Baby food for leopard geckos
Can Leopard Geckos Eat Baby Food? (And How to Feed Them)
by Steven Wright
Getting a new leopard gecko is exciting, especially if you’ve never had one before. However, figuring out what to feed it can be tricky. For instance, you may wonder whether your leopard gecko can eat baby food.
Leopard geckos can only eat baby food in emergencies. Offering baby food is advisable when your leopard gecko is sick, thin, weak, and can’t/won’t eat alone. Otherwise, you should stick to feeding your leopard gecko insects.
Table of Contents
Feeding Baby Food to Your Leopard Gecko
People have been using baby food to rehydrate sick leopard geckos and give them a nutrient boost for a while now. This is particularly common among those whose geckos have refused to eat insects, even when they have been mashed together.
While offering baby food is far from ideal, it can keep your leopard gecko alive and help get them back to eating live insects. To make the baby food more effective, it’s advisable to mix it with calcium and vitamins that leopard geckos usually need.
What is the best baby food to feed your sick leopard gecko?
The best baby food for a leopard gecko is one that has a high protein content. Meat (beef, chicken, or turkey) flavored ones are particularly advisable. However, if you notice that your leopard gecko is sick, thin, or refusing to eat, it’s best to first take them to a vet before offering baby food. This could be a sign of a metabolic disorder, parasitic/bacterial enteritis, or any other disease. Ultimately, proper diagnosis is integral to proper treatment.
Related: Should you feed chicken to your leopard gecko?
How to feed baby food to your leopard gecko
Feeding your leopard gecko baby food is usually a force-feeding technique – that’s why it’s effective for leopard geckos who are having trouble eating. As such, it involves more than just offering your pet a bowl of food – you’re going to have to use a syringe.
First of all, you’ll have to create a slurry using your chosen baby food and feed it into a syringe. Afterward, hold your leopard gecko gently, and use the syringe to apply the slurry on their face, particularly near their mouth – ensure you squeeze it out a little at a time. Between squeezes, monitor your leopard gecko – ideally, they will start licking the food off their face or even off the syringe.
If you feel like the slurry is too thick, add some Pedialyte to it – this will thin it down and help rehydrate your leopard gecko. Whatever you do, though, don’t pry your pet’s mouth open – this will only make them more stressed. And if they don’t respond to the force-feeding, take them to the vet.
What is a great alternative to baby food for leopard geckos?
As much as baby food can help starving leopard geckos gain back their strength, it’s not the best or even the only product that can be used for this. After all, it is full of sugars and preservatives, none of which leopard geckos should be consuming regularly. You’re better off feeding your pet a slurry made of crushed insects.
Since they are rich in energy and fat, wax worms are particularly great for this purpose. Just ensure you crush them humanely and mix them up with some calcium and vitamin powder to make them more nutritious. If your leopard gecko rejects this, you could try offering some crushed fruits and see if they take it.
Alternatively, you could use a specialized supplement like Repta Boost. Such supplements are designed to hydrate and energize malnourished reptiles. They can be used as either an emergency aid solution or as part of your pet’s daily maintenance routine. It also helps that they usually come in the form of a powder together with a syringe, spoon, mixing cup, and instructions.
How to keep your leopard gecko nourished and eliminate the need for baby food/force-feeding?
There are several reasons why your leopard gecko could be refusing to eat and choosing to starve instead, forcing you to use baby food or other emergency interventions. Understanding them is integral to preventing malnutrition in your pet. As such, we’ve rounded them up below:
- A cold tank – since leopard geckos need heat to digest their food and depend on external temperatures to achieve this heat, cold temperatures will make it impossible to eat. If the cold temperatures persist, your leopard gecko could also develop problems with its immunity.
- Stress – can hinder your leopard gecko’s appetite, especially when a change in their environment causes it. They can refuse to eat when you first bring them home. However, providing several hides where your pet can retreat to when need be can help make things better.
- Dehydration – dehydrated leopard geckos can refuse to eat. So ensure that your gecko always has a bowl of water in their tank.
If you’ve checked for and solved all the above issues and notice that your leopard gecko is still not eating, take them to the vet immediately. Even if force-feeding works, you need to get to the root cause of the food rejection. As we’ve said before, this could be indicative of serious illness.
Final thoughts
Ultimately, baby food is not ideal for leopard geckos and should only be offered during emergencies where you have nothing better available. While it can keep your gecko alive to fight another day, it’s not something you should feed them long-term. Insects slurries and supplements like Repta Boost are way better as they are designed explicitly for geckos. Whichever you go for, though, always ensure you see your vet first – they are the best ones to help you create an effective treatment and daily diet plan for your pet.
10 Baby Leopard Gecko Care & Feeding Tips for Beginners
Leopard Geckos are one of the most popular pet lizards in captivity, and rightfully so.
They have delightful personalities, simplistic husbandry requirements, and irresistibly cute faces! What’s not to love?
Whether you’re the proud new owner of your own Baby Leopard Gecko or you’re trying to learn as much as you can before you pick up or receive your new pet, you’ve come to the right place.
We’re going to cover the ten most important tips for taking care of and feeding your new Baby Leopard Gecko.
Once you nail down these guidelines, there’s not much more to it – just enjoy and bond with your Baby Leopard Gecko!
In This Article
1. Know What to Expect From Your Baby Leopard GeckoBefore we get into any specific care and feeding tips, it’s best to gain a solid understanding of normal and healthy Baby Leopard Gecko behavior!
For example, did you know that new Baby Leopard Geckos probably WON’T eat for the first week while they’re becoming acclimated to their new surroundings?
Or how about the fact that they eat their skin?! That’s right – if you see your Baby Leopard Gecko biting at itself or gulping down some unknown white, papery substance – it’s likely old skin!
Baby Leopard Geckos shed once or twice every week, and you likely won’t find the evidence.
It’s also expected that you may not see your Leopard Gecko move or explore much unless you’re a night owl.
Leopard Geckos are naturally active after the lights go out, and they tend to hide and sleep for most of the day.
Another reality that you should come to terms with is that Baby Leopard Geckos need live insects to grow and thrive.
You can buy the bugs at the pet store, online, or breed them yourself, but the fact of the matter is that you’ll have to be comfortable with having real crickets, grubs, and even roaches in your home on any given day.
Finally, while you may never encounter this freaky phenomenon, it’s essential to be aware of the fact that startled Leopard Geckos will “drop” their tail!
This is a defense mechanism used to distract predators while they make their escape. Don’t worry; most Leopard Geckos recover just fine and even re-grow their tail.
Now that we’ve covered all of the nitty-gritty potential drawbacks of Baby Leopard Gecko ownership, let’s move on to the more positive points:
- They’re so cute! Especially as babies.
- There are several different morphs you can choose from (Albino leopard gecko is one of the most popular ones)
- Leopard Geckos that are handled often seem to enjoy interacting with humans.
- They stay reasonably small and don’t require a huge enclosure.
- Leopard Geckos don’t require expensive, elaborate set-ups or equipment.
- These friendly little guys rarely bite, and even when they do, it doesn’t hurt.
- Leopard Geckos usually go to the bathroom in one corner of their enclosure, making clean-up and maintenance a breeze.
As we mentioned above, when you bring your Baby Leopard Gecko home, it likely won’t eat for the first week or so.
Your Baby Leopard Gecko will be stressed out from the trip and new sights, sounds, and scents.
The best thing to do during this acclimation period is to leave him or her alone. There’s plenty of time for bonding after your baby has settled in!
We suggest you wait to start handling your Baby Leopard Gecko for at least seven days, or until you know it’s eating and pooping fine – whichever criteria takes the longest.
During this time, only open the enclosure to offer fresh water and food (only if it seems to go missing). Try to keep the room somewhat dark and as quiet as possible during this time.
We stress that you should NOT keep adding more bugs every day if they don’t seem to be disappearing. An excessive amount of insect activity in the habitat could stress your baby even more!
When you do start handling your Baby Leopard Gecko, take things slowly. Never try to grab or “catch” your Baby Leopard Gecko if it’s running from you – this could cause it to drop its tail.
While that isn’t a life-threatening situation, you will need to treat the tail base as an open wound, and your Baby Leopard Gecko will need to dedicate its biological resources to regenerating the tail instead of growing.
3. Set Up an Appropriate Enclosure for Your Baby Leopard GeckoYour Baby Leopard Gecko can start in a small 10-gallon aquarium or a plastic bin with at least 1. 25 square feet of floor space.
Inside the enclosure, you should provide:
- At least three hides: one on the warm side, one on the cool side, and one humid hide.
- A shallow water dish that your Baby Leopard Gecko can’t drown in
- Rocks, logs, plants, and aquarium or terrarium decor, as desired.
Once your Baby Leopard Gecko reaches adulthood, it will need an upgrade to an enclosure with at least 2.5 square feet of floor space, like a 20-gallon long aquarium.
You should use a securely-locking lid on your Baby Leopard Gecko’s enclosure.
While they’re terrestrial and can’t climb glass, many crafty young geckos have devised ways to climb corners and terrarium decorations to reach the open top and escape.
Baby Leopard Geckos benefit from UVB lighting, but it’s not required.
If you don’t use a UV bulb over your Leo’s habitat, be sure to supplement their diet with calcium powder that includes Vitamin D3.
If you use lighting, be sure to hook up a timer set for 12 hours on and 12 hours off.
Finally, your Baby Leopard Gecko is going to need supplemental heat to digest its food and stay healthy.
4. Set Up a Temperature Gradient in Your Baby Leopard Gecko’s EnclosureAll captive reptiles benefit from a temperature gradient in their enclosure.
Creating a temperature gradient involves heating one side of the enclosure to a maximum ideal temperature; the hottest area on this side of the enclosure is known as the “basking spot.”
The temperature will gradually fall to a minimum ideal temperature on the other side of the enclosure, known as the “cool side.”
The middle of the enclosure should fall somewhere between the maximum and minimum ideal temperatures.
This temperature gradient allows your Leopard Gecko to control its own body temperature by using its environment, which is what ectothermic animals evolved to do.
Baby Leopard Gecko Temperature Summary | |
Basking Spot Temperature: | 90-95°F |
Warm Side Ambient Temperature: | 80-90°F |
Cool Side Ambient Temperature: | 70-80°F |
Optional Nighttime Temperature Drop: | 60-74°F |
You can provide heat using any of the following depending on what works best for your set-up:
- Halogen light bulb
- Ceramic heat emitter
- Carbon filament heat projector
- Deep heat projector
- Heating cable
- Heating pad
- Reptile heat tape
Always use a thermostat when operating any heating element to mitigate risks like a house fire or overheating and killing your reptile.
At night, you can likely turn off all heating elements. Research indicates that ectothermic animals benefit from a drop in temperatures at night.
Many new Leopard Gecko owners may be tempted to use “reptile sand” that’s often explicitly marketed for Leopard Geckos.
The scary truth is that most commercially available “reptile sand” is very dangerous for your Baby Leopard Gecko.
Numerous Baby Leopard Geckos have passed away after ingesting too much of their loose substrate while hunting.
Unfortunately, the sand can cause an intestinal blockage, which is a death sentence. Sometimes surgery has been a successful treatment option, but even that comes with its risks.
Most Leopard Gecko veterans recommend these types of substrates to new Baby Leopard Gecko parents:
- Paper towels, non-glossy newspaper, or butcher block paper
- Tile
- Reptile sand mat
- Shelf liner
When your Baby Leopard Gecko grows up, you may want to consider one of the safe particulate substrates available because they are visually appealing and allow your gecko to dig and forage.
Babies are fragile and clumsy and are best kept on a solid substrate until they grow up.
6. Create a Humid Hide for Your Baby Leopard GeckoEven though Leopard Geckos are desert-dwelling critters, they need access to a humid hide in captivity to help with shedding.
In the wild, Leopard Geckos are able to create burrow systems that give them access to pockets of high humidity in the ground.
These high-humidity retreats are necessary for healthy hydration levels and shedding processes in Leopard Geckos.
You can replicate this in captivity by filling a hide with damp sphagnum moss or paper towels. Check the media daily for moisture, and add more water as necessary.
Replace the paper or moss if it’s been soiled on or shows any sign of mold growth. Otherwise, replace the medium and clean the hide at least once a month.
Situate the humid hide closer to the warm side of the habitat.
As far as the actual hide, you can use anything from a faux rock cave from the pet store to a Tupperware container with an entry hole cut out.
It needs to be 2 to 3 times the size of your Baby Leopard Gecko’s body. Enclosed hides will hold onto humidity better than bottomless hides.
8. Feed Your Baby Leopard Gecko the Proper Insect VarietyIt may seem easier to just stick with one type of insect for your Baby Leopard Gecko’s entire life, but imagine how you would feel if you had to eat the same thing every day!
Feeding your Baby Leopard Gecko a variety of prey items has many benefits, including:
- Mental enrichment from new appearance, scent, movement pattern, taste, and texture.
- Broader coverage of micronutrients. What vitamin one bug may be lacking in, another type may be full of.
- Avoidance of a “picky eater.” What are you going to do if your Leopard Gecko only eats crickets, but there is a cricket shortage?!
Aim to feed a lot of insects that are considered “high-calcium,” such as:
- Black soldier fly larvae
- Earthworms
- Isopods
- Roaches
- Hornworms
- Silkworms
These insects are also suitable as main food items, as long as you gut-load them and coat them with supplemental calcium:
- Crickets
- Mealworms
- Farm-raised grasshoppers
Here are some more commonly-available insects that may be fed as a treat or to help a sick Baby Leopard Gecko gain weight.
- Giant mealworms
- Superworms
- Butterworms
- Waxworms
All of the above are high in fat, so they shouldn’t be offered regularly:
7. Feed Your Baby Leopard Gecko the Proper Insect SizeInsects that are too small may not trigger your Baby Leopard Gecko’s hunting instincts whatsoever or may cause your gecko to burn more calories “hunting” than it would gain back by eating the prey.
Insects that are too large can cause swallowing and digestion issues, potentially leading to throat injuries, intestinal impaction, and other problems.
They also may intimidate your Baby Leopard Gecko, and uneaten insects (especially large ones) pose a risk of chewing on your fragile gecko!
The ideal feeder insect size is about as long as your Baby Leopard Gecko’s head or shorter than the distance between its eyes.
Generally speaking, hatchlings will eat ⅜” insects, juveniles will eat ¼” insects, and adult Leopard Geckos will eat ½-¾” insects.
Baby Leopard Geckos should eat every day unless they are stressed or otherwise sick.
The general rule of thumb is to feed one appropriately-sized insect per every inch of your Leopard Gecko’s body, or as many insects as they will eat in 15 minutes.
Baby Leopard Geckos usually don’t become overweight, but if you notice that its tail is getting thicker than its neck, you should cut back on the number of insects you’re offering or switch to an insect with lower fat content.
10. Use Supplements With Your Baby Leopard Gecko’s FoodYou should dust your Baby Leopard Gecko’s food with supplement powders and gut-load the feeder insects, if possible
You can use commercial high-calcium insect diets or fresh high-calcium vegetables to gut-load:
- Roaches
- Crickets
- Isopods
- Superworms
Most other feeder insects are difficult or impossible to gut-load, so they’ll need a healthy dusting with reptile-safe calcium powder
If you’ve equipped your Baby Leopard Gecko’s habitat with a UVB lighting system, be sure to buy calcium powder without added Vitamin D3.
Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for replacing the UVB light bulb. They continue to emit light long after the UV-emitting component “dies.”
If your Leopard Gecko doesn’t have access to UV light, buy reptile calcium powder with added Vitamin D3, but less than 25,000 IU/kg.
The amount can be found on the package’s label; it varies drastically from one brand to another.
You should dust all non-gut-loaded feeder insects with calcium powder and add calcium powder to gut-loaded insects every 2nd or 3rd day.
Baby Leopard Geckos also need a reptile multivitamin.
Dust their prey with the multivitamin powder once per week.
Your efforts to provide a balanced diet and proper care will substantially increase your leopard gecko’s lifespan and its quality of life.
Just pick up a new baby leopard gecko but have no idea how to name him/her? Click to see our top 70+ best leopard gecko names here.
Feeding Guide: Safe Fruit for Banana Eating
Crested banana eating geckos eat a lot of fruit in the wild, but most geckos in captivity are fed prepared foods. Ready-to-eat meals made up of meal replacement powder, you don't need to add fruit. But can you give fruit to a gecko as a supplement, or is that a bad idea?
Banana eaters can be fed soft fruits that contain calcium and are low in phosphorus. In captivity, fruit should be treated as a treat for your banana eater in addition to the main meal. Some fruits, such as citrus fruits, are even harmful to the health of your banana eater. nine0007
Since fruit is part of the banana eater's diet in the wild, fruit can be fed to them, but creating a balanced diet will be difficult. In addition, there are very good meal replacements for crested geckos that contain most of the nutrients your gecko needs. This eliminates the need to give fruit yourself.
In this guide you will learn what fruits to eat and what fruits to avoid. More importantly, you will learn a little about the ratio of calcium and phosphorus, which is necessary in order to understand why some fruits are more suitable than others. nine0003
Before giving fruits to your banana eaters
The banana eater's diet must be well balanced to provide your gecko with the nutrients it or she needs to stay healthy. So, before you start feeding your banana-eater fruit, you need to know a little more about:
- calcium to phosphorus ratio (Ca:P ratio)
- oxalic acid level
Calcium to phosphorus ratio
Banana eaters need calcium to stay healthy and prevent metabolic bone disease. This is even more important for toddlers and teenagers who are growing up. They need calcium for skeletal development. Pregnant females also require supplemental calcium because calcium is needed during eggshell formation.
In fact, the importance of calcium is not unique to (crested) geckos and is important to many animals, including ourselves. This is important for bone density. Caring for banana eaters is a health concern and one of the most important things to consider is feeding and getting calcium. nine0003
Calcium-phosphorus homeostasis
Calcium and phosphorus homeostasis is an important process for absorption and retention of calcium. Calcium and phosphorus are two opposites: when calcium levels increase, phosphate levels decrease, and when phosphate levels increase, calcium levels decrease.
Studies have shown that a good ratio of calcium to phosphorus (Ca:P) is 1:1 to 2:1. For crested geckos, a calcium to phosphorus ratio of 2:1 or higher is recommended. nine0003
Calcium to Phosphorus Ratio Calculation
The Ca:P ratio can be described as a percentage, but is more commonly described in terms of [number]: 1 or 1: [number], where 1 is the mineral that is the lowest of the two. To calculate the ratio of calcium and phosphorus in this way, you need to return the smallest number to 1. So the ratio is calculated by dividing the largest number by the smallest number.
Example 1
calcium | 60 mg | 60/30 = 2 |
phosphorus | 30 mg | 30/30 = 1 |
Ca:P ratio | 2:1 |
Example 2
calcium | 10 mg | 10/10 = 1 |
phosphorus | 40 mg | 40/10 = 4 |
Ca:P ratio | 1:4 |
Oxalic acids are harmful to the banana eater
Oxalic acid is a compound found naturally in living organisms such as vegetables and fruits. Sometimes it can be tasted in food when the amount of oxalic acid is very high. Textbooks give examples of plants high in oxalic acid: rhubarb, carambola, and spinach.
Oxalic acid has been linked to calcium suppression and kidney stone formation in humans. Crested geckos should also avoid eating foods high in oxalic acid. The compound will bind to minerals such as magnesium and calcium and form oxalates (tiny rectangular crystals). nine0003
Because calcium is essential for banana eaters, it is recommended to avoid foods low in oxalic acid and avoid foods high in oxalic acid in general.
Banana Eating Fruit
Safe Fruit for Crested Banana Eating Geckos
Most fruits are known to be high in calcium but high in phosphorus. This apparently results in a moderate to low Ca:P ratio in most fruits. If you want to create a balanced, fruit-based diet for your captive crested gecko, you need to be very careful. nine0003
Fruits with a high or moderate Ca:P ratio can be fed more often than fruits with a low Ca:P ratio. This does not mean that you should not give fruit with a low Ca:P ratio. You should only feed him less, for example, just as a treat, or mix it with fruits that have a high to moderate ratio.
Fruit with high Ca:P ratio
Only a small amount of fruit has a high enough Ca:P ratio to suit the diet of geckos. The following fruits have a Ca:P ratio of 2:1 or better:
- papaya
- fig
- prickly pear
- raspberry
Fruits with a moderate Ca:P ratio
Most fruits have a moderate Ca:P ratio of about 1:1. The following fruits have a Ca:P ratio of 1.5:1 to 1:2: such as blueberries, blackberries and strawberries
Fruits with a low Ca:P ratio
Most fruits have a moderate Ca:P ratio of about 1:1. The following fruits have a Ca:P ratio starting from 1:2:
- bananas
- peaches
- cantaloupe
- plums
- pumpkins
- grenades
- sea fruits (but with a high concentration of oxalic acid)
- passion fruit
Fruits not to be given to banana eaters
Banana eaters know not to give citrus to their geckos. There are two main reasons for this, citrus fruits are highly concentrated:
- vitamin C: This vitamin can cause diarrhea.
- oxalic acid: citrus fruits have a higher concentration of oxalic acid. This acid interferes with the absorption of calcium in the body, as it binds to calcium.
You should avoid giving citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges, kiwis, pineapples and grapefruits. Some banana eaters won't even touch citrus fruits, while others will enjoy them. nine0003
Fruits with a high concentration of oxalic acid
There are also (non-citrus) fruits that have a high concentration of oxalic acid. The most famous example is the star fruit, which also has a low Ca:P ratio and is therefore not a good choice to feed a gecko. Rhubarb also has a high concentration of oxalic acid, so it should be avoided.
Banana Eater Avocado
Persin is a chemical (fungicidal toxin) that is generally considered harmless to humans, but can be toxic and dangerous to pets. The avocado fruit contains a small amount of persina. Studies have shown that birds are very sensitive to persina and experience many symptoms. A high dose can even lead to death within 24 hours of ingestion. nine0003
It is likely that (small) reptiles such as crested geckos will experience the same problems. For this reason, you should never give avocado fruits to banana eaters.
Feeding fruit to your gecko
How many times can I feed fruit?
High to moderate Ca:P fruits or a mixture of high to moderate Ca:P fruits can be safely provided to your banana eater as part of a diet. There are some gecko owners who give their balanced diet of insects and fruits to their crested geckos. However, there are plenty of good commercial diets out there that offer all the nutrients you need. nine0003
If you are a new banana eater owner and have no experience balancing crested gecko diets, your gecko will benefit the most from a meal replacement powder that is high in nutritional value and add fruit once as a treat or twice a month.
Cooking Fruit
Cooking Fruit for Your Gecko
- Wash Fruit
Fruit peel may contain many bacteria and pesticides. For example, if you take an apple, then wash it first if you want to eat it yourself. The same, of course, is necessary for your gecko. So always be sure to wash your fruit before giving it to your banana eaters. If you wash fruits, you can remove a lot of bacteria and pesticides. nine0003
- Remove inedible and toxic parts
Fruit may also contain inedible or toxic parts. I'll take a simple apple example. Apples are one of the most popular fruits in the world and people around the world eat them every day. But apple seeds contain small amounts of cyanide. If you accidentally ingest a few seeds, this is usually not a problem, but in large quantities it can kill you.
Now imagine giving seeds to your gecko. Someone giving these seeds to a small pet is looking for trouble. nine0003
Therefore, you should always remove inedible and toxic parts such as seeds and seeds.
- Make fruits soft and edible
Banana-eating crested geckos do not have much "biting" power. So you have to make sure he can eat it.
You can mash by placing food in a food processor until it becomes a fruit puree - a bit like baby food. Your banana eater can easily lick this puree off with his tongue. No biting force required. nine0003
If you don't have a food processor at home, you can cut your food into small pieces. In this case, you must ensure that the individual pieces of food are soft and very small.
Can I give fruit baby food to my gecko?
Baby food is not a good alternative to feeding fresh fruit to your gecko. This food does not contain many of the nutrients that are otherwise available in fruits. Baby food also contains additives and preservatives that are not good for your gecko. While it may be a lot cheaper than buying fresh fruit, it's better to pay a little more and buy fresh fruit for them. nine0003
Other similar entries:
Leopard gecko or spotted eublefar - Eublepharis macularius. Leopard gecko - exotic pet
Leopard gecko - Eublepharis macularius or, as it is also called, spotted eublefar (from the Latin macula - spot), one of the favorite pets that lives in our terrariums from the Eublepharis family - Eublepharidae. This species was first described by Blyth in 1854.
There are descriptions of 5 subspecies of the leopard gecko in the literature:
- Eublepharis macularius afghanicus BÖRNER 1976
- Eublepharis macularius fasciolatus GÜNTHER 1864
- Eublepharis macularius macularius BLYTH 1854
- Eublepharis macularius montanus BÖRNER 1976
- Eublepharis macularius smithi BÖRNER 1981
However, it should be noted that not all scientists support such a classification.
Appearance description
Adult leopard geckos measure 158 mm. (from nose to anus). However, hobbyists often measure their pets as a whole, from the nose to the tip of the tail. When measured in this way, some animals can reach sizes up to 28 cm in length. nine0003
On average, the size (with tail) and weight of geckos are:
- Males 20-28 cm. Weight 60-80 gr.
- Females 18-20 cm. Weight 50-70 gr.
- Newborn geckos have a size of 7-10 cm and 2-5 gr. weight
Color Pattern
The dorsum of an adult Eublepharis macularius is straw yellow to light grey-violet, often with hints of pink. On the dorsal part there are blue-black spots, in some cases separate and rare, while in others they can merge into a mesh, which is located in the place of the dark stripes of the juvenile coloring of the eublefar. nine0003
The back of newborn geckos is colored dark (from brown to black). Two or three yellow stripes run across the body. Neck stripe white, runs from the neck, through the ear openings to the lips.
Currently, leopard gecko breeders have bred a huge number of color variations - gecko morphs. The same "wild" coloration that is described here is called "Normal" (Normal), which indicates the natural color scheme of this animal. Natural coloring can also be subject to some variations. nine0003
Features of the body structure
The dorsal tubercles of Eublepharis macularius are widely spaced, clearly defined, pointed. The tubercles on the middle side of the back are usually large in comparison with the intertubercular space. The chin guards are usually adjacent to the first lower labials.
The ventral scales are rounded, located in 21-30 rows along the middle of the body. Each caudal whorl contains 3 transverse rows of abdominal scales. The scales on the tail from the dorsal part are rounded and slightly convex. The eyelids consist of 46-57 bordering scales. nine0003
The elements of the dorsal pattern are not arranged linearly. There are several individual tubercles on the subdigital lamellae. The terminal subdigital lamellae are bifurcated. The height of the ear canal is 11/2 of the internostril distance.
Leopard geckos have been found in southeast Afghanistan, northwest India, Pakistan. Previously it was believed that this species also occurs in Iran, but recent reports (2008) did not confirm these data.
Spotted geckos are inhabitants of semi-deserts and arid steppes (savannas). Their habitat is sandy-stony soil, stone placers, heavy clay soils. The vegetation is represented by drought-resistant shrubs and herbs. Eublepharis macularius has a beautiful spotted coloration that makes these animals quite bright, colorful representatives of the geckos that live in our terrariums. But in its natural habitat it is a protective coloration and provides excellent camouflage and allows it to blend in with its surroundings. nine0003
In the homeland of leopard geckos, water and food may not be available for several months, and temperatures range from 5-15ºC in winter to 40ºC or more in summer. Due to the low temperature in winter, animals fall into semi-hibernation. This is not a state of suspended animation, but a kind of "wintering", during which the geckos hiding underground in shelters and burrows wait out the cold season, living off the fat reserves, the storage of which is the lizard's tail.
Perhaps due to such harsh conditions, spotted geckos are able to adapt well to various conditions, including keeping at home. nine0003
Food and natural enemies
Leopard geckos lead a twilight lifestyle. They get food in the dark, and during the day they wait out the heat, hiding in secluded places and burrows. For food, they hunt various invertebrates. Their diet includes quite dangerous creatures such as large spiders, scorpions and centipedes. In addition, they can eat small lizards and small rodents. Good eyesight and sense of smell help them find prey, and their lightning-fast rush and strong jaws help them catch and hold it. Good hunting skills are very important for survival in those harsh areas where geckos live. There is not much available and high-calorie food for these small lizards. nine0003
Natural enemies of leopard geckos are foxes, snakes, lizards, owls and large invertebrates, which are especially dangerous for newborn leopard geckos. These are the most likely predators that pose a danger to leopard geckos. Field studies are needed to identify more precise threats to the survival of this gecko species in the wild.
The population size of the spotted gecko is currently unknown. Political instability and military conflicts in the places where its habitat passes do not allow field research to clarify these data. nine0003
Spotted eublefar, thanks to its unpretentiousness and complaisant nature, won the hearts of many nature lovers from different countries. To live at home, he does not need a lot of space. The terrarium does not require special equipment. All you need is a heating mat, a wet chamber and a few shelters.
At present, a set has been obtained. Also, experiments on interspecific crossing have been carried out. Crossing between E. macularius and E. angramainyu resulted in fertile F1 hybrids. They were viable and could reproduce. Malformations and reduced survival were not identified (2015). nine0003
The ease of reproduction, unpretentiousness and beautiful morphs of the eublefar make this species of animal one of the most common among lizard lovers. If you want to get yourself a pet, then this type of spotted gecko is the best choice for this.
Eublefar is the scientific name of the leopard gecko, which is not only common in wildlife, but can also be found in. Among people, another name is common, which is associated with the presence of spots on the body - “leopard”. nine0003
Gecko leopard spotted
Reptile lovers can have an interesting pet at home - eublefar, which gets along well with people. Lizards do not require special care and are clean. The main characteristics of reptiles include:
- They are nocturnal, so it is often impossible to admire a pet during the day.
- Eublefar weight depends on the conditions of reptiles, so an adult reaches about 45 g. As for body length, it is more often 20 cm, but there are individuals up to 30 cm.
- The head is large and has a triangular shape. Stand out elongated and bulging eyes that look like a cat. Lizards have thin paws with five fingers.
- Geckos have different colors, so there are approximately 100 colors.
- Eublefar life expectancy depends on the conditions of detention, but on average this parameter is 20 years.
- The tail of such reptiles is massive and thick, and the lizard can drop it as a result of injury. The next tail will be narrower and shorter than the previous one. nine0026
- Another important point worth paying attention to is how to determine the sex of a gecko. The male is larger and has a broad neck, a massive head and a thicker tail at the base. You can accurately determine the sex from six months.
Character of gecko
These reptiles are similar to humans, because each individual has its own unique character. For example, one lizard will be tame while another will not tolerate tactile contact. When the gecko does not like something, it will make a sound similar to children's squeakers. More often, the spotted eublefar has a docile nature and, most interestingly, the lizard can distinguish its owner from other people. nine0003
Varieties of geckos
Today, there are five main types of such geckos: It is important to equip housing suitable for a reptile, which must meet all requirements. The basic rules include the need for daily care of the terrarium. The maintenance and care of the eublefar gecko involves disinfecting not only the main aquarium, but also food and water containers, as well as decorations. Use products containing chlorine and alcohol, but phenol is prohibited. nine0003
Terrarium for leopard geckos
The choice of a home for a pet must be approached responsibly, as its health, growth rate and life expectancy will depend on it. It is important to consider the following features.
- Size. For one lizard, a cube with a rib size of 30-40 cm will suffice. For a group of reptiles, a 50x30x30 cm terrarium is suitable.
- Accessories. Spotted eublefar, the maintenance of which does not require large expenses, needs shelter - special shelves located on the side walls. As a house, you can use, for example, part of a clay pot. You can use a snag on which the lizard can walk. It must first be scalded with boiling water and treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. You also need to put a large stone in the terrarium. nine0026
- Bedding. This is a prerequisite for the design of the terrarium, so you can use special paper or soil of the appropriate fraction.
- Heating. Without heating, eublefar will not be able to exist normally. It is best to use a thermal mat that can be attached to the bottom of the terrarium. A certain place should be heated to 32-40 degrees, and the general temperature inside the terrarium should be 26-28 degrees.
- Lighting. nine0422 Artificial lighting is not necessary as reptiles can see well in the dark, but a couple of light bulbs can be used for extra warmth.
- Humidity. For reptiles, it is important that this parameter does not exceed 45%. To do this, spray every day.
Primer for geckos
Don't put sand and fine gravel on the bottom of the terrarium, because lizards can swallow them, which will impair the functioning of the digestive system and may even cause death. To keep the Eublefar gecko, it is better to use stones of such a size that the pet cannot swallow them. You can put a plastic mat that imitates grass on the bottom. nine0003
How to care for eublefar?
It is important not only to properly build a house for a reptile, but also to carry out daily care. It is necessary to properly care for the terrarium and keep it clean. Eublefar at home, in order to relieve himself, chooses one place in the corner, so there should be no problems with cleaning. Of great importance is nutrition, which must meet existing requirements.
What to feed the eublefar?
A favorite food for reptiles are crickets, which are available in pet stores, but you can breed them yourself. Another option is the Turkmen cockroach. Eublefar feeding may include Madagascar cockroach larvae and mealworms. Before giving your pet insects, it is recommended to use different greens. Eublefaras do not eat fruits, vegetables and other plant products. When feeding, consider a few rules:
- It is best to give food with your hands or with tweezers. nine0025 There should always be a drinking bowl with water in the terrarium and it needs to be renewed once a day. It is important that the container has low edges.
- Individuals older than one year should receive food 2-3 times a week. Eublefar can eat up to five crickets at a time. Up to a month, the lizard is given a reconciliation 1-2 times a day, and at the age of 1-3 months.
once a day give two insects. The older the pet, the less often it is fed.
Breeding geckos
If you want to get offspring from your lizards, it is recommended to use an additional terrarium in which you need to plant the female for several days, as this will stimulate the mating season. After five days, it can be returned to the male, and if he is ready for the process, he will begin to vibrate his tail and click. During the mating season, the "man" will bite his chosen one. nine0003
Eublefar gestation lasts approximately 1.5 months. When the female is ready to lay her eggs, she will dig a hole in the terrarium. It is important to place a closed container filled with moist soil or coconut flakes (5 cm high) in the corner. On one side, make a hole so that the female can enter and lay eggs. The duration of the incubation period is 45-70 days. During the season, the female lays no more than four pairs of eggs somewhere every three weeks.
Diseases of geckos
With proper care, reptiles rarely get sick, but there is a list of diseases that can occur in such lizards. Pay attention to the behavior and condition of your pet in order to determine the presence of the disease in time and visit the veterinarian. nine0003
The appearance on the body of cracks, peeling and discoloration of the skin to white, indicates that molting is beginning. It is recommended to install a humid chamber in the terrarium afterwards, such as a closed container with a small entrance and moist substrate. In a spotted eublefar at home, the skin is shed once every 1-2 months, and in small ones once every 2 weeks. Do not worry if the lizard has eaten the shed skin, this is normal. It is important to carefully inspect the reptile during this period so that no old skin is left, and if necessary, carefully remove the remnants yourself. nine0003
Gecko vitamins
The most popular supplement for insectivorous reptiles is REPASHY Calcium Plus . It is a mixture of calcium, vitamins, proteins, fats, fiber and other important substances. When adding this complex, you can not use any other additives. REPASHY helps to increase the nutritional value of insects, and the reptile receives all the substances necessary for health. Leopard gecko must eat a supplement every day. It is necessary to put the insects in a bag, add the powder and shake everything well, and only then give food to the reptile. nine0003
Eublefar - interesting facts
A lot of interesting information is associated with these reptiles, for example, the following facts can be attributed to them:
- - the only reptiles that can use their voice, reproducing different sounds.
- If the lizard eggs are at a temperature of 30 degrees, then only boys will be born, and if 27, then girls.
- In domestic geckos and other geckos, the eyes are not protected by a moving eyelid, so reptile contamination is removed with the tongue. nine0026
What do you need?
Gecko terrarium
What is better - a terrarium for geckos or a plastic container? Both options are perfectly acceptable. Both have their pros and cons when keeping geckos.
Terrarium - more aesthetic, lively picture in the interior of your home. Gives the owner space to embody his vision of a piece of nature. The transparent glass is more convenient for observing pets and for taking pictures. Cons: heavy and brittle. nine0003
Container - light, mobile, easy to clean, you can put several containers on top of each other, not breaking. Cons - Not as visually spectacular, not very convenient to observe the residents due to unclear plastic, photos are only a top view. But, I repeat, all this is a matter of taste and individual preferences of the owner. We will proceed from the needs of the tenant.
Eublefars need a horizontal house with a minimum size of approximately 40*30*30 for one adult or for a couple of kids. On the territory of 50 * 40 * 40 and more, you can keep 2-3 adults. Ventilation holes are a must! We will talk about the device of the terrarium in the "Terrarium" section. nine0003
Thermal mat for terrarium
Eublefars are reptiles, which means they always need warmth, namely, ours needs bottom heating. We buy a 5-7 watt heating mat for the terrarium and put it under the bottom of the terrarium so that it occupies from 1/3 to 1/4 of the floor area. The gecko will choose whether he wants to warm his tummy after eating or sleep in a cool place.
Measure the temperature inside the terrarium at the heating point (where the mat is placed) - it should be between 28-32°C.
How to cover the bottom of the terrarium for geckos? We keep babies up to six months only on napkins! Next is your choice. There are 3 main directions for keeping leopard geckos:
- continue to cover the bottom with paper towels,
- lay synthetic mat,
- translate into sand.
Consider the pros and cons.
Paper towels are very easy and convenient to clean up, easy to monitor the state of health by excrement, absorb well, are hygienic, environmentally friendly, completely free from odors when cleaning, and lizards do not eat napkins. nine0003
Keeping a gecko on a synthetic mat looks beautiful, especially if it is part of the interior of a species terrarium, and the gecko will not swallow it either. The question of excrement absorbency remains open for me. Plus, it’s still plastic or rubber, hygiene, environmental friendliness and ease of cleaning are also in doubt for me personally. Maybe I just “don't know how to cook it”?))
Sand is the most controversial soil. Yes, lizards do not eat it in nature, but domestic eublefaras are not capable of such things ... Sand clogs their gastrointestinal tract and a very, very sad fate awaits the pet ... After my adult well-fed female eublefara ate a metal bead, after sniffing and having licked it, I prefer not to risk the health of pets and urge you to do the same. nine0352 Pet safety is your peace of mind.
Cabin for gecko
Let's take into account that shelters are important for eublefars, so for their comfortable living, let your terrarium have at least as many shelters (for example, coconut houses) as there are residents +1 additional house. More is okay, less is wrong! The tenants will fight and divide the territory, which is not at all interesting for you and me - wounds on the body and bitten tails are not our goal, right?
Humid chamber
Humid chamber is usually placed one per terrarium. Although, if the territory allows you, put 2 wet chambers - one in a warm area (where the heating mat is located), and the second in a cool one. You will see for yourself which humid chamber your geckos will choose. Mine always prefer warm.
A wet chamber is necessary for normal molting of geckos, and some individuals simply use it all the time, they like to sleep there)))
Drinking water
A shallow bowl with drinking water (clean, the kind you drink yourself) should not be too small, because leopard geckos sometimes like to climb into it and “take a bath” – rarely, but it happens. Plus, there will be sufficient humidity. Change the water daily or every other day, keep the water clean.
Mineral top dressing
Calcium must be in the terrarium when keeping spotted eublefar! A small bowl in which you pour calcium and your handsome men themselves eat as much calcium as they need. Do not forget that each organism has its own needs, so ensure that the eublefar has constant access to calcium. What calcium for eublefar is worth buying - we discuss in a separate article. We also read about vitamins for reptiles. nine0003
Food for gecko
Have you already thought about what you will feed your pet? Where will you buy it? Take care in advance that there is always a supply of food!
Everything! The basic part about keeping geckos is already there, and our pet can safely move to your house.
The spotted leopard gecko is a fairly large leopard gecko , which is very popular among lovers of various exotic animals. This reptile is easy to care for, it is peaceful and can easily live in small terrariums. nine0003
On top of that, the eublefar is fairly easy to breed and comes in a variety of color variations, which makes it even more attractive to many terrarium keepers. From this article, you can learn about the natural habitat of the leopard gecko, the conditions for keeping it at home and how to properly care for it.
Spotted eublefar in nature
This animal lives on the slopes of stony mountains, which are almost devoid of vegetation, in semi-dry and dry steppe areas. nine0421 Eublefar is native to countries such as:
Appearance and characteristics of the spotted gecko
This is one of the unpretentious and friendly reptile, which easily and quickly gets used to people. The average eublefar weighs about 50 grams, but there are also large individuals.
It reaches a length of up to thirty centimeters, of which one third falls on the tail, and in case of acute pain or severe fright, the reptile can discard it. For young lizards, it is not a problem to quickly restore the lost part of the body, but in an adult gecko it will grow for a long time and lose its former beauty. Although these are rare cases, since this reptile is not one of the shy ones. nine0003
These animals store nutrients in their tails, which is why they are so fat and chic. Eublefar can be kept in aquariums even with the lid open, because the suckers on their paws are undeveloped, unlike some other types of geckos, but the walls of his dwelling must be quite high so that the reptile does not get out. For greater comfort of your pet, additional bottom ventilation is made in the terrarium.
Spotted Eublefar: contents
Terrarium nine0570
A small terrarium is enough for one animal 30 or 40 cu. see. For three reptiles, a horizontal 50/30/30 cm terrarium is suitable, although a vertical terrarium can also be used if the side or back wall allows eublefars to move freely along them, hide in built-in shelters and sit on shelves. For kids, large volumes of housing are not immediately recommended, although they grow faster in them.
Eublefars are cold-blooded lizards , and they need heat to digest food. Bottom heating will be the best option for this. To do this, you can use a thermal cord, thermal mat or shoe dryers.
The temperature in the heating area must not exceed 32 degrees. It can be adjusted using a thermometer and the thickness of the soil when installing heating devices. Heating is placed in the corner of the terrarium, "heating" from 25 to 33 percent of the bottom area, while achieving a temperature gradient in the lizard's dwelling. At room temperature not lower than 22 degrees, heating can be turned off at night. Babies up to three months heating is needed permanent .
The lizard's dwelling should have several shelters in warm and cold corners. And the eublefar will already make the choice of a more comfortable place. And also, do not forget about the necessary area of the terrarium - a wet chamber, which should be located in a warm corner where the animal will molt. She will be discussed a little later.
Inexpensive, practical and environmentally friendly shelters can be used nine0422, made from half a coconut, which have proven themselves well and are liked by zoublefar. And also it is not a problem to order decor or shelter from the master or do it yourself.
As soil in the dwelling of eublefara, a mound is made of large pebbles and stones, but not sea and river ones, since they are slippery for the pet's paws. To prevent the animal from accidentally swallowing the pebbles, their size must be appropriate. It is advisable not to use ordinary sand, otherwise the eublefar will have digestive problems if it is swallowed. nine0003
Special carpets are very suitable for terrariums. It is safe, beautiful and convenient when cleaning the animal's home. Any soft doormat will also work fine. Babies should be kept exclusively on paper towels or napkins.
Any low and small container will do. Eublefara lizards love to drink clean settled water , lapping her tongue like kittens. And also with pleasure they lick off droplets of fresh water and with daily spraying in the drinker there is no special need, although it will never be superfluous. nine0003
The drinker can be designed to match the style of a terrarium or make the simplest of improvised items. Alkaline water is considered the most beneficial in its composition.
Eublefar gecko is a twilight animal and therefore does not need lighting. A regular 25-40 watt incandescent mirror lamp is quite suitable for it to simulate solar heating. Although the best option is the lower heating with a thermal mat, thermal stone or thermal cord. nine0003
Ultraviolet radiation is also a necessary element that provides the synthesis of vitamin D 3 in an animal. For this, special ultraviolet lamps are used. Although, if you add the necessary vitamins and minerals to your pet's food and provide him with bottom heating, then he will not need a lamp emitting ultraviolet light. The fact is that the vitamin complex, combined with the correct thermal regime, provides the animal with vitamin D 3 to the fullest.
It is important to know that albino geckos do not like bright light. Therefore, when using lamps, this circumstance must be taken into account and, if possible, consult with an appropriate specialist. nine0003
Humidity in the pet's home must not exceed 50 percent. To increase the humidity to the desired value, if the apartment is too hot, it is necessary to periodically spray the soil in one corner of the terrarium, especially in the absence of a humid chamber.
The old skin of a domestic reptile must come off completely during molting and this process must be controlled, otherwise, under certain circumstances, the pet may stop hearing, be left without fingers, etc. Therefore, you need to know that adults molt within 1–2 months alone times, adolescents - 1 time in a two-week period. And this may not even be immediately noticeable, since the reptile eats the old skin after molting. Due to their rapid growth, babies shed much more often than their counterparts. nine0003
Peculiarities of shedding and wet chamber
If the skin of the leopard gecko starts to turn white, crack and peel off, then the usual shedding has begun. In order for this process to pass without unpleasant consequences, you need to put a humid chamber in the terrarium.
A container with a lid slightly larger than a reptile is quite suitable for this. A hole about 4 cm in diameter is cut in the lid, which serves as an imitation of a hole. A moist substrate (coconut or vermiculite) is placed at the bottom of this container. nine0003
If the gecko is in good shape under the right conditions, molting is easy and the skin peels off almost a whole stocking. And if the situation is different and the skin remains on the tail or other parts of the body, then you need to help your pet by holding a place with persistent skin under warm water. And then carefully remove it with a soft cloth or cotton swab.
Periodic spraying of one of the corners of the terrarium cannot guarantee a perfect molt due to unstable moisture supply. And in the case of laying eggs, a wet chamber is simply an indispensable element, as it protects the laid eggs from sticking to the bottom of the terrarium, which, if torn off, can lead to their death. nine0003
Wet chambers are used for snake shelters, which are sold in specialized stores. Although this camera is easy to make with your own hands with the help of improvised materials and minimal knowledge of its design that can be gleaned on the Internet.
Eublefars in terrarium need good ventilation . At the same time, air must circulate freely throughout the entire housing space, passing through its entire area. Air stagnation can adversely affect the health of eublefar in the form of:
- Inflammation.
- Dermatitis.
- Fungus.
Therefore, do not underestimate the correct air exchange in the terrarium. Improper air circulation can create a lot of discomfort for your beloved pet.
Spotted geckos mainly feed on insects, small rodents and lizards, spiders and even their young. But the optimal food at home are small cockroaches and crickets. But such a delicacy as zofobas and flour worm should not be abused. This can lead to obesity of the animal and adversely affect its reproductive function. In the summer, insects are good food for food:
- Locust.
- Grasshoppers.
- Green butterfly caterpillars that are not covered with hairs.
Giving maggots is strictly prohibited, because of their external digestive system, which begins to digest the zoublefar from the inside, as a result of which they may die. Feeding earthworms is also not recommended, as well as citrus products.
Approximate diet for geckos:
- During the first few weeks - no more than two small crickets at a time. nine0026
- Older small generation up to three months - no more than three medium crickets per day.
- From three to six months - no more than five large crickets at a time and every other day.
- Up to a year - no more than six large crickets at a time and several times a week.
- Older than a year - no more than ten large crickets in one run and several times a week.
Remember to feed your reptile a low-fat diet is necessary based on the individual characteristics of the body, that is, how much to eat, most importantly, do not overfeed. And it is desirable to feed eublefars in the morning and evening, while adding minerals and vitamins to his diet, otherwise he may simply die without them. nine0003
Physiology of leopard geckos
Do not keep several male leopard geckos in the same terrarium to avoid fights for territory, which can result in the death of one of the "fighters".
One male needs no more than ten females, and if there is one, he simply “torments” her.
Zublefars of different sexes are kept together only until the age of four months. In the future, you need to take into account the fact that he will already be able to fertilize a female of any age.
If the female is not fully formed, but has already become pregnant, then this usually leads to a stop or delay in her physical development, and sometimes to death. nine0003
Eublephar diseases: rickets
Quite dangerous, but not contagious disease , the obvious signs of which are the curvature of the paws. Appears as a result of calcium deficiency at any age. Therefore, you need to constantly monitor its visual manifestations, which are expressed in the curvature of the pet's legs and its uncharacteristic movements (the abdomen should not touch the ground during active movement).
In its advanced stage, this disease leads to the curvature and destruction of the zoublefar's spine, as a result of which it dies. To avoid this big trouble, you need to carefully monitor the diet of your pet, including all the necessary fortified elements that will always keep it in good and healthy shape. nine0003
In conclusion, I would like to say that the life expectancy of your pet directly depends on the maintenance and care of it. Therefore, before buying this exotic animal, initially take care of all the necessary and vital household items that will be needed for the proper maintenance of eublefar. And if he is provided with all the conditions for home living, then your pet will delight you with his presence for many more years.
Many people are attracted to terrariums. Lizards, snails, spiders - all these creatures are unlike ordinary pets. They have a special appearance, behavior and are interesting to watch. Eublefar is a great pet for beginners. His trademark smile has long been a hallmark. It is easily tamed and does not require special care. nine0003
Breeding eublefar is not difficult for beginners
General characteristics
Spotted eublefar (sometimes called leopard) is part of the Gecko family. Refers to semi-desert lizards. In nature, it can be found in semi-fixed sands and rocky foothills . Eublefar lizard is found:
- on stony slopes without vegetation;
- in the semi-steppes;
- in the steppes.
Eublephar's native habitat is steppe and semi-steppe zones
Distributed in such countries: Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc. Body length with tail is about 30 cm, females are shorter than males. The coloration is mostly yellow or gray, dark spots are scattered over the body. Two or three rings are sometimes visible on the tail. Under natural conditions, males live for about 10 years, single females - 8 years, constantly breeding females - 4 years. In captivity, the life of individuals lasts approximately 20 years.
Eublefar lizards are twilight and nocturnal. During the day they hide under rocks and in caves. nine0421 Feeds on larvae of arthropods, small animals , including their own kind. Lizards are social. They form a group of a male and several females. The male defends his territory from invasion by other males.
In captivity, they breed easily, live long and come in a wide variety of colors (morphs), so they are popular with terrarium keepers.
Arrangement of the terrarium
Keeping eublefar at home is allowed only in the terrarium. Only in it can you create a comfortable temperature and humidity level. One individual needs a volume of at least 60-70 liters. For a group of three individuals, a larger terrarium is required, it is better that it be horizontal, since it is important for them to run a lot. nine0003
Eublefar lizards are best kept in glass terrariums with a lid
The terrarium itself can be made of glass. Be sure to make a cover, as the lizards can scatter. The advantage of this type of material is that it allows you to make a container of any volume. But moving or moving it will be inconvenient due to the weight.
Plastic containers are a budget option. They are sold in large hypermarkets and hardware stores. Definitely need a model with a lid. For ventilation, you need to make several holes in the walls. To do this, the nail is heated and attached to the plastic. Under the influence of temperature, it melts. Six holes are enough. nine0003
The terrarium with eublefar must be heated
Proper maintenance of eublefar (gecko) requires compliance with the temperature regime. Lizards are cold-blooded creatures, but without heat they cannot digest food. The easiest way to organize the bottom heating is to put a thermal mat or a thermal cord under the terrarium. Budget option - shoe dryers. They are buried in the ground. The temperature in the tank must be within +32°C. One corner or ¼ of the terrarium should be heated. This is how the temperature difference is achieved. In the warm season, the heating is turned off at night. The difference favorably affects the well-being of pets. nine0003
Shelters must be placed over the entire area of the container. Coconut halves (without pulp) or special stone houses will do. A wet container is necessarily placed in a warm corner - a small container with a wet substrate.
Babies of eublefar lizards need special conditions. For adults, stones and pebbles are suitable. Do not use sand, as the lizard can swallow it. For the same reason, any shallow ground is prohibited. nine0421 Babies are held on wet wipes and paper towels.
Pet care
Gecko leopards are easy to care for. For drinking bowls use any small container. Lizards can lick water droplets from the terrarium, so if it is regularly sprayed, then there will be no need for a drinker.
Eublefaras love flour worms
In nature, eublefaras feed on various insects, and do not disdain their young. At home, it is optimal to feed them crickets and cockroaches. Zoophobus and flour worm are given as treats. Do not abuse them, as they lead to obesity. nine0003
In summer the following insects are given:
- grasshoppers;
- locust;
- tracks;
- butterflies (not hairy).
Although some eublefara lizards like fruits, they should not be given in large quantities
An adult is fed 2-3 times a week (about 10 crickets at a time). You definitely need vitamins and minerals.
Domestic species do not need wintering. However, hibernation is needed to stimulate reproduction. To do this, gradually reduce the temperature and reduce daylight hours. The dormant period lasts approximately two months. nine0003
Possible problems
In Russia, the popularity of lizards led to the creation of a leopard gecko club. Its activity is not only the popularization of terrarium animals, but also assistance to lovers. Not all cities have qualified veterinarians.