Baby feeder pigs for sale
Piglets | Sugar Mountain Farm
Sow, Piglets, Sheep & Chickens Grazing
Timing is always sows be willing.
Contact Walter to reserve now.
Sugar Mountain Farm, LLC
252 Riddle Pond Road
West Topsham, VT 05086
Would you like to raise your own pigs? In addition to cuts of pastured pork, roasters, whole pigs and half pigs we also offer live weaner pigs you can raise yourself. Pigs are hardy and easy to raise, especially over the summer months. With experience you can even do winter pigs starting in the fall.
We have about 40 sows farrowing year round so piglets are generally always running around. Spring piglets are in very high demand and typically sell out into summer so it is important to get your deposit in early. Historically, by January reserves typically extend to April and by April the list extends into June. This year by the end of April reserves were into late August. Reserve piglets early, even the previous fall to get them in the spring.
Feeder pig weaners around 6 to 8 weeks of age price based on goal pickup time:
Boars: $350
Gilts: $500
Boars: $300
Gilts: $350
Add $100 to the above prices for breeder weaners – pigs that I would consider prime quality for saving back as potential test breeders for my own herd.
Note that the actual pickup time is sows-be-willing and the reserve list for spring builds early, typically starting by the previous fall – get your order in with a reserving deposit ($100 feeders, $150 breeders) early to get on the list.
Pre-Buy: If you would like to save money, plan ahead and pre-pay. When you pay in full ahead of time we offer a pre-buy discount:
– 5% for full payment received at least 45 days ahead
– 10% for full payment received at least 90 days ahead
– 20% for full payment received at least 180 days ahead
Plan ahead, save money. If for some reason you are not able to get the pigs on a pre-buy we will refund the payment minus the standard deposit ($100 per pig). Deposits are a reserve and not refundable. Alternatively you may choose to apply the pre-payment to future pigs.
We reserve the right to substitute the more expensive feeder gilts, at no added cost to you, for feeder boars. This is sometimes necessary due to availability.
To reserve send $100 per pig as a non-refundable deposit. When you send the deposit let me know the rough time you would like to pick them up and what sexes. We don’t guarantee an exact date – that’s up to the sows, weather and how many people are on the reserve list ahead of you but we’ll try to hit it as closely as possible. The deposit puts you on the list based on the order we get your deposit. Send deposits to:
Sugar Mtn Farm
252 Riddle Pond Rd
West Topsham, VT 05086
Check your pigs when you pick them up. Pigs are nonreturnable and non-refundable. If there is any issue with a pig, tell us and we will swap it for another but you must do that before you leave our farm. Pigs who have left can not return to our farm for biosecurity reasons.
Keep in mind that these are feeder weaner pigs. I would not recommend using these as breeders. If you want breeder stock pay the small amount extra to get the higher quality of those top animals which I would consider saving back for my own herd breeders. You’ll be paid back in the long run in better genetics. For details see the Breeder Page
Larger size pigs are sometimes available for $5/lb for based on estimated live weight using the Tape Method.
Frequently Asked Question: Why are spring piglets so expensive?
Answer: Because of supply and demand. Spring piglets are the hardest to produce having been born in the cold winter months and the highest in demand since most everyone wants to raise pigs in the easy summer season so they are the highest priced.You might be able to find cheaper piglets at auction or off the back of a cull truck from out of the factory farms but ask yourself why I don’t bother buying those myself… Quality matters in animal health, vet bills, growth rate and better feed conversion. Read more here.
“For years I got pigs from [Sugar Mountain Farm] and was delighted with them but then one year I bought them from someone else who was cheaper. What a mistake. In the end the other pigs cost a lot more with the vet bill, higher feed costs and slower growth. This year I’m back to buying Sugar Mountain Farm pigs.”
-Sharon Zecchinelli, Homesteader & Chef, Enosburg Falls, Vermont
Note that the above prices are for feeder piglets – ones you would raise for meat, not select prime pigs one would raise for breeding. Breeder quality weaner piglets cost more because they are higher quality genetics – the ones we would choose ourselves to keep back for breeding. If you are looking to breed a pig it is worth paying the small extra cost of $50/piglet for the farmer’s keen eye to pick the best of the litter. A very limited number of ready to breed prime boars and ready to breed prime gilts are available at times. Guaranteed bred prime gilts and prime breeding boars are also available at times. Availability is limited as we only sell the best of the best as breeders. If you want to get into breeding and farrowing the easiest way is to start with a bred gilt. See details on the Breeders page.
Piglets are ready to wean and go at about four to six weeks of age. We hold them a little while after weaning to transition them fully. Older, bigger grower and roaster pigs are typically available – see the Roasters Page.
“The piglets I bought from Sugar Mountain Farm behaved exactly how I wanted: like old fashioned pigs! They were well trained to the electric fence, rooted like champs, gained weight quickly and produced very tasty pork.
We moved them around our field and the pigs did a wonderful job of tilling and fertilizing the field. And I have never had a single health problem (not one! not even worms) with piglets from Sugar Mountain Farm.”
-Abby Duke, Chef, Farmer & Restaurateur at Sugarsnap, Burlington, Vermont
We offer pickup at the farm
and local on route delivery.
Buy locally and support
farmers in your area.
Pickup is available at the farm gate or we can deliver them to you at one of the stops along our weekly delivery route. We drive up I-91 and I-89 from Mass to Bradford to Burlington. Delivery is just $10 for piglets. See the delivery route map. Be sure to have a secure carrier for your new piglets. A dog crate works very well with a bit of hay in it. Piglets should not be transported free in the car or in your lap for safety reasons nor should they be transported in open pickup truck beds as they can get easily chilled.
“We wanted to let you know we are very very happy with the piglets we bought from you last summer. You raise wonderful animals.” -Julie Garley, New Hampshire
We have multiple breeding herds and selectively breed for pasture-ability, mothering, meat quality, marbling, taste, length, temperament and other characteristics. Our pigs are primarily Yorkshire (large white) x Large Black x Berkshire x Tamworth. This is our Mainline herd genetics. We also have some pure bred Berkshire, Tamworth and Large Black lines. The feeder piglets are generally crosses. See the Pigs Page for more details on our pig breeds. While we do have pure bred lines of Tamworth, Berkshire and Large Black these are only for our own breeding program. We do not sell these pure breds because they are not registered or papered as part of a breeding society. If you are looking for breeder animals in those breeds then I would suggest contacting the appropriate breed societies. Our primary breeding focus is producing pigs which thrives in our climate on pasture to produce a high quality pork. These are our Mainline pigs which we’ve been selecting for over a decade. If you would like a particular bias of the breeds, feel free to ask when you order.
Please note that these are farm pigs, not pet pigs – they get big, they eat a lot, they poop a lot – black gold.
We keep our pigs on pasture, not in confinement housing and they are trained to electric fencing. Initially you will want a very securely physically fenced space with electric inside to re-home your pigs to their new space and let them get used to you, your voice, etc. This is very important for when they first arrive and are getting used to their new digs. Small, say 16’x16′ is good at this point. Well secured hog panel or pallets make a good, inexpensive physical fence. After a few weeks you can set them out to well fenced pasture paddocks and begin managed rotational grazing.
“I just had a couple minutes this morning and wanted to tell you how pleased I am so far with the pigs I purchased from you.
The two of them get along very well with each other and the 120 chickens they share “home” with. They really do have great attitudes. Very calm and well mannered animals. They do like to chase chickens from time to time, when the birds are all in a group. It’s pretty funny to watch a “prancing pig” plow through a flock of chickens just for fun. They’ve done really well on the pastures. Between them and the chickens, they can clear an area in no time at all. At this rate they will make one full rotation of the field by fall and be right under apple and oak trees to finish up. I’ll be looking forward to buying from you again next year.”
-Craig “TheGoodDoctor”
Note that butcher’s tend to be solidly booked months in advanced during the fall. When you get your pigs, also call the butcher and schedule a slaughter date if it is going to fall in August through December.
PLEASE NOTE: All live animal sales are final.
Inspect your animals when you receive them. If there is any problem say so then before you take them so that we can give you a different animal. The exception is bred gilts which are guaranteed to farrow. If you are transporting animals interstate or internationally then you need to make any necessary arrangements such as vet certificates. Get your ducks lined up in a row well ahead of time so the process goes smoothly.
Boars are male pigs with testicles – they generally grow faster, bigger and leaner than barrows (castrated males) or gilts. See this article about Essential Differences. Most people buy boar piglets for raising as meat. We breed for a gentle temperament and have never found boar taint in our pigs – we have been testing them for years and selling the meat from our boars to thousands of customers. Castration is not necessary and is hard on the piglets setting them back on their growth and killing some. We no longer offer castration. If you want barrows then buy boars and you can do the castration or have a vet do it. Before castrating, read about Boar Taint – It is mostly a myth.
Frequently Asked Question: Why are pigs more expensive and hard to find in the spring?
Answer: There is a very strong seasonality to pricing for two reasons. It is harder to farrow, to birth, pigs in the winter months – winter is very harsh. This reduces supply. Demand is high in the spring because virtually everyone wants to buy piglets in the spring. Conversely, the easy litters are from the summer but those are not in as much demand in the fall which produces a low demand in the fall and thus lower prices. Get your piglets later in the year, as late as October, so as to pay lower prices for the piglets. Pigs do great right through the winter. Read on my blog about how we raise pigs outdoors right through the winter.
Barrows are male pigs that have been castrated and nolonger have testicles. Barrows generally grow slower and fatter than boars but faster and leaner than gilts. We do not sell barrows as castration is not necessary with our pig herd genetics and pasture management.
Frequently Asked Question: How many months will it take a piglet to reach butchering size?
Answer: The short answer is six to eight months. The long answer is how big do you want the pig to be, how much do you have to feed it, what are you feeding it, what does the feed cost, are you willing to keep caring for it into the winter, what is it being fed, etc? All of these are factors in how fast the pig grows and how big it grows. You can slaughter a pig at any size. Over about 250 lbs on a commercial feed the hog starts putting on more fat and less muscle as well as being less efficient at turning feed into pork. Pigs weather the winter well but grow slower and you have to deal with water in freezing conditions. Up to a point it is more efficient from a slaughter point of view to raise the pig larger rather than smaller.Generally people aim for 225 to 250 lbs which most pigs reach on a full feed balanced diet in about six months. Pick the size you want the pig to be and go for that. Any way you cut it, its good eating. Enjoy your home grown pork!
Gilts are female pigs that have not birthed (farrowed) a litter of piglets yet. Gilts generally grow the slowest and put on more fat than boars or barrows. If you are looking for lard, a short bodied (lard type) gilt raised on a high calorie diet is the ticket.
Frequently Asked Question: Why are gilts more expensive?
Answer: We like to keep gilts back to watch for that exceptional 5% who will make good breeding stock as replacement sows in our herds to continue improving our breed. To find them we must select the best gilt piglets and watch them grow for eight months, then breed the best of those, the primes. Not all of those will ‘take’ that is to say get pregnant. Of those that take we need to wait for them to gestate for 16 weeks of pregnancy.Finally after a year we find out what their first litter is like and how they perform as mothers. After another six to eight weeks we pick the best of those as our replacement sows. About 5% of the gilts make the cut to sows. Boars on the other hand stands less than a 0.5% chance of being kept for breeding (each boar services about 15 sows) so I don’t need to keep as many boars as gilts to select for breeding stock and improve our herd. Life’s hard on the farm if you’re a guy. Same as in the wild herds.
Sows are female pigs that have given farrowed (birthed) a litter of piglets. She will typically farrow two or more litters per year with a gestation period of about four months (“Three months, three weeks, three days, 3 am” is the old saying). Some exceptional sows like Blackie on our farm have farrowed, of their own choice, three times a year producing as many as 19 piglets per litter – that’s unusually productive. The largest litter a sow from our farm has had is 22 piglets but 8 to 12 is more common.
Frequently Asked Question: How many litters can I get out of a sow?
Answer: A sow will typically have two or so litters per year. An exceptional sow like Blackie line have three litters a year. You can also just breed her once a year with a borrowed boar or AI if that fits your needs – use the warm seasons when farrowing is easy. Sows typically live five to ten years but you do not have to keep them that long. Some people will keep a sow for a couple of years then eat her as she gets too large for them to handle. A large sow eats a lot more than a small sow but she is also a more experienced mother and better pasture grazer. If you’re feeding sow chow then this high cost may matter to you. Since we are pasture based this is not a big issue for us. Thus we have many older sows that weight 600 to 800 lbs. As sows get older they gain experience, are better grazers, better mothers and milkers. Older sows also have bigger litters up to a point when they lose fertility and their litter count drops.When the end comes, sows are good eating. They will be a bit tougher than a finisher and a bit more fat than other pigs but not excessively when kept on pasture. See this article about hanging meat.
Tail Cutting & Teeth Clipping are things we do not do. Neither intervention is necessary and both can cause pain and infection in the piglet. Some piglets naturally end up with shorter tails. There is a recessive heritable genetic trait for short tails which we have in our herd which is why some of our sows like Flip, Flop, Flo, Flora and Fauna have short tails as so do their piglets. Our long tailed boars and sows like Archimedes and Big Pig carry this trait but don’t express it although their offspring do sometimes.
Select piglets are available for $100 extra each above the pig prices – If you have some other personal preference such as color you can pick your own from the available piglets. It takes extra time to do this thus the up-charge. Otherwise I pick out the pigs using my years of experience which can be done ahead of time so the pigs are ready when you arrive. Realize we do not keep our pigs penned – they’re out grazing on the mountains so it is not possible to simply look at all the pigs. When buying select pigs allow extra time for selection and let me know ahead of time that you want to do this as well as letting me know of any characteristics you’re looking for such as a red pig or spotted pig.
Frequently Asked Question: Can I just breed feeder piglets and save?
Answer: Sure, but then you don’t get the advanatage of starting with the better genetics. Breed the best of the best to continually improve your livestock. To do less is wasting your time. It takes a year to bring a gilt from being a piglet to farrowing. Not all animals are fertile. Some feeder piglets have fewer teats. When I pick out select piglets for breeding I’m giving you the advantage of my eye and experience to get you started on better footing.This is well worth the added nominal cost of a select piglet.
Blackie piglets are available for $100 extra each plus $50 for any teats beyond 14. Limited availability and reserve list for piglets from her and her daughters. Blackie is our top breeding sow having produced three litters in a year and litters of 19 piglets with excellent conformation. One of her daughters produced litters of 12, 20 and 22 piglets. Color varies, ask if you have a preference. Note that Blackie is not a pure bred Large Black although she does look it. She is a superior sow which is the reason for the premium on piglets from her line. She is crossed with our top premium boars.
Runts happen occasionally but we do not sell them as piglets because they will take you a month or two longer to raise to market size – this isn’t worth the cost of feed. Note that runts will eventually get big – they aren’t good for pets and won’t stay small. If you are looking for a pet pig consider a Pot Bellied pig or some other non-farm variety that stays under 200 lbs, or better yet get a dog, cat or ferret. Farm pigs easily grow to 800 lbs or far more like our big boars Spot. [Spot topped out at 1,700 lbs when he died of old age in our fields in the fall of 2010. His brother Big’Un topped out at about 1,500 lbs. Think small car on legs.]
Rent-a-Pig: We also do not rent or loan boars, pigs or piglets for events, breeding or otherwise. Once an animal leaves our farm they can not return due to biosecurity reasons so as to protect the health of our foundation breeding herds. There are some people who do have boars from our farm’s genetics who offer Rent-a-Boar services. Ajax at Gopher Broke Farm is one such boar from Blackie’s line.
“We just had two sows farrow in the last week who were bred by a boar (Ajax) you sold to Gopher Broke Farm. It was a first litter for both and they each had 14 piglets that seem to be doing quite well, growing fast and learning from mom to root in the soil.
-Will Bunten, Bluebird Farm, Waterville, VT
Pet-a-Pig: We do not have pig petting available. There are petting zoos in New Hampshire and Vermont which are lovely places to take the children to see piglets, chicks, goats, sheep, geese and other farm animals. Check out Shelburne Farms in the Burlington, Vermont area or Friendly Farm in Dublin, NH for great family fun. They are setup for this and have a wide variety of animals for children to see and handle. We also do not rent or lease out pigs for breeding or events. Once a pig leaves our farm it can not return due to biosecurity concerns.
Health Certificates: Buyers should check with their state department of agriculture for any import requirements or restrictions. We sell all livestock in Vermont. Vaccination is with the standard vaccines we use on our herds. If your state has special requirements let us know and we may be able to help by pre-vaccinating with additional vaccines. The buyer is responsible for any costs of veterinary health certificates, additional vaccines, etc. If you’re transporting them across state lines you may want to get health certificate paperwork which typically runs about $200 per group for the vet’s costs when done by a local vet who will come ID tag and paper them here at our farm before you pickup. There is a $100 charge to cover our time. If blood must be drawn then add $20 per animal plus the blood lab work costs – required by some states like CT. The vet will need your farm address, phone number and name for the paperwork. Alternatively you can arrange to have that done by a vet of your choice later.
Prices subject to change without notice. Pigs are live animals and vary. Availability depends on Mother Nature and sows be willing. Life happens. Your mileage will vary.
Buying Feeder Pigs? Where To Get Pigs You’ll Love – Family Farm Livestock
Ready to get your first feeder pigs yet not really sure what to do? You came to the right place! I can help you with some of the basics so you can be more confident your new enterprise will start well.
Feeder pigs can be purchased from a local small farmer, online ads or an auction. Local feeder pigs are your best option, since most auctions sell feeder pigs in larger groups.
Pigs are one of the best choices for raising your own meat. They grow fairly quickly and yield quite a bit of meat for your efforts.
Pigs also are one of the easiest animals to keep because they can be penned up just about anywhere you have some space. Good air flow and some sunshine and they will be happy.
Consider reading my article The Cheapest Meat Animal To Raise where I list out a comparison of common meat animals and see how a feeder pigs compares on total cost and price per pound of meat.
This is a talking head style video where I go over the things you need to look for when buying feeder pigs.Where to get a feeder pig
Feeder pigs can be purchased at the farm where they were born or at a livestock auction. Both choices have advantages and disadvantages.
Buy feeder pigs from a farm, if you can
Purchasing your first feeder pigs from the farmer will give you a good idea of how he raises his pigs so you will know what your pig is used to.
Have these pigs been outside or kept inside?
Try to get pigs from a farm that is raising their pigs the way you plan to raise yours. This will make the transition to your farm easier on the pig.
If the only pig farms in your area are CAFO’s (confinement farms), not those.
First off, I doubt they have feeder pigs available for sale to the public and secondly, these are not the type of pigs you are looking for.
When I write local pig farm, I mean hands on family farmer, not an industrial pork production facility that happens to be close to your house.
Some of our feeder pigs. They are a cross from a mixed breed white sow and a Berkshire boar. I love the colors!Feeder pigs sell at livestock auctions
We have weekly livestock auctions in our area so this is the easiest choice for us.
If you decide to go to an auction get there early so you have time to look around. Be sure to listen to the announcements at the beginning of the sale.
If you can’t attend the auction and are not overly picky about what you get, the auction has a buyer that can bid for you.
Call the auction and see what they can set up for you.
You’ll need to have a top price that you are willing to pay and a pen ready for the pigs when the hauler brings them, if you are not picking them up yourself.
Buy healthy, spunky feeder pigs
No matter where you decide to purchase your feeder pigs make sure the pigs look healthy. They should be spunky, well grown and not have any obvious health problems.
Which breed of feeder pig is best?
The best breed of feeder pig is a hot topic. Everyone seems to have their favorite choice or is excited to try out for themselves a breed they read about online.
Best Breed Of Pigs For Beginners goes into more detail about why some breeds are easier to raise than others.
Get cross breed feeder pigs
However, the best breed for you to start with is actually a cross breed. Cross bred animals are generally a little bit tougher and faster growing than an purebred animal.
The most common cross bred feeder pig available is called a “blue butt”, which are piglets from a white sow bred to a colored boar.
This type of cross produces white bodied pigs with light bluish grey spots on the back/butt.
Blue butts are a commonly available and reasonably priced feeder pig that would work great as your first pig to raise for meat.
The specific cross doesn’t matter but you’ll be best served by getting pigs that other people are growing in your area.
You can get fancy later once you have some experience.
Feeder pig prices will vary
You can plan on spending $50 per feeder pig at an auction. This is for an three month old or so cross bred pig.
Prices will change, sometimes drastically change, with the seasons and the current demand.
Feeder pig prices are higher in the spring
In our area the prices for feeder pigs are highest in the spring when all the kids are buying pigs to take to the county fair.
Fair pig buyers tend to raise the prices of all feeder pigs at the auction simply because of increased demand equals a higher price.
Check out the local auction reports for the current prices in your area so you can know what to expect to pay.
If you go to a farm for your pig expect to pay a bit more per pig. It is more time consuming to sell pigs to individuals, so the pigs are priced accordingly.
Buy at least two feeder pigs
Another aspect of price to consider is that pigs are herd animals and like to have company of other pigs. If you can get at least two so your pigs will be happy.
Some of our pigs eating grass. These pigs are a Berkshire cross. They are growing very well for us and finishing out really nice, wide and meaty.Feeder pigs eat a mixed ground feed
Feeder pigs are fed a ground feed containing corn, soybean meal and a premix supplement that contains all of the minerals and nutrients they need to grow at the optimal rate for their size.
Feed for your feeder pigs will be available at most any farm store. Just read the labels to match the feed with the size of your pigs.
Start your pigs on a 16% feed
Most people will start their pigs out on an 16% protein feed then as the pigs get older you can go to a lower protein (less expensive) feed.
Your pigs should have feed and water at all times. Keep their feeder full. Free choice feeding gets your feeder pigs to market weight the fastest.
Pigs love snacks like hay and garden scraps
Pigs will also eat hay, grass, bugs, and garden scraps. They love to have a few extras to eat now and again.
These extras should not replace the ground feed, but can add interest to the diet and keep your porkers happy.
Feeder pigs take 4 months to finish
If you purchased your pigs at 60 pounds they will finish out for you in about 3.5 months from purchase. The final weight you are shooting for here is 250 pounds.
Most pigs reach the 250 pound processing weight at 5 to 6 months old. If you like your pigs larger (we do) it will take longer to reach processing weight.
We like 300+ pounders, so we plan on the pigs taking longer, more like 4.5-5 months from feeder pig size.
Comfortable pigs will gain weight faster
When your pigs are stressed it will take them longer to reach their finished weight.
Any stressful conditions including weather like a crazy hot spell or a super cold snap will effect the comfort and therefore the growth of your pigs.
A litter of Berkshire cross feeder pigs learning to use the bulk feeder.You determine the ideal finishing weight
I just sold a few market hogs that were over 300 pounds, 305 to be exact. What on earth was I thinking letting them get that big? Great question, actually!
Those pigs were purposely feed longer than normal to have more body fat at butchering because, at least around here, people like to have a fat hog to grind in with their deer.
Many Amish families that buy a market hog every fall for home butchering also like to keep their pigs to heavier weights in order to get more lard.
The main point here is you get to choose. Think about what it is that you want most and feed your pigs accordingly.
Most people would be butchering around the 250 pound mark, for a nice balance between fat cover and good size cuts of meat.
You can butcher your pigs at home
Yes, you can butcher your pigs at home! There is plenty of information available online, our first time we used the directions in a book-worked great!
My husband is a deer hunter and we had been processing our own poultry for years, so this was the next big step for us.
Now that we have home butchered both pigs and cattle, we are wondering why it took us this long to try this at home!
Honestly, it’s not that hard. Just have some help the first time and you’ll be good to go!
Here are a few basics to have ready before you start. First off you will need to kill the pig, no surprise there!
We use a .22 because that is convenient for us, use whatever is most comfortable for you. You will also need sharp knives to skin it and a loader tractor with a chain.
The tractor is needed because you will be butchering the pig when it is 250 pounds you will need a way to lift up the carcass.
We use the loader on our tractor by attaching the pig to a chain once it has bled out. If you have deer hunting experience then no problem-you’ve got this.
Important Note: Have all of your supplies laid out and ready before you start dealing with the pig.
The skinning, if you are doing it, needs to be done immediately. The more time you waste, the more the skin cools, the harder it is to get off!
You’ll get 120 pounds of meat from a 250 pound pig
Your pigs will dress out at 72% of slaughter weight. So from a 250 pound pig you can plan on getting a 180 pound carcass.
The difference in weight is from the parts you don’t keep like intestines, skin and head.
Pork does not need to hang, like beef, so it can be put in the freezer right away.
Once you start cutting up the carcass into freezer ready pieces you will lose a bit more weight in trim and oddments that you don’t want to keep, resulting in 120 pounds of meat.
This is an average number, so specialty breeds will vary with a fatter pig will yielding less and a wider, meatier pig will yield more.
Related Questions
Can I keep a feeder pig as a pet?
Yes but be aware that the adult size of a farm pig is 500 plus pounds. If you want a pet pig that will stay smaller get a pot bellied pig or smaller yet a mini pig.
Can I keep a feeder pig in my yard?
Yes as long as it is legal in your area and you are willing to let the pig root up your yard.
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500 UAH
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UAH 5,000
Feeder for pigs, piglets up to 20 heads (feed machine)
Delivery across Ukraine
6 500 UAH
Pig feeder, piglets up to 40 goals (feed machine)
Delivery in Ukraine
Buying feed for piglets, Suspension pigs
Delivery from Ostrog
219 UAH
Pig KDP-5/2, 10 seats
Delivery in Ukraine
10 500 UAH
Pigs Pigs 9Ol000 Ostrog
219 UAH
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Bunker feeder for pigs
In stock
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3 000 UAH
Bunker-type feeder for pigs
Delivery in Ukraine
Clach the price
Automatic fed for fish, auto feeder Reson Af-2003 OO
532. 48 GRN
691.53 GRN
Automatic feeder for fish fish, automatic feeder Resun AF-2003 on
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4 239 UAH
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In a warehouse in Novomoskovsk 9Ol000 3 850 UAH
4 529.41 UAH
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940 UAH/Set
year for piglets (VID 10
Proponim of your Godwinnitzi type 4 feed time for piglets. Daniyantnitsy, per 10 kg
The whole year is made of yakіsnoї steel tovshchina 1.2 mm і 2 mm, which gives the advantage over plastic counterparts for vіdgodіvlі. The dimensions of the year are taken from European standards, which allow vicoristing on an industrial scale (on farms) and simply for household needs.
This year will serve you well for more than a dozen years, so that all models are treated with a special primer and anti-corrosion agent before the filling. Tobto will be enough once in three years for a good anniversary.
Reduction for anniversaries due to the sum of money:
- Vіd 6-10 thousand UAH = 1%
- Vіd 10-20 thousand UAH = 2%
- Vіd 20-30 thousand UAH = 3%
- Vіd 30-50 thousand UAH = 4%
- More than 50 thousand UAH = 5%
Delivery within 13% of the territory of Ukraine to New Post. Vіdplavlyаєmo consignment note and for prepayment.
Rosemary: |
dovzhina-visota-glybina | 63x100x38 cm |
pedestal | 73 cm |
height korita | 11 cm |
feeder width | 16 cm |
Hopper capacity | 140 l |
Number of feeding places | 4 |
Number of heads | 10-30 |
Dispenser | 1 |
Chopper | 2 |
Pig wagon | for 10 to 50 kg |
Anniversaries for pigs
Regulation of the amount of feed fed fallow to consumption;
Much cheaper than foreign and rich Ukrainian analogues;
Pigs are thick and swishy;
Easy to install and fit;
Availability of a "thief" for automatic feed supply;
It is advisable to buy pig year-olds for the prices of the pig.