Baby dribbles when bottle feeding
4 Reasons Why Baby always Dribbles milk while Feeding I empiricalmama
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Are you worried about your baby dribbling milk from the corner of the mouth rather than drinking? Here are reasons and what you should do if the baby always dribbles milk while bottle or breastfeeding.
Whether you are breastfeeding or bottle-feeding a baby, there is a learning curve for both mom and baby.
Some babies are born with skills to latch on or bottle feed from day one, while others take days to master the skill of breastfeeding or bottle feeding.
It is concerning for new mothers to see their baby dribbling milk from the corner of the mouth while feeding rather than drinking.
Are they not getting enough to eat? Are they hungry all the time? – are some of the questions you start asking yourself.
In this article, we talk about possible reasons your baby always dribbles milk while bottle or breastfeeding and tips on how to stop the baby from dribbling milk so your baby gets more milk in the tummy and not on the burp cloth.
Table Of Contents
- Why does Baby always Dribble milk while feeding?
- Baby Always Dribbles Milk while Breastfeeding
- Tongue-tie
- How to identify if your Baby has Tongue-tie?
- Oversupply of Breast milk
- Baby Always Dribbles Milk while Bottle feeding
- Tongue-tie
- Wrong size nipple
- The way you bottle-feed your baby
- How to Stop Baby from Dribbling milk while Feeding?
- Get tongue tie corrected
- The Solution for Fast Milk Flow/Oversupply of breast milk
- Try Different Nipple Size and shape
- Paced feed your Baby
- Baby always Dribbles milk while Bottle or Breastfeeding: Conclusion
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Why does Baby always Dribble milk while feeding?In general, babies are messy eaters whether you are breastfeeding or bottle-feeding. Therefore, you always need to have a burp cloth or washcloth prepped up before you begin feeding your baby.
Even when they master the skill of feeding when they are a little older, they still dribble milk from time to time.
So, your baby dribbling milk may not be the cause of concern other than a simple laundry problem.
But when you see your baby dribbling milk each feeding over the days or weeks, you may worry about whether they are getting enough to eat.
If they are dribbling a large amount of breast milk or formula at each feeding, they are not swallowing enough milk to keep up with their early age growth requirement.
One of the medical reasons your breastfed or bottle-fed baby is always dribbling milk while feeding is tongue-tie.
Babies with tongue ties have restricted tongue mobility, making it harder for them to latch on to the breast or bottle correctly. And this will result in babies leaking milk from the corner of their mouth rather than getting enough to eat.
Let’s look at possible reasons why a baby always dribbles milk while breastfeeding and bottle feeding in detail.
Baby Always Dribbles Milk while BreastfeedingPhoto by ?? Janko Ferlič on UnsplashThere are two main reasons why breastfed baby always dribbles milk while breastfeeding.
Tongue-tieTongue-tie (ankyloglossia) is a medical condition that some babies are born with. An unusually short and thick band of tissue tethers the bottom of the tongue’s tip to the bottom of the baby’s mouth, restricting its movement.
So, babies with tongue-tie have difficulty latching on to the breast correctly while feeding cause milk to dribble from the corner of the mouth.
Getting the baby to latch properly on the breast is the first step for successfully breastfeeding a baby, followed by a coordinated suck-swallow-breathe pattern once a proper latch is achieved.
But babies with tongue-tie have difficulty sticking their tongues out, affecting the way they swallow breast milk. This restricted tongue movement will cause milk to dribble milk from the corner of the mouth.
So, if you think your baby dribbles milk while breastfeeding or nursing because of tongue-tie, talk to your pediatrician or lactation consultant. They will evaluate the baby’s mouth anatomy and suggest a course of action.
Tongue-tie is a very common condition among newborns, and it can be fixed by a small surgical procedure.
How to identify if your Baby has Tongue-tie?In addition to baby dribbling milk while nursing, tongue tie makes breastfeeding difficult.
Breastfeeding requires a baby to keep their tongue over the lower gum while sucking at the breast. If they cannot keep the tongue in the right position, they will bite or chew on the nipple rather than suck on it.
This will cause significant pain, and you will be able to judge that something is not right while breastfeeding.
And because a baby with tongue-tie is dribbling milk while nursing and getting enough nutrition, they will fail to thrive.
Newborns are required to meet certain growth expectations by they are a few weeks old. For example, in the first 4-5 days after birth, the baby loses 5-10% of their birth weight, but by the 2 weeks, they regain it.
So, if you notice your baby not gaining weight at about 2 weeks and has fewer wet and soiled diapers, it is an indication that your baby might have tongue-tie.
Oversupply of Breast milkIf you think your baby’s moth anatomy is not a problem for your baby dribbling milk, you might want to check your milk supply.
Some mamas have an overabundance of milk supply due to engorgement, or they are naturally blessed with it.
Oversupply of milk or fast let-down will frustrate your baby at the breast as they can not handle the milk flow, resulting in the baby dribbling milk from the corner of the mouth or making clicking sound while feeding.
Oversupply of breast milk is frustrating for mothers as they will need to unlatch and latch their baby every time they have let down while nursing to make it manageable for their babies.
Here are some of the indications of oversupply of breast milk
- Engorgement or breast feel full all the time
- Baby biting on the nipple to stop the milk flow
- Baby latching and unlatching repeatedly
- Baby chokes on breast milk
- Clogged milk ducts, milk blebs, or mastitis
- Overactive let-down
- Baby dribbling milk to manage the milk flow in the mouth
Tongue-tie and flow of the milk are two common reasons why a baby dribbles milk while bottle feeding.
Whether you are feeding expressed breast milk or formula in a bottle, if your baby can not handle the milk flow or has a tongue tie, they are likely to dribble milk while bottle feeding.
Tongue-tieAs mentioned earlier, tongue-tie is a medical condition where a thick piece of tissue is tethered between the tongue’s tip to the floor of the mouth, making it difficult for the baby to suck while feeding.
So, even when feeding on the bottle (which is comparatively easy for babies to get milk from than breasts), they can’t suck properly from the nipple. And this will lead to dribbling milk from the corner of the mouth while bottle feeding.
Wrong size nippleNewborn babies are not used to the fast flow of the nipple. So, if you are not using a newborn nipple for your baby, they will get frustrated with milk flow and dribble milk while bottle feeding.
Nipple comes in varying shapes and sizes, and depending on your baby, you need to choose the size of a nipple.
The way you bottle-feed your babyJust like breastfeeding, you also need to learn how to bottle feed. It is not as easy as it seems. The way you hold the bottle makes a big difference in how fast the milk flows from the nipple.
So, if you are holding the bottle in a vertical position in your baby’s mouth, your baby will get more milk from the milk that they can’t handle, resulting in dribbling milk while feeding.
In addition, before you decide that your baby is dribbling milk from the corner of the mouth while feeding, check how you assemble the part of your bottle after washing.
Sometimes, you might not have assembled the nipple and other parts of your anti-colic bottle (which requires special attention during assembly), causing milk to spill over the place while feeding rather than from your baby’s mouth. It happens! (It’s a mom thing).
It is also possible that the baby is dribbling milk because they do not like the taste of breast milk or you have accidently given them spoiled breast milk.
Related Read
- Why Baby Squirms, Cries, or fuss while Bottle Feeding? (Bottle-feeding Problems and Solutions)
- Why Baby’s Gas Smells like Rotten Egg or Sulfur?
It is frustrating for moms to see their baby dribbling milk rather than consuming it, as we all want our babies to get maximum goodness of the last drops of our precious breast milk or formula for them to strive.
So, when they are always dribbling milk while feeding, here is what you need to do to stop them.
Get tongue tie correctedIf your baby is not gaining enough weight and has been diagnosed with tongue-tie, you need to get your baby’s tongue tie corrected surgically.
It will improve their daily feeding experience and prevent speech and dental-related problems later in life.
The Solution for Fast Milk Flow/Oversupply of breast milkIf you think you have an oversupply of breast milk, you need to adjust your milk supply to make it manageable for your baby. Here is what you need to do,
- Pump some milk or hand express some milk before breastfeeding your baby
- Put your baby to the breast after first you have had your first let-down
- Unlatch your baby when you have a letdown while nursing. Catch the excess milk leak from the letdown onto a towel, and once let down, slow latch your baby again.
- If you think you have an overabundance of milk supply, apply cabbage leaf to your breast to reduce the amount of breast milk you are producing.
However, talk to your lactation consultation before trying to reduce your milk supply.
Using a smaller nipple size will help stop the dribbling of milk as it will control the flow of the milk into the mouth at a time.
And if your baby has difficulty latching on to the nipple you are using, try changing the shape of the nipple to a more ‘breast-like nipple’ to reduce spills.
Paced feed your BabyPaced bottle feeding is an approach to bottle-feeding a baby physiologically similar to breastfeeding at the breast.
In paced bottle feeding, you hold your baby in an upright/reclined position (like you do while breastfeeding) and hold the bottle horizontally so milk from the bottle is not pouring into the baby’s mouth.
Paced bottle feeding allows the baby to control the milk flow and set the feeding pace, thereby minimizing spilling milk from the mouth.
Paced bottle feeding also reduced gas and colic in bottle feed baby. Check out the detailed article on how to paced bottle feed a baby here.
I hope this article helped you figure out why a baby always dribbles milk while feeding. Usually, tongue-tie is the main medical reason for a baby dribbling a large amount of milk from the corner of the mouth.
If you suspect that is the case, talk to your doctor or lactation consultant and get it fixed. All the other reasons for baby dribbling milk while feeding can be easily fixed once you know the cause.
Good much, Mama!
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Babies are constantly learning and growing in every aspect of their lives – including in basic skills such as eating. While most babies can drink milk or formula immediately after birth, some little ones seem to always lose their milk out the side of their mouth as they’re eating.
Although your baby’s leaking milk can be caused by conditions such as tongue-tie or problems with the nipple size or assembly that you’re using, some babies who dribble milk are simply messy eaters. If your little one seems to be getting enough food (he’s growing well and peeing on schedule), then his milk dribbles shouldn’t be a concern.
If your baby seems constantly hungry and still dribbles most of his meal while eating, there may be a problem. Keep reading to learn about the most common reasons for babies to dribble milk, and for tips on how to help.
Table of Contents
Baby always dribbles milk when feeding
It can be a real pain if your baby leaks their meals all over the place. Not only are you worried that your precious little one might not be getting enough to eat, but you’re having to manage the piles of milk-soaked laundry. And if your child has been dribbling milk for weeks, you may even begin to worry that there might be something wrong.
While some babies are just messy eaters, there can also be underlying issues at play causing milk dribbling. Tongue-tie is one such problem and results in restricted tongue mobility that can make it hard for a baby to form a proper latch on the breast or bottle. Another common problem is the speed at which babies are given milk.
In breastfed babies, mothers with an oversupply of milk may be producing more than their baby can swallow at any given time. In bottle-fed babies, a large nipple size might be flooding the baby’s mouth with too much milk.
If your baby constantly dribbles large amounts of milk when feeding (whether they’re breast- or bottle-fed), you may want to consult with their pediatrician or a lactation consultant to see if your child might have a tongue-tie. If their mouth anatomy seems normal, then it might be worth switching up feeding methods by trying new nursing positions or switching nipples if bottle feeding.
Is baby getting enough milk
One of the biggest worries with milk-dribbling babies is that they might not be swallowing enough food. It can be particularly difficult to tell how much milk your little one is drinking if you’re breastfeeding.
Generally, if your baby seems content after eating and is gaining weight as predicted, they’re eating enough. In contrast, if your baby seems extra sleepy and isn’t gaining weight as expected, they might not be getting enough milk.
Signs that baby is getting enough milk
If your baby appears to be growing and developing fine, then it’s likely not a problem if she’s also dribbling milk.
If your baby is getting enough milk, she may:
- Nurse or eat frequently and on a consistent schedule
- Seem content and happy after eating
- Gain approximately 5.5-8.5 ounces of weight per week until 4 months of age
- Clearly swallow while breastfeeding, or empty a bottle
- Fill diapers with light-colored urine on a consistent schedule
- Appear alert and active, and meet developmental milestones
While it can be frustrating to lose so much breastmilk or formula (not to mention deal with the additional laundry), it should be comforting to know that your little one is still happy and healthy.
Signs that baby isn’t getting enough milk
If your baby isn’t swallowing enough milk, she may:
- Seem extra sleepy or even lethargic
- Sleep more than 4 hours at a time
- Take a very brief or very long time nursing or working at a bottle
- Consistently fall asleep while feeding
- Have a shallow or painful latch while nursing
- Gain less weight than expected (5.5-8.5 ounces per week is normal)
- Have dark urine or dry diapers
If your child doesn’t seem to be getting enough milk, it’s important to consult with a pediatrician or lactation consultant right away. If you’re ever concerned about your baby, trust your instincts and seek medical care.
Breastfed baby dribbles milk when nursing
When breastfed babies dribble milk while nursing, there are two main culprits: tongue-tie and oversupply.
Tongue-tie affects your baby, essentially restricting the mobility of their tongue so that it’s hard for them to get a good latch on the breast (hence, the leaking milk).
Oversupply occurs in the mother when she produces more milk than her baby needs, leading to her baby spluttering, gasping, and dribbling milk.
Tongue-tie, or ankyloglossia, occurs when the lingual frenulum (the part of the mouth that anchors the tongue to the mouth floor) is extra tight or short.
Though it may not seem like a big deal, a tongue-tie can restrict tongue mobility and be of particular concern in babies. Breastfeeding requires careful coordination of a baby’s mouth muscles in order to latch, suck, and swallow effectively, and tongue-tie can hamper that motion, leading to difficulty latching and/or swallowing quick-flowing breast milk.
A baby with a tongue-tie will likely dribble milk while attempting to feed, an occurrence that can be uncomfortable for both baby and mother. While it is possible for babies with tongue-tie to breastfeed, they may experience more difficulty with the process than they might otherwise.
‘Oversupply’ refers to an overabundance of breast milk produced by a mother – much more milk than her baby needs.
Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing, and having extra breast milk doesn’t actually mean a better-fed baby. Instead, the flow of breast milk can be hard for the little one to process. It can be a bit like drinking from a firehose for the baby, and can lead to difficulties with nursing.
Some signs of oversupply include:
- Baby may cough, choke, or splutter while nursing
- Baby may be restless during feeding
- Feedings may be short and frequent
- Mother might have a strong, forceful milk release
- Mother’s breasts might always feel full, or refill quickly after a feeding
- Frequent plugged ducts or mastitis
- Baby may ‘dribble’ milk while eating
Baby always dribbles milk from a bottle
Babies can dribble milk from bottles just as they do while nursing, and the culprits are often similar: tongue-tie and extra milk flow.
Tongue-tie, or ankyloglossia, occurs when the lingual frenulum (the membrane that secures the tongue to the bottom of the mouth) is too tight or short.
Tongue-tie can restrict tongue mobility, which can make it difficult for a baby to master the complex action of drinking from a bottle. A baby with tongue-tie may dribble milk while feeding.
Milk flow is too fast/strong
While bottles can be a convenient way for babies to eat, they can sometimes be too convenient. Babies can only swallow so much milk or formula at a time, and if the flow out of their bottle is too fast or strong, it can cause problems.
Each bottle brand has a different speed of milk flow, which can make it tricky to tell exactly how much milk is entering your baby’s mouth per second. And each baby has a different limit for what constitutes a ‘comfortable’ speed.
Nipple too big
One way to control the milk flow in a bottle is through the nipple size.
Different brands have different variations in size, but most begin with a ‘preemie’ or ‘newborn’ level and go on up from there. There are often guidelines for when to use which size nipple, but the ranges can vary, and each child is different. A too-big nipple on a bottle can lead to a strong flow of milk that might be too hard for your baby to keep up with.
When your baby can’t swallow all the milk that enters their mouth, the excess will dribble out the side.
Anti-colic nipple incorrectly assembled
Anti-colic nipples can work wonders by minimizing the amount of air a baby swallows while drinking, helping to reduce gassy bellies. The catch?
In order to keep the bottles and nipples clean, they come apart. And if they aren’t reassembled correctly, then milk or formula can leak all over the place.
Some of the most popular anti-colic nipples are manufactured by:
- Phillips Avent
- Dr.
- Comotomo
- Playtex
How to keep baby from dribbling milk
While some babies are just messy eaters, you don’t have to resign yourself to endless cycles of laundry just yet.
If your baby has a tongue- or lip-tie, look into correcting it. If you’re bottle-feeding, try a different nipple size or shape, check the bottle assembly, or switch up the position you use to feed your baby.
Tongue and lip tie correction
If your baby has been diagnosed with tongue- or lip-tie (thickened mouth membranes that restrict movement) you can look into a surgical correction.
While surgery isn’t often necessary, it can help improve breastfeeding, especially in cases where the baby isn’t gaining weight properly. Surgical correction can also prevent dental or speech problems later in life.
Try a different nipple size
Smaller bottle nipples can help reduce dribbled milk by limiting the amount of milk flowing into a baby’s mouth at one time.
A too-large bottle nipple is one of the most common causes of dribbled milk, so this is one of the best solutions to test out first.
Try a different nipple shape
Some brands have differently shaped nipples that might work better for your messy eater.
Babies need to latch onto bottle nipples just like they do while breastfeeding, and mixing up the shape of the nipple can lead to a better latch (and fewer spills!)
Ensure anti-colic nipple correctly assembled
Yes, putting back anti-colic nipples can be complicated, but it’s important to double-check that they’re assembled properly.
The seals in the nipple should be air (and liquid) tight, otherwise, you’ll have unwanted spills.
Bottle feed baby sitting up
Drinking while lying down is just plain hard, even for babies.
If your baby is dribbling milk, try feeding them a bottle while they’re sitting up. Keeping a baby upright during feedings can also reduce gas and colic in addition to minimizing milk dribbles.
How to bottle feed: tips and tricks
Kiseleva Elena Sergeevna
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Scientific Advisor MAMAKO ®
Breast milk is the best food for your baby*. But breastfeeding is not possible for all women. For moms who can't breastfeed or keep breastfeeding for as long as they would like, quality infant formula is a healthy alternative.
The best thing is when the baby is in her arms, ideally in skin-to-skin contact: such a position when bottle-feeding, as well as during breastfeeding, creates close contact between mother and baby, helps them get closer, strengthen emotional connection.
Feeding time is a time to be together and communicate with the baby (and for dad too).
The first days of life are the period of adaptation of crumbs to the outside world. And the first thing he is looking for is protection and comfort . In the moments of application to the skin of the baby, it warms the warmth of the mother's body, soothes and comforts her smell and heartbeat, so familiar to him even before birth. Gentle touches and calm breathing, a smile and a soft voice of a mother, a mixture warm as breast milk give the baby everything he needs - safety, warmth and nutrition.
Love and contact is the most important "ingredient" in any feeding process and infant formula is rich vitamins and nutrients that are good for your baby's health and development will help you feel confident in your ability to care for your baby.
In theory, feeding your baby formula is just a few simple steps. But if you've never made a bottle of baby food or the time is three in the morning, things seem complicated. Be patient to get into the rhythm.
For most mothers, bottle feeding becomes a part of baby food. And this does not depend on whether the bottle contains expressed breast milk or formula. The important thing is that sticking to breastfeeding exclusively can be difficult or impossible over time. Then the mother begins to supplement the baby with a mixture or transfer it to completely artificial feeding.
Below are answers to parents' questions about how to properly and safely bottle feed your baby.
1. How to make a formula bottle
We offer together step by step the process of preparing the first bottle for your baby.
- Hand hygiene : Wash hands thoroughly with soap and warm water before handling bottles and feeding the baby. We also check the cleanliness of the table and measuring spoon.
- Sterilization : bottles and teats should preferably be sterilized beforehand.
- Water preparation : Boil bottled baby water and cool to 40 ˚C, determine the right amount of water, then pour it into the bottle up to the desired mark - according to the number of scoops of dry formula according to the weight and age of your child.
- Determine the volume of the mixture : on the jar, in the "Feeding table" block, it is indicated how many spoons are required for one feeding.
The measuring spoon should be full and without a slide - we remove the excess on a special corner of the jar. Both day and night, it is best to look at the feeding chart (unless otherwise determined by your doctor) so as not to accidentally add too much or too little formula. An overly dilute formula or an excess of it can interfere with a child's proper nutrition.
- Mixing according to instructions : pour the required amount of product without a slide into a bottle of prepared water. Next, close the bottle with a lid and roll between the palms. If the bottle is shaken, a lot of foam may form.
- Checking the temperature of prepared meals : put a drop of the mixture on the inside of the wrist, where the skin is as sensitive as in a baby's mouth. Immediately after preparing the mixture, tightly close the jar of baby food and feed the baby.
- Let daddy give a bottle of and be alone with the baby - they also need communication and time to make friends.
The reality is that many dads feel left out while breastfeeding, but this can be avoided with formula feeding. Show how to hold baby and bottle, support your partner during the first feedings . This help will be useful for you too. An extra pair of hands when bottle feeding gives mom a little more precious time.
2. What water to use for infant formula
Only boiled bottled baby water should be used in the bottle. This is a great way to make sure the water you use is safe for your baby.
All children's water is registered by Rospotrebnadzor in accordance with SanPiN Such water corresponds to the indicators of the highest category, is balanced in terms of mineral composition and is characterized by low total mineralization in the range of 200-500 mg / l (a baby’s body is simply not able to absorb higher concentrations of minerals and salts).
Packaged water may look the same. But some manufacturers divide baby water into two categories - for drinking and for preparing mixtures. The composition of drinking water contains a higher concentration of minerals that are beneficial for the child's body, but they can upset the balance of the nutrient mixture. Therefore, on the labels you can read about the different purposes of water: suitable for preparing baby food or for feeding babies and young children.
It makes no sense to make large stocks of baby water - water in open bottles becomes unusable after 24-48 hours, depending on the manufacturer. Tap or spring water is also not suitable for feeding babies. Such water may contain various impurities, bacteria and microbes that are dangerous for babies. Boiling will “free” water from harmful microorganisms, but not from impurities of heavy metals and chemicals.
3. How to use the measuring spoon correctly
The measuring spoon helps you accurately measure the amount of the mixture and get the correct dosage. Fill a full spoon, but shoot a slide. You don't need a kitchen knife for this - each jar of mixture has a convenient wide corner for removing excess. And in economical jars with a volume of 800 g, for example, in MAMAKO ® Premium with goat milk, the spoon is conveniently attached to the lid - so you don’t have to look for it in a large package before each feeding. Fingers and knives are not absolutely clean, they always have a lot of bacteria that can spoil the mixture and harm the health of the baby. The antibacterial fastening of the spoon and the corner of the jar protect the mixture and the child from harmful bacteria from the external environment.
4. What temperature should the water and ready mix be?
Boiled water should be cooled to 40 °C. This temperature will retain all the benefits of baby food based on goat's milk. The easiest way to get water at the right temperature is to boil it in a kettle and let it cool for 20-30 minutes. A kettle for boiling water requires special care - it is covered with a mineral coating, which is easily removed by boiling citric acid. This is a troublesome procedure, since after cleaning it takes about 3-4 boils to remove traces of detergent. Create a rhythm for preparing dishes - at night or with a crying baby in your arms, there will be no time for this. The finished formula should be warm: 37 ˚C, as this is the temperature of breast milk and it is optimal for the baby's food. Before feeding, do not forget to check if the mixture is too hot by applying a couple of drops on the wrist. If it burns, you can hold the bottle under cold water for a while, after closing the nipple with a lid. If the mixture has cooled slightly, it is enough to heat it under a warm stream of water.
5. Mixed feeding: breast or bottle first
The best feeding schedule is when a mother supplements her baby with formula after breast milk. If the baby is given a bottle first, then he may begin to refuse the breast. This is due to the fact that it is easier to suck through the nipple, and with natural feeding, the baby has to “work” a lot to get mom's milk.
6. How many baby bottles do you need per day
It all depends on how old you are on formula, how much formula you give and how often your baby eats. It's best to keep six to ten bottles on hand so you always have clean dishes. In addition, the more bottles, the less often they will have to be sterilized. Buy 125 ml bottles for an infant, then upgrade to 150 ml and 240 ml as your baby's appetite and needs increase. Don't rush to part with smaller bottles, they are great for supplementing and watering.
7. Why can't the bottle be held horizontally during feeding? The angle of inclination increases as the bottle empties, so it is important to be close to the baby, not leaving him alone during feeding even for a minute. If you do not tilt the bottle, the child will begin to swallow air. Air bubbles can cause regurgitation during or immediately after feeding. In addition, when air enters the baby’s stomach, he feels full faster, which means he eats less and will be hungry after a short period of time.
8. Which nipple to choose for your baby bottle
Many wide and narrow neck bottles already come with a set of baby nipples. Almost all of them are made of silicone. Which shape of the nipple - anatomical or round - and what size of hole your child will like, can be understood by his reaction during feeding. If the mixture drips from the corners of the mouth, the flow may be too fast due to the large opening. If the baby is sucking hard, the mixture may drip too slowly. We recommend that you do not enlarge the opening of the nipple: it may tear, and the microparticles of the product may enter the child's body. Perhaps the hole is just clogged, this sometimes happens. If necessary, nipples can be replaced and bought separately from the bottles.
9. Should baby bottles be sterilized
Yes, to limit the spread of bacteria. Hard-to-reach places of the bottle must be washed from the mixture (a brush and warm water are enough) before sterilization. A sterilizer is ideal for this purpose - ultrasonic, electric or steam for a microwave oven. It can sterilize all baby accessories - bottles, nipples, caps, brushes. Of course, you can replace the sterilizer with a simple boil, but be careful that the water does not boil away, otherwise the bottles and nipples will be damaged and become dangerous.
10. Can I use the microwave to heat formula
Resist the temptation to microwave the formula and save time. Microwave ovens heat liquids unevenly. Even if the bottle is not hot, the mixture can warm up quite strongly: there is a risk of burning the baby. In addition, heating in the microwave can break down the nutrients in the formula.
11. Can leftover formula be stored
If your child has not finished formula, discard any leftover formula. No need to heat up and reuse it. It's not safe for the baby. After a while, bacteria begin to multiply in the finished mixture. Dilute a fresh batch of formula every time the baby is hungry.
12. How to prepare a bottle while traveling
If you are away from home or on the road for several hours, you can take two bottles of warm boiled water in a thermal bag that keeps you warm. Before each feeding, it remains to pour the right amount of mixture into the bottle (it is convenient to measure portions in advance according to the number of feedings in the infant formula dispenser). If the water in the bottle is cold, it is enough to warm it under warm water (this will take a little time). Bottles and teats should last until the next opportunity to wash and sterilize them. Remember that a thermal bag is good for maintaining the temperature of boiled water, but it cannot be used to store the finished mixture - this is harmful to the baby's health.
MAMAKO ® fully supports breastfeeding, but since this is not always possible, we have shown you how to bottle feed with love. In addition, the preparation of baby food will become a conscious and important matter. Very little time will pass, and you will fondly remember these precious moments of tender age, and feeding time will be the beginning of a warm, close connection with the baby.
* Breast milk is the best food for babies. WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of a child's life and continued breastfeeding after complementary foods are introduced until the age of 2 years. Before introducing new products into the baby's diet, you should consult with a specialist. The material is for informational purposes and cannot replace the advice of a healthcare professional. For feeding children from birth. The product is certified.
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Soother - benefits and harms
# Tips for mom
Shchelkunova Valeriya Maksimovna
neonatologist-resuscitator, specialist in children's medical massage, blogger, founder of the online school for moms Hellobaby_school
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Breastfeeding / Breastfeeding / Useful information / Children's polyclinic / Departments of the KDMC sometimes light as dew, sometimes enveloping like white clouds.

Even after many years I will remember it, we will remember it...
E. Ibragimova
Published in the special issue of the magazine "Liza.My child" special issue 01/2016
Many mothers, expecting their first baby, seriously think about how childbirth will take place, and less often they think about how they will feed the baby. Meanwhile, childbirth is a very short period of time, and the rest of the time of life with the baby will be devoted to building relationships with him through breastfeeding.
Some mothers-to-be are hesitant to breastfeed at all.
Let's look at their assumptions first:
- Does breastfeeding ruin breast shape?
Breast shape changes during pregnancy. On the contrary, when feeding for more than a year and smooth weaning, the breast acquires an almost “pre-pregnant” shape. According to studies, smoking has a stronger effect on the shape of the breast than feeding.
- Will it be impossible to leave the child?
For the first 3 months, short (1-1.5 hours) separations from the child are possible, from 3 months absence can be longer, after 9months, the mother can go to work full-time, leaving the baby with expressed milk.
- If the mother is nervous or very tired, does the milk “burn out” or become bad for the baby?
There are no conditions in the mammary gland for "burning out" of milk. When breastfeeding, endorphins are released into the blood of a woman, and HB helps her to endure stress more easily and is the best prevention of depression. Yes, and the child himself calms down at the breast, even if before that he sees the unusual behavior of his mother.
- Is formula practically the same as breast milk?
In order for women to have such a doubt, manufacturers of infant formula have tried hard, investing millions of dollars in advertising and bribes.
Let's look at a few differences between breastfeeding and formula feeding:
| GV | Blend |
Economy | free | about 100 tr. in the first year of a child's life. If hypoallergenic mixtures are required, then about 240 tr. |
Number of substances | over 700! | 30- 50 |
Stem cells | yes | no |
Antibodies against disease | yes | no |
Growth factors for maturation of the intestines | enough | little |
Effect of | normal maturation of the gastrointestinal tract, normal development of the immune system | constipation, diarrhea, increased risk of many diseases: allergies, gastrointestinal problems, various infections, diabetes, etc. |
Proteins | easily absorbed whey
| hard to digest casein clots
Change in composition | adapts to the needs of the baby (varies depending on the season, time of day, age of the baby, etc.) | composition is the same for all children |
Vitamins and minerals | easily digestible | low absorption |
Availability | no need to cook | it is necessary to go to shops, sterilize the bottle, dilute the formula with water, etc. |
Excess substances | no | cases of salmonella infection, radioactive particles, etc. |
Emotional connection between mother and child | strong | weak |
And the list of differences goes on.
Imagine, can a baby bottle with formula replace the happy moments at the mother's breast?
- GW-only for the elite?
With information and help, almost any woman can successfully breastfeed for a long time. And you can!
What information can help you?
Firstly immediately after birth (before measurements) skin-to-skin contact between the newborn and the dried, covered with a dry diaper, contact duration - at least 40 minutes, optimally 2 hours or more. (This right of mother and child is also enshrined in the Methodological Letter of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated July 13, 2011 N 15-4 / 10 / 2-6796 "On the organization of the work of the obstetric service in the context of the introduction of modern perinatal technologies").
Why is this important:
a) At the same time, the baby's body is colonized by the same bacteria that live on the body of his mother. This, in combination with HB, is considered an important prevention of allergic diseases.
b) If a newborn is separated from his mother immediately after birth, he becomes vulnerable to aggressive hospital flora, the risk of nosocomial infections increases dramatically.
c) This calms the baby and mother, because they both experience great stress in childbirth.
d) The baby is more likely to be able to latch on correctly (especially if the birth was completed without medication).
Second , breastfeed within the first hour after birth. Don't panic if the baby doesn't take the breast right away. Children should eat when they show they are ready, and if the child is in close contact with the mother, she will notice this readiness. The recommended duration of application is at least 20 minutes from each breast.
The baby's first food should be colostrum. Colostrum is the secret of the mammary glands, which is produced during pregnancy and the first 3-5 days after childbirth (before milk arrives). It is a saturated thick liquid from light yellow to orange color. Do not be afraid that there is not enough colostrum. Colostrum is very concentrated, so the baby needs just drops.
Why is it important:
A) Colostrum contains several times more protein than mature milk, especially immunoglobulin A. Immunoglobulins are responsible for protecting the baby from infections and allergens, thanks to special mechanisms they are quickly absorbed in the baby's stomach and intestines.
B) It has laxative properties to help the baby quickly get rid of the original stool - meconium, and also reduces the risk of physiological jaundice in the baby.
C) The mother triggers the oxytocin reflex, which contributes to uterine contraction and faster recovery after childbirth.
Thirdly, the correct position of the baby at the breast and the correct attachment of to the breast. Let's dwell on the key points.
For example, you feed sitting. How to hold a baby:
a) The child's body and head are on the same line.
b) The baby's belly should be turned towards the mother's belly and touch it.
c) The WHOLE body of the child must be supported.
The baby is brought to the breast with the NOSE to the nipple so that it is necessary to reach for the breast. When he opens his mouth wide, we press the baby to ourselves.
If it is not possible to attach the baby well, gently insert the little finger into the corner of the mouth and open the gums, remove the breast.
What does proper attachment look like? The baby's mouth is open wide; lips turned out; his chin touches his mother's breasts; areola capture radius is 2-3 cm from the base of the nipple; except for swallowing, sniffing and even breathing, no other sounds are heard (smacking, etc.); mom is not in pain.
There are many positions for feeding - sitting, lying down, close at hand, relaxed feeding, etc.
Nuance: good breast sucking is affected by the frenulum under the tongue of the baby, ask the pediatrician at the maternity hospital to check it. If it turns out to be short, it is better to cut it immediately.
Fourth, frequent breastfeeding . The term “on demand” is commonly used, which confuses many moms. Many people think that a baby "demands" when it cries. At the same time, crying is the last thing a hungry child decides to do.
Signs of readiness to suckle in a newborn :
Muscles tense in the child, for example, he clenched his fists and flexed his arms at the elbows.
The child rolls, twists and arches his back.
The child makes different sounds.
The child draws his hands to his mouth (even if his eyes are closed, he can suck his own hand).
If the child's hand is next to the face, he turns towards the hand, pokes, opens his mouth.
A newborn in the first 3 months of life may want to kiss 15-25 times a day. After all, his stomach is very small (on the 1st day after birth - 5-7 ml, on the 3rd day - 22-27 ml, on the 7th day - 45-60 ml) and breast milk is quickly absorbed. In addition to receiving nourishment, the child also finds comfort in his mother's breast. Therefore, it is not recommended to feed the baby "according to the regime" - for example, once every 3 hours or to limit his time at the breast - for example, to feed no more than 15 minutes. Night feedings are crucial for successful lactation - thanks to them, the level of prolactin is maintained at the required level.
Why frequent breastfeeding is important:
a) The number of prolactin receptors in the breast increases, which further contributes to sufficient milk production.
b) Promotes a more relaxed flow of milk, without pronounced symptoms of engorgement.
c) When feeding “according to the regimen”, there is a high risk that the child will be offended by the mother (after all, they do not immediately respond to his needs) and will behave restlessly at the breast.
Fifth, it is not recommended to give pacifiers to the child.
Why it's important:
a) Soothers artificially delay feeding time, resulting in poor weight gain and reduced milk production.
b) The child finds solace not at the mother's breast, but in a silicone object and may refuse the breast.
c) It spoils the grip of the breast, which leads to cracks, lactostasis.
Sixth, if you need to supplement with expressed milk and/or formula, then avoid the use of bottles.
Why is this important:
A) The baby gets used to a strong and constant flow of milk from the bottle and begins to behave restlessly at the breast, “lazy” to suck.
B) When sucking a bottle and a breast, different muscle groups are used, so the grip on the breast often deteriorates, the child sucks milk poorly, gains weight worse.
Seventh, the joint sleep of mother and child.
It is perfectly normal to sleep with your baby. A child should not be spoiled with attention or held too much in his arms. The more children are held in their arms, the more attention is paid to them, the better they grow. The presence of the mother, her smell, constantly encourages him to suckle the breast more often, which means sucking out more milk.
Western parents are advised to leave their child to “shout out” before going to bed in order to raise an independent child who is used to loneliness and is able to calm himself. However, modern research shows that in this case, the child's brain is irreparably damaged.
Safe sleep:
- The child should sleep on a clean and hard surface.
- Avoid sleeping with your baby if you are overly tired.
- Do not leave your baby unattended in an adult bed.
- In cold weather, cover yourself with several layers of thin bed linen instead of one thick layer.
- No pets in bed
- No one should smoke in the room where the baby sleeps.
Now consider some common cases:
- Mother's Rh negative or blood type incompatibility is not a contraindication to breastfeeding.
Rh-conflict, blood type conflict or hemolytic disease of the newborn is not a contraindication. Rh antibodies are destroyed in the gastric juice of the newborn. Studies also show that in children with hemolytic disease, HB does not increase the breakdown of erythrocytes, red blood cells.
- The administration of anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin to prevent Rh conflicts in subsequent pregnancies in an Rh-negative mother is not a contraindication to breastfeeding. Anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin almost does not penetrate into breast milk. Most immunoglobulins are destroyed in the gastric juice of the newborn.
- Is it possible to breastfeed with jaundice?
Even with severe physiological jaundice in children in the first days of life, it is impossible to refuse breastfeeding. Early attachment of the baby to the breast and frequent feedings are an important factor in the prevention of jaundice, since colostrum, having a laxative effect, leads to a faster discharge of meconium (original feces). With insufficient nutrition of a newborn baby, jaundice may be more intense and prolonged due to the thickening of bile. (source - NATIONAL PROGRAM OF OPTIMIZATION OF FEEDING OF CHILDREN OF THE FIRST YEAR OF LIFE IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, p.17).
It is absolutely pointless to give the child water, glucose, activated charcoal, smectite, etc. in such a situation. - from this, the activity of liver enzymes, the function of which is reduced, will not increase. In some cases, it may be necessary to carry out phototherapy with special lamps, which can usually be rented from the hospital home.
- What to do if you are separated from your child?
It is recommended to express at least eight times a day. Whether you can pump something or not, breast stimulation is important to maintain and increase your milk supply.
If there is no joint stay in the maternity hospital, or if the baby was taken to the children's department for some medical reasons - do not hesitate to visit him and feed him there! If your and his condition allows, try to feed the baby only colostrum and then breast milk.
Try not to give supplements from a bottle, but from a spoon, pipette or syringe without a needle.
"Arrival" of milk.
Milk comes on 3-4 days after birth, less often - on 5-7. Your chest becomes hot, heavy, tight. If the mother rarely put the baby to the breast before, then engorgement may occur. At the same time, remember that you can do without pain and rough straining. Act according to the scheme: heat - light massage - removal of swelling from the areola - decant a little - attach the child - cold compress.
"Hard" straining, which is often used in the hospital, leads to severe swelling and worsening of the situation. Alcohol compresses, Vishnevsky ointment, etc. are not recommended.
How to remove swelling from the areola? Use the Pressure Softening technique introduced by international consultant Jean Kotterman.
It is necessary to evenly and gently press on the areola towards the chest and hold the pressure for at least a full minute (up to 2-3 minutes).
How to express properly? Fingers are placed on the border of the areola and white skin. First, the fingers are pressed in the direction of the chest: you seem to grab the milk-filled ducts that lie under the areola, and only then roll over them with your fingers. Important: the fingers do not fidget over the skin, they stand in one place on it.
How do I know if my baby is getting enough milk?
Newborns lose up to 6-10% of their birth weight in the first two days of their lives. This is a physiological norm. Most children regain their weight or begin to put on weight by 5-7 days of life.
- Wet Diaper Test .
Urination rate (per day) for a child under 10 days old = number of days + 1.
That is, for example, a 2-day-old baby who has enough milk pees 3 times a day.
Babies over 10 days of age should write 12 or more times a day.
These calculations are correct if there is no water addition and no drips.
- Weight set . The rate of weight gain for babies in the first 6 months of life is from 500 to 2000 g per month.
The set is not calculated from birth weight, but from the minimum (usually this is discharge weight). If the weight gain is less than 150g per week, we advise you to contact the AKEV specialists and the pediatrician.
- An infant should have a bowel movement at least 3-4 times a day (up to about 3-6 weeks). Then the chair is reduced - up to 1 time per day or less.
All other signs - baby crying, little pumping from the breast, no milk leakage, etc. - are not reliable signs of milk sufficiency / lack of milk .
Breastfeeding mother's lifestyle:
- Care: it is recommended to wash breasts 1-2 times a day while taking a shared shower (just water, no soap).
- Diet: you should not sit on a "dry ration", the menu should be varied and healthy (without the use of chemical additives), eat according to your appetite.