Baby impatient for food
IMPATIENT Eater! - Mamapedia™
Updated on September 26, 2008
A.W. asks from Grand Junction, CO
15 answers
DS is 7 1/2 months now. He is an absolute JOY! He is rarely fussy- only when tired or hungry. He has been on solids for about 2 1/2 months now. When he eats solids it's like we can't shovel it in fast enough! He slaps the tray and grabs at the food and gets VERY upset if we have to scrape the bowl or open a new jar of food. As soon as the spoon is in his mouth, the crying stops immediately. I feel bad feeding him in public-- like people are going to think we starve him or something! I have never seen such an impatient eater. MIL makes comments about spoiling him by letting him do this...Does anyone else have this problem?!
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answers from Boise on
My daughter was like this. She got to where she was so demanding that I would give her bite sized finger foods before I would even attempt babyfood. This way she could be feeding herself while waiting for me to spoon her food if I wasn't fast enough. This passed once she realized that the food wasn't going to suddenly just end and she would be able to get full off of solids everyday. Good Luck!
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answers from Denver on
First of all, I'm gonna tell you the best advice I've ever gotten, and I got it from my MIL. Take advice (even what I'm writing now) with a grain of salt, thank the person, and then do whatever you want to do and what feels right to you in the first place. If the person gets their feelings hurt, explain to them that it is YOUR child and you need to raise him/her the way you see fit. He's 7 1/2 mos, what does she think you're supposed to do about him being an excited eater? You can't really discipline a baby of that age. And why would you want to, my kids both did that same thing at that age, its perfectly NORMAL. Kids by nature are demanding and selfish, just go about your preparation, ignore his behavior, and one day (sooner than you think) he'll stop whining and throwing fits because he sees it does no good. I'm definatly not saying taking this approach when he gets older, however you can't give an infant a time out and he definatly wont understand you taking his stuff away. MIL's tend to butt in and so do our own mothers at times. You need to decide what you are willing to listen to, and sometimes you're gonna have to tell them to back off (even though its really hard).
I got into a huge fight with my MIL and told her to back off. My kids are happy, healthy, and extremly well-behaved, so she has no reason to say anything about my parenting. Please trust your mommy instinct, you know better than anyone about your child. He's normal and sounds like a wonderful baby! Good luck!
answers from Boise on
My son was like that. He was always an enthusiastic eater; from nursing to solids. He would cry and act like it was killing him to have a three second delay in the food input! It was sort of funny but I remember feeling awkward in public. Your MIL is being silly; you are not spoiling him. I would give my son one of those baby cracker things (the kind that don't break off easily and last for a long time) and he could put that into his mouth in between bites. It didn't always help though. The good news - he out grew it. He was soooooo happy when he could finally feed himself.
answers from Denver on
Give him soft finger foods to keep him busy. Cheerios are great! Just something to put in his mouth to keep him busy.
C. B
answers from Boise on
We had that with all of our kids. I think it's a phase they go through. Something new and tasty and they want more of it. Just talk with him while you are feeding him and know that it'll pass.
answers from Pocatello on
I hear you! My son (now 15 months) was the same way. He loves food! I found that once he got teeth I could give him small finger foods to feed himself as I was feeding him the messy stuff! Bananas, bread, rice, etc. Anything soft or that melted easily.

answers from Salt Lake City on
my son's a bit like that. what we do is give him some finger foods he likes, or foods he can eat with his fingers: squash, carrots, bread, pieces of fruit... while he eats i give him bites of his "spoon food"
answers from Denver on
Most kids are like this, my son certainly was. It is important to teach him to slow down though, let him self feed whenever you can and only give him small portions at a time.
Do no worry about anyone else and what they think, if they have ever had kids I am sure they understand! And if they don't their problem not yours. Eating too fast fills him up quickly and will give him a belly ache for sure, not to mention not help with more solid things and he could choke. Have him slow down a bit, talk to him softly and feed him at a slower pace.
Think of giving him small healthy snacks in between meals too so he isn't too overly hungry, teething biscuits, yogurt, cubed cheese, diced eggs or anything portable like cheerios or something.
Do not worry, it is normal. Let him get upset, don't overly rush so he isn't totally running the show either. Teach him patience (hard job with babies) and he will be fine. Very normal!
answers from Provo on
My sister was like that. She earned the name "hornet" because of her impatient eating habits. My son had similar, but slightly milder habits.
The best solution that we found - I don't know if you can even get these anymore. It has been more than a few years and times have changed - was to get a feeder that looked like a big hypodermic needle with a bottle nipple on one end. We put the food into the tube, put on the end, and she could just suck the food out of the nipple without having to wait for us to spoon it into her mouth. We could even successfully feed her in church with this device.
I hope these are still available. I don't know how we would have survived Jennifer's "table manners" otherwise.
answers from Denver on
You might try giving him his own baby spoon (the short kind with a loop for a handle or one of the 'dippers' by Gerber). So he has something of a distraction and he can dip into his own bowl of food (just get a bowl that suctions to the high chair).
answers from Pocatello on
I have the same problem. Looking forward to hearing more responses on this topic. My son just acts like we never feed him and really freaks out if we don't feed him quickly enough. I haven't found anything he doesn't like. He is such a great eater if we feed him fast enough.

answers from Boise on
i have a 7 1/2 month baby girl that is the same way. i can't nurse her in public because she's so impatient that she gets so wound up and it makes it 100 times harder to even nurse her. my milk has a slow let down and it TICKS HER OFF! as for the solids, i just shovel it in as fast as i can... can't go faster than that!
yeah, i don't really know what to tell you... are they old enough for finger foods??? just know that there are others out there too with "starving, spoiled, whatever else" sweet babies.
answers from Salt Lake City on
my baby twins do this as well. I take it as them saying, "hey we're not through here!" They can't communicate (even though I am trying to teach them sign lang.) So this is just the babies way of saying they are hungry. If they aren't hungry any more they don't cry when I put the bowl down.
answers from Boise on
Have you tried giving him some finger foods while you are trying to feed him? He should be able to handle some banana's and avocados, diced up, if your real daring you can offer some cheerios, some parents are some aren't, but they disolve very quickly. Maybe he is hungry and bored. Just a thought!
answers from Missoula on
I had this same issue with my first son. I decided boys just are not so great at communicating. The best book ever is the baby whisperer by a british gal, Tracy Hogg, I think. She explains how babies have little clues they give on when they are getting hungry. I realized eventually that sometimes my son would skip some of these cues and that I should not be waiting for him to be obviously hungry because in baby time by then they are starving! It may only be a difference of 5 min but I had to learn to anticipate early when my son was hungry and just how hungry because once he realized he was there was just no wait time it had to be now. No time to even warm a bottle or the mix the cereal. Don't worry though, he will grow out of it a little and later when you can toss him a few crackers to nibble on it gets easier.
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5 Signs a Baby is Hungry or Full
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5 Signs a Baby is Hungry or Full When Eating Solids
As your baby begins eating solid foods, you may find yourself with all sorts of questions: When they push the spoon away, does it mean that they’re full or that they don’t like mashed peas? Will feeding them a few extra bites keep them from getting hungry before morning? Can that same subtle encouragement lead to overeating?
Follow your baby’s cuesWhat every parent should know is that babies have terrific built-in systems for gauging when they need food and when they’ve had enough. If you let your child follow the cues of their natural appetite, they’ll eat what they need to fuel their growth and development without overdoing it.
While your baby’s appetite can vary from day to day, it’s best to stick to a general schedule for offering meals and snacks. If they pick at their food or mostly ignores a meal, don’t force them to eat, as they’ll likely make up for it at the next meal or the next day. There are some common signs a baby is hungry or full that you can pick up on.
Signs a Baby Is HungryHere are 5 typical signs a baby is hungry that you can watch for in your little one. You definitely want to make sure your baby is getting enough to eat and feeling comfortably full.
- Opening their hands, opening their mouth.
- Reaching for a spoon.
- Pointing to food.
- Acting excited when food is served.
- Using words or gestures to communicate readiness to eat.
Opening their hands, opening their mouth.
A hungry baby is an eager one. If you make an exaggerated expression with your eyes and mouth wide open as you bring a spoonful of food toward your baby, they’re especially likely to imitate you and eat willingly.
Reaching for a spoon.
Not only does your bright baby want to do everything that you do, like master holding that spoon, but they know from experience what’s in the spoon. And when they’re hungry, they want it right now.
Pointing to food.
Gesturing is a key way your baby communicates before they’re able to say words like “applesauce!” or “cracker!”
Acting excited when food is served.
Your baby associates food with the happy feeling of having their hunger satisfied. So when food appears and they’re hungry for it, they may wave their arms, kick their legs, and smile at the sight of it. This is a simple, easy way to tell when a baby is hungry.
Using words or gestures to communicate readiness to eat.
By about 10 months, your baby may make sounds to express hunger—“ba ba!” for bottle, for example, or mmm sounds! They may point to their high-chair tray or to their mouth when they see the food. This action lets you know right where they want it to go.
Here are 5 common signs a baby is full and doesn't want to eat any more. It's important your baby gets enough to eat, but it's also important you don't force them to eat too much.
- Closing their mouth and refusing to open it.
- Turning their head away.
- Slowing the pace of feeding.
- Pushing food away.
- Shaking head.
Closing their mouth and refusing to open it.
Whether the food is liquid or solid, if their lips are clamped, it’s a sure sign that your baby isn’t interested in having more of it.
Turning their head away.
A baby who isn’t self-feeding yet will turn away from an approaching spoon when they’re full, and it is an easy sign a baby is full.
Slowing the pace of feeding.
At the start of a meal, your hungry baby will polish off the small portions you provide and eagerly accept more. By the end of a meal, though, they may not finish what you give them. They may dawdle more, and less food will actually make it into their mouth.
Pushing food away.
When your child has had enough, they may ignore the food completely or start to play with it. If it winds up in their hair, smeared all over their high-chair tray, or on the floor, these are pretty reliable signs that they have eaten enough.
Shaking head.
Older babies and toddlers may gesture emphatically to make their desires known, especially when their answer is “no!” It’s not always easy to know whether your child is expressing dislike of a particular food or if they’re just full. But if they show other signs of disinterest, and if they’re refusing what’s normally a favorite, chances are good that they’ve had enough and are ready to move on to the next activity.
Deciphering your baby’s wants and needs when eating solids can be tough at first but follow their cues and you’ll soon know all the tricks. Looking for more tips on which solid foods to get your baby started on? Get some finger food ideas.
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Memo for parents. hyperactive child.
Memo for parents. hyperactive child.
An active or excitable child is not always a hyperactive child. If a child is stubborn, rebellious and impatient, gives off his energy and boredom, or behaves like a groovy one, you do not need to diagnose him with "hyperactivity" yourself. Only a doctor can determine this diagnosis. There are a number of symptoms that the doctor pays special attention to during the examination. Almost always, these symptoms appear before the age of 7 years, but the average age of visiting a doctor is 8-9 years.years. The reason for this is the increased requirements for independence, concentration and purposefulness, as well as the need to follow a regimen that is quite difficult for such children to follow at school. At an earlier age, the diagnosis is usually not made at the first visit, they wait several months, during which the symptoms should persist. To make a diagnosis, the doctor usually recommends an additional medical examination - EEG, ECHO-EG or ultrasound.
Things to watch out for:
- Restless movements: the child constantly turns and does not sit still. The movements are concentrated in the feet and hands.
- The child cannot sit in one place for a long time (for example, he gets up in the classroom at the lesson).
- In situations where it is not appropriate, shows aimless motor activity (climbs where it is not necessary, runs, spins on the spot, etc.).
- Cannot remain quiet and calm while playing alone.
- Chatting non-stop.
- Answers a question without listening to the end.
- Can constantly interrupt and interfere in the conversation of adults, interfere with other children's play or study in the classroom, distract all the time.
- The behavior described above occurs both at home and in the garden or school.
- This behavior has been observed for more than 6 months.
If a child has more than 6 of the symptoms listed, it is worth contacting a doctor for advice.
How to behave and what rules should be followed when communicating with a child if the diagnosis is confirmed?
Recommendations for parents from specialists:
- Clear daily routine.
- Balanced diet (eliminate chocolate, sweets, lemonade, cakes, cakes, canned food, dry sausages). It is necessary to adjust the diet taking into account the biorhythms of the child. It is important to exclude snacks and divide the meal into 6 parts: breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner and dream book - warm milk. Do not overload with food, do not force to eat to the end. Adhere to the principle of "bad breakfast, have a good lunch."
- Daytime sleep. Even at primary school age, a child definitely needs daytime sleep. Sleep duration is 2 to 4 hours.
- Going to bed must be accompanied by an obligatory ritual. Before going to bed, it is recommended to take a warm bath with soothing herbs. Even in cold weather, try to bathe your child in the tub, not in the shower! Bathe the child at least 2 times a day for 5-15 minutes. The water is soothing.
- While the child falls asleep, sit next to him, read a story to him, stroke his hand, put his favorite toy next to him at night. Give your child a relaxing massage before bed, it can be simple strokes. Tactile contact is important for a child.
- Allocate time in the schedule for mandatory walks (the maximum allowed time within the mode). You need to walk in any weather, staying in the fresh air improves brain performance. On the street, the child needs to be given maximum freedom, taking into account safety (running, jumping, getting dirty, walking through puddles and knocking on poles with a stick), so that the accumulated energy has an outlet.
- Clarify what time of day is best to interact with the child - in the morning, afternoon or evening.
- In the schedule, active and quiet activities should replace each other with a frequency of 15-30 minutes. The only exception is sleep. Working time with such children is 10-15 minutes.
- Every 10 minutes you need to temporarily release the child from work: switch from mental activity to active to relieve the accumulated stress.
- It is good to use external stimuli as a signal that it is time to change activities (for example, an alarm clock).
- Rituals are very important for such children.
- Exclude physical punishment from the educational process. If necessary, use the following methods in stages: warning, ignoring, timeout, "quiet place" - sitting quietly in a certain place after performing an act.
- Praise your child more often, and vice versa, try not to pay attention to minor violations of discipline. A hyperactive child does not perceive reprimands and punishments, but is very sensitive to praise.
- Keep a diary of self-control.
Lead it along with the child, so that the child himself or together with the parent can evaluate his behavior. Develop a rating system - a sign or numbers.
- Think of a reward system for a job well done and a punishment for bad behavior.
- Make a list of your child's responsibilities and hang it on the wall. Gradually expand the scope of responsibilities, having previously discussed them with the child.
- It is impossible for a child to postpone their tasks, transfer them to another time. Eliminate assignments that do not correspond to his age, abilities and level of development. Requirements must be adequate to its capabilities.
- Help the child at the beginning of the task. Getting started is the hardest part for him!
- Multiple instructions cannot be given at the same time.
- Instructions should be short and clear.
- Interactions must be built only through action.
- Hyperactive children tend to be aggressive towards prohibitions and restrictions on their desires, as well as criticism.
Permissible and effective measures of influence in case of violation of discipline and rules:
- Deprivation of pleasure, goodies;
- Ban on pleasurable activities: computer games, watching television;
- Reception of "off time" (corner or penalty box, early bedding).
Hyperactivity is not a behavioral problem, not the result of bad parenting, but a medical and neuropsychological diagnosis that can only be made based on the results of special diagnostics. Hyperactivity requires timely and complex correction: psychological, medical and pedagogical.
Food that affects behavior - Psychologos
What you eat affects how you behave. A child who eats right is more likely to do the right thing. A healthy diet and, conversely, an unbalanced diet can have a significant impact on a child's behavior. While some kids are painlessly stuffing their "calm" tummies with all sorts of things, others turn into brawlers after swallowing a marmalade pea. Parents need to be careful about what to feed their children. It is necessary to determine the "bad" food for your child. Try to answer the questions from the following list.
- Does your child have sudden, unexplained emotional outbursts within half an hour of eating certain foods or drinks?
- Does a certain food make your child aggressive or hyperactive?
- Does your child get irritable after eating certain foods? Do you notice that he does not sleep well then?
- Does your child become withdrawn or distracted after eating certain foods and drinks?
While any food can harm a certain child, there are some foods that influence behavior. The most notorious, according to parents, are various sugars and food additives.
Unhealthy sugars
Some sugars are quickly digested and enter the bloodstream. What is immediately followed by a "release" of energy; however, sugar in the circulatory system also releases the hormone insulin, which lowers the baby's blood sugar levels. When this level is low, the child may become sullen, aloof, or impatient. To compensate for low blood sugar levels, the body releases stress hormones that have both positive and negative effects on the body. Thanks to them, the level of sugar in the blood rises again - due to the release of sugar accumulated in the liver - but at the same time, these hormones can shake up the entire body, as a result of which the child will become anxious, hyperactive and irritable. Too much sugar is also a risk that the child will not be able to concentrate, even feel sleepy.
Sugar, however, goes by many different names and is found in many foods. Glucose, sucrose, dextrose, granulated sugar, brown sugar. These are the sugars that make candy, frosting, ketchup, soft drinks, many cereals, frozen foods, etc. sweet and palatable. technological processing, sugars of more than one name are present, and this, of course, increases their energy “impact” strength. Although these sugars are a source of fast-released energy, there is evidence to suggest that foods containing these sugars cause dramatic mood and behavioral fluctuations in children.
Behavior-enhancing sugars
Longer digestible sugars are fructose, found in fruits and honey, and lactose, found in dairy products. These sugars do not enter the bloodstream as quickly, but provide the child with energy for a long time. They don't give you a hormonal boost like the behavior-damaging sugars described above. We also found that the fructose derived from fruit is significantly different from that found in "fructose syrup" or corn syrup. Our child had a habit of arranging whims in full, until we excluded molasses from the diet. The popcorn gave the girl a headache, and we suspected some connection. Three years ago, the child overate marshmallows, and his body remembered it. Sweetened foods often contain corn syrup along with sugar.
Behavioral sugars
There is another type of sugar - complex carbohydrates. They are also called "starches" or "carbohydrates". These sugars are large chain molecules and take a long time to break down during digestion. This is a kind of long-term energy release capsules. Carbohydrates provide you with gradually arriving and long-lasting energy; you feel full longer; carbohydrates do not provoke eccentric behavior. These include bread and crackers (best made with whole grain flour), unsweetened grains, pasta, beans, and potatoes.
Other food troublemakers
Caffeine is another culprit in behavioral problems in children and some adults. While caffeine can have a beneficial, restorative effect on a tired adult, a fragile child is overstimulated by caffeine. Common caffeinated foods include soft drinks (such as Coca-Cola), chocolate, coffee, and tea.
And we have a fish day!
Children who are deficient in omega-3 fats may have learning and behavior problems at school due to distracted attention and hyperactivity. Studies conducted among boys aged 6 to 12 found that about half were deficient in omega-3 fatty acids. As a result, it was these children who most often experienced such phenomena as hyperactivity, impulsivity, anxiety, temper tantrums, and sleep disturbances. The main sources of omega-3 fats are fatty varieties of sea fish (for example, mackerel, tuna, herring, salmon), cod liver, as well as first, cold-pressed vegetable oils (primarily linseed oil).
Food color
Strange as it may sound, red and yellow food coloring has been linked to behavioral deterioration in some children. Although a fairly small number of studies have confirmed a direct causal relationship between nutritional supplements and behavior, I know astute mothers who see food coloring as the cause of their children's uneven behavior.
In 1979-1983 a curious scientific experiment was carried out in the schools of New York. From the daily diet of schoolchildren (breakfasts and lunches), all products with artificial colors, flavors and preservatives were excluded, and the consumption of sucrose (table sugar) was also significantly reduced. The results of this nutritional policy have exceeded all expectations: nationally, performance in these schools improved by 15. 7%, while performance had previously peaked at only 1.7%.
Threshold effect
Some children don't seem to be affected by a small amount of one or two harmful foods, but band these troublemakers, increase the food portion, and then you'd better put the child in a seat belt, otherwise ... Chocolate or soft drinks can be high in sugar, caffeine, and food coloring, and children react differently to all of these. Something gives strength to one child or quenches his thirst, another stops thinking.
If you have a sweet child, he turns into an imp by eating a piece of cake from the store. Not. He should not be allowed to touch sweets at all. Make him his favorite dessert, but instead of granulated sugar or brown sugar, use behavioral sweeteners such as fructose, honey, or stevia extract, for example. No additives or preservatives are needed to make homemade sweets, and you know exactly what ingredients your food is made of.
The nutritional value of food is the main thing
Small children should be limited in sweets, so that the children eat "food from which they grow. " Get this habit in the child as early as possible, and then it will take root by the time you would need coaxing about the food that the child will eat. Never give children sugary foods on an empty stomach, and be especially wary of sugary breakfasts. Most children's breakfast cereals, by the way, are so sweet that they can be called "desserts." Here's a hard and fast rule in our house: "Sugar-glazed cereal is not the kind of food you start your day with." (There is one exception: for a birthday, a child may choose a breakfast cereal that he is dying to try and give to his friends who are staying over.)
The surest way to hear our "no" to a certain food is to tell us that it was advertised on TV, as our children tried to do. Instead of dessert, it is better for children to get used to eating some light cake or fruit two hours after dinner, and then the digestive process in children will not be disturbed due to excess sugars added to the eaten "food from which to grow."
Feeder and Obedience
Not only what you eat, but how you eat it affects your behavior. I believed in the wisdom of the body - in the ancient doctrine of nutrition. According to this teaching, the child should be given a wide variety of useful and attractive foods, and the child will eat as much as is necessary for his individual constitution. In our large and busy family, there is no way to please picky eaters. Here is the secret of the Sears family cuisine.
To instill good eating habits and therefore good behavior in your walker or preschooler, take care of a snack tray. You can take an ice cube tray from the freezer, or a cookie tin, or a plastic container with cells and fill the chosen container with small portions of nutritious and bright food. Keep your feeder in the refrigerator to keep it fresh. Think of enticing names for these pieces, such as: avocado boats (cut lengthwise into quarters of an avocado), banana or carrot (boiled carrot) wheels, broccoli trees, cheese cubes, egg boats (hard-boiled and quartered eggs), sticks ( pieces of wheat bread made from whole grain flour), moons (peeled pieces of apple, maybe thinly spread with nut paste), snails and worms (boiled curly pasta of various shapes). Do not forget to leave a place for "diving" on the tray. What does your child like to dip fruit or bread into? In milk or fruit jelly? In yogurt?
Let your child prepare the snack tray with you. (Children are more likely to eat what they work on themselves.) Place the "feeder" with goodies on the children's table in the room where you eat, or on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator, where you will make a special place for this tray. Encourage your child to take these small portions from the litter box throughout the day. When the little explorer walks the "untrodden" paths in the house, he often needs stops to refuel. Do not let the child run around the house with food (this threatens you with cleaning if the child is not yet three).
You can indulge in this healthy activity together with your children. These mini-portions minimize the fluctuations in blood sugar levels, and therefore the behavioral deviations that occur if the child does not eat for several hours. Children need to have snacks in between meals. Kindergarten teachers (and mothers too) have long noticed that children's behavior deteriorates closer to noon and well after noon. You will prevent such behavioral deviations if you offer children something to chew on at this time. Savvy mothers, going shopping with their children, take with them a special bag that allows the children to kill the worm. The best chance to get good behavior out of your child is to instill in him a taste for behavior-promoting foods and encourage him to eat wholesome foods (those that contain a lot of nutrients in a small volume) such as avocados, whole wheat pasta, nut butter, and some cheese varieties.
Nutrient deficiencies
Research has shown that many hyperactive children are deficient in certain vitamins, trace elements and essential fatty acids. Consider which ones, why and where they are contained. See →
Therapeutic nutrition
A lot depends on nutrition. In some cases, it can even cause the development of the syndrome, while in others it can aggravate the course of the disease. However, one cannot rely entirely on dietary treatment, as scientists from the Institute for Nutrition at the University Hospital in Giessen write: “Diet helps many children lead a normal life, but not all. This, of course, is due to the complex of reasons that could lead to the development of hyperkinetic syndrome. In particular, if the disease is caused by the use of salicylates and food additives, such as preservatives and dyes, then eliminating them from the diet leads to a significant improvement in the health of the child. See →
In modern pediatrics, there is a point of view that one of the causes of hyperactivity can be a child's malnutrition. And you don’t have to go far for examples, it’s enough to analyze the current increase in the incidence of ADHD and the products that today fall on the child’s table. After all, as you know, most of them contain various preservatives, flavors, artificial fillers, food colorings, which negatively affect neurochemical processes.