Baby food challenge chris barrett
Media Coverage - Christopher B. Barrett
NPR Marketplace Episode
September 29, 2022
Cornell Chronicle
Study to unmask the true cost of food for NYS agencies
September 19, 2022
Government Matters
Global food crisis causing ‘serious humanitarian consequences’: Cornell professor
August 4, 2022
The global factors behind your grocery bill
August 2, 2022
Goldman Sachs
Food, Fuel, and the Cost-of-Living Crisis
Also available on Audio Page, Top of Mind Page, Youtube, Spotify, Google, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher
August 1, 2022
Food price increases show signs of moderating
August 1, 2022
Business Insider
We're in a global food crisis that will wreak havoc on local economies and trigger civil unrest
August 1, 2022
Foreign Affairs
The Global Food Crisis Shouldn’t Have Come As a Surprise
July 25, 2022
The Boma
Drought insurance: Breaking the cycle of loss for millions of pastoralists
July 22, 2022
CGIAR Advisory Services
Effectively Using The Concept of Comparative Advantage Within CGIAR
July 20, 2022
Background Briefing with Ian Masters
The Global Food Crisis Caused by Russian War on Ukraine
June 12, 2022
New York Times
How Bad Is the Global Food Crisis Going to Get?
June 7, 2022
China National Business Daily
Mentioning possible food crisis, expert says it's mainly affordability issue and export ban terrible policy
May 25, 2022
Modern Farmer
President Biden Calls on Farmers to Double Crop in Face of Food Insecurity
May 14, 2022
Cornell Chronicle
Four elected to National Academy of Sciences
May 5, 2022
Cornell Chronicle
Book addresses future of local and global agri-food systems
May 4, 2022
The Global Undernutrition Cost of Russia's War in Ukraine
April 21, 2022
How war in Ukraine is making people hungry in the Middle East
April 15, 2022
How the Global Food Shortage Helps US Farmers
April 12, 2022
What the war in Ukraine means for energy, climate and food
April 5, 2022
China National Business Daily
Experts: Major grain producers are expected to increase production
April 4, 2022
Foreign Policy
Russia’s Invasion Unleashes ‘Perfect Storm’ in Global Agriculture
March 24, 2022
Voice of America News
Ukraine War Pushing Food Prices Even Higher
March 23, 2022
EE News
Climate and Russia could combine to create a food crisis
March 16, 2022
Borlaug Global Rust Initiative
What The Crisis In Ukraine Means For Wheat And Food Security
March 15, 2022
Cornell Media Relations Office
Russia's Ukraine invasion hikes food prices, spreads global hunger
March 11, 2022
Voice of America News
Africa News Tonight
March 4, 2022
American Enterprise Institute
To address Ukraine’s humanitarian needs, suspend outdated food aid restrictions
March 2, 2022
Times of India
Three forms of hunger encompass half the world now, deepening poverty over generations
December 25, 2021
Michigan State University
In Focus: Improving nutrition, health and resilience through economics research
December 15, 2021
Nutrition Connect
In Focus: Improving nutrition, health and resilience through economics research
University of Notre Dame
Fighting Infectious Disease at its Source
November 7, 2021
Cornell Chronicle
In wake of UN climate report, students promote resilience
September 28, 2021
The Counter
Despite the year’s turmoil, the number of food-insecure households remained steady from 2019 to 2020
September 10, 2021
The Lancet Planetary Health
Beyond farm gates
August 10, 2021
Modern Farmer
What the UN Climate Report Means for Food
August 10, 2021
Food Politics
The food system is unfair to real farmers
June 28, 2021
Science Daily
Reaping the benefits: Training in rice growing system ups yields and well-being
July 21, 2021
CGIAR Advisory Services
ISDC on The Future Of One CGIAR
June 21, 2021
Modern Farmer
From Farm Gate to Restaurant Plate: How a Team of Researchers is Tracking the Cost of Your Food
June 9, 2021
Poor harvest: farmers earn a pitiful fraction of the money spent on food
June 8, 2021
Cornell Chronicle
Study tracks food’s value from farm to plate globally
June 7, 2021
Most Food Spending Supports Processing, Not Farmers: Study
June 7, 2021
National Public Radio
As Americans Return To Dining, Restaurants See Trouble Procuring Supplies
June 6, 2021
The Counter
New research attempts to pinpoint “Why do small farms matter?” Critics say that’s not the right question.
June 4, 2021
Cornell Chronicle
Virtual portal creates access to food security solutions
May 20, 2021
BNN Bloomberg
Food insecurity is an income problem, social programs needed for healthy diets
May 13, 2021
CGIAR Advisory Services
On The Importance of Foresight and Trade-Off Analyses in Agricultural Research Portfolio and Inversement Plans
May 3, 2021
AACSB Insights
Serving Society Through Scholarship
April 28, 2021
Cornell Chronicle
Human behavior must be factored into climate change analyses
April 30, 2021
Feed the Future
Insurance for Vulnerable Families Cuts Rural Poverty and the Cost of Aid by Half
April 5, 2021
Cornell Chronicle
Earth Day forum: Barrett maps food systems past mid-century
April 22, 2021
The Christian Science Monitor
Who is hungry in America? The pandemic has changed the answer.
March 31, 2021
Better Business, Better World with Seth Bollinger
Economics for Human Flourishing with Dr. Christopher Barrett
March 31, 2021
The Counter
How has the pandemic strengthened the global food supply chain?
March 25, 2021
The Associated Press
17% of food production globally wasted, UN report estimates
March 4, 2021
Yahoo Money
High food prices are part of a ‘one-two punch’ for struggling Americans.
February 16, 2021
CGIAR Advisory Services
A place for foresight and trade offs.
January 15, 2021
Why collaboration is the missing ingredient in food system reform.
January 8, 2021
Food Tank
New Report: Healthfulness, Equity, Resilience, and Sustainability are Interlinked Issues.
Also available at Spotify.
December, 2020
Springer Nature: Sustainable Community
The Future of Agri-Food Systems Through a Pandemic Lens
December 10, 2020
Cornell Chronicle
Cornell-led panel releases report on agri-food innovation
December 10, 2020
Food Processing
Nestlé's carbon-neutral sustainability plan
December 7, 2020
L’Economia del Corriere della Sera
Innovazione e protezione ai lavoratori: dopo il Covid, come si evita una crisi alimentare
December 7, 2020
Cornell Chronicle
NSF to fund study on far-reaching algal bloom impacts
September, 2020
Cornell Chronicle
Small-farm tech reduces deforestation, climate change
July 2020
American Enterprise Institute
A small National Defense Authorization Act rule change will have big consequences
July 2020
Food Tank
Chris Barrett Discusses the Ways Research Can Inform Agricultural Policy
Also available at Apple Podcasts and here.
May 2020
Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Markets, Risk and Resilience
How NDVI Transformed Insurance as a Tool to Build Resilience
May 2020
Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Markets, Risk and Resilience
Policy Brief: Shifting Assets, Capacities and Risk to Aid Resilience and End Chronic Poverty
May 2020
Cornell Chronicle
Cornell joins global research university climate alliance
April, 2020
What We Can Learn From the Near-Death of the Banana
November 2019
Addis Standard
News: Drought-hit Borana pastoralists receive insurance payout.
September 2019
Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Markets, Risk and Resilience
AAEA Honors Michael Carter and Christopher Barrett with Publication of Enduring Quality Award
August 2019
National Catholic Register
Environment: The Church’s Teachings Are the Best Antidote to the Planet’s Ills
July 2019
The Huffington Post
Food Banks Are Winning In Trump’s Trade War With China
June 2019
The Pew Trusts
Food Banks Win in Trump Trade War
June 2019
Thomson Reuters Foundation
Death By Diet: The race to transform the world's food habits.
April 2019
Barrett: Food security is ‘challenge of the century’
April 2019
Cornell Dyson
For STAARS fellows and mentors, their Business is a Better World
February 2019
The Big Picture: Measuring Efforts to Build Resilience
January 2019
The Economist
In Africa, agricultural insurance often falls on stony ground
December 2018
Cornell Chronicle
Book investigates resilience in the face of chronic poverty
December 2018
Cornell Research
Using Big Data to Aid Food Insecurity and Poverty
November 2018
Cornell Chronicle
Harnessing machine learning and big data to fight hunger
October 2018
Fordham News
Conference Convenes Leaders Devoted to Combating World Hunger
October 2018
Economics That Really Matter
The State of Development Economics, as Seen from NEUDC 2018 Submissions
September 2018
Economics That Really Matter
Instrumental Variables in Panel Data: A Round-up of Working Papers
July 2018
Economics That Really Matter
Food Aid and Conflict: What is the evidence?
July 2018
The Hill
Maritime Cargo Preferences only Waste American Taxpayer Dollars
June 2018
World Bank
U. S. Food Aid and Civil Conflict Revisited: A Methodological Caution
May 2018
The Hill
The Time for Food Aid Reform is Now
May 2018
A child dies, a child lives: why Somalia drought is not another famine
March 2018
Overdue Food Aid Reforms Would Save Money and Lives
March 2018
Inside Sources
The Food for Peace Modernization Act: Legislation to Make the World a Better Place
March 2018
New Food Economy
Only 30 Percent of American Food Aid Pays for Actual Food
March 2018
Cornell Daily Sun
Cornell Researchers Receive $200K Grant to Launch Humanitarian Research in Niger
March 2018
Monash University: Impact
Nice Rice Dishes up More Food, Profits and Sustainability
March 2018
Cornell Chronicle
Cornell-CARE team to advance gender equity, climate resilience in Niger
February 2018
Cornell Daily Sun
Poverty in Africa a Challenge that ‘Agricultural Universities Like Cornell Need to Tackle,’ Says Prof
February 2018
New Security Beat
The Big Picture: Measuring Efforts to Build Resilience
December 2017
ABC News
How to feed 800 million: The battle over the future of US food aid
November 2017
Senators slam US food aid rules
October 2017
Cornell Chronicle
Chris Barrett talks food aid to D. C. policymakers
October 2017
Media Relations
Protectionist food aid shipping rules waste money, cost lives
October 2017
Bob Corker: Food Aid Reform Threatened by 'Nativist' White House Interests
October 2017
Hunger and Obesity Can Be Two Sides of the Same Coin
September 2017
How Kenya’s herders got their livestock insured
September 2017
Learn Liberty
Capitalism Could Save Lives with the Most Boring Innovation of All
August 2017
US News
How to Feed More People Worldwide
June 2017
The Guardian
Satellite images trigger payouts for Kenyan farmers in grip of drought
April 2017
Bloomberg Businessweek
How to Help Africa Feed Itself
April 2017
CGTN Africa
Kenya Drought Insurance (Video)
February 2017
The Harvard Crimson
Kennedy School Visiting Scholar Discusses Poverty and the Environment
February 2017
A Chocolate Candy Aims To Make The World Think About Hunger
January 2017
The Guardian
Using satellites to support Kenya's drought-hit herders – in pictures
November 2016
Cornell Chronicle
Barrett, Leibovich and Walsh named AAAS Fellows for 2016
November 2016
The Wall Street Journal
Prominent Economists, Including Eight Nobel Laureates: ‘Do Not Vote for Donald Trump'
November 2016
On selling insurance (not lottery tickets) to Africa’s struggling (stargazing) livestock herders–New York Times
November 2016
Food for Thought
Dr. Christopher Barrett
November 2016
The New York Times
Up in the Sky, Help to Keep Africans From Starving
November 2016
Minute Earth
Why Biodiversity Is Good For The Economy (Video)
October 2016
Cornell Chronicle
Study: Decline in forest diversity could cost billions per year
October 2016
Cornell Chronicle
Economist, partners clinch USAID award for drought insurance
October 2016
CGIAR Research Program on Dryland Systems
Pastoral mobility and policy recommendations for livestock herding in the Borana pastoral system in southern Ethiopia
September 2016
Quartz Africa
The huge, hidden upside to low oil prices
February 2016
- The New York Times: "Chasing a Climate Deal in Paris"; December 2015.
- United States Department of Agriculture: "USDA Report Warns Climate Change Likely to Impede Progress on Global Food Security"; December 2015.
- Civil Eats: "In Paris, the USDA Puts Food and Climate Change Center Stage"; December 2015.
- Agri Pulse: "USDA report details climate change threat to U.S. and global agriculture"; December 2015.
- Cornell Chronicle: "To beat hunger, shift from food quantity to diet quality"; November 2015.
- Agri Pulse: Quality, not quantity, key to fighting hunger, Cornell experts say; November 2015.
- Cornell Chronicle: Depleted soil locks rural farmers in trap of ultra-poverty; November 2015.
- Cornell Chronicle: Cornell conference confronts food security challenges; October 2015.
- Cornell Chronicle: Cornell professors testify before House committee; October 2015.
- IRIN: Do we still care about the F word?; August 2015.
- The New York Times' Opinionator: Energizing the Green Revolution in Africa; June 2015.
- Ezra: High Tech Helps Rural Herders; June 2015.
- The World Bank's Africa Can End Poverty: Agricultural Input Use in Africa – Revisiting our Meager Evidence Base; June 2015.
- Eurisy: Kenya: an insurance scheme based on satellite data for vulnerable pastoralists; June 2015.
- NPR On Point: Global Hunger Rates Drop; June 2015.
- Cornell University: Cornell and Global Poverty Reduction; June 2015.
- Cornell Chronicle: Warren Hall reborn: cutting-edge tools, historic mission; April 2015.
- National Socio-environmental Synthesis Center: Defining "Resilience" in the Context of International Development; April 2015.
- Futurity: App Tracks Kenya's Best Places to Graze; February 2015.
- Cornell Chronicle: Charter Day panelist preview: economist Christopher Barrett; March 2015.
- The World Bank's Africa Research Newsletter, p. 10-11: Revising the Basics about Agricultural Input Use in Africa; February 2015.
- Red Orbit: Can smartphones help Kenyan cattle herders?; February 2015
- Devex: Myth-busting for African agriculture; February 2015.
- Cornell Chronicle: Space-age technology points African herders in right direction; February 2015
- Down To Earth: Better roads must for food security; January 2015.
- Reuters: Build better roads in developing world to bolster food supplies: study; January 2015.
- CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security: "Scaling up index insurance for smallholder farmers: Recent evidence and insights"; January 2015.
- CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security: "Agricultural insurance innovations breathe new life into pastoralism in Ethiopia"; January 2015.
- The Growth Economics Blog: "Market Failures in Developing Countries"; January 2015.
- The Daily Nation: "Animal insurance brightens up pastoralists' lives"; January 2015.
- The World Bank, Living Standards Measurement Study: LSMS Highlights, Fall 2014 Issue 1: "Understanding the agricultural input landscape in Sub-Saharan Africa"; January 2015.
- IFPRI Food Security Portal: The Political Economy of MGNREGS Spending in Andhra Pradesh; December 2014.
- International Growth Centre - Ideas for India: "Politics and MNREGA: A limited Link in Andhra Pradesh" (November 2014)
- International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI): "Malawi’s subsidy splurge" (October 2014)
- The Telegraph India: "Govt aims Cong gun at NREGA" (October 2014)
- World Bank Let's Talk Development Blog: "Understanding the agricultural input landscape in Sub-Saharan Africa" (September 2014)
- USA Today: "Hunger pains: U.
S. food program struggles to move forward" (September 2014)
- BBC: "Satellite Surveys in Kenya" (September 2014)
- The Grist: "Why food prices scaled the peaks — and why it matters" (September 2014)
- The Lancet: "Multiple crises overwhelm emergency food relief agencies" (August 2014)
- CQ Researcher: "Global Hunger" (August 2014)
- Cornell Chronicle: Dyson School is No. 2 undergraduate business program (July 2014)
- Al Jazeera America: Food fight: Coast Guard bill could limit aid to hungry (June 2014)
- International Business Times: Meat, Produce, Dairy Prices On The Rise While Processed Foods, Grain Prices Remain Stable (May 2014)
- Ithaca Journal: Cornell gets $543,000 to help farmers (May 2014)
- The Hill: Highway robbery on the high seas (May 2014)
- Wall Street Journal: White House Warns Bill Would Crimp Foreign Food Aid (April 2014)
- Cornell Chronicle: Kenya's drought insurance helps Islamic herders (April 2014)
- Mint: "The political economy cycle in India" (April 2014)
- The Economist: "Kenyan farmers: Insure my cows" (April 2014)
- Cornell University's Atkinson Center Blog: "Kenyan Herders Experience Drought with Less Devastation" (April 2014)
- IRIN Humanitarian News and Analysis: "New US Farm Bill provides hope for food aid reform" (April 2014)
- IRIN Humanitarian News and Analysis: "Kenya’s Sharia-friendly livestock insurance" (April 2014)
- Cornell Chronicle: "Dyson again ranked No.
3 by Bloomberg Businessweek" (April 2014)
- Cornell Daily Sun: "Dyson Business Program Ranked Third Nationally" (April 2014)
- CornellCast: "Persistent Poverty in Africa: Why and How You Can Help (video)" (April 2014)
- The Guardian: "Kenya's drought insurance scheme shelters herders from financial storm" (April 2014)
- Bloomberg Businessweek: Undergraduate Business School Rankings (April 2014)
- Times Live: "Space tech provides Africa's first Islamic insurance for herders" (April 2014)
- Business Daily (Kenya): "Takaful, ILRI payout ‘sharia-compliant’ insurance to drought-suffering livestock herders in Wajir" (March 2014)
- Business Daily (Kenya): "Pastoralists bank on index insurance to reduce losses" (March 2014)
- Al Jazeera: "New insurance scheme protects Kenyan farmers (video)" (March 2014)
- ILRI News: "Africa’s first ‘Islamic-compliant’ livestock insurance pays 100 herders in Kenya’s remote drylands of Wajir for drought-related livestock losses" (March 2014)
- Food Security Portal: "Working Toward a Brighter Future: Can Public Works Programs Help End Extreme Poverty?" (March 2014)
- USAID Pioneers Prize for excellence in science and technology: "Satellite Data predicts livestock deaths from drought – Index-based Livestock Insurance Project (IBLI) in Ethiopia" (February 2014)
- Roll Call: "Despite Tug-of-War, USAID Gains Leeway on Food Aid" (February 2014)
- Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond: "Ties That Bind: In U.
S. Food Aid Efforts, Humanitarian Relief and Domestic Interests Both Hurt and Help Each Other" (2013)
- New Security Beat: "Food Security and Sociopolitical Stability (Book Launch)" (December 2013)
- Christianity Today: "Should I Give a Cow or Cash for Christmas? A guide to wise, charitable holiday giving." (December 2013)
- Cornell Chronicle: "Book links food security to political stability" (November 2013)
- Marketplace radio: "Australia to Archer Daniels Midland: No" (November 2013)
- Cornell University: "Typhoon response tips: Send money, and watch out for scam artists" (November 2013)
- American Enterprise Institute: "Who benefits from food aid? Not whom you might expect" (November 2013)
- NPR All Things Considered: "Merchant Marines See New Obstacles In Food Aid Proposal" (November 2013)
- Al Jazeera: "Cow insurance gives Kenyans a greener pasture" (November 2013)
- Center for Public Integrity: "How shipping unions sunk food aid reform: Maritime interests pressured Congress to maintain controversial status quo" (November 2013)
- Petition to Congress and President Obama: "Enact the Inform Act" (October 2013)
- Marc Bellemare: "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Takes On Food Aid" (October 2013)
- The Daily Show with Jon Stewart: "Food vs.
Cash" (September 2013)
- American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research: "The House and Senate farm bills don't make the grade" (September)
- Cornell Daily Sun: "New Leadership Coming to Cornell Dyson School in January 2014" (September 2013)
- National Public Radio's Morning Edition: "American Farmers Say They Feed The World, But Do They?" (September 2013)
- Cornell Chronicle: "Food, poverty research are focus of Sept. 17 event" (September 2013)
- Salon: "Controversial, old law could make people starve" (September 2013)
- Cornell Chronicle: "Chris Barrett to direct Dyson School" (September 2013)
- Cornell Chronicle: "Experts to focus on food security in a vulnerable world" (September 2013)
- Cornell Daily Sun: "The Daily Show Comes to Cornell, Features AEM Professor" (September 2013)
- BBC: "How should the US deliver food aid?" (August 2013)
- BBC: "Feeding the World: America's New Deal" (August 2013)
- Nautilus magazine: "A Seven-Month Wait for Lunch: Why food aid needs to overhaul its delivery system" (July 2013)
- IRIN Humanitarian News and Analysis: "Analysis: The future of food aid" (July 2013)
- American Enterprise Institute: "Feeding the world's poor through efficient markets: A step in the right direction" (June 2013)
- Marc Bellemare: "The Developmental Paradox" (June 2013)
- Iowa Farmer Today: "It's time to reform food aid" (May 2013)
- IFPRI Insights: "Measuring Hunger" (May 2013)
- Oxfam America: "Demystifying a rice revolution" (May 2013)
- Marc Bellemare: "Getting Food Aid Right" (May 2013)
- Parke Wilde: "A good question about food aid" (May 2013)
- CNN: "How to get food aid right" (May 2013)
- USA Today: "Foreign aid more about helping friends at home" (May 2013)
- NPR: "Unraveling The Mystery Of A Rice Revolution" (May 2013)
- Washington Times: "Defeating a global enemy - hunger: Food aid is a key ingredient of U.
S. national security" (May 2013)
- Bloomberg: "Cornell Food Fight Leads Gabre-Madhin to Battle Africa Scarcity" (April 2013)
- Businessweek: "Obama Wants More Food Aid to Be Locally Sourced" (April 2013)
- The Economist: "Aid policy: Helping whom, exactly?" (April 2013)
- The Chronicle of Higher Education: "Stanford Researcher Offers a Modest Proposal for Food Relief" (April 2013)
- Center for Global Development: "A Welcome Half Loaf on Food Aid Reform" (April 2013)
- USAID: "Remarks By Administrator Rajiv Shah at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)" (April 2013)
- IRIN Humanitarian News and Analysis: "Obama proposes end of monetized food aid" (April 2013)
- Washington Post: "Budget proposes shift in providing food aid to needy nations" (April 2013)
- The Atlantic: "Obama's Budget Fixes America's Wacky Food Aid Program—Sort Of" (April 2013)
- The Atlantic: "Here Are the U.
S. States That Benefit Most From America's Wacky International Food-Aid Program" (April 2013)
- Marc Bellemare: "The Impacts of Commodity Price Volatility in Ethiopia" (April 2013)
- Cultural Practice: "Reducing the Vulnerability of Kenya’s Pastoralists to Drought with Livestock Insurance" (March 2013)
- Monash University: "A meeting of economic and ecological minds" (March 2013)
- World Bank Development Impact Blog: "Evaluating after the barn-door has been left open: Evaluating Heifer's Give-a-Goat or Give-a-Cow Programs" (March 2013)
- Marc Bellemare: "Food Aid: Why Local and Regional Procurement Is Better" (March 2013)
- Reuters: "White House Mulls New Global Food Aid Approach: Send Cash" (February 2013)
- USAID: "East Africa's Dryland Herders Take Out a Policy for Survival" (February 2013)
- IRIN Humanitarian News and Analysis: "Will there be a global food crisis in 2013?" (January 2013)
- Ethiopian Business: "Insuring the Uninsured" (December 2012)
- View Article on Website
- Oromia Insurance Company S.
C.: "Annual Report Entry on IBLI" (December 2012)
- Boston Globe: "Food aid fattens up lobbyists" (December 2012)
- The Washington Post: "U.S. climate aid reaches across globe" (December 2012)
- View Photo Gallery
- American Agriculturist: "Stalled farm bill imperils disaster aid" (November 2012)
- EMBASSY: "Canada could ratify new food assistance treaty" (October 2012)
- ILRI News: "'Livestock insurance project an excellent example of innovative risk management in Kenya's arid lands' - Kenyan minister (September 2012)
- IRIN Humanitarian News and Analysis: "ETHIOPIA: Food security and the Meles' legacy" (August 2012)
- IRIN Humanitarian News and Analysis: "FOOD: How bad is the crisis?" (August 2012)
- International Business Times: "Russia Won't Stop Feeding The World, For Now" (August 2012)
- International Business Times: "Corn Drought? Who Cares? For World's Poorest, It's All About Rice And Wheat" (August 2012)
- IRIN Humanitarian News and Analysis: "FOOD: Another crisis coming?" (July 2012)
- Voice of America: Study Finds Hungriest Countries Among Fastest-Growing (July 2012)
- Voice of America: US Drought Could Trigger Higher Food Prices (July 2012)
- CNN: Insurance helps Kenya's herders protect against drought (June 2012)
- IRIN Humanitarian News and Analysis: "DISASTERS: Insuring against dry days in Africa" (June 2012)
- Cornell Chronicle Online: "Researchers develop food aid decision-making tool" (May 2012)
- The Drum, Australian Broadcasting Corporation: "How to avoid a global food crisis" (May 2012)
- The Sydney Morning Herald: "Expert warns of global food shortages and higher prices" (May 2012)
- Thomson-Reuters AlertNet: "Food aid system smarter, despite old flaws" (May 2012)
- Cornell PeriodiCALS: "Going Local, On a Global Scale" (April 2012)
- Cornell Chronicle Online: "New CARE-Cornell partnership to take on global concerns" (April 2012)
- Center for Strategic and International Studies: "Video: CARE and Cornell University: Partnership for Sustainable Global Food Security" (April 2012)
- The Cornell Daily Sun: "Cornell Partners With Major NGO On Global Service" (April 2012)
- IRIN Humanitarian News and Analysis: "CLIMATE CHANGE: Understanding Rio+20" (April 2012)
- American Jewish World Service: "Saving Money and Lives: The Human Side of U.
S. Food Aid Reform" (March 2012)
- Oxfam America: "Saving Money and Lives: The Human Side of U.S. Food Aid Reform" (March 2012)
- Oxfam America: "Tell Congress: Stop playing with food aid" (March 2012)
- NPR: "When Food Aid Goes Local, Some Say It Works Better" (March 2012)
- Cornell Chronicle Online: "Skorton: Cornell must invest in international efforts to remain relevant" (March 2012)
- Cornell Chronicle Online: "Student/faculty team stresses value of in-country food aid purchases at Rome meeting" (March 2012)
- The New York Times: "Feed the World's Hungry, for Less" (February 2012)
- Miller-McCune: "Insuring Livestock in Kenya, Via Satellite" (February 2012)
- Thomson-Reuters AlertNet: "Washington urged to stop wasting food aid dollars" (February 2012)
- Agri-Pulse: "Aid groups seek flexible food assistance program in farm bill" (February 2012)
- IRIN Humanitarian News and Analysis: "Analysis: Agriculture in a changing environment" (January 2012)
- Voice of America: "2011 Food Price Spikes Helped Trigger Arab Spring, Researchers Say Rising costs expected to become more frequent" (December 2011)
- The New York Times: "The Famine Next Time" (November 2011)
- International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD): "US Lawmakers Miss Farm Bill Deadline" (November 2011)
- Cornell Chronicle Online: "Drought-stricken Kenyan livestock farmers receive first insurance payouts" (October 2011)
- Discovery News: "Satellites Track Cattle Loss" (October 2011)
- Nation Television (NTV): "Herders welcome livestock insurance" (October 2011)
- Agence France-Presse Television (AFPTN): "Insurance payouts for Kenyan drought victims" (October 2011)
- Reuters AlertNet: "Herders receive first drought insurance payouts in Kenya" (October 2011)
- The Guardian: "Kenyan herders reap dividends from livestock insurance" (October 2011)
- IRIN Humanitarian News and Analysis: "FOOD: Rumpus over GM food aid" (October 2011)
- IRIN Humanitarian News and Analysis: "FOOD: Price volatility - causes and consequences" (October 2011)
- CQ Weekly: "Food Aid Model: No Easy Overhaul" (October 2011)
- CQ Weekly: "Food and Consequences" (October 2011)
- Vector1 Magazine: "Series Explores How to Cut Poverty but Preserve Wildlife" (August 2011)
- Scientific Computing: "Cornell leads series on poverty traps and conservation" (August 2011)
- Newswise: "Exploring the Links Between Poverty and Threats to Biodiversity" (August 2011)
- CBC Radio One The Current: "Horn of Africa Famine" (August 2011)
- ECN: "Cornell Leads Series on Poverty Traps and Conservation" (August 2011)
- Environmental Protection: "Researchers Explore Links Between Poverty and Biodiversity" (August 2011)
- Cornell Chronicle Online: "Series explores how to cut poverty but preserve wildlife" (August 2011)
- NPR: "Famine Affects Millions In Horn Of Africa" (July 2011)
- Neue Z¸rcher Zeitung (NZZ, Zurich, Switzerland): "Angek¸ndigter D¸rre-Schock in Ostafrika" (July 2011)
- Pravda: "ZastavÌ svet hladomor v Afrike? (Stop world hunger in Africa?)" (July 2011)
- Matisak's Blog (A Stamp Of The World): "Will the world do something on famine in East Africa?" (July 2011)
- Cornell Chronicle Online: "Economists highlight differences between high food prices and food price volatility" (July 2011)
- THE HILL's Congress Blog: "Money must be saved every step of the way" (June 2011)
- IRIN Humanitarian News and Analysis: "FOOD: High prices do not mean a bigger supply" (June 2011)
- Cornell Chronicle Online: "As food production in poor nations shifts, so must research" (June 2011)
- IRIN Humanitarian News and Analysis: "FOOD: How to fix a "broken" supply system" (June 2011)
- IRIN Humanitarian News and Analysis: "AID POLICY: Getting the recipe right for US food aid" (May 2011)
- FSE Stanford University: "Breaking the persistent cycles of ultra-poverty in rural Africa" (May 2011)
- Center for American Progress: "Five Steps to Make Our Aid More Effective and Save More Than $2 Billion" (April 2011)
- IRIN Humanitarian News and Analysis: "FOOD: Biofuels make a comeback as prices rise" (April 2011)
- CQ Roll Call: "Shipping Industry Fears Foreign Aid Cuts" (February 2011)
- Voice of America: "Nations Seek to Prevent Uprisings by Controlling Food Prices" (January 2011)
- Center For Strategic and International Studies: "The Shrinking Effectiveness of U.
S. Food Aid" (December 2010)
- Rethinking U.S. Foreign Assistance Blog: "Congressionally Mandated Robbery on the High Seas" (December 2010)
- South East Shipping News: "US government wastes millions with currrent Jones Act shipping food aid rules" (December 2010)
- U.S. Food Policy: "Cargo preferences cost $140 million that could have helped the hungry" (December 2010)
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- IRIN Humanitarian News and Analysis: "Nutrition: US food aid falls short of its own campaign" (November 2010)
- Comment Magazine: "On Parks and Poor People" (October 2010)
- WHCU 870 AM: "Worldwide Sustainability Forum" (October 2010)
- WHCU 870 AM: "Cornell and the Developing World: Commercial, Humanitarian and Scientific Opportunities" (October 2010)
- Charles H.
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Petersburg (Florida) Times: "U.S. food aid undercut by rules that waste money and time" (February 2010)
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- Business Daily: "Pastoralists enter safety zone with insurance cover" (November 2009)
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- Media Global: "Kenya to use satellites to fight climate change" (November 2009)
- Reuters: "Satellites to help Kenyans insure against drought" (October 2009)
- ABC News: "U.
S. Food Aid Contributing to Africa's Hunger?" (October 2009)
- Comment Magazine: "Overseas Development Assistance: reinforcing success" (October 2009)
- Reuters: "Obama global hunger plan revives food aid fight" (October 2009)
- Financial Times: "The search for a fresh recipe" (October 2009)
- Modern Ghana: "G8 call for tighter investment controls in Africa" (September 2009)
- Cornell Chronicle Online: "Fertilizers may not help crops of poorest African farmers" (September 2009)
- IRIN Humanitarian News and Analysis: "We need another Green Revolution" (September 2009)
- Cornell Chronicle Online: "$3.2 million NSF grant trains grad students to tackle food systems and poverty problems" (August 2009)
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- Reuters: "Analysis: G8 promise a $20 bln chance to beat odds on hunger" (July 2009)
- ScienceDaily: "One Billion Hungry People: Multiple Causes Of Food Insecurity Considered" (July 2009)
- IRIN Humanitarian News and Analysis: "G8's historic shift needs applause" (July 2009)
- The Chicago Council on Global Affairs: "Experts Commentary on L'Aquila Food Security Initiative G-8 Announcement: Chris Barrett , Stephen B.
& Janice G. Ashley Professor of Applied Economics and Management, International Professor of Agriculture, Cornell University" (July 2009)
- The Chicago Council on Global Affairs: "Global Food for Thought: Special G-8 Summit Edition" (July 2009)
- IRIN Humanitarian News and Analysis: "Improved farming rather than more food aid?" (July 2009)
- Communications of the ACM, The World's Leading Source for Advanced Computing: "Cornell Economist Says Disaster Relief Workers Need AI Tools" (June 2009)
- WXXI (Rochester affiliate of National Public Radio): "Why Is Global Poverty So Intractable?" (June 2009)
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- IRIN Humanitarian News and Analysis: "Winds of Change in US Food Aid Policy?" (March 2009)
- Global Health Magazine: "Is the U.
S. Using Money Wisely?" (February 2009)
- Business Daily Africa: "Insurance planned to cover farmers from bad weather" (January 2009)
- IRIN Humanitarian News and Analysis: " Calls to refrom Food Aid Convention " (January 2009)
- IRIN Humanitarian News and Analysis: " Non-traditional donors come to the WFP table" (December 2008)
- Cornell Chronicle Online, "Cornell global expert offers clues to why grinding poverty in Africa persists - and keeps rising" (November 2008)
- Christianity Today Cover Story, "Hunger Isn't History" (November 2008)
- TheMessenger (Surry, NC) op-ed, "A Reason a Day for No Gas Tax Holiday" (May 2008)
- The Standard (Nairobi, Kenya): "Insurance Cover Pledge for Pastoralist Groups " (May 2008)
- Fund Strategy Magazine: "Good Threshing" (Cover Story May 2008)
- IRIN Humanitarian News and Analysis: "Export controls curtail aid for hungry neighbours" (May 2008)
- Baltimore Sun OpEd: "It's time to stop a tragic waste" (May 2008)
- IRIN Humanitarian News and Analysis: "Canada to provide cash, not commodities in switch of food aid policy" (May 2008)
- Seattle NPR KUOW: "Food Prices, Food Banks, and Food Aid" (April 2008)
- Philadelphia NPR Radio Times: Interview (April 2008)
- SAGA Audio Series Interview:Fractal Poverty Traps (April 2008)
- SAGA Audio Series Interview: Fractal Poverty Traps: Madagascar (April 2008)
- SAGA Audio Series Interview: Pastoralists in Africa (April 2008)
- Christian Science Monitor "How to ease the squeeze on food access" (April 2008)
- The Economist "Letters to the Editor: Feeding Themselves" (April 2008)
- The Cornell Chronicle "Persistent Poverty is focus of latest Institute for the Social Sciences Project" (April 2008)
- IPS "DEVELOPMENT: A Winding Journey From Seed to Plate" (April 2008)
- Economist.
com "Food for Thought" (March 2008)
- USA Today "World Food Program calls for Donations" (March 2008)
- IRIN Humanitarian News and Analysis "USAID reviewing food aid as costs soar" (March 2008)
- The Wall Street Journal "A Run on Banks: Food Charities Feel the Pinch" (March 2008)
- Chicago Tribune " Higher grain prices putting squeeze on world food aid" (March 2008)
- Ithaca Journal "A Step in the Wrong Direction for Food Aid"/(.pdf) (February 2008)
- The Politico, "Bush in food aid fight with Congress" (February 2008)
- IRIN: "ETHIOPIA: Drought insurance extended to 6.7 million people" (December 2007)
- Pittsburgh Post-Gazette op-ed: "Vetoing the Farm Bill would give President Bush the perfect opportunity to repair our corrupt, inefficient system for providing food aid to the world, says author" (December 2007)
- Manitoba Cooperator: "Make that cash, not grain.
" (December 2007)
- IRIN: "ETHIOPIA: Drought insurance extended to 6.7 million people" (December 2007)
- Atlanta Journal-Constitution: (November 23, 2007)
- Cornell University College of Agriculture and Life Science Alumni Magazine: "Can Financial Markets Help End Global Poverty?" (Fall 2007 Issue)
- UN IRIN service: "GLOBAL: Monetised food aid under scrutiny" (November 2007)
- Baltimore Sun, Letter to the Editor: "Emergency Food Aid Should be a Priority" (November 2007)
- Des Moines Register article: (October 2007)
- Bloomberg: (September 2007)
- Los Angeles Times:,0,3435843.
column?coll=la-sunday-commentary (August 2007)
- New York Times: "CARE Turns Down Federal Funds for Food Aid" (August 2007)
- Time: "CARE Turns Down U.S. Food Aid" (August 2007)
- Christian Science Monitor: "Rising food prices curb aid to global poor" (July 2007)
- Chicago Tribune: "US Food Aid Reform Plan Has Stout Foes" (May 2007)
- The Guardian: "Does food aid do more harm than good? Feed the world? Yes, but how, asks Alex Renton." (May 2007)
- International Herald Tribune: "" (April 2007)
- Asia Times: "North Korea and the Politics of Famine: A matter of policy" (September 2006)
- Where Most Needed: "Oxfam Report Decries In-Kind Food Aid, a Mainstay of US NGOs" (July 26, 2006)
- Christianity Today: "On the Edge of Famine" (June 2006)
- Cornell Chronicle: "Chris Barrett takes a collaborative approach to the world's poorest people" (April 2006)
- Bloomberg: http://www. (January 2006)
- KCTS Television: Silent Killer film (2005)
- Los Angeles Times: "They profit while the hungry die" (October 2005)
- International Herald Tribune:
/2005/10/12/news/aid.php (October 2005) - New York Times: "African Food for Africa's Starving Is Roadblocked in Congress" (October 2005)
- PBS NewsHour with Jim Lehrer: "Famine in Niger" (August 2005)
- Media Global News: "US To Change Policy on Purchase of Food Aid" (April 2005)
- Iowa Public Television: "Critics Call for Changes to U.S. Food Aid Policy" (April 2005)
Chris Barrett
Latest News for: chris barrett
Herman, Christopher John
Times of Wayne County 14 Oct 2022
Chris is survived by his mother, Barb; brother, Jimmy; beloved Tammy; his children, Nikki (Marc), Ashley (Paul), and Adam, and grandchildren, Maxxis, Mila, Griffin, and Barrett; and his stepmother, Jeannie. Chris was preceded in death by his father, Nelson.
Irving, Durant lead Nets past winless Bucks in preseason
TSN Canada 13 Oct 2022
MILWAUKEE, Wisc ... Nick Claxton had 16 points and nine rebounds for Brooklyn, which snapped a two-game skid ... The Bucks fell to 0-5 in the preseason ... Andrew Nembhard, the 31st pick in the draft from Gonzaga, had 15 points for the Pacers, while Chris Duarte added 13 points. RJ Barrett led the Knicks with 21 points, and Julius Randle added 13 ... ___.
Pelicans’ Zion Williamson twists left ankle, says he’s fine
The Associated Press 13 Oct 2022
MILWAUKEE, Wisc ... Nick Claxton had 16 points and nine rebounds for Brooklyn, which snapped a two-game skid . .. The Bucks fell to 0-5 in the preseason ... Andrew Nembhard, the 31st pick in the draft from Gonzaga, had 15 points for the Pacers, while Chris Duarte added 13 points. RJ Barrett led the Knicks with 21 points, and Julius Randle added 13 ... ___.
Irving, Durant lead Nets past winless Bucks 107-97
Traverse City Record-Eagle 13 Oct 2022
MILWAUKEE, Wisc ... Nick Claxton had 16 points and nine rebounds for Brooklyn, which snapped a two-game skid ... The Bucks fell to 0-5 in the preseason ... Andrew Nembhard, the 31st pick in the draft from Gonzaga, had 15 points for the Pacers, while Chris Duarte added 13 points. RJ Barrett led the Knicks with 21 points, and Julius Randle added 13 ... More AP NBA ... .
NBA’s Eastern Conference has many contenders, many questions
The Associated Press 13 Oct 2022
Andrew Nembhard, the 31st pick in the draft from Gonzaga, had 15 points for the Pacers, while Chris Duarte added 13. RJ Barrett led the Knicks with 21 points, and Julius Randle added 13 ... night off, including Chris Paul, Devin Booker, Deandre Ayton, Cam Johnson and Mikal Bridges.
Trump supporter who set fire to his own camper charged with wire fraud
MinnPost 13 Oct 2022
Denis Molla, 30, had claimed that his camper was targeted because of his Trump flag ... Molla also created a GoFundMe fundraiser after the fire.” ... ‘I want to help,’ Vetaw said ... The entire lineup was announced on Wednesday and features, among others, Gabby Barrett, Jordan Davis, BlackHawk, Dylan Scott, Jo Dee Messina, Chris Kroeze and Diamond Rio.”.
Move to Zero-Emission Trucks Could Save 66,000 U.S. Lives
Floyd County Chronicle 06 Oct 2022
"Two of the most widespread pollutants impacting health across the country are again created by a very small fraction of the vehicles on the road and that's why the heavy-duty sector going to zero emissions is so important," Barrett said . .. Of course, if all cars were zero-emission, the air would be even healthier, Barrett said.
Sports in brief
Courier Express 06 Oct 2022
Lions edged by ECC, 5-4 ... The loss put the Lions at 8-2 going into Tuesday’s trip to Brockway ... Mansell Stadium ... The winning foursome won the scramble with an impressive 57, four strokes better than Greg Rafferty, Wade Northey, Bill Barrett and Jon Borowski. Third place with a 63 was the team of Chris Taylor, Jack Jones, Terry Gray and Bob Simpson ... ....
Week 4 High School football boxscores
The Salem News 03 Oct 2022
Masconomet — Nadworny 6-97, Barrett 5-71, Shannon 1-17, Max Conley 1-13, Chris McCarthy 1-8; Beverly — Matt Sopp 4-68, Jack Cosedine 2-38, Sullivan 3-24, Pinto 3-19. Hamilton-Wenham 31, Pentucket 0 ... Peabody — Danny Barrett 12-149, Eli Batista 5-103, Jayce Dooley 1-35, Nick Dresser ...
Carriker Chronicles: Three keys and a prediction for Nebraska vs Indiana
Omaha World-Herald 28 Sep 2022
CHRIS MACHIAN THE WORLD-HERALD ... CHRIS MACHIAN THE WORLD-HERALD ... CHRIS MACHIAN THE WORLD-HERALD ... CHRIS MACHIAN THE WORLD-HERALD ... CHRIS MACHIAN THE WORLD-HERALD ... CHRIS MACHIAN THE WORLD-HERALD ... Johnene Barrett, left, holds an umbrella over her husband Rich Barrett, center, and Chris Howard before the start of the Nebraska and Oklahoma game on Saturday.
Study to determine true cost of food for NY agencies
Olean Times Herald 28 Sep 2022
The U. S ... More from this section ... 1. “New York agencies spend over $1 billion each year purchasing food — those dollars could provide a powerful local economic multiplier effect, if used to support local producers and processors and New Yorkers’ broader goals for agri-food systems,” said Chris Barrett, a public policy professor working in the project ... .
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Chris Stapleton's Untold Truth - Music
- Music
Cathy Hutchins/Shutterstock
Chris Stapleton is one of five impressive country artists to be named 2021 Artist of the Year by Country Music Television. SMT. The event, which aired on October 13, gave Stapleton and fellow laureates (Kelsey Ballerini, Gabby Barrett, Kane Brown and Luke Combs) a special behind-the-scenes look at the artists' careers, unique performances and collaborations, and fun moments. congratulations to the winners. The 2021 CMT Artists of the Year have dominated the country charts and have truly made a name for themselves with their artistic endeavors, making them the clear choice for this award.
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And it is not surprising that Stapleton is among these laureates. An incredible performer and songwriter, he really blew up the country music scene and his 2020 album, 'Starting Over,' was no exception to his fantastic work. It received generally positive reviews from both critics and fans, with Holly Gleason of The American Songwriter calling it "a masterpiece of country soul strung over lean blues/rock". This description can almost be extended to the artist himself, who is somewhat of an enigma in the country music scene and doesn't quite fit into one box.
So who is Chris Stapleton? Keep reading to find out the untold truth about one of country music's biggest stars.
Chris Stapleton does not belong to any musical genre.
Terry Wyatt / Getty Images
Perhaps one of the most defining features of Chris Stapleton's music is that it does not belong to one particular genre. Although yes, he is called a country artist, but his musical tastes and skills go far beyond that. As a songwriter, Stapleton has written for various artists including Kelly Clarkson and Justin Timberlake as well as more traditional country artists such as Thomas Rhett and Luke Bryan (according to Rolling Stone). And over the years, he's done a lot of voice work, collaborating with Timberlake, Taylor Swift, and even Pink.
His ability to create in any genre is incredibly unique and makes him stand out, though he didn't always appreciate it. “It didn’t suit me before,” he said. New York Times . "Everyone goes through a phase where it's, 'Oh, if I could just sound like Vince Gill.' Then you will realize that you have your own voice, whether you like it or not, and you have to stick to it.
And stick with what he's got, which allows him to switch between bluegrass, rock, pop country and old school country with ease. He has been successful in almost every iteration of music he has tried, from his bluegrass band The SteelDrivers to his southern rock band The Jompson Brothers. However, it wasn't until he accepted who he was that he finally succeeded, collecting numerous awards from his solo efforts.
He sort of got into the music
Terry Wyatt/acma2021/Getty Images
For such a skilled musician, Chris Stapleton almost didn't become one. A native of eastern Kentucky, Stapleton came from a mining family — both his father and grandfather were part of the profession, according to Herald Dispatcher. And his mother wasn't a musician either; she was a health department worker, behind Paste. But while he didn't come from a family of musicians, Stapleton still points to his parents' work ethic and their support for letting him do what he loves. "We've always been told that we can be anything if we work hard at it, keep our heads up and believe in it," he told Paste.
This work ethic has paid off. Eventually, Stapleton taught himself to play the guitar, picking up an old one his father had bought to teach himself. American songwriter noted. After a few lessons, Stapleton learned the rest of what he needed to know and started going to bars at night after his day job. He eventually met songwriter Steve Leslie who showed him that songwriting could be a career and invited him to Nashville to start writing songs. A few weeks later, he moved to Nashville permanently, and the rest, as they say, is history.
Chris Stapleton didn't think he would play his own music
Dave J. Hogan / Getty Images
Although Chris Stapleton's iconic voice is now well known in the music industry, there was a chance he would never grace the ears of listeners. Although he performed at local shows in Kentucky, the American Songwriter reportedly, once he moved to Nashville, his only focus was on songwriting. In fact, he seemed so engrossed in songwriting as his career that he didn't seem to focus on performing for himself at all. “I was so enamored with the culture of songwriting,” he told American Songwriter, “that for the first three or four years, the thought of actually performing would never even cross my mind. I haven't really played live; I just wrote. I have to go to work every day, sit in a room and compose songs. I wrote two or three songs a day [sic]. That's all I wanted to do. I thought, "This is my job and it's amazing."
The senior vice president of Sea Gayle Music, who hired Stapleton when he first came to Nashville, invited Capitol Records Nashville president Mike Dungan to her office to hear Stapleton sing. This meeting made the record deal a reality. Stapleton performed several of his songs, and Dungan signed a contract with him that evening. Unfortunately, the deal was short-lived as it did not give the artist full creative control.
His award-winning performing career began modestly.
Michael Locchisano / Getty Images
Chris Stapleton was already building an incredible and rewarding songwriting career when he moved to Nashville. "Rumors [about Stapleton] have spread throughout the city," said Liz O'Sullivan, senior vice president of Sea Gayle Music. American songwriter. “People fought over his songs. By the end of his first year, he had received more cuts than some writers receive in their entire careers." But while his songwriting career was just getting started, his performing career never seemed to take off. After his deal with Capitol Records fell through, Stapleton returned to writing full-time, spending time every Thursday night with musician Mike Henderson creating new songs.
Eventually, Henderson contacted three of his friends and he and Stapleton went to the local VFW to perform some of their new stuff. The guys found a common language, and so the first Chris Stapleton band The SteelDrivers was created. Stapleton told Pure Music, "I solely attribute to Mike the idea of creating this band. We had these songs, and he likes to say that we had "perfectly good songs that would go to waste." He said, "What would you think about playing a little bluegrass?"
The band spent a lot of time on the road and received several Grammy nominations and one win (Best Bluegrass Album of 2015), bringing Stapleton to the forefront as lead singer for the first time. Although he would have left the band in 2010 to take care of his family and his art, the success of The SteelDrivers opened a door for the artist that he (apparently) willingly stepped through.
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Real influences in the music of Chris Stapleton
John Shearer / Getty Images
When talking about the inspiration for his hits, Chris Stapleton often points to real events he has experienced that influenced him. For example, "The Devil Named Music" from his debut album "Traveller" is inspired by his tour with The SteelDrivers. “Most of the song is real stuff,” he explained American Songwriter. He described a situation where the band played a gig in Wyoming, traveled to Billings, Montana because that was the nearest airport, and then flew out to Salt Lake City to play another gig. ' This is what the song is about, he explained. "I missed my child and my wife, and I began to understand what it means to be a touring musician."
After his first single with Universal Records failed and his father passed away, the singer-songwriter needed a break. After his wife bought him a Jeep (he probably couldn't afford an old model, Stapleton told Insert), they decided to book a one-way trip to Arizona and return to Nashville.
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The 1979 Jeep Cherokee had a lot of problems, but this trip was an important part of Chris Stapleton's life. While driving through the desert in New Mexico, the artist watched the sun rise and formulated the lyrics to the song "Traveler". As Tennessee reported, "As his comrades slept in the car, Stapleton whispered the words into his phone, 'I'm only a traveler on this earth / Sure my heart is in my shirt pocket / I just keep rolling until I'm in the dirt ". This song eventually cemented his incredible debut album and arguably gave him a new perspective on his career.
Chris Stapleton realizes the importance of his band
Kevin Winter / Getty Images
Chris Stapleton attributes his band's existence to the success of his solo albums, according to his interview with Insert. Although he started out as the frontman of two official bands, The SteelDrivers and The Jompson Brothers, even his solo work is based on music. Stapleton's wife, Morgan, is also a songwriter and singer and often performs harmonies with her husband.
Apart from this collaboration, Stapleton shared in an interview that his fellow musicians formed the core of his musical identity and really allowed him to flourish. It was "one of those happy accidents," Stapleton explained to Paste, as the band's foundation was formed when their fivesome became a trio when the steel and keyboardist decided to go their separate ways. Chris Stapleton worked with this band to record his debut album, focusing on his "musical family" (as Morgan Stapleton called it) instead of hiring session musicians as many artists do.
According to American Songwriter, Stapleton and his band recorded most of their tracks live without relying on overdubs as many others would. In fact, the final song for 'Traveller' was recorded at an album audition party and many of the party members performed live on the track. "It seemed like a good idea at the time," he told Paste, but also explained that he wanted to give people an "experience" and not make it look like they were being forced to listen to his new album.
He has a sizable net worth
John Shearer / 2021 Cmt Awards / Getty Images
Being such a successful songwriter and performer - and being married to a successful songwriter as well - no wonder Chris Stapleton has a sizable net worth . In fact, according to Celebrity Net Worth, he has about $12 million to his name. This number makes a lot of sense, as the writer has written six singles that have topped the charts, and all of his solo albums have reached number one themselves, with "Traveller" being certified quadruple platinum (according to Universal Music Group).
Stapleton doesn't seem to be shy about spending his money, using his considerable fortune to buy himself a large piece of land in Tennessee. In 2017, Tennessee was reported to have purchased 311 acres of land in Williamson County. According to county records, Stapleton paid $5.625 million for land and a sprawling estate in Leipers Fork. The area is home to many other wealthy people in the music industry, including Tim McGraw and Faith Hill, Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman, and Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood, so Stapleton keeps an impressive (and wealthy) company. Notably, one of his fellow pop musicians, Justin Timberlake, also bought land (126. 63 acres to be exact) in the same area, so they are neighbors as well as musical colleagues.
Chris and Morgan Stapleton start charity work
Rick Diamond / Getty Images
Chris Stapleton has been a huge success as a singer-songwriter, and he also seems to use his celebrity for good. He and his wife, Morgan Stapleton, founded Outlaw State of Kind in 2016, "a charitable foundation that supports a variety of causes close to their hearts," according to Chris Stapleton. Official site . Outlaw State of Kind has provided grants to a significant number of organizations, including various Habitat for Humanity organizations, Special Olympics, animal welfare groups, and Indigenous women's groups, to name a few. The charity also pays special attention to educational and musical initiatives.
Stapleton himself, on behalf of his organization, also participates in activities that will help serve a variety of initiatives. For example, he only joined Cameo for one week for the sole purpose of donating all proceeds to the Outlaw State of Kind. He covered Metallica's 'Nothing Else Matters' and the proceeds from the performance benefited both the Stapletons charity and the Metallica All Within My Hands foundation.
And in 2019, he formed a foundation that will directly benefit Kentucky, with a focus on arts and music education, and hosted a benefit concert with Sheryl Crow, Yola, and Willie Nelson to raise money for him. Philanthropy is definitely in Stapleton's focus, along with his music.
Chris Stapleton made a cameo in Game of Thrones
One fact about Chris Stapleton that might surprise some of his fans is that he made a cameo in the final season of Game of Thrones ". Rolling Stone described Stapleton as a "big fan" of the HBO epic. The star "reached out to his management" to see if he could play a "secondary role" on the show. Having musicians on Game of Thrones wasn't unheard of before Stapleton's arrival, as Ed Sheeran, Icelandic post-rock band Sigur Ros, and metal band Mastodon had previously made brief appearances on the show.
Stapleton (along with his bassist J.T. Cure and their tour manager) all received cameos in the season 8 episode "The Long Night". A little reminder: The Long Night shows Winterfell, the home of the Starks, under attack by the evil Night King, who can bring dead corpses to life - which is exactly what happens to Stapleton's character. Stapleton originally portrayed the wildlings of a group of people who led a nomadic lifestyle north of the Wall. However, his character dies and the Night King reanimates his character's body into that of a White Walker, the Night King's zombie-like minion. "They knew we weren't actors," Stapleton recalled to Rolling Stone magazine. "So the instruction was basically, 'We're going to accommodate you, and when we tell you, open your eyes. ' And they taught us how White Walkers should get up and move when they first wake up."
He knows his beard is iconic
Although Chris Stapleton is known for his unique voice and amazing songwriting skills, he is also highly recognizable for one of his iconic features, his beard. According to Rolling Stone, fans clung to Stapleton's facial hair, sometimes literally. "If they like something, that's great," Stapleton told the publication. “If they are attached to the beard, it is normal. I had this beard for a very, very long time, and you know, it's always fun. Being related is good. I've had a few fans pulling it too hard and stuff like that. But other than that, I had fun with him. Seeing people putting on fake beards or painting them... is always interesting.
In fact, Stapleton so embraced his fans' love for his beard that he even ran contests around its existence. In order for them to win free tickets to one of his shows, Stapleton asked fans to submit photos of their beards (or the beards of people they know).