their own. Weaning of young animals from females is carried out on the 20th - 25th day after birth. The female touchingly looks after newborns, protects them, feeds, cleans. The father shows parental feelings to the children if there are no other males in the cage.
Newborn mice should not be handled. A foreign smell will remain on their body, an alarmed mother will stop feeding them, and they will die. For the first two weeks, try not to disturb the female at all: do not change the bedding, exclude perishable food from the diet.
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See also:
DECORATIVE MICE | Science and life
White mice (albinos) are very sensitive to bright sunlight, as their skin and eyes lack protective pigments.
Science and life // Illustrations
Mice are very playful creatures. Deftly climb ladders and perches. Amenable to training.
A mouse of this color is called chocolate.
Science and life // Illustrations
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Pet stores sell mice of various colors - white (albino) and colored. Why are these animals interesting and why are they kept in cages?
White mice are bred in the laboratory as experimental animals for medical and genetic experiments. They are the domesticated descendants of the well-known house mouse.
On laboratory mice, scientists study the effect of various factors and drugs on the body of a living being: from weightlessness to new drugs. But the astrologers of ancient China many centuries ago used a white mouse for their predictions. The capture of a remarkably colored mouse or rat was considered an important event. Therefore, the Chinese rulers ordered their chroniclers to enter into the annals reports of each meeting with such a miracle. Documentary evidence confirms that only 30 albino mice were caught in China from 307 to 1641.
Interestingly, in ancient Greece, respect for house mice was associated with the cult of Apollo. The Greeks dedicated certain types of animals to the gods of their pantheon. Apollo was depicted with a mouse sitting at his feet. In some areas of Greece, this god was considered the patron not only of the arts, but also of mice, and therefore rodents were kept in temples. In other places, the countries of Apollo were identified with a deity protecting the population from a mouse invasion, and even a myth was formed about this.
In Europe, white mice began to breed about 130 years ago. Since then, they have become an integral part of scientific work. In vivariums, fertile animals bred in huge numbers without any problems, sometimes producing mutants with an even more unusual appearance than those of albinos.
Breeders brought out not only multi-colored mice, but also tailless, short-tailed, long-haired and even ... naked. Long-haired mice are pretty cute fluffy creatures. But the appearance of a hairless rodent causes sympathy or dislike in people. Such animals are bred partly from the desire to cause a sensation.
Most animal lovers prefer to keep not white, but more elegant colored mice in their home and school zoos: black, dark and light brown, red, cream, silver (light gray), lilac and bluish-smoky gray, as well as piebald (white with various spots). Quite often there are also mice with natural-colored fur: on the back it is from grayish-sand to dark gray, on the abdomen it is whitish or grayish.
All this variety of laboratory mice differs significantly from their wild ancestors not only in appearance. Tailless and colored, long-haired and white domesticated mice have lost their original fearfulness, are easy to keep and breed. They require very little food and little space. In short, these are not burdensome pets for a novice naturalist.
Mice never bite, quickly and easily get used to the owner. Unfortunately, these tiny creatures have an equally tiny intelligence and emit a strong, specific smell. The latter circumstance is a serious obstacle to keeping a group of such cute multi-colored animals in the living room. Mouse smell can be reduced to a minimum if one or three animals are kept on a thick layer of sawdust that is frequently replaced (at least three or four times a week). By the way, females smell weaker than individuals of the "stronger sex".
The home for mice can be an aquarium or a special organic glass terrarium container with a lattice lid. Mice are good high jumpers and a lid is a must. It is better if it is made of thin metal wire, and not plastic, which rodents can damage over time. You can make a small cage for animals with dimensions in length, width and height of 40 ґ 30-40 ґ 25-30 centimeters from a metal fur mesh, the cells of which do not exceed 10 * 10 millimeters. However, it is less convenient to observe the mice living in such a cage than the inhabitants of a transparent cage. The cage is placed in a plastic or aluminum baking sheet of sufficient size, filled with sawdust. A 2-4 cm layer of bedding is also poured onto its slatted bottom: small wood chips or large sawdust. For the nest, use a small box with a hole for entry or an old flower pot turned upside down with a broken edge. A small, clean glass jar will also work as a cover. The fact that it has transparent walls does not matter to mice.
Make sure that the environment inside the cage is as diverse as possible. Place there a whimsically curved twig, ladder, perch, a stump in the form of a tree stump and, of course, a running wheel, but not plastic. Mice, especially young ones, are very mobile and will gladly use all these simple devices for their cheerful and cheerful "physical exercise".
Do not forget to regularly wash the aquarium or cage with hot water and laundry soap and change the bedding. Flush nest boxes and climbing devices as needed. Let the animals dry thoroughly before putting them back in their home.
Place the cage in a place where the mice could not catch a cold. Small rodents are very sensitive to drafts, and a cold for them is certain death.
Mice are practically omnivores. In nature, living next to a person, they do not refuse sausage, cheese and lard, they eat cereals and other products (by the way, they do not eat paper, but only gnaw). Lab mice love millet, oats and wheat, uncooked sunflower and pumpkin seeds, white bread, dairy products, boiled meat chunks, and egg whites. From succulent feed, they prefer dandelion and cabbage leaves, slices of carrots, cucumbers and beets, green grass, a bun soaked in milk. Sweets, chocolate, fatty and spicy foods should not be given to animals.
So that mice do not grow excessive incisor teeth, solid food is needed: branches of trees and shrubs (except for lilacs, which are poisonous to animals), white bread crackers, and pieces of white school chalk.
As bowls for food, it is better to use stable ceramic or faience cups. And drinking water should be offered exclusively in dropper drinkers. Open bowls of water get dirty very quickly.
It is enough to feed the mice once a day. The daily norm is a teaspoon of grain per animal. You can't overfeed.
Leftover food and contaminated pieces must be removed from the cage in time.
If you decide to let the mouse run around the apartment, be very careful not to accidentally step on it or crush it with a door. Make sure that the animal does not penetrate into any gap from which it is difficult to get out. The main place of residence of the rodent should be a cage, and a place for walking should be the palms of the owner or a table.
Mice are collectivists, so it is better to place two or more animals in a cage.
The question of gender makes sense only when they want to breed mice. Two or three males or two or three females living in the same cage get along well with each other. Moreover, those that are from the same brood, or those that were united together in adolescence, get along better. Letting a newcomer into an established mouse team is a risky business. Sexually mature mice will attack the intruder and may beat him to death.
The sex of the animal is determined by the distance between the anal and urinary openings. In the male this distance is clearly visible, in the female it is very small.
Like all small rodents, mice are very prolific. Already on the 30-49th day of life, the animals can give birth. Pregnancy lasts about 20 days. In each brood, the female brings 6-7 cubs. It can breed up to ten times a year.
Babies are born in a shelter house, where a mother mouse builds a nest from hay, paper and rags.