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DIY bird feeders: 50 ideas with photos
How to make a bird feeder? The cold has already set in, and the children in kindergartens, schools and at home with their parents rushed with might and main to build a variety of bird houses for food. But there are a lot of design ideas, so it’s convenient to familiarize yourself with all the possible options in advance and then make your own. We on the Active Mom portal also took care of this issue and therefore we offer to fully understand the topic of homemade feeders and see photos of ready-made bird canteens. nine0003
- Do-it-yourself feeder is a noble cause
- Bird feeders from plastic bottles
- Simple feeder
- Make your own bird feeder with metered feed.
- Complicated bottle feeder
- How to make a bird feeder from scrap materials
- From an ordinary glass jar.
- Original bird feeder
- Beauty and more!
A do-it-yourself feeder is a noble cause
In order for the feathered representatives of the fauna that remained to spend the winter or arrived to winter in this area not to experience hunger, it is important for us to take care of them, to feed them. It is a necessary and noble thing - besides, you can make a bird feeder with your own hands from anything.
It always hurts me to watch how big birds chase small ones. Do you also not like it when impudent pigeons eat poor tits and sparrows? Will you take this into account when assembling a feathered house? Write your thoughts in the comments! nine0003
Bird feeders made from plastic bottles
The most popular, simple and quick option is to use a variety of plastic containers. It is very easy to cut out excess parts of them with a knife or scissors, and the container itself looks like a house. There are a lot of variations on the theme of a bird feeder made of plastic bottles: from very simple to complex designs.
Simple feeder
A simple option that even preschoolers can handle (with a little help from the elders): cut holes in an eggplant from under water or other plastic containers - “windows” (one or more - depending on the size), wrap their sharp edges with electrical tape or tape so that the birds do not get hurt, pour food on the bottom (millet seeds or special bird food bought at a pet store) and hang the resulting feeder on a tree on a rope. nine0003
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requires not only a practical, but also an aesthetic component, then the feeder can be decorated. For example, using a thread of twine, straw and decorative elements (everything is attached to the base with a thermal gun), make such a house:
Or cut off the top and bottom of the bottle and, discarding the middle, connect them together, paint over with acrylic paints in a single color and then decorate. Then the birds will be waiting for these cute cozy houses with food:
Make your own bird feeder with metered feed.
It's a great idea to dispense food for birds, because the advantages of such a device are obvious - they are not afraid of rain and wind, they are designed for long-term use, which does not require adding food every day. nine0003
So, you can make through holes in the bottle, into which plastic or wooden wide spoons can be inserted at a slight inclination. There should still be a place in the hole from which the food will spill out (or from which the bird can peck it out). Fill the container with food to the brim and hang it on a branch. A few grains will fall on the spoon, and as the birds eat them, new food will fall out.
Complicated bottle feeder
A more sophisticated but more robust design that will protect both food and birds from the weather on a rainy day is a bird feeder consisting of three plastic eggplants: 6 liter, 2 liter and 1.5 liter. Feed is poured into a one and a half liter bottle, it is inserted into an empty two-liter bottle with the neck down. In a two-liter bottle, 3-4 holes are pre-cut through which the food will be poured into a large container. The construction of these two containers is attached inside a large six-liter eggplant, on the bottom of which you can pour food. In a 6-liter container, you must first cut out the windows, not completely removing the plastic parts, but forming “stands” from them, on which the birds will sit, and “visors” above their heads. As food is eaten from the bottom, it will gradually spill out of the neck of a one and a half liter bottle. Such a large, durable feeder will become a source of replenishment of the vitality of more than a dozen of our feathered brethren. nine0003
How to make a bird feeder from scrap materials
Despite the popularity of plastic bottle feeders, there are many alternatives for making them.
Cans and coffee cans can also serve as a container for such a house.
From an ordinary glass jar.
And a basket with a lid.
And the usual cardboard packaging for milk or kefir - the option will be more durable and protect the structure from rain if you wrap the cardboard with tape.
Here is such a simple and at the same time original design in the form of a double-folded metal mesh, inside which you can put bread:
Original bird feeder
at the same time it will serve as a decoration for your yard, then make special "kozinaki" for birds. nine0003
To do this, mix bird food with melted lard (great for titmouse) or sugar syrup with diluted gelatin, fill muffin molds with the resulting mixture and pierce the place where you will pass the rope with a skewer.
Put the forms in the freezer for 20-40 minutes (depending on the size of the form), remove them and carefully remove the resulting figured feeders. It remains to hang them by a rope on a tree. nine0003
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Beauty and more!
What bird feeder ideas did you like and what do you want to make with your children now? Share with us in the comments to this article! nine0003
Bird feeders: sizes, types, selection rules
- Why do we need feeders?
- Types of feeders
- Selection and installation guide
- Things to remember
- Which feed can be used
- Useful findings
"Small birdies are cold,0 percent of birds die from lack of calories. The task of a person is to come to the aid of birds. One feeder , hung behind a window or on a tree, provides food for several hundred birds.
Why do we need feeders?
1. This is to help flying friends get the food they need for life.
2. Making or attaching feeders together is an excuse to spend time with your family. nine0003
3. Children will be happy to follow the replenishment of food . This will teach a responsible attitude towards our smaller brothers.
4. Knowing that your site has a feeder , the birds will fly in in the summer and protect the trees from insects
5. Feeders can become a beautiful element of decor in the garden.
6. For pecking feed Birds are interesting to watch for both children and adults.
When we were kids, we made bird feeders out of milk cartons. Today, it can be made from a variety of materials or you can choose a ready-made version that will decorate your backyard or apartment window.
Possible materials are wood, metal, cardboard, plastic, plywood.
Basic types feeders :
1. Suspended. Such models are hung on a tree branch. They have an elongated shape and mesh sides, from which it is convenient for birds to get food . It is desirable that the feeder be wide enough to accommodate several birds.
2. Pads . They are a flat plane on which feed . Such feeders have a number of disadvantages - the grains get wet in the snow and rain, scatter from the wind.
3. Trays. Pallets with sides and a roof are not only a place to eat, but also protection from the weather.
Feeders-trays and trays are large, so a dozen birds can eat on them at once. nine0155
4. Peelers. Designed for small birds. In such feeders it is better to put bread, which will be held by a metal mesh. Birds will peck out food from the cells.
5. Hoppers. They are small, so your feathered friends will have to wait in line to peck at the grain. There are models with automatic grain feeding, which is practical, since the feed will not scatter. nine0032
6. Houses. A suitable option for a summer cottage. These are flat areas with a roof, so the bird's meal will not be spoiled by moisture.
Selection and installation guide
1. Decide where feeder will be installed. Small options are suitable for the apartment window - peelers, bunkers, hanging ones. Large ones will look good on the plot - houses, trays, platforms. nine0032
2. Locate the "refectory" in a place where food will not get wet from snow or rain. If this is not possible, consider options with a roof.
3. Birds can be easy prey for cats and small predators. Feeder must be installed so that the animals cannot reach it.
4. The product must be well reinforced. You can screw it to a tree, but there is a chance of damaging the trunk. Much more efficient to attach feeder to a free-standing pole, which must be well dug into the ground.
5. If you are going to install a feeder in the forest, but do not have the opportunity to feed feed daily, choose models with automatic grain feeding.
Things to remember
1. Birds find food thanks to their sharp eyesight. Feeder should be bright. Another way to attract attention is to hang a bright ribbon on it. nine0032
2. When making a "dining room" on your own, give preference to safe materials. Staining is permissible only on the outside - lacquer or paint contains toxic substances.
3. It is more difficult for large birds to find food than for small ones. Sparrows love to swoop down on food in a flock and quickly peck everything. If you do not have time to constantly refill feeder , choose smaller models, such as hoppers. Only one bird can eat at a time. nine0003
feed can be usedIt is recommended to feed the birds with grains and some types of natural food.
- wheat, millet, oats;
- frozen or dried berries;
- bread crumbs;
- fat - for tits;
- pumpkin and watermelon seeds;
- sunflower seeds. nine0010
Not recommended:
- moldy bread;
- rice, buckwheat;
- chips;
- fruit and vegetable peel;
- certain types of nuts;
- fried and smoked natural food.
If you are afraid of making a mistake with the choice of ingredients, you can purchase ready-made bird food .