What to feed baby rosella
Eastern Rosella Care Sheet | Birds Coo
Scientific Facts
Common Name | Eastern Rosella |
Scientific Name | Platycercus eximius |
Life Span | 15+ years |
Size | 30 cm long |
Habitat | Forests and hills |
Country of Origin | Australia and Tasmania |
Physical Description
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The eastern rosella is a colorful bird native to the southeastern parts of Australia and Tasmania. It has been introduced in New Zealand, where today, large feral populations are found, especially in the North Island. You will also find large flocks in the hills of Dunedin along the South Island.
The eastern rosella measures 30 cm or 12 inches long and may be classified as a medium-sized bird. When held, it can fit in the palm of a large hand. It has a distinct red head and white cheeks, making it look adorable at any angle! It has brown irises which can easily be admired in the daytime. The eastern rosella has a red upper breast and yellow lower breast that fades to a pale green color just above the bird’s abdomen.
The back and shoulder feathers are black with yellowish or greenish edges that create a scalloped look that can vary slightly from one subspecies to another. This area may also vary in males and females. The wings and the lateral tail feathers are blue and white while the tail is a dashing dark green. The legs are grey. Overall, the eastern rosella may be the most colorful bird of all.
The male and female look very similar, but the male tends to be brighter while the female has a duller color. Females also have an underwing band, which is not seen in adult males. Meanwhile, juvenile eastern rosellas are duller compared to females and come with the underwing stripe.
The name “eastern rosella” was given by George Shaw in 1792. It may be considered as a subspecies of the Pale-headed rosella. You may have also heard of the “white-cheeked” rosella, which is a name used for a species that comes with pale-headed and the eastern forms of rosellas.
The hybrid of the two has been observed where their areas meet along the northeastern New South Wales and the southeastern areas in Queensland. A study was published in 2017 found out that the eastern rosella was a part of a lineage of the pale-headed and the northern rosellas.
The eastern rosella has three subspecies recognized by experts
- P. e. eximius – these rosellas are native to Victoria and southern parts of New South Wales. These have black feathers along their backs with green margins. The rump is pale green.
- P. e. elecica – these are found in the northeast parts of New South Wales and southeast areas of Queensland. The male has black feathers on its back with golden yellow edges.
The margins are greenish-yellow in females. The rump has a bluish-green color, while the subspecies are called golden-mantled rosella or GMR.
- P. e. diemenensis – this subspecies are native to eastern Tasmania and comes with white patches on its cheeks and are larger than its cousins. The heads of these birds are darker.
Eastern Rosella status
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The eastern rosella is classified as a species of least concern by the IUCN. Although these species are in large numbers, the population may still gradually decrease due to habitat destruction and an increase in the pet trade.
This is why we recommend adopting an eastern rosella or buying only from captive breeders instead of buying wild-caught rosellas.
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The eastern rosella can live up to 15 years, but it is possible for a captive species to live longer. Because captive birds are protected from the elements and from predators.
Natural Habitat
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The eastern rosella has a large undisturbed habitat in Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand. This species is native in areas where there are lightly wooded areas, in open forests, gardens, woodlands, and parks.
This species has become a naturalized bird species in New Zealand. In the 1970s, the number of eastern rosellas started to become established in Auckland, Northland in areas far north even in areas as far as west Waikato, south as Kawhia and areas of Te Kuiti and east of the Coromandel Peninsula.
It is also thought that escaped caged birds started the large population of birds in the Wellington-Hutt Valley Region in the 1960s. Later, these birds scattered along the foothills of the Tararua Range to the east of Eketahuna and west of Otaki.
The first time that eastern rosellas were sighted in New Zealand was in 1940 when a shipment of parrots was refused entry to the country. The Customs Department refused entry and so the birds had to be released before the ship that hauled the birds returned to Sydney. The two eastern rosella species crossed, and in 1955 there were no pure crimson species in the Dunedin area. Rosella populations in Dunedin has always remained low because these are mostly trapped, caged, and sold.
Perception and Communication
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Eastern rosellas don’t mimic human speech, but these are known to mimic other human sounds. It can mimic whistles and may also follow tunes in songs. There are some pet owners who say that eastern rosellas are able to follow them around and surprise them with new sounds each time. However, there are some pet owners that say their birds are very quiet since they got them.
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To understand your pet eastern rosella, you must understand it’s many interesting behaviors
Social animals
Eastern rosellas are social animals. Sometimes they can be seen socializing, feeding, and foraging with other rosellas, but sometimes they can be seen alone on a branch. It is common for people to have only one eastern rosella or to take care of only one bird, but actually, these can be better off with other companions.
Experts believe that a sure sign that the birds are going to have babies is when you see them preening. If you find your birds feeding each other or most especially the male feeding the female using his beak, then it may be a guarantee that the two are going to have babies soon. In some parrot species, preening is also seen in both males and females as a sign of companionship and just being happy to be together.
Good parents
Eastern rosellas are very good parents. When the chicks hatch, these are helpless, naked, and blind, and the mother spends all day with them, getting up from the nest to stretch, poop, and feed, but these are only for a short while. The male, on the other hand, will take food to feed the female since she cannot fly and look for food herself. The two will remain this way even until their chicks are older. The two may soon forage for food and feed their chicks together.
Highly intelligent
This is a very intelligent species since these can mimic sounds and even other kinds of noises and may also recognize their owners. Some owners say that their pets can understand when it’s feeding time and can follow simple commands.
Good companion parrots
Another good quality of this bird is that they make great human companions. These can be handled well, and when given enough time and patience, these can learn simple tricks.
Does not like being petted or cuddled
In some cases, the eastern rosella would not want to be petted or cuddled. This is true, especially for birds that are new to being in captivity. But when you spend time cuddling and petting your pet eastern rosella daily, these will gradually warm up to you.
Can bite
This is sometimes a feisty bird and may bite when it feels threatened. So as much as possible, handle your pet early and do this regularly so it will be used to your handling. Also, other members of your family and other people responsible for your pet’s care should also learn how to handle it properly.
Sometimes feisty
In some cases, the eastern rosella is feisty and just want to be left alone. If you have an eastern rosella and it just does not want anything to do with you or other birds, give it time. Like humans, birds can take time to warm up and will be able to do so in their own time. You can start training when you see it socializing with other birds in the cage, or it is in a brighter mood than usual.
Eastern rosellas have some mating and breeding behaviors that are common in most parrot species. One behavior is preening, where a male bird is seen feeding other birds, especially female birds. This social behavior can be seen in mating partners, but some experts say that they also notice this during non-breeding months.
Eastern rosellas breed during the spring but may also do so in the summer months. You will notice bright males showing their lovely sharp colors to woo females, and females usually love being followed around.
When the females cut the chase, they are ready to accept the male. The two mate and soon, the female is ready to deposit her eggs. The most common place to hatch eggs is in a hollow tree. Here, the female will line her nest with twigs, straw, grass, and dirt, and then when the nest is done, delivers 2 to 9 eggs.
The mother will sit on her eggs to warm them and will never leave the nest no matter what. She will warm her eggs and let her soft body rest on the eggs to prevent fluctuations in temperatures. She will never leave the nest and will only do so to defecate, eat a little and to stretch her legs and wings.
The male also helps out by foraging around and preening to the female. The male will come back again and again to feed the female, and when the eggs hatch, both parents will now be responsible for feeding the chick.
The newly-hatched chicks will be born blind, helpless, and naked. It can take more than a week for the birds to open their eyes and another week for the birds to leave their nest.
Food and Diet
Eastern Rosellas are herbivores. Their diet in the wild is composed of seeds, fruits, nuts, and plant parts. This bird may also eat insects, including larvae of insects. This bird may also eat mineral-rich clay which is important in protection against toxins which may be present in their diets
Meanwhile, captive Eastern Rosella eats high-quality, commercially-prepared seed mixes with sunflower, oats, safflower, millets, and hemp seeds. These birds can have a larger, more varied palette in captivity since their owners may also serve them dried berries, vegetables, nuts, and green food.
Captive birds need mineral supplements before and after the breeding season. The most important nutrient is calcium needed for bone health and egg health. Parents also need soft food as they raise their chicks.
You may try feeding your rosellas, “super-seeds”, which are hemp seeds. These seeds have complete amino-acids, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids and other micronutrients. Hemp seeds also have high amounts of protein, which is important for good health and proper overall development.
Environment and Housing
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Eastern Rosellas can grow as much as 30 cm long; therefore, it’s best to keep it in a large cage or enclosure. As a rule, the bird must be able to spread its wings without touching any side of the cage. As much as possible, pick a spacious cage made of metal with a large door so you can take the bird in and out with ease. Secure the door with a lock that must be closed at all times.
Inside the cage, sturdy branches must be present where it can perch. You may use natural plants to serve as places where it can sleep or rest. You may also add cage furniture like wooden boxes, swings, vines, mirrors, hoops, and other toys to keep your pet happy and active.
The Eastern Rosella needs a water basin and a container for its food. The container must have a wide mouth so that the bird can easily get its food. The cage may be placed on top of a sturdy surface like a large table or hung from a stand. But no matter what, the cage must be placed away from direct sunlight and rain.
Would you like to take care of two or more Eastern Rosellas? For this, use a large cage or enclosure. You may also have a cage custom-built. The cage should have a bedding of coconut husks, bark, or wood shavings. These materials will absorb urine and odor plus are easy to remove when maintaining the cage. You may also use old newspapers, paper towels, or brown paper as your pet’s bedding.
Cleaning bird cages should be done at least once or two times a month. Remove the bird from the cage and place it in a secure area; you may place it in a separate cage to house it for the meantime.
Clean the cage with water, a scrubber, and some old rags. Remove food and water containers and clean these separately. Use a natural cleaning product that has disinfectant properties to remove dirt and smell. And if there are alive plants and trees inside the cage, remove dry leaves, and care for the tree or plant as you would your pet bird.
Health and Common Issues
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The Eastern Rosella is a healthy and hardy species but is not immune to common health issues. The following
Avian polyomavirus in birds
Avian polyomavirus is an infectious disease that can affect mammals and birds. This is a deadly disease common in young birds. This is highly contagious and may be passed on to other birds through droppings and touching infected birds.
Common symptoms of avian polyomavirus are diarrhea, weight loss, poor appetite, vomiting, swollen abdomen, and dehydration. To prevent avian polyomavirus, have your pet vaccinated against avian polyomavirus. This illness may be spread to humans, so have your pet checked and vaccinated early.
Bird fever or psittacosis in birds
Bird fever is another infectious disease common in most species of birds. This condition may be spread through contact with the droppings of infected specimens. Common symptoms of bird fever are watery and green droppings, discharge from the eyes and nose, difficulty in breathing, lack of appetite, and poor energy.
Bird fever must be treated right away because this is highly-contagious to humans. Also, pet owners should wear proper protective equipment when feeding their pets or cleaning their cages to avoid contracting this illness, especially when you suspect that your pet has it.
Birds with an imbalanced diet or don’t get nutrients from their diet may be suffering from malnutrition. Any of the illnesses mentioned may also contribute to malnutrition. Signs are lack of energy, feather stress bars, and dark feather colors.
To avoid malnutrition, your bird should get enough sunlight, especially when their cage is placed indoors. Use artificial birdcage lighting if you can’t take the bird outdoors.
Also, be very careful in changing the bird’s diet. Usually, birds may not eat new food and may starve. Take your bird to a vet to examine it for malnutrition after you have changed its diet.
Pacheco’s disease in birds
Pacheco’s disease is another dangerous disease caused by a type of herpes virus. The infected bird may spread this disease through contact with infected droppings and nasal discharges. The virus could stay dormant in birds but become activated when it is in stress.
Some stressful situations are moving, the death of a partner, and breeding. Symptoms include tremors, sinusitis, green-colored droppings, lethargy, anorexia, and death. Prevent the spread of Pacheco’s disease by placing suspected birds in quarantine. This is not contagious to humans but only to other birds in the cage or enclosure.
Giardia in birds
This is a parasitic infection that could be spread from one infected bird to another through cysts present in the bird’s feces. Usually, the cause is unclean water supply and may be passed on to humans if they drink from the same water source. Symptoms include diarrhea, weight loss, dry and itchy skin, and constipation. If you suspect giardia, take your bird to the vet as soon as you spot any symptoms.
Aside from the mentioned common health conditions, don’t hesitate to take your bird to the vet if you spot any of the following: Any strange appearance or stance like excessive plucking of feathers, hanging using its beak, trembling, walking in circles, changes in behavior or attitude and other physical changes. Note any change in its droppings, breathing, eating, head shape, feathers, legs, and feet should be reported immediately to the vet. Early prevention can prevent many diseases.
Preventive Care
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Just like any pet bird, eastern rosellas must undergo a complete physical examination once every 6 to 12 months. Take it to an avian veterinarian for proper care. If you have any concerns about the health of your bird, don’t hesitate to ask and avian vet. If this professional is not available in your area, consult a general vet, and get recommendations.
Your pet should take an annual fecal examination for possible yeast, parasites, and bacterial infection. Your pet may also receive vaccinations for polyomavirus and routine blood testing to make sure he’s negative for these common health conditions.
Eastern rosellas must have their nails and wings trimmed, and only an avian vet can help get these done with ease. You must also clean your bird’s cage regularly. Remove uneaten food, droppings, and wash the cage with a safe cleaning product or natural products. Clean the feeding and drinking dishes and all the bird’s toys and cage furniture as well. Doing these can help prevent the spread of illnesses and other health conditions.
Availability – Where to Get One?
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Eastern Rosellas are available for sale from a local breeder, or an avian pet store near you. You can purchase these from online exotic pet shops. The price for an Eastern Rosella online is from $100 to $200 depending on the gender, age, and overall appearance of the bird. This is one of the most expensive birds because of their lovely, exotic appearance.
Eastern Rosellas and other exotic birds are also available for adoption from bird adoption or rescue organizations. These groups help birds like rosellas find new and loving families and homes.
How to Care for an Eastern Rosella
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Eastern Rosellas have distinct physiologies and have unique requirements. Aside from interacting with your pet must commit to two hours of every day cage maintenance and feeding. You must never overlook caring for your pet bird because this will help develop your pet’s mental and physical condition.
Place your pet in a good-sized cage that’s comfortable and safe. The cage should be big enough to allow your bird to spread his wings without touching cage bars on either side. When creating a home for two or more birds, use a very large cage or a custom-made cage. Add natural branch perches and cage toys like woven toys, hoops, balls, mirrors, swings, and other similar items.
Always hold your pet regularly. This will create an improved bond between you and your pet. This bird looks delicate, but you’ll learn to handle it in no time. Use a glove to protect your hands from the bird’s sharp claws because, despite its size, the claws can be sharp. Also, teach other people who will be caring for your bird how to effectively hold it.
And when it comes to feeding a pet eastern rosella, give it appropriate bird food. You can use commercially-prepared food, fruits, and vegetable, but make sure you’re serving organic produce. Have a fixed feeding schedule so your pet won’t suffer from obesity and other conditions related to being overweight.
What do eastern rosellas eat?
Eastern rosellas can eat plants but can also nibble on small insects. In captivity, these birds can eat commercially-prepared food, nuts, seeds, plant parts, vegetables, and fruits; be careful when changing their diet because these birds may not eat when their food is changed.
Can you feed eastern rosellas fruit and vegetables?
Captive rosellas will eat fruits and vegetables. They will eat local produce, but it’s best to give them organic food, so these are free from pesticides, herbicides, and toxins.
How do eastern rosellas drink water?
You can place water in a large container and just let the bird hop in or stay on edge to take a sip. You may also offer water-rich foods like fruits and vegetables, so they will have enough water in their diet.
Can you give eastern rosellas treats?
It depends on what treats you’re talking about. If you are referring to candy or chocolates, then this is a no-no. Offer fruits as a treat or how about pureed fruits like jams. Place treats on the tip of a stick and just offer this when your pet has done a good job just like you would give a treat to a dog or cat.
How do you place eastern rosella food inside the cage?
An eastern rosella can take food from a dish. If you’re housing two or more birds in one cage, place food in a wide mouth heavy bowl. The birds will come together and eat here, and this can be a good way to enhance the social behavior of your pet.
Can eastern rosellas drink from a pot of water?
Yes, rosellas can drink socially as well. Place water in a heavy pot and just let this remain in the middle of the cage. The birds will come and drink or may even use this to take a splash of water.
Will eastern rosellas eat cookies?
Yes, they may eat cookies but offer them organic made cookies and not chocolate chip, mint, or other store-bought cookies that may contain ingredients that are not good for your pets.
Where do you place the cage of your eastern rosellas?
Choose an indoor or outdoor setting for your birdcage. No matter what setup you chose, the cage must not be exposed to direct sunlight and must have a good roof to avoid rain from coming in.
How do you clean the cage of eastern rosellas?
To clean the cage of eastern rosellas, remove the bird and hose down the cage to remove dirt, food remnants, poop, and pee. Remove and replace the bedding to clean the cage completely. Using natural cleaning products allows you to clean without affecting the health of your pet.
Are eastern rosellas related to common rosellas?
Yes, eastern rosellas are related to common rosellas in a way that eastern rosellas are their close relative. If you compare the two, you can see that both have almost the same plumage, the shape of the body, head, and bill and may also have the same behavior and temperament.
Can you house two to three different rosella species in one cage?
Yes, you can house two or three or even more rosellas in one cage. Rosellas are like other parrots that they can socialize well with the same and different species.
Are eastern rosellas territorial?
No, eastern rosellas are not territorial. They will not compete for territory, but they may compete for a mate. Some rosellas may fight till the death if this is what it takes to get a female.
Will eastern rosellas males fight over females?
Yes, eastern rosellas can fight for a female, and this usually ends up with one male bloodied and weak.
Will eastern rosellas bite?
Yes, these birds may bite when they feel threatened. To avoid this, interact with your pet frequently. Don’t just leave your pet on its own inside its cage. But do give your pet some time to grow accustomed to its cage or a new environment, and surely it will warm up to you in no time.
Do eastern rosellas have sharp claws?
Yes, eastern rosellas have sharp claws, and they can use this to defend themselves. So don’t make your pet angry or irritate it; maintain a calm environment so sit can avoid aggressive behavior.
Can eastern rosellas pluck their feathers?
Feather plucking is a common sign that your pet is stressed. Sometimes, stress can be too much to your pet, and thus it can pluck its feathers too much, creating bald spots and areas on its body and wings. To stop this,
Can you place a pair of male and female eastern rosellas together in one cage?
Yes, you can place a pair of male and female eastern rosellas in one cage, but come breeding time, these two will likely mate. You may also place two males and two females or have a cage with several males and females as long as the cage is large and can accommodate all your pet birds.
When are eastern rosellas ready to mate?
Eastern rosellas are ready to mate in just a few months after birth. Females mature earlier than males and are larger than their male counterparts. Females are duller than males as well.
How many eggs do eastern rosellas lay?
Eastern rosellas can lay from 3 to 5 eggs in a clutch. You can tell that the female is ready to lay her eggs when she is arranging her nest; she will use grass, twigs, mud and dried leaves and will make their nests in empty or hollow tree trunks
Can you take the eggs of an eastern rosella from the wild to raise them?
Yes, you can take eggs from a nest of a wild eastern rosella and incubate them at home, provided you incubate these properly. Place the eggs in a warm and safe environment.
How do you incubate the eggs of an eastern rosella?
Prepare a nest made from soft old clothes and place these inside a shoebox. Place the eggs under strong warm lighting and keep these wrapped in cloth. These will hatch in a week or so.
Are eastern rosella males helpful in feeding their young?
Yes, eastern rosella males are also involved in raising his offspring. He does this by foraging for food and taking the food to feed his mate. Since the female cannot leave the nest, the male has to bring her food and preen with her.
Are female eastern rosellas protective of her young?
Yes, the female eastern rosellas are very protective of her newborns by not leaving the nest. She will only get out of the nest to stretch, eat a little and defecate, but other than this, she is on patrol all day and all night.
How long with an eastern rosella egg hatch?
The eggs of an eastern rosella will hatch in just a week or two, and this depends on the temperature and the readiness of the chick to hatch. The eggs are usually round and are white to pale white in color, and when chicks hatch these are naked, blind and helpless.
What happens if your eastern rosellas won’t mate?
If your eastern rosella doesn’t mate, give it time. It may need to wait till the next breeding season to mate. And of course, consider that every bird has its own time, and your pet may just be waiting for his or her time as well.
How young do chicks leave the nest?
Just like most parrots, the eastern rosella chick may leave after it has grown all his feathers and are able to fly successfully. It can take four to five weeks for a chick to leave, and usually, the eldest chick is the first one to do so.
Are eastern rosellas ready to fly when they leave the nest?
Usually, eastern rosellas are ready to fly when they leave the nest. They have to learn how to fly because this is their means to escape predators and look for food. A chick that’s unable to fly may find himself alone in his nest as his parents have already left thinking that their babies are already ready to live on their own.
Where can I find eastern rosella nests?
Eastern rosella nests are mostly found in trees, especially in trees with a hollow portion. The birds will use this hole to make a nest; the mother will line the nest with soft items like grass, mud, small stems, and leaves to make it more comfortable and cold-resistant.
How do females make their nests?
Females will usually use anything to make their nests, but if given a wide variety of materials, the female will use twigs, hay, mud, stems, tree bark, leaves, and other handy building material as their nest.
Will female eastern rosellas eat their young?
Some pet owners have noticed this behavior in most parrot species, but they are unaware of why it is done. Most say that this is a way for the bird to show their insecurity. Some say that this is a sign of dominance, but no matter what, remove the female or male that does this and just care for the eggs instead. Females who do this should not be allowed to breed.
How do eastern rosellas look for food?
Eastern rosellas forage for food; they may look food in trees, on forest grounds, or near water sources since this is where insects abound.
Do eastern rosellas have other colors?
No, eastern rosellas don’t have any other color combinations. The red head and colorful body, wings, and abdomen are similar to all eastern rosellas.
How can you tell male from female eastern rosellas?
Female rosellas and male rosellas seem to be very similar, but actually, there are some slight differences. Males have brighter colors, while females are dull in appearance. Males are also smaller than females. You may also ask a vet to determine the gender of your pet eastern rosella.
Eastern Rosella Diet - Parrot World
Parrots are the most favored companion-pet across the globe and a whopping one-sixth of the whole species belong to the Australian continent. So, when it comes to choosing a great companion, everyone searches for the most famous or beautiful Australian parrots. And the list is never complete without the mention of Eastern Rosellas.
Eastern Rosellas are medium-sized vividly colored parrots that are an extremely common sighting in Australia. Even these birds aren’t afraid of human presence since they come quite close and let the people feed them. Where living in the wild gives all of them an opportunity to pick and choose what they like. But living as pets, they are totally dependent on their owners to care for their well-being. And diet ranks at the top if one has to keep his pet healthy and hearty.
Habitat decides the diet of any being. And while living in the wilderness, Eastern Rosellas choose to live in the open savannahs, bushlands, or farmlands. When living close to city establishment, they frequent the parks, backyards, or golf courses. The reason being all these places have enough of their favorite food supplies. They simply love to raid the ground of all these places.
Seeds are Eastern Rosella’s favorite food and if they are from Eucalyptus, they are the happiest beings. Easterns love to gorge on the seeds of this tree and a flock of them can easily be spotted in regions where Eucalyptus are in abundance. Instead of feeding on the trees itself, these birds prefer to feed on the seeds fallen on the ground beneath and are thereby famous as ground feeders. Apart from the forest areas, they also love to feed on the seeds from the pastures, lawns, or such other cleared areas.
Fruits are Eastern’s other favorite in the wild. They love eating blueberries, cherries, berries, etc. in the wild. They also love feeding on the nectar of the flowers of the fruits. One might spot them in the orchards on the outskirts of the city.
Insects are a staple for Eastern Rosellas in the wild and they simply love having them live. Worms like mealworm and insect larvae are their favorite. It also fulfills their daily protein dietary needs.
Eastern Rosella Diet in CaptivityLiving in captivity, Eastern Rosellas are completely dependent on their owners for a healthy and balanced diet. And if they are fed that way, they live longer than in the wild.
Since seeds are Easterns favorite, serving them a portion of these in captivity keeps the bird happy along with being healthy. Though Eucalyptus are their preference in the wilderness, they love gorging on oats, sunflower, quinoa, safflower, barley, et al at home. To prevent boredom from kicking in, serve them a mix of any two or three of them and keep rotating the alternatives.
Seeds are high in fat and can cause obesity if fed in excess. So, moderation is the key. Serving a spoonful or two every day is just enough to maintain an optimum nutrient profile. To reduce the fat content further, serve them as sprouts. Or soak them for sometime before serving.
Pellets are an indispensable part of any pet bird’s daily diet forming the majority of his daily food bowl. The reason is that they have everything that a bird’s diet might be lacking in. There are many good quality brands of pellets that one can get his hands on online or in a pet store.
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Fresh FruitsEastern’s love for fruits stays the same even in captivity. Feed them a dose of fresh fruits and they will be more than happy. Some of their favorite fruits that are also easily available across the globe are apples, berries, bananas, papaya, peaches, cranberries, kiwi, mango, oranges, grapes, pears, etc.
Serve these fruits in bite-sized pieces that are easy to chew or serve them pureed. Or one can find another alternative way that his bird likes the fruit platter.
Just like fruits, vegetables are essential to complete the nutrient profile in Eastern’s diet. Feed him the dark-colored vegetables for his daily Vitamin A, K needs. It includes vegetables like sweet potatoes, carrots, winter squash, etc.
The green vegetables like spinach and broccoli are a must for the bird’s calcium needs. Additionally, collard greens, corn, sweet peas, kale, beet greens, cucumber, cauliflower, sweet bell peppers, etc. can also be served for keeping the bird interested in a tasty and colorful yet healthy plate.
When in the wild, Easterns love having nuts. And serving them in captivity isn’t a bad idea either as they are rich in fatty acids that support healthy brain functioning. Walnuts, almonds, cashews, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts, pecans, etc. serve as a great option.
Easterns have a natural liking towards eating insects and if served in captivity too, it becomes their favorite meal for obvious reasons. Many owners prefer keeping their birds feel-at-home by replicating their feeding habits as in the wild along with other such things. To find live insects, the backyard is the best place. If that is not the possibility, raid any public park to find them in plenty.
One must-have that even goes unsaid is feeding freshwater to the bird. To keep the bird’s body hydrated, a drinkable freshwater is necessary at all times. One can place a bowl inside the bird’s cage and ensure that it is refilled again and again. It must never run out of supply especially in summers.
An important thing is to ensure that water must be of drinkable quality and hence must be free from all the chemicals and trace elements. Hence, filtered or boiled water must be used to avoid any water-related diseases.
Cuttlebone is a must for Easterns like any other pet parrot species. Chewing on it helps in restoring the calcium reserves in the bird’s body, especially females as they are prone to calcium deficiency during the egg-laying process.
What not to Feed Eastern RosellaJust as some foods are completely off-the-list for humans, Eastern Rosellas shouldn’t be fed something that he has not been made to digest naturally. And for some foods, the quantity also matters. The lesser they are fed, the better.
Toxic Drinks
There are many drinks that must not be fed to these birds as they can prove toxic to them. And the most notable one among that list is alcohol. Any drink that contains alcohol, pure or diluted, must never be served to Easterns.
The next kind of drink that can prove harmful for the bird is every drink that has caffeine. Coffee, tea, energy drinks, or carbonated drinks are all harmful to the bird’s system as it is a psychoactive drug.
Toxic Foods
There are many foods that are toxic to Eastern Rosellas and must not be fed to the bird. Pitted fruits like avocado or plums should not be fed to Easterns as they contain a substance that is cyanide-like. Also, fruits that have oxalic acid like rhubarb are also poisonous for the bird. And lastly, mushrooms and chocolate must be off the Eastern’s food list.
Excess Dairy
Dairy needs a very strong metabolism to get digested and with that small body, Eastern’s lack it. Feeding the bird a small cheese cube once in a while is totally okay but feeding him, say milk or yogurt, daily in large quantities will make the bird fall sick rather sooner.
- Seed mix must be preferably prepared at home as the market-made mix as it is high in added preservatives and inorganic additives.
- Serve all the fruits freshly cut. And discard the foods if kept uneaten by the bird for more than a day. The chances are very high that it has grown bacteria.
- Remove the seeds and pits of all the fruits before feeding them to the bird. The bird might choke on it accidentally.
- Serve all the nuts unsalted. Also, do not overdo in serving them as they are high in fats and hence, can make the bird obese. Serve half an almond or a pine nut, preferably as a reward to the bird.
- Wash all the dishes, namely fruits, vegetables, and water, for a great hygienic diet.
- Always keep a backup food and water bowls in the bird’s cage, especially in summers as the bird’s metabolism is high in hot weather.
Summing Up
Adopting a pet Eastern Rosella is becoming more common these days due to a spike in their popularity courtesy his colorful personality. Though native to the Australian continent, they can be easily spotted in mushy woodlands and fruity backyards across the globe. When kept as a pet, they are not that high maintenance as other pets like cats or dogs, in dietary needs context. Having a small serving of their favorite fruits and vegetables keeps the bird healthy and hearty. And it is a cherry on the cake if they get an occasional dose of their favorite nuts or insects every now and then.
Read more about Eastern Rosella Color And Mutations:
Rosella parrot
Rosella parrot has one interesting difference from other representatives of this order of birds. They are owners of feathers with a scaly color.
Rosella parrot appearance:
- Rosella has a long wide stepped tail with four central feathers of the same size.
- The average size of parrots is 25 - 35 centimeters.
- The chest, neck, head and undertail are red in representatives of this parrot species. The feathers on the upper side of the back are black with a yellow-green border. The edges of the tail and sides are blue, and the belly is yellow.
- The eyes of are dark brown, while the legs and beak are dark brown. Such a colorful plumage gives the bird a funny charming look that attracts lovers of the exotic and birds.
- Rosella parrot - maintenance
- Rosella parrot - domestication
- Rosella parrot - breeding
Rosellas fly in a peculiar way. They quickly flap their wings, while moving over relatively short distances. Juveniles differ from adults in a duller color. nine0003
The origin of the Rosella parrot
These parrots are indigenous to Australia, far from us. Only a few species are found in the area of the island of Tasmania and the territories adjacent to it.
Raising a parrot Rosella
With the right approach to raising birds, you can learn to pronounce words and even sing simple songs. Rosellas have a loud but very gentle voice. Flute and whistle sounds predominate.
Parrots are best taken as chicks, then they quickly get used to the person and are more receptive to learning. nine0003
Rosella Parrot Cage
In order for the Rosella parrot to feel comfortable in captivity, it must have a spacious room. For certain species, cages, or, more simply, enclosures, should reach up to 4 meters in width and up to 1.5 meters in height.
This is explained by the increased need of parrots of this species for flights. With limited living space, parrots become less viable. And you are unlikely to wait for offspring from them. nine0003
It is desirable to purchase a cage such that the bottom can be pulled out. So it will be more convenient for you to maintain order in the home of birds. "On the floor" parrots should have a flooring made of sawdust or clean river sand.
A distance of at least two centimeters must be maintained between the bars of the cage. When choosing a cage, you must be sure that lead is not present in its color. Lead is poisonous to parrots.
The cage should have perches that are large enough to allow the parrot to sit quietly without completely wrapping around the perch. Branches of oak, birch or beech can serve as perches. It is not necessary to peel the branches from the bark. nine0003
Keeping a Rosella parrot
Parrots should be kept in a clean and dry environment, as they cannot tolerate dampness. However, it should be borne in mind that the Rosellas are clean and love to swim.
Vessels suitable for the size of the parrot and filled with clean water are intended for this purpose. This type of parrot tolerates temperatures up to -20 degrees. Only the cage should be protected from the wind.
Keep in mind that they can freeze your fingers. Optimally and without harmful consequences, temperatures up to -10 degrees are tolerated by birds. nine0003
The humidity level in the parrot room should not exceed 50 - 70%. Birds should not be deprived of the opportunity to sunbathe or hide in saving shade, solely at their request.
The room must be ventilated. Don't forget to take care of additional lighting. In winter, the parrot will need to extend the daytime to 18 hours a day.
Feeding Rosella
The main food of captive parrots is all varieties of cereals. In addition, it is necessary to include more vitamins and animal feed in the diet. nine0003
Some types of Rosella are happy to eat bloodworms, mealworms, egg mixture. It is especially important that animal food is present in the menu of chicks. If Rosellas do not receive enough animal protein, they may give up laying or rearing.
Parrots should not be left without a fruit diet. You can give gnaw twigs. The norm of nutrition is two tablespoons of food per day.
In order to carry out prevention of helminthic diseases parrots are given piperazine for a week. The normal dose is 1/6 tablet per individual per day.
Reproduction Rosella
During the mating season, when the male takes care of the female, he reproduces a peculiar guttural sound, as well as muttering like a gentle whisper. For full reproduction in the aviary, you will need to leave one pair of parrots.
The dimensions of the house , which is suitable as a nest, are approximately the following: 25X25X40 cm or 30X30X45 cm. The diameter of the notch is at least 8 - 9see for all types of parrots. The depth of the nest does not prevent the birds from easily getting to the notch.
Clutch averages 4 to 8 eggs. Litter - a layer of sawdust, wood dust or a mixture of peat with sawdust.
Rosella hatch their chicks for a little over three weeks. Hatched chicks are blind, covered with thick down. At first, only the female feeds the chicks, after a few days the male joins this business.
When the chicks are 28-35 days old they leave the nest. But they remain under the care of their parents for another three weeks. nine0003
Rosella parrots nest twice a year. Young birds molt to adult coloration in the second year of life.
Reach sexual maturity by one and a half years of age. If Rozzel is properly fed, provides them with good care and care, and picks up a good pair, then they can incubate not only their own, but also other people's eggs.
There are 6 types of Rosella parrots. The main differences between the varieties of Rozzel are the color of the plumage and the size of the birds. The most popular among lovers of representatives of exotic nature is the Motley Rosella. nine0003
They are less whimsical in keeping and are more common in natural conditions.
When choosing a Rosella parrot as a pet, pay attention to its appearance. The plumage should be without bald spots, have a neat appearance. The behavior of the parrot should be active. Do not buy a sluggish bird with untidy plumage.
Rosella parrot, photo, maintenance, care, types.

Rosella parrot
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Rosella parrots are birds of medium size
with body length from 25 to 35 cm. from the central ones. There is a notch on the upper beak, not far from its end
, and on the cheeks there is a large yellow, white or
blue spot. They live mainly in Australia, and only a few
species live on the island of Tasmania and a number of other smaller nearby
islands. Well adapted to movement on the ground,
deftly run and maneuver among grassy vegetation. Among the types of rosella, the most common are the
variegated, penate, northern, pale-headed
rosella and Tasmanian rosella.
Rosella parrot - maintenance
These birds feed on seeds in nature
wild herbs and cultivated plants, as well as insects and
various fruits. Rosellas are very popular with bird lovers, they live
for a long time in a cage. During the acclimatization period, they are very tender, but then
become unpretentious and feel good when feeding
with a grain mixture with the addition of other feeds:
milky or soaked corn, various juicy fruits, berries and
flour worms. When giving a new, previously unfamiliar food, they should
start with small portions so that the birds do not disturb digestion,
which can even lead to their death.
Pale-headed rosella
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All types of rosella are fed quite
in the same way, with the possible exception of yellow-cheeked rosella. This is the
smallest species in the genus, which has the weakest beak, and therefore the
food available to these
parrots should be the smallest -
millet, mogar, canary seed, etc. amount of vitamin feed and feed
animal origin. Some birds willingly eat mealworms,
bloodworms, as well as egg mixture. If the pets do not take the specified food,
must be taught to this, starting with the egg mixture and gradually adding various insects and other
to its composition.
Animal food is especially necessary when feeding chicks. In the event of a shortage of animal proteins in the diet
, some rosella parrots stop feeding their chicks or
quit incubating their clutches.
When kept in captivity, all types of rosella
need fairly spacious premises, the length of which, for some of their species, must be at least 3-4 m, and the width and height of
1-1.5 m. This is due to the great need of these parrots for
flight. Otherwise, ie, when they are kept in cramped quarters, successful breeding
usually occurs rarely, and the birds themselves become less viable. In the cage, Rosella should have different perches,
ladders, toys, mirrors. More often the bird should be let out in the room to fly. nine0035 At the same time, the humidity in the room should not be too high. If there is fresh water in
dishes of the appropriate size, rosella parrots willingly bathe in it. A number of 90,035 species of this genus of parrots are able to winter in 90,035 open-air enclosures protected from the wind. True, at very low temperatures, up to -20 ° C
, freezing of fingers is possible. Temperatures up to -10 C are tolerated without significant consequences.
Rosella parrot - domestication
Green rosella
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In general, taming rosella is not difficult. These birds show friendliness to
people, try to please them. However, there are
a number of problems that are the result of a fairly developed
intelligence of a bird - they are trying to study everything around, so they can
get into a situation that is dangerous for their lives. That's why caring for a
rosella parrot should also include cleaning up all dangerous items
when walking around the room. nine0003
It is not recommended to have these birds for those who have not yet dealt with parrots.
The fact is that Rosellas, who are accustomed to communication, in the future can no longer
do without human attention for a long time
. If the pet is left alone, then he will make
loud noises or spoil your things. Roselles must always have something to chew on, otherwise furniture, books, and even your shoes will suffer.
Regarding keeping rosella with other pets,
then they get along quite normally with cats and dogs, preferring to ignore each other.
However, it is not worth keeping a rosella and a budgerigar in the same cage. If Rosella
suddenly loses her temper, then the little bird will have no chance.
Rosella parrot - breeding
Red Rosella
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In captivity, Rosella,
is usually difficult to breed. The male and female have almost the same coloration
, and not always a brightly colored individual is
is male, and the paler one is female, so very often amateur
keeps same-sex birds and does not succeed. However, with a successful selection of a pair, the mating of the birds proceeds successfully, and after the female
lays eggs, they incubate them diligently and together feed
chicks until they leave the nest.
Rosellas willingly feed
foreign chicks, and therefore many of them can be used in
as foster parents. For breeding in the aviary leave
one pair of these parrots. Sometimes, with sufficient room sizes,
other types of parrots, unrelated, for example,
cockatiels or
budgerigars, are planted next to them. House
sized 25x25x40 cm or 30x30x45 cm is suitable as a nesting place, depending on the size of the birds. A yellow-cheeked rosella is suitable for a nesting house 22x22x30 cm.0003
Yellow-cheeked rosella
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the clutch is usually 4-6, occasionally 7-8 eggs. In some types of rosella, the color of the
egg shell is cream. Incubation lasts 20-22 days. Chicks
hatch covered with thick down, blind. In the first days they are fed in
mainly by the female, in the future - by both parents. At the age of 28-35 days,
chicks leave the nest, but for another 2-3 weeks their parents take care of them. According to
coloring, the chicks are mostly similar to their parents, but more dull
painted. In an adult outfit, they usually dress in the second year of life.
Sexual maturity is reached by 15 - 18 months. These birds usually nest 2 times
per year.
Briefly consider
varieties of this bird.
Pale-headed rosella
lives in the north-east of Australia: Queensland and New South Wales.
Body length 30-33 cm, tail 14-17 cm. The upper back has
black plumage with a yellow border. Head coloration light yellow
colors, white cheeks. The lower back, most of the wings and
uppertail are blue or greenish-blue, the undertail is red. The belly
is pale yellow with a bluish or reddish tinge.
Middle tail feathers are greenish-blue, outer ones are blue with
white tips. Males and females have the same coloration, but male
has a larger head and a thicker beak.
Black-headed Rosella
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0035 feed on the seeds of various plants. Sometimes they fly into the fields of
sunflower and corn, vegetable plantations. Pale-headed parrots
rosella also like to eat
small insects. Tree trunks, hollows of thick branches and other shelters serve as nests. The female lays 3-6, sometimes 8 white eggs with
intervals of 1-2 days. Incubation lasts 22-24 days. After 33-40 days,
feathered chicks fly out of the nest. This is one of the best known
species and is easy to keep in captivity. nine0003
Yellow-bellied rosella lives naturally on the island of Tasmania and in Australia.
Body length 34-36 cm, tail 15-17 cm. Coloration has many different
tones and shades. Some have brown upperparts with blue border
. The neck, chest and crown are yellow-green, and the throat is blue. Forehead
red. In others, the neck, head, and abdomen are bright yellow. The forehead is also
red, and the shoulders are black-brown with a green border. Males are slightly larger than females
, females have a less intense throat color with orange
ebb. Parrots are very resistant to low temperatures, they can be kept for the whole year
in garden enclosures in the open air, in which
there must be closed rooms where parrots can hide from
bad weather. At home, these rosella parrots behave calmly and
are quickly tamed. They are very peaceful towards other
calm parrots. They breed well in captivity.
At the age of
two years they are capable of breeding. The female lays 5-6 eggs and
incubates them, blind chicks hatch after three weeks.
Chicks begin to see through in 10 days. By about a month of age, they
Rosella motley
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Black-headed rosella. Black head,
forehead and lower tail coverts red, cheeks white with blue edging
on their lower side. The lower back, rump and underside of the
body are light yellow. Nape, upper back, shoulders black with
with light yellow borders on the feathers, so the plumage is
"scaly" in these areas. Upper and lower wing coverts are blue.
The female has a blackish-brown head, the rest of the plumage
is grayish-yellow. Distributed in the northern part of Australia, where
keeps along the banks of rivers overgrown with eucalyptus trees, and on the sea coast
- in mangroves. The main food is
seeds of herbs and shrubs, mainly acacias. Besides, she,
, like all rosellas, loves fruits, insects and their larvae.
Rosella green. Body length 34-36 cm,
tail 15-17 cm. Plumage coloration has many different tones and shades. Some
upper parts of the body are brown with a blue border. The neck, chest and crown are yellow-green,
and the throat is blue. The forehead is red. In others, the neck, head, and abdomen are bright yellow.
The forehead is also red, and the shoulders are black-brown with a green border.
Males slightly larger than females, females have a less intense throat color with an orange tint. nine0035 Lives in Australia and the island of Tasmania. Clutch contains 5-6 eggs. Incubation lasts 3 weeks.
The chicks hatch blind and see in 10 days. By about
months of age, they fledge. Easily tamed, has a peaceful calm character,
is not loud, but is kept less often than other rosellas.
Rosella chicks
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Red Rosella . Body length 32-36 cm, tail
15-17 cm; weight about 55-65 g. The color is variegated. Head and thorax red, bluish-white cheeks,
green underbody, black back, green and white tail, blue wings.
Males and females do not differ from each other. Lives in the east and south of
Australia and adjacent islands. Inhabit coastal areas and avoid
arid places. They keep in packs. They nest in hollows of trees, lay
eggs at the bottom of the hollow. Clutch of 4-8 cream-colored eggs. Incubation lasts 90,035 about 22-24 days. After 30 days, the chicks fly out of the nest.
Parents feed them for another 2-3 weeks. Have a calm disposition, trusting
to a person. Life expectancy is about 25-35 years. In captivity, they breed very rarely, as clutches or chicks are often abandoned.
Yellow-cheeked Rosella . The smallest of all rosellas,
body length 27-28 cm, tail 14 cm. Plumage color in red, black and yellow tones.
The cheeks are light yellow or yellow, for which the parrot got its name.
The feathers on the upper part of the back are black, with a border of red, green and yellow,
and green on the underside. There is a blue stripe along the edges of the wing. Neck, head, crop and abdomen,
including undertail, bright red. The female is markedly different from the male. All her colors are
paler, and instead of red, orange or brick, her cheeks are dirty yellow. The upper part of the body
is brown-green, the mottling is not so clearly defined as in the male. Lives in east
and south of Australia and adjacent islands. Despite the fact that large flocks of
rosellas cause harm when they come to feed on fields sown with agricultural crops,
people do not pursue them. Clutch contains 4-6 white eggs. Incubation lasts 22-24 days. male at
this time feeds the female. The chicks stay in the nest for 30-35 days, after that they leave it,
but the parents take care and feed them for another 2-3 weeks. Easily tamed,
has a peaceful, calm nature. Easier than other rosellas to breed in captivity.
Rosella at the nest
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Rosella motley . There are 3 subspecies of these
parrots that inhabit the southeastern part of Australia and the island of Tasmania. Distributed over
southeast Australia and Tasmania. This is a small parrot, about the size of a thrush.
The length of the body is 32 cm, and the wings are about 11 cm. These birds have beautiful plumage. The upper back of
is black, but each feather is edged with green-yellow, the lower back is greenish-yellow.
Neck and chest bright red, lower chest bright yellow. Abdomen, rump and
femora light green. The wings are lilac-blue with black spots, the tail feathers are blue, lighter at the ends and with white spots at the ends of the lateral feathers. nine0035 Uppertail beautiful light green. The coloration of females is duller.
Under natural conditions, these parrots live in open landscapes.
They feed on seeds of wild and cultivated herbs - clover, alfalfa, wheat, fruits
- pears and apples.
May be harmful to crops, but also beneficial by destroying weeds and eating harmful insects.
They build their nests in the voids of large branches, but they can also nest in empty rabbit holes,
bee-eaters located in steep clay banks, they even nest on poles and fences. nine0035 These parrots can be kept both at home and in the zoo corners of schools, kindergartens in
spacious cages or aviaries. They quickly get used to a person, behave calmly, not loudly,
but can be aggressive towards other birds, so it is better to keep them separately from them.
These parrots are very fond of swimming, for this they need to put water in wide baths
2-3 cm deep.0119
Rosella motley food - all kinds of
grain food, fruits and vegetables, various greens. It is very good to periodically
give them several pieces of flour worms, and while feeding
daily and in larger quantities. During this period, egg feed
, white bread soaked in milk, and more greens should be given regularly. The best food during the breeding season is half-ripe panicles of millet, canary seed, panicles of various weeds and
corn cobs. You can feed them with a grain mixture of millet, oats,
wheat with a small amount of hemp. Grain can be given dry and sprouted. They also love pine nuts, rowan berries and fruits, as well as greenery,
willow branches. During the nesting period, ant eggs
should be added to soft food, they also need mineral supplements.
Variegated rosella is an inhabitant of
open spaces. At home, this is one of the most common birds.
With the same success, rosellas settle in savannahs, and in large parks, and in
places with intense human activity. They feed on the fruits and seeds of wild plants and agricultural crops. Despite
the last factor, rosella parrots are not persecuted by people, since they feed on weed seeds for most of the year, as well as small insects.