A mother feeding her baby video
Breastfeeding & baby-led attachment | Raising Children Network
Renee Kam (lactation consultant): Baby-led attachment is where a baby uses their own instincts to find the mother’s breast on their own accord. Baby-led attachment really helps to lay down the foundation for breastfeeding. A baby who has had many opportunities, particularly in the early weeks, to do baby-led attachment becomes a lot more orientated towards the breast.
Adele (mother of Charlie, 5 years, Noah, 3 years, and Holly, 4 weeks): I did baby-led attachment because I had a lot of trouble feeding my first baby and getting him to attach and when I saw a video of baby-led attachment it just looked like a natural way to do it, so I thought I would try it to see if that meant that I didn’t have attachment issues with the children I had after my first one.
Miranda (mother of Mattie, 8 years, Tacy, 6 years, Sedna, 7 months): When I had my second baby, when she was born at home and she was lying on me, she all of a sudden attached by herself, which was a wonderful feeling but I never followed-up on it because I didn’t know anything about it. So then when we moved to Australia I so wanted to try it so we tried it with this one. It really started at home, so when we got home we started doing it. You don’t have to do it straight away – baby-led attachment – it’s something that they can do for quite a few weeks after they’re born. It’s imprinted in their being, I guess.
Renee Kam: If a mother wants to do baby-led attachment the tips that I would give her would be the timing of it. So a baby will be able to follow through on their instincts best when they’re calm. So it would be when the baby’s showing early feeding cues such as turning their head from side to side with mouth open, sticking their tongue out, sucking on their hands, or it might be as soon as their baby wakes up from a sleep. So in those situations baby is typically calm and then if the baby is then placed skin-to-skin contact with the mum and the mum, say, is in a semi-reclined position, then that will help a baby to follow through on their instincts to find their mother’s breast.
Narrator: Find a comfortable position. Many mothers find that a semi-reclined position with pillows behind them for support works well. A partially laid-back position allows gravity to assist the baby in moving to the breast. With as much skin-to-skin as possible between you and your baby, place your baby on your chest facing you between your breasts with her head just above your breasts. Start when your baby is calm, such as when she is showing early feeding cues like turning her head from side to side with her mouth open.
As your baby starts to instinctively move towards a breast, she will start to lift her head and bob it around. As she moves towards a breast, you may find it helpful to hug her bottom in close to you and to support her neck and shoulders with your hand and wrist. It is important to avoid putting pressure on her head as she needs her head free to instinctively move it into an extended position to help her attach and feed well.
When her head nears your nipple, she may nuzzle around to find your nipple and bring her tongue toward it. When she finds the right position, she will anchor with her chin, open her mouth wide, attach and begin sucking.
Renee Kam: Straight after a baby is born for the first 1 to 2 hours after they’re born, they’re typically alert and eager and ready to receive their first breastfeed. So when placed into skin-to-skin contact with their mother straight after birth, then that can allow the baby to do baby-led attachment, find the mother’s breasts on their own accord and receive their first breastfeed.
Adele: I did skin-to-skin with all of my children in hospital. So with the baby it probably took a few minutes before like they would kind of just be laying there for a little while and it was a few minutes before they kind of started moving around. But they did the bopping around and choosing a side and finding the nipple and all of that themselves.
Renee Kam: The great news is even if you don’t get to do baby-led attachment straight after a baby is born, babies’ instincts to find a mother’s breasts are easily reproducible for at least the first few months. When a mother and baby are in skin-to-skin contact, there are many benefits of it such as the baby’s heart rate and temperature, blood sugar levels, breathing rate are all kept stable and also when a mother and baby are in skin-to-skin contact it also helps a mother to be able to learn her baby’s feeding cues.
Miranda: As with the baby-led attachment, I also did try the mother-led attachment, attachment and feeding and it was quite painful. I went to see a lactation consultant a couple of times for her to help as well. Of course, they have told me to use the baby-led attachment, which was great.
Renee Kam: Even if the mother doesn’t have any breastfeeding problems, by using baby-led attachment frequently, particularly in the early weeks, it can help to reduce the risk of developing any breastfeeding problems such as the baby simply not attaching at all or sore nipples.
Miranda: Persevering with the baby-led attachment actually did help to heal the wounds and I think it was around 3 weeks that we had a happy breastfeeding relationship.
Renee Kam: A mother can do baby-led attachment whenever it’s right for her and her baby to do so. By having done baby-led attachment whenever she feels comfortable to do so, then it means that when she is breastfeeding in public, it makes it easier because baby knows what they’re doing and baby attaches easier to the mum’s breast.
Adele: So I think the baby-led attachment improved my confidence by I was able to see them feeding well, when I could look at them and I could see that they were attached really well and I could hear the swallowing and I knew we were having a good feed and so I didn’t have to really think about what I was doing with them.
Miranda: It helps to know about the fact that everyone is different. With baby-led attachment, it doesn’t matter because babies just go for the breast; they know what to look for.
Renee Kam: Baby-led attachment – it helps a mum and baby get breastfeeding off to a really good start. Then, it may help a mum to be able to breastfeed for as long as she wanted to and reach her own breastfeeding goals.
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In Yaroslavl, a mother does not feed her daughter and does not raise her, is it necessary to contact the guardianship authorities - a hostel on Uritskogo street - November 3, 2022
Yana is accused of not feeding daughter and does not take care of her upbringing
Photo: Alena Kostochkina
This hostel is indistinguishable from the typical Khrushchev houses that actually make up part of Yaroslavl's Dzerzhinsky district, built along Uritsky Street. Passing by the house, you do not even pay attention to it. Only if you look closely, you notice the nuances that indicate trouble: broken windows on the first floor, a loose door to the entrance is wide open. We came here because people concerned about the fate of a 4-year-old girl turned to the editorial office. As we were told, the child lives in a family of alcoholics, they do not feed him, do not wash him, and the baby sleeps in the common kitchen.
It turned out to be not so scary inside
Photo: Alena Kostochkina
True, everything is written all around
Photo: Alena Kostochkina
Inside, it turned out that the crowds of drunkards did not meet us so badly at the door , mountains of garbage were not lying in the corners. Broken mailboxes and scribbled walls are a characteristic feature of many Yaroslavl entrances. The hostel looks even more civilized than the communal apartments in the city center on Lenina Prospekt, from where we did our report. On the ground floor, in addition to the rooms, there is a room where people store baby carriages and bicycles. And also the caretaker's room. Tatyana has been working in this hostel for the third year. She immediately understood what kind of family they were talking about. But not because the family is dysfunctional, but because people with children of that age no longer live here.
A little more and the video will load
Video: Elena Vakhrusheva
The hostel in Bragino does not stand out from the total number of typical five-story buildings
Photo: Alena Kostochkina
40-year-old Yana Uralskaya came out of her room and immediately posted everything as if in spirit.
— Neighbors called the police the other day because my husband was sitting in the common kitchen. He drank a bottle of beer and listened to loud music. Although there was time ... Well, about 7 pm, I guess. So we can make noise until 11. And the police said: “We will complain to the PDN. You have minor children." So the children were with me in the room, they watched cartoons, and my husband was in the kitchen. When does he have a rest? That is, when other neighbors make noise and, excuse me, crap, is this normal? Yana was outraged.
The room where the family lives is crowded but clean
Photo: Alena Kostochkina
Yana and her husband have two children - 4-year-old Victoria and 12-year-old Artem (names have been changed. - Editor's note) .). Yana bought a dorm room back in 2016. She invited us to her place to show how she lives. There were no children at home. Daughter in the garden, and the son went for a walk. Yana said that today is a day off, as the water was turned off at school. Yana was especially outraged that someone said that she did not feed her daughter. Mother opened the refrigerator. In the freezer there is meat, and chicken, and dumplings. The main compartment is empty: there is a plate, it seems, with soup, and on one of the shelves something like the remnants of sausage was lying around. But something was defrosting on the table. The room is small, but it is clean. There is all the necessary furniture. Yana and her husband sleep on the bed, the children also have a separate bed.
- I'm a little, how to say, in shock. We have everything. No, this is some kind of nonsense, ”Yana continues to repeat, not believing that someone complained about her. Yes, they give us things. So what? I have two children. I myself recently gave things to a friend, her daughter was born, - says Yana.
Yana was outraged that they say that her daughter goes hungry
Photo: Alena Kostochkina
In the right wing, where Yana and her family live, there are two more rooms and a whole 4-room apartment. Yana knows all the neighbors. She says that she has never had any conflict with anyone.
- We communicate occasionally. Yes, I have no time. This is where Sasha lives. Here is Alexei. But I don't communicate with Alexei. He drinks, how to say it, - says Yana.
— Do you drink?
— How are you? I can drink a bottle of beer. Yes, when to drink something with two children? Sometimes you want to, but not once. I have cooking, tidying up.
— Do you work?
- Now I'm going to get a job at school, wash the floors for hours. The husband works unofficially. I know that he knows furniture... But I don’t know what exactly he does.
Then Yana picks up the phone and shows pictures of the children. Washed, dressed, at a professional photo shoot in kindergarten.
“My daughter had a morning party in the kindergarten on Friday,” shows Yana's picture. A pretty four-year-old girl in a smart dress sits on it.
The contents of the freezer
Photo: Alena Kostochkina
Here Tatyana, the supply manager, stands up for Yana. She says that Yana is the only one who fights for order in this hostel. She calls repairmen, and cleans up, and drives drunken youth.
Yana is defrosting something that looks like meatballs. Nearby is the bed of a four-year-old daughter
Photo: Alena Kostochkina
— We have different people living here. And alcoholics too. Glasses are broken, bottles are thrown, plane trees are thrown and you don’t understand what. And that's okay. And if my husband drank beer on the day off, then what? Yana is outraged.
Jana shows us the common kitchen. She says that her husband himself made repairs here, assembled furniture. The kitchen also looks decent, especially considering that it is shared. The stove was washed to a shine, a clean sink, in which there was not even a dirty cup. It should be clarified that none of the tenants was aware that correspondents would come in order to have time to polish. There are large speakers in the kitchen. It was them that Yana's husband turned on when the neighbors complained about him.
There are four-year-old Sophia's toys in the hallway
Photo: Alena Kostochkina
Right in the building, inside the hostel, there is a grocery store. Where alcohol is also sold. Very comfortably. You don't even need to get dressed if you suddenly find that there is no bread or something hot. The shop assistant Natalia works. She also knows Yana and her family.
— The girl is neither hungry nor homeless. I can say that for sure,” says Natalya.
— Do they buy alcohol?
— On weekends, they buy… Well, maybe once a month, — Natalia immediately pulled back. When they buy what. Beer, husband can buy vodka.
— Are there any incidents in the family?
— I don't know, they are there by themselves.
Shop directly in the hostel. No need to go far
Photo: Alena Kostochkina
I must say that of all the neighbors with whom we managed to talk, no one said a bad word about Yana. On the contrary, they claim that she is a good mother. For example, we met a young man named Ruslan from the upper floors.
- Everything is fine with them. For the child, she itches. Takes care. I have lived here for a long time and know everything. The girl is doing great, she has toys. The husband, if he wants to drink, he will sit in the kitchen, and the children do not see this. Well, men can drink, - Ruslan minted.
Ruslan says that the family lives well
Photo: Alena Kostochkina
Nevertheless, we were told that it was the neighbors who sounded the alarm.
- A friend of my colleague lives in this hostel. She said that the child sleeps in the hallway or in the common kitchen. That she is fed and washed by neighbors. And once a neighbor took her to spend the night. Apparently, the parents called the police, and they quickly ran. They say: “We understand everything. But this is theft of a person. But when the neighbors turned to the police and guardianship authorities, they did not react, - said Yaroslavna Nadezhda Ivasishina, who collects clothes for little Victoria.
The kitchen where Yana's husband is listening to loud music. And where, according to neighbors, his daughter has to sleep
Photo: Alena Kostochkina
Yana didn't particularly complain that the police visit them from time to time. But not because of the child. None of the trips was connected with the cruel treatment of the girl. Yana's daughter turned out to be a tool for manipulating neighbors in a banal conflict between hostel residents. Didn't share the kitchen, don't like loud music. Something else. It is convenient to set the police off by reporting that a child is suffering.
But does he suffer? The family is under control in the juvenile department, which was confirmed by the Dzerzhinsky administration to the editors of 76.RU. They were put on a pencil not because of four-year-old Victoria, but because of Yana's eldest son, Artem. Why this happened was not specified. It is not known whether this was a childish prank on the part of the boy himself or his parents' lifestyle.
In such stories, the question arises: will it be better for the child if he is taken away from the family, recognizing it as dysfunctional? And then another arises: what if the child will be worse if he is not taken away? There are thousands of stories of parents torturing their children. Take our city, for example: in November last year, my stepfather beat a 6-year-old boy to death. At the same time, the neighbors said that the family lives quietly.
In Yana's story, vigilant neighbors seem to be too attentive. A poor life in a hostel is not the best place for childhood, but the daughter and son of the heroine cannot be called homeless.
What if you suspect something is wrong with your neighbors behind the wall, do you want to help? The answer was given by the police.
— The first thing to pay attention to is if the child is hungry and asks for food, if he does not want to go home and is outside late at night. The child constantly walks in dirty and torn clothes out of season. The parents are under the influence of alcohol. The child needs help if you notice possible signs of beatings in him. Report this information to the police, it will be checked, and if it is confirmed, it will be you who will assist in helping this child, - said the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Yaroslavl region.