Baby fruit feeder boots
Best Nontoxic Baby Feeding Gear
Baby Bro is my third child, so the concept of feeding babies is not new. Feeding babies without plastic? Now that’s new.
Between the births of my first two (now 8 and 5) and our newest addition (now 13 months), our lifestyle underwent some pretty major changes. In efforts to reduce our toxic load, I’ve tossed just about every piece of plastic from our kitchen, replacing as much as possible with glass and stainless steel.
So when it was time to think about feeding gear for our littlest guy, I knew this time around would be different. I polled my crunchy friends, read lots of reviews and sifted through lots of options.
We’ve tested my selections over this past year and today I’m happy to present my carefully chosen list of Best Nontoxic Baby Feeding Gear.
- Utensils
- Bottles
- Bowls
- Snack containers
- Sippy cups
- Hand-held feeders
Whether you’re shopping for your own little one or are in search of a baby gift for a favorite crunchy friend, this list will point you in the right direction!
After two babies we had plenty of baby spoons, but they were mostly plastic. This time around I wanted straight up stainless steel with a very simple design. These stainless steel baby spoons have served us well!
When babies get started with solid foods, they eat such small amounts–it seems ridiculous to use a larger bowl than necessary. I knew we’d also want the option to stick a lid on small bowls of baby food for fridge storage.
These glass Wean Green 4 oz Wean Cubes have been perfect! One thing I love is that they’ll continue to be useful even after they’re too small for Baby Bro’s meals. They’re the perfect size for stashing small amounts of leftovers and all sorts of things in the refrigerator. And they’re great for packing snacks on the go!
They’re also very sturdy and durable–we’ve dropped ours plenty of times–and leak proof, too.
3. Small Glass Bowls
In addition to the Wean Green Cubes mentioned above, we love tiny glass pinch bowls and glass custard cups for containing Baby Bro’s food at mealtimes.
Again, one of the things I love is that these bowls will remain useful long beyond our days of baby feeding. In fact, we already owned the glass custard cups and used them often for many purposes. The set pictured above comes with lids–how great is that!?
Tiny pinch bowls are great for individual servings of condiments and dips. I’d been wanting a set for that very purpose, so Baby Bro’s arrival was the perfect time to give them a try.
In addition to be being super-useful, another great thing about little glass bowls is that they’re very affordable! Gotta love that.
4. Glass Bottles
Since I breastfed all my babies, we’re not heavy bottle users. In fact, we got by with just one 2-pack of 8 oz Dr. Brown glass bottles for Baby Bro. They worked well for us!
I would recommend springing for a set of the smaller 4 oz bottles, too, as well as several stages of nipples–especially if you’ll be depending more heavily on bottles for your baby’s liquid diet.
We’re using the sippy version of these stainless steel bottles and absolutely LOVE it! (See below.) Our glass bottles worked well, but if I’d known about this stainless steel option I may have used them as baby bottles and then switched out the nipples for sippy spouts later.
The bottle (pictured above) is exactly the same as the sippy version (pictured below), but with a regular nipple instead of the sippy spout. They are lightweight and well made–a great nontoxic alternative to glass bottles.
Pura Kiki bottles come in two sizes–5 oz and 11 oz. A variety of colors are available, but I highly recommend sticking with the plain Natural stainless steel. In our experience, painted stainless steel does not hold up well. The paint will chip, making your cup look unsightly and possibly threatening your child who could ingest the paint chips.
If you want to add color to your bottles, invest in silicone sleeves.
See #6 below for another really cool feature of Pura Kiki’s stainless steel bottles…
Baby Bro has used this Pura Kiki Water Bottle as a sippy cup for a few months now, and we LOVE it.
- UPDATE: This water bottle is still going strong after a year and a half. We still love it!
- ANOTHER UPDATE: We converted this sippy bottle to a water bottle and my youngest still uses it every day at age five.
Here’s why:
- nontoxic stainless steel
- user-friendly silicone spout
- easy to clean
- lightweight (unlike glass)
- mostly leak proof
- compatible with Avent sippy spouts and handles
- adaptable, grows with your child — bottle to sippy cup to snack container or water bottle
We’ve loved our Pura Kiki Water Bottle so much that I recently ordered a second 11 oz bottle and two 5 oz bottles. We’ll add sippy spouts to the 5 oz bottles and use them for Baby Bro’s milk at meal times. Having two of each size will allow us to wash one while the other is in use.
Check this out–In my opinion, it’s a major selling feature for these stainless steel bottles. The spouts can be replaced with silicone disks, effectively turning the bottles into snack containers (or water-tight bottles for older kids). How cool is that!?
Nontoxic versions of formerly plastic baby feeding gear can get pricey. When a baby item serves a useful function after baby outgrows it, the cost becomes much more effective, don’t you agree?
I hesitated to buy the 5 oz size bottles. I knew they would be so useful right now, while Baby Bro is a toddler. But then what? When I found out we could replace the spouts with flat lids and use the bottles as nontoxic snack containers, I was sold. We needed lightweight, nontoxic snack containers anyway!
Again, most of our toddler utensils involved plastic. Baby Bro is currently 13 months old, so he’s not quite using his own utensils yet. But this stainless steel set by Panda Babies has worked really well even for baby food. Plus, it comes with a baby spoon!
My brother and sister-in-law gifted this stainless steel snack cup to Baby Bro for his first birthday. We’ve used it several times in the past month and I really like it. UPDATE: Baby Bro is now two, and we’ve used the fire out of this snack cup. I still highly recommend it!
The solid lid makes it perfect for transporting and protecting bite sized pieces of squishy baby-friendly foods like fruit and vegetables.
Soon Baby Bro will be ready to use the lid with slits…it could get messy this time around, with real food instead of processed snacks!
This stainless steel snack cup comes in a variety of colors, but once again I recommend sticking with the plain, non-painted version (pictured above with an orange lid).
Update: Since I first published this post, another great option has become available: Munchkin Stainless Steel Snack Catcher.
This fun little snack container is on the bonus list because I haven’t actually tested it out yet. But we’ve got a whole slew of awesome stainless steel containers from LunchBots and we’ve loved every one–they’re awesome. I’m sure this new smaller size is equally fantastic, and it also comes in a divided Duo version.
UPDATE: We’ve used the Pico and Pico Duo for six months+. Such a handy size, for both Baby Bro (now two) and general food and snack transporting.
Again, we haven’t tried these fun little leak proof round containers yet, but I’ve had my eye on them for quite a while. As I mentioned, we love LunchBots snack containers here at the Yankee Homestead and use them All. The. Time. I’m thinking these would be just right for transporting leaky, drippy foods for Baby Bro…
UPDATE: We have these rounds now, too, and love them! They’re leak proof and the perfect size for crackers, fruit, chocolate, and so much more.
Check out 14 Ways to Pack a LunchBots.
Okay, these we have tried, but with mixed results…
These little mesh feeders are awesome for when baby can hold something in his hand, but isn’t yet able to pick up pieces of food to feed himself.
Here’s the concept: You stick a fairly soft food–like banana, avodaco, ripe pear–in the little mesh bag and screw on the handle. Baby holds the handle and sucks food from the mesh bag.
What I liked:
- Our entire family could eat dinner at the same time, with no screaming! These little feeders effectively occupied Baby Bro while Mom and Dad scarfed down their dinners. He got to eat, we got to eat. In my opinion, definitely worth the $8 we paid.
- He really did get to eat–it’s kind of amazing how a baby will suck food out of these little mesh bags.
- This is one item I didn’t research extensively, but I’m pretty sure the mesh bags are less toxic than other plastic feeders out there.
What I didn’t like:
- The little mesh bags are kind of a pain to clean. While dishwasher safe, they still require hand cleaning to remove all the little particles of food.
- The mesh bags get stained. Not a huge deal.
- No future usefulness for these little feeders, as far as I can tell. But again, a peaceful dinnertime with a hungry baby is quite possibly worth the price of an item you’ll never use again….
Note: We used this set of mesh feeders, but this looks like a good option too.
And there you have it! My carefully chosen round up of nontoxic baby feeding gear.
Which nontoxic baby feeding items would you add to this list?
Baby Feeder -
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How to choose the right shoes for a child, the secrets of choosing
The child's foot grows rapidly, in the process of growth, its formation takes place. The health of the entire musculoskeletal system in adulthood depends on the condition of the feet. Properly selected shoes can avoid serious problems in the future. That is why it is so important to seriously approach the choice of children's shoes.
Formation of the child's foot
It is customary to single out several stages in the first years of a child's life.
- Up to 12 months. As a rule, children under one year old do not walk. At the age of 8-10 months they learn to stand at the support. There is no great load on the foot, the arch is not formed, the big toe is more mobile than in adults.
- 1-3 years. The baby learns to walk, the feet receive a load in the form of body weight. Muscles and ligaments are strengthened, the formation of the arch begins. Feet remain flat - and this is the norm.
- 3-8 years. The period of active growth and formation of the feet. There is a strengthening of the muscles, the manifestation of the arch.
At this stage, it is recommended to visit an orthopedic doctor to make sure that the development is proceeding correctly. If necessary, the doctor will suggest ways to correct the feet.
At what age does a child need shoes? The question of choosing the first pair arises with the first steps of the baby. This usually happens at the age of 10-12 months. For younger children, soft slippers or socks are enough. They perform a rather decorative function and, of course, protect from the cold.
To correctly determine the size, you will need a piece of paper, a pencil and a centimeter tape.
Invite the child to stand on a sheet and circle both feet. Measure the distance from the tip of your thumb to your heel. Sometimes the length of the left and right feet may differ slightly - this is normal. Take into account the higher figure. Record the measurement result in millimeters. As a rule, shoe manufacturers have their own size chart. Before buying, study this information, it will help you choose the right pair. For a growing foot, it is better to take a size with a margin. This is especially true of warm shoes designed for the winter.
It is optimal to purchase boots, including winter ones, with a margin of 1 cm. A pair that is too large is just as harmful as too small.
To understand that the size of the sandals is chosen correctly, see if the arch support matches the arch of the foot. If the arch support is not under the arch, and the leg moves too freely - the shoes are large, the margin exceeds 1-1.5 cm. If the position of the arch support is incorrect, while the child's fingers are tucked in - the shoes are small. If the baby complains of pain or you find calluses on your feet, then, of course, the size is chosen incorrectly.
It will be more difficult with a closed pair, but there is a way.
Remove the insole from the boot and invite the baby to stand on it. Set your heel in the correct position and look at the arch support again. Also pay attention to where the toes are, whether they protrude beyond the insole. If the insole does not come out, trace the child's foot on paper. Place the resulting "trace" in the boot and evaluate its position.
In addition, you can use a well-known method. When the child is standing, try to feel where the baby's toes are relative to the toe of the boot.
Remember that too big and too small pair of winter shoes are bad for children's feet! In tight shoes, blood circulation is disturbed, and in too large shoes, the leg is not fixed properly.
Common mistakes made when choosing
With toddlers, it is difficult to go to the shoe store to try on. Of course, an online store can come to the rescue. Often parents try to determine the size by eye, but they do not always succeed. How to choose shoes for a child? Consider the mistakes that adults make when buying.
- They try on shoes for the baby when he lies or sits. It is necessary to evaluate the size in a standing position, since the foot, when the entire body weight is transferred to it, lengthens to 3-6 mm.
- Measure the foot with a measuring tape. It will be correct to circle the foot on paper, holding the pencil strictly vertically. The child must be standing.
- They try to determine the size margin by placing the index finger between the baby's heel and the back of the boot. Thus, you put pressure on the foot, and it moves forward, while the fingers are drawn in.
Recommendations for choosing winter shoes
When buying children's shoes, you should consider the age, season, purpose of the pair, as well as the preferences of the child. Consider the main parameters that you should pay attention to, and learn how to choose the right one.
For a long time, genuine leather was considered the most comfortable, durable and the right material for children. It really is. It is flexible, durable, "breathes", retains heat, removes moisture. Over time, leather shoes take the shape of its owner's foot, which is very convenient. But for this reason, you should not wear a pair of genuine leather for other children.
To date, many synthetic materials have been developed that are not inferior to the skin in their properties. The so-called high-tech materials, including membrane shoes. This pair is lightweight, strong and durable. The boots do not get wet, while they "breathe" and perfectly keep warm. Manufacturers actively use such materials for the manufacture of winter and demi-season products. Some modern shoes can withstand temperatures down to minus 35 degrees, the foot in it will not freeze even during long walks.
The textiles are good too. Jeans or linen are comfortable for children's feet. Shoes made of such materials are soft and light, but they are suitable only for the summer season. In addition, textiles quickly become dirty and wear out.
Various leather substitutes, plastic that "does not breathe", other cheap materials are not suitable for a child's foot. Try to avoid them.
Speaking about the form, we mean parts of the shoe: heel, toe, instep, sole, fasteners. Consider each element in more detail to pick up shoes.
The task of the back is to fix the ankle. It should be closed and rigid so that the child's heel occupies the correct position and does not collapse. Open heel shoes are not recommended for children under 5 years of age. Sandals with thin straps can be used for short periods, for example at the beach.
As a rule, the back is made of whole genuine leather - a flexible, at the same time durable material. Quality manufacturers, as a rule, comply with this condition.
The opinions of experts regarding the supinator differ. Currently, orthopedists are inclined to believe that preschool children do not need it. The exception is situations when the foot is formed incorrectly. Then the doctor will help you choose orthopedic shoes.
In other cases, the supinator can do harm. It overly fixes the arch, as a result of which the muscles of the foot do not train. In addition, ideally, the arch support should be located clearly under the arch, which means that the shoes should fit perfectly on the foot. Given the rapid growth of the baby, this can be difficult to achieve.
Must be flexible, durable, non-slip.
Currently, the sole is made from rubber, synthetic or natural rubber, polyurethane. These options are the most preferred. The plastic sole is not flexible enough and also freezes at low temperatures - it is best to avoid it.
Slip protection is provided by the applied relief. Cushioning inserts protect the foot while jumping and running.
Remember these rules to choose the right shoes for your child.
A child's foot differs from an adult's in the arrangement of the toes. They are quite wide apart from each other, so the toe should be free. The wide rounded nose does not interfere with blood circulation and does not deform the foot. In the right shoes, the big toe does not rest against the toe. Make sure the baby can move his fingers.
For the first steps, orthopedists recommend shoes with a closed toe. It is very important to choose them correctly.
Usually children's shoes and sandals are made with Velcro fasteners. It is convenient to put on such shoes, over time the child learns to do it on his own.
The metal clasps are a bit more difficult to use, but still provide a good hold.
The laces provide an optimal fit to the leg, but this is where their advantages end. Children will be able to cope with the laces on their own only closer to 7 years, so the clasps are more convenient.
In addition to size, completeness is an important parameter. Children, like adults, can have a wide or narrow foot, a full or thin shin, and a high instep.
Velcro sandals are easy to adjust to your foot, but with other shoes you need to consider the following:
- If during the fitting in the store the foot hardly enters the boot, you should refuse such a model.
- If the leg feels too loose, "dangling", this is also not your option.
A large or small pair can rub, cause discomfort, interfere with the development of the foot. It is important to choose the right size and completeness.
Children's shoes should be light. It is especially important that the first pair has a minimum weight. When the baby is just learning to walk, nothing should stop him.
For older children, it is also better to choose lighter boots. Sports, beach and other summer shoes should have a minimum mass. Winter boots made of genuine leather with embossed soles will be heavier. But modern shoes made of high-tech materials are very light.
The concept of security includes many parameters.
- Material. The use of high-quality materials, hypoallergenic dyes is a mandatory requirement for children's shoes, both in winter and in summer. The foot must "breathe" and be protected from moisture.
- Correct form. Compliance with the requirements for the shape of shoes will avoid calluses and deformation of the foot.
- Availability of a quality certificate. Give preference to trusted manufacturers that guarantee product quality.
Brands worth knowing
There are brands that many parents trust. They have been on the market for a long time and have proven themselves from the best side. These include the main domestic shoe manufacturers: Zebra, Kakadu, Kotofey. Global brands: Nike, Reima and others.
Our store also features some of the best manufacturers for children. The main thing is to decide what you like and choose shoes for your child.
Jog Dog
The company, producing winter shoes, uses high-tech Biometex membrane material and three-layer insulation.
Biometex (Biological Membrane Textile) is a closed hydrophilic (vapor permeable) system with 100% water repellency and wind resistance, similar to skin in its characteristics. The footwear withstands temperatures down to -25°C and is characterized by increased durability.
By studying the anatomical features of the foot, Jog Dog designed a sole that mimics walking barefoot. She is so comfortable!
The brand is famous for boots and boots for bad weather, but regularly releases sneakers, slip-ons and even sandals. The children's Jog Dog collection is beautiful, light and warm models. Suitable even for long walks on a winter day.
The company manufactures products only from natural materials: textiles, leather. The elastic sole is made of natural rubber. There is everything in the children's collection: from boots for the first steps, to stylish sneakers and winter boots. The child's foot in Kickers feels as comfortable as possible.
The Woden brand prefers minimalistic design and simple clean lines, because we believe that beauty is hidden in the little things. At the same time, designers try to bring all seasonal trends into each new collection.
Manufacturers pay great attention not only to appearance, Woden shoes are incredibly comfortable. The company has developed a dual-density PU midsole and a super-soft PU insole that provides all-day comfort. Here you will find stylish sneakers and boots for boys and girls.
It's just a dream of all girls. Bright sandals and shoes made of plastic with the scent of fruits and sweets. Plastic from Melissa is lightweight, durable, hypoallergenic. The shoes have no seams, fit perfectly on the foot and smell great.
Emu Australia
Cool ugg boots made of genuine leather and merino sheep wool. They are distinguished by bright design, frost resistance and comfort.
What shoes to prefer - you decide.
How to care for winter boots
In order for children's shoes not to lose their properties throughout the entire service life, they must be properly looked after.
Skin can be cleaned of dirt with a damp cloth. After drying, the cream is applied. When the cream is absorbed, it is necessary to remove its excess, and then polish to a shine.
A special brush is used for cleaning products made of fleecy material. After removing the dirt, a protective spray is applied to the shoes.
Textiles are not easy to clean. In the presence of strong pollution, sneakers or sneakers can be washed in the machine on a special mode.
It is not recommended to dry any shoes near heaters. It is better to wait for drying in a natural way - in the air.
To summarize
Good children's shoes should be sought from trusted manufacturers. Here you can be sure of safety and comfort.
It is necessary to select the first pair of the baby especially carefully, but subsequent acquisitions should also be considered. After all, high-quality shoes are the guarantee of a child’s health. And wearing the wrong shoes leads to problems with the entire musculoskeletal system.
When can I give juice to a baby? Expert advice
April 26, 2019
Author: Pampik
When can I give juice to a baby? What juices can be given to children under one year old? At what age can juice be given to children? You will find answers to these questions in the article on the blog of the children's online store
The first feeding of the baby is an important step in the development of the baby
Many parents are concerned about the time when they can start giving the first feeding. Another important knowledge is what exactly is included in this first complementary food. The problem is mainly that the advice contradicts itself. More recently, it was believed that juice should be given almost immediately, from the first days of life. And, accordingly, our mothers, following the guidance of Soviet pediatricians, gave us juice. Everything would be fine, but later it turned out that most people with such a diet have stomach problems in adulthood. So it's really not possible. This advice, alas, is hopelessly outdated by several generations.
The best first food is porridge. Porridge is followed by single-component vegetable purees, then multi-component purees, then meat and fish. And after the child confidently eats mashed potatoes - that is, starting from four months, or even more, you can give juice.
Should I give juice to my baby? Is it too allergenic for the baby?
Of course, juices are a great variety for a children's menu. They are tasty, they are healthy, they introduce kids to new tastes and have a lot of vitamins. Moreover - since they are liquid, they are much easier to introduce into the diet.
But there are also disadvantages. Yes, juices can and should be administered up to a year, but not earlier than six months. In principle, the later, the better, to some extent. There is no particular controversy about this. Starting from six months, the child's gastrointestinal tract is properly formed. Babies over six months old can safely digest foods other than breast milk or infant formula. If you enter the juice earlier, a variety of unpleasant consequences are possible: from allergies to indigestion. Therefore, when introducing juices, you should follow the recommendations of the pediatrician and take your time.
Juicy variety: what juice flavors are best for a child?
Of course, there are fruit and vegetable juices. Carrot, tomato and pumpkin are confidently leading among vegetable juices. True, with vegetable juices it is usually wildly difficult. Finding a pumpkin even among juices for adults is not very realistic. Carrots are simpler, even in a single-component form, a tomato is even simpler. Among juices for adults, of course, you can also find beetroot juice. But it is most similar to borscht, and it is too early to give it to a child. Even if the baby is already eating beetroot.
But in addition, they are also divided into juices with pulp and clarified. Most parents perfectly imagine what juices with pulp are - at least in their school days. But, despite the appearance, juices with pulp are also more useful. Each juice is a source of vitamins.
Traditionally, the introduction of juice begins with clarified apple juice. It is the least allergenic among all. If you look at the vitamins, then each type of juice contains useful substances. Let's take a closer look:
- Apple. Apple juice, in addition to better digestibility, contains iron and vitamin C. A big plus of vitamin C is that it helps develop immunity. In turn, this reduces the possibility of catching a whole host of unpleasant infections, ranging from colds to sore throats.
In addition to the apple, pomegranate and kiwi also contain iron. But neither one nor the other to give the child in the near future is undesirable.
- Apricot and peach juices. They contain beta-carotene, just like carrots. But if carrots are not to the taste of all children, then fruit juices are much tastier. Beta-carotene affects hair growth, strong bones, healthy teeth and gums. By the way, peach and apricot can be replaced with pumpkin juice. And if mom or baby is a fan of Harry Potter, drinking juice becomes much more interesting. You can not only try to nurture an interest in juice in a child, but also say that they drink this juice at the school of magic, and grow up to be strong and beautiful wizards. Even if the child is too small to understand, it never hurts to cheer yourself up. Apricots also contain potassium, which is responsible for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system.
- Pumpkin. In addition to beta-carotene, it also pleases with B vitamins.
They are responsible for the proper development of the body and the functioning of the circulatory, respiratory and nervous systems.
It should also be taken into account that some juices can also affect the functioning of the stomach. For example, the same pomegranate and pear juices save from loose stools. But apricot, peach and plum successfully fight constipation. The same, by the way, applies to fruits of the same name, so be vigilant and careful.
In line! The order of introducing juices into complementary foods
Of course, in relation to juices, another question arises - when to introduce, and in what order. The first step is to consult a pediatrician. Babies drink exclusively mother's milk or formula. The newborn can be fed only milk or, if the infant is lactose intolerant, a lactose-free formula. No need to try to dilute the mixture with juice - this will not lead to anything good.
As already mentioned, it is better to start with clarified apple juice. Immediately after the apple, you can enter the apple with pulp. In general, any juices with pulp should be administered only after clarified ones. So the chance of getting an allergy or indigestion is much less.
The further order of the queue is simple:
- Following the apple, you can enter the juice of a plum, banana, pear or prunes. You can choose the order according to your taste. The only caveat is that only one juice should be introduced in one day. Then you need to wait a bit - what will be the reaction of the child. If the baby gives out an absolutely normal reaction, do not rush to immediately give the baby the next look. Wait a while. Naturally, juices already introduced into the diet can be given without problems. But only between feedings, observing the interval. Also, do not give several juices at once. Another important nuance is that when giving juice to a child, you need to start with a small spoon. If everything is good, you can increase the amount, if not, you need to slow down.
- Berry juices are next. It can be blackcurrant, strawberry, raspberry. As with the previous ones, you first need to enter the juices one at a time. If there is no allergy - you can continue. A mixture of juices in this case is dangerous only because if an allergy starts, it is difficult to understand which particular component caused it.
- Last but not least, you can enter juices from citrus fruits and any other fruits that do not grow in your latitudes. This usually happens after the child is one year old. Naturally, if you do not live in Ukraine, but, for example, in Israel, then the procedure for introducing juices will be completely different. Of course, if your pregnancy also took place in Israel.
- Grape juice is an exception. It should be administered no earlier than five or even six years, because it wanders slightly, and periodically does this in the stomach.
Recommendations for the introduction of juices
Although most parents use the services of pediatricians, young mothers and fathers can simply forget about some questions. Especially if the child is the first. Therefore, provides useful tips. By reading the blog, you will find out what else is worth paying attention to.
So, what do we recommend for the introduction of juices:
- Do not give your baby more than the amount of juice recommended by the pediatrician. Even if he asks. The fact is that getting used to new varieties of food should occur gradually. Here it is important to observe the exact dosage and increase the amount little by little.
- Despite the many recommendations on the sites, let's juice undiluted. If you buy a special children's juice, the vitamins and nutrients in it are balanced. When juice is diluted with water, most of the nutrients are lost. And the possibility of an allergy does not disappear.
- It is not necessary to give the crumb juice intended for adults or squeezed out by oneself. Such juices do not have a balanced composition; often they are acidic. And the original product is not a fact that is really suitable for the baby.
When you buy juice specially made for children, you know for sure that every step in the production of the product is under strict control. Both the original raw materials and the production process, along with sterility, are monitored.
- Tracking allergies and other strange reactions is easy. Pay attention to the behavior of the child, to his stool, and to the skin. If rashes appeared on the skin, something went wrong.
- Juice should not be introduced before you have introduced the first complementary foods. If you are thinking about how to introduce complementary foods, and how to accurately determine the timing of the introduction of complementary foods, everything is simple.
The first weaning is a rather simple thing. If the child stops getting enough milk or formula, his weight almost doubles, he confidently sits on a chair and tries to steal a piece of food from under your nose - he is ready.
Rating of juices: what you can choose
If you buy juices in bulk, immediately calculate how much you need per month. And, of course, in this case, the Pampik online store will come to your aid.
So what can you choose from?
- Hipp. A company that almost everyone knows about. The price of this juice is not cheap, but the Hungarian manufacturer promises low allergenicity and a completely organic product. Sold in small glass jars of 200 ml. Among the most common options you can find apple, carrot, plum, as well as various apple-fruit mixtures.
- Sadochok. These juices are enjoyed by many Ukrainian children and adults. Sold both individually and in small packs of 5-6 pieces. In the line of juices, you can find almost any taste of Ukrainian fruits. Most often, apple and derivatives are found in stores.
- Agusha. There are small tetrapacks and a very favorable price. True, the line of flavors is rather strange: from pure juices, it is easiest to find only apple and pear. Everything else, alas, is a mixture with the same apple, such as an apple-peach or an apple-banana.
- Bambolina. This is a Belarusian company, which is distinguished, first of all, by a variety of tastes. Juices mostly with pulp, packaging - 200 ml tetra packs. But among the flavors you can find an apple with blueberries, an apple with blueberries, an apple with rose hips - and much more.
- Miracle Child. Another popular juice brand. It is produced by the Odessa plant, in the abbreviation OKZD. The juice is supplied in 0.2 liter tetra packs, and almost all of it contains pulp. But in the line, both fruit and vegetable flavors coexist.
- Fleur Alpine, The Netherlands. This brand claims that its juices are hypoallergenic. At the moment, a jar of juice from Fleur Alpin is the most expensive in Ukraine. There are few flavors, some are mixed, but in general this is one of the most interesting lines.
- Spoon in the palm of your hand. Another Belarusian brand in tetra packs. Tastes are standard, price is average.
- Peanut.
Quite an interesting flavor line; you can even find a pumpkin. And it's not so easy for adult juices. Packed in a tetrapack, there are both pure juices and pulp. The cost is very affordable.
- Bebivita. Another Hungarian company. It costs less than Hipp, it is sold in jars in the same way. Among the flavors stand out apple, peach and a mixture of apple and pear.
- Marmaluzi. Lithuanian brand, very cozy design, reminiscent of grandmother's fairy tale jam. The shelf life of an open jar is one day. The line of flavors contains an apple and a lot of apple-berry mixtures. For example, apple-sea buckthorn or apple with chokeberry.
- Gerber, Poland. Tastes are included in the basic complementary foods with juices. The cost is quite low, in the line there are also vegetable flavors.
Always consult your pediatrician before drinking any juice, regardless of brand. Some juices are recommended to be taken from four months, some - from six.