Baby food plate
Suction Plate -
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Bamboo Baby Suction Plates | bamboo bamboo
Bamboo Baby Suction Plates | bamboo bambooFREE Shipping on UK orders over £50
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Bamboo Fox Plate Suction Plate
£16.99 from £11.49 colour
Bamboo Little Bunny Suction Plate
£16.99 from £11.99 colour
Bamboo Baby Elephant Suction Plate
Bamboo Taste Plate
£16.99 from £9.99 colour
Bamboo Little Lamb Suction Plate
£16.99 from £9.99 colour
Bamboo Unicorn Suction Plate
£16.99 £9.99
Bamboo Cheeky Monkey Suction Plate
£16.99 from £9.99 colour
Bamboo Penguin Suction Plate
£16.99 from £9.99 colour
Bamboo Big Panda Suction Plate
£16.99 from £9.99 colour
Bamboo Little Fish Suction Plate
£16.99 £9.99 colour
Bamboo Dinosaur Suction Plate
£16.99 £9.99
Bamboo Hedgehog Suction Plate
£16.99 from £9.99 colour
Bamboo Cloud Suction Plate
Bamboo Little Bunny Suction Plate
£16.99 £11.99 colourLIMITED OFFER!
Bamboo Fox Plate Suction Plate
£16.99 from £11.49 colour
Bamboo baby suction plates
You may have tried other bamboo suction plates in the past that just didn’t work. For some reason, your little one always found a way to gleefully pull it off their kiddie tray resulting in food ending up all over floor and you scampering to clean up and prepare a new baby meal. Our bb baby suction plates have been put to the test by determined toddlers and strong-willed baby fingers and have passed triumphantly.
Making mealtime magical
Our bamboo plates come in so many adorable designs, you won’t know which one to pick first. Animal-shaped plates featuring jungle and forest animals, like the fox plate, the monkey plate, or the hedgehog plate, mythical and magical creatures like the unicorn plate, fun shapes like the cloud plate – these are just some of the cute designs to choose from. Whether you want a sectioned plate for adding dips and sauces to your kiddie’s meal or an open one for a grander portion, you’ll definitely find the baby suction plate which suits you best. Available in eight delightful colours that you can match with our bb cups and spoons.
High-power silicone suction base unlike others
When it’s time to feed your baby, the last thing you should have to worry about is their plate flipping, sliding or flying off the table. The food-grade suction base on our bamboo suction plates sticks like superglue to the surface of the high-chair or kiddie tray and is known for adhering so well that it can even lift the high-chair when you try to pick it up! It is spill-proof and kid-proof – only parents can take it off by simply using a helpful little tab on the bottom.
Where will the bamboo suction plate stay put best?
For optimal results, stick the suction plate onto a smooth, non-porous surface like tile, glass, plastic, fiberglass, metal, etc. Textured, porous or curved surfaces could decrease the suction power of the plate. It is also a good idea to make sure the surface is clean and free of crumbs or other food debris.
What are our suction plates made of?
Our baby suction plates are made of 100% all-natural bamboo, a material which is not only sustainable and eco-friendly, but also antibacterial, so you do not have to fret about harmful chemicals coming into contact with your baby’s food. Bamboo is a sturdy material which can last a long time with proper care and thanks to being cool touch, it doesn’t get hot, so it also protects your little one from getting burnt when eating warmer food. While other bamboo products out there might contain melamine, ours do not. No BPA, phthalates or other dangerous chemicals come anywhere near our bamboo suction plates to ensure that your baby’s food is safe and healthy.
“My 3 year old daughter that spills pretty much everything lol, but since I’ve purchased this product I’ve had a lot less cleaning to do. Great product!”
-Daniel -
"Show off incredible feedback from your customers"
John Doe -
"Show off incredible feedback from your customers"
John Doe -
"Show off incredible feedback from your customers"
John Doe
Our Bamboo Products are:
Zero Toxins
Free from harmful toxic chemicals.
Zero Melamine
Made entirely from melamine-free bamboo.
Zero Plastic
No form of plastic or its components.
Zero BPA or Phthalates
They may be everywhere, but not here!
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What is a balanced plate? - Encyclopedia Baby food
Levchuk Victoria ©A healthy diet should include three balanced meals a day and snacks as needed. Balanced plate? How to collect it?
Table of Contents:
The Balanced Plate Model is a simple tool designed to assist you in cooking. It helps spread out your carbohydrate intake so you feel energized and full until your next meal or snack.
The size of the plate can vary depending on the appetite, but the proportions of the various food groups remain almost the same.
Balanced Plate Fancy diets and dubious nutritional advice are so pervasive in the media that we often lose sight of the best and most basic healthy eating model.
A very common dietary advice around the world is "keep your plate balanced". This seems like a pretty simple idea today when words like “carbohydrate”, “fiber”, “fructose”, and “omega-3 fatty acids” enter everyday conversation. In recent decades, scientific research has rapidly expanded our understanding of human nutrition, but healthy eating can now seem a lot more complicated than it used to be. How do we make sure we're getting enough—but not too much—of a seemingly endless supply of nutrients?
The good news is that it's actually quite simple. The Balanced Plate is a summary of a diet that spans the three main food groups. As you can see on this serving plate, the balance is a quarter of protein, a quarter of carbohydrates and half of vegetables. This is the balanced plate rule.
Balanced Children's Recipe
Nutrient Basics
strengthens the child's mind There are six types of nutrients essential for survival: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and water.
Proteins, carbohydrates and fats are macronutrients, that is, "macro", which means that we need them in large quantities. They provide the body with energy, measured in kilojoules or kilocalories.
Vitamins and minerals are classified as micronutrients because they are only needed in small amounts. Water is also an important macronutrient, since the volume produced by the body during metabolism is much less than the amount we lose every day through sweat, urine, feces and respiration.
Three main food groups
Despite cultural differences, food is always grouped according to the main functions of its essential nutrients. Simply put, most foods are used in one of three ways: for energy, growth and restoration or maintenance of healthy metabolic function. Foods can be divided into eight groups depending on how precise we want to be, so national dietary recommendations around the world may differ depending on the foods used, but remain very similar in regards to overall nutrient requirements.
One-quarter carbohydrate food for energy
Foods rich in carbohydrates include rice, pasta, quinoa, couscous, potatoes, bread, barley, oats and other cereals. They provide energy to the brain, muscles and other organs. Whole grain carbohydrates are the preferred choice as they also contain fiber and vitamin B. Fiber is essential for the smooth functioning of the intestines, and vitamin B allows the body to use carbohydrate-derived energy. The more active we are, the more carbohydrates we need. I remind you that children are active, grow quickly, so they need carbohydrates.
grains and starches
One-quarter protein foods for growth and recovery
Protein-rich foods include eggs, seafood, poultry, red meat, legumes, milk, yogurt, cheese, tofu, nuts. This group is vital for the maintenance of muscle tissue, red blood cells, hormone and enzyme production. We need more of these foods during periods of growth (such as childhood and adolescence) or during periods of physical illness. Many high-protein foods also contain fats and fat-soluble vitamins; fish and eggs are two good examples.
Half vegetables for a healthy metabolism
Vegetables (and other plants such as legumes, fruits, nuts, seeds and herbs) are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients such as antioxidants. Vitamins and minerals support our metabolism and organ function, which is very important for health. A number of vitamins act as antioxidants. They repair tissue damage caused by metabolic processes or certain environmental pollutants. Vegetables, herbs, and fresh fruits also make you feel full, but are relatively low in energy, which means they help you maintain a healthy weight. There can never be too many vegetables on a plate, as long as they are varied.
vegetables and fruits
Mixed meals and convenience foods
Balanced plate Definitely do not separate food as shown on a balanced plate. This is a guide to give you an idea of the proportions of each food group that make up the perfect meal. It also doesn't mean that every dish has to look like this! If on some days we eat more or less than one food group, then during the week it can still be balanced.
Processed foods, such as chocolate, cakes, chips, cookies, etc. can also be part of a healthy and balanced diet, of course, in moderation. The key is to remember that they are all part of the same food group, whatever we call it: treats, junk food, fast food, snacks, etc. Eating a lot of different types of "treats" still leads to a lot of weight gain. The more of these foods we eat, the more likely we are to either neglect more nutritious foods or consume unnecessary kilocalories.
A Few More Important Considerations
A Balanced Plate Foods containing fiber and/or protein increase feelings of satiety, making us go without food for longer. This means that an hour after eating, we are unlikely to be tempted by easily accessible and conveniently packaged foods such as sweets, chocolate, crackers and cheese, chips or ice cream. Including protein and fiber in the main meals promotes a better diet, which helps with long-term weight maintenance. Foods high in fiber include whole grains, fruits and vegetables, especially skins.
Herbs and spices are the perfect addition to any meal. They contain many micronutrients, contain almost no calories and add delicious taste to even the simplest dishes.
Balanced BowlProtein is a key nutrient for growth and repair, but calcium is also important for bone and muscle health—and for this reason dairy products are often separated into a separate group of products. Milk, yogurt, and cheese are well-known sources, but other foods also boast high levels of calcium: tofu and soybeans, calcium-fortified non-dairy milk, pak choi, kale, collard greens, almonds, broccoli, and soft boiled fish bones, such as sardines.
Healthy eating doesn't have to be complicated, so a balanced plate is the best solution. Using the ¼ + ¼ + ½ principles, any meal can make you feel better. It's much easier and healthier than restrictive diets and unbalanced fads.
Milk and food storage containers, baby dishes
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0 €'> RETURN 220.LV-EURO
15 49 €
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Silicone plate Baboo from 6 months, silicone plate...
Brand: Baboo
Recomm. age from: 4 months
0 €'> RETURN 220.LV-EURO
7 60 € 8 95 €
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I CAN spoon white/light blue
Brand: I Can
Recomm. age from: 6 months months
0 €'> RETURN 220.LV-EURO
15 49 €
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Cookware set Baboo, from 4 months, orange
Brand: Baboo
Recomm. age from: 4 months'> RETURN 220.LV-EURO
29 99 € 38 59 €
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Yellow feeding set
Recomm. age from: 3 months months
This item is part of the "Where to go for Christmas gifts?" campaign. More information:
0 €
Discount code FRIDAY10 is valid on 12/09/2022. until 24:00 for registered users who buy specially marked goods of the seller in the mobile application. One registered user can use the discount code 1 time. The discount code is not valid in combination with money. '> -10% WITH CODE!
33 99 €
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Bottle set Tommee Tippee Advanced Anti-Colic, 22...
Brand: Tommee Tippee
Recomm. age from: other months
This item is part of the "Where to go for Christmas gifts?" campaign. More information:
0 €
Discount code FRIDAY10 valid 09.12.2022. until 24:00 for registered users who buy specially marked goods of the seller in the mobile application. One registered user can use the discount code 1 time. The discount code is not valid in combination with 220. lv money. '> -10% WITH CODE!
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Smiki silicone plate with sticky bottom Teddy bear, from 6...
Brand: Smiki
Recomm. age from: 6 months months
0 €'> RETURN 220.LV-EURO
7 60 € 8 95 €
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I CAN spoons grey/light gray
Brand: I Can
Recomm. age from: 6 months months
This item is part of the "Where to go for Christmas gifts?" campaign. More information:
0 €
Discount code FRIDAY10 is valid on 12/09/2022. until 24:00 for registered users who buy specially marked goods of the seller 220. lv in the mobile application. One registered user can use the discount code 1 time. The discount code is not valid in combination with money. '> -10% WITH CODE!
18 39 €
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Silicone pot with spoon Kikkaboo Yummy Pink
Brand: Kikkaboo
Recomm. age from: 4 months
0 €'> RETURN 220.LV-EURO
13 99 €
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Baboo feeding set, from 4 months, blue
Brand: Baboo
Recomm. age from: 4 months
This item is part of the "Where to go for Christmas gifts?" campaign. More information:
0 €
Discount code FRIDAY10 is valid on 12/09/2022. until 24:00 for registered users who buy specially marked goods of the seller in the mobile application. One registered user can use the discount code 1 time. The discount code is not valid in combination with money. '> -10% WITH CODE!
23 39 € 25 99 €
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Philips Avent baby food cups with lids,...
Brand: Philips Avent
Recomm. age from: 6 months months
0 €'> RETURN 220.LV-EURO
7 60 € 8 95 €
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I CAN spoon blue/red
Brand: I Can
Recomm. age from: 6 months months
This item is part of the "Where to go for Christmas gifts?" campaign. More information:
0 €
Discount code FRIDAY10 is valid on 12/09/2022. until 24:00 for registered users who buy specially marked goods of the seller in the mobile application. One registered user can use the discount code 1 time. The discount code is not valid in combination with money. '> -10% WITH CODE!
11 79 €
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Munchkin anti-slip bowl set, 6 months +, 3 ...
Recomm. age from: 6 months months
0 €
Discount code FRIDAY10 is valid on 12/09/2022. until 24:00 for registered users who buy specially marked goods of the seller 220. lv in the mobile application. One registered user can use the discount code 1 time. The discount code is not valid in combination with money. '> -10% WITH CODE!
18 99 €
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Silicone jar with spoon Kikkaboo Yummy Blue
Brand: Kikkaboo
Recomm. age from: 4 months
0 €'> RETURN 220.LV-EURO
6 50 € 8 95 €
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I CAN spoon green/pink
Brand: I Can
Recomm. age from: 6 months months'> RETURN 220.LV-EURO
29 99 € 38 59 €
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Baby feeding utensils, blue
Recomm. age from: 3 months months
0 €'> RETURN 220.LV-EURO
6 93 € / month 52 90 €
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Table set Blueberry Blue, Luumy
Recomm. age from: 4 months
0 €'> RETURN 220.LV-EURO
6 93 € / month 52 90 €
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Dining set pistachio green, Luumy
Recomm. age from: 4 months
0 €'> RETURN 220.LV-EURO
19 50 €
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Marcus&Marcus Entertaining plate with suction cup - Luc. ..
Brand: Marcus & Marcus
Recomm. age from: 18 months months
0 €'> RETURN 220.LV-EURO
10 49 €
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Baboo silicone plate with non-slip bottom, from 6 m...
Brand: Baboo
Recomm. age from: 6 months months
This item is part of the "Where to go for Christmas gifts?" campaign. More information:
0 €
Discount code FRIDAY10 is valid on 12/09/2022. until 24:00 for registered users who buy specially marked goods of the seller in the mobile application. One registered user can use the discount code 1 time. The discount code is not valid in combination with 220. lv money. '> -10% WITH CODE!
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Spoon and fork with heating indicator BRITTON, yellow
Brand: Britton
Recomm. age from: 6 months months
0 €'> RETURN 220.LV-EURO
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BabyOno stainless steel teaspoon + fork from ...
Trademark: BabyOno
Recommended age from: 12 months months
This item is part of the "Where to go for Christmas gifts?" campaign. More information:
0 €
Discount code FRIDAY10 is valid on 12/09/2022. until 24:00 for registered users who buy specially marked goods of the seller in the mobile application. One registered user can use the discount code 1 time. The discount code is not valid in combination with money. '> -10% WITH CODE!
12 39 €
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Smiki silikona šķīvis ar lipīgu apakšu Mākonis, 6 mēn...
Brand: Smiki
Recomm. age from: 6 months months'> RETURN 220.LV-EURO
17 99 € 25 99 €
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Bowl, plate, mug, cutlery "Yellow...
Recomm. age from: 6 months months
0 €'> RETURN 220.LV-EURO
10 90 € 12 90 €
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Peppa Pig children's dish set, 3 parts
Trade name: No data
Recom. age from: Other months
This item is part of the "Where to go for Christmas gifts?" campaign. More information:
0 €
Discount code FRIDAY10 is valid on 12/09/2022. until 24:00 for registered users who buy specially marked goods of the seller in the mobile application. One registered user can use the discount code 1 time. The discount code is not valid in combination with money. '> -10% WITH CODE!
6 74 € 7 49 €
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Powdered milk bottle, Philips Avent, 260 ml
Brand: Philips Avent
Recomm. age from: 0 months
0 €'> RETURN 220.LV-EURO
10 39 € 12 99 €
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Plate with non-slip bottom three compartments Twistshake . ..
Brand: Twistshake
Recomm. age from: 6 months months
This item is part of the "Where to go for Christmas gifts?" campaign. More information:
0 €
Discount code FRIDAY10 is valid on 12/09/2022. until 24:00 for registered users who buy specially marked goods of the seller in the mobile application. One registered user can use the discount code 1 time. The discount code is not valid in combination with money. '> -10% WITH CODE!
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BabyOno plate with sticky bottom + teaspoon From 6+ me...
Brand: BabyOno
Recomm. age from: 6 months months
This item is part of the "Where to go for Christmas gifts?" campaign. More information:
0 €
Discount code FRIDAY10 is valid on 12/09/2022. until 24:00 for registered users who buy specially marked goods of the seller in the mobile application. One registered user can use the discount code 1 time. The discount code is not valid in combination with money. '> -10% WITH CODE!
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Powdered milk dispensers Suavinex, Hygge Green
Brand: Suavinex
0 €
Discount code FRIDAY10 is valid on 12/09/2022. until 24:00 for registered users who buy specially marked goods of the seller in the mobile application. One registered user can use the discount code 1 time. The discount code is not valid in combination with money. '> -10% WITH CODE!
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Set of hermetically sealed Miniland utensils 4 pcs. x 250 ml, blue...
Brand: Miniland
0 €
Discount code FRIDAY10 is valid on 12/09/2022. until 24:00 for registered users who buy specially marked goods of the seller in the mobile application. One registered user can use the discount code 1 time. The discount code is not valid in combination with money. '> -10% WITH CODE!
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Set of hermetically sealed Miniland utensils 4 pcs. x 250 ml, rose...
Brand: Miniland
Recomm. age from: other months
0 €'> RETURN 220.LV-EURO
7 99 € 9 99 €
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Twistshake vairakkārt lietojamie maisiņi bērnu pārtik...
Brand: Twistshake
Recomm. age from: 4 months
This item is part of the "Where to go for Christmas gifts?" campaign. More information:
0 €
Discount code FRIDAY10 is valid on 12/09/2022. until 24:00 for registered users who buy specially marked goods of the seller in the mobile application. One registered user can use the discount code 1 time. The discount code is not valid in combination with money. '> -10% WITH CODE!
10 69 €
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A set of plastic utensils and tools Canpol Babies...
Brand: Canpol Babies
Recomm. age from: 12 months months
0 €
Discount code FRIDAY10 is valid on 12/09/2022. until 24:00 for registered users who buy specially marked goods of the seller in the mobile application. One registered user can use the discount code 1 time. The discount code is not valid in combination with money. '> -10% WITH CODE!
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4. 4/5
Spoon and fork with heating indicator BRITTON, red
Brand: Britton
Recomm. age from: 6 months months
This item is part of the "Where to go for Christmas gifts?" campaign. More information:
0 €
Discount code FRIDAY10 is valid on 12/09/2022. until 24:00 for registered users who buy specially marked goods of the seller in the mobile application. One registered user can use the discount code 1 time. The discount code is not valid in combination with money. '> -10% WITH CODE!
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Munchkin Heat Sensitive Spoons, 4 pcs, Hot Sa...
Recomm. age from: 4 months
0 €'> RETURN 220.LV-EURO
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Tommee Tippee heat sensitive spoons, 4 pcs
Brand: Tommee Tippee
Recomm. age from: 4 months
0 €'> RETURN 220.LV-EURO
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Cup with handles Lovi 360 Wild Soul Girl, pink, 250...
Brand: Lovi
Recomm. age from: 9 months months
0 €'> RETURN 220.LV-EURO
10 39 € 12 99 €
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Cookware with non-slip bottom Twistshake, 6+ months, pastel...
Brand: Twistshake
Recomm. age from: 6 months months
0 €'> RETURN 220.LV-EURO
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Spoon for a small hand Marcus & Marcus Lucas
Brand: Marcus & Marcus
Recommended age from: 6 months months
0 €
https://220. lv/ru/t/220nauda'> RETURN 220.LV-EURO
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Munchkin Baby Fork & Spoon Set
0 €'> RETURN 220.LV-EURO
7 70 € 12 99 €
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Plate with non-slip bottom Twistshake, 6+ months, paste...
Brand: Twistshake
Recomm. age from: 6 months months'> RETURN 220.LV-EURO
10 39 € 12 99 €
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Plate with non-slip bottom, three compartments Twistshake,...
Trademark: Twistshake
Recommended age from: 6 months months
0 €
https://220. lv/ru/t/220nauda'> RETURN 220.LV-EURO
12 49 € 18 99 €
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Baby orange food "Lama", 3 Sprouts
Brand: 3 Sprouts
0 €
Discount code FRIDAY10 is valid on 12/09/2022. until 24:00 for registered users who buy specially marked goods of the seller in the mobile application. One registered user can use the discount code 1 time. The discount code is not valid in combination with money. '> -10% WITH CODE!
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Dish for milk powder Bambino Flip-n-pour!, mint
Trademark: Bambino
This item is part of the "Where to go for Christmas gifts?" campaign. More information:
0 €
Discount code FRIDAY10 is valid on 12/09/2022. until 24:00 for registered users who buy specially marked goods of the seller in the mobile application. One registered user can use the discount code 1 time. The discount code is not valid in combination with money. '> -10% WITH CODE!
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Suavinex Hygge Silicone Spoon, 4+mths, Pink
Brand: Suavinex
Recomm. age from: 4 months
This item is part of the "Where to go for Christmas gifts?" campaign. More information:
0 €
Discount code FRIDAY10 is valid on 12/09/2022. until 24:00 for registered users who buy specially marked goods of the seller in the mobile application. One registered user can use the discount code 1 time. The discount code is not valid in combination with money. '> -10% WITH CODE!
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4. 3/5
Milk storage bags BabyOno 1039 20 pcs.
Trademark: BabyOno
This item is part of the "Where to go for Christmas gifts?" campaign. More information:
0 €
Discount code FRIDAY10 is valid on 12/09/2022. until 24:00 for registered users who buy specially marked goods of the seller in the mobile application. One registered user can use the discount code 1 time. The discount code is not valid in combination with money. '> -10% WITH CODE!
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Bowl with suction cup and spoon BabyOno,1063/02
Brand: BabyOno
Recomm. age from: 6 months months
This item is part of the "Where to go for Christmas gifts?" campaign. More information:
0 €
Discount code FRIDAY10 is valid on 12/09/2022. until 24:00 for registered users who buy specially marked goods of the seller in the mobile application. One registered user can use the discount code 1 time. The discount code is not valid in combination with money. '> -10% WITH CODE!
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Suction plate, 1062, mint, BabyOno
Brand: BabyOno
Recomm. age from: 6 months months
This item is part of the "Where to go for Christmas gifts?" campaign. More information:
0 €
Discount code FRIDAY10 is valid on 12/09/2022. until 24:00 for registered users who buy specially marked goods of the seller in the mobile application. One registered user can use the discount code 1 time. The discount code is not valid in combination with money. '> -10% WITH CODE!
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4. 6/5
Britton solid nutrition bottle, 6m+, green...
Brand: Britton
Recomm. age from: 6 months months
0 €
Discount code FRIDAY10 is valid on 12/09/2022. until 24:00 for registered users who buy specially marked goods of the seller in the mobile application. One registered user can use the discount code 1 time. The discount code is not valid in combination with money. '> -10% WITH CODE!
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Spoon and fork with heating indicator BRITTON, orange...
Brand: Britton
Recomm. age from: 6 months months
It is very important for all parents that the child receives a healthy and wholesome diet, but it must be taken into account that this depends not only on what is included in the products, but also in what the children's food is stored and served.
Breastmilk bags and containers
Is your baby breastfed but sometimes you need to go away? Or maybe you have too much breast milk? Then in these cases, you will be rescued by high-quality and convenient bags and containers for milk , with which you can freeze and store breast milk for a long time. These devices are made of environmentally friendly and safe materials, so you can be sure that the beneficial properties of your milk will not be spoiled. These containers and packages include: Philips Avent breast milk storage bags, Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature breast milk bags, BabyOno breast milk cooling and storage bags, Nuby milk container with lid, MAM Storage Solution milk storage cup.
Baby tableware
Is your baby getting older and it's time to introduce complementary foods? Or maybe he already wants to eat on his own? Then it's time for you to think about choosing high-quality children's tableware. To date, a wide range of dishes for babies You can purchase both a ready-made set of children's dishes, and all separately. Most often, from 6 months, babies are given cereals and vegetable purees, so you need a convenient plate. Now manufacturers offer different types of children's plates, for example, deep or shallow plates, suction plates, plates with a lid, thermo plates, plates with several compartments, plates with food warming and plates complete with cutlery , so among such a choice, You will definitely choose the right option for yourself, depending on your wishes and preferences.
Among all types of plates, plastic plates with suction cups are especially popular, as children cannot knock them over and stain themselves and everything around. But, and if you bought a simple plate, you can buy a high-quality table mat made of natural rubber Hevea or Summer Infant Tiny Diner , which also protect the plate from slipping and tipping over.
When buying cutlery for feeding, pay special attention to the material of manufacture. Initially, you only need a spoon and it is best if it is made of silicone so that the child cannot injure himself. Later, when the child is older, you can use cutlery made of plastic and stainless steel . In addition, you can purchase spoons and forks with temperature indicator , which change color if the food is too hot.
Also, baby utensils includes an attachment such as the learning device, designed to feed the baby solid food. These include: Kidsme Food Feeder, CLEVAMAMA ClevaFeed, Canpol Feeding Net, Nuby 9 Nibbler0003 .
Food Containers
In today's world, many parents of young children are very active, so they often have to prepare meals for several meals and feed their children outside the home. To ensure that the food retains its freshness and usefulness, manufacturers of children's goods offer to purchase high-quality food storage containers . If you need containers for storing and transporting food and products, we recommend choosing the following products: Philips Avent food storage containers, Clevamama thermo-food storage container, Miniland ECO airtight children's utensils, Twistshake mixture storage utensils and other high-quality and convenient containers from well-known manufacturers.