Baby food jars sizes
Baby Food Puree in Glass Jars
Puree Type
- Jar 40items
- Tub
- Pouch
- Natural 17items
- Organic 12items
- 1st Foods 13items
- 2nd Foods 22items
- 3rd Foods 8items
- Pregnancy
- Newborn
- Supported Sitter 12items
- Sitter 22items
- Crawler 8items
- Toddler
- Preschooler
- Apple 13items
- Apricot
- Avocado
- Banana 8items
- Beef 2items
- Blueberry 3items
- Carrot 8items
- Cereal
- Chicken 1item
- Corn 1item
- Green Bean 1item
- Ham 1item
- Kale 2items
- Mango 2items
- Oatmeal
- Pea 3items
- Peach 2items
- Pear 6items
- Pineapple 1item
- Pumpkin
- Raspberry 1item
- Rice 2items
- Spinach 2items
- Squash 2items
- Strawberry 3items
- Sweet Potato 4items
- Turkey 2items
- Zucchini 2items
- Colic
- Crying
- Fussiness
- Gas
- Mild Spit-Up
- Uncomfortable Poops
- Teething
- Vitamin D
- On the Go 2items
- Iron
- Starting Solids 2items
- Expanding Textures 5items
- Probiotics
- Prebiotics/2’-FL HMO
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How do I use baby food jars | Lifestyle
Every new mother has a lot of empty baby food jars. When I had already accumulated a lot of them, I thought about how to reuse them.
I didn't have time to preserve fruit or vegetable purees and found some great ways to use these containers.
Where to start?
First of all, I thoroughly washed all the jars. It is better to first soak all the containers in hot water - some baby food remains on the threads. Yes, and the labels are then better removed from the surface, leaving no sticky layer of glue.
After the container, it is necessary to allow time to drain, dry it until there are no drops of moisture and fumes.
- Tip: After hot water, stains and streaks may remain on the glass surface. It is better to rinse all jars with cold water after washing.
After cleaning, I sorted all the jars according to the size, shape and color of the lids (they differ from each other in different types of puree).
Containers for needlewomen
Since all the women in our family love to do needlework, there is always not enough space to store accessories. I solved this problem with cans.
- In a container of the smallest size on the bottom, using a glue gun, I fixed the pieces of foam rubber. It is convenient to stick a lot of pins or needles into a soft porous fabric. It is important that the height of the container matches the length of the needle or pin, otherwise the point may become dull.
- In some larger jars I put centimeters rolled up.
- Very small bottles of 60 grams, left over from the first feeding, I use to store beads, buttons and beads. It is better to display the container in accordance with the size of the beads or the color in the old cropped shoe box.
Handyman help
My husband always has a lot of small items - nuts, screws, nails, bolts, etc. in case of unplanned repairs.
He used to use small food containers that he bought specially to sort and store all the small things.
Now the problem is solved with the help of convenient baby food jars. The size of containers can be different - it all depends on the number and volume of inventory.
My missus used to sign jar lids - he indicated the contents and kept everything in a separate box.
Then he came up with a way to save space - he installed a wooden shelf, screwed the covers directly to it. The jars are simply screwed onto the thread and are suspended.
Use in the kitchen
The most favorite and convenient use of waste containers is their use in the kitchen.
- If spices are poured into such “storages”, they retain their aroma longer, do not deteriorate, and moths do not start in them.
- I am happy to pour the rest of the oils into small jars - they take up very little space on the shelf.
- Dried herbs are also good to keep in such containers.
- Some liquid products - milk, toppings, sauces and honey - I also prefer to pour into miniature containers that save refrigerator space.
Decorative items
My hobby is creating interesting designer jewelry and beautiful items. And here the banks have found their application.
- Neat glass containers make excellent candle holders. I just decorated each jar to my liking. I pasted over some with beautiful paper, applied shells and small pebbles to some with a glue gun.
- These jars are very useful for making decorative filler candles.
- Soap making is another hobby of mine. Baby food jars are just perfect for beautiful gift wrapping. I just put soap balls in there, decorate the jar - it's done!
- Do-it-yourself air freshener with the help of these cans will be indispensable. Fragrant herbs or easily evaporating essential mixtures are placed in a container, and a piece of thin fabric tied with a ribbon serves as a lid.
Growing seedlings
When my son grew up, I started buying him baby food in jars of 200 grams. And they were useful on the farm - for growing seedlings.
You simply pour peat or special soil into a glass container, throw seeds and wait for the first shoots to appear.
My little one likes to watch birds while walking. I collect all the leftover cookies, corn sticks and other flour products in small jars. It is convenient to deliver all this and feed the birds.
Yes, and throw the container into the nearest garbage container so that you don’t carry it with you later, it’s not a pity.
Empty baby food jars have many more uses. Everyone will find something suitable for themselves.
Topics: Food, Lifehack
toys, organizer, spice set
Perhaps, in every house where there are small children, a lot of jars of mashed potatoes are collected. You can safely send them to storage, throw them away, give them away, but it’s better to make something useful out of baby food cans. We present to your attention a selection of the most interesting ideas.
Household use
It is not good to litter the space in the house when there are empty baby food jars on hand. Use them to store small items.
- Small items storage. It is convenient to store small items in glass jars: beads, beads, buttons, screws, nails, bolts. Through the transparent wall you can clearly see what lies inside. For convenient use, you can make holes in the covers and attach them to a small board with screws. Jars with small things are screwed to the lids and can be hung as you like.
- Spice containers. Fans of spices and various bulk additives will certainly appreciate the idea of using baby food jars. The lids are very easy to make holes for any spice. Containers with the same decor look stylish: you can stick a label, fabric, paper, beads, sparkles, twine on the lid and glass. And there is another option to decorate the jars with acrylic or make masterpieces out of them using polymer clay.
- Pincushion. Making it is quite simple: you need to cut a piece of foam rubber to fit the size of the lid, cover it with a beautiful fabric and glue it to the top.
The jar itself can be decorated with decorative elements: lace, ribbons, beads, rhinestones. Inside it is convenient to store threads, buttons, a thimble, and on top - needles and pins.
- Pincushion. Making it is quite simple: you need to cut a piece of foam rubber to fit the size of the lid, cover it with a beautiful fabric and glue it to the top.
To quickly get clean unlabeled jars, you can use a hair dryer and a sponge with vegetable oil. First, the area with the sticker warms up, and it easily lags behind. Then the adhesive residues, if any, are wiped off with oil with one hand movement.
4 ideas for playing with children
No matter how much parents want to surprise their children with a newfangled expensive toy, kids often prefer simple household items - cups, spoons, pots. Do not hesitate, a toy from a baby food can will certainly interest your little one.
- Jars with sound. The game is suitable for children under 2 years old. Banks need to be completely painted over and various objects should be poured inside. For example, put sand in a yellow jar, small pebbles in gray, ringing coins in red, a plastic toy in orange, buckwheat in green, etc.
At first, the child will turn his head, determining where the sound comes from, and then guess what's inside. When he gets older, with the help of such a toy it will be possible to learn colors.
- Sensory toys. The development of the child occurs, including through touch. By touching objects different to the touch with the tips of the fingers, the baby learns the world around him. Sensory toys stimulate the areas of the brain responsible for speech and thinking. Making them from jars is easy. Fill them with cotton wool, cereals, sand, flour, salt, coins and let your baby explore. Of course, under supervision.
- Jars with sound. The game is suitable for children under 2 years old. Banks need to be completely painted over and various objects should be poured inside. For example, put sand in a yellow jar, small pebbles in gray, ringing coins in red, a plastic toy in orange, buckwheat in green, etc.
- Sorter. Many toddlers like to insert one object into another. Cut a slit in the lid of a bean jar, put a plate of beans next to it, and your child will occupy himself, and for a long time.
- Cute animals. Or you can make a series of fabulous toys out of baby food cans. Ears of colored paper should be attached to the lid, paws and a tail (of a hare, bear, fox, wolf) on the sides and bottom, and draw a face on the glass with paints.
Eyes made of beads or coffee beans will look original.
Used for decoration
The undoubted advantage of baby food jars is the same shape and size. From them you can make a set of original decorations for the house.
- Candles.
Jars are very easy to turn into decorative candles. Place a thick thread in the lid and fill it with melted wax. Inside, you can put sparkles, shells or drip a pattern of colored paraffin. The jar itself will find application as a candlestick. Paste it with a pattern, and the light from the flame will sparkle with mystery.
- Christmas toys.
The round baby food lid is the perfect base for a Christmas toy. Make a hole in it for the thread and color it.
- Snow souvenir.
The jar, cleaned from the sticker, should be filled with various small items: plastic snowflakes, pebbles, shells. To keep them from moving, you should use superglue. And you can leave the filler movable - as you wish. At the second stage, sequins, glitter or chopped rain are poured into the jar, and it is filled to the top with water. It remains to decorate the lid, and possibly the jar itself. A fabulous winter souvenir is ready! And in a similar way, you can make an aquarium for a toy fish.
- Decoration stands for the holidays.
Cans make stable original coasters that will decorate any festive table. You need to make holes in the lids, fill them with sparkles and put the chosen decor: numbers on sticks, initials, funny pompoms, flowers.
Interesting dishes in jars
Why not use baby food jars for their intended purpose? Try rolling food into them.
- Jam.
Small jars of baby food are a great idea for those who eat a little bit of jam. For many in large jars, it hangs for a long time in the refrigerator and sours.
A definite plus - you do not need to roll up such containers with a machine. When tightly screwed on the lid, they are airtight. The only thing is that the jars need to be sterilized and pour hot jam.
Not all baby food jars are suitable for seaming, but only those with tight-fitting lids. More than others in the reviews, jars of the Grandmother's basket trademark are praised. But "Agusha", "FrutoNyanya", "Gerber" can sometimes let air through.
- Preparations for the winter for children.
Having plenty of empty baby food cans is a great excuse to start making your own puree. Home-made preparations are no worse than purchased ones. Choosing vegetables and fruits for purees on their own, mothers do not have to worry about their quality.
- Sorbet.
In small jars it is convenient to freeze and serve berry dessert to the table. Any seasonal berries and fruits will do. The recipe for 500 grams takes 30-50 grams of sugar and 50-150 ml of water. Then the mass is boiled or whipped in a blender, poured into containers and, after cooling, placed in the freezer.