Baby feeding sounds

The Sounds of Breastfeeding | La Leche League Canada

First time parents are often surprised by the feeding noises that come with breastfeeding a baby. Breastfeeding and parenting books don’t usually mention these sounds. Photos are silent and many expectant parents have never spent time with a breastfeed baby. So, what are the sounds of breastfeeding and what do they tell us?

In the first three to five days your milk volume is small to match your baby’s small tummy size. Your baby may suck several times before you hear a swallowing sound. As the milk volume increases your baby will suck rapidly at the beginning of each feeding to trigger the letdown of your milk (milk ejection reflex). Once your milk starts flowing, your baby will usually suck once or twice for each swallow. A baby who is getting a good mouthful of milk with each suck makes a small gulping noise with each swallow. This is sometimes too quiet to hear. After swallowing, your baby will breathe out with a puff of air that sounds like a “k-ah” sound. After breathing out (exhaling) your baby will breathe in and swallow again, repeating the cycle. When your milk is letting down strongly, your baby will suck, swallow, breath, suck, swallow, breathe in a rhythmic gulp/”k-ah” pattern.

Sometimes you may hear a “clicking” sound. Your baby may or may not also have noticeable dimples in the cheeks with each suck. And you may have sore nipples. These signs, together or individually, may suggest that your baby has not achieved a deep latch. A “click” indicates that your baby is breaking the seal on the breast. This causes your nipple to slip in your baby’s mouth and often creates a sore nipple. If you are hearing clicking, try improving the latch by bringing your baby’s chin deeply onto your breast. Your baby’s nose should tilt away from the breast as your baby’s head tips back. The nose often touches the breast but it shouldn’t be poking into it. You shouldn’t feel like you have to hold your breast back so your baby can breathe. Chin in, nose tilting away, head back is the same position you take when you drink something. (Try it now, pretend to take a drink of water. See how your chin goes forward and your head tips back?)

When you feel that your baby is not latched well, it is important to deal with it right away. If it feels painful you may have to unlatch your baby from the breast by slipping a finger in the corner of her mouth to break the suction. Then you can try latching again. However, usually the latch can be adjusted while your baby is still latched. If your baby’s chin is tucked into her chest, she will not be able to hold onto the breast with her mouth. She will have difficulty swallowing. (Try it now. Tuck your chin into your chest and swallow. It is very hard.) You can try adjusting your baby so that her chin presses into your breast and her head tips back. In this position your baby can drink comfortably, just like you do.

If the clicking, dimpling or sore nipples persist, contact a La Leche League Leader or an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) to review your latch. In most cases, an adjustment to the positioning fit between you and your baby quickly resolves the problem. Persistent soreness or poor latch may need further investigation to ensure that your baby does not have a tongue or lip tie or some other issue.

You may hear something that sounds like your milk is hitting the back of your baby’s throat, or like your baby is drowning when your milk lets down. Some mothers have a strong milk ejection reflex. This means that your baby can get a lot of milk with each suck. Your newborn may find this amount of milk hard to handle. This may make your baby pull away from the breast when the flow is strongest. Adjusting your position so you are laying back with your baby on top of your breast can help manage the milk flow. This is another situation in which a La Leche League Leader can help you work out the best positioning for you and your baby.

Sometimes babies make grunting noises or have raspy or squeaky breathing. These sounds may be fine but you should discuss with your healthcare provider or International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC).

The most important thing to remember is that breastfeeding should not be painful. If you are experiencing nipple pain something is not right, no matter how good the latch looks from the outside. The next thing to consider is whether or not your baby is producing adequate wet and poopy diapers for his age and is gaining weight appropriately. See the LLLC article How to Know Your Baby is Getting Enough Milk for more information.

If you are pain free and your baby is growing well then the noises of breastfeeding are just funny noises and you will probably learn to love them.

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Updated 2022

My baby makes a clicking sound when nursing. Is this a problem? •

By Kelly Bonyata, BS, IBCLC

A clicking (or clucking or chucking) sound during nursing indicates that baby is repeatedly breaking the seal or suction.

Try to notice when it occurs in the feeding. Is it more noticeable during let-down, or is it constant? Also try to notice if you have discomfort of any kind during the clicking.

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If the clicking causes discomfort or pain, or if baby is not gaining weight as expected, it would be a good idea to get an evaluation by an experienced lactation consultant.

Sometimes the click is normal and not an indication of a problem. Whatever the cause of the clicking, as long as baby is growing well and mom is comfortable (no nipple soreness or pain), don’t worry about it.

Engorgement can make latch on difficult and baby may have a hard time maintaining suction.

Poor positioning and/or latch: for example, if baby is retracting the tongue or curling the tongue up when nursing, it can cause a clicking sound as the suction is broken. With poor positioning, baby may have a hard time maintaining a good seal at the breast.

Breastmilk oversupply and/or fast let-down. Baby will often break suction if the milk is coming too fast for him to handle.

Teething may be a cause of temporary clicking. If your baby has a sore mouth from the teething he may be trying to relieve it somewhat by not getting as tight of a seal around the breast or by repeatedly breaking the suction (thus the clicking). He could also be doing the same thing just because he’s not yet used to the feel of teeth in his mouth when he’s nursing.

Ear infection could throw baby’s suck “off” temporarily. There is usually some pressure that builds in the ear when sucking and when there is ear pain, that pressure can be extremely uncomfortable. Baby may try to relieve it somewhat by not getting as tight of a seal around the breast or by repeatedly breaking the suction (thus the click).

Thrush can make baby’s mouth sore or itchy, causing him to break suction.

Babies who suck their tongues sometimes click. Such a baby is accustomed to the sensation of his own tongue up against the roof of his mouth and may latch too quickly with a shallow latch as soon as he senses something entering his mouth. You’ll often see cheek dimpling when this sort of clicking is going on.

Less commonly, anatomical variations in the infant’s oral cavity can cause clicking, if baby cannot get the nipple/breast fully into the mouth and compressed against the roof of the mouth. Examples include:

  • Tongue tie/tight frenulum: A baby with tongue tie may be unable to keep the tongue extended for the relatively prolonged job of nursing, and thus the tongue will “snap back” when baby can no longer keep it in place. When he pulls the tongue back, suction is broken and you hear a click.
  • Highly-arched palate or other palate variations;
  • Cleft of the soft palate;
  • Unusually small or large tongue, etc.

👶 all about pregnancy and children

Problems that may arise during breastfeeding!!! Found on the Internet


February 22, 2012 20:18 at Personal journal

1. Lactose deficiency. Causes of lactase deficiency and its types What are the possible reasons for the decrease in lactase activity in the intestines of a child? Depending on this, lactase deficiency is divided into primary and secondary. Let me single out another type of lactase deficiency, in which, due to the individual characteristics of lactation and the organization of breastfeeding in the mother, a child who has an enzyme in sufficient quantities nevertheless experiences similar symptoms. 1. Lactose overload. This is a condition similar to lactase deficiency, which can be corrected by changing the organization of breastfeeding. At the same time, the enzyme in the baby is produced in sufficient quantities, but the mother ...

5 071653

FOR MARUSIA and mothers whose babies bite while feeding


July 2, 2010 06:11 at Baby health and nutrition

Barbara Taylor

Revised and updated by Nancy Jo Bykowski based on the original article published in NEW BEGINNINGS, November-December 1990 Published in: NEW BEGINNINGS, Vol. 16 no. 2, March-April 1999, pp. 36-39 Translation by Alexandra Kazachok Children's teeth can seem like a serious problem to expectant mothers and their acquaintances. When a pregnant woman talks about her plans to breastfeed, no, no, and there will be someone who will ask with a smile: “What will you do when your teeth go?” Some believe that with the appearance of teeth, the child should be weaned. They may think that baby teeth make breastfeeding painful for the mother. However, if the baby suckles properly, the mother ... 9Barbara Taylor Revised and updated by Nancy Jo Bykowski based on the original article published in NEW BEGINNINGS, November-December 1990 Published in: NEW BEGINNINGS, Vol. 16 no. 2, March-April 1999, pp. 36-39 Translation by Alexandra Kazachok Children's teeth can seem like a serious problem to expectant mothers and their acquaintances. When a pregnant woman talks about her plans to breastfeed, no, no, and there will be someone who will ask with a smile: “What will you do when your teeth go?” Some believe that with the appearance of teeth, the child should be weaned. They may think that baby teeth make breastfeeding painful for the mother. However, if the baby suckles properly, the mother ...

0 2897

Feeding tantrums.


20 September 2015 17:18 at It's been 3 weeks since my son and I have been together. I want to get advice from experienced adoptive mothers, well, I really, really need it! I'll start from the very beginning. Boy, 10 months and 3 weeks))). My baby is pah-pah healthy, even the developmental delay was removed, they even went on their own ... everything would be fine, but there is a big BUT. There is a little extra weight, but the psychologist of the orphanage believed that this was due to a lack of attention, because a child in the DR receives a portion of personal communication only when feeding, the rest of the time the caregiver's attention is distributed to everyone, so he was ready to eat, only to be with him communicated. In short, my boyfriend ate his grief and lack of attention. Formed unhealthy…

0 651654

24 May 2013 12:45 at Personal Journal The word "educate" came into the Russian language from Old Slavonic, where it is derived from pitati - "educate, feed." This means that education begins ... with nutrition! First of all, we are talking about breast milk - the ideal food for a baby. For many centuries, mother's milk has been the only food for very young children. Largely due to this, mankind not only survived, but also improved its gene pool. In the second half of the 20th century, in all developed countries, young mothers began to pay attention to milk formulas, the diversity of which at that time reached its climax, and they ... 0 07454

Breastfeeding pain and injury is not normal!


February 23, 2017 19:42 at ➡II Improper breastfeeding/improper organization of the process. • 1. Mom's inexperience, lack of knowledge of how to "dock" the breast and the baby ☝If a mother is expecting her first baby and has never seen breastfeeding "live", then the best solution would be to communicate with women who have small children and successfully breastfeed even during pregnancy. If this is not possible, study this issue “in theory” (watch the attachment video, read the description) and immediately after the birth of the baby, ask a consultant for breastfeeding or an experienced mother to help attach the baby to the breast. 💁 How to understand that the baby took the breast well? The baby's mouth should be wide open (obtuse angle of at least 120 degrees), ...

2 0360

Baby chokes while feeding


6 May 2020 10:08 at Questions during pregnancy , and then began to take, but did not suck out almost anything. With the arrival home, the guards got better, but the milk runs very quickly, the son eats with such sounds as if he is about to choke. They say it's normal, but I'm worried. Moreover, he began to puff in his sleep, breathe heavily, sigh with a loud sound when sipping ... I'm worried. Has anyone had this?

0 9177

Is distracted while feeding

Complain for every sound, if just someone passes by. Here I read it will continue for up to seven months, until the baby grows up and learns to focus on feeding. And what did you do or are you doing to feed the lover?

1 61078

April 13, 2011 11:23 am at Personal Journal


Child development calendar. First month 30-03-2008 @ 00:10 Section: Children / Child development calendar Behind 9 months of pregnancy, toxicosis, edema, fears about the health of the unborn baby. You finally saw the one who lived inside you for 9 whole months and mercilessly shoved you in the ribs. Having safely rested in the maternity hospital for the time prescribed after childbirth, you arrived home, crossed the threshold of your home (finally !!!) and ... along with relief and joy, for some reason, you experience anxiety. As a rule, mom has a lot of questions (especially if the child is the first). How should the baby develop? How and when to start working with a child? How do you know if he's getting enough milk? When to introduce complementary foods?…7 33922

child development calendar


August 22, 2011 16:21 at Personal journal

Behind 9 months of pregnancy, toxicosis, swelling, fears about the health of the unborn baby. You finally saw the one who lived inside you for 9 whole months and mercilessly shoved you in the ribs. Having safely rested in the maternity hospital for the time prescribed after childbirth, you arrived home, crossed the threshold of your home (finally !!!) and ... along with relief and joy, for some reason, you experience anxiety. As a rule, mom has a lot of questions (especially if the child is the first). How should the baby develop? How and when to start working with a child? How do you know if he's getting enough milk? When to introduce complementary foods? This is not a complete list of issues that concern parents. First month Many mothers, bringing…

3 320396

Child development calendar (up to a year).


15 April 2012 19:48 at Personal Journal

Calendar of child development. First month 30-03-2008 @ 00:10 Section: Children / Child Development Calendar Behind 9 months of pregnancy, toxicosis, swelling, fears about the health of the unborn baby. You finally saw the one who lived inside you for 9 whole months and mercilessly shoved you in the ribs. Having safely rested in the maternity hospital for the time prescribed after childbirth, you arrived home, crossed the threshold of your home (finally !!!) and ... along with relief and joy, for some reason, you experience anxiety. As a rule, mom has a lot of questions (especially if the child is the first). How should the baby develop? How and when to start working with a child? How do you know if he's getting enough milk? When to Enter…

2 021037

Calendar of child development (I found information, it may be useful to someone


March 7, 2013 09:43 at Personal journal

You finally saw the one who lived inside you for 9 whole months and mercilessly shoved you under the ribs.Having safely lain down in the maternity hospital for the time prescribed after childbirth, you arrived home, crossed the threshold of your home (finally!!!) and… along with relief and joy, for some reason, you experience anxiety. As a rule, mom has a lot of questions (especially if the child is the first). How should the baby develop? How and when to start working with a child? How do you know if he's getting enough milk? When to introduce complementary foods? This is not a complete list of issues that concern parents. The first month Many mothers, bringing crumbs ...

4 82236

Baby development and play at 1-3 months! Find out!


March 17, 2013 1:11 pm at Personal Journal

Practical Tips 1 month Talking to a child: Most of all, a child likes to listen to the human voice. Greet him as you enter the room and use every opportunity to talk to him. Speak loudly if you want to get your baby's attention, and softly when you need to calm him down. By changing the timbre of the voice from low to high and vice versa, you can keep the child's interest for a long time. Dad games: Mom and dad play with the child in different ways. Since each of them brings something different to communication with the baby, it is important that both of them participate in his upbringing. Change the position of the child. Try to position the child in such a way that…

1 0961

phases and leaps in the development of a child from birth.


March 20, 2015 21:34 at Personal Journal The Wonder Weeks: How to Turn Your Baby's Eight Great Fussy Phases into Magical Leaps Forward Hetty Vanderijt, Frans Plooij translation liilaa Maybe someone will come in handy))) How does your baby grow? A small step back and a leap forward Children grow in leaps and bounds. For a long time, nothing, or almost nothing, happens. And suddenly, in one night, the child grows a few mm. The same goes for the mental development of children. Studies of children aged 1.5 to 16 years have shown that these jumps coincide in time with changes in brain waves, which can be established using measurements. In infants up to 1.5 years old, 7 age periods were also known, ...

7 311896

phases of child development


October 21, 2015 11:12 am at The Wonder Weeks: How to Turn Your Baby's Eight Great Fussy Phases into Magical Leaps Forward Hetty Vanderijt, Frans Plooij translation liilaa Maybe someone will come in handy))) How does your baby grow? A small step back and a leap forward Children grow in leaps and bounds. For a long time, nothing, or almost nothing, happens. And suddenly, in one night, the child grows a few mm. The same goes for the mental development of children. Studies of children aged 1.5 to 16 years have shown that these jumps coincide in time with changes in brain waves, which can be established using measurements. In infants up to 1.5 years old, 7 age periods were also known, when ...

6 15734

Educational games for a child under 1 year old (0-3 months)


The most difficult task facing a newborn child during the first month of his life is to adapt to conditions outside the mother's body. The baby sleeps most of the time. Waking up, he begins to behave in accordance with his internal physiological state. Periods of active wakefulness, when the child is ready to perceive new information, are rare and short-lived. Therefore, you should not plan classes for a newborn in advance, just try to use the opportunity. This opportunity appears when the child is full and in a good mood. Remember that children have different thresholds of excitability, and if you ...

29 33207815

Educational games for a child under 1 year old (0-3 months)


21 January 2013 18:38 at Personal journal

1 month HOW TO WORK WITH A NEWBORN The most difficult task facing a newborn child during the first month of his life is to adapt to conditions outside the mother's body. The baby sleeps most of the time. Waking up, he begins to behave in accordance with his internal physiological state. Periods of active wakefulness, when the child is ready to perceive new information, are rare and short-lived. Therefore, you should not plan classes for a newborn in advance, just try to use the opportunity. This opportunity appears when the child is full and in a good mood. Remember that children have different thresholds of excitability, and if you ...

0 0795

how to teach your child to fall asleep on their own. found on the internet.


August 29, 2013 14:23 at Personal journal

Yes… Today my daughter gave out. Usually at 11 I put her to sleep for the first time, and she sleeps for half an hour an hour, and today at 11 she doesn’t sleep at all ... She let me play until 12, again she doesn’t sleep. At one o'clock it was impossible to go to bed again, and only now, at three o'clock, she was already barely asleep ... Geeeest. And yesterday at night, too, a long time to fit. 10 times I put her in the crib after the pitching and she immediately woke up. We were packed for almost 2 hours. What a sleepy strike she has. I want to teach myself to fall asleep now, I found information on the Internet, it can help. And how are you? not all children initially master the mechanism of falling asleep “on their own” - they need tit, motion sickness, stroking, etc. (and with age they get used to relying on, say, rocking, and we…

0 41271

Educational games for a child under 1 year old (0-3 months)

Complain The most difficult task facing a newborn child during the first month of his life is to adapt to conditions outside the mother's body. The baby sleeps most of the time. Waking up, he begins to behave in accordance with his internal physiological state. Periods of active wakefulness, when the child is ready to perceive new information, are rare and short-lived. Therefore, you should not plan classes for a newborn in advance, just try to use the opportunity. This opportunity appears when the child is full and in a good mood. Remember that children have different thresholds of excitability, and if you overwork a small . ..

2 0803

10 December 2009 09:41 at Personal log

Complain As the baby's ability to perceive and assimilate new information develops, parents begin to treat him as a person. Take a closer look at your child: he already has individual character traits that distinguish him from his peers, his manner of communication, primarily with parents. your face. The child is not yet two months old, and he is already looking for a source of emotional nourishment, needs to replenish his emotional reservoir - he needs the presence of his mother, her songs, warm hands, ... 1 158933

The child is 3 months old.


July 14, 2011 9:21 pm at Personal Journal

One morning, you look at the baby, and he will reward you with the best gift - a beautiful smile. You will understand that this little creature loves your voice, the warmth of your hands. And the tedious daily work (bathing, cleaning, kitchen, diapers, sleepless nights), after all, is not in vain. Every day he surprises his mother with new achievements. Compared to the first weeks of life, your toddler has already learned a lot, and this is just the beginning! How we grow At this time, the strengthening of the child's musculoskeletal system continues. Improves the central nervous system. The bones of the baby are very fragile and subject to external influences. Parents should be extremely careful in handling the baby in order to ...

11 517723

Growth spurts or why a baby is crying


June 2, 2013 2:20 pm at Personal journal

So let's start in order. The first crisis falls around the 5th week of your baby’s life, but even for those who are no longer relevant, I still advise you to read this part, it describes the basics of growth spurts in general, how to respond to them, how they manifest themselves and what happens to them do it at all!))) The first phase - the 5th week The joys and sorrows of the fifth week Around the fifth week, sometimes as early as the fourth, the first leap occurs in the development of your child. His sense organs begin to develop rapidly. The child notices that something new and unfamiliar is happening in his world. He is embarrassed, screaming and wanting back to what he trusts the most - his mom. At this age, all children are looking for more bodily ...

10 814657

Development of the child in the second month of life (mostly a post for myself, but who is interested, welcome)


October 27, 2013 12:24 at Personal journal with a smile, he smiled before, but involuntarily, to some of his feelings. And on the fourth or fifth week I smiled for the first time in response to your kind words, smiled consciously, joyfully. This smile is a sign of understanding, readiness for communication, for dialogue. The English psychologist T. Bauer, taking 86 babies under close observation, found in them at least four meanings of a smile addressed only to the mother: a smile like “Hurrah! I did it!”, a friendly smile that roughly means “I want to please you”, a smile of relief when a child realizes that some kind of sharp sound or unexpected movement is not dangerous for him. Another discovery of Bauer: girls ...

1 13297

144 _ child's psychomotor development by months. Bookmark


12 May 2015 23:56 at Personal Journal

The first month. Muscle tone is slightly increased, flexor muscle hypertension predominates. The handles are brought to the body, the fingers are clenched into a fist. The legs are bent at the knee and hip joints and slightly apart. In the supine position and the stomach, the baby turns his head to the side, more often to the light source. In the prone position, he raises his head for 1-2 seconds. Squints in bright light. Reacts to a loud sound with general motor activity. Fixes the gaze on the object, traces it for 5-7 seconds, but with a delay. The first month of the baby is teaching him and his mother to breastfeed. The child learns to take the breast and suck correctly, and the mother learns to give it correctly. Lactation towards the end of the . ..

4 16954

Development calendar: baby five months


July 22, 2010 18:37 at Personal journal

Physical and mental development becomes very mobile At the fifth month of life, your toddler becomes very mobile. He not only studies the world around him, but also himself. Without exception, all objects attract the attention of the baby, but it’s just not interesting to look at - you need to try, so he pulls everything into his mouth. And no laziness! You can be proud of the purposefulness of your baby! The weight of a child at 5 months of age increases by an average of 650-700 g, that is, every week the baby gains about 150 g. During this month, his weight will double when compared with birth weight. If at birth a child weighed about 3 kg, then a doubling of the mass can occur as early as 4 months. But, if your baby was born with a big ...

4 02339

Chapter 3 from the book How to Raise a Happy Child: The Principle of Succession. Part Two


March 15, 2012 7:19 pm at Personal Journal ceremonies, meetings). Especially if the culture does not have clear prescriptions for a new life for a survivor's partner and if he does not have children or other dependents to look after, he is often given time for a socially supported reorientation. Wearing a black or white dress or another sign that he is out of work, out of the colors of life, protect him from outside interference and ask for respect and understanding from society. The civilized intellect invaded this area and turned mourning from a complex developed ...

1 02515

Child development at 5 months


August 27, 2012 19:34 at Personal journal

Physical and mental development becomes very mobile At the fifth month of life, your baby becomes very mobile. He not only studies the world around him, but also himself. Without exception, all objects attract the attention of the baby, but it’s just not interesting to look at - you need to try, so he pulls everything into his mouth. And no laziness! You can be proud of the purposefulness of your baby! The weight of a child at 5 months of age increases by an average of 650-700 g, that is, every week the baby gains about 150 g. During this month, his weight will double when compared with birth weight. If at birth a child weighed about 3 kg, then a doubling of the mass can occur as early as 4 months. But, if your baby was born with a big ...

1 09770

Activities with a child (2 months)


15 June 2010 20:10 at Personal journal

Practical advice Don't wrap your baby up: When your baby is awake, make sure he is dressed lightly and comfortably: the less the better. Do not forget that the baby behaves more actively when it feels cool. Put your child in a child seat: Make sure that your child does not get bored when he is awake. Try to make it so that he can see the surrounding objects from different angles. Change its position by placing it, for example, in a special highchair or armchair. Listen to your child and answer him: Try to imitate the sounds that your baby makes. Listen to him do it and repeat. During the "conversation" try to look directly into him ...

4 8884

Development calendar: baby four months


22 July 2010 18:35 at Personal log

Physical and mental development Your baby is already 4 months old. He has grown up and if you look closely, you will see interesting changes that occur with the color of his eyes and hair color. The hairs with which the baby was born (thin, delicate, curly) gradually fall out, and new ones grow in their place. Note that this process can last a month, or even two. At the 4th month of life, the color of the child's eyes also changes. If a child was born with light (for example, blue) eyes, and mom and dad have brown eyes, then during the first six months, the color of the baby's eyes may change. Don't worry, this is a natural process. Most newborns have light eyes, but by 4-5 months, they darken. ...

4 122978

Child development at 4 months


August 27, 2012 19:32 at Personal journal

Physical and mental development Your baby is already 4 months old. He has grown up and if you look closely, you will see interesting changes that occur with the color of his eyes and hair color. The hairs with which the baby was born (thin, delicate, curly) gradually fall out, and new ones grow in their place. Note that this process can last a month, or even two. At the 4th month of life, the color of the child's eyes also changes. If a child was born with light (for example, blue) eyes, and mom and dad have brown eyes, then during the first six months, the color of the baby's eyes may change. Don't worry, this is a natural process. Most newborns have light eyes, but by 4-5 months, they darken. ...

4 114168

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What do sniffing, puff and other sounds mean that the newborn




VisGs can be incredibly emitted This may mean that the child is in a good mood and thus shows his approval to adults in response to certain actions, for example, when the mother tickles the heels or knees or lifts the baby high above her head.

However, sometimes a child's long squeal is a kind of singing: the baby listens to his own voice and learns to control it.

Interesting findings were made by scientists at the University of Washington, who studied the sounds made by newborns. Babies hear all frequencies at the same time, so much so that they can respond to unexpected sounds by imitating them. For this reason, babies up to a year first make sounds similar to squeaking and squealing. These sounds are predominant in the general flow of sound information, so the child imitates them. As they grow older, the range of sound perception narrows, and then the child begins to imitate the sounds of adults, developing speech.


Babies often pant and grunt during defecation, while they focus on one point and tense their whole body. The fact is that in newborns, the abdominal muscles are not yet very strong, so they have to work hard. This is completely normal, babies do not need help, they do not need enemas and laxatives.

In addition, the baby may pant when he is in an uncomfortable position: trying to get out of the diaper or roll over from his back to his stomach. Thus, panting is a sign of active and concentrated activity of the child.


The respiratory system of a newborn is imperfect. The child may sniffle so loudly that the parents become worried and suspect a cold. However, in most cases, you should not be alarmed: sniffling occurs because the bridge of the nose of the newborn is too low and the air is difficult to pass through the nasal passages. Gradually, as the baby grows older, the bridge of the nose will rise higher, and the sniffling will disappear.


There can be several reasons why children cry.

  • The child is hungry. At the same time, the baby opens his mouth and smacks his lips. Build a feeding schedule, daily routine, and then there will be much less “hungry riots”.

  • Tired and wants to sleep. The child rubs his eyes with his hands and turns his head.

  • The baby suffers from colic. Put the baby on your shoulder - maybe the baby just needs to burp. Rock your baby up and down on your hands or knees, applying gentle pressure to your chest and tummy. You can use a kangaroo backpack or a sling, where it is convenient to put the child, and gently, rhythmically rock. If the crying continues and the tummy is tense, give a remedy for colic. Such drugs act quickly: if the child was really tormented by gases, after 10-15 minutes he should calm down. It would be useful to give the baby a light massage of the tummy: circular strokes clockwise, starting from the lower right side and then up. The “bicycle” exercise helps a lot when you alternately bend the legs of the crumbs as if he were riding a bicycle. You can put a diaper warmed up with an iron on your stomach.

  • The child is cold. The baby becomes pale, his arms, legs, nose become cold, blue may appear in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. If the child is hot, he blushes and sweats.

  • Boring. Switch the baby's attention, change the type of activity. Remember that at this age, children still do not know how to control their emotions, but they easily tune in to a new wave.

  • Lonely. Take the baby in your arms, shake it, sing a lullaby. Physical and emotional contact with mother in the first years of life is extremely important. Lack of it can slow down the mental and intellectual development of the child!

tatyana_tomsickova/Getty Images/iStockphoto


It looks like an animal, primitive sound. Appears at 5-6 months. At first, babies just love the new skill of making snarling sounds that tickle the tongue. Over time, growling turns into grumbling, through which a grown child expresses his displeasure, anger, resentment.


Up to 4 months, an infant greets anyone who picks him up. Having crossed the line of 4-5 months, he begins to single out his parents, reacting violently at their approach, moving his arms and legs animatedly and making quiet bubbling sounds. Thus, the baby expresses the need for communication and emotional connection with loved ones. In the same period, the baby will please you first with a quiet giggle, and then with an infectious laugh. Laughter is a sign of a serious leap in emotional development, evidence that the child is happy.

At first, children have fun when they are raised and lowered sharply, caressed, tickled. After a while, they find funny dances, stupid antics, clowning, answering with loud unrestrained laughter - this is a manifestation of the rudiments of humor. A cheerful, optimistic atmosphere in the home is extremely important - it promotes sensory and motor development.


These sounds appear a few weeks after birth. You should not be afraid, as a rule, they, on the contrary, mean that the baby is relaxed and feels safe. Hearing children's sighs, dim the lights, turn off loud music so that the baby can enjoy the state of peace, silence and comfort.

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Our brain consists of two hemispheres, one of which is responsible for speech and fine motor skills. It has long been proven that speech areas are formed under the influence of impulses from the fingers. That is why the love for finger games and the first speech skills appear in children in the same period: at 5-6 months, children begin to play with their fingers and amuse themselves with “voice” activities. This is a kind of preparation for mastering the language, which begins with exercises in the pronunciation of individual sounds. This period is commonly referred to as the cooing and cooing stage. The child pronounces posterior palatine (g, k, x) and vowel sounds, reminiscent of the combinations “ghy”, “aghy”, “aiy”. The next stage is the period of babbling, syllable-by-syllable speech, rich in intonations and melody. Another famous psychologist L.S. Vygotsky wrote that during this period “the child begins to understand that sounds and their combinations can mean certain objects, that with their help you can achieve a lot, that by saying “am-am”, you can get food, and by saying “ma-ma “You can call your mom.” After 7-8 months, parents can start practicing articulation gymnastics, the development of fine motor skills and the formation of the correct sound pronunciation.

A group of Russian and Finnish researchers studied the sounds of the cooing sounds of four Russian and four Finnish babies aged 3 and 6 months, recording them in St. Petersburg and Turku while the babies were communicating with their mothers. The study revealed that in the first months of life, all babies in the world “speak” the same language, but in the second half of the year, sounds specific only to their native language appear.

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