Baby floppy after feeding

What Is Hypotonia, or Floppy Infant Syndrome? Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Written by Hope Cristol

Your Guide To

What Is Hypotonia?

  • Symptoms
  • Many Causes
  • Getting the Right Diagnosis
  • Treatments

Hypotonia is a medical word for low muscle tone. If your baby has it, they will likely feel limp in your arms, like a rag doll. That’s why it’s also called floppy infant syndrome.

Doctors can diagnose the condition in the first few minutes of life. They do routine checks of newborns’ muscle tone at 1 minute and 5 minutes after birth. Sometimes hypotonia shows up a bit later, but it will usually be noticeable by 6 months of age.

Poor muscle tone tends to signal a problem with the brain, spinal cord, nerves, or muscles. But physical therapy and other treatments can help your child build stronger muscles and better coordination.


Most babies enter the world with good muscle tone. It lets them flex and flail their little limbs. Newborns with hypotonia won’t have strong arm and leg movements.

As they get older, “floppy” babies will miss important milestones, like being able to lift their heads when they’re on their tummies. Other common symptoms include:

  • Poor head control. When your baby can’t control their neck muscles, their head will fall forward, backward, or to the side.
  • Feeling limp, especially when you lift them. If you pick them up with your hands beneath their armpits, their arms may raise without resistance -- as if they could slip through your hands.
  • Arms and legs hang straight. Babies usually rest with their arms and legs flexed -- there’s a slight bend in their elbows, hips, and knees. But children with hypotonia don’t.

Sometimes, the condition can cause problems with sucking and swallowing. Also, your child’s joints may be extremely flexible, as if they are double-jointed.

Many Causes

Floppy infant syndrome can happen for no clear reason -- what doctors call benign congenital hypotonia. But more often, it’s related to another health problem. There are many causes. A few are:

  • Brain damage due to lack of oxygen right before or after birth
  • Problems with the way the brain formed in the womb
  • Disorders that affect nerves
  • Achondroplasia
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Severe infections

Hypotonia isn’t always a sign of a major problem. When babies are born too early, they may have poor muscle tone because their bodies haven’t had enough time to develop properly. In this case, things should get much better as weeks and months pass. You just need to make sure your baby is meeting milestones and getting any treatment they need.

Getting the Right Diagnosis

Because many things can cause hypotonia, it may take some time to figure out what’s behind your child’s condition. The doctor will want to learn about your family’s medical and genetic history and give your baby a physical exam. They may check their:

  • Motor skills
  • Sensory skills
  • Balance
  • Coordination
  • Mental status
  • Reflexes

The doctor also may order several tests, such as:

  • CT or MRI scan of the brain
  • Blood tests
  • Electromyography (EMG) to measure how well the nerves and muscles work
  • Electroencephalogram (EEG) to measure electrical activity in the brain
  • Spinal tap, which can measure the pressure inside the spine and let the doctor get a sample of the fluid around the spinal cord for testing
  • Muscle biopsy, when the doctor gets a sample of your child’s muscle tissue to study under a microscope
  • Genetic tests

The doctor also will want to know whether there were any problems before the baby was born or during delivery.


Once the doctor figures out the cause of your child’s hypotonia, they will try to treat that condition first. For example, they can prescribe medicine to treat an infection that caused their muscle problems. But sometimes, there’s no cure for the problem that causes hypotonia. If an inherited condition caused it, your child will have that condition for life.

No matter the cause of hypotonia, your child can have therapy to strengthen their muscles and improve coordination. There are many options, including:

  • Sensory stimulation programs: These help babies and young kids respond to sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste.
  • Occupational therapy: This will help your child get fine motor skills, which are (or will be) essential for daily tasks.
  • Physical therapy: Like occupational therapy, it can help your child get more control of their movements. It can also improve strength and muscle tone over time. 
  • Speech-language therapy: Helps with problems breathing, speaking, and swallowing.

A child with benign congenital hypotonia may not need any therapy, although they may need to see a doctor for related problems, such as joint dislocation. 

Laryngomalacia (for Parents) - Nemours KidsHealth

What Is Laryngomalacia?

Laryngomalacia is a common cause of noisy breathing in infants. It happens when a baby's larynx (or voice box) is soft and floppy. When the baby takes a breath, the part of the larynx above the vocal cords falls in and temporarily blocks the baby's airway.

Laryngomalacia (luh-ring-oh-muh-LAY-shuh) usually gets better on its own by the time a baby is 1 year old.

What Are the Signs & Symptoms of Laryngomalacia?

Babies with laryngomalacia make a harsh, squeaky sound when breathing in. This sound, called stridor, can start as soon as the baby is born or, more often, in the first few weeks after birth. Symptoms usually get worse over several months.

Most babies with laryngomalacia do not have trouble breathing or feeding, even though their breathing is noisy. Breathing usually gets noisier when the baby is crying, feeding, sleeping, lying down, or has an upper respiratory infection.

Most babies with the condition have mild symptoms. A baby whose symptoms are more serious might have:

  • trouble breathing (look for tugging in at neck or stomach)
  • feeding problems
  • poor weight gain
  • breathing pauses (apnea)
  • blue skin or lip color (cyanosis)

Call the doctor right away if your baby has these symptoms or breathing suddenly gets worse.

Babies with laryngomalacia often have gastroesophageal reflux (GER). This happens when food and acid go back up into the esophagus. If stomach acid reaches the voice box, symptoms may get worse. Formulas or medicines to help with reflux may help with breathing symptoms.

What Causes Laryngomalacia?

Doctors don't know what causes laryngomalacia, but it may have something to do with how the voice box formed before the baby was born. The muscles supporting the voice box may be weak or don't coordinate well with breathing. Gastroesophageal reflux may also play a role.

How Is Laryngomalacia Diagnosed?

Doctors often suspect laryngomalacia at birth or soon after based on the baby's symptoms and an exam. To confirm the diagnosis, a pediatric ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist will do a procedure called flexible laryngoscopy. To do this, the doctor passes a thin tube through the baby's nose or mouth to look at the airway and vocal cords in the voice box.

The doctor may check oxygen levels and order other tests to check for swallowing problems or GER. The baby's good weight gain and growth are very important.

How Is Laryngomalacia Treated?

Most of the time, laryngomalacia gets better on its own, usually by a baby's first birthday. Doctors will do regular exams to check the baby's breathing and weight. Because most babies also have GER, doctors usually prescribe anti-reflux medicine.

A baby who has severe breathing problems or poor growth may need a surgery called supraglottoplasty (soo-pruh-GLOT-oh-plass-tee). Doctors do this procedure through the baby's mouth to tighten the floppy tissue above the voice box. This will improve the baby's feeding and breathing.

What Else Should I Know?

Noisy breathing and other laryngomalacia symptoms usually get worse over several months, then start to improve after 3–6 months. Symptoms clear up completely in most kids. Occasionally, an older child with a history of laryngomalacia may have noisy breathing while exercising, during a viral infection, or when sleeping.

Reviewed by: Steven M. Andreoli, MD

Date reviewed: October 2019

Newborn baby in the family

Schedule of appointments, examinations, vaccination of children from 0 to 18 months (in accordance with international medical recommendations)

Medical specialists

Pediatrician 1 time in 7-10 days during the first month





BCG in the maternity hospital

Hepatitis B (1 vaccination) in the maternity hospital


Pneumococcal infection

Rotavirus infection

Meningococcal infection

Mantoux test

Kor-red-parotitis (1 vaccination)


Laboratory studies

Neurosonography (NSG), National Superous Swerds of the Harry of the Haro cavities (complex), ultrasound of the kidneys

Ultrasound of the heart

Complete blood count, complete urinalysis

Electrocardiography (ECG)

Medical specialists

Ultrasound of the heart

General blood test, total urine analysis

Electrocardiography (ECG)

Specialists doctors





Hepatitis in

9000 diphors in

9000 diphic -Tetanus-Poliomyelitis-Hemophilus influenzae

Pneumococcal infection

Rotavirus infection

Meningococcal infection

Mantoux test

Measles-Rubella-Mumps (1 vaccination)

Chicken pox

Laboratory and functional studies

Neurosonography (NSG), Ultrasound of the hip joints, Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (complex), Ultrasound of the kidneys

Ultrasound of the heart

Complete blood count, urinalysis

Electrocardiography (ECG)

Medical specialists


Orthopedic surgeon




0002 Hepatitis B

Koklush-Diferia-Stolbnyak-Polyomyelite Hemophilic infection (1 vaccination)

Pneumococcal infection (1 vaccination)

Rotavirus infection (1 vaccine)

Meningococcal infection

Mantoux Par-red-parit (1 vaccination)

Chicken pox

Laboratory and functional studies

Neurosonography (NSG), ultrasound of the hip joints, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (complex), ultrasound of the kidneys

Ultrasound of the heart

General blood test, total urine analysis

Electrocardiography (ECG)

Specialists doctors


Surgical Ortopoped



Gepatitis in

Klush-diferia. Tetanus-Polio-Hemophilus influenzae (2 shots)

Pneumococcal disease (2 shots)

Rotavirus (2 shots)

Meningococcal disease

Mantoux test

Measles-Rubella-Mumps (1 vaccination)

Chicken pox

Laboratory and functional studies

Neurosonography (NSG), ultrasound of the hip joints, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (complex03), ultrasound of the heart


Complete blood count, urinalysis

Electrocardiography (ECG)

Medical specialists


Orthopedic surgeon




Hepatitis B

Koklush-Diferia-Poliomyeltit-hemophilic infection

Pneumococcal infection

Rotavirus infection

Meningococcal Mantoux Paul (1 Popular) Corpushes


Laboratory and functional studies

Neurosonography (NSG), ultrasound of the hip joints, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (complex), ultrasound of the kidneys

ultrasound of the heart

General blood test, total urine analysis

Electrocardiography (ECG)

Specialists doctors


surgeon orthopedic




Hepatitis B (3 vaccination)

Klush-Diferia. -Tetanus-Polio-Hemophilus influenzae (3 shots)

Pneumococcal disease (3 shots)

Rotavirus (3 shots)

Meningococcal disease

Mantoux test

Measles-Rubella-Mumps (1 vaccination)


Laboratory and functional studies

Neurosonography (NSG), ultrasound of the hip joints, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (9complex), ultrasound of the kidneys

ultrasound of the heart

Complete blood count, complete urinalysis

Electrocardiography (ECG)

Specialist doctors


Orthopedic surgeon




Hepatitis B

Koklush-Diferia-Differia-Poliomyelittehtate infection

Pneumococcal infection

Rotavirus infection

Meningococcal infections

Laboratory and functional studies

Neurosonography (NSG), ultrasound of the hip joints, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (complex), ultrasound of the kidneys

ultrasound of the heart

General blood test, total urine analysis

Electrocardiography (ECG)

Specialists doctors





Vaccination - Haemophilus influenzae

Pneumococcal infection

Rotavirus infection

Meningococcal infection

Mantoux test

Measles-Rubella-Mumps (1 vaccination)


Laboratory and functional studies

Neurosonography (NSG), Ultrasound of the hip joints, Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (complex), Ultrasound of the kidneys

Ultrasound of the heart

Complete blood count, complete urinalysis

Electrocardiography (


Specialist doctors






Hepatitis B

cough-diferia-polyomyel-hemophilic infection

Pneumococcal infection

Rotavirus infection

meningococcal infection (1 vaccination)

Mantoux test

Kor-red-parotitis (1 vaccine)


Laboratory and functional research

Neurosonography (NSG), nusa acres, nusa acres, nazi academics joints, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (complex), ultrasound of the kidneys

ultrasound of the heart

Complete blood count, complete urinalysis

Electrocardiography (ECG)

Neurosonography (NSG), Ultrasound of the hip joints, Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (complex), Ultrasound of the kidneys

Ultrasound of the heart

Complete blood count, complete urinalysis

Electrocardiography (ECG)

Medical specialists


Pediatrician -orthopedist




Hepatitis B

Pertussis-Diphtheria-Tetanus-Poliomyelitis-Hemophilus influenzae

Pneumococcal infection

Rotavirus infection

meningococcal infection

Mantoux test

Cor-red-parotitis (1 vaccination)

Wind Ospes

Laboratory and Functional Studies

Neurosonography (NSG), ultrasound of the pond , Ultrasound of the kidneys

Ultrasound of the heart

Complete blood count, complete urinalysis

Electrocardiography (ECG)

Medical specialists






Hepatitis B

Koklush-Diferia-Poliomyelithic infection 9000

Measles-Rubella-Mumps (1 vaccination)

Chickenpox (1 vaccination)

Laboratory and functional studies

Neurosonography (NSG), ultrasound of the hip joints, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (complex), ultrasound of the kidneys

Ultrasound of the heart

General blood test, total urine analysis

Electrocardiography (ECG)

Specialists doctors





Hepatitis in

9000 diphors in

9000 diphic -Tetanus-Poliomyelitis-Hemophilus influenzae

Pneumococcal infection

Rotavirus infection

Meningococcal infection

Mantoux test

Measles-Rubella-Mumps (1 vaccination)

Chickenpox (2 vaccinations)

Laboratory and functional studies

Neurosonography (NSG), ultrasound of the hip joints, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (complex), ultrasound of the kidneys

ultrasound of the heart

3 Complete blood count, urinalysis

Electrocardiography (ECG)

Medical specialists


Orthopedic surgeon




Hepatitis B

Koklush-diphtheria-resistant-poliomyelite hemophilic infection (1 revaccination)

Pneumococcal infection (1 revaccination)

Rotavirus infection

Meningococcal infection

Mantia manti-red. )

Chicken pox

Laboratory and functional studies

Neurosonography (NSG), ultrasound of the hip joints, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (complex), ultrasound of the kidneys

Ultrasound of the heart

General blood test, total urine analysis

Electrocardiography (ECG)

Specialists doctors


Surgical Ortopoped



Poliomilitis (2 rewards 2 revocation )

Pneumococcal infection

Rotavirus infection

Meningococcal infection

Mantoux test

Measles-Rubella-Mumps (1 vaccination)


Laboratory and functional studies

Neurosonography (NSG), Ultrasound of the hip joints, Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (complex), Ultrasound of the kidneys

Ultrasound of the heart

Complete blood count, complete urinalysis

Electrocardiography (


Poisoning in children

Around the world, the number of acute poisonings is steadily increasing, this situation is called the "creeping catastrophe". Due to the wide distribution of various chemical and pharmacological preparations in the environment, more and more children are admitted to the toxicological departments with a diagnosis of acute exogenous poisoning. nine0003

Another, even more serious, reason is the frivolous attitude of the mother to the health of her own child, her inattention and reliance on the Russian “maybe”.

The one-year-old baby woke up early and got out of the crib. Mom dressed him and let him “free pasture”, and she herself lay down to fill up.

You say: this can not be? Unfortunately, it can, like all other cases from personal medical practice.

The kid, left unattended, was happy to host in the kitchen, scattered cereals, spilled oil, and then climbed onto a chair and took out grandmother's clonidine from the shelf. An hour later, when mom woke up, the baby was already sleeping, holding a bottle of pills in his fist. nine0003

A friend came to visit her mother, whom she had not seen for a long time. So much news has accumulated that requires immediate discussion over a cup of coffee and a cigarette. But passive smoking is harmful to the child. Therefore, they left him in the room, while they themselves retired to the kitchen. How long the break lasted is not known. Mom claims that not for long. But the baby had enough time to get birth control pills from the guest's bag and feast on them.

A two-year-old girl was playing on the floor with toys and suddenly fell asleep on the floor. Mom carried her to the crib, and went about household chores, pleased that the child did not interfere. After some time, the mother noticed that the girl's sleep was restless, she was crying without waking up, making erratic movements with her limbs, as if fighting off someone. nine0003

The ambulance doctor suspected drug poisoning, and a vial of amitriptyline (used for depression) was found on the floor among the toys. The restless behavior of the child was explained by the occurrence of hallucinations.

Mom poured Antinakipin into the kettle and left it overnight to dissolve all the sediment. When the baby demanded a legal bottle early in the morning, the half-asleep mother diluted the milk formula with water from the ill-fated kettle and gave it to the child. She caught herself, only noticing that the mixture in the bottle had curdled in flakes. And during this time, the baby has already managed to sip a fair dose. nine0003

There are thousands of such examples.

But there are other cases when a mother overdoses the medicine with her own hand or mistakenly gives the child another remedy.

Every family has a first aid kit with a set of the most necessary and seemingly harmless medicines. But are they so harmless?

Back in the 17th century, the physician and naturalist Paracelsus said: “Only the dose distinguishes a poison from a medicine.”

Do you know that Calpol, Panadol, Tylenol and other drugs based on paracetamol, widely advertised and loved by parents, already at a dose of only twice the single dose, have a toxic effect on the liver, and a tenfold excess of a single dose causes kidney failure? Isn't it too heavy a retribution for the uncontrolled use of "strawberry flavored syrup"? nine0003

The well-known drugs diphenhydramine, suprastin, pipolfen, in addition to allergic, have a sedative and hypnotic effect, which makes them very popular with some parents.

Wanting the child to sleep longer on a weekend or a holiday, the mother gives the baby diphenhydramine in an increased dose.

Contrary to the expected result, the child does not fall asleep, and receives another pill. After that, the child not only does not calm down, but, on the contrary, becomes excited, does not find a place for himself in the crib, fights off someone invisible with his hands, wriggles, cries. His skin turned red and dry, his pupils dilated, his heart beat faster. And the overdose of Diphenhydramine was to blame. nine0003

The chest has a runny nose. He can't breastfeed and doesn't sleep well. The doctor prescribed vasoconstrictor nose drops for the baby: naphthyzinum, galazolin or sanorin. After the first procedure, the baby breathed freely through his nose, ate well and fell asleep peacefully. A satisfied mother began to instill drops in him before each feeding, and then again before putting him to bed. By evening, the child seemed to have been replaced: he became lethargic, drowsy, refused to eat and asked to go to bed. The skin became pale, cold, sweating increased. Having measured the temperature, the mother was horrified: 34.7 C. So the intensive treatment of the common cold led to the poisoning of the baby. nine0003

Increasingly, vasoconstrictor drops are available in plastic bottles equipped with a dropper nose. This is done for the convenience of consumers: he removed the cap, pressed on the pliable walls, dripped the medicine into the nose, and no fuss with the pipette. For young children, this method is not suitable, since, by applying force, you can let the medicine in with a jet, significantly exceeding the dose. Use a regular pipette, picking up as many drops as prescribed by the doctor.

The child vomits repeatedly, and the mother, instead of inviting a doctor, gives him cerucal for two days in a row (“I know that he stops vomiting”). And she has no idea about the side effects of this drug, as well as about the undesirability of its use in children under 14 years of age. Therefore, when on the 3rd day the child developed violent movements in the limbs and muscles of the neck (overextension of the arms, involuntary turns of the head to the side) and convulsive twitches (grimaces) of the facial muscles, the mother was very surprised and called an ambulance. Barely looking at the boy, the ambulance doctor asked: “Did you give Cerucal?”, And, having received an affirmative answer, he began to wash the stomach through a tube. nine0003

Unfortunately, poisoning in children is not limited to drugs. In everyday life, we are surrounded by chemicals designed to improve and facilitate our lives. How many troubles and misfortunes the vinegar essence used in every family for home canning has brought and will still bring to children! No country in the world produces acetic acid of such a concentration for domestic purposes, but here - please, drink - I don’t want to.

Neither a pedantic German woman, nor a frivolous Frenchwoman, nor a disciplined American woman would ever think of pouring a poisonous substance into a Pepsi or Fanta bottle, and in our country, the cause of poisoning babies is often the neglect of elementary rules for storing detergents and disinfectants and household chemicals. nine0003

“How did it happen? - Mom laments, - after all, I wrote on the bottle that there is gasoline here.

But the kid can’t read, but he remembers well that yesterday, on a walk, dad poured him delicious water from such a bottle.

In children under one year of age, physical activity and the field of activity are limited to a crib or playpen. They cannot get and swallow drugs or toxic substances on their own. Therefore, the cause of poisoning in babies of the first year of life is the inattention and carelessness of parents, when, having mixed up the dishes, they give the child alcohol or other toxic substances instead of water; instead of nasal drops, eye drops with clonidine are instilled; fulfilling the doctor's prescriptions, they exceed the dose of medicines, and often treat the child on their own, without consulting a doctor, relying on their own knowledge or the advice of their friends. nine0003

The ability of the baby to move independently increases the risk of accidents, including poisoning. There are less and less inaccessible places for the child, and there are more and more objects and substances with an attractive appearance. Is it possible to pass by a bottle with such beautiful multi-colored pills? I need to get them out and try them out right now. Oh, yes, they are also in a sweet shell, real candy!

Always remember that the child "knows the world through the mouth." This circumstance explains the largest number of poisonings in the group of children of the 2nd and 3rd years of life. nine0003

Add to this the carelessness of the mother in everyday life, the negligence of adults in the storage of medicines and chemicals, and the picture will be complete.

The fate of a child with acute poisoning often depends on the correct behavior of the mother or others. What should a mother do if a child has taken a drug or chemical?

If the fact of taking a poisonous substance is established, immediately call an ambulance, and before the brigade arrives, empty the child’s oral cavity from tablets that he did not have time to swallow, try to rinse his mouth and drink plenty of water (up to 200 ml) with two crushed tablets of activated charcoal or another adsorbent, for example, polyphepan (1-2 teaspoons). nine0003

Do not give milk to your baby as some poisons are fat soluble and the fat in the milk will speed up the absorption of the poison.

Try to collect and count the remaining pills, estimate how many pills the baby managed to swallow. It is clear to everyone that the larger the dose, the more severe the poisoning, the more serious the prognosis.

But do not calm down if you missed “only one” tablet. Some drugs are so strong and fast-acting that one tablet can lead to severe impairment of vital functions. These drugs include nitroglycerin, chlorpromazine, digoxin, hemiton, clonidine, amitriptyline. nine0003

Never induce vomiting in a child if poisoning has occurred with concentrated acid or caustic alkali, causing burns to the mouth, pharynx and esophagus. A caustic substance, when passing in the opposite direction, will inevitably increase the area and depth of the burn, and may also enter the respiratory tract. Try to give the child water to drink (1. 5 - 2 glasses) to reduce the concentration of the caustic substance in the stomach.

The popular opinion that in case of acid poisoning it is necessary to drink alkaline drinks, and in case of alkali poisoning - slightly acidic solutions, is incorrect, since the carbon dioxide formed as a result of such a reaction is the cause of overdistension of the stomach and deterioration of the child's condition. nine0003

If the poisoning has occurred with gas or fumes of a poisonous substance, the child should be urgently taken out of the gassed room, freed from tight clothing, and the airways cleared of mucus and vomit.

If a toxic substance gets into the eyes, it is necessary to wash the eyes with a stream of warm water using a syringe (without a needle) or a rubber bulb for 5 minutes.

If the toxic substance has got on the skin, the child should be undressed and thoroughly washed with warm running water and soap, first treating the contaminated areas, and then the entire surface of the body. nine0003

Sometimes the fact that a child has taken drugs or chemicals remains unknown to the mother or other adult family members, which significantly complicates diagnosis, leads to untimely assistance, and worsens the prognosis.

An alarming moment that makes the mother think about poisoning is a change in the child's behavior: usually active and cheerful, he suddenly becomes lethargic, drowsy, falls asleep at an inopportune time. The sleep is so deep and strong that it is impossible to wake it up. Or, on the contrary, in a dream the child makes active movements, crawls on the bed, fights off someone with his hands and feet, cries, screams, without waking up. This behavior is indicative of hallucinations. Convulsions and loss of consciousness may occur. nine0003

Consider poisoning if...

- your baby has a runny nose, and you, not sparing the medicine, instill vasoconstrictor drops in his nose, and the child becomes lethargic, refuses to eat and asks to sleep;

- the child suddenly becomes foolish, laughable for no reason, he is “stormy”, i. e. staggers to the sides when walking, he stumbles on objects, stumbles on level ground;

- in the midst of complete health, the child's condition suddenly deteriorates, consciousness is disturbed, convulsions appear, and there are no signs of an acute inflammatory disease. nine0003

Call an ambulance and tell your doctor about your observations and suspicions. The sooner you do this, the better for the child.

Is there really nothing that can be done to keep children safe from exposure to toxic substances? It is possible and even necessary!

Prevention of poisoning is extremely simple and does not require any moral or material costs from parents.

Medicines should be kept out of the reach of the child. Periodically arrange an audit in your home first aid kit and get rid of unnecessary, expired, with a faded inscription medicines. Do not keep medicines "at hand" in a cosmetic bag, in your pocket, in your purse. Your young tracker will find them everywhere and try "on the tooth.

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