Why does baby pull off breast when feeding
My baby fusses or cries when breastfeeding
By Kelly Bonyata, BS, IBCLC
© Lsantilli - Fotolia.com
Some babies will fuss, cry or pull off the breast during breastfeeding. There are a number of reasons why this might be happening. It’s pretty common to see this type of behavior at around 6-8 weeks, though it can occur at any time. If your baby is generally fussy (not just when nursing) see My baby is fussy! Is something wrong?
Determining the problem
Here are some of the problem-solving steps I go through when my baby is fussy at the breast or a mother asks me why her baby is fussing while breastfeeding:
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How old is baby? Most babies go through growth spurts during the first few days at home and around 7-10 days, 2-3 weeks, 4-6 weeks, 3 months, 4 months, 6 months, 9 months, etc. Many babies are fussy during growth spurts.
Is baby working on anything new developmentally? Babies who are starting to notice the world around them can be notoriously distractible. Any kind of new developmental step that baby is working on can affect nursing temporarily, whether it be fussy nursing behavior or simply more frequent nursing.
When is baby fussing? To figure out the cause it’s helpful to pay attention to when the fussy behavior happens, both during the nursing session and during the day.
If baby is fussy right when your milk is letting down (or immediately after), there’s a good chance that the fussy nursing is related to a fast let-down. If baby is fussy before let-down, or a few minutes into nursing (and a while after let-down), then baby may be impatient for the fast flow of milk that comes with let-down. Fussing at the end of a nursing session (or what seems to be the end) may mean that baby needs to burp, or is ready to finish nursing, or just wants to suck (and doesn’t want to deal with a new let-down at this point), or wants to continue nursing on the other side or with a faster flow of milk.
If the fussy behavior is mainly in the mornings, it might be due to a faster than usual let-down if baby has just had a longer sleep period and mom’s breasts are fuller than usual. If baby is fussier during evening nursings, it may be due to the normal fussy time that most babies have during the evening. Although most babies don’t react to foods that mom eats, some do. If you eat a particular food at about the same time each day (or most days) and baby has a regular time where she fusses during nursing, try not eating that food for a week or two to see if things improve.
Does fussing occur on both sides equally or only on one side? Most moms have a faster let-down and/or a more abundant milk supply on one side than the other, so if your baby fusses more on one side, it may be due to these differences.
What else is going on with baby? Is she sick or teething? Is something new or different going on in her environment? Has she started solids or is she trying a new food? Is she exhibiting other symptoms besides the fussy nursing?
Below are discussions of some of the different things that can lead to fussy nursing behavior. Keep in mind that the problem may also be a combination of several things.
Does baby need to burp?
Many babies will cry, fuss, pull off the breast, etc. if they need to burp. Try to burp between breasts and after a feeding, but don’t worry if baby does not burp and is content. Breastfed babies overall don’t take in as much air during a feeding as bottle-fed babies do, so usually don’t need to burp as often. If baby has been crying before she nurses, or is so hungry that she nurses “frantically” or if mom has a fast let-down, baby could be taking in more air and may need to be burped more often.
Burping is usually only necessary during the first few months, though it may extend longer. Once your baby is moving more freely, she will be able to relieve the gastric gas herself. This usually will occur between the 4th and 6th month, but may be shorter in some children and longer in others.
If baby has a hard time burping, try burping more often during a feeding. The best burping position is one that applies firm pressure to the baby’s tummy. Placing baby over the shoulder way up so that there is pressure on baby’s abdomen often works well. Walking around while doing this might distract her long enough to get a good burp. You may even want to lie baby down on her stomach and burp her that way.
Growth spurt
Babies often pull off and fuss during growth spurts. Most babies go through growth spurts, sometimes called frequency days, during the first few days at home and around 7-10 days, 2-3 weeks, 4-6 weeks, 3 months, 4 months, 6 months and 9 months (more or less). More growth spurt information in this link.
Distractible baby
If baby seems to be pulling off the breast at any distraction (real or imaginary), then see The Distractible Baby.
Forceful let-down
Some babies will pull off the breast soon after let-down if mom has a forceful let-down. Baby may be frustrated by the too-fast flow of milk with let-down. A too-forceful let-down can also cause excessive gas or spitting up/vomiting. There is more information here on symptoms of and how to deal with a fast let-down reflex.
Slow let-down
Some babies get very impatient if mom has a slow let-down. There is more information here on speeding up a slow let-down reflex.
Baby wants a faster milk flow
Even very young babies can be quick to notice that pulling off, kneading the breast, etc. can cause an additional let-down, and can facilitate a faster, easier milk flow. Some babies become impatient with the slower milk flow following the initial fast flow at let-down. This may or may not be related to a slow let-down.
When a feeding begins at the breast there are drops of milk. Then when the initial let-down occurs (several seconds to a minute into the feeding), the milk flow speeds up quite a bit. At that time it may drip very quickly, squirt, or even spray. Some minutes later it slows again and the baby must continue to suck vigorously in order to elicit further let-downs. This pattern can continue through successive, multiple let-downs as long as the baby is continuing to nurse vigorously. Eventually, baby will learn that the flow will pick back up again if she’ll only continue to vigorously suck/swallow.
With bottle feeding, the flow is instant and continuous. The baby is required to work very little. Once a baby has had a bottle, especially a lot of bottles, she may begin to prefer the ease of bottle-feeding over the work of breastfeeding. She may become frustrated at the breast after the first let-down occurs and the flow of milk begins to slow.
If baby is getting bottles you might consider putting them away, at least for a while. When you must use a bottle, only use a newborn nipple for as long as baby will tolerate it so that she never gets a really fast flow of milk from the bottle, but has to work a little more to get the milk.
Sometimes babies of moms with oversupply or fast let-down will also get very used to the fast flow and object when it normally slows somewhere between 3 weeks to 3 months.
It can be helpful to do some breast compression when this fussiness starts or right before you expect it to. This will help speed up the milk flow again. Once compression stops helping, try switching baby to the other side when she begins to fuss and back and forth again (after using compression) as you need to.
Baby is done nursing for the moment
If baby is fussing after she’s been nursing for a while, and you’ve ruled out other causes, she may be in the process of changing her nursing pattern. Babies become very efficient at the breast with growth and maturity. They can milk the breast in a lot less time per feeding session than they required before. Baby’s frustration may just be a sign that she’s finished and wants to move on.
On a similar note, an occasional baby will just want to suck at the end of a nursing session and the flow of milk with let-down frustrates her. You might see if offering her a finger or pacifier (if baby is older than 4-6 weeks) to suck on during these times seems to help.
Baby prefers one side
Sometimes babies will refuse or fuss at a breast when the let-down is slower or too forceful, or the supply a bit lower. They in turn will prefer the side which lets down more/less quickly and in which the supply is more bountiful. See also: Lopsided! What can I do?
Fussy in the evening
Many young babies tend to pull off and fuss at the breast in the evening. See the article Cluster Feeding and Fussy Evenings.
Teething can cause fussy nursing behavior, as some babies experience gum discomfort with sucking. Baby might start to nurse, but then pull off and cry or fuss and not want to nurse anymore. See Teething for more information and tips.
Frequent pulling off the breast can be a symptom of thrush.
Stuffy nose
A stuffy nose can cause fussy nursing behavior. If your baby has a stuffy nose and is having a hard time breathing and nursing at the same time, see colds & congestion.
Allergy or food sensitivity
Some babies with allergies or food sensitivities exhibit fussy nursing behavior. Often when there is a sensitivity to something in mom’s diet, baby will come to the breast hungry but when she tastes/smells something in the milk that will cause her GI distress, she pulls off, bats her head back and forth, etc. Sensitivities to foods in mom’s diet are rare. If this is the problem, you will most likely notice other symptoms, such as excessive spitting up or vomiting, colic, diarrhea, rash, persistent congestion or runny nose, or excessive gas. More information on food sensitivities in babies and links to more allergy information can be found in my article Dairy and other Food Sensitivities in Breastfed Babies.
Low milk supply
Low milk supply can cause baby to be fussy at the breast. If you feel that your milk supply may be low, see this page for more info: Increasing low milk supply.
Reflux can result in baby being fussy at the breast. See Reflux and Breastfeeding for more information.
Tongue-Tie can result in baby being fussy at the breast. See Breastfeeding a Baby with Tongue-Tie (Resources) for more information.
Baby Fussing At Breast? 7 Reasons Babies Get Fussy
We know the benefits of breastfeeding are amazing for both the mother and her baby.
Although breastfeeding can be a real bonding experience for a mother and her baby, toddler, or older child, it can be frustrating at times.
Babies can be really fussy when breastfeeding and mothers can find it hard to deal with it. After all, isn’t breastfeeding supposed to be natural and easy?
Do you find yourself wondering why your little baby might be squirming, crying, or pulling on and off the breast?
Having a fussy baby is actually very common. Read on for more information about why your baby is fussing at breast.
Why is my baby fussing at the breast?
There are many different reasons why your baby is fussing at the breast.
The main things to check are attachment and positioning. These are the most important things to get right when breastfeeding your baby.
When you get positions right at the very start, things will flow much better!
When babies are attached well they feel secure and comfortable and relax much better throughout the feed. If they are latched well they can also remove milk more effectively.
It’s also important for a mother to feel in control and confident right from the start. Babies are very in tune with their mums, so if mum is stressed, a baby might pick up on it.
Be kind, and don’t put too much stress on yourself when you first start out. It’s normal for a mum and her baby to take some time to learn how to work together.
Reach out for support and breastfeeding help early from reputable services, such as the Australian Breastfeeding Association, La Leche League, or an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC).
In the early days, when your breast milk first comes in, your breasts can feel very full and firm. It can be really hard for your baby to stay latched. This is called engorgement.
It can also happen if your baby occasionally goes too long between feeds or doesn’t drain the breast well.
Babies often struggle to stay latched until the breast softens a little, which happens once some milk is removed.
Reverse pressure softening can help with this. After a few days of frequent feeding, your breasts should settle and it will be easier for your baby to stay latched.
Expressing some of your milk before breastfeeding can also help to soften the breast a little.
Why does my baby keep latching and unlatching?
Getting to know your baby and paying attention when your baby is feeding can help you figure out why she might be latching on and off.
Some babies fuss a little at the start of the feed to get the milk flow going. This stimulates the nerves to get your let-down reflex going.
Once the milk flow starts they often settle into the feed and start to gulp at the breast in a regular, rhythmic way.
If you want to help the let-down happen faster, you can express a little bit before attaching. This lubricates your nipple and starts the milk flow. It can speed up the process for your fussy baby.
Baby keeps pulling away while breastfeeding
Babies are still learning to regulate their suck-swallow pattern. Once the let-down starts, some breastfed babies struggle to keep up with the fast flow of milk. If they’re overwhelmed, this can make them pull away.
Your baby could also be suffering reflux, which can also cause symptoms such as pain, fussiness, and unsettling behavior.
Read some breastfeeding tips in Reflux In Babies – 10 Common Questions Answered.
If you’re particularly full, the pressure in your breast can make it even worse, and reverse pressure softening can help (see above for more information).
Another way to manage a fast let-down is to lean back to slow the milk flow. If your little one is resting in a more upright position on your chest or your body, rather than under your breast, she can manage the fast flow of milk much better.
Read BellyBelly’s article Overactive letdown- 6 tips to manage it for other ideas.
Why does my baby grunt and squirm while breastfeeding?
Imagine being on a liquid diet!
Babies have so much to learn and manage when they’re born. In the first few days of feeding, they work hard to draw out the lovely colostrum, which is just perfect for their needs.
Then, suddenly the milk comes in and they have an abundant flow of ‘full cream milk’ to fill their tiny tummies.
Your body isn’t quite sure yet how much milk you will need, so it gives you an abundance until your baby regulates your supply to meet her needs.
It takes a while for breastfed babies to figure out what’s going on with their new, working digestive systems.
Milk is coming in, something is coming out the other end, and they might also have gas to manage, at either one end or the other.
Imagine you’ve just eaten a huge meal and you’re feeling extremely full. You just want to stretch yourself out to fit in all the food you just took in.
If your newborn baby is particularly squirmy and grunts while breastfeeding, it might be simply that she needs to burp.
It could also be a warning that she’s about to give you an extra job to do. Watch out for a ‘pooplosion’!
Babies soon let you know what is bothering them.
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Baby keeps pulling off breast and relatching
Some babies fuss at the breast when they’re trying to draw more milk out.
If your let-down happens but it’s short and sweet, your baby may well become fussy as she works to get more milk out.
A let-down can occur several times throughout a feed and the extra stimulation of your baby fussing and pulling can trigger more milk to come.
When the flow slows, massage and breast compressions during breastfeeds can help more milk to be pushed out. Your baby might settle again as she concentrates on taking the extra milk you are giving her.
The extra stimulation can also help trigger another let-down. Empty the breast really well to promote supply, and keep a close eye on your breasts to protect them from blocked ducts.
Switching from side to side several times throughout the feed can also reduce baby’s fussiness.
If you’re concerned about your supply for any reason, and your baby’s fussiness at the breast continues, reach out for support from an IBCLC or your nearest lactation consultant.
How do I know my baby is full when breastfeeding?
Babies get so much better at feeding as they get older. They also get better at communicating their needs to their mothers.
One minute you’re being taught to feed for at least 15 minutes on each side, so your baby gets enough milk.
The next thing you know your baby gets on and feeds for five minutes, and then pushes away as if she doesn’t want any more.
You’re left thinking she can’t possibly have had enough to fill her, so you try to get her to latch on for longer. This makes the baby feel frustrated, start to cry, and push you away.
Just when you get your head around one aspect of breastfeeding, things change. You simply have to learn to adjust.
If your baby is able to come to the breast any time she wants, she will get very good at telling you when she wants to, and when she has had enough.
Trust your baby and your body to work together.
Often when babies have had enough they’ll detach and pull away from the breast. They can sometimes get frustrated and cry when their mother tries to get them back on.
Another thing they do is fall asleep.
Lifting the little arm that’s most likely resting on your chest is a good way to tell.
If your baby’s hand is closed in a fist and she resists you when you lift it, she’s probably not finished. If the hand is open and floppy she’s probably had enough.
Will my baby unlatch when the breast is empty?
Your breasts are never really empty. You might feel they’re less full, but you can usually squeeze some milk out if you try.
Generally, babies will unlatch when they’ve had enough.
Giving your baby unrestricted access to your breast will help her get what she needs, and also maintain your milk supply.
Why is my baby fussy at the breast in the evenings?
At the end of the day, you can feel so drained, compared with the start of the day.
It’s understandable you might feel like you don’t have enough milk – especially when your baby wants to cluster feed in those witching hours.
Cluster feeding is a normal stage for many newborns and it can continue for several months.
It tends to wear them out after a few hours and they will often zonk out and start to sleep a little longer.
Cluster feeding also helps boost your milk supply and set it up for the next day.
Switch sides and use massage during cluster feeding times, as it can push more milk out or trigger another let-down.
Why does my baby pull away and cry while breastfeeding?
A baby will often refuse the breast at certain times and it can be tricky trying to figure out why.
Here are some reasons to consider:
- Teething. Underneath those cute little gums in your baby’s mouth are tiny teeth waiting to erupt. They could be moving around and giving your little one some discomfort. Check out our article on Teething Symptoms for some great remedies
- Wonder Week. A baby goes through developmental leaps and growth spurts at different stages, as the brain makes many rapid new connections. These times can understandably make babies really unsettled, cranky, irritable and generally unhappy, as they don’t know why they are experiencing all these new feelings. Find out more about how to manage in Understanding The Wonder Weeks
- Tiredness. Feeding your baby to sleep is never the wrong thing to do, and many babies happily go off to sleep at the breast.
Some babies refuse the breast and this magical trick doesn’t work for them. Watch out for their cues. If they seem really upset and are fussing at the breast, try another way to help them get to sleep
- Thrush. Sometimes babies can be fussy at the breast if they’re irritated. They might have a white coating on their tongue, which looks like milk residue but it doesn’t wipe away. It could be a build-up of candida albicans, otherwise known as thrush. It can also give your nipples a pretty rough time, too, if they become infected. If you’re concerned that you or your baby might have thrush, have your doctor or health professional check you out
- Menstruation. Did you know your breast milk can change when you go through ovulation or when you get your period? There are also other reasons your breast milk might change. These changes could be causing your baby to be fussy at the breast or not want to nurse. Check out BellyBelly’s article What Does Breast Milk Taste Like to find out more
- Pregnancy.
Just like when you get your period, your breastmilk can change when you become pregnant, and your little one might start to get fussy when feeding. Babies are clever and intuitive and can notice when things are a little different. Some babies manage to continue to feed happily during your pregnancy and some don’t like the changes in flavor or amount and could start to show their displeasure.
How do I know my baby is getting enough breast milk?
When your baby is very fussy at the breast it can leave you feeling deflated and doubting your supply and your ability to feed your baby.
If your baby is fussy she could be having growth spurts or developmental leaps. Letting her feed whenever she needs to will boost your milk supply and she will usually settle in a few days.
If you’re concerned about how much milk your baby is getting, watch out for the 3 Reliable Signs your baby is getting just what she needs from you.
What can I do if I can’t figure out why my baby is fussing at the breast?
If you’re worried and nothing you do seems to work, then reach out for help. This is the first and best thing you can do for you and your baby.
Some babies are fussy when they’re unwell. Your doctor can help you rule out any medical concerns such as gastroesophageal reflux disease, food sensitivity, or allergy.
The Australian Breastfeeding Association or a Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) are the experts and can guide you with breastfeeding tips, assess what might be going on, or reassure you if you’re still worried.
Just remember – you are not alone. So many mothers are right there with you at the end of the day when everyone is most tired and cranky.
You’re doing an amazing job of being the best mother you can be for your baby. Well done!
Breastfeeding in the first month: what to expect
Not sure how to establish lactation and increase milk production? If you need help, support, or just want to know what to expect, read our first month breastfeeding advice
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The first weeks of breastfeeding are a very stressful period. If at times you feel like you can't handle it, know that you are not alone. Feeding your baby all day long is completely natural and helps produce breast milk, but can be quite tiring at times. Be patient, think about yourself and remember: after the first month, when milk production stabilizes, it will become easier.
How often should a baby be breastfed?
Babies are born with a small stomach that grows rapidly with increasing milk production: in the first week it is no larger than an apricot, and after two weeks it is already the size of a large chicken egg. 1.2 Let the child eat as much as he wants and when he wants. This will help him quickly regain the weight lost after birth and grow and develop further.
“Be prepared to feed every two to three hours throughout the day. At night, the intervals between feedings can be longer: three to four or even five hours, says Cathy Garbin, a recognized international expert on breastfeeding. Some eat quickly and are satiated in 15 minutes, while others take an entire hour to feed. Do not compare your breastfeeding regimen with that of other mothers - it is very likely that there will be nothing in common between them.
At each feed, give your baby a full meal from one breast and then offer a second one, but don't worry if the baby doesn't take it. When the baby is full, he lets go of his chest and at the same time looks relaxed and satisfied - so much so that he can immediately fall asleep. The next time you feed, start on the other breast. You can monitor the order of the mammary glands during feeding using a special application.
Why does the child always ask for a breast?
The first month is usually the hardest time to breastfeed. But do not think that because the baby is constantly hungry and asks for a breast almost every 45 minutes, then you do not have enough milk.
In the first month, the baby needs to eat frequently to start and stimulate the mother's milk production. It lays the foundation for a stable milk supply in the future. 3
In addition, we must not forget that the child needs almost constant contact with the mother. The bright light and noise of the surrounding world at first frighten the baby, and only by clinging to his mother, he can calm down.
Sarah, mother of three from the UK, confirms: “Crying is not always a sign of hunger. Sometimes my kids just wanted me to be around and begged for breasts to calm them down. Use a sling. Place the cradle next to the bed. Don't look at the clock. Take advantage of every opportunity to relax. Forget about cleaning. Let those around you take care of you. And not three days, but six weeks at least! Hug your baby, enjoy the comfort - and trust your body."
Do I need to feed my baby on a schedule?
Your baby is still too young for a strict daily routine, so
forget about breastfeeding schedules and focus on his needs.
“Volumes have been written about how to feed a baby on a schedule, but babies don't read or understand books,” Cathy says. - All children are different. Some people can eat on a schedule, but most can't. Most often, over time, the child develops his own schedule.
Some mothers report that their babies are fine with scheduled feedings, but they are probably just the few babies who would eat every four hours anyway. Adults rarely eat and drink the same foods at the same time of day - so why do we expect this from toddlers?
Offer your baby the breast at the first sign of hunger. Crying is already the last stage, so be attentive to early signs: the baby licks his lips, opens his mouth, sucks his fist, turns his head with his mouth open - looking for the breast. 4
What is a "milk flush"?
At the beginning of each feed, a hungry baby actively sucks on the nipple,
thereby stimulating the milk flow reflex - the movement of milk through the milk ducts. 5
“Nipple stimulation triggers the release of the hormone oxytocin,” explains Cathy. “Oxytocin is distributed throughout the body and causes the muscles around the milk-producing glands to contract and the milk ducts to dilate. This stimulates the flow of milk.
If the flushing reflex fails, milk will not come out. This is a hormonal response, and under stress it may not work at all or work poorly. Therefore, it is so important that you feel comfortable and calm when feeding.
“Studies show that each mother has a different rhythm of hot flashes during one feed,” Kathy continues, “Oxytocin is a short-acting hormone, it breaks down in just 30-40 seconds after formation. Milk begins to flow, the baby eats, the effect of oxytocin ends, but then a new rush of milk occurs, the baby continues to suckle the breast, and this process is repeated cyclically. That is why, during feeding, the child periodically stops and rests - this is how nature intended.
The flow of milk may be accompanied by a strong sensation of movement or tingling in the chest, although 21% of mothers, according to surveys, do not feel anything at all. 5 Cathy explains: “Many women only feel the first rush of milk. If you do not feel hot flashes, do not worry: since the child eats normally, most likely, you simply do not understand that they are.
How do you know if a baby is getting enough milk?
Since it is impossible to track how much milk a baby eats while breastfeeding, mothers sometimes worry that the baby is malnourished. Trust your child and your body.
After a rush of milk, the baby usually begins to suckle more slowly. Some mothers clearly hear how the baby swallows, others do not notice it. But one way or another, the child himself will show when he is full - just watch carefully. Many babies make two or three approaches to the breast at one feeding. 6
“When a child has had enough, it is noticeable almost immediately: a kind of “milk intoxication” sets in. The baby is relaxed and makes it clear with his whole body that he is completely full, says Katie, “Diapers are another great way to assess whether the baby is getting enough milk. During this period, a breastfed baby should have at least five wet diapers a day and at least two portions of soft yellow stool, and often more. ”
From one month until weaning at six months of age, a baby's stool (if exclusively breastfed) should look the same every day: yellow, grainy, loose, and watery.
When is the child's birth weight restored?
Most newborns lose weight in the first few days of life. This is normal and should not be cause for concern. As a rule, weight is reduced by 5-7%, although some may lose up to 10%. One way or another, by 10–14 days, almost all newborns regain their birth weight. In the first three to four months, the minimum expected weight gain is an average of 150 grams per week. But one week the child may gain weight faster, and the next slower, so it is necessary that the attending physician monitor the health and growth of the baby constantly. 7.8
At the slightest doubt or signs of dehydration, such as
dark urine, no stool for more than 24 hours, retraction of the fontanel (soft spot on the head), yellowing of the skin, drowsiness, lethargy, lack of appetite (ability to four to six hours without feeding), you should immediately consult a doctor. 7
What is "cluster feeding"?
When a baby asks to breastfeed very often for several hours, this is called cluster feeding. 6 The peak often occurs in the evening between 18:00 and 22:00, just when many babies are especially restless and need close contact with their mother. Most often, mothers complain about this in the period from two to nine weeks after childbirth. This is perfectly normal and common behavior as long as the baby is otherwise healthy, eating well, gaining weight normally, and appears content throughout the day. 9
Cluster feeding can be caused by a sharp jump in the development of the body - during this period the baby especially needs love, comfort and a sense of security. The growing brain of a child is so excited that it can be difficult for him to turn off, or it just scares the baby. 9 If a child is overworked, it is often difficult for him or her to calm down on his own, and adult help is needed. And breastfeeding is the best way to calm the baby, because breast milk is not only food, but also pain reliever and a source of happiness hormones. 10
“Nobody told me about cluster feeding, so for the first 10 days I just went crazy with worry - I was sure that my milk was not enough for the baby,” recalls Camille, a mother from Australia, “It was a very difficult period . I was advised to pump and supplement until I finally contacted the Australian Breastfeeding Association. There they explained to me what was happening: it turned out that it was not about milk at all.
Remember, this is temporary. Try to prepare dinner for yourself in the afternoon, when the baby is fast asleep, so that in the evening, when he begins to often breastfeed, you have the opportunity to quickly warm up the food and have a snack. If you are not alone, arrange to carry and rock the baby in turns so that you have the opportunity to rest. If you have no one to turn to for help and you feel that your strength is leaving you, put the baby in the crib and rest for a few minutes, and then pick it up again.
Ask your partner, family and friends to help you with household chores, cooking and caring for older children if you have any. If possible, hire an au pair. Get as much rest as possible, eat well and drink plenty of water.
“My daughter slept a lot during the day, but from 23:00 to 5:00 the cluster feeding period began, which was very tiring,” recalls Jenal, a mother from the USA, “My husband tried his best to make life easier for me - washed, cleaned, cooked, changed diapers, let me sleep at every opportunity and never tired of assuring me that we were doing well.
If you are concerned about the frequency of breastfeeding, it is worth contacting a specialist. “Check with a lactation consultant or doctor to see if this is indicative of any problems,” recommends Cathy. “Resist the temptation to supplement your baby with formula (unless recommended by your doctor) until you find the cause. It may not be a matter of limited milk production at all - it may be that the child is inefficiently sucking it.
When will breastfeeding become easier?
This early stage is very special and does not last long. Although sometimes it seems that there will be no end to it, rest assured: it will get easier soon! By the end of the first month, breast milk production will stabilize, and the baby will become stronger and learn to suckle better. 2.3 Any problems with latch on by this time will most likely be resolved and the body will be able to produce milk more efficiently so inflammation and leakage of milk will begin to subside.
“The first four to six weeks are the hardest, but then things start to get better,” Cathy assures. It just needs to be experienced!”
The longer breastfeeding continues, the more benefits it brings, from saving on formula and improving sleep quality 11–13 to boosting your baby's immune system 14 and reducing your risk of certain cancers. 15
“When you feel like you're pushing yourself, try to go from feed to feed and day to day,” says Hannah, a UK mom. “I was sure I wouldn’t make it to eight weeks. And now I have been breastfeeding for almost 17 weeks, and I dare say it is very easy.”
Read the resource Breastfeeding Beyond the First Month: What to Expect
1 Naveed M et al. An autopsy study of relationship between perinatal stomach capacity and birth weight. Indian J Gastroenterol .1992;11(4):156-158. - Navid M. et al., Association between prenatal gastric volume and birth weight. Autopsy. Indian J Gastroenterol. 1992;11(4):156-158.
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4 Australian Breastfeeding Feeding cues ; 2017 Sep [ cited 2018 Feb ]. - Australian Breastfeeding Association [Internet], Feed Ready Signals; September 2017 [cited February 2018]
5 Kent JC et al. Response of breasts to different stimulation patterns of an electric breast pump. J Human Lact . 2003;19(2):179-186. - Kent J.S. et al., Breast Response to Different Types of Electric Breast Pump Stimulation. J Human Lact (Journal of the International Association of Lactation Consultants). 2003;19(2):179-186.
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7 Lawrence RA, Lawrence RM. Breastfeeding: A guide for the medical profession. 7th ed. Maryland Heights MO, USA: Elsevier Mosby; 2010. 1128 p . - Lawrence R.A., Lawrence R.M., "Breastfeeding: A guide for healthcare professionals." Seventh edition. Publisher Maryland Heights , Missouri, USA: Elsevier Mosby; 2010. P. 1128.
8 World Health Organization. [Internet]. Child growth standards; 2018 [cited 2018 Feb] - World Health Organization. [Internet]. Child Growth Standards 2018 [cited February 2018].
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11 U.S. Department of Health & Human Services [Internet]. Surgeon General Breastfeeding factsheet; 2011 Jan 20 [cited 2017 Feb] - Department of Health and Human Services [Internet], "Breastfeeding Facts from the Chief Medical Officer", Jan 20, 2011 [cited Feb 2017]
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13 Brown A, Harries V. Infant sleep and night feeding patterns during later infancy: Association with breastfeeding frequency, daytime complementary food intake, and infant weight. Breast Med . 2015;10(5):246-252. - Brown A., Harris W., "Night feedings and infant sleep in the first year of life and their association with feeding frequency, daytime supplementation, and infant weight." Brest Med (Breastfeeding Medicine). 2015;10(5):246-252.
14 Hassiotou F et al. Maternal and infant infections stimulate a rapid leukocyte response in breastmilk. Clin Transl immunology. 2013;2(4). - Hassiot F. et al., "Infectious diseases of the mother and child stimulate a rapid leukocyte reaction in breast milk." Clean Transl Immunology. 2013;2(4):e3.
15 Li DP et al. Breastfeeding and ovarian cancer risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis of 40 epidemiological studies. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev . 2014;15(12):4829-4837. - Lee D.P. et al., "Breastfeeding and the risk of ovarian cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis of 40 epidemiological studies." Asia Pas J Cancer Prev. 2014;15(12):4829-4837.
Breastfeeding - advice for a nursing mother.
1. The first days and even hours after the birth of a baby are very important for establishing good lactation. It is best if the baby is laid out on the mother’s stomach immediately after birth and applied to the chest. Establishing skin-to-skin contact promotes the launch of natural instincts and the mechanism of lactation in the body of a newly-made mother. There is no milk in the breast at that time, but there is a much more valuable substance - colostrum. This is a thick clear liquid, which is called the "first vaccination" of the baby. The fact is that colostrum contains a lot of enzymes, vitamins, antibodies, immunoglobulins, as well as proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
2. In anticipation of the arrival of milk, you should not supplement the baby with formula. Not much colostrum is produced, and mothers begin to panic that the baby is hungry and lacks nutrition. The rich composition of colostrum fully satisfies the child's need for nutrients. The mixture that the child will receive through the nipple, on the contrary, can play a bad role in establishing lactation. Firstly, having eaten the mixture, the child will not want to suckle, and therefore will not receive the most valuable colostrum. Secondly, the nipple on the bottle may “like” the baby more than the breast, because. sucking milk out of the breast is more difficult.
3. Don't fanaticize the observance of hygiene rules, and wash your breasts with soap before each feeding. Soap destroys the natural protective film on the skin, and the skin of the nipples and areola is already very sensitive and delicate. The lack of natural protection leads to the fact that the skin is injured and cracked. Feeding with cracked nipples is very painful. Another argument "against" - the detergent, even without perfumed fragrances, interrupts the natural smell of the skin. Babies are not yet able to realize who is near and dear and who is a stranger, so smells play a big role for the baby. Not feeling the mother's smell, the newborn may become worried and even give up the breast for a while. It is enough to wash the breast 1-2 times a day under warm water.
4. Breastfeeding a baby is worth every demand. This wording is not always clear to mothers: how to understand that the child requires exactly the breast? This is easy to do. There are not many ways to demand anything from a newborn, in fact, he is alone - crying. For every worry and cry, mother must first give a breast. If the baby refuses to breastfeed, perhaps something else is bothering him: he may be hot, cold, wet, uncomfortable, something hurts (see the article on how to understand the reasons for crying). However, in most cases, babies calm down with breasts. It is also not worth tearing the baby off the chest. Feeding ends when the baby himself releases the nipple. At first, babies are literally ready to “hang” on their chests for hours. This does not mean that the child does not have enough milk, he does not get enough. Breast milk is digested very quickly, and for a child, breast sucking is also a way to be with mom, calm down.
5. Discard the pacifier. The essence of natural feeding is that the child receives breasts on demand. How long to stay at the breast and how often to apply - the baby decides. Of course, it may be convenient for a mother to give a baby a pacifier on the street or during sleep, but this does not contribute to lactation at all. Lactation is directly dependent on breast sucking. If the child receives a substitute in the form of a dummy instead of the breast, the breast is not stimulated enough, there is less milk. If lactation has not yet been established, the use of a pacifier can lead to the fact that the mother will not feed for a long time. For a child, there are also disadvantages to using a pacifier. The breast for the baby is also important as a means of contact with the mother, while the pacifier displaces the possibility of this contact and the formation of a deep psychological connection between the mother and the baby.
6. An on-demand breastfeeding baby does not need to be supplemented with water. Breast milk is 80% water and is not homogeneous. Those portions of milk that the baby receives at the beginning of application - the so-called foremilk - serve him as a drink, and the back, thick milk - as food. The drunk liquid occupies a certain volume in the stomach, so the baby suckles less, and this reduces the amount of lactation. If the child must receive some medicine diluted with water, it is better to give it from a spoon or from a syringe in order to prevent confusion of the nipples.
7. It is not necessary to fully express the breast after each feeding. At the time of feeding by the hour, each nursing mother expressed the remnants of milk to the last drop. Perhaps, with such a feeding system, this made sense, because rare attachments led to the fact that the breasts were full, and breast stimulation was clearly not enough to maintain lactation. If the baby receives a breast on demand, it is better not to interfere in the process of emptying the breast. Being at the breast and sucking out a certain amount of milk, the child, as it were, “orders” milk for himself for future feeding: how much he sucked, so much milk will come. Expressing, the mother increases this order disproportionately to the needs of the crumbs. A child with increased volume cannot cope, and the mother expresses again and again. All these actions are a direct path to lastostasis.
8. Change your breasts no more than once every 2 hours. This is necessary so that the baby can receive both front and rear milk. With frequent breast changes, the baby simply does not have time to get to the hind milk, which means that it does not receive enough nutrients. Lack of hindmilk affects weight gain and leads to bowel problems.
9. Do not rush with complementary foods and introduce them earlier than 6 months. A serving of mother's milk for a child is much healthier than a jar of squash puree. Even after 6 months, breastfed babies need complementary foods to explore new flavors and textures, not to fill nutritional deficiencies. Early introduction of complementary foods, and even a persistent increase in the volume of portions, simply replaces breastfeeding.
10. It is important for breastfeeding mothers to become familiar with different nursing positions and change them throughout the day. Being in different positions, the baby actively sucks milk from different lobes. This is an excellent prevention of milk stagnation. The main rule at the same time: where the chin of the crumbs rests when feeding - from there the baby sucks out the most.
11. Feeding up to a year is the minimum, which is not enough, the optimal duration of breastfeeding is 2-3 years. Sometimes it seems to mothers that if by the year the child already receives impressive portions of complementary foods, it means that you can finish breastfeeding. However, the breast for the child is not only food. In a year, none of the babies is psychologically ready for breastfeeding. It is not physiological for a woman either. Weaning at this age does not occur naturally, therefore it is traumatic for the child, and may have consequences in the form of breast problems for the mother.
12. During the attachment of the baby to the breast, the mother needs to monitor the correct grip. The child should capture with his mouth not only the nipple, but also the areola - the area around it. At the same time, his lips turn out, as it were, turned outward. Only with such a grip can the baby effectively suck out milk. Incorrect grip is always a problem with gaining weight and swallowing excess air, which means pain in the tummy.
13. Night feedings are mandatory, they are very important for maintaining lactation. The hormone prolactin, responsible for milk production, is produced at night in increased quantities. Night feedings are necessary throughout the entire lactation period, and at weaning they are removed last. It is most convenient to feed at night when the baby sleeps with his parents. If sleeping on the same bed confuses mom and dad, you can put the baby in your own bed, but it should be accessible from the parent so that mom can wake up and breastfeed for every worry.
14. Mom's illness is not a reason to stop feeding. For almost any case, preparations that are compatible with breastfeeding have already been developed. If it is a seasonal cold, it is not only possible to feed, but also necessary. Milk contains antibodies to infection, so the baby gets immunity along with milk, and if infection occurs, the child suffers the disease much easier.