10 month baby food indian recipes in hindi language

7 दिनों में 6 से 12 महीने के बच्‍चे को हेल्‍दी बनाने के लिए, ये घरेलू नुस्‍खा आएगा आपके काम

parul rohatagi | Navbharat Times | Updated: Mar 16, 2021, 10:08 AM


6 से 12 महीने के शिशु का वजन बढ़ाने और उसे मोटा करने के लिए आप ऐसी चीजों से बेबी फूड तैयार कर सकती हैं जो पोषण से भी युक्‍त हो।


7 दिनों में 6 से 12 महीने के बच्‍चे को हेल्‍दी बनाने के लिए, ये घरेलू नुस्‍खा आएगा आपके कामजब शिशु 6 महीने का हो जाता है, तो उसे ठोस आहार खिलाना शुरू किया जाता है। इस समय बच्‍चे का विकास हो रहा होता है इसलिए उसके खाने में ज्‍यादा से ज्‍यादा पोषक तत्‍वों से युक्‍त चीजों को शामिल करने की जरूरत होती है। अगर आपका शिशु दुबला-पतला या कमजोर है या आप उसका वजन बढ़ाना चाहती हैं तो यहां बताई गई बेबी फूड रेसिपी आपके बहुत काम आ सकती है।

​किन चीजों की जरूरत है

बेबी फूड की इस रेसिपी को बनाने के लिए आपको एक कप रागी, लाल चावल आधा कप और ब्राउन राइस आधा कप, दलिया आधा कप, मसूर दाल आधा कप, मूंग दाल आधा कप, 6 बादाम, 6 काजू, 6 इलायची की जरूरत होगी।

​बनाने का तरीका

  • सबसे पहले रागी को पानी से अच्‍छी तरह से धो लें।
  • चावल, दाल और दलिये को एक साथ मिलाकर पानी से धोकर साफ कर लें।
  • अब एक साफ सूती कपड़ा लें और उस पर रागी को डालकर एक से दो घंटे तक सूखने के लिए रख दें।
  • दाल, चावल और दलिये के मिश्रण को भी इस तरह की सुखाएं।
  • रागी के सूखने पर एक पैन में इसे 5 मिनट तक भूनें।
  • दूसरे मिश्रण को भी इसके बाद इसी तरह भूनना है।
  • फिर पैन में काजू, बादाम और इलायची डालकर भूनें।
  • इन तीनों चीजों को मिक्‍स कर लें और 15 मिनट के लिए ठंडा होने दें।
  • अब इसे मिक्‍सर में पीस लें और पाउडर बना लें।
  • इस मिश्रण को छानकर पाउडर बन जाए तो उसे एयर टाइट कंटेनर में भर लें।

​कैसे बनाएं बेबी फूड

जो पाउडर आपने तैयार किया है, उससे बेबी फूड बनाने का तरीका भी जान लें।

  • एक कटोरी में दो चम्‍मच यह पाउडर डालें।
  • फिर इसमें आधा कप पानी मिलाकर अच्‍छी तरह से चलाएं। कोई गुठली नहीं रहनी चाहिए।
  • अब गैस पर एक पैन रखें और उसमें इस मिश्रण को डालकर लगातार चलाते हुए पकाएं।
  • इसे आपको धीमी से मध्‍यम आंच पर पकाना है।
  • जब थोड़ा गाढ़ा हो जाए तो इसमें एक चम्‍मच घी डाल दें।
  • इसके बाद गाढ़े घोल को कटोरी में डाल लें।
  • इसमें आप फ्लेवर के लिए मैश किया हुआ केला, खजूर का सिरप या पिसा हुआ गड़ डाल सकती हैं।

बेबी फूड के फायदे

यह बेबी फूड प्रोटीन से भरपूर है जो बच्‍चे के विकास में मदद करता है। दालों में प्रचुर मात्रा में प्रोटीन होता है लेकिन छोटे शिशु बड़ों की तरह दाल नहीं खा सकते हैं। ऐसे में उन्‍हें इस आसान फूड रेसिपी से दाल के गुण दिए जा सकते हैं।

पोषक तत्‍वों से युक्‍त यह रेसिपी 6 से 12 महीने के बच्‍चे का वजन बढ़ाने में मदद करती है। आपको 7 दिनों के अंदर ही फर्क दिखने लगेगा। इससे बच्‍चे की इम्‍यूनिटी भी बढ़ती है और इसे बनाना भी बहुत आसान है।

इस रेसिपी में रागी का इस्‍तेमाल किया गया है जिसमें उच्‍च मात्रा में कैल्शियम होता है। यह बच्‍चों की हड्डियों के विकास के लिए बहुत जरूरी है। इससे शरीर में खून बनने की प्रक्रिया में भी सुधार आता है। रागी में आयरन भी होता है जो बच्‍चों को एनीमिया से बचाने में मदद कर सकती है।

अगला लेखबच्‍चों को केले के साथ इस तरह दूध पिलाना, दे सकता है फायदे की जगह नुकसान

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Baby food recipes - 6 to 18 months

By Swasthi on August 26, 2022, Comments, Jump to Recipe

Baby food recipes – A collection of homemade Indian baby food recipes for 6 10 18 months babies. If you are a new mum, you can check this Baby food chart for 6 months baby. If you have a baby older than 7 months then you can check this Indian baby food chart for 8 months & above. You can also take a look at the best foods to gain weight in babies & toddlers. This post contains a list of all Indian baby food recipes available on this blog.

I have also included a few sample baby food recipes in the recipe card. All the recipes are tried and tested and have been served for both my babies.

If your pediatrician has suggested you to start, then You can start with a single fruit, single veggie and then single grain. For more details please check this post on How to introduce solids to baby.

I highly recommend reading every line of the baby food posts on this blog as they can guide you extensively.

Baby food recipes – babies above 6 months

How to make baby rice cereal
Apple rice
Ragi porridge for babies
Apple Wheat porridge
Apple ragi (try ragi and apple separately first, then try together)
Khichdi for babies
Methi khichdi
Moong dal soup
Carrot almond baby food
Potato rice
Barley baby cereal
Sago carrot kheer for babies
Sabudana kheer for babies
Wheat cereal for babies
Soft idli recipe
Milk oats porridge
How to make ragi flour for babies
Oats porridge with vegetables (blend till smooth)
Sweet potato rice
Apple oats

Babies above 8 months

Sprouts soup
Urad dal khichdi
Raw banana rice
Ven pongal. please mash the rice well and remove the pepper corns. You can also puree it.
Curd rice. Puree if desired, skip tempering.
Curd oats
Moong dal halwa
Ragi idli

Baby food recipes for babies above 11 months

These need to be pureed before serving
Dalia khichdi
Oats vegetable khichdi
Sweet corn soup
Barley soup with vegetables
Chickpeas toddler food
Chickpeas soup (for babies above 15 months)
Badam milk. pls consult your doctor and use buffalo or goat milk, avoid cow’s milk.
Set dosa
Banana milkshake
Lassi (avoid salt and sugar)
Neer dosa
Kambu dosa

Sample Indian baby food recipes

Prep Time10 minutes

Cook Time20 minutes

Total Time30 minutes



Ingredients for 6 months baby food recipes 1 – Any one of the following (refer notes)
  • ▢ ½ banana
  • ▢ 1 sapota
  • ▢ ½ papaya
  • ▢ 2 tbsp cooked rice
Ingredients for 7 to 8 months baby food recipes 2 (refer notes)
  • ▢ 2 tbsp rice or 2 tbsps ragi or wheat flour
  • ▢ 200 ml water
  • ▢ 1 small apple or banana
  • ▢ 1/8 tsp ghee homemade (refer notes)
Ingredients for 8 months baby food recipes 3
  • ▢ 1½ tbsp rice aged rice
  • ▢ 1½ tbsp dal (toor or moong dal)
  • ▢ 1½ tbsp carrots chopped
  • ▢ 200 ml water
  • ▢ 1/8 tsp ghee homemade
Ingredients for 8 months baby food recipes 4
  • ▢ 2 tbsp rice
  • ▢ 1 baby potato or 2 tbsp chopped
  • ▢ 1 pinch carom seeds powder (ajwain powder)
  • ▢ ¼ tsp ghee homemade
Making 6 months baby food recipes
  • Make sure you follow the 3 day test rule for every food you introduce. Wait for the results until 4th day.

  • To make the baby food, Mash any one of the fruits – banana, papaya, sapota very well until smooth.

  • If desired add it to a blender and puree until smooth. To thin down add a few spoons of boiled and cooled water. Fruit puree is ready.

  • If using cooked rice, then puree together rice and any of the fruit – (banana, papaya, sapota or steamed apple) along with some boiled and cooled water. Fruit flavored rice is ready.

  • You can also feed only steamed apple. Peel and chop the apples. Bring half cup water to a boil and add the apples to it.

  • Cook until the apples are slightly tender just for a minute or 2. Cool and puree with rice or just the steamed apple. Apple puree is ready.

Making 7 months baby food recipes
  • Wash rice and soak in water for at least 30 mins.

  • Pressure cook on a medium flame for 2 to 3 whistles. You can also cook in a pot until soft.

  • Apple flavored rice cereal : When the pressure goes  down, open the lid and add grated apple. Cover and cook for 2 to 3 mins. Cool and make a smooth puree. If needed add some boiled and cooled water. Add few drops of hot ghee. Apple flavored rice is ready.

  • Banana rice cereal : Cool the rice completely. Add banana and rice to a blender and make a fine puree. Pour few tbsps boiled and cooled water if desired.

Making 8 months baby food recipes
  • Wash rice and dal in a cooker or pot a few times until the water runs clear. Add grated carrots and pour water. 

  • Pressure cook for 2 to 3 whistles on a medium heat. If cooking in a pot add more water as needed.

  • When the pressure goes down, using a masher mash the food to smooth. This is the stage you must be teaching you baby to eat mashed foods. Reduce feeding pureed foods. Add ghee to hot food and serve warm. Rice dal baby food is ready.

Making 8 months baby food recipes
  • Soak rice until water runs clear. Soak for 30 mins and cook along with potato until soft for 3 whistles. Mash the rice well and add ghee. Feed warm. To prevent colic you can add a pinch of ajwain powder. Potato rice is ready.

The nutrition values are only for the banana flavored rice. These are approximations only.

Please follow 3 day wait rule for every food you introduce.

Alternative quantities provided in the recipe card are for 1x only, original recipe.

For best results follow my detailed step-by-step photo instructions and tips above the recipe card.

Nutrition Facts

Baby food recipes

Amount Per Serving

Calories 45

% Daily Value*

Potassium 105mg3%

Carbohydrates 10g3%

Sugar 3g3%

Vitamin C 2. 6mg3%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

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About Swasthi

I’m Swasthi Shreekanth, the recipe developer, food photographer & food writer behind Swasthi’s Recipes. My aim is to help you cook great Indian food with my time-tested recipes. After 2 decades of experience in practical Indian cooking I started this blog to help people cook better & more often at home. Whether you are a novice or an experienced cook I am sure Swasthi’s Recipes will assist you to enhance your cooking skills.

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How 150 million schoolchildren are taught and fed free of charge in India, some of whom are from slums

The eldest daughter is forbidden to go to classes because she needs to help her pregnant mother around the house. Vegetarian lunch in the canteen. Banners with photos of excellent students at bus stops instead of advertisements. The Indian education system may shock someone, but it may seem quite ordinary to someone. But most importantly, accessible to everyone. Natalya Dubashinsky lived for some time in India and tells how schoolchildren study there.

To understand India, it is important to recognize two of its features.

Firstly, this country is six times smaller than Russia, but it has nine times more people. Imagine that the entire population of Russia was multiplied by nine and collected on the territory of Siberia. Got India.

Secondly, nothing can be said about India "in general". After all, languages, cultural codes, cuisine, lifestyle, traditional clothing, holidays, the position of women, attitudes towards marriage, education - differ in different states. Perhaps, touristic Goa, and fashionable Mumbai, and metropolitan New Delhi, and rich Jaipur are united by the fact that education is available to everyone, but what its quality will be depends very much on the financial strength of the family.

The range of possibilities is enormous. If slum dwellers often do not let their children go to school at all, then wealthy Indians choose schools with the Cambridge system in order to send their children to study, for example, in Russia - "to become a doctor."

Schoolchildren from Kanyakumari, India / Photo: Shutterstock (CRS PHOTO)

Tax on education and guardianship of poor families (yes, a sponsor to pay for tuition)

I got to know schools in India, and right from the bottom, when I worked in a volunteer project in the capital not at all a tourist state of Madhya Pradesh.

In the city of Bopal, in the center of the country, I talked about snow and Gagarin to the students of the Museum school, a charity educational program whose teachers collect children from the slums after regular lessons. Additionally, on the steps of museums, they study English, Hindi, mathematics, geography, history. Thanks to the project, even children from the poorest families have a chance to enter at least a college.

Museum school / Photo: Praharsh Bhandari

Public schools in India are free for everyone, but the level of education in them is very weak. Up to 50 students can study in one class, and teachers are “tired”, as they used to say in Bopal. Salaries are low, and schoolchildren have no motivation.

Parents often lack motivation either. On the first day of volunteering, I met three sisters, the eldest of whom, Sophie, I never saw again. Her mother was pregnant for the fourth time, and the girl stopped going to classes - she needed help around the house.

Families from the slums do not see the need for education at all, they think that it is more important for their children to learn how to do something with their hands. In addition, they often cannot afford to buy school uniforms, stationery, textbooks, although the state has introduced benefits.

Museum school students / Photo: Praharsh Bhandari

“Education should be completely free for all children, from elementary school to university,” says Shibani Ghosh, creator of the Museum school project. - Indians who have children aged 3 to 21 must pay a small percentage of their income as a mandatory education tax, regardless of whether their children go to school or not. This will allow every child to go to class. Schools will provide enrollment lists and receive payment.”

A special education tax already exists in the country: 3% is paid by formally working Indian adults. But, firstly, this money is still going to the maintenance and construction of village schools. Secondly, not everyone pays taxes.

Museum school students / Photo: Praharsh Bhandari

This is how a new charity system is developing in India: middle-class people take children from poor families into care and pay for their education. The same Shibani Ghosh is constantly looking for "donors" who will help one of the talented students of her project. At my Russian studies lessons, the ten-year-old Anket was a permanent interpreter - he was the only one in his class who spoke English well, because he was the only one who attended a private school. Her uncle paid for her boy.

In total, there are now about 150 million schoolchildren in India, and here, in the city of Lucknow, there is the largest school in the world, in which more than 40 thousand children study.

Without a kindergarten, but with four languages ​​(even Sanskrit)

On weekday mornings in India, you can watch dads on scooters bring in uniform-dressed preschoolers. Yes, there is no kindergarten system in India - again a tradition. These functions are taken over by the family: non-working mothers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers - several generations often live in the same house. But for three-four-hour lessons, children begin to be led as early as three or four years. Right in the school building, teachers play, draw with kids, teach counting, the alphabet, and English. There are diaries and homework right away.

It is believed that "early school development" is the obsession of once poor people with the education of new generations. It's really just a system. Such preparatory courses can also be free, but in good schools, where they strive to send children to families of even average income, they cost 20-40 thousand rupees (one rupee is approximately equal to a ruble) per year.

A school in the Indian city of Amravati / Photo: Shutterstock (CRS PHOTO)

Schoolchildren go to a full-fledged first grade, that is, to Mediumschool, at the age of six. Compulsory education - 10 classes. Schools are public, private, Catholic, there are also boarding houses and cadet corps. They differ from each other like the mountainous north and the beach south of India: in the villages, students can still sit on the floor, the city paid schools are equipped with modern computer and chess classes, there are gyms, ballet, yoga rooms, swimming pools, football fields. The cost of studying in them can be 15 thousand rupees per month.

Indian schoolchildren study the same subjects as ours: mathematics, history, geography, fine arts, fundamentals of law and science - adored here, that is, chemistry, physics, biology.

There are still many languages ​​to learn: English, Hindi, the local language of the state and Sanskrit. In addition, there are additional sections, classes, paid circles.

School bus in the city of Gaya / Photo: Shutterstock (Eagle9)

Students are immediately visible - they are always in the form of their school: shirts, trousers or shorts, jackets, sundresses or skirts and matching socks, ties and shoes. He picks up children who live far away in the morning, and delivers them in the evening by a yellow bus, parents pay a small monthly fee for it. But food in all schools is free, and this helps some families.

Two months of summer holidays, but lots of holidays (plus a menu for vegetarian children)

In India, children study five or six days a week for six to eight lessons. Nothing unusual, but there are some amazing features. For example, a child or his parents can choose a regular or vegetarian menu in canteens.

There are still male and female schools, and even young modern Indians say that this is the right approach - more attention to the lessons. There is no literature in our understanding - as an elective or in language classes, famous works by Indian and English authors are read.

Schoolchildren are rarely given grades every day: knowledge is tested in exams. For one subject, you can score a maximum of 100 or 150 points.

“Eva studied at an international private school in Goa under the Cambridge system. We liked the school, but, in my opinion, education is weak: there are almost no requirements, except for memorizing paragraphs. In Russia, children are taught more to reason and search for information themselves. But in two years, my daughter has fluent spoken English.

I like the loyal attitude towards students, generally friendly atmosphere between teachers and children. Everyone is called only by their first name, never by their last name, teachers - with the prefix miss or mister.

If the child does not come to school, it is necessary to call, inform, otherwise they will worry. There are many holidays and events here: children are always preparing for something, rehearsing, inventing, inventing together with teachers. This contributes to a democratic environment in the school.”

Anastasia Kanzel, winters in India with her husband and schoolgirl daughter then the holidays compensate for this failure. Hinduism, Islam and Christianity are common in India, so there are a lot of days off. Christmas, Dewali, Holi, Independence Day of the country and many other holidays are non-working days.

After the 10th grade, that is, at 14-15 years old, teenagers can get a diploma of secondary education and enter a junior college. For university, you need to finish your studies at school for another two years, but Highschool is paid.

In the last grades, students choose subjects, study in depth those that they need for admission. Recruitment to colleges and universities is based on grades obtained in final school exams.

Chennai High School students / Photo: Shutterstock (Marco Saroldi)

At the end of each school year, local newspapers publish photos of the best students in their graduating classes. In some cities, they are even hung around the city instead of advertising. Parents are waiting for this most of all: in India, seeing your child on such a poster is a pride for the family.

Cover image: Praharsh Bhandari

what can a baby eat, what to feed, what vegetables, cereals, fruits to give, regimen and diet for 10 months

Published: 06/20/2020

Reading time: 4 min.

Number of reads: 238527

The author of the article: Ponomareva Yulia Vladimirovna

Pediatrician, candidate of medical sciences, allergist-immunologist

The first year of a baby's life is unique. The processes of growth and development are so intense that each new month is not like the previous one. In this regard, the child's diet undergoes changes every month to meet the growing needs of the body for nutrients, vitamins, minerals and other biologically active substances. Let's discuss what changes are taking place in the baby's diet, and what can be included in the diet at 10 months.

Content: Hide

  1. The basic principles and changes in the diet at 10 months
  2. Organization of the baby's diet at 10 months
  3. First meals
  4. Drinks
  5. Polkaty
  6. Digion

    The basic principles and changes in nutrition at 10 months

    The basic food groups that must be included in the daily diet of children in the second half of life remain the same - vegetables, fruits, meat, cereals, dairy products. There are 3 main meals and 2-3 additional ones, while the portion size increases, and the daily amount of food is 1000-1100 ml. The child no longer looks like a baby - he has grown stronger, is trying to walk, he has an interest in all the phenomena of the world around him, including traditional adult food. Of course, the menu at 10 months is still very different from the food of the general table, but in terms of the possible variety of food, the list is already close to the diet of older children. The baby’s menu can already be diversified with homemade dishes in the form of soups, puddings and casseroles. Vegetables and fruits can be partially raw, grated on a fine grater. The drinking diet is still represented mainly by water, but the child can already drink compotes and fruit drinks of home and industrial production without the addition of sugar and artificial colors.

    Feeding a 10-month-old baby

    Daily routine and nutrition are very important in a baby's life. Children quickly get used to a certain routine and more readily eat the dishes that are traditionally offered at this meal. Of course, each child is unique, and yours has its own favorite foods and their combinations. Try to rationally distribute all the necessary complementary foods in 5 meals, taking into account the characteristics of family life. Adhere to the principle of a balanced menu, plan your diet for the week in advance, while trying to diversify your diet as much as possible, accustoming your child to the taste of new foods.

    First meal

    The first meal is in the early morning - the baby wakes up hungry after a 6-8 hour break in food. It is best to feed your baby with breast milk or an adapted formula. Child health and nutrition experts recommend continued breastfeeding (BC) until at least the end of the first year of life. The nutritional value of mother's milk at this age is already low, but as a source of the most important biological substances and psycho-emotional comfort, it is undoubtedly priceless. If the child is bottle-fed, you can prepare him a drink based on an adapted mixture. Until the end of the first year of a child's life, it is not recommended to feed whole cow's milk. The fact is that the protein of cow's and goat's milk can cause an allergic reaction, in addition, it causes damage to the intestinal epithelium of an infant and is a serious burden on the kidneys. Do not rush to introduce this unadapted product into the baby's diet.

    See also: Complementary Foods


    The second meal, at approximately 9-10 am, should provide energy and nutrients for a 10-month-old baby to be active in the morning. What can you offer your child for breakfast? Milk porridge is the perfect product for a good start to the day - it is rich in complex carbohydrates, which ensures long-term saturation and energy boost. The dietary fibers included in its composition are involved in comfortable digestion. In addition, cereals are a source of almost all essential nutrients. In the nutrition of babies at 10 months, the consistency of porridge may already be less homogeneous. Try introducing porridge into your diet, which contains cereal flakes and crushed berries, which helps your child learn to chew. At this age, mothers often begin to cook porridge at home, but it is preferable to use industrial products. Commercially produced porridge is often multi-cereal, which makes it possible to use the beneficial qualities of various grain crops, including those that cannot be cooked at home due to poor digestibility. Cereals go well with fruits and vegetables. For breakfast, you can additionally offer fruit puree or slices of boiled / baked soft fruits for breakfast. Cottage cheese and vegetable or cottage cheese and cereal casseroles and puddings can diversify the weekly breakfast menu. Every day a child can eat up to 50 grams of cottage cheese. If the child has not previously had allergic reactions, you can expand the range of fruits and gradually introduce citrus fruits and a number of exotic fruits into the diet.


    It is not recommended to give a large amount of liquid immediately after a meal, as this overloads the digestion process. Limit yourself to a few sips of water or compote if the child wants to drink food. And between the main meals, periodically offer the baby water, compote or fruit drink, as well as special children's tea. Limit your juice intake, as this is a high-carbohydrate product and is a serious burden on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. The volume of juice per day should not exceed 100 ml.


    The next meal, lunch, covers a third of the total energy expenditure of the day and provides essential nutrients for active growth and development. At 10 months, it is already possible to offer the baby unpurified soup, provided that well-boiled vegetables are used. Meat complementary foods should be combined with foods that promote the best absorption of trace elements important for growth and development, especially copper and iron. First of all, these are vegetables, with the exception of legumes, and buckwheat. Given that different types of meat contain different amounts of trace elements and vitamins, a balanced weekly diet includes at least 3-4 types of meat complementary foods. Also, 1-2 times a week, the baby can eat dishes with the addition of offal - the liver, tongue and heart. In addition to mashed meat, the baby can be offered coarsely chopped meatballs or steam cutlets. Adding vegetable and cereal components to a meat dish makes the taste more tender and enriches the diet with other beneficial nutrients. Despite the insipid taste of dinner dishes, which seems to many adults, it is not recommended to add salt and spices to them. At 10 months, onions and parsley and dill can be used to develop taste buds in dishes.


    Snack, although not the main meal, is necessary for the baby to refresh himself after a daytime nap and provide the necessary energy for active activities in the afternoon. A dairy product rich in easily digestible protein and fat is ideal, combined with cereals and fruits that complement the dish with carbohydrates and fiber. For a 10-month-old baby, this could be a specialized fermented milk drink combined with baby biscuits and fruit. Another option would be a special industrial product called "Snack Porridge", which is a delicious dessert that combines cereals, milk and natural fruits. In addition to nutritional value, it is a source of dietary fiber, organic acids, vitamins and trace elements. And for kids, this is a delicacy, because the dish has a delicate texture and pleasant taste.


    The main evening meal should be easy to digest to avoid problems with digestion at night, and at the same time be nutritious.

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