Acidic foods list for baby girl
Foods to eat to conceive a girl
If you’re longing to have a daughter, you might be wondering whether the food you eat could help you achieve your dream.
Can following a particular diet help you to conceive a baby girl naturally? Will certain foods increase your chances of having a daughter?
Keep reading to find out what the scientific research – and the old wives’ tales – say.
What are my chances of having a girl?
Although there are two possibilities – boy or girl – the chances of having either is not exactly 50/50. In fact, it is slightly skewed in favor of boys.
For every 100 girls born in the world, there are 105 boys born. This means there is a slightly higher chance that each baby born will be a boy.
How can I increase my chances of conceiving a girl?
In truth, the only way to guarantee your baby’s sex is to use sex selection. This procedure relies on scientists selecting a female embryo and inserting it into your womb. This procedure is expensive in some countries, and illegal in others. Many lawmakers deem sex selection to be unethical and have outlawed the practice.
If sex selection is illegal in your country, or not an option you’d consider, you might be looking for ways to conceive a girl naturally. Keep reading to find out whether the food you eat can determine the sex of your baby.
It’s essential to bear in mind that, other than sex selection, there is no guaranteed way to determine the sex of your baby.
You can try the methods listed in this article and they might improve your chances, but there are no guarantees. We believe the most crucial thing is to have a healthy baby.
What foods should I eat to conceive a girl?
It’s important to note there is very little science behind what foods you should eat to conceive a girl.
A lot of the theories out there are based on old wives’ tales and might not stand up to scrutiny.
Here is a list of foods people claim you should eat to conceive a baby girl:
- Seafood
- Beans
- Almonds
- Leafy greens
- Dairy products
- Rhubarb
- Amaranth
- Edamame and tofu
- Berries
- Figs
- Okra
- Citrus fruits
- Oats
- Eggs
- Apples
- Seeds
- Cashew nuts and peanut butter.
What foods to eat to conceive a baby girl
According to one study, you can do things to increase your chance of having a girl. In a 2010 study researchers looked at whether maternal diet combined with the timing of sexual intercourse could determine the sex of the baby.
In particular, the researchers wanted to know whether a low-sodium, high-calcium diet would make a difference.
172 couples participated in the study. Blood minerals were assessed to determine the maternal diet, and ovulation tests were used to determine when couples should have sex.
Sex was timed to take place well before ovulation in the hopes of conceiving a girl. This is because ‘girl sperm’ has a longer lifespan and can survive for days before fertilizing an egg. ‘Boy sperm’, on the other hand, has a shorter lifespan.
The researchers found that, when used together, a low-sodium, high-calcium diet and sex before ovulation improved the chances of having a girl. Furthermore, they determined that diet had the most significant impact on the success rate.
This was a small study, so it is difficult to draw definite conclusions from the results. However, if you long for a daughter, there is no harm in applying the theory when you try to conceive. You will need to use ovulation tests or natural methods to determine the time ovulation occurs.
Best foods to eat to conceive a girl
The diet followed by the participants in the study mentioned above was low in salt and high in magnesium-rich foods. All meals had to be prepared without salt, and women consumed plenty of dairy products.
Participants ate bread, fruit, vegetables, meat, rice, and pasta. Potatoes were limited because of the high potassium content.
Study participants took daily food supplements of magnesium, calcium, and Vitamin D.
Blood values were carefully monitored throughout the study to ensure participants consumed the right amounts of vitamins and minerals.
Acidic foods to eat to conceive a girl
Some people believe eating an acidic diet can help improve your chances of conceiving a girl naturally. Some believe that boy sperm are not as able to survive in a more acidic environment.
One popular theory states that consuming acid-producing foods can increase your chance of conceiving a daughter.
Acidic foods to conceive a baby girl
The following foods are believed to make the body more acidic and therefore less welcoming to boy sperm, giving girl sperm more of a chance:
- Fish
- Meat
- Dairy products
- Grains
- Olives, plums, and blueberries
- Walnuts, peas, and peanuts
- Vinegar
- Mustard.
How to conceive a baby girl naturally
There are several things you can do to improve the chance of conceiving a baby girl, including:
Avoid sex when you’re ovulating
It doesn’t sound like a great way of getting pregnant, but abstaining from sex on the day of ovulation could help you to conceive a girl. The sex of the baby is determined by the sperm that fertilizes the egg.
If the fertilizing sperm carries a Y chromosome, the baby will be a boy. If the winning sperm carries an X chromosome, the baby will be a girl.
Male-producing sperm swim faster but die sooner, so they have an increased chance of success on the day of ovulation.
Female-producing sperm, on the other hand, can lie in wait for days for an egg to fertilize. For this reason, having sex before conception could increase your chance of having a daughter.
Opt for shallow penetration
If you were hoping for a bouncing baby boy, you would want the sperm deposited as close to the cervix as possible to give those fast-swimming Y chromosome sperm a head start. For a daughter, however, you want the opposite.
Shallow penetration means the sperm will have to travel further to reach the egg, giving plenty of opportunities for the male sperm to run out of energy and give up, while the female sperm power on and find the prize.
The missionary position is ideal for shallow penetration.
Hold off on the female orgasm
During orgasm, the female body releases an alkaline secretion that many believe benefits male sperm. This alkaline secretion is thought to create a more hospitable environment for boy sperm, increasing their chances of reaching the egg.
Avoiding a female orgasm could help keep the vagina inhospitable to male sperm and improve your chance of conceiving a baby girl.
Have sex more often
Regular sex might help you to conceive a girl. In the days leading up to ovulation, you should have sex frequently.
The more sex you have, the lower your partner’s sperm count will be. The lower the sperm count, the fewer fast swimming male sperm will be racing towards the egg.
Baby girl diet for father
Many people wonder whether paternal diet can influence the sex of the baby. At the moment, there is no research to suggest this. However, we do know that diet can affect both sperm quality and sperm quantity.
To have as many of the best swimmers possible, you should be sure to eat a healthy, balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals.
It’s essential to cut out the unhealthy things, too. For example, smoking, drinking alcohol, and eating junk food can reduce sperm quality.
To have the best chance of conceiving, both parties should enjoy a healthy lifestyle and eat a well-balanced diet.
Supplements to conceive a girl
Many couples wonder whether daily supplements might help them to conceive a girl. In the study mentioned above, women took daily supplements, including magnesium, Vitamin D, and calcium, to ensure they had enough of these vital vitamins.
A daily multivitamin might also help build good levels of these essential vitamins.
Some women take cranberry supplements when trying to conceive a girl. It is thought that cranberry supplements can alter the pH levels inside the vagina and create an environment more welcoming to female sperm. This has not been scientifically proved, however, and seems to be an old wives’ tale.
Folate or folic acid plays a vital role in fetal development during early pregnancy. For this reason, you should start taking folic acid as soon as you start trying for a baby.
Read more in Folic Acid For Pregnancy – Facts You MUST Know.
How do I get over my gender disappointment?
Gender disappointment might be taboo, but it’s not uncommon. Many parents experience a twinge of disappointment when they learn the sex of their baby.
Gender disappointment is not a sign you are a bad parent, and it’s not something you should feel guilty about. You can’t help how you feel.
Unfortunately, the stigma associated with gender disappointment leaves many feeling guilty and ashamed of this common parenting experience.
Talking to non-judgemental friends and family members might help you to process your feelings. If there’s no one in your everyday life you can trust, a counselor might be able to help you.
For some great advice about dealing with gender disappointment and some real-life experiences, take a look at the BellyBelly article How To Deal With Gender Disappointment.
Baby Bottoms 101: Diet & Diaper Rash
Diaper rash is one of those pesky problems every mom wants to avoid, because angry red bumps or an ugly rash on your baby’s diaper area is not something mama wants to see. But despite your best efforts, diaper rash happens.
Now what? Well, you’re a mom, so you can definitely handle it. But what’s the best way?
How do you get rid of diaper rash quickly, so you can get back to funny faces, gummy grins, happy diaper changes and giggles?
Buh-bye with Boudreaux’s Butt Paste®When you spot diaper rash, your first line of defense is to use Boudreaux’s Butt Paste®. It eases symptoms and helps treat and protect baby’s sensitive skin. For fast results, try Maximum Strength Boudreaux’s Butt Paste®, because it’s clinically shown to provide immediate soothing relief from rash discomfort. Moms also say they noticed visible improvements of some of the worst symptoms of diaper rash in as little as three hours.
Rethink baby’s dietYou can make changes to your baby’s diet that will help ease diaper rash. Certain types of food can aggravate her already sensitive skin and actually make diaper rash symptoms worse. Acidic foods are often to blame for making diaper rash worse. Foods high in fat and sugar can also be problematic. On the flip side, starchy foods can help ease diaper rash.
If your baby had diaper rash, think about cutting these foods out of her diet until her symptoms improve:
- Citrus fruits and juices
- Tomatoes and tomato-based products (this includes foods like spaghetti sauce)
- Strawberries
- Pineapple
- Grapes
- Raisins
When your baby has diaper rash, the last thing you want to add to the equation is diarrhea or loose stools. Every baby is different, but the following foods tend to trigger diarrhea in babies, so it’s a good idea to avoid them:
- Milk-based formula (cow’s milk)
- Apple juice
- Pear juice
- Cherry juice
- Apricots
- Peaches
- Pears
- Apricots
- Prunes and prune juice
Starches are easy to digest and add bulk to the stool, so that’s why they are A-Okay for baby to eat if she’s struggling with diaper rash symptoms. Babies who are eating solid foods can eat pasta and fermented whole grains. Other foods that are easy on diaper rash are chopped up soft-boiled eggs and plain yogurt with probiatics.
Remember, baby cereal doesn’t just have to be old-school rice cereal. She can try cereal made from oats, quinoa, brown rice or other whole grains. Other starchy options for baby include the following foods:
- Potatoes
- Rice
- Crackers
- Bread or toast
- Plantain
- Beans or lentils
If your baby has ever suffered from diarrhea, you’ve probably heard of the BRAT diet. This bland, easy-to-digest diet is used to bulk up baby’s stools. Since easing diaper rash symptoms is similar, the B.R.A.T. diet works too. Just remember to ease up on foods that bulk up her diet once her diaper rash symptoms improve, so she doesn’t get constipated.
B. = Banana
R. = Rice
A. = Applesauce
T. = Toast
Moms often refer to Boudreaux’s Butt Paste® as a “miracle ointment” that eases diaper rash within hours. If you’ve had a “Wow, this stuff is magic!” moment with Boudreaux’s Butt Paste®, share your story with us in the comments section on our Facebook page.
Acidic or oxidizing foods
These are foods that, when broken down in the body, give an acid reaction, shifting the acid-base balance towards acidification. Acidic foods (oxidizing), of course, you can eat, but, observing the condition: the percentage of acidic and alkaline foods in the daily diet should be 50/50. If you are highly acidic, then 2o / 80 (acid / alkaline) daily diet.
Women especially need to monitor the pH of the body, because. only in an acidic (acidified) environment develop such terrible diseases as cancer of the uterus, breast, blood, etc., fibroids, fibroadenoma, infertility, etc.
That same notorious cellulite is a problem of excessive consumption of acidic foods , the problem of body acidification, (i. e., when all excess body acids accumulate in adipose tissue, where the acidity limit is greatest). Many, not knowing this, try to fight it with all kinds of massages, which is practically useless. Because, by physical impact on acidified adipose tissue, you drive acids back into muscle tissue, which causes intoxication of the body (body pain, drowsiness). If you tolerate massage well, then your pH is more or less okay.
Yes, and one more thing, for your information: as soon as the body (in adipose tissue and intercellular fluid) sorts out the acids, the lymphatic system turns on, which seeks to excrete it all outward (hence the runny nose, leucorrhoea, pus, sputum, sweat). In this situation, deodorant is the worst enemy. It is not necessary to use it constantly, it is very harmful. If you don't sweat, poisons and toxins will remain inside. Follow the logic!
So, let's go directly to the list of very acidic foods Power:
- meat ,
- Fish ,
- Egg (chicken, quail, etc.
- Bolishing oil ,
- Bread ,
- Refined deodorized vegetable oil (odorless),
- Nuts (everything except almonds),
- All sour vegetables (tomatoes, eggplants - when processed become sour products according to the reaction in the body, etc.),
- Sour-milk products (sour cream, yogurt, kefir, etc.),
- Sour garden berries (gooseberries, cranberries, lingonberries, currants , strawberries, etc.),
- Sour greens (sorrel, rhubarb, onion, garlic, etc.),
- apricot, apple, etc.),
- Sugar (Any foods that have added sugar, even if they were alkaline foods, become acidic foods ).
For example, a freshly squeezed or freshly cut lemon has an alkaline reaction (its potential = -50/-100), when sugar is added (after 10 minutes) it becomes an oxidizing product for the body.
- Legumes (peas, beans, lentils),
- Chocolate and chocolate products ,
- Dried fruits (everything except dates). Despite their great benefits for the body, there are sour products . But this does not mean at all that dried fruits should be removed from the diet, on the contrary, they must be present in the daily diet without fail. But it is very important to compensate for the oxidizing reaction that they give with alkaline foods.
- Cakes, pastries ,
- Creams ,
- Honey. Although it is an acidifying product, it has many useful properties. However, I would especially like to note its beneficial effect on elasticity, firmness and skin color, of course, it cannot be compared with botoxa injections, but with constant external use and eating, the effect is obvious.
- cheeses ,
- yogurt ,
- seafood (shrimp, squid, mussels, crabs, etc.
), are also oxidizing foods,
- Forest berries (blueberries, strawberries).
This list includes the most common sour foods according to reaction used in the daily diet.
Remember, for a woman (girl) the only way to live a healthy life is to keep an alkaline diet!
Based on materials from Anna Struzhkova's blog "Get pumped up - be healthy"
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Alkaline foods: list, table, rules of use
Many concepts in dietology are demonized and taken out of context, so sometimes they don't sound quite right. Since humans are omnivores, we consume both animal and plant foods. Any food of animal origin is acidic. Food of plant origin is alkaline, and the combination of acid and alkali results in neutralization and balance. We tell how this affects our body, and also give a table of alkaline and acidic foods.
Each body environment has a strictly defined pH - acidity level. For example, the most acidic level of acidity is in the stomach, where aggressive gastric juice is formed, which helps a person digest food. Blood, lymph, intercellular substance, skin surface, mucous membranes of various organs have strictly their own programmed pH level and this level is unchanged.
In ordinary life, these levels can shift by hundredths - this is not critical. If a person's environment is significantly shifted, then this person is a resuscitation patient. Therefore, in conventional laboratories, pH is not measured, it is only needed for resuscitation. In a healthy person, the pH balance is uniquely programmed by nature, but due to various phenomena, such as excess carbohydrate food, excessive refined food, large amounts of salt, food additives, lack of sleep, alcohol, smoking, poor environment, increased stress levels and constant deadlines, as well as all chronic diseases, including obesity, give us high acidity. There is even such a thing as an "acid person" - a tired person with gray skin, edema. Due to the wrong lifestyle, the level of acidity rises and the aging process starts in the body. In this case, it will be useful to alkalize the body - the use of any plant products that have a slightly alkaline environment, that is, pH- (minus). When the body is alkalized, any plants will be friends to us.
Also do not rank various vegetables and fruits according to their alkalinity. There are a lot of tablets that are invented by nutritionists. They are not doctors, so you should not be guided by such signs, but you should perceive them only as a beautiful advertising substrate.
Let us recall, for example, Dr. Herbert Shelton, the founder of the separate food system, which still has many adherents. So, Dr. Shelton is an adventurer who worked without a license and starved many of his patients to death. Many lawsuits were filed against him, he was in prison several times, even ran for the presidency of America. He created an illiterate medical system of separate meals, because this system was created by an adventurer, not a doctor. Roughly the same thing is happening now. Dividing by pH is all trickery, but there is some truth to it.
It is definitely harmful if a person eats only animal food in his diet, combining it with highly refined, for example, fast food. In everyday life, healthy people do not eat like this. Ideal healthy food is a combination of the right animal and plant foods. For example, a side dish of seasonal vegetables, fresh or stewed, is ideal for meat or fish.
There are a lot of queries on the Internet about "which foods are alkaline". This is a category that neutralizes acids and regulates the acid-base balance. Almost all vegetables and fruits, with the exception of potatoes, beans, cherries, blueberries, cranberries and prunes, belong to the category. When alkalizing the body, you should add broccoli, asparagus, vegetable juices, onions, raw spinach to your diet, since they are the richest in alkaline-forming properties.
Do not forget that for normal life the body must receive all the necessary nutrients, that is, consume not only alkaline products that reduce acidity - acidifying must also be present in the diet. However, the use of some of them should be limited, for example, highly acidic ones include: potatoes, sugar, chocolate, meat, white rice, flour products, coffee, as well as beer and soft drinks. Excessive consumption of highly acidic foods shifts the pH to the acid side and negatively affects the general condition of the body.
The main thing is the right combination
Any plant food has alkaline properties, while animal food is slightly acidic. When we skillfully combine them, we get a balanced diet. When our nourishment deviates into some more preferred food, we become sick. For example, if a person constantly eats fatty foods, he may develop obesity, gout, swelling and other diseases. At the same time, if a person becomes an orthodox zealous vegetarian and eats only plant foods, he will have even more diseases, for example, a decrease in hormonal levels, anemia, protein deficiency, weak immune system resistance, and others.